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Lamar Alexander defends vote for Amnesty citing we have “perpetual Amnesty” already

In chamber of commerce on July 11, 2014 at 6:03 AM

Lamar Alexander defends vote for Amnesty citing we have “perpetual Amnesty” already

0559 am

As hoardes of illegal immigrants stream into the United States, Americans are being put at risk of danger as Lamar Alexander continues to support Amnesty as the answer to our illegal immigrant woes.

US Senator Lamar Alexanders vote for Amnesty, supporting the gang of Eight, Chuck Shumer and John McCain is clearly not in line with how the majority feels on this issue in Tennessee.

Sure, Alexander can shrug this off easily from his office in DC. it’s real easy to see the disconnect from his constituency as parts of TN readies for an onslaught of illegals resettling to mainly Nashville and Bristol.

Alexanders votes for amnesty is taking away our jobs and using our tax dollars to disseminate illegal immigrants into our state and across the nation.

It has been reported that Alexander supported the Amnesty bill because in his liberal mind, he believes it’s already here, so I guess it’s ok for them to continue to break the law? 

According to Brietbart.com “We have amnesty today,” Alexander said. “Turning your head while 11 million people are already here illegally is perpetual amnesty. I voted along with 67 other United States senators to end perpetual amnesty.”
Alexander voted with 14 other Republican Senators in favor of the “Gang of Eight,” immigration bill led by Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY)”

This bill to citizenry for an estimated 11 million is a huge mistake and sets a dangerous precedence that laws do not matter as long as politicians vote opposite of the law.

TN US Senate Candidate Joe Carr has been a staunch critic of Liberal Lamars amnesty views and has led the charge to expose the Alexander campaign of these issues as well as his vote for Obamacare.

In a statement to Brietbart.com he had this to say about Lamar Alexander, “There’s this arrogance about these people who stay in Washington,” Carr said, referring to the border crisis and the immigration reform debate. “The arrogance that they say – you know what, it doesn’t matter that they are flooding our labor markets with unskilled labor and driving down American wages, it doesn’t matter as long as we cater to the United States Chamber of Commerce.”

“Alexander insisted that the bill he voted for identifies illegal immigrants and requires them to pay a penalty, payment of back taxes and required them to work.”

Lamar Alexander seeing illegal immigrants as a way to expand our tax base, provide amnesty for millions, take away jobs for Americans and pay penalties for breaking the law is the mind of a man that is not thinking logically and is worlds apart from the conservative base that has supported him in past races.

A trick of Alexanders and many lifetime politicians is to vote for a bill on cloture, or bring it up for a vote and move the bill forward, then vote against it so he can tell his constituency that he didn’t vote for it, when in fact he did. 

As Brietbart reported, Lamar Alexander, in this case, voted to advance debate on the bill — in the initial cloture vote to begin consideration that passed 82-15 — before the border security amendment was introduced. 

This is sneaky and underhanded and  gives we the people the opportunity to say enough is enough Lamar!

If you remember, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor lost his primary race in Virginia based on this same premise and for his support of amnesty when many voiced they did not want it. This move refueled the Tea Party base in Virginia and acrosst the nation as a defeat of liberal Lamar Alexander will do the same for Tennessee.

Brietbart states further that “Carr signed the FAIR pledge live on conservative talk show host Laura Ingraham’s radio program, and challenged Alexander to do the same.”

“The pledge asks candidates to vow to oppose amnesty, increases in legal immigration, and increases in the number of guest workers.”

“But Alexander defended the bill as one that would encourage jobs and economic growth in the United States by allowing “talented people and essential workers” to come to the United States legally.”

“I chose to secure the border, end perpetual amnesty and encourage jobs, rather than do nothing,” he said.

Despite his support Presidents idea of illegal immigration reform and amnesty, in the last 24 hours, he has called for sending TN National Guard troops to the  Mexican border to stop the flow of illegals into this country.

Hello McFly? Alexander? A little late! A resettlement package has already been sent to TN and they are now on their way to Tennessee.

It’s time for a change! We need real leadership in Tennessee.

Get out and vote! Otherwise, it will not matter and things will stay the same. 

The alternative is Joe Carr for US Senate, Tennessee.

Please read and support Brietbart.com, use the link below to see other great stories of interest to you. Share and tell others.


Did the Chamber of Commerce create the United Nations? Look at the facts and decide!

In Agenda 21, chamber of commerce on June 7, 2012 at 12:20 AM

BCN Note: Conspiracy? I will engage you to think that till you research it yourself or simply read the article and look at the sources of info. Remember, if something seems unbelievable and too far fetched to believe, your train of thought from that point does not automatically categorize it into conspiracy. It only means you have not researched it yet and seen the truth. I realize our nature is to dismiss the seemingly unbelievable, I do it myself on occasion, it’s the easy route and is a nice, near way to tuck it away and be dismissed or to vilify the informer.

Please do not stop reading! It would again be easy to dismiss this and stop reading. The UN has a “year book” of all these transactions and their humble beginnings! Look them up! It’s a fact! Google United Nations, Chamber of Commerce and year book! Better yet let me just give it to you.


What you are about to read will easily cause you to yell conspiracy. Self admitted I did so at first…till I looked at the facts.

This is not information that is easily digested or info that even wants to be consumed. To consume, digest and somehow form an opinion based on fact would require Americans to rethink our relationship with these stealthy organizations and question just what is American.

The organizations we have relied on to build America is the same one that is tearing it down from the inside out. This is such a sad spot to be in. It was created by us, it was promoted by us with evidently little research into it’s past. God Bless America! The roots of Socialism are much deeper than first assumed. America, unless we pay attention and demand change from the top to the bottom we are done.

The evil that permeates and carries a heavy stench is
embedded in everything Americana. This is only my opinion, guess the rest is up to you.

The same organization that is encouraging law abiding citizens to give up their property to a planning commission who will haphazardly give the ok to rezone large amounts of land and give it over to the local government so that we can industrialize the rural area regardless of what the citizens in that area say! No more! The jig is up!

A citizen recently wrapped it all up for the skeptical citizen. “I would not have asked for rezoning had the Bradley County Planning Commission not asked me to do so, said Larry Allen at the last Bradley County Commission meeting!”

We all know who is guiding the planning commission bypassing the local government……….you guessed it………the Chamber of Commerce……with its undying
sidekick the United Nations!

Have you wandered lately why there are so many bills, resolutions and treaties on behalf of the United Nations hitting Congress lately? Its because of a very sick arrangement the Chamber has with the UN! That is the Chamber who by the way made way to create the UN and the UN in like is exchanging favors and has given the Chamber of Commerce Chief Consultative Status, meaning that every new venture, treaty or evil plan the UN has for America, guess who gets to know about it first…..one guess……..yes, the Chamber of Commerce! The evil is now being realized and their wicked plot is now on display for all of America to grasp!


The Chamber of Commerce

It’s Power and Goals

By Erica Carle – October  2005
Most people, including Chamber Of Commerce members, would be astonished to learn the extent of power that organization exerts over international , national, state and local policies.

It is common knowledge that the Chamber has lobbyists in Washington and state legislatures, and that it is active in local communities. These activities are no secret. They can be noticed by the casual observer, and are expected by members. But there is a great deal more which must be understood in order to gain a concept of the real power of the Chamber of Commerce — not only over commerce, education, religion, technology, industry, agriculture, transportation, medicine, communication, labor and government.

To understand this power we have to look beyond the local communities to the Chamber’s national and international activities, and to Chamber ties with other organizations, both governmental and non-governmental.

The Chamber Is Many Organizations

The Chamber of Commerce is not one, but many organizations. There are local Chambers of Commerce in thousands of communities. These are blanketed by the United States Chamber of Commerce, and since 1920, an International Chamber of Commerce.

Once the United States Chamber of Commerce was set up, individual Chambers of Commerce all over the country were invited to join and allowed it to represent and inform them. Such invitations are usually eagerly accepted. No one likes to be left out, and most people like to feel they are part of a big, important group. Local Chambers joined, and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce leaders were able to claim the right to make policy for many individual Chambers.

Gaining Power

The U.S. Chamber leaders suggested they had answers to many problems, the most important being the final answer to the problem of war. There is an almost-universal yearning for peace, so that was taken as good news. The home town folks knew they could not solve the problem, or enforce a universal acceptance. How wonderful, they thought, to be associated with those who claimed they could. (It often seems that the farther away from home policies are set on difficult problems, the easier it is to assume that those who are making decisions have all the right answers.) Home town common sense was abandoned for the sake of an unsupported philosophical dream.

The leaders of the U.S. and International Chambers must have known, even as they made the promise, that they did not have the ability to deliver on it, but they also knew that the mere promise would give them a hold on the emotions of many members of local and national Chambers, and of others who believed in universal solutions.

Another problem Chamber leaders claimed to be able to solve was that of hunger and poverty worldwide. The Chamber had one answer to both problems: “rational” world trade. Allow the trade of the whole world to be carried on under the Chamber’s “rational” direction, rather than independently under the supervision of various governments; and the world’s two most pressing problems would be solved. Two slogans were popularized in order to gain backing for Chamber leadership: “World peace through world trade,” and “More business in government and less government in business.”

A New Organization

The Chamber sought to commercialize the world under its own direction. To do this it needed to find ways to affect and bypass operating policies of various states and nations. To change national policies, and even laws, required popular support and collective action. An new type of blanket organization was needed, one that could blanket not only governments, but professions, unions, educational institutions, farms, industries, sciences, religions and even families. An organization was sought which could bring about the cooperation and commercialization of all of these. A strong controllable international blanket organization was needed.

Coalition For Change

By the 1930’s plans for the new blanket organization to serve the Chamber’s purposes, the United Nations, were already well under way. The Chamber had the cooperation of tax-exempt foundations, some of which, such as the Carnegie Foundation for International Peace and the Rockefeller Foundation, had been set up early in the century. Large banks and trusts could see future profits for themselves if they cooperated with the Chamber; and the cooperation of international corporations was assumed, especially since Thomas J. Watson, President of International Business Machines (IBM) was President of the International Chamber of Commerce and a trustee of the Carnegie Foundation for International Peace. University cooperation was no problem because there were many close ties, financial and otherwise, between the above groups and universities such as Harvard, Columbia, etc. University policy planners, economists, and sociologists were also eager to extend their influences and enlarge their campuses.

Wartime Planning

World War II aided, rather than hindered efforts to establish a “national” international commercial system. Chamber representatives from countries on both sides met and planned throughout the war. They were deciding how the world’s resources ought to be controlled and divided after the shooting was over, and how to set up the United Nations. The United Nations organization could be used to gain governments’ compliance with the Chamber’s plans for a unified, controlled world economy, and also the cooperation of various non-governmental organizations.

The Organization Is Born

After the war was over, the system was ready to be put into operation. Through the efforts of the Chamber coalition the United Nations was born. And through the United Nations, the Chamber gained for the first time in history, a permanent vehicle for prescribing policy for governments. It is a crushing dominating type of power.

Economic And Social Council

How could the United Nations be used to increase Chamber of Commerce power and help the Chamber throw its blanket over other activities? It was done largely through what the Chamber regarded as the most important element in the United Nations Charter: the setting up of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). Such a council was the one thing that had been lacking in the old League of Nations. But when the United Nations was set up, the Economic and Social Council opened the way for the Chamber to have direct and continuous influence upon international affairs, even though it was a non-governmental organization. The Economic and Social Council was placed beside the Security Council. George L. Ridgeway said in his Merchants of Peace: “…The world of economic and social enlightenment beside the world of force…” The important thing about the Economic and Social Council was that it made provision to include representatives from non-governmental organizations in its discussions. The Chamber of Commerce was immediately included as one of the most important advisory organizations.

Chamber Power With ECOSOC

With the birth of the United Nations, the Chamber had a vehicle subject to its influence, which could gather under its blanket not only governmental, but all types of professional and other non-governmental organizations. This put the Chamber of Commerce at the center of policy making for every governmental and non-governmental organization that is in any way associated with, or dominated by the United Nations.

Including representatives from non-governmental organizations in its deliberations may seem on the surface to be a way for the Economic and Social Council to learn the needs and wishes of the people, and to allow them to participate in policymaking decisions., but this is not the case. What most people do not understand is that the United Nations is not an open forum, offering opportunities for unlimited discussion on public matters. It is a goal-centered vehicle, dedicated to accomplishing the purpose for which it was founded: that of putting control of all the world’s political, social and economic activities under one Chamber of Commerce-dominated blanket.

Goal-Centering Means Behavior Controlling

Because the United Nations is goal-centered, it is also a behavior controlling organization. Chamber coalition leaders know that those who set the goals for others control the behavior of others. Those who participate in the United Nations must support UN goals. Participants must dedicate themselves, their efforts, their personalities, and their resources to the United Nations. They must give up their individuality. The United Nations does not exist for the sake of individuals. From the United Nations point of view, individuals and groups exist for the sake of the United Nations. It is an organization of organizations, dealing only with groups. It works through groups – those groups which gain consultative status and which are recognized as worthy of participation in the Economic and Social Council.

Consultative Status

To gain consultative status with the Economic and Social Council organizations must:

1) Make application to the Economic and Social Council’s Committee on Non-governmental Organizations.
2) Be willing to submit reports on its own operations and activities to the Economic and Social Council on a regular basis.
3) Be eligible for one of the categories set up for participation.

Categories Of Participation

Non-governmental organizations having consultative status with the Economic and Social Council are divided into three classifications:

Category I is for those organizations, such as the International Chamber of Commerce, that are closely involved in the economic and social life of the areas they represent, and which are said to have marked and sustained contributions to make to the achievements and objectives of the United Nations.

Category II is for those organizations, internationally known, having special competence in and specifically concerned with only a few of the fields of activity covered by the Council.

The Roster is for those organizations able to make occasional and useful contributions to the Council’s work. In 1979, the most recent edition of the United Nations Yearbook which is available , 30 international organizations were listed in Category l; 206 organizations were listed in Category ll, and 357 organzations were on the Roster.

Organizations Included

Some of the organizations having status with the Economic and Social Council are organizations which have been in existence long before the United Nations was born. Others seem to have been concocted for the purpose of organizing people to serve the United Nations. The following were listed in 1979 in Category l, the most important Category: International Alliance of Women – Equal Rights, Equal Responsibilities; International Association of French-Speaking Parliamentarians, International Chamber of Commerce, International Confederation of Free Trade Unions; International Cooperative Alliance; International Council of Voluntary Agencies; International Council of Women; International Council on Social Welfare, International Federation of Agricultural Producers; International Federation of Business and Professional Women; International Organization for Standardization; International Organization of Consumers Unions; International Organization of Employers; International Planned Parenthood Federation; International Social Security Association; International Union of Local Authorities; International Youth and Student Movement for the United Nations; Inter-Parliamentary Union; League of Red Cross Societies; Muslim World League; Organization of African Trade Union Unity; United Towns Organization; Women’s International Democratic Federation; World Assembly of Youth; World Confederation of Labor; World Federation of Democratic Youth; World Federation of Trade Unions; World Federation of United Nations Associations; World Muslim Congress; World Veterans Federation.

Indirect Influence

One of the advantages the Chamber of Commerce is able to realize through United Nations is the advantage of anonymity. Policies it promotes do not have to bear the Chamber of Commerce label. They can be presented to governments as United Nations’ policies. When the United States and local Chambers of Commerce support these policies, few of the local Chambers or their members are aware of the vital links between the Chamber and the United Nations, or that much of the legislation United Nations representatives suggest to national and state legislatures was actually originally brought to the United Nations by the Chamber of Commerce. The steps in the process that can be followed are:

(1) Planners, perhaps at a university or Chamber-supported think tank, develop legislation.
(2) The Chamber of Commerce accepts the legislation as in keeping with its goals.
(3) The Chamber of Commerce suggests it to the Economic and Social Council.
(4) The Economic and Social Council promotes it through the United Nations.
(5) The United Nations pressures someone in each national or state government to introduce the legislation in that area’s legislature.
(6) The United States Chamber (and Chambers in other countries) suggest and/or pressure local Chambers to support the legislation.
(7) The National League of Cities, National Municipal League, U.S. Conference of Mayors, Association of Counties, National Governors’ Conference, International City Managers’ Association, Advisory Commission on Inter-Governmental Relations, Urban Action Clearinghouse, International Labor Organization, etc….add their weight.
(8) Local Chamber officials get instruction on how to “educate” their members to favor the policy or legislation.
(9) Chambers’ paid lobbyists pressure legislatures for passage.
(10) Local Chambers work in communities for more support.
(11) Federal legislation is passed.
(12) Enabling legislation at state and other levels is passed.

Few members of local Chambers are aware of any but the last three or four steps. Even among those who know that local Chambers take positions on legislation, there are few among the members who know what position the Chamber lobbyists actually take on specific legislation.

Chamber-Supported Legislation And Policies

The Chamber of Commerce and the Chamber coalition have supported much legislation which has not only been extremely costly, but which has served to transfer power, responsibility and resources from independent nations, local communities, local businesses, and private professions to the universal system coordinated by the Chamber of Commerce coalition. It has supported measures harmful to many of its own members. The following are some of the measures the Chamber of Commerce has supported to aid in the transfer of power from individuals and independent governments, groups, businesses and professions to the Chamber-advocated management system:

(1) Creation of the United Nations.
(2) Creation of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.
(3) Regional government or “New Federalism.”
(4) Medicare (Commercialization of medical professions.)
(5) Postal reorganization.
(6) Organized Crime Control Act.
(7) Contracting for school services with private industry.
(8) Voucher system for education.
(9) Management and human relations techniques for handling personnel in industry.
(10) Health care planning councils.
(11) Prepaid medical practice (HMOs).
(12) Federal land use planning.
(13) Federally-imposed career education.
(14) Equal Rights Amendment.
(15) Cross-town busing for desegregation.

These and many other measures have been, or will be, extremely costly. Yet, when the Chamber of Commerce calls for decreases in federal spending and speaks out about the costly federal bureaucracy, its sincerity is seldom questioned. Its goals and power are not well enough known and understood.

Use Of This Document

A single document, such as this, may not affect that Chamber of Commerce power, nor diminish the crushing effect of its system to a noticeable degree. But it may encourage some citizens, government officials, professionals, and perhaps even Chamber of Commerce members to look more closely, investigate more diligently, direct their own actions more intelligently, and respond more aggressively against efforts to diminish their personal responsibility and confound their independent judgment.

Major Sources:

Merchants of Peace – The History of the International Chamber of Commerce by George L. Ridgeway, Little Brown & Co., 1938, 1959.

Washington Report – Weekly newsletter published by the Chamber of Commerce of the United States. Issues from 1968-79. Think –

International Business Machines’ in-house publication. Issues from 1937-1970. The United Nations Yearbook, 1979

Additional sources:

Please visit http://www.newswithviews.com as often as possible for other interesting info.

© Erica Carle – All Rights Reserved

Governor Bill Haslam refuses to sign HJR 587- Anti Agenda 21 proposal

In Agenda 21, chamber of commerce on May 13, 2012 at 10:36 AM


BCN Note: Now you know where he stands! At least we can approach this with the knowledge that someone has gotten to him and he has been fed a load of jargon similar to what the Chamber of Commerce puts out and that it is a conspiracy. Agenda 21 is no conspiracy, no matter how convinced you are that it is. The interesting thing is although they call it a conspiracy they laud some of the programs within it! Go figure.

By Tom Humphrey
Published Saturday, May 12, 2012
NASHVILLE — Gov. Bill Haslam has declined to sign a resolution that denounces “the destructive and insidious nature of United Nations Agenda 21,” passed by Republican legislators over Democratic complaints that it buys into a bogus conspiracy theory.

The resolution, HJR587, was approved 72-23 in the House and by a 19-11 vote in the Senate.

“Resolutions are position statements by the General Assembly, not a law to be implemented,” said Haslam spokesman David Smith in an emailed response to a question. “The governor doesn’t support Agenda 21, but he didn’t feel compelled to and isn’t required to take any action on the resolution.”

“Some could construe the resolution as promoting a choice between business and the environment, which he thinks is a false choice,” Smith said.

Rep. Kevin Brooks, R-Cleveland, the lead sponsor of the Agenda 21 resolution said he was disappointed that Haslam had declined to join in showing his support for the measure.

“We would enjoy his signature and maybe we can find a way to see eye-to-eye on it in the future,” said Brooks. “I look forward to that discussion.”

Apparently, HJR587 is the first resolution Haslam had refused to sign, though Smith declined to confirm that is the case. WPLN radio said it has reviewed “hundreds” of resolutions and could not find one previously that the governor did not sign.

Resolutions have no legal effect and amount to statements of opinion by the Legislature. Governors may sign resolutions and, as a matter of courtesy, usually do so though no signature is required. Typical resolutions, for example, express condolences on the death of a constituent or praise for some accomplishment, such as a high school basketball team’s win in a tournament.

In the recently-completed legislative session, however, Republican lawmakers adopted several resolutions expressing politically-oriented viewpoints. But Haslam has signed them as well — examples including HJR614, which denounces U.S. Supreme Court decisions interpreting the Commerce Clause of the U.S. Constitution and HJR614, which criticizes President Obama and calls for repeal of “the indefinite detention bill” passed by Congress last year.

Brooks’ resolution declares that “United Nations Agenda 21 is a comprehensive plan of extreme environmentalism, social engineering, and global political control” adopted at a U.N. gathering in 1992 that “is being covertly pushed into local communities throughout the United States.”

The resolution was roundly criticized by some Democrats who said Agenda 21 has laudable goals of easing poverty and hunger. The resolution wildly exaggerates the import and effect of Agenda 21, which has never been accepted by the U.S. Congress.

“Children have imaginary friends; Republicans have imaginary enemies,” said House Democratic Caucus Chairman Mike Turner of Nashville after the House vote.

You know what to do! Give the Governor a call and tell him to sign! Nicely of course.

1st Floor, State Capitol
Nashville,  TN   37243   
Primary (615) 741-2001

ICLEI: Understanding the connection to Chattanooga, Bradley County and the UN

In Agenda 21, chamber of commerce, Government on November 22, 2011 at 9:19 AM

ICLEI-International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives
Link-(copy and paste in google or other)


ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability was founded in 1990 by local governments at the United Nations Headquarters in New York as the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI). ICLEI is a democratically governed membership association of cities, towns, counties, metropolitan governments, and local government associations. Its headquarter is located in Toronto, Canada.

The above information is directly from the http://www.UN.org website!

This information was not generated by me nor did I in anyway manipulate the material provided! This compiled information came straight from the source, the United Nations and ICLEI!

Bradley County, Mayors Tom Rowland and Gary Davis and 15 other counties in a 3 state region have joined with Chattanooga, Mayor Ron Littlefield(who are very supportive members of ICLEI and other NGOs Non Governmental Organizations), mainly the Chamber of Commerce who enjoys “chief consultative status” at the United Nations and are joining forces with the EPA, HUD and the DOT to enter into a full scale assault into our community with the Regional Growth Plan beginning January 2012!

This initiative is not understood by our Locally elected officials nor do they know what it is about but they are so willing to remain silent while the Federal grant money flows in! What a sad statement that we are selling our souls for grant money!

Our State Representatives Kevin Brooks, Eric Watson, Senator Mike Bell have the ability to stop this but to date have done nothing but make sure of it’s success!

Our Federal representatives Corker, Fleischmann, Haslam and Alexander have also remained mute! Perhaps the Chamber of Commerce has them tucked neatly into their pockets!

Our press is too lazy to investigate or put the pieces of the puzzle together for a hungry constituency and are probably willing participants in the scheme! Our failure to report this as a society is abominable and every person that ignores this repeated call should be outed and exposed!

The Mayors leaving our locally elected officials out of the loop was purposeful while they were being appointed to the boards of the very NGOs (Mayor Davis to the Southeast Regional Development council by Beth Jones and of course Mayor Rowland on TACIR which is our equivalent of ICLEI!) are implementing this disastrous and diabolical plan!

This blog is a little lengthy, especially the list of member cities and NGOs! Can you see an international plan being implemented? It is happening all around us for years, is now coming to a head and we are still unable to see the clear connection! So please read intently and ask your self these two questions 1) Am I a willing participant in this plan and is my silence allowing implementation? 2) if this is not an International United Nations all out assault on our nation and world, then what is it?

The information directly from the UNITED NATIONS website!
Link provided:  The game plan!


Title of programme: ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability
Organization: International Council for Local Environment Initiatives [ contact information ]
UN Environment Programme (UNEP) [ contact information ]
UN Human Settlements Programme (UNHABITAT) [ contact information ]
Geographic scope: Global
Expected timeframe: –
Description of initiative: The ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability is an international association of local governments implementing sustainable development. Its mission is to build and serve a worldwide movement of local governments to achieve tangible improvements in global sustainability with special focus on environmental conditions through cumulative local actions. More than 450 cities, towns, and their associations worldwide comprise ICLEI’s membership. Through its campaigns, ICLEI helps local government generate political awareness of key issues, and evaluate local and cumulative progress toward sustainable development. ICLEI serves as an information clearinghouse on sustainable development by providing policy guidance, training and technical assistance, and consultancy services to increase local governments’ capacity to address global challenges.
Programme website(s): http://www.iclei.org/about.htm
Target group: local government
Activity type: advisory service
information sharing
technology transfer
Areas of work: Analytical tools
Changing production patterns
Urban planning & transport
Energy efficiency & renewable energy

Who we are
More than 1126 local governments and their associations, representing over 500 million people in 70 countries, constitute ICLEI’s membership. As a democratic, membership-driven association, every Member has a vote at council meetings where the priorities and direction of the organization are determined.

Governed by the ICLEI Charter put in place by its founding Members, our mandate is to build an active and committed membership of local governments and local government associations.
The Council is the general assembly of ICLEI Members which is composed of Full Members. ICLEI also offers Associate Membership to non-governmental organizations, research institutions, state governments and other entities. The Council meets every three years on the occasion of an ICLEI World Congress. After the founding congress in New York, USA (1990), Council meetings were held in Toronto, Canada (1993), Saitama, Japan (1995), Dessau, Germany (2000), Athens, Greece (2003) and Cape Town, South Africa (2006). The Council elects the Executive Committee, approves the six-year Strategic Plan, which is updated every three years, and receives the Triennial Report. The Council also adopts a Declaration of Commitment, in support of the Strategic Plan.

This is a length read (64 pages directly from the UN website) for the sake if time look at page 62 item 52, “The local Agenda 21 survey” (google it)

“The plan will on regardless if we have local, state or federal approval says ICLEI Executive and Policy Assistant Susanne Salz, who also spoke at the Conference, said the reaction from communities in the US to the Kyoto Protocol provides a good example of how local players have the power to make changes. Despite the refusal of the US government to ratify the protocol, more than 1,000 mayors from across the country signed the pact to meet the protocol’s targets for greenhouse gas emissions; a 7 percent reduction by 2012 from 1990 levels.”

“We can get started without them [the federal governments],” she said.

“The government is beholden to this old paradigm – they withdraw their support from the industries and the businesses that can create green economies. But the cities are going to act anyway and create their own agenda.”

Miller said she is hopeful that governments will respond to the call; but, she notes, local communities will continue to make progress even if officials don’t.

“Even if that doesn’t happen, it [the push for sustainable development] will still be going forward with these local organizations and governments… so it doesn’t matter if it fails in a way, the movement will still be taking shape,” she affirmed.

This woman is a representative of ICLEI sending a very strong message with an extremely bleak outcome! YOU CAN’T STOP US, WE WILL GO AROUND YOU TO MAKE IT HAPPEN, just as they have in Bradley County

Link provided for above quotes from ICLEI!


Municipality of Buenos Aires
Municipality of La Plata
Municipality of Hrazdan
Adelaide City Council
Adelaide Hills Council
Albury City
Alexandrina Council
Alice Springs Town Council
Ararat Rural City Council
Ashfield Municipal Council
Auburn Council
Australian Capital Territory Government
Australian Local Government Association
Ballarat City Council
Bankstown City Council
Bass Coast Shire Council
Baw Baw Shire Council
Bega Valley Shire Council
Benalla Rural City Council
Berri Barmera Council
Blue Mountains City Council
Borough of Queenscliffe
Brisbane City Council
Burwood Council
Byron Shire Council
Cairns Regional Council
Campbelltown City Council
Campbelltown City Council
Canada Bay Council
Cardinia Shire Council
City of Boroondara
City of Brimbank
City of Bunbury
City of Burnside
City of Charles Sturt
City of Geraldton-Greenough
City of Gosnells
City of Greater Bendigo
City of Greater Geelong
City of Joondalup
City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder
City of Kingston
City of Lake Macquarie
City of Mandurah
City of Marion
City of Melbourne
City of Melville
City of Mitcham
City of Norwood Payneham & St Peters
City of Onkaparinga
City of Perth
City of Port Phillip
City of Rockingham
City of South Perth
City of Stirling
City of Subiaco
City of Sydney
City of Victor Harbor
City of West Torrens
City of Whitehorse
City of Whittlesea
City of Wodonga
City of Yarra
Clarence City Council
Clarence Valley Council
Colac Otway Shire Council
Darwin City Council
Devonport City Council
District Council of Mount Barker
District Council of the Copper Coast
East Gippsland Shire Council
Frankston City Council
Fraser Coast Regional Council
Gold Coast City Council
Gosford City Council
Greater Shepparton City Council
Hobart City Council
Hobsons Bay City Shire Council
Holroyd City Council
Hunter’s Hill Council
Indigo Shire Council
Knox City Council
Kogarah Council
Larry Quick (Associate Member)
Leichhardt Municipal Council
Lismore City Council
Liverpool City Council
Macedon Ranges Shire Council
Manly Council
Manningham City Council
Marrickville Council
Mike Galea (EnvironArc Pty Ltd)
Mildura Rural City Council
Moira Shire Council
Monash City Council
Moonee Valley City Council
Moorabool Shire Council
Moreland City Council
Mornington Peninsula Shire
Mosman Municipal Council
Mount Alexander Shire Council
Murrindindi Shire Council
Nillumbik Shire Council
North Sydney Council
Palerang Council
Parramatta City Council
Penrith City Council
Rural City of Wangaratta
Shellharbour City Council
Shire of Augusta-Margaret River
Shire of Busselton
Snowy River Shire Council
Strathbogie Shire Council
Sunshine Coast Regional Council
Sutherland Shire Council
Swan Hill Rural City Council
Tablelands Regional Council
The Barossa Council
The City of Unley
The Shire of Peppermint Grove
Toowoomba Regional Council
Town of Cambridge
Town of Kwinana
Town of Vincent
Townsville City Council
Warringah Council
Warrnambool City Council
West Wimmera Shire Council
Willoughby City Council
Wyndham City Council
Magistrat der Stadt Linz
Stadt Innsbruck
Umweltverband Vorarlberg
Rajshahi City Corporation
City of Dhaka
Région de Bruxelles-Capitale
VODO-Vlaams Overleg Duurzame Ontwikkeling vzw (Associate Member)
Van Hoof, Veronique (Associate Member)
Phuentsholing City Corporation
Thimphu City Corporation
Municipality of Santisima Trinidad
Botswana Association of Local Authorities
Alta Floresta
Belo Horizonte
City Council of Lucas do Rio Verde
Institute for Research, Administration and Planning of São José dos Campos (IPPLAN) (Associate Member)
Porto Alegre
Rio de Janeiro
Santa Maria
Santo André
São Carlos
São João de Meriti
São Paulo (Municipality)
State of Minas Gerais (Associate Member)
State of São Paulo (Associate Member)
Volta Redonda
Municipality of Burgas
City of Yokadouma
Fongo-Tongo Municipality, Cameroon
Menji Municipality
Annapolis Royal
Campbell River
City of Calgary
City of Edmonton
City of Greater Sudbury
City of Guelph
City of Hamilton
City of Kitchener
City of Mississauga
City of Ottawa
City of Regina
City of Toronto
City of Vancouver
Dawson Creek
Durham Region
Federation of Canadian Municipalities
Fort St. John
Halton Hills
Metro Vancouver
Red Deer
Region of York
The Blue Mountains
The Corporation of Delta
Town of Oakville
Ville de Montréal
Municipality of Chillan
Municipality of Ñuñoa
Municipality of Tome
Shenyang, China
Chinese Taipei
Chia-Yi County
Pingtung County
Taichung City
Taipei City
New Taipei City Government
Taiwan Environmental Action Network (Associate Member)
Taoyuan County
Yilan County Government
Yunlin County Government
Municipality of Bogotá
Municipality of Manizales
City of Koprivnica
City of Zagreb
Primorsko-goranska County
Nicosia Turkish Cypriote Community
Czech Republic
City of Krnov
Albertslund Kommune
Ballerup Kommune
City of Aalborg
City of Copenhagen
Kolding Kommune
National Procurement Ltd.- Denmark (Associate Member)
Municipality of Quito
City of Tartu
Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities
City of Espoo
City of Hämeenlinna
City of Helsinki
City of Jyväskylä
City of Kouvola
City of Kuopio
City of Lahti
City of Oulu
City of Pori
City of Riihimäki
City of Tampere
City of Turku
City of Vantaa
Mariehamns Stad
Town of Jakobstad
Communauté Urbaine de Dunkerque
Communauté Urbaine du Grand Nancy
Communauté Urbaine de Strasbourg
Lille Métropole Communauté Urbaine
Nantes Métropole
Ville d’Angers
Ville de Bordeaux
Ville de Cluses
Ville de Coudekerque-Branche
Ville de Grande-Synthe
Ville d’Hondschoote
Ville de Saint-Denis
Ville de Sanary-sur-Mer
City of Tbilisi
Freie Hansestadt Bremen
Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg
Landeshauptstadt Dresden
Landeshauptstadt Hannover
Landkreis Nordhausen
Stadt Augsburg
Stadt Beckum
Stadt Bietigheim-Bissingen
Stadt Bonn
Stadt Bottrop
Stadt Freiburg
Stadt Heidelberg
Stadt Kaufbeuren
Stadt Ludwigsburg
Stadt Münster
Stadt Oranienburg
Stadt Viernheim
Stadt Wedel
National Association of Local Authorities of Ghana (NALAG)
Coalition of 21 Municipalities of N.E. Athens
Municipality of Amaroussion
Municipality of Trikala
Center for Environmental Studies Foundation (Associate Member)
City of Budapest
City of Miskolc
Municipality of Tatabánya
City of Reykjavik
Abhijit Sarkar (Associate Member)
Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation
All India Institute of Local Self Governance
Bhavnagar Municipal Corporation
Bhopal Municipal Corporation
Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation
Chandrapur Municipal Council
CMAG (Associate Member)
Coimbatore Municipal Corporation
Emaar MGF (Associate Member)
Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation
Greater Mumbai Municipal Corporation
Guntur Municipal Corporation
Gurgaon Municipal Corporation
Guwahati Municipal Corporation
Gwalior Municipal Corporation
Howrah Municipal Corporation
Jabalpur Municipal Corporation
Jamnagar Municipal Corporation
Kalyan Dombivli Municipal Corporation
Kolhapur Municipal Corporation
Kurunegala Municipal Corporation
Madurai Municipal Corporation
Manish Vaidya (Associate Member)
Municipal Corporation of Delhi
Mysore Municipal Corporation
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
National Institute of Urban Affairs (Associate Member)
Parsvnath Developers Ltd (Associate Member)
Pune Municipal Corporation
Rajahmundry Municipal Corporation
Rajkot Municipal Corporation
Shimla Municipal Corporation
Surat Municipal Corporation
Tenali Municipality
Thane Municipal Corporation
Tiruchirappalli Municipal Corporation
Titupati Municipal Corporation
Vadodara Municipal Corporation
Vijayawada Municipal Corporation
Vishakhapatnam Municipal Corporation
Balikpapan, Indonesia
Bogor, Indonesia
Cilegon, Indonesia
Medan, Indonesia
Semarang, Indonesia
Surabaya, Indonesia
Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Dublin City Council
Municipality of Raanana
Agenzia InnovA21 per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile (Associate Member)
Cernusco sul Naviglio local government
Comune di Ancona
Comune di Bologna
Comune di Cesena
Comune di Livorno
Comune di Roma
Comune di Rosignano Marittimo
Comune di Vignola
Coordinamento Agende 21 Locali Italiane
Provincia di Rimini
Provincia di Siena
Aichi Prefecture
Fujisawa City
Hiroshima City
Iida City
Itabashi City
Kanagawa Prefecture
Kawasaki City
Kitakyushu City
Kobe City
Kumamoto City
Kyoto City
Musashino City
Nagoya City
Okayama City
Sapporo City
Sendai City
Sumida City
Tokubetsukukyogikai (Council of Wards in Tokyo)
Tokyo Metropolitan Government
Ube City
Yamanashi Prefecture
Municipal Council of Nakuru
Municipal Council of Vihiga, Kenya
City of Jurmala
Riga City Council
Moka Flacq District Council
Municipal Council of Port Louis
Pamplemousses and Riviere du Rempart District Council
Association of Municipalities of Mexico (AMMAC) (Associate Member)
Centro (Villahermosa)
Ciudad Valles
Cuautitlán Izcalli
Distrito Federal (Mexico City)
Ecatepec de Morelos
Miguel Hidalgo
San Miguel de Allende
San Nicolás de los Garza
Solidaridad (Playa del Carmen)
Veracruz (Associate Member)
Zacatecas (Associate Member)
Lichinga City Municipality
Municipality of Swakopmund
Municipality of Walvis Bay
City of Windhoek
Hetauda Municipality
Kathmandu Metropolitan City
Lalitpur Sub Metropolitan City Office
Municipal Association of Nepal
Pokhara Sub Metropolitan city
RADP (Associate Member)
City of Amsterdam
City of Rotterdam
Gemeente Haarlem
Gemeente Tilburg
VNG-Vereniging van Nederlandse Gemeenten
New Zealand
Christchurch City Council
Dunedin City Council
Hamilton City Council
Kaikoura District Council
Kapiti Coast District Council
New Plymouth District Council
Palmerston North City Council
Porirua City Council
Rodney District Council
South Wairarapa District Council
Waikato Regional Council
Waitakere City Council
Ido Local Government
Niger Delta Environmental Surveillance Agency
Arendal Kommune
Bodø Kommune
City of Bergen
City of Oslo
Drammen Kommune
Kristiansand Kommune
KS-Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities
Lillehammer Kommune
Lørenskog kommune
Porsgrunn kommune
Stavanger kommune
Stiftelsen Idébanken (Associate Member)
Tingvoll Kommune
Municipality of Ate
Municipality of Cajamarca
Baguio City, Philippines
Batangas City, Philippines
Bohol Province, Philippines
Municipality of Calbiga, Philippines
Dagupan City, Philippines
General Santos City, Philippines
Iloilo City, Philippines
League of Cities of the Philippines
Linamon, Lanao del Norte, Philippines
Lubang Municipality
Makati City, Philippines
Muntinlupa City, Philippines
Naga City, Philippines
Puerto Princesa City, Philippines
Quezon City, Philippines
San Fernando City, La Union, Philippines
Science City of Munoz, Phillipines
Tubigon, Philippines
Tuguegarao City, Philippines
City of Katowice
PSWE-Pomorskie Stowarzyszenie Wspólna Europa (Associate Member)
Câmara Municipal de Agueda
Câmara Municipal de Cascais
Câmara Municipal de Oeiras
Câmara Municipal de Torres Vedras
Câmara Municipal de Almada
Junta de Freguesia de Agualva
Republic of Korea
Ansan City
Buchen City
Busan Metropolitan City
Changwon City
ChejuMBC (Associate Member)
Cho, Jung Woong (Associate Member)
Chungcheongnam Province
Daegu Metropolitan City
DaeKyung Engineering Co.
Damyang County
Dongseo Turism Inc. (Associate Member)
Gangwon Province
Gapyeong County
Geumsan County
Gumi City
Gwacheon City
Gwangju Metropolitan City
Gyeonggi Province
Gyeongsangnam Province
Hadong County
Hallailbo (Associate Member)
HanmiParsons Co (Associate Member)
Hoengseong Gun
Hwaseong City
Hyun, Hak Soon (Associate Member)
Incheon Metropolitan City
Issac Holdings (Associate Member)
Jeju Academic Society of Tourisom (Associate Member)
Jeju City
Jeju Development Institution (Associate Member)
Jeju Gymnyeong Mazepark (Associate Member)
Jeju Special Self-Governing Province
Jeongseon Gun
Jeonju City
Kim, Wang Sik (Associate Member)
Namyangju City
National Environment Technology Coperation (Associate Member)
Oreum Partners Co. (Associate Member)
Prof. OH Youn-keun (Associate Member)
Pyeongchang Gun
Seongnam City
Seo Min Hye (Associate Member)
Seoul Metropolitan City
Suncheon City
Suwon City
Ulsan Metropolitan City
Wonju City
Yangpyeong Gun
Yeosu City
Yong-in City
City of Baia Mare
City of Giurgiu
Municipality of Odorheiu Secuiesc
Municipality of Orastie
Municipality of Pitesti
Selenyi Kirov (Associate Member)
Municipality of Nioro du Rip
CEDEF-Central European Development Forum (Associate Member)
Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities of Serbia
South Africa
Beaufort West City
Buffalo City Municipality
Cape Winelands District Municipality
Capricorn District Municipality
City of Cape Town
City of Johannesburg
City of Tshwane
Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality
eThekwini Municipality
Mangaung Municipality
Motheo District Municipality
North- West University, Centre for Environmental Management (Potchefstroon campus)
Pauline Froschauer (Associate Member)
Sedibeng Municipality
Sol Plaatje Municipality
Steve Tshwete Local Municipality
uMhlathuze Municipality
Tlokwe City Council
Water Research Commission (Associate Member)
Ajuntament de Barcelona
Ajuntament de Calvià
Ajuntament de Lloret de Mar
Ajuntament de Reus
Ajuntament del Prat de Llobregat
Ayuntamiento del Real Sitio de San Ildefonso
Ayuntamiento de Alcoi
Ayuntamiento de Rivas-Vaciamadrid
Ayuntamiento de San Sebastián de La Gomera
Ayuntamiento de Santa Úrsula
Ayuntamiento de Tarragona
Ayuntamiento de Teulada
Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza
Concello de Culleredo
Diputació de Barcelona
Las Rozas de Madrid
Mancomunidad Intermunicipal del Sureste de Gran Canaria
Red de Municipios Valencianos hacia la Sostenibilidad
Red Navarra de Entidades Locales hacia la Sostenibilidad
UDALSAREA 21 – Red Vasca de Municipios hacia la Sostenibilidad
Vitoria Gasteiz
Sri Lanka
Kandy Municipal Council
Matale Municipal Council
City of Göteborg
City of Malmö
City of Stockholm
City of Sundsvall
Helsingborgs Stad
Laholms kommun
Linköpings kommun
Miljöstyrningsrådet (Associate Member)
Municipality of Växjö
Örebro kommun
TCO Development (Associate Member)
IGÖB-Interessengemeinschaft ökologische Beschaffung (Associate Member)
Kanton Basel-Stadt
Stadt Zürich
Ville de Genève
Arusha Municipal Council
Dar es Salaam
Geita District Council
Moshi Municipal Council
Bangkok Metropolitan Administration, Thailand
Muangklang, Thailand
Phuket, Thailand
SatekSolar (Associate Member)
Sisli Belediyesi
Jinja Municipal Council
Kasese District Local Government,Uganda
City of Odessa
Municipality of Nikolaev
United Kingdom
Birmingham City Council
Bristol City Council
City of Glasgow
Craigavon Borough Council
Greater London Authority
Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council
Leicester City Council
Newcastle City Council
Woking Borough Council
Municipality of Montevideo
United States of America
Abingdon, VA
Acton, MA
Akron, OH
Alachua County, FL
Albany, NY
Alexandria, VA
Algonquin, IL
Allegheny County, PA
Alliance, OH
American Canyon, CA
Amherst, MA
Ann Arbor, MI
Antioch, CA
Arlington County, VA
Arroyo Grande, CA
Arvada, CO
Ashland, OR
Aspen, CO
Atascadero, CA
Athens-Clarke County, GA
Athens, OH
Atlanta, GA
Auburn, MA
Auburn, WA
Austin, TX
Ayer, MA
Babylon, NY
Bainbridge Island, WA
Barnstable, MA
Beaverton, OR
Bedford, NY
Belfast, ME
Bellevue, WA
Bellingham, WA
Belmar, NJ
Belmont, MA
Belvedere, CA
Benicia, CA
Berea, KY
Berkeley, CA
Beverly Hills, CA
Binghamton, NY
Blacksburg, VA
Blaine County, ID
Bloomington, IN
Blue Earth County, MN
Boston, MA
Bothell, WA
Boulder, CO
Bowie, MD
Boynton Beach, FL
Bozeman, MT
Branford, CT
Breckenridge, CO
Bridgeport, CT
Brighton, NY
Brookfield, IL
Brookhaven, NY
Brookline, MA
Broward County, FL
Bryan, TX
Burlingame, CA
Burlington, VT
Calistoga, CA
Cambridge, MA
Carmel, IN
Carpinteria, CA
Carrboro, NC
Carver, MA
Cary, NC
Champaign, IL
Chandler, AZ
Chapel Hill, NC
Charleston, SC
Charlotte, NC
Charlottesville, VA
Chatham County, GA
Chatham County, NC
Chatham, NY
Chelmsford, MA
Chevy Chase, MD
Chicago, IL
Chula Vista, CA
Cimarron, NM
Cincinnati, OH
Clackamas County, OR
Clallam County, WA
Clark County, NV
Clarkstown, NY
Clayton, MO
Cleveland, OH
Clifton, NJ
Cloverdale, CA
Coconut Creek, MD
College Park, MD
College Station, TX
Collier County, FL
Columbia, MO
Columbia, SC
Commerce City, MD
Concord, CA
Concord, MA
Cookeville, TN
Cooperstown, NY
Coppell, TX
Cortlandt, NY
Corvallis, OR
Covina, CA
Coupeville, WA
Cranberry Township, PA
Creve Coeur, MO
Croton on Hudson, NY
Culver City, CA
Cupertino, CA
Cutler Bay, FL
Dallas, TX
Dane County, WI
Davie, FL
Davis, CA
Dearborn, MI
Decatur, GA
Decorah, IA
Dedham, MA
Del Mar, CA
Delray Beach, FL
Denton, TX
Denver, CO
Devens, MA
DeWitt, NY
Dixon, CA
Dobbs Ferry, NY
Dryden, NY
Duarte, CA
Dublin, CA
Dubuque, IA
Duluth, MN
Dumfries, VA
Durango, CO
Durham, NC
East Palo Alto, CA
East Whiteland Township, PA
Eastchester, NY
Edina, MN
Edinburg, TX
Edmonds, WA
Edwardsville, IL
El Cerrito, CA
El Paso, TX
Elmhurst, IL
Emeryville, CA
Encinitas, CA
Essex, CT
Eugene, OR
Everett, WA
Fairbanks North Star Borough, AK
Fairfax, CA
Fairfield, IA
Fairfield, CA
Fairmont, WV
Falls Church, VA
Falls, PA
Falmouth, ME
Fayetteville, AR
Fayetteville, WV
Ferndale, MI
Fitchburg, WI
Flagstaff, AZ
Flint, MI
Fort Collins, CO
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Foster City, CA
Frankfort, KY
Franklin, TN
Fremont, CA
Fullerton, CA
Gainesville, FL
Gaithersburg, MD
Gatlinburg, TN
Geneva, NY
Glendale, CA
Golden Valley, MN
Golden, CO
Goodyear, AZ
Grand Forks, ND
Grand Rapids, MI
Grapevine, TX
Greenbelt, MD
Greenburgh, NY
Greenfield. MA
Greenville, SC
Groton, CT
Gunnison County, CO
Hailey, ID
Hamilton County, TN
Hamilton, NJ
Harrisonburg, VA
Hastings on Hudson, NY
Haverford, PA
Hawaii County, HI
Hayward, CA
Helena, MT
Henderson, NV
Hennepin County, MN
Hermosa Beach, CA
Hillsboro, OR
Hillsborough, CA
Hingham, MA
Homer, AK
Houston, TX
Howard County, MD
Howard, WI
Humboldt County, CA
Hunter, NY
Huntington, NY
Huntsville, AL
Hyattsville, MD
Inglewood, CA
Iowa City, IA
Ipswich, MA
Irvine, CA
Irving, TX
Issaquah, WA
Ithaca (City), NY
Ithaca (Town), NY
James City County, VA
Johnson County, IA
Johnson County, KS
Juneau, AK
Kansas City, MO
Keene, NH
Key West, FL
King County, WA
Kingston, MA
Kirkland, WA
Kirkwood, MO
La Grange Park, IL
La Mirada, CA
La Plata County, CO
Lacey, WA
Lafayette, CA
Lake Elsinore, CA
Lake Forest, IL
Lake Oswego, OR
Lake Worth, FL
Lakewood, CA
Larchmont, NY
Las Cruces, NM
Las Vegas, NV
Lawrence, KS
Lee County, FL
Lee’s Summit, MO
Leon County, FL
Lewes, DE
Lexington-Fayette County, KY
Lexington, VA
Lincoln City, OR
Livermore, CA
Lomita, CA
Los Alamos County, NM
Los Altos, CA
Los Altos Hills, CA
Los Angeles County, CA
Los Gatos, CA
Loudoun County, VA
Loveland, CO
Lowell, MA
Lower Southampton, PA
Lynchburg, VA
Lynnwood, WA
Madison, WI
Mahtomedi, MN
Maitland, FL
Mamaroneck (Town), NY
Mamaroneck (Village), NY
Manitou Springs, CO
Mankato, MN
Maplewood, NJ
Marathon, FL
Maricopa County, AZ
Marlboro, NJ
Marshfield, MA
Marshfield, WI
Martinez, CA
McMinnville, OR
Meadville, PA
Medford, MA
Mendocino County, CA
Menlo Park, CA
Merced, CA
Mercer Island, WA
Miami Gardens, FL
Miami, FL
Miami-Dade County, FL
Middletown, PA
Mill Valley, CA
Millbrae, CA
Milpitas, CA
Milton, MA
Milwaukee, WI
Milwaukie, OR
Minneapolis, MN
Mission, KS
Missoula, MT
Monmouth County, NJ
Monroe County, FL
Monterey, CA
Montgomery Township, PA
Moorpark, CA
Moraga, CA
Mount Kisco, NY
Mountain View, CA
Mt. Lebanon, PA
Muncie, IN
Murrieta, CA
Nantucket, MA
Napa County, CA
Napa, CA
Narberth, PA
Nashua, NH
Nashville, TN
National City, CA
Nether Providence, PA
New Brunswick, NJ
New Castle, NY
New Haven, CT
New London, CT
New Orleans, LA
New Paltz (Town), NY
New Rochelle, NY
New York, NY
Newark, CA
Newark, NJ
Norfolk, VA
North Andover, MA
North Castle, NY
North Hempstead, NY
North Las Vegas, NV
North Liberty, IA
North Little Rock, AR
North Miami, FL
Northampton, MA
Northbrook, IL
Novato, CA
Oak Harbor, WA
Oak Park, IL
Oak Ridge, TN
Oakdale, MN
Oakland, CA
Oakley, CA
Oberlin, OH
Ogdensburg, NY
Olympia, WA
Omaha, NE
Onondaga County, NY
Orange County, FL
Orange County, NC
Orangetown, NY
Orinda, CA
Orlando, FL
Ormond Beach, FL
Oshkosh, WI
Ossining (Town), NY
Ossining (Village), NY
Oswego, IL
Oxford, OH
Pacifica, CA
Palm Bay, FL
Palm Beach County, FL
Palm Springs, CA
Palmdale, CA
Palo Alto, CA
Park City, UT
Parlier, CA
Passaic County, NJ
Peekskill, NY
Penn Hills, PA
Peoria, AZ
Philadelphia, PA
Phoenix, AZ
Pinecrest, FL
Pinellas County, FL
Pittsburg, CA
Pittsburgh, PA
Plantation, FL
Port Townsend, WA
Portland, ME
Portland, OR
Portola Valley, CA
Portsmouth, NH
Pound Ridge, NY
Prairie Village, KS
Prince George’s County, MD
Providence, RI
Pulaski County, AR
Queen Anne’s County, MD
Quincy, MA
Radnor, PA
Raleigh, NC
Rancho Cucamonga, CA
Redmond, WA
Redwood City, CA
Renton, WA
Richardson, TX
Richmond, VA
Richmond Heights, MO
Ridgefield, CT
Riverside, CA
Riverside, MO
Roanoke County, VA
Roanoke, VA
Rochester, MN
Rochester, NY
Rock Island, IL
Rockford, IL
Rockville, MD
Rolling Hills Estates, CA
Rolling Hills, CA
Rosendale, NY
Roseville, MN
Rye, NY
Sacramento County, CA
Saint George, UT
Saint Louis County, MO
Saint Louis, MO
Saint Paul, MN
Salem, MA
Salinas, CA
Salisbury, MD
Salt Lake City, UT
San Antonio, TX
San Bruno, CA
San Buenaventura (Ventura), CA
San Clemente, CA
San Diego, CA
San Francisco, CA
San Jose, CA
San Leandro, CA
San Luis Obispo, CA
San Mateo County, CA
San Mateo, CA
San Miguel County, CO
San Pablo, CA
San Rafael, CA
San Ramon, CA
Santa Ana, CA
Santa Barbara County, CA
Santa Barbara, CA
Santa Clara, CA
Santa Clarita, CA
Santa Cruz, CA
Santa Fe, NM
Santa Monica, CA
Santa Rosa, CA
Sarasota, FL
Saratoga Springs, NY
Saugerties, NY
Savannah, GA
Seaside, CA
SeaTac, WA
Seattle, WA
Seminole County, FL
Sequim, WA
Sequim, WA
Shoreline, WA
Sierra Madre, CA
Signal Mountain, TN
Silver City, NM
Sioux Falls, SD
Sitka, AK
Skagit County, WA
Snohomish County, WA
Solana Beach, CA
Solano County, CA
Somers, NY
Somerset County, NJ
Sonoma City, CA
Sonoma County, CA
South Bend, IN
South Burlington, VT
South Daytona, FL
South Gate, CA
South Miami, FL
South Padre Island, TX
South Portland, ME
Spartanburg, SC
Spokane, WA
Springfield, IL
St. Lawrence County, NY
Stamford, CT
Staunton, VA
Stockton, CA
Stonington, CT
Sullivan County, NY
Summit County, UT
Sunnyvale, CA
Syracuse, NY
Tacoma, WA
Takoma Park, MD
Tallahassee, FL
Tamarac, FL
Tampa, FL
Taos, NM
Tarrytown, NY
Temecula, CA
Tempe, AZ
Tewksbury, MA
Texarkana, TX
Thurston County, WA
Tiburon, CA
Tompkins County, NY
Town and Country, MO
Tracy, CA
Traverse City, MI
Tuckahoe, NY
Tucson, AZ
Tulsa, OK
Tumwater, WA
Tybee Island, GA
Tyngsborough, MA
Union City, CA
University City, MO
Urbana, IL
Vacaville, CA
Vallejo, CA
Ventura County, CA
Victor, NY
Virginia, MN
Visalia, CA
Vista, CA
Volusia County, FL
Warwick Township
Washington, DC
Washoe County, NV
Wellesley, MA
West Chester, PA
West Palm Beach, FL
West Sacramento, CA
West Windsor, NJ
Westchester County, NY
Whatcom County, WA
Williamstown, MA
Willits, CA
Wilton, CT
Winchester, MA
Windsor, CA
Windsor, CT
Winston-Salem, NC
Wolfeboro, NH
Woodside, CA
Woodstock, NY
Worcester, MA
Wyandotte County/Kansas City, KS
Yarmouth, ME
Yonkers, NY
York, ME
Youngstown, OH
Yountville, CA
Chongwe District Council
Chinhoyi Municipality
City Kadoma
City of Bulawayo
City of Gweru
MDPESA – Munipal Development Partner for Eastern and Southern Africa (Associate Member)
Municipality of Chegutu
Mutare City Council
Rusape Town Council
Ruwa Local Board

U.S. Chamber of Commerce and large corporations dictating agenda for 112th Congress

In chamber of commerce on October 5, 2011 at 4:31 PM

U.S. Chamber’s Agenda
Echo Chamber: How the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s Top Corporate Funders Dictate the Agenda for the 112th Congress

We are seeing the country being run by large corporations and their representatives the Chamber of Commerce! With them being the number one lobbyist spending near 150 million last year on essentially paying people off it is no wander our country and it’s sovereignty are almost gone! The Chamber and it’s allowed influence over our towns and nations is stifling the economy and is leading us definitely in the wrong direction! Influencing elections and dictating agendas for Congress, please where is our representation in Washington? Who is going to stand in the gap for us if our elected officials are being bought and paid for by the Chamber of Commerce and it’s minions? Something has got to give! Information must get out to the “naive” public! Please read this article and you may have to go to the site to read the full article, which I highly recommend! You can go to Chamber Watch at http://www.fixtheuschamber.com

In the upcoming days, the Republican leadership will produce its legislative agenda for the 112th Congress, an agenda they’ve already started planning. It wasn’t hard for them to create this agenda: the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which pledged to spend more than $75 million in anonymous corporate money to influence this fall’s elections, provided an agenda for them, driven by and for the sixteen companies that provide more than half of the U.S. Chamber’s contributions. The U.S. Chamber has already developed the talking points and plans to implement that agenda. Now that its election war chest has rented it a Congress, look for an agenda from the newly minted Republican-led House that reflects the U.S. Chamber’s priorities – which in turn reflect the interests of the member corporations that make the largest contributions to the Chamber’s coffers.

The bottom line: the handful of corporations that secretly fund the U.S. Chamber of Commerce are influencing national policy, and spent millions of dollars to elect congress members that will pursue their agenda. Here are the top five priorities the U.S. Chamber’s corporate Congress can be expected to pursue.

H.R. 1: The Extension of the Bush Tax Cuts: Keeping Corporate CEOs Rich
H.R. 2: “Personalize” Social Security: Putting Earned Income Programs at Risk to Pay for Bush Tax Cuts
H.R. 3: Repeal/Weaken the Affordable Care Act: Protect Insurance Companies
H.R. 4: Protect Tax Benefits for Outsourcers: Keep Jobs Overseas
H.R. 5: Gutting the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau: Choosing Big Banks on Wall Street over Small Business and the Rest of Us

Chamber Watch for more detailed reports, very informative

Chamber of Commerce uniting with Unitied Nations to implement Agenda 21 in Bradley County

In Agenda 21, chamber of commerce on October 3, 2011 at 6:24 AM

I am going to place a scenario to you and I am going to encourage you to look up the information I have provided, do your own research and hopefully with my assistance, you come to the same conclusion.

You can come to the end of your research and decide for your self, that you do not agree with me, that is ok! You and I will disagree and go our separate ways and I will be comforted that you have seen the truth and you have shown the facts. I am OK with that, I do not have the ego that needs to have everyone agree with me!

I recently had the pleasure of hearing our Chamber of Commerce President Gary Farlow at a Commission meeting recently describe how he has been disrespected by many in the community!

For whatever reason, he chose to make this an issue in a public forum!

One thing he said was that he was aware that we have a Constitiutional, 1st Amendment right to speak as we want! He also offered “ you wanna talk about disrespected? I have been told I was going to take away someones child, I have been called a Communist, a Socialist and part of an International body that is going to take over the world, Do you know how many times I have been called a communist? End of his sentence!

I have addressed several articles in this venue that have called the actions of NGOs (Non Governmental Organizations) communistic or socialistic in nature, but where did he get that someone is calling him those names or particularly him in that nature?

I would say perhaps his close association to a Communist, Socialist organization like the United Nations prompted this dialogue with the Bradley County Commissioners!

Maybe you didnt catch the intent of that last paragraph but let me rephrase.

The Chamber of Commerce in Bradley County is closely associated with Communists, Socialist and the United Nations even while Mr Farlow attempts to dispel it!

Remember just a few short months ago when I stood in the Bradley County Commission room and stated that Agenda 21 is being fulfilled in this county and its influence on our town is driving the policy in this County? The Growth Plan, The COC, the Educational system were all enablers of this huge scheme and we are falling into the hands and influence of the United Nations?

Remember? I was even mocked in the local papers, even a phone call was made to the UN about claims that citizens were accusing the UN of being involved in Bradley County and a write up discounting our towns involvement in Agenda 21?

Now, we have gone from not even believing or knowing about Agenda 21 and the United Nations to concerned citizens and government officials telling me “I acknowledge the United Nations exists, I have read about Agenda 21, now can you tell me how it is going to affect us locally. Local citizens are speaking up in public forums because they believe their civil and personal rights are being taken away by many in our elected offices by the United Nation through the Chamber of Commerce.

Conspiracy was the tone when they would half heartedly research the subject. “you would be much more effective in getting the word out if you didnt bring up that Agenda 21 crap” as one Commissioner told me. Now we are consumed by it and everyone is asking me how to get rid of it!

All the while, tons of information on this subject are on the internet and even on the UN website and easily accessible.

I have taken the time to research it and display it here for you. I have done this because you wanted the “proof!” You wanted to know that if it existed then where is it?

Well sit right back, pull your computer close and give your kids a hug because our county as you know it is about to change forever.

This may be your first trip down this road and I will be gentle, slow and deliberate. I realize that much of this may be hard to swallow, but please before you tune me out, at least look at the facts I have presented and again dont believe me, I want you to do most of the visual hands on work then let me know what you think, using your own brain to make any conclusion you want.

First step! Get on the http://www.un.org website and look around!

Put in some key words, any words you like in the upper right hand of that page. Put in Chamber of Commerce, more particularly International Chamber of Commerce, World Chamber of Commerce, US Chamber of Commerce, NGO, Chamber Consultative status, Chamber of Commerce RIO+20, Sustainability, Agenda 21, any word you want!

Even put your own name in there, I discourage that, you may get a call in the morning from the UN or the Chamber chastising you for daring research this subject and exposing all the lies. That was a joke!

Secondly, as you scroll around look for key words, you soon begin to realize and ask your self why are all these things on the UN website? Then through normal deduction you begin to realize that all this stuff I have been hearing about is really on there and is originating from within the United Nations. All those “conspiracies” start to reveal themselves with facts and truths! How can a conspiracy be real? Right? Why does one agency have all these printed articles on their website and is true!

Third, now you have started to become a little bit less skeptical, on this same website go to the International Chamber website at http://www.iccwbo.org/id93/index.html, remember this is not my website this is the Chambers international website and look how clever the two C’s have the United Nations world globes in them. Cute huh? That is their marketing person not me. Remember, I don’t want you to believe me, I want you to see it your self……read on!

The natural flow of this organization down to us goes like this; United Nations, DESA, World Chamber of Commerce or International Chamber of Commerce, US Chamber of Commerce, State, and thgen finally to the local Bradley/Cleveland Chamber of Commerce! That is the family tree so to speak of! Please continue reading!

Regarding Private Partnerships and NGO status and the use of the Chamber of Commerce to fulfill the UNs objective , Ban Ki Moon UN Secretary General to the UN says this “Addressing Global challenges requires a collective and concerted effort involving all actors through partnership and alliances and by pooling comparative advantages, we increase our chances success.”
On that same page a little further down, it encourages joining a group called “One World” through Sustainable development, human rights and Environmental Protection.

On that same page read about NGOs and the role of the Chamber in their ultimate plan!

Left hand column, front page of the International Chamber of Commerce, press the tag “What is it” under the heading “setting rules and standards” it says the International Chamber of Commerce-ICC works with World Banks, finances billions in trade every year, abides by the ICC International Court of Arbitration, makes life easier for small companies that cannot afford big legal departments, promotes World business recommendations to the WTO-World Trade Organization, speaks for world business when governments take up issues such as intellectual property rights, transport policy, trade law or the environment, and every year leaders of the G8 host country to provide business input to the summit.

The big kicker here is and listen to this THE ICC-INTERNATIONAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE IS THE MAIN BUSINESS PARTNER OF THE UNITED NATIONS AND ITS AGENCIES!, I typed this large but these are not my words, the main business partner of the UN! Wow!

Keep reading it only gets better and I will capitalize it just to yell it out loudly, hold your ears!

In 1945, THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE RECEIVED THE HIGHEST LEVEL CONSULTATIVE STATUS WITH THE UNITED NATIONS! Just in case you do not know what Consultative status is with the United Nations let me try to explain.

There are currently 3,501 affiliations, organizations….NGOs that have “special status” with the UN and the Chamber of Commerce is at the top as stated in the UN Charter as part of the United Nations Economic and Social Council and DESA- Department of Economic and Social Affairs, two very active entites of which I follow closely on Social websites.

With this status and with the power invested in the Council of Europe and OSCE- Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe via resolution (93)38 the NGOs selected by the UN are granted access to all records and to numerous topical compilations related to OSCE field activities plus it gives civil society access to nearly all intergovernmental processes at the United Nations dealing with economic and social development, gender issues, SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, SMALL ARMS and HUMAN RIGHTS! Sorry shouted again, just in case you fell asleep!

Did you catch that?

The Chamber of Commerce has the inside track to the UNITED NATIONS and are our direct connection to Sustainable Development, planning and Agenda 21 projects. To date the Chamber of Commerce has been the “silent partner”, the “the UN mole in our cities” and minion of the Socialistic United Nations.

I have been wandering who has been pushing the agenda around here, even gave me a few headaches trying to figure it out and it has been discovered.

The website also suggests that the UN via the Chamber uses local colleges, elected officials, legislators and representatives to push their agenda. This is a multi pronged approach to its implementation. We know that is happening in Bradley County, just read some of the papers or attend some of their functions.

A huge function is in the works, June 4-6, 2012, in RIO de Jeneiro at the RIO+20 Summit. Many are calling this the final push to implementation of Agenda 21 in our country, which also marks the 20 th anniversary of the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, UNCED, and the 10 th anniversary of the World Summitt on Sustainable Development, WSSD.

This conference will include Heads of States and Government officials to secure “RENEWED POLITICAL COMMITMENT FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT”, assess the progress to date and the remaining gaps in the implementation of the outcomes of the major summits on SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT and address new and emerging challenges!

NGO accreditation and pre-registration for the Conference will be announced at a later date!

Guess who has front row seats, first chair, numero uno status at that Conference?

Source- http:/csonet.org and http://www.uncsd2012.org/rio20/

As I am researching this animal, I am finding it to be very lengthy and in depth with many, many layers.

I am also thinking that many local Chamber folks are going to read this and not have a clue of what I am talking about and will quickly dismiss it.

I am sure and know many of the folks at the Chamber are very good folks with very nice families. I dont take that away from them.

I don’t feel they are knowingly personally involved in this gradual takeover of our Sovereignty and eventual plans for a single operating government! But I do believe this is intentional and someone is in the know and I have a few ideas of who that may be and will be revealed as the facts come in!

I believe the unknowing part, the deception is a well thought out plan and has its roots in secrecy by the United Nations.

So when I choose to say the things above, this does not make them bad people or a knowing part of this takeover, it just makes them unfortunately associated with an organization that has it strings pulled by the United Nations, that’s all!

Take this information and determine if you see a link to the United Nations and just be a little more attentive and look around our community, see the change, dissect the information and either you will be overwhelmed by the information you uncover or you will say this is nonsense. Either way, you have been able to make your own decisions!

I have posted a few other links that will require further research and will give you something else to chew on!
Other topics to discuss: Outsourcing, Free markets, Organizations that support the COC and the UN, Views from other people who have discovered what I have!

Part 3 on the way!

http://www.newswithviews.com, letter by Betty Freuf
you tube video- called “Rachel Maddow-Chamber of Commerce promotes outsourcing jobs and Rachel Maddow exposes the hypocrisy of the US Chamber of Commerce
you tube video- Anti-Corruption Rally at the US Chamber of Commerce
you tube video- U.S. Chamber of Commerce and Siemens announce Sustainable Co
you tube video- Shell Chairman Ollila confrontedon Chamber of Commerce Membership
AP report- 7/5/2004-Donohue says we are short of skills- Defending outsourcing!
You tube video- Sustainability is a business strategy



Book: Beware Metro Regional Government, by Phoebe Courtney 1973
Training for elected officials for Sustainable Development- https://www.dca.ga.gov/secured/academy/history.aspx

US Chamber of Commerces Tom Donohue tells Tea Party Freshmen “We will get rid of you”

In Agenda 21, chamber of commerce on September 30, 2011 at 7:52 AM

In light of increasing pressure to increase the National Debt Ceiling recently the Chamber of Commerce Tom Donohue said that if the Tea Party Congressional freshmen do not vote for raising the debt ceiling he says “We will get rid of you!”

Why is he saying these vile things? Because he represents most “big businesses” , “banks” and “corporate America” and he is afraid his lobbyist want be able to get to these freshmen and God forbid they pass legislation that doesn’t favor his big, huge businesses!

I have a feeling the Freshmen are setting the pace and Head Rooster Tom can’t persuade them or buy them, they are for now going to listen to the people who put them in those freshmen positions and not listen to him! Have you ever seen a spoiled child have his toy taken away by another child….um hum, similar!

I am thinking to myself, who is the Chamber of Commerce to threaten any citizen in this country, then I think back to their history, affiliations and motivations.

The Chamber of Commerce has an inflated level of importance in the United States! They have been promoted by to many people, politicians and lobbyists as the “fixer of the job problems in the world” when in fact, by their actions and results they are quite the opposite!

The US Chamber of Commerce is a direct minion or operative of the United Nations at work in th US! It is no big secret that the Chamber is the number one Consultant to the UN assigned in 1945, just a few short months after the UN was formed! The UN riding on the back of the Chamber have found their vehicle of delivery of their Socialist views on the world!

It is no secret today that the UNs view of the US is viewed upon as one of great personal wealth and too many personal freedoms and they realize that to create a Socialist world that breeds their philosophy of what is ours is theirs must be desimminated throughout our culture, wallah the Chamber of Commerce steps in with a shared view of the United Nations and Tom Donohue spouting on frequent occasions his Socialist views discreetly on the citizens of the US!

For Tom Donohue to speak out against the United States Congress about a decision that could affect millions of Americans way of life for many years, perhaps decades to come speaks volumes of the Socialist influence of the Chamber of Commerce and its connection to the United Nations!

Why is a Non Governmental Organization (NGO) who are not elected by anyone and have little to no responsibility to the taxpayers are encouraging Congress to spend billions of taxpayers money! Why are they trying so hard to influence the Freshmen lawmakers through fear and intimidation! You know the answer! It is because the more we spend the broker we become, the broker we become the more equal we are to the rest of the world!

Its a simple math equation and America is slowly waking up to the fact that the Chamber is promoting this demise of our country from within and Americans are weighing in now and calling them out just as Tom Donohue is trying to get rid of our Congressmen but from an opposite point of view!

Don’t just take my info provided! Look for yourself, look at the facts all over the globe and the Internet! There is a reason that the Chamber of Commerce is the number one lobbyist group in the US, inside our capital buildings in DC spending 100s of millions with over 150 lobbyist pushing their agenda in Washington DC with allegations and rumors that they are accepting millions from foreign companies! They are attempting to alter the culture and influence of Socialistic ideas directly from the UN! The US Chamber of commerce with all it’s inflated “governmental type influence” on out United States is bad policy and not a preferential route to our economies recovery!

We have in just a few short months seen the debt ceiling increase nearly 3 trillion more dollars while asking for another raise and the Chamber along with a Socialistic President is ruining our country one agenda, one goal, one taxpayer at a time! We must get the Chamber of Commerce out of our country and toss them back to Geneva and Paris to join their number one partner in business… The United Nations!

Watch the video below and ask your self, self does this man have our best interests in mind?


Chamber of Commerce says “quit whining” about us sending your jobs and food overseas

In Agenda 21, chamber of commerce on September 28, 2011 at 9:38 AM

The Chamber of Commerces practice of sending a majority of our jobs overseas via outsourcing and one way trade is absurd and speaks volumes of their desire to socialize America with a hand of assist by the oh so willing United Nations!

“Stop whining” say Tom Donohue, President of the US Chamber of Commerce as evidenced in the video below, referring to the Chamber promoting outsourcing and sending American jobs overseas, after all they are attempting to “spread the wealth” and are helping the International job market as well! Mr President wanna see where your jobs are going look no further than the Chamber of Commerce as the determining factor!

Some within the Chamber are calling what they are doing “free trade!” It is hardly free trade when the jobs are by the handfuls going overseas and for the most part seems to be going away from us!

This is a deliberate attempt to “socialize” and break our economy! Their cooperation with the United Nations and adoption of their Socialistic views of “What is mine is theirs” tends to explain why the Creator and purveyor that is all there is about jobs and business can’t create a job in America last month according to the latest jobs report of zero percent jobs created in the US!

Before you look at the numbers below, please listen to this short video by Rachel Maddow, remember she is on the left but this report is right on target! (you may have to copy the address and paste to you tube, this account for some reason doesn’t allow me to posting tube to this site)


Look at these numbers below and tell me that the United Nations via the International Chamber and the US Chamber are not in cahoots to destroy our American economy! Again, this is not my words this is directly from the US Chamber of

From the Rachel Maddow video-
87,000 plus jobs lost to outsourcing in Conneticut
102,000 plus jobs lost in Missouri
If this, and you can assume that it is, but if this is the trend for all 50 states, at 90,000 jobs lost, that’s 4.5 million jobs lost and “given” to the International market that could easily have been done by Americans. This should be so obvious and hardly a media outlet is covering it! Why, because it is the Chamber of Commerce, they are just misunderstood and are the backbone of our business economy! Let me tell you right now while you are still listening! The Chamber of Commerce does not have the best interest of Americans in mind! They are not our ally! They are answering to the International market via the United Nations and are crippling our own economy while boosting the economies of the likes of India, China and Russia!

The common thread in all this activity of outsourcing goes to one reappearing element in this scenario and that is the Chamber of Commerce!

Commerce website at http://www.uschamber.com/international/policy

Under the facts portion of this policy of the US/ International Chamber of Commerce!

Outside our borders are markets that today represent 73 percent of the worlds purchasing power, 87% of it’s economic growth and 95 % of it’s consumers

More than 50 million Americans work for companies engaging in international trade

25% of manufacturing jobs depend on exports!

33% of American farms (1 in 3) is planted for hungry consumers overseas!

These are stats from their website! If they had this in a commercial you would be saying “why are they not helping us out? Why are they so stuck on sending all our jobs and food abroad instead of helping our own? Socialism! That’s the answer! If America has the “wealth” then share it! Give it away till we are all equal! After all, Americas independence and wealth of resources is causing most of the worlds problems! Right? I think you know that answer!

Sounds like to me the Chamber is doing a great job of helping the international community with the assistance of the United Nations to make others wealthy outside of the US!

Let’s keep our jobs and our food at home! We could use the jobs here, let’s contact the Chamber of Commerce and tell them to quit recruiting big Corporations to Bradley County then outsourcing a great portion of the jobs to other countries!

Made in America and American made should apply to the Chamber as well! Our best interest should be protected and it is not when our jobs are being shipped overseas by the representatives that should be representing our enconomy! We hav obviously made the wrong decision getting the Chamber of Commerce involved in our affairs nearly 100 years ago or so! We now realize the culprit of our demise and it should be up to our elected officials to make it right, and if they want, then the citizens of this great country that are observing this concentrated deliberate act to destroy our economy, must rise up and say “STOP THE MADNESS!”

Chamber of Commerce gears up for Agenda 21, Rio+20 Summit next May! Get your tickets now!

In Agenda 21, chamber of commerce on September 27, 2011 at 1:28 PM

Please, I beg of you to not believe me on this one, look your self, read the links below! The Chamber of Commerce is not our friend!

These are excerpts from the Chambers own site! Not mine! Read to unveil the hidden agenda here in Bradley County and across America by the Chamber of Commerce!

The Chamber of Commerce, World,International and US Chambers are gearing up for the Rio+20 Conference in May 2012, 20 years after the Earth Summit, government, business and civil society leaders from all over the world will gather again in Rio de Janeiro to attend the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (agenda 21)-commonly referred to as Rio+20. This time the meeting is aimed to assess progress made towards creating a more sustainable world and to discuss approaches for the next 20 years!

Today the INTERNATIONAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) joined by the UNITED NATIONS GLOBAL COMPACT announced the creation of Business Action for Sustainable Development (Agenda 21) 2012 (BASD2012). Chad Holiday Chairman of Bank of America and former CEO of Dupont have agreed to chair the event!

Jean-Guy Carrier, International Chamber of Commerce Acting General Secretary stated in this article on the US CHAMBER OF COMMERCES website “The private sector is a crucial partner in creating solutions to today’s pressing development and environmental challenges and is already active on many fronts!” “At the same time, there is still much to be done in ramping up businesses contribution to (his words not mine) ADVANCING AGENDA 21 and the Millenium Development Goals as we head towards RIO+20.” and I will end this quote here!

ADVANCING AGENDA 21 GOALS! Last year Agenda 21 in Bradley County in the minds of our elected leaders didnt exist and now it is set to take over our community by a few very willing participants who are more than willing to give up our Sovereignty to the United Nations while holding the hand of our Chamber of Commerce!

Whew what a year! Time to elect some elected officials that have our best interest in mind and not federal dollars and the Socialistic views of the International community!



