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Posts Tagged ‘COS’

TN Legislature set to vote on changing US Constitution, opposition strong

In Uncategorized on January 22, 2016 at 11:23 AM

TN Legislature set to vote on changing US Constitution, opposition strong

1116 am

Next week, January 26, 2016 at noon, our TN State Legislature, via the TN State House Government Committee will be voting on the Senates version of SJR67, the Convention of States legislation to change and or amend our US Constitution. The Senate version led by Senator Mike Bell passed last year.

While I agree this move may be Constitutiinal I do not feel the timing of such a move by our legislators is a safe one.

We have way too many wolves in sheeps clothing ready to trounce on the Constitution once inside chambers to do so creating a potential devastating result.

The risk of a runaway jury is very real. Once inside the deliberation room anything could happen. The process of amending and changing the US constitution could fall into greedy hands not capable or interested in protecting our sacred document which holds our Bill of Rights and the protections on freedom we all enjoy.

Below is a sample letter, please feel to personalize it, to send out to the committee that will be considering placing it up for a vote. We must not let this pass it’s too risky!

Dear Representative,

Please consider saying NO to Tennessee’s SJR67 (COS) being heard on Tuesday January 26, 2016 at Noon in the TN House State Government Committee. I feel this could be very harmful to the integrity of our US Constitution and put our sovereignty at risk. Thank you for this consideration.


Email blast list of SJR67 Committee Members:

Please share vigorously as our country and its fate may depend upon it!