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Moms first Christmas with Jesus

In Uncategorized on December 25, 2016 at 7:32 AM

Christmas with Jesus

0629 am

I know, I know everyone is wondering where I’m at and maybe even where I went but rest assured, I’m spending this Christmas with Jesus.

Y’all know this but I’ll say it again. When I left my earthly home I wasn’t feeling well, my health was poor, breathing was a chore and I was tired. Sorry about the messy house and dishes laying around but I see you cleaned up well.

I tried with all my might to stay with you guys and to spend one more Christmas with those I love, my Love People as you grew to be near the end. I’ll stare down the large elephant in the room and I’m guessing you are aware, but it was not to be, I’ll be elsewhere this Christmas Day.

Hated all the fuss over me for all those months when I was sick, much appreciated but a fuss. The endless church at my bedside, the prayers and music all just what I needed. The family picture collage at the foot of my bed was a plus. I thank you!

The funeral was nice, you guys made me up so pretty. Thanks for the extra mascara and lip gloss, those guys left me a little short, my family has always had back and did you see all those people who came to see me. Sure could have used some of them to plant my garden in all that summer heat last year.

My number was up, I knew this but those who knew me well knew I was gonna resist in my own way, you know “fighting to the end!” Sorry for the delay.

I hope you are sharing my humor with me, I could always throw a zinger every now and then, some got it, some didn’t but well we all laughed. It’s always been a way for me to cope, I use it occasionally to cover pain. So laugh or cry with me that’s your choice.

I’m kinda aching to have you over to the house once more, have y’all watch me cry over that one “special” present or to see my new hairdo go limp as I sweat over our meal.

As much as I yearn physically to be with you I’m sure you are now aware thats not gonna be. Besides my view from here is not all that bad……..and I look pretty.

I’m wearing that little white dress, the one that is poofy around the knees. I still got my wide crooked smile and big forehead but this place……..and this dress. It’s just like when I was a kid, the one you liked, the one everyone said I looked so pretty in, it bounces when I walk. I was listening when you guys were talking about it.

I just returned from a walk, even dashed around in a meadow like a young fawn with mom and dad and my back doesn’t hurt. You guys would so love the weather up here, it’s however I want it to be. Angels are singing everywhere, its like surround sound only better. There was even one request for me to sing, I passed as I know Jesus has heard all that before. I didn’t wanna show out up here, he’s getting used to me, don’t wanna lose my favor.

I’m watching you guys with a watchful eye. I see you reaching out to others, holding your family close, that was my wish.

I see you are hanging on to some of those family traditions and keeping them alive. Someone please remember the chocolate covered cherries, our breakfast meals and especially the fruit baskets under the tree, oh and the rabbit cake at Easter, the potato salad!

Love on my grand babies, sisters and all. Give them all a big hug for me. To my kids, love your sister and brothers keep that laugh, continue to protect her and remember I can still gain access to a hickory or two……..and I’m not afraid to use it.

Remember the good times, forget the bad. Glance through those old pictures and paintings of mine, cry happy tears today, leave the sad ones in your head. I’m new again, I have no complaints.

Don’t think of me as selfish for my day is grand. I must spend Christmas elsewhere this year, I know you will understand.

I’ll be with you in spirit and if you listen carefully, you will know I’m there.

Until we meet again, tell everyone I love them, all is well. It’s bittersweet but it’s the way it must be.

Heads up, chest out and stand tall. Aside from where you are there is no place I’d rather be.

Hope you don’t mind but this year I’m spending Christmas with Jesus.



US Journalist Drew Johnson tossed from UN WHO meeting in Delhi

In Agenda 21 on November 8, 2016 at 12:06 PM

US Journalist Drew Johnson tossed from UN WHO meeting in Delhi


Drew Johnson, a US reporter and friend of Bradley County News Network was tossed from a tax supported and funded UN World Healthcare Organization meeting where several US Delegates were inside.

The crime? He is a reporter who wanted to cover the inner meeting where many decisions are met that affect a great portion of America and nearly 180 countries.

He was pulled from his seat by his lanyard, stripped of his identification and shoved out the door, sliding into the hallway.

The UN Delegate in charge refused to return his badge so he could attend other meetings.

The Daily Caller Journalist is livid and rightfully so. The UN has limited freedom of speech despite its stance to support the same.

WATCH as U.S. journalist Drew Johnson who defied the ban on reporters is physically removed from the meeting!

MORE: http://www.therebel.media/watch_u_s_j…

It is time for the US to EXIT the UN. #USEXITUN

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Report Voter Fraud: Call your Secretary of State

In Uncategorized on October 25, 2016 at 10:09 PM

Report Voter Fraud: Call these numbers for your state


Widespread voter fraud is being committed in our nation and on a grand scale. Individuals and groups are reporting vote flipping, ballot stuffing, dead and illegals voting. Ballots are even being changed after the vote is cast.

We have long said that voting in today’s elections is being done to give us the illusion that we still have a choice. We no longer have a vote and out vote no longer counts. Our votes are cast but the fix is in and regardless of what the people want, the “machine”, the “NWO”, the “man behind the curtain”, the “establishment George Soros types” with all the money have the final decision when it comes to deciding who will be our next President.

George Soros practically owns the “Smartmatic” voting system consisting of control of 16 critical states. Much like Karl Rove stole the election from John Kerry and gave it to G. Bush 2, by sending the ballots cast to a Basement dwelling of a Pioneer Bank in Chattanooga to be flipped so will George Soros do to preserve the election for Killery Klinton. If you remember Kerry was winning by 3 percent in Ohio. This win would have won him the presidency. Karl Rove and his band of thieves sent the ballots to be certified in Chattanooga and the votes were flipped leaving Kerry with a 3 percent loss. That 3 percent resulted in a win for BUSH and Rove.

Let’s not allow this to happen in our state or anywhere and let’s call the numbers of your Secretary of State each time we catch a thief with his hand in the cookie jar.

Stay vigilant and report it to them. If they do not take you serious threaten to sue them for incompetence and or collusion with Hillary Clinton.

Here is a list of numbers to report any cases of voter fraud and intimidation in all 50 States are listed below, thanks to Trump51 – Massachusetts for sharing this information.

Alabama 334-242-7210
Alaska 907-465-4611
Arizona 602-542-8683
Arkansas 501-682-5070
California 916 657-2166
Colorado 303-894-2200
Connecticut 860-509-6100
Delaware 302-739-4277
Florida 877-868-3737
Georgia 877-725-9797
Hawaii 808-453-8683
Idaho 208-334-2852
Illinois 217-782-4141
Indiana 317-232-6531
Iowa 888-767-8683
Kansas 785-296-4561
Kentucky 502-564-3490
Louisiana 225-922-0900
Maine 207-624-7736
Maryland 410-269-2840
Massachusetts 617-727-7030
Michigan 888-767-6424
Minnesota 877-600-8683
Mississippi 601-576-2550
Missouri 573-751-2301
Montana 406-444-3976
Nebraska 402-471-2555
Nevada 775-684-5705
New Hampshire 603-271-3242
New Jersey 609-292-3760
New Mexico 505-827-3600
New York 518-473-5086
North Carolina 919-733-7173
North Dakota 701-328-4146
Ohio 614-466-2585
Oklahoma 405-521-6457
Oregon 503-986-1518
Pennsylvania 717-787-5280
Rhode Island 401-222-2345
South Carolina 803-734-9060
South Dakota 605-773-3537
Tennessee 615-741-7956
Texas 512-463-5650
Utah 801-538-1041
Vermont 800-439-8683
Virginia 804-864-8901
Washington 360-902-4151
Washington DC 202-727-2525
West Virginia 304-558-6000
Wisconsin 608-261-2028
Wyoming 307-777-5860