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Cleveland Utilities: Public meeting to discuss using profits to buy Industrial Park

In Uncategorized on August 15, 2011 at 12:29 PM

Cleveland Utilities: Public meeting to discuss using profits to buy Industrial Park

Notice is hereby given to all residents of Cleveland Tennessee and to all persons interested , that an open, public, called meeting of the board of Public Utilities of the City of Cleveland, Tennessee will be held on Tuesday, August 16th, at noon at the Tom Wheeler Training Center, 2455 Guthrie Drive, NW, Cleveland Tennessee.

Calling all concerned citizens to attend this meeting and discuss Cleveland Utilities being used as a funding source to push certain agendas in Cleveland.

Also, it would be a great time to discuss the nepotism and conflict of interests of city council members, the Mayor and the close relationship to Cleveland Utilities. I think conflict of interest is a legitimate concern here and could eventually be discussed with the State Attorney General.

Using our profits for this and other projects for the 2035 BCC Growth Plan is essentially a back door tax. I can see with the use of Smart Meters and the easy access to private lives I can easily see Cleveland Utilities having the ability to fund many projects in the name of growth in Cleveland. Being taxed without representation is everything that a Republic is not.

Lets get down there and voice our concerns about using Cleveland Utilities and ultimately the citizens of Bradley County as a bank to promote our leftist agendas and to return favors to certain privileged citizens of Bradley County and Cleveland.

The citizens of Cleveland and Bradley County need to get involved!

Our City and County are heading toward really tough times and our local officials are not making it any easier!

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