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Convention of States: Let’s talk about the crisis it could create

In Uncategorized on October 19, 2015 at 10:43 AM

Convention of States: Let’s talk about the crisis it could create

0923 am

Listen up America!

I have something very serious on my mind. I’ve stepped away from reporting for a minute and I just wanna talk!

I thinks it’s high time we have a conversation about this subject before the usurpers and infiltrators destroy our country.

I am looking down the road a bit and what I see could potentially ruin our country and change it forever.

There is a large group of people actively seeking to amend or change our Constitution forever.

In my opinion, these people, which I’ll name in another article are being co-opted and directed by people not interested in keeping America great. They unfortunately see this country as too mighty but realize it is in a weakened state. I believe they are taking this opportunity to change the most sacred document, aside from the bible, that this country owns.

I know many of these people personally and have had a great relationship with them. I don’t understand why they do not see that this process could very well unwind the fiber that holds us together and keeps us free.

Why can’t they see that some of the purveyors of this call for a convention are not good people.

Why are we not vetting those we choose to get our advice from? Where is the call to differentiate between good and evil?

Why are we believing the lies expelled from these same people who have a track record and associates within their groups that have and want to destroy our country?

Are we so blind with our “Christian values” that we don’t see evil when it stares us in the face?

Regardless of whether you call it a Convention of States, a Con Con, Constitutional Convention, an Article V Convention, a state or Congressional led Convention, the end product could lead to a single change or a complete rewrite of the most sacred document that has protected our freedom for several hundred years.

Any path or entry point that is breached could lead to a complete Article V Convention where our Constitution could be ripped apart and never seen again.

I have grown tired of the play on words as many attempt to justify their actions of backing a COS with one excuse after another. We need to stop and face the fact and realize that if we play with fire we may get burned!

Sure, it’s Constitutional and it is our right to do so, but to open it up for the vultures to pick at is not a good thing and the timing is horrible. In case you haven’t noticed, we have a president that has said the Constitution is an old outdated document, we have known socialist and communist in our elected chambers. This leads me to believe someone wants it changed!

There are some very bad people and groups out there that are just waiting to inject their non-American agendas into it once it is opened. How do I know this? Research it! It’s there!

I keep hearing this same lame offering for pushing for an Article V Convention of states over and over. “We are gonna only suggest one or two items to be amended!” Hello? Earth to Conservative groups! So will everyone else! It will be like a dinner for two being crashed by oh maybe a million other people with their own special interest agenda items too.

To my understanding and I’m sure I will be corrected but there is no limit on the number of delegates to be assigned, although we get only one vote per state, the room on that day could and probably will be filled with countless people or delegates. Can you imagine that many people trying to decide on one subject? It will quickly heighten to many subjects, I’m sure.

I am astounded at the response this action has had on “conservatives and conservative groups”, mainly Tea Party Leaders and their groups. It has turned them into zombies aimlessly wandering around with their flesh rotting off. This leads me to believe they were co-opted by special interest groups, lobbyists and perverted politicians and other subversive types. To me there is no other reason. Someone has sold them a bill of goods and they sold the farm over it!

It beats all I have ever seen.

I believe so strongly in this Article V Convention NOT going forward that I have isolated myself from this pack and have chosen to make a stand outside of the current arena I used to call “true conservatives!” Perhaps, by stepping outside this box I have defined that true line of conservative and a conservative in name only. I have always known that line has existed, I have never stepped over it. Never really had to worry about it till now. This has not been a popular move but I’m certain it’s the right one. History will tell us I’m afraid.

Our world, our country as we know it could drastically change if these folks open up our Constitution to a huge pack of wolves. I am not gonna apologize for my stance, I made it and I’ll stand on it regardless of the fall out. I believe that much that it is a huge mistake to pursue amending the Constitution. If this convention goes forward and it goes as I expect, I’ll not wiggle my finger at those involved or shake my head, I’ll more than likely bow my head, pray and wipe the tears from my eyes. Our country ruined by those fighting to save it. Wow! I can’t stand thinking about it.

27 states have already approved applications for a convention or CON CON based on a single item, to pass a balanced budget amendment. 9 other states under Republican control are also calling for a convention to make changes. 34 is the magic number to conduct a Convention. TN must not follow this path, if already committed, it needs to be rescinded. And every politician that is behind this movement should be called and warned of its implications.

My greatest fear is that enough states will align, the delegates assigned, the doors will close and a free for all to change our Constitution will ensue.

Please take note there are very few rules or limitations in the Constitution to limit the actions of the “appointed” delegates or the direction they may take when they get there. This is a very dangerous move based on the political climate that now exists in our country and in all branches of our government.

Can you imagine the heist of our delegates by special interest groups and lobbyist aiding in the process?

I imagine the delegate selection process to simply be a highest bidder war. Where the special interest group or lobbyist who pays the most gets the delegate designation. Think it couldn’t happen? Ever been on the floor of the house or watched CSPAN on a big vote day. It’s interesting to watch as one person runs to another and the process repeats over and over.

With that thought in mind, can you imagine what would happen inside a room of lobbyist, er……. delegates and the bidding begins…..with few rules and immunity from prosecution? Whoa! Before you know it, we have a severely modified or completely rewritten Constitution. There are very few guidelines on how the convention will be conducted or even if the ratification process will work unaltered.

A CON CON or whatever you call it is just too risky! Our country is worth more to me than to see it taken away because political hacks and others want it changed.

Just remember by any name you call it, any route you choose to get there the result could be the same. A complete rewrite or a runaway convention could happen. The last time it was done it was a runaway and fortunately there was enough Godly men guarding the decision making, today? Not so much!

Could it be done the right way and only one amendment be passed? Sure. Is it likely it would go this way? Simply put NO!

The Constitution is not our problem, those we elect are the problem and the people influencing them. If we want lower taxes, federal restraint, a balanced budget, safer streets, parental control or whatever, simply apply pressure to those elected bodies to act and vote the way you want. Demand they obey the Constitution and punish them if they don’t! The 18 enumerated powers is all the Feds can do! It’s pretty confining as is.The rest is allowed by the people and those we send to our state houses and to DC! Get the lobbyist and special interest groups out of our houses and you will see great change!

We don’t have a Constitution problem, we have a people problem.

I will end my conversation here for now. I am preparing another article on some of the people involved in the Convention of States movement!

Ever heard of Grover Norquist? George Soros? The UN? Muslim Brotherhood?

My upcoming article is gonna blow you away at the level of corruption surrounding those mentioned above.

Please subscribe to this blog, every time an article is written, it will be sent to you.

Also, on FB you can like my BRADLEY COUNTY NEWS page.

Also go to STOP CON CON TN on FB and like it too!

Peace out!

Source of information:

Disclaimer: These words are only my opinions on paper. It is intended to educate and warn you of future dangers. My words expressed are just me exercising my freedom of speech while I still have it! Don’t be angered by my words, let them motivate you to act positively. Have a great day!

  1. I’m with you on this and have been surprised at some of the people that are supporting it. Lets fight for the one we have!


  2. I’ve been following this blog for a while and though I’ve found most of your articles to be overly charged with partisan rhetoric and over reliant on very flawed and dishonest sources, I am effectively in full agreement with you regarding a Constitutional Convention. They are indeed very chaotic affairs and could very well lead to the dismantling or undermining of several amendments that I hold dear beyond just the most frequently cited First and Second. Additionally, while I generally possess little fear of direct governmental tyranny, I do believe that under the present political environment charged by both extreme conservatives and extreme liberal groups, very well could lead to inadvertent or possibly even planned undermining of the Constitution as a protection from the tyranny of the majority. Amendments like the 4th, 5th, 9th, 14th, and this foolishly proposed “balanced budget” amendment could not only cripple our ability to remain a just and free nation, but will additionally tie the country’s hands financially and the ability of this country to respond to crisis strictly on the grounds that “we are spending too much” despite the fact that a country’s debt functions in no way like private debt. Much of this conversation is flawed and while I do not believe there will be whole scale removal or editing of Amendments, there is a good chance that important amendments like the 5th and 14th could be undermined. Americans as a whole, whether liberal, conservative, or moderate should not support this action as a method to deal with the challenges that we are presently facing as a country. To do so is short-sighted, naive, and wholly unnecessary even if it’s being done without malicious intent.


  3. EDIT: “CHANGES TO Amendments like the 4th, 5th, 9th, 14th, and THE IMPLEMENTATION this foolishly proposed “balanced budget” amendment could not…”


  4. Radical muslims are in every area of politics right now ans we could have radically changed constitution that would look like sharia law or hurry its stampede to crush America. I have only heard positive things about Con Con but always had uneasy feeling. Maybe this is why. Thank you for sharing information.


  5. The current electoral system and government have been thoroughly corrupted so as to render the Constitution effectively moot. A properly regulated Convention would safeguard the Constitution and not allow a runaway Convention.

    The rule of law is the only answer. We need an Article V convention to reaffirm the Constitution and firewall it against Marxist predations. It will only grow worse with the anchor babies and chain migration. We are becoming Mexico Norte. There is no “act of love” involved in this.

    We are way beyond the time that elections or legislation can fix anything, and are in the transition period between light and the darkness.


    • Thanks for your reply. Referring to your statement “properly regulated Convention would safeguard the Constitution and not allow a runaway Convention” we cannot be assured that we can have a properly regulated Convention. The delegate decision making is left all up to our delegates and the people who may influence them. The delegate will have the autonomy to basically do as they wish. Any attempts to limit them can be rescinded once they are in a locked room. Our forefathers have hinted they have the leisure to suspend themselves and make themselves immune to prosecution by suspending states rights then restore them once the dirty deed is done. This is where the Convention could go wrong and it possibly could since we have no precedence for the type of Convention being proposed by COS. A great deal of trouble could come out of a Soros or Norquist inspired Convention. I’m not willing to take the risk on my country or my family that will be here long after I’m gone. Don’t believe the lies, we can research it best by ourselves and discourage a Convention.


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