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Nashville: Office of New Americans hires Director to train immigrants to become leaders in community

In Uncategorized on January 8, 2016 at 9:23 AM

Nashville: Office of New Americans hires Director to train immigrants to become leaders in community.

0918 am

The Office of New Americans has recently celebrated its first birthday and has a new Director.

The Mayor of Nashville Meagan Barry has hired Vanessa Lazon, a Peruvian born immigrant who came to the Nashville area and attended Glenville High School.
Excerpt from the Nashville Post,

“Nashville is a stronger city because of the many different cultures and communities that come together to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere for all,” said Mayor Barry. “Vanessa will play an important role in creating a stronger bond between our government and the many immigrant and refugee communities that strengthen the fabric of our city.”

“The Office of New Americans will be a part of the Mayor’s Office of Neighborhoods and Community Engagement and will serve to fulfill their joint mission of amplifying the voices of all Nashvillians in the governing process.”

It’s sorta like a government welcome center for illegal and legal immigrants. A place that cuts through all the red tape and makes it easier for the foreign born immigrants to get a foot hold in the community and become leaders in our community.

Please watch this video for more details:

Lazon has been very busy with projects to allow immigrants to be included in the day to day activities in and around Nashville encouraging them to be leaders in our community.
The MyCity Academy has recently graduated 30 new immigrants from the program. This program takes foreign-born people and immerses them in everything Nashville.
“They get to learn basics of Nashville history, recycling water, Metro services, all kinds of stuff that is helpful when you come from another country,” said Lazon. “Some of those things aren’t on your radar.”

“Then they are able to become leaders of their respective communities.”
The second program is the Parent Ambassador Program where 20 foreign parents are acclimated into Metro schools to help new foreign parents.

The third role is to help individuals who need a lawyer to help finalize their citizenship.

“It’s important, she says. That safety for family and being a permanent resident provides (them) more chances to go to work,” said Lazon.

“We are all in this together and we are working together,” said Lazon. “You benefit, I benefit, we all benefit. It’s not you versus them or us versus them.”

Nashville Mayor Megan Barry had this to say about all the excitement of new foreign born immigrants coming to our area,

“Our Islamic community makes us stronger and better, too. We are proud to be a city where Muslims can live and work, a city where Muslims can play and pray, a city where Muslims can start families and start businesses.

With nearly 80 new foreign immigrants moving to downtown Nashville every day and nearly 30,000 per year you are obviously going to need a government welcome center in place to accommodate this many people.

Nashville has about 76,000 new immigrants, about 12 percent of the total population. You can drive down about any Nashville road and see the influence of immigrants on the downtown area.

You can see signs for Little Turkistan, Little Mexico and many other ethnic billboards introducing new businesses, enclaves and communities separate from the usual climate, where many do not assimilate.

It is estimated that 90 percent of these immigrants are on welfare for an extended period or for life. This begs you to ask where will the breaking point be for our state. With 30,000 plus immigrants being coerced to our area every year, when will the money run out or become a serious burden on the taxpayer.

With Mayor Meagan Barry at the helm and other spiritual leaders such as Rev. Judy Cummings, senior pastor at the New Covenant Christian Church; Rabbi Mark Schiftan of the Temple Congregation Ohabai Sholom; Nashville attorneys Abby Rubenfeld and Gregg Ramos; as well as human relations commissioners Samar Ali and Aisha Lbhalla and several Metro Councilmen working hard to accommodate all these foreign born immigrants, you can see that eventually the city will need some financial assistance very soon to finance this venture.

I have currently been unable to access any information as to the cost of these programs or the budget numbers for these newly formed departments. Perhaps a loyal reader has those numbers or access to them

I am fairly confident that Governor Bill Haslam has the numbers, he just needs to release them.

This has his fingerprints all over it!

Sources of information:

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  1. Your description has all of the early warning signs that are the same as what has existed and been ignored in Europe and we can only pray that the eventualities being experienced in Sweden, Germany, England and throughout Europe spark some sense of reality into the minds of those who are governing contrary to the cultural principles and fundamentals that have made the USA the greatest place on earth.


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