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Posts Tagged ‘HUD’

Bradley/Cleveland Mayors, duly elected! On notice for wrong decisions! It’s on you now!

In Uncategorized on October 28, 2011 at 5:35 PM

This diatribe was sent to all of my locally elected officials in Cleveland/Bradley County and it is in this forum that I notify all others at the State and Federal levels! To also include the NGO ” useful idiots” such as the Chamber of Commerce and the development boards who think they have governmental authority in this town! Spread this around, copy, post and repost! It is up to you to spread the word about this Federal take over of our town, my town and to bring notice to you that our town is being given away by the very people we put in office to represent us! I dare you to call them! Don’t debate them, simply tell them you are fed up and you want them to stop this and you are here to take your city and county back!

I have been reading a little about this Regional Sustainable Coalition with 3 states and 16 counties.

Is anyone concerned that we are now going to have the Federal Government telling us how to live, work and breathe while designing the land we live on right now to be sustainable!

Does anyone know what this means or the affect it will have on the people you represent?

Answering to HUD, DOT and God forbid the EPA? Jumping into bed with these three is everything America is supposed to not do, constitutionally!

We will be so busy jumping through their hoops we will not have much time to do anything else and they will be expecting us to live exactly like they tell us!

Do you think this trio will dump millions perhaps billions into our lap and we go our merry way! Please guys you are much smarter than that!

If you allow this, the way we live is about to drastically change! Cleveland is a beautiful place! I love living here and enjoy having my family call it home! It has a small town feel! It feels good! My part of town is for the most part quite and peaceful! I can drive most anywhere around me and spend the day taking in it’s scenery!  For the most part we come and go as we please and can pretty much answer to no one except our selves, because we still have a say so about our own property and our way of life and can do so relatively cheap!

Making Cleveland a downtown Chattanooga or Atlanta is not my idea of something I want to duplicate or bring my children up in. The crime, the massive amounts of concrete and pollution, the cross section of people that migrate to “big” cities? Give me the old Cleveland any day!   

Guys I have hinted around about this for a while, but now it’s time to advise at this point!  What you guys are doing and allowing to be done will be devastating to our community where we will have little say so on what goes on on our own land!

Let’s get real here! I have probably researched this more than I care to recollect, countless hours! I do not give warnings out like this without great fear and assurance that what I have researched is true and relevant!  This is downright bad! As my daddy used to say “this is bad mojo, something smells!”

Anybody read what they plan to do? I would encourage you to! The total repercussions of this plan will greatly limit our ability to do as we please on our own property and in our own town!

Have you heard the word “a city with walkability?” this means and I have read it many time on HUDs website and others and even as it relates to this regional plan! Walkability means the ability of the federal government via HUD, DOT and the EPA to design “livable sustainable communities” where you are forced to live on designated areas or migrate into communities where all your shopping, churches, parks, banks, restaraunts, cinemas and etc are all within “walking” distance and I quote “so you want need cars!” THis is a sustainable community!

Is this your vision of Cleveland and Bradley County to become little pods of communities, everyone walking, co existing in a plastic world with all kinds of people in a relatively small area, taking the occasional train ride up the Ocoee to see the area we used to call home! Think im exaggerating! Research it!

I promise that vision is shared by many who are giving you money to do what they want!

Have you put any additional thought into why they want everyone to live in a “sustainable liveable, walkable community?” There is a bigger picture we are failing to see! There will be a day real soon where many of our rural areas will be just that and will be low population areas with restrictions on who can be on these properties that used to be yours!

The “urban sprawl” as it talks about in our very own 2035 Growth plan will be discouraged and the “human settlements” will be directed into “urban Growth areas”, doesn’t this scare you to death? We are annexing now to make that happen in the Northern part of the county to make that a reality! I didn’t make these facts up! It’s in our own growth plan!

Now, we go and make a certain deal with the devil in the form of a Regional Plan with huge plans to change Cleveland and Bradley County and for some reason. I’m predicting federal dollars are placing blinders on you and it appears you are willing to stand by and allow this to happen knowing it will affect Bradley Countians tremendously and you guys, our leaders are not even speaking up to defend us!  To speak out or to at least investigate what this is beyond what some Beuracrat in DC or Nashville convinces you it is!

If your answer is allow it to happen despite the outcome, I must say I am sorely disappointed in your humanity! This is no small decision here guys! This is big time and we have stepped into a mess by allowing our City, County and state to marry the federal government in this way while a great percentage of your constituency say stop and at least see what we are getting in to!

Who among you are man or woman enough to make a stand and say let’s at least look before we leap! This is not good! We are not making rational decisions as a community!

The people in this town in great part are in the dark about this, some are there because that the easiest path, some are there because they choose to listen to others as experts, some because they trust the wrong people!

Some of us prefer to research the facts, follow the  trails, look at other communities that have fallen into this trap and see if they are truly better off?

The burden is now on you! I feel as a complete county we are being taken down the wrong road by our elected leaders and guess what? You answer for you!

I am telling you this is a HUGE mistake and only YOU will be held responsible for the decision you make!

Have a great day!

I would hope some would respond to me as this is a cry to you to do the right thing and not be blinded by the relatively small amount of money you may get in exchange for our freedom!