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Governor Haslam prepares us for Sharia Law Compliance in Tennessee

In Government on July 16, 2012 at 10:47 AM

This time Governor Haslam brings Shariah Law to the Tennessee Department of Children’s Services

Three curious moves recently to “ready” Tennessee for a perceived influx of Muslims into our communities is under way. Why such a big push to make us Sharia compliant? What does he know that we don’t? Why are we hurrying to prepare to make so many people ready to move in? What is in our horizon and should every community in Tennessee be worried?

It is no secret that the Muslim brotherhood is backing the building of the mosque near Nashville. It is well documented many of the brotherhood have come out in support of the mosque. Terrorists making nice with our Governor, the Department of Homeland Security, Children Services and local law enforcement means we are becoming Sharia compliant. This action by our Governor portrays to the people of Tennessee that we are accepting of their laws in our state! This is unbelievable and begs an answer from our governor as to why and for what reason?

Watch for some type of action in the near future for Bradley County, the so called “bible belt buckle” of Tennessee. It will be interesting to see if our local “religious” folks here in town are going to warm up to the Muslim Brotherhood and their shenanigans. I can almost bet that with all the hobnobbing Governor Haslam has done lately with the locally elected officials that something is on the horizon for us to somehow become accepting of Sharia Law in Bradley County. Just a thought from perhaps a slightly paranoid blogger, but mark my word. Sharia Law and the acceptance thereof in some form will be introduced in Cleveland! Just a hunch, but I think I’ll be correct with that assumption.

He has hired an expert to fund their activities, he has prepared our police to deal with them legally and has traine DCS to deal with their children. Something is not right in Tennessee!

The last I heard we live in America. And for as long as I have been alive we have had to obey American laws. Why are we bowing to Sharia Law which considers itself the supreme law of the land and even trumps the Constitution?

Every person that enters America, despite their religion should obey American law, not transport their law with them for all of us to obey at their convenience!

This is a very bad, very volatile move that our Governor is making for all of us in the name of political correctness for an attempt to satisfy their demands.

Sharia dominance in Tennessee will be a huge mistake for the religious freedoms of it’s citizens. To think this is benign and only shows the softer gentler side of Governor Haslam, think again. Governor Haslam showing kind to AMAC(American Muslim Advisory Council), stealth jihadists, the Muslim Brotherhood transplanted to Murfreesboro/Nashville area is a very dangerous game to be playing.

This country was founded on Christian principles and will now see those rights challenged tremendously and possibly taken away for us just so we can politically accommodate 60,000 Muslims, 1 percent of our populace now in Tennessee, and that is fixing to change.

In Chicago, where the AMAC concept was reportedly hatched and adopted by Haslam, the Muslim population has quickly grown to nearly a half million muslims and more than 300 mosques. This equates to Sharia compliance for all!

Sharia influence is already spreading like wildfire. Look at Muslim teaching and history. Look at their influx into communities once they have the right political environment as Governor Haslam is now creating for them. They move in, you move out and if you happen to live near an established community you obey Sharia Law. There is no negotiations with this. Religious freedom is at stake in TN and our governor will go down in history as making that happen.

Look below at his latest “accomplishments!”

Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security 

in partnership with the TN American Muslim Advisory Council (AMAC) to help train law enforcement and safety personnel


Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development

appointment of Shariah Compliant Finance Specialist, Samar Ali, as International Director

Governor Haslam appoints Sharia Compliant Finance expert to head Tenn. Development Council

Tennessee Department of Children’s Services

AMAC invited by the Department to provide training

If you still have any doubt about the direction Governor Haslam is taking Tennessee, consider the attachment. AMAC spoke to the TN Dept of Children’s services in May

Newsletter #15 presented parts of the presentation that the AMAC made during a training for law enforcement and safety personnel sponsored in part by the TN Department of Homeland Security. 

AMAC’s message had an interesting duality; on the one hand, they asserted cultural and religious differences which demand special and separate treatment from public and private entities, and on the other hand, they asserted that they are no different than any other American in terms of their values and the ideals to which they ascribe.

Assertions of this nature reflect precisely the platform of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), the leading global proponent of Shariah law. Insisting that Muslims would be violating Islamic law, they could not sign onto the Universal Declaration of Human Rights because it was fashioned on Western values (ie, Judeo-Christian)?  This necessitated adopting (in 1990), the separate Cairo Declaration of Human Rights in Islam, which is based on Shariah.  Does that mean that “universal” means “separate but equal”?

As Governor Haslam continues to raise the profile and elevate the political status of Islamists in Tennessee, consider what this will mean when he pushes for school vouchers (aka “Equal Opportunity Scholarships”) when the Tennessee General Assembly reconvenes in 2013.

The AMAC says that among other things, it promotes religious freedom which is why they recently spoke out in support of the Islamic Center of Murfreesboro. 

The Governor has already added a representative from the Catholic Dioceses to the school voucher task force; expect that the AMAC will also want Tennessee’s Islamic schools to get their share of public money.

And so far, Governor Haslam has met all of their demands.

Source of info with excerpts from this blog site were provided from the following site:

Please help support them! They are reporting great information to be used to fight this stealth jihad and exposing the terrorists within Tn borders and using Governor Haslam as a pawn.

This is an excellent site! Please visit it every chance you get!


  1. Simply choosing to ignore the governors actions solely based on the fact that he is a “good Christian man” which I am sure he is, is a scary revelation. Turning a blind eye to a man that is flirting with disaster for our economy and our religious freedoms is definitely dangerous. We give way to may byes and atta boys but fail to look at our politicians policy or voting record is simply reckless!


  2. Governor’s Office 615-741-2001, Tell the governor what you think of his “making Tennessee Sharia compliant” and it has been extended to not just the Finance dept., but has now gone into three other offices under the Office of the governor.


  3. Mr. Harwood, you say, “The Governor has already added a representative from the Catholic Dioceses to the school voucher task force; expect that the AMAC will also want Tennessee’s Islamic schools to get their share of public money.”

    Is this a hint that your religious prejudice extends not only to Muslims but also to Catholics? Would you be offended if representatives of Protestant Christian schools were added to the school voucher task force, or is it only Catholics and Muslims you are against. How about Jews?

    You would have been a fine member of the American Know-Nothing Party which flourished in this country in the 1850s, and spread the slander that Catholics would impose Papal law if we allowed them to..

    You say,

    “Sharia influence is already spreading like wildfire. Look at Muslim teaching and history. Look at their influx into communities once they have the right political environment as Governor Haslam is now creating for them. They move in, you move out and if you happen to live near an established community you obey Sharia Law. There is no negotiations with this. Religious freedom is at stake in TN and our governor will go down in history as making that happen.”

    This is complete nonsense. There is no such history of this happening in America. The only “religious freedom” you are looking to protect is your own freedom to oppress anybody with a religion different from your own.

    Do you think Jesus would be on your side in this?


    • Jim, thank you for your response! I am so sorry that your response is in haste and does not really show an understanding of Sharia and the Muslim influence of its character! Your answers do not reflect an understanding of sharia law! I am so saddened by your misunderstanding of Islamic law! I lived in Saudia Arabia, Iraq, Jordan, Imman, Turkey and Kuwait for years! I witnessed Sharia first hand and even sat in the court yards abs soccer fields as it played out it’s justice in many ways, some of which I choose not to speak of because of the atrocities! Please don’t speak to
      Me of things you really dont know of and have only read of in books! When you have leveled with me and seen the dangers and have felt your pulse quicken from the danger, please dont judge me! You have no idea of sharia and it’s capacity for harm! Governor Haslam introducing and making it easy in America is only the beginning!


      • I am aware of atrocities carried out in various parts of the world under the name of Islam. But you seem to be implying that this is happening in the United States. You say,

        “Look at their influx into communities once they have the right political environment as Governor Haslam is now creating for them. They move in, you move out and if you happen to live near an established community you obey Sharia Law.”

        Your clear implication is that this is happening in places like Tennessee, that “they” have moved in and forced other people to move out or “obey Shariah law.” This is nonsense. It is not happening. Building a mosque is no more the imposition of Sharia law than building a church is the imposition of “Christian law.”

        Using the events of the Middle East to try to turn people against innocent Muslims in the United States (who have often come here because they are trying themselves to escape the tensions of the Middle East) is despicable. You could at least have the honesty to admit that it is you who are trying to impose your own “shariah,” to force Muslims to abandon their religion or get out of “your” community, which you insist must be “Christian,” as you (badly) understand the Christian idea.


        • Thanks John for your comments and remaining civil! If you noticed my blog it suggested the environment being prepared by Haslam. He is preparing the banks, DCS and the police force for what? I believe it is an influx of people that believe our laws do not apply to them. Sharia is dominant and their religion does not allow them to waiver from their teachings! They can’t it is forbidden and are driven by their sworn obedience to Islam. This is not so much a personal attack on them, but I’m sure that will be difficult to convince you of but my aim is to convince the public that sharia dominance in our area does not coexist with anyone else’s religion. They do not tolerate my religion so that places me at a loss. Sharia is our enemy not so much the people but their strict boundaries of that religious law that does not keep us equal but separate! This is not the intention if our constitution and our way of life.


          • You say, “I believe it is an influx of people that believe our laws do not apply to them. Sharia is dominant and their religion does not allow them to waiver from their teachings! They can’t it is forbidden and are driven by their sworn obedience to Islam.”

            I believe that you believe this, but I believe you are laboring under a delusion. I think you may be trying to apply your experience in Saudi Arabia to American Muslims without perhaps having encountered many American Muslims. Of course with your attitude towards Muslims it would take a patient Muslim indeed to tolerate you personally, but you are certainly wrong in your belief that all Muslims are in lockstep with the murderous doctrinaire “obedience to Islam” you attribute to them.

            Is it your experience that the Muslims in Tennessee have tried to drive non-Muslims out of the areas in which they live? If American Muslims did such things, it would certainly be in the news, wouldn’t it?

            I can believe that in communities where Muslim culture is strong, they may feel more protective of the culture they have achieved, just as Christian like yourself want to protect the Christian culture you feel you have a right to impose, and that’s the way of things in a pluralistic country like ours. And I’m sure there are some Muslim crazies in the United States just as there are Christian crazies like you.

            But the idea that American cities and towns will become “shariah compliant” is ridiculous. You say, “In Chicago, where the AMAC concept was reportedly hatched and adopted by Haslam, the Muslim population has quickly grown to nearly a half million muslims and more than 300 mosques. This equates to Sharia compliance for all!” The figure you use seems to be accepted as roughly the number of Muslims in the greater Chicago area population of 8.4 million people, not in the city of Chicago itself as you believe, so things may be quite different than you imagine. But in any case, it certainly does not “equate to Shariah compliance for all.” Do you actually believe that Chicago is “Shariah compliant”? That would be a truly crazy belief.

            I think you are going to have to get used to the idea that America is not exclusively a Christian country, and that immigrants have a right to their culture, just as your ancestors had a right to their religion and their ways when they were immigrants. Because your ancestors were immigrants, weren’t they, unless you an Indian.


        • In addition, Sharia Laws and it’s devotion to Islam and vica versa is unwavering and they are most diligent with their religion. I have long said and boasted that if “Christians” were as faithful to God as they are to Allah our world would be a better place. I think it is comical that you label Muslims as somehow trying to escape some kind of torture or oppressed environment trying to get out from under the religious persecution of Sharia and have fled to the US to somehow live differently under Sharia law, making everything better, which further reiterates to me that you do not fully understand Sharia! They can’t leave Islam or get out from under Sharia, Apostates do not live a very long life!

          In some countries apostasy from the religion supported by the state is explicitly forbidden. This is largely the case in some states where Islam is the state religion; conversion to Islam is encouraged, conversion from Islam penalised.

          Iran – illegal (death penalty)[7][8][9]
          Egypt – illegal (death penalty)[9]
          Pakistan – illegal (death penalty[9] since 2007)
          United Arab Emirates – illegal (death penalty)[10]
          Somalia – illegal (death penalty)[11]
          Afghanistan – illegal (death penalty, although the U.S. and other coalition members have put pressure that has prevented recent executions[12][13])
          Saudi Arabia – illegal (death penalty, although there have been no recently reported executions)[9][14]
          Sudan – illegal (death penalty, although there have only been recent reports of torture, and not of execution[15][16])
          Qatar – illegal (death penalty)[17]
          Yemen – illegal (death penalty)[17]
          Malaysia – illegal in five of 13 states (fine, imprisonment, and flogging)[18][19]
          Mauritania – illegal (death penalty)[citation needed]
          Syria – possibly illegal (death penalty) although there is evidence to the contrary[20]
          Morocco – illegal to proselytise conversion (15 years jail, flogging)[21]
          Jordan – possibly illegal (fine, jail, child custody loss, marriage annulment) although officials claim otherwise, convictions are recorded for apostasy.[22][23][24]

          Add the USA to this list if Sharia Law becomes accepted as a law for Muslims and one for Americans. It doesn’t work that way or at least constitutionally it shouldn’t!

          I’m not trying to elevate any hostility here and believe me my intention is not to inflame but to inform. Sharia/Islam believes the world falls into 2 categories, believer and non believer. Believers live under Sharia and non believers convert, die or pay taxes to the believer to exist among them. The big scheme of things is exactly that! When it is all said and done, whenever that time may be, when Muslims teach their total dominance there will be no acceptance of your religion, none, zero tolerance. I know we find this very hard to swallow but remember what I said about their allegiance to Allah, all or nothing! These are not my words this is their teaching. As much as we hope and pray that everyone in earth can just get along, walk on a perfect path listening to cellos playing in the background but that is not the reality as it relates to Christians and Sharia existing in the same pretty picture! I would love to share your view of the world through rose colored glasses but I have to remain factual and accept that in some environments my religion is accepted and some are not accepting of my expression of religion. I’m not providing that environment that environment is being forced on me.


          • You say, “These are not my words this is their teaching.” I would be interested in where you learn these teachings. I’m guessing you have evolved your understanding of islam from other Islamophobes like yourself, who have whipped up quotes from the Koran and elsewhere to infer that all Muslims must act in the same extremist way. This is not true.

            You are not really looking at what Muslims do in America. Do you really believe that Muslims in America typically kill their children if the children drift away from a strict Islamic discipline? For one thing, Muslims in America are very varied in the strictness of their own practice, and the brutal practices of a few Muslim countries (rarely carried out), like stoning for adultery or (even more rarely carried out) death for apostasy, are unheard of among American Muslims even in the first generation. (As they certainly would have to be, because even in those places in the world where those brutal punishments are practiced, they must have government sanction, which they would never have here.) But even those American Muslims who are strict about dress and alcohol and prayer are certainly not killing their children who drift away from strict practice. Don’t you see this? If you would lift your head up and look around, you would see that your imagined absolutist Muslim is pretty much not to be found in America.


            • Thanks again for your commentary! I have seen other sites where you seem to do the same thing. Trolling from site to site to dispel the truth is very easy and some people even make a living doing just that! Its the easy path to troll around from site to site and passively state “you are wrong!” I have long said this is the easy path. Instead of providing facts as to why you differ is the hard part! Many locally and in the press do the same thing and I have commenters on it in several blogs. Just yelling the loudest and most often does not make you right in a conversation or the expert on a subject, it only makes you the one in disagreement and a couple of people agree with you and then you sleep better thinking you have shut down a “right winger” who allegedly must be a racist if he talks of anything I am not in agreement with. I don’t know you but you post you are an educated man, but just because you say you are right is no different than me saying I’m a rock star because i like to sing in the shower. Thanks again for your comments. All types are invited here and if you think it is necessary to speak oddly of me, certainly that is your right to do so. I just ask that the next site you jump to with a failed attempt to make us all racist, bigoted right wingers who are trying to turn this into a personal battle against the muslim people that you support statements with fact. Have a great day and I value your input. May not agree but this is a great communication path that needs to be explored regularly.


          • and preparing for the influx might be because the proposed Immigration Reform Act triples the number of immigrants we will accept from Afghanistan… Immigration is not just for Hispanics… I suggest you read the proposed legislation and call your reps and tell them to vote no..and as for being paranoid about Sharia law, check out England.. they were complacent and it is about to come back and haunt them,, I agree that they must live by our Constitution if they want to settle in our contry.. Multi-culturism will be the death of our republic. They need to live by our laws and embrace our way of life or why did they come here?


        • Dude…let’s see how you react when the first Muslim is allowed to beat the crap out of his wife at Walmart..in front of everyone and no one can do anything.


      • According to the United States Constitution one cannot adopt laws such as the Sharia law. remember we live in a country with checks and balances. The Congress of the United States of America are the only ones allowed to make amendments to the Constitution and are the only ones allowed to create laws. The supreme Court is not allowed to make laws they can only interpret laws. If the governor allows this to happen he is committing treason against the state of Tennessee and the United States of America. if you want to know exactly how bad sharia law is for a country then you need to check out what’s going on in England. It has caused such chaos, confusion, religious strife and economic breakdown that the Prime Minister does not know how to handle the situation. the Muslims have taken over neighborhoods and created Shariah law zones. they have documented reports of people that are non Muslim walking down the streets and going into the Sharia law zones…I’m being attacked by Muslims for doing things that might break Sharia law.

        I have spent many years studying Shariah law in the Quran. I have to tell you that if Sharia law becomes recognized in the United States of America several things will happen… There Will be a religious war in this country like you have never seen before. Muslims will attack Christians just as they’re doing in other countries… You will see the women’s movement in America go back to the Stone Age… You will see some of the worst persecution you have ever seen whether you are a Christian or not a Christian…Because of the truth of the matter is Sharia law condemns anyone and everyone including Muslims that break any part of the law. Here’s the craziest thing about Shariah law… Iman’s can add to the law and interpret the law and the way they want. so if this governor allow this to take place in America he is no better then the President of the United States Who has turned a blind eye to the injustice that taking place here in America and across the globe at the hands of Sharia law


    • i think the governor of tn is making a big big mistake is hr willing for his daughter to wear a burnoose or his wife let them in and that is whats gonna happen


    • Hickey, you’re a blind IDIOT !!


  4. JFMH needs to read an Islamically-approved translation of the Koran, Hadiths and Sira. Unless, of course, he is nothing but a shill for Islam, in which case, he is a liar and a fraud. No honor killings in the US? He needs to read more. There have been dozens. Is JFMH a big women’s rights proponent? Sharia says a woman who has been raped cannot prove her allegation in court unless she has four witnesses. Sharia says a woman’s share of the inheritance from her parents should be ONE HALF that of her male siblings. Sharia says a woman’s testimony in court is worth half that of a man’s. How about human rights in general? Sharia does not prohibit slavery, and the assumption of slavery as accepted practice is found throughout the Koran. Search for references to “what the right hand possesseth.” That is a reference to slaves. How about “gay rights,” JFMH? Sharia law dictates that homosexuals should be killed, by throwing them from a cliff or high wall, or by hanging. How about cruel and unusual punishment? Is JFMH in favor of stoning for adultery? How about judicial amputation? Beheading? JFMH needs to get a clue, or come out of the closet as a shill for Islam.


  5. I am not liking this at all. Why is our leaders bowing down to this ideology? What are we going to do about it? You cannot be passive. They are working on our leaders through Stealth Jihad and when their population numbers arise, mark my words, things will get more violent on their end. I have friends around the world that are dealing with this. Look how Europe is falling. We could never get away with bringing our lifestyle over to Saudi or Yemen,so if anyone wants to live in America they need to assimilate to our laws. This is very dangerous. If we get overrun, I believe, I’d go to Polk co, where Im sure to get protected.

    Trolls argue on facebook all the time. Either they are the devil’s advocate or really liking to start trouble. Islam is everything that Christ isn’t. No amount of arguing can change the fact that we are all in danger of this crafty disease. Plus, it isn’t a right -wing Christian thing either. I know ex-muslims AND atheists that are fighting against the spread of Islam. Hindus and Buddhists are fighting for their lives as well. Oh and it isn’t racism either. Islam knows no race. It involves all colors and nationalities, so I don’t buy this name calling stuff. Calling racism is the only card left when someone is loosing an argument or they cannot hold up their argument.


  6. […] They don’t give a fiddle about America. They came here with one goal: to change her into a Muslim state. That’s why they are “demanding” fairness for Muslims. Perhaps they have failed to realize that Americans are getting tired of their idea of “fairness”. They won’t be satisfied until the entire United States is under Sharia Law. No, fairness is not a problem for Muslims unless we are using the latest Democratic definition of fair. Our country is being overrun by politicians who are trying to get us used to the idea of Sharia Law. […]


  7. How can he not be in favor? Never seen the man, isn’t his name Arab?


  8. This is going to be a true post about my self and whoa I believe in. I am an EX-CON, I am an Atheist. I also believe in the Constitution of These United States of America. I have commited several crimes and have done my time or them. I have since turned my life around to become a better person. I am not allowed to own a firearm so I don’t but I believe that all other honest people should be able to own firearms of any type they want without the Gov’t interferance. I also believe that people have a right to privacy against a gov’t trying to root out conservatives who oppose the tyranny of obama and his cronies. Be you Christian, Mormon or any other Faith in God except islam. I will give my life if need be to protect your right to believe as you want since our Constitution gives the right freedom of religion and islam is trying to take that away from that by slowly enacting sharia law in the U.S.A.. It must be stopped at any cost.


  9. Its interesting that the % of Muslim Truckers and Trucking Companies is significantly on the rise. A simple Google Search reveals that. Haslim sells a LOT of Diesel… Just saying…


  10. The ‘First Amendment” clearly states “Congress shall make NO law in respect to an established religion”.. Sounds like state sponsored religion to me…


  11. wow, this site is hilarious! going to start sending my friends here


  12. vote him out


  13. You can not force people to change there way of life for a non american law! you are insane if you support this! NOT to mention,the 101st airborne is a short distance away,lmao! yea good luck w ur clit cutting ,pedophelia,wife stoning,burka wearing law! Fools!


  14. Sweden says hello. These muslims and their stonage-religion is what makes the world a scary place. Refuse – Resist – No remorse – Never Surrender


  15. […] They don’t care at all about America. They actually hate America and the freedoms we still have here. They came here with one goal: to change America into a Muslim state. That’s why they are “demanding” fairness for Muslims. Americans are getting tired of their idea of “fairness”. They won’t be satisfied until the entire United States is under Sharia Law. No, fairness is not a problem for Muslims unless we are using the latest Democratic definition of fair. Our country is being overrun by politicians who are trying to get us used to the idea of Sharia Law. […]


  16. […] Sharia Law comes to Tennessee and to our CPS too […]


  17. So, hasslime the clown thinks he can turn TN into a muzzy state?…better guess again, bubba.


  18. My wife teaches elementary school in Lewiston, ME. Her class has 4 caucasian, 6 afr-americans, 1 Hispanic, and the rest all Somali. Several of the Somali’s can’t speak English and hold the class back. They were not immersed (as previous generations were required to before placing them in classes).

    During Ramadan, the kids are not allowed to eat or drink; they can’t even swallow their saliva and are given individual trash cans to spit into.

    I wonder if CPS and the Health Dept. would give us the same latitude?!

    Thought I’d never say this, but is it just me that thinks that some of the conspiratorialists predictions seem to be coming true?!

    How’s that “fundamental change” working for ya?!


  19. It’s people like you retarded religious bigots that give mountain people a bad name. I don’t think I have ever seen such a collection of ignorance. You all know nothing about ordinary American Muslims. You are repeating half-baked nonsense like drunks talking to each other in bars. It’s exactly people like you who enabled Hitler to come into power in Germany – people who were willing to persecute people of another religion based on ignorant prejudice, falsehoods, and hate.


  20. The Lord Jesus is Coming.. that you can bet on.


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