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Modern day revolution in Manchester TN, like our forefathers, sparked with outrage and passion

In Uncategorized on June 6, 2013 at 5:59 AM

Modern day revolution in Manchester TN, like our forefathers, sparked with outrage and passion

Looking back at the American Revolution John Adams concluded in 1818:

“The Revolution was effected before the war commenced. The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people … This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution.”

The subtle yet constant hints of a modern day revolution are surfacing in the United States as the Federal Government seizes more control of the states and the communities within our constitutional republic. The push back by Citizens on an empirical government has begun.

The Constitution was written to protect us from a tyrannical government, not used to institute laws and opinions to restrain the people and limit freedoms for any special groups or sects of Americans, it is for us all. I have rights also!

Subtle uprisings as seen in Manchester Tennessee are popping up all over the country. Passion is running high and we are on the crest of a movement set on securing our future.

Still in it’s infancy the steady drumbeat of revolution is seeping into conscious thought as a way to overcome an empirical Washington, the elitist, loyalist or Tories if you will, to tighten control on the farmer, the peasant, the patriot.

On display enmasse last evening at the Manchester Convention Center was a group of well over a thousand patriots gathered in one room.  In this setting, I witnessed a clash of two different ideologies and political systems.

The overwhelming concern was the DOJ, FBI forbearing the rights of a majority over the rights of the minority, circumventing the current law for sharia law.

The overwhelming realization that we all have the same rights under the  Constitution but that right is being altered because an Islamic political system refuses to live within stated boundaries and create their own Sharia compliant culture with separate carved out rights for a specific group that  ignores others rights.  

There was a quick realization that our country is changing and the liberal left is leading the charge.

A tense evening has revealed the federal government is taking a stand and protecting their six, alongside political islam.

The DOJ, the FBI and a federal leftist led government are preparing to lead the charge against the constitution while limiting free speech and carving out a niche for a requesting minority despite the rumblings of millions in our nation. 

The seemingly simple request to indict, monitor, prosecute and imprison Americans for speaking out against political Islam on social media has sparked outrage in the state of Tennessee. 

Representing first hand accounts, I witnessed on June 4th, 2013, around the water cooler, in and around the convention center, I heard the following;  “Why are my civil rights being suspended because another sect of our populace refuses to assimilate and adopt the nations laws that have existed for well over 250 years  inside a constitutional republic?” “Why must we be the ones to suffer because they demand it?” “Are we not protected by the Constitution?”

The first shot, figuratively of course, was fired tonight  in Manchester TN as concerned patriots in droves took a stand for the Constitution that has been the glue that has kept this country free.

Reviews and commentary was mixed after the large event on our stand for freedom as the huge crowd filed out and worked their way back to their humble abodes. Were we well represented and was our message affected?

The leftist media response was predictable and expected. “They were loud, they were obnoxious, racists, rude to the speakers, disrespectful and downright near militant as hundreds of right wing extremists gather in Manchester TN!”

Most surprising to me was the evaluation of many within the Tea Party that showed reservation for views expressed inside the venue an their overall performance.

A modern day revolution was launched from this room and we failed to recognize it as that.

The silence in the aftermath at what was probably the greatest stand in many years by the Tea Party and we walk away disappointed? 

Social media and Tea Party groups have gone silent in the aftermath of the convention and for what reason?  Perhaps we have allowed the leftist media to dictate to you political correctness, damping the spark that could cause a flame to create change, DONT DO IT! 

This was a glorious night where, yes, people spoke up and were loud and some even obnoxious but this is passion folks! This is patriotism!  This is a peaceful rebellion! The revolution many talk about all the time just happened. The people spoke up! This is the outrage that has been missing for a while in this country. 

Sure I asked for silence a few times because I thought it was necessary for us to hear what they had to say. The night is what it was! 

An ideological revolution against tyranny! LET IT BE! 

I overheard messages on the way out such as “We have lost our way”, “our message has been distorted”, the “fringe in the room showed their arses”, “we should have remained silent and we would have been more effective”, “the media will spin this as a bad thing.” NO!  We have found a common message and tapped into a vein that could fuel change. Does anyone remember the Occupy Wall Street embarrassment recently? This group tonight, tame by comparison, peacefully assembled and somehow the OWS guys seemingly get a leftist pass and our loud voices condemned. This is purposeful folks! Shame them into silence and they will shut up and go away!  Silent servitude never changed a country!

In all the perceived discord a memory of our not to distant past has been forgotten and a comparison of modern day patriots
to the warriors of the past was not drawn or just momentarily forgotten in our search to remain politically correct.

The evening was very mild if you compare it to the last American Revolution where burning houses, murder, tar and feathering were the routine for a nation of patriots trying to break free from a emperial tyrannical British government.

No arrests were made last evening, hundreds of people peaceably assembled in the scorching heat, provided taunts and insults toward a population that refuses to assimilate into American Culture yet demand change as part of their existence and yet  noone was tarred and feathered, no militia raids or charges on strongholds made. 

Objection to a litany of admiration for the Department of Justice, FBI and the federal government overreaching and offering “protection” for political Islam while issuing warnings to those Americans that do not comply to their requests while receiving biased treatment in front of freedom loving citizens is enough to spark outrage in any freedom loving patriot.

Remember, the media and this opposing political system system wanted to see a fight! They wanted a citizen to get out of line completely and the incident videoed and broadcasted for all the world to see. That did not happen, because tremendous restraint was exercised. Voicing discontent, raising your hands in the air and disrupting a meeting is not the nail that buries a movement. Please guys, I watched an OWS guy defecate on a police car, widespread drug use, rape and attempted murder last summer and somehow we view that as “they were upset an misunderstood!”  

We left the Manchester Convention Center, police cars clean, the women respected and drug or alcohol free, even singing and praying on occasion. The Convention hall was left in pretty good shape by comparison, no arrests, to my knowledge, no one was murdered, raped or tarred. Gosh! No one expected this from the Tea Party? Please! we have a track record for five years and so far not a single incident of disobedience unless you consider yelling in a room unlawful! This is not how we roll!

You did see the mood shift near intermission as the police and secret service flocked to the corners of the room near the halfway point and call off the intermission over “safety concerns and heightened tensions!” 

This was purposeful as if a
little drama would elicit a response requiring intervention. Even this was a failed attempt to evoke some “poor redneck” to act

Much to the event holders chagrin, the very large passionate group gathered outside for some old timey passionate rallying and chest thumping, filed in and out very orderly, grabbed some chips and spicy salsa and some lemonade, then filed outside for another hour of speeches and evaluation and nothing reportable happened! Let me add once again, NO REPORTED EVENTS! Not a single arrest! 

Loud and obnoxious, if you saw it that way, perhaps but not against the law or the constitution. NO laws broken!!! This is something to be proud of!  

Passion is needed today in this world of passiveness. You wanted someone to speak up and act and exercise their freedom of speech, you got it tonight, the right way! Now embrace it.

The night was not all fueled by the jeers in the room from the patriotic crowd. The opposing side had a game plan too. 

The plan as I viewed it initially was for AMAC, OIC and the DOJ to appear as solemn, quiet and hushed  victims. 

The subdued atmosphere with a bowed chin and quiet demeanor, perhaps a reflection of their culture, but it was very obvious. The line of demarcation was being drawn! The itended road map route changed as many speakers became intolerant and reactive to some of the loud objections. The tone changed from somber to snarky, mean spirited, challenging and condescending as the nerves of the speakers became frazzled.

At one point, while viewing an obviously propaganda style 15 to 20 minute video that displayed dissent in the public around Murfreesboro over the recent building of the mosque depicting objectors to the mosque as white, poor, disheveled and redneck. 

Many in the room yelled “PROPAGANDA” and “TAQIYAH!!! The crowd was sarcastically challenged by the speaker as she raised her voice and said ” you are using words you don’t even understand.”

Another challenge came when one of the speakers said her family was eighth generation American after shouting down an attendee who said they were from six generations of Americans. She quickly countered with ” I was born and raised right here on Monteat Mountain” at which time the crowd shouted it’s “Monteagle Mountain!”

AG Killian took the podium and was met with stiff opposition when he started singing the praises of his “boss” AG Eric Holder. At this point he was in my opinion,rightfully set back with taunts especially after the recent displays of injustice displayed by “his boss” in light of the recent Benghazi, Fast and Furious, EPA, IRS and AP reporter scandals.

FBI Agent Moore while approaching the podium hearing the taunts and jeers regarding AG Holder stepped to the podium and shouted “Attorney General Eric Holder” and when boos rang out again he quickly and condescendingly chuckled and said “I just wanted to get out of the way ahead of time!”

He also went on to say after making some comments about social websites and the surveillance they are doing on it, countered defensively and laughingly said “if its on the Internet it must be true.”

Another speaker while giving a set of statistics only referencing a few Christian on Muslim violence cases refused to divulge the obvious 400 murders per day around the world of Islam murdering Christians every day and this was obvious to the throng of objectors. 

While reading the demographics she would over accenuate and raise her voice to say the word “white” often taunting more objection from the assembly.

Sure the evening was tense and at times a little loud and spirited but what American that values their freedom wouldn’t be? 

The mix of religion, politics, freedom, objections from the right and left caused quite a stir but has has left many in every community thinking about what is happening to our country and has caused many to speak up and come to her rescue.

Everything did not go without controversy, nor should you have expected it to do so. Doing so would mean we were mindless drones in a time warp.

Allow me to repeat loud and boisterous! The criticism of these patriots does not warrant counting out these great citizens as extremists or racists. This group showed up in mass tonight in support of their country and constitution and fought for it! Shame to you if you think otherwise!

If you were offended then you probably have not been engaged in the fight! The fight for freedom is tense and is worth fighting for. As my daddy used to say or some version thereof, ” If the dog cant hunt, stay on the porch and watch! 

The Main Stream Media will do what they are prompted to do by their Commander in Chief and depict this as a negative. I have simply chosen to make this a positive. 

For the last five years we have advocated for the “sheep to awaken from the sleep!” Well, that happened tonight and I in no way will discredit this very well orchestrated event where most everyone was on their best behavior in spite of the fact that we are about to lose our country to the left!  In my humble opinion, the Manchester TN revolution was a success.

A revolution as necessary as this one cannot be condemned. The table was set with many agendas and the purpose of this meeting was derailed and a strong message sent! Mess with our country, our rights and our
Constitution and you will surely meet the wrath of a peaceful, albeit, raucous rebellion. 

An ideological rebellion with a peaceful and non violent end is the preferred route. We don’t need the masses to approve to make our point. Three percent snagged our country out of the hands of the left with our might in the past and it can be done again.

I believe a strong message without violence can create the change we want. Knowledge, facts, social media and truth can win this war. If shouting upsets you then I request you to reevaluate where you stand in this rebellion! 

The peaceful rebellion has only begun.

I leave you with this quote from the link below:

Many Loyalists (the left) realized that independence was bound to come eventually, but they were fearful that revolution might lead to anarchy, tyranny or mob rule. 

In contrast, the prevailing attitude among Patriots, who made systematic efforts to use mob violence in a controlled manner, was a desire to seize the initiative. 

An author once wrote that Loyalists, (the British emperialists) were pessimists who lacked the confidence in the future displayed by the Patriot  



DOJ/FBI to criminalize free speech in TN, imprisonment for negative posts against political Islam

In Uncategorized on June 3, 2013 at 8:49 AM

DOJ/FBI to criminalize free speech in TN, imprisonment for negative posts against political Islam

Lurking in the hills of Manchester, just southeast of Nashville Tennessee is the setting of what many believe could be the showdown to the eventual realization that our first amendment, the Bill of Rights and the Constitution are a thing of the past.

The belief that our nations future, our ability to express ourselves in free speech lies in the hands of a few people within the Department of Justice and the FBI while representing and protecting a political system that has serious links to the Muslim Brotherhood.

For a moment, when I first heard of this Muslim Diversity acceptance meeting in Manchester TN, I thought a dialogue might be established and a  path to communication might be open to discuss our differences as Islam attempts to assimilate into our culture. Perhaps a hope that if different cultures somehow meet in the middle something good may come from it adopting the slogan “to COEXIST.” 

The fleeting belief that to live in America would mean that the first amendment would stand for us all and our nation would continue to spin as it has for more than 250 years under the consistent application of the Bill of Rights and the Constitution.

Little did I know that the table has already been set, the meal ordered and I get whatever is delivered to me. 

 My opinion, my rights placed on hold because a political system of Islam is demanding it and we have a broken system of justice that assures them their rights only will be protected.

The great state of Tennessee is being manhandled by an overreaching federal government with no respect for the Constitution or the state boundaries that restrain them. Coupled with that the fact that we, by large do not have elected leaders that will step in and stop this all out assault on our country. 

Quickly the realization sets in that this was not about how can we learn from Americans or how we can better serve the needs of our community but how “strangers” to our country can enforce their beliefs on the majority inside a constitutional republic seemingly despondent to the laws of our land.

How can these Americans who are offered the same rights as me somehow expect me to put aside my rights because their political views do not sync with mine.

When I put the puzzle together it was not about religious tolerance but about Americans becoming sharia compliant, tolerant and accepting of a political system that does not honor our Constitution. We are now being led into the abyss where the rights of many are being ignored. The path that we are taking is surely one of demise when we selectively protect political systems ignoring or stripping others of that same right.

The shell game is over the right one lifted and the pattern of disillusionment is revealed. Political Islam and it’s tenets of acceptance and diversity have been uncovered and exposed.

The DOJ and the FBI are once again bullying their way into Tennessee and basically ignoring the rights of Native Tennesseans and enforcing their warped version of justice in a free country via a sovereign state. 

Unfairly, unevenly pulling rank on everyday citizens while “having the backs” of these Islamic Americans with sinister associations is way beyond what I can comprehend in one afternoon of research.

Suspending the Constitutional rights and beliefs of roughly 99 percent for a demanding political system representing 1 percent doesnt quite meet the definition of a fair trade.

Governor Bill Haslam, ex Governor and now US Senator Lamar Alexander are primary players in this scheme to hijack our constitution and placate to the minority. Governor Haslam and Alexander have been given a pass for way to long on this issue as well as others who have bought into the deception. They should be called out in their involvement of this unconstitutional rape of our rights and met with deep resistance come election day.

In a small town called Manchester Tennessee, US Attorney for East TN Bill Killian and the Federal Bureau of Investigation will be holding a meeting to tell Tennesseans of their rights, or should I correct myself and say the rights of the political Islamists.

Killian and the FBI want us to know it is against federal law to speak out against political Islam. What federal law? Where is it against the law to speak your mind in a free America? The mere thought that the DOJ and the FBI can come into small town America and say what we can and cannot do is preposterous and begs one to ask what are their motives inside our Constitutional Republic and where they are aligned?

Why is a US Attorney with close ties  to AG Eric Holder addressing this issue in TN ? 

Why is the government suppressing the right to free speech in favor of the rights of political Islam?

Why are the local papers in Tullahoma embracing this idea that free speech should be squelched?

Why is the DOJ and the FBI telling us where our ethics must lie? 

Why and who emblazoned the US government to intimidate the citizens of the United States by suggesting that writing blogs, posting free speech in social media that it’s a federal crime to state facts about political Islam?

This is about more than religion and “culture”, this is about suppression of freedom of speech inside the greatest nation in the world……period!  

Next up to the stage, The United Nations and it’s “Declaration of Human Rights.”

For many years and in recent history the UN has attempted to convince the US to give up it’s first amendment rights and go along with the rest of the “international bodies” and adopt a law against blasphemy called the Defamation of Religions Law! 

This law has been struck down inside the UN by the United States on several occasions. 

I believe the DOJ, FBI and AMAC along with the OIC and CAIR are using this event in Manchester TN to be a flashpoint for legislation at the state and national level.

The DOJ and the FBI seemingly has a newfound authority and jurisdiction enforcing international laws on the states under the guise that the laws they speak of are from the federal level of government. The Defamation of Religions Law has never been ratified within the United States. 

In other words, you are forcing Americans to adhere to a law that doesn’t even exist nor has it had a chance in hades of becoming law in TN let alone the United States but yet you pretend it exists to meet your political agenda.

These actions inside a totalitarian state might go unnoticed but to be able to pull this off inside America will meet heavy resistance. 

Enforcing a law that only exists in the minds of globalists intent on ruining this great country with an international handout is visible to the naked eye and will not happen in Tennessee, not in the United States.

Nearly 47 percent of the countries and territories in the world have laws or policies that penalize blasphemy, which is in political Islam punishable by death! 

THE UNITED STATES DOES NOT AND WILL NOT punish  Americans for exercising their rights to free speech.

Please pay attention to this international law called “Defamation of Religion Law!” I personally believe this is the path to losing our freedom and our first amendment rights. 

If they are successful in little Manchester Tennessee, I believe they will have the precedence to masterfully bypass the Bill of Rights and the Constitution and change the face of our nation forever, the US becoming Sharia compliant.

We must rely on our legislators and elected leaders to make the right decisions.

Interestingly, within days of this meeting, June 4th, Barrack Obama is expected to sign into
Law the UNs Small Arms Treaty! Coincidence? I believe fate or destiny would be the favored word!

Plan to be there! 

June 4th, 2013, Muslim Diversity acceptance class with DOJ/FBI considering making it a crime leading to imprisonment for posting negative remarks about Islam.

Read the links below for more information.


“Public Disclosure in a Diverse Society” will be held from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. on Tuesday, June 4, at the Manchester-Coffee County Conference Center, 147 Hospitality Blvd, Manchester Tennessee 


Special speakers for the event will be Bill Killian, U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of Tennessee, and Kenneth Moore, special agent in charge of the FBI’s Knoxville Division.

