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Posts Tagged ‘see one report one’

Report OSCE and others if election day fraud, intimidation or abuse observed

In Uncategorized on November 5, 2012 at 10:37 PM

See one report one! Sound familiar?

If you see anything questionable at the polls in the form of fraud, abuse or intimidation please report those results with pictures or video of it’s proof to me at bradleycountynews@gmail.com and I will report this to the proper national authorities and prompt the appropriate response if warranted.

Tea Party Patriots and True the Vote have made themselves available to report any variances at the polls and have the resources to act accordingly.

Of particular interest is the OSCE and their close involvement at our polls. If you see them within 100 feet of our polls, first call police and have them arrested then report to the email above and a national response will be activated.

Furthermore the ACLU, the NAACP, SEIU and Reverend Al Sharpton are deeply involved with OSCE and I have said before they plan to disrupt and intimidate voters.

I feel they collectively could mount a heavy response if the election doesn’t go their way and may activate many to civil unrest that could plunge our country into turmoil.

So please report any occurrences that may occur and use the lefts tactics against them also by seeing one, report one.

Please do not hesitate to contact me via email or call me and leave a message to 423-284-4250.

Thanks for your assistance as we must make sure this election does not get stolen by the left and their socialist tactics.