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Archive for October 22nd, 2014|Daily archive page

Fox Reporter Shepard Smith says “You should have no concerns about Ebola at all, none, I promise”

In Uncategorized on October 22, 2014 at 8:36 PM

Fox Reporter Shepard Smith says “You should have no concerns about Ebola at all, none, I promise”

2033 pm

This is the height of irresponsible reporting. I used to enjoy watching Shepard Smith on Fox News. I would watch his refreshing take on the news with much enthusiasm.

Now? Not so much.

He came across as that strict parent scolding his children, like Baghdad Bob protecting Hussein, Joseph Goebels shielding Hitler from bad press or a teacher scolding that parent who dares ask questions. He has lost me and my only advice would be stick to reporting. We don’t need a mainstream media grandpaw.

The people of this great country can do their own thinking. We dont need you to further propagate the media deception machine. It is functioning very inefficiently on its own.

The good people on the front lines are very concerned about the definite Ebola outbreak going on in the USA as well as many countries throughout the world.

We don’t need to further assist in the manipulation of people’s minds using mass media as the vehicle.

In case you missed the diatribe by Shepherd Smith of Fox News fame please watch the you tube video below. (Link provided)

I’m sure you are now one spasm from losing your lunch and are wondering what or who in the world gave him the moral authority to make a judgement call from a news booth at Fox Headquarters. Shepherd, you really need to get out more and when you do I’m sure you will don your protective gear. Meanwhile, nurses and healthcare workers are dying using poor equipment inside an outdated system with the mouth piece Frieden at the CDC heading up the circus.

Shepard, you are part of the problem. If the MSM were doing their job the Internet bloggers and the like would be getting no attention at all and millions would not be relying on the not so main stream media to get their news. We the people view the MSM as the shield for an insanely irresponsible and dictatorial president and his administrative agenda. 

Your rant seems to again put an exclamation point on why millions are scurrying to the Internet for news they will not get when the turn on the TV.

Stop with your pandering and treating your audience like children. You are terribly misinformed and your passive attitude and naïveté shows millions your ignorance while the world goes to hell in a hand basket. Because of reporters like you Americas knowledge base is dwindling and your lazy reporting could cause much harm to Americans by encouraging many in the wake of this scourge to not worry, at all, in other words sleep.

During Smiths rant he said a few things that equate to an alcoholic refusing he has a drinking problem. 

In 3 minutes he spewed basically all
of his knowledge on Ebola and it’s reach into America leaving the info starved ravishing for food.

“You should have no concerns about Ebola at all. None. I promise,” stated Smith. 

He continues, “Do not listen to the hysterical voices on the radio and the television or read the fear-provoking words online. The people who say and write hysterical things are being very irresponsible.”

“We do not have an outbreak of Ebola in the United States. Nowhere.”

“We do have two healthcare workers who contracted the disease from a dying man. They are isolated.”

“There is no information to suggest that the virus has spread to anyone in the general population in America. Not one person in the general population in the United States.”

And then the Fox Gulag made it political “With midterm elections coming, the party in charge needs to appear to be effectively leading. The party out of power needs to show that there is a lack of leadership,” Smith smugly quipped.

If it were all this simple, Mr Smith as he continues to spew his propaganda.

“I report to you with certainty this afternoon that being afraid at all is the wrong thing to do.” 

“He called media-stoked Ebola panic “counterproductive”, saying that it “lacks basis in fact or reason.”

He acknowledged that Ebola is a serious problem in West Africa, as well as for the victims and their families in Texas, but he pleaded with media outlets to stop fear-mongering about Ebola in the U.S.”

“Someday there may be a real panic. Someday, something may start spreading that they can’t control. And then, do you know what we’re gonna have to do? We’re gonna have to relax and listen to leaders. We’re not gonna panic when we’re supposed to and we’re certainly not gonna panic now. We have to stop it.”

Really Shepard? No worries? Your more than likely only doing what you are told. We the People realize there is a bigger agenda pushing your pressed speech. That doesn’t make it less harmful, but we can gain empathy for your situation as you purvey you masterful diatribe.

No concerns at all about EBOLA? 
We are in the midst of possibly the worst outbreak in Ebolas near 40 year history. Since March 2014 Ebola is on the move. It has gone from Monrovia and surrounding area to the world in less than 6 months. It is no longer in Africa alone where it stayed for many years. We have incompetents running the show and our hospitals are not prepared to take care of the onslaught.

We have a CDC Director saying Ebola is not airborne and all other evidence suggests otherwise. Its spread with a sneeze, on a bus or plane, as far as im concerned that pretty darn airborne to me. This is one way the flu is spread.

We still have open flights to the USA and the CDCs Director Frieden says shutting down flights would make the spread worse.

We have a Doctor in charge of the CDC who does not know his own policies to deal with Ebola and it’s spread. In fact, we have no Surgeon General and not a single competent person in charge to lead the charge against this outbreak. We are living in a world where the only screening we are doing is pointing a thermometer at someones head. A properly placed Tylenol could yield that screening process ineffective. 13 percent of those with Ebola do not run a fever above the accepted range. That number also changes daily. We are still allowing 150 flights a day into the US from Africa, unchecked.

We have a CDC director whose only response to the outbreak is to blame the nurse for “breeching protocol” instead of assuring she has adequate equipment.

Our elected leaders are asleep at the wheel and patients will continue to enter our healthcare facilities and we continue to be unprotected. Allow us little people to sound the alarm on our much ignored plight. From you vantage point, I’m sure it’s rosy, from ours it’s pretty frightening.

We have caregivers facing death daily and you from your perch are ordering Americans not to worry. And your only response is at least weve not had an outbreak outside the hospital. Hello Shepard! The alarm is sounding for those in the hospital and their families. Nurse and other healthcare workers are not expendable, nor their lives any less important.

The World Health Organization states that 10,000 a week will be affected and possibly 500,000 by years end. That’s pretty good reason to worry. I don’t plan to worry after thousands die. Now is the time to be aggressive, mounting the type response to halt it’s progression.

This Ebola strand has jumped across the waters that divide us and has killed more in the last 6 months than it has in nearly 40 years. Some even say it was the result of a failed clinical trial and the introduction of an unplanned 5th cohort. No worries? Please.

You smugly say and I paraphrase for emphasis, yeah sure only two nurses have contracted Ebola. Unless you have been there please don’t lessen the job we do. One death is to many, one exposure and or contraction of Ebola is too many.

Mr Smith, we are not protected. God forbid you come to the hospital with your bowel oozing blood and your insides melting who do you think will be there to care for you. Only 2 nurses?

Without awareness and information these nurses who are facing death to wipe your butt will not get the equipment they need. If we all took your advice toward this disease we would be exposed to disease with no knowledge and heightened awareness.

We see everyone telling us we have adequate gear and the CDC scientists and Doctors enter the rooms in full protective respiratory and contact gear. Miles away from the CDCs best equipment and where our best is to wear ineffective gear with our butts hanging out and our skin exposed.

Where is the mixed message?  Why are you not concerned? Let’s put you on the front line with the equipment we have and I’ll show you a talking head that will be a no show.

We have the CDC allowing quarantined Nurses to travel across the country because “she didn’t have a fever!” she called them and they gave her permission exposing 900 people on hers and other flights made before the airline stopped the flight.

I could go on and on but what’s the worry?

Shepherd Smith two last words for you, shut up!  

Dang brother! You stink of cover up! Dont be a part of the problem! Join the solution. Wanna help some people? Help draw attention to the inadequacies of an unhealthy situation inside the hospitals you slight. We have enough people distorting the media for their personal gain. Don’t be that one who listens to the radical agenda with it’s own talking points.

Dave the chatter for another agenda. America us needing an assist and you aren’t doing it.


Shepard has done it before


PS, this post was revised 10/23/14