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Thrive 2055- 50 dangerous signs that a regional plan has been implemented in your community.

In Uncategorized on March 28, 2013 at 3:48 PM

50 dangerous signs identified within the Thrive 2055 regional growth plan.

Bradley County Tennessee and 15 other counties in 3 states within our mega region are busily preparing for a huge growth plan that will reduce our current system of representative government to a shadow government.

The many dangers signs are clearly visible but involve peeling back many layers to  be seen.

 Replacing our local government with a regional or quasi government run by globalists with a specific agenda to ultimately rob you of your property and personal rights, to me, is the most dangerous element within a regional growth plan.

With the acceptance of and our elected officials turning over their autonomy and ability to make decisions to a regional non representative government we in Bradley County and across the nation have seen our voice of representation at the local level go away and replaced.

Regionalism can be seen as a way to spread the cost of development across the region and cutting costs to some vested stakeholders.

The reality of a regional plan is a much darker picture under the surface.

We will see a transformation that will turn our community into a sea of rules and codes that will drown us in layers of new regulation.

Pay attention to these 50 danger signs and see if this is where you want our community to succumb.

Our community is actively changing and there are many who stand to benefit royally from their willing participation in this dangerous shift to a socialistic nirvana with the successful herding of the masses of population into a confined area with a wave of repression that we have never seen in modern day America.

Simply declaring regionalization as a non negative force, perhaps benign entity is naiveté defined. 

This thought pattern reflects to me that regionalism is not clearly understood and the mere fact that the many sinister components within this plan are being supported leads me to believe that our elected leaders are either compliant or do not fully understand it’s impact.

This undertaking either way will have a lifelong lasting effect on humans within our zone or region.

To see this and still support this is irresponsible and leads us to assume that our priorities are out of place and we have once again let the almighty dollar or federal handout direct our path.

Ponder this path and declare if this is where you want those who are leading us to take you, the taxpayer who will ultimately foot this huge bill.

1) We can assume a tremendous cost burden on ourselves and our children in the billions, perhaps trillions, into future generations. Ask a simple question, “What will it cost?” The answer will not readily be heard.

2) Our property rights will be in jeopardy by imposing stringent rules and code enforcement and many forced to leave by eminent domain or other means.

3) Our personal rights and choices will be restricted. The land of the free will come at a cost. Your choices will be made by the new regulations imposed upon you.

4) Expansive new land use regulations will strangle you with additional cost and headaches. Step outside these boundaries and you will surely feel the wrath. Just ask someone who has recently had it done to them.

5) New codes and regulations will be your reality. Non adherent inhabitants please move into the UGB, immediately.

6) Will be a shift of population to Urban Growth Boundaries into stack and pack housing with the increased crime and dereliction. The plan in some areas calls for 16 family units per acre. Not exactly a quality of life diamond.

7) Rural development will be discouraged with incentives to move toward the city center. If incentives fail, well you know, code enforcement.

8) Refusal or resistance to shift will mean differing codes will be enforced and accumulating fines will ensue forcing cash strapped farmers and rural dwellers to move and lose their properties. Few will be unable to survive the onslaught.

9) EPA, HUD and DOT and their plans for your property will be our new governing body. They come with their own set of rules and the regulations will compound making your survival in a sea of regulation impossible. Remember, no money given to our community comes without strings.

10) Our elected leaders will be reduced to figure heads with subsidies flowing steadily to persuade their vote. The near comatose state and deer in the headlights look would be comical if not so sad.

11) Rural areas will be claimed as wilderness areas under the control of federal government,  death zones established. Once inside this grasp, the fines will be heavy to either conform or move into the city. Also keep in mind, if you plan to move out of the area, you will just move into another region with it’s own unique regulation structure. This issue is not unique to our area, it is happening all over the world. Are you seeing the bigger picture yet?

12) Rural passes and permission slips will be issued to trespass or visit areas that were once yours. Your unique private property already has plans for it’s use. Just check out the Wilderness Projects already mapped out.

13) Roads and sewer systems will be left to crumble and living before displacement will be unbearable. Vacant and less traveled roads will be destined to rubble. Infrastructure dollars will be shifted inward to the UGB and the rural lands transformed to federal parks, activity centers and open space.

14) Your farm or the property will be government controlled or owned and  you, the former owner, will be given the option to either sale or produce what the government commands or take a small chunk of change or move out.  Have you heard of conservation easement? A dangerous tool of the globalist that are taking over our land.

15) Bikes will be your new choice of transportation and greenways and bike paths will replace roads and vehicles. 

16) Electricity will come at a premium and allocated to you from a defined use of pattern established by smart meter allocation with strict guidelines to stay within limitations. Your pattern of use established and a new pattern established to make you greener and more “sustainable!”

17) If fuel is available it will be at a premium and rationed with government vehicles and corporate farmers getting first dibs. Electric car “recharging” areas will pop up at local establishments within the Urban Growth Boundary.

18) Decision making of where your tax dollars will be spent will be in the hands of select NGOs (Non Governmental Organizations) or appointed boards.

19) Self indulging, self serving corporatists and stakeholders will direct your tax dollars to their advantage. Many of these same people will be on the many appointed boards and councils set up that create the shadow government. The Chamber of Commerce a close ally and NGO of the United Nations will be directing this onslaught.

20) Stack and pack multi unit housing will pop up on every corner with freedom granted only to roam within your designated color zone or mega region. Have you ever watched the Hunger Games? Pretty close to our future.

21) Fuel restrictions on vehicles, mileage limitations, carbon taxes and fines levied. Tax on miles driven.  Little black boxes within your vehicles that will check your carbon output and upload that data to a central server and a tax or fine applied for that use.

22) Self regulating governess, loss of representation in government. State elected officials bought and paid for to implement changes within your zone. Our elected officials give the green light and leave all the decisions within that plan to bureaucrats. We have seen that locally as our Mayors have shifted that power to a foundation or regional board and our local guys knew nothing of it.

23) Power shift of decision making to NGOs and select bureaucrats and stakeholders with full power to implement. Doesn’t it sound awkward for those representatives of the people to just hand off all the work to a paid consultant group, council or board member? It’s happening now as you speak.

24) Coalition of World Business Council to make corporatism the norm with selective survival while rewarding failure. Big business is already driving the decision making under the direction of entities or NGOs like the Chamber of Commerce.

25) Community Development Block Grants CDBGs. Money with strings attributing to more regulation. This type of structure has brought out many who have plans to pad their own pockets.

26) Monsanto and Cargill controlling seeds and growth. If they control the seeds and ultimately the food, what else do they control, yes, you!

27) Food Councils setup to produce and grow locally with government assistance and direction our  regions food to fuel our food sheds. See the pattern being established here? Self sufficiency within our sector or region, which leads mento believe we are being herded into these mega regions for a bigger objective. Population control? Seperate or individual areas that are easily controlled? An isolation of the states?

28) Face lift grants to “make the community aesthetically pleasing with strict codes for development. Loads of cash and the rules
that go with it, after all, if we are getting billions should it at least look like it?

29) Control and decision making to EPA, HUD and DOT for growth planning. They are already placing their fingerprint, recently filing multi million dollar lawsuits against some of our local mom and pop  businesses, ie, Wright Brothers

30) Deeper community debt, higher taxes and personal loss. Work permits to travel outside region boundaries. A few large corporate employers and very few jobs otherwise leaves you as a slave to corporatism.

31) A marriage to ICLEI with their many planning guidelines and connections to the United Nations, our soon to be International governing body with subtle yet solemn surrender of our sovereignty.

32) Strict Climate control penalties and fines. Restriction of heating and air comfort. If you harm the environment in any way, you will pay. Remember the recent lawsuits for cow dung, dust and milk spillage because the milk contain oils that are “not good for the environment?”

33) Oversight of the environment with stringent controls thereof. Mandatory solar or wind adaptation. Stiff fines for non compliance. An expensive alternative that leaves you no choice but to pack up and move to the city or urban area.

34) Transportation guidelines employed to rid our community of gas consuming vehicles. Bicycle rental pods all around and talk of bullet trains through your city.

35) Star Communities vying for approval inside a sustainable community. Again, jumping through hoops for a few dollars.

36) Ambient light and noise discipline in neighborhoods, multiple heavy fines. LEED lighting? Sound familiar? Perhaps we are already doing this!

37) Redevelopment of blighted areas, TIF projects, demolition of homes, initiation of “open spaces”, turning communities “green”, forced recycling.  300 homes in South Cleveland have been targeted and 12 others recently with houses already being taken even as I speak.

38) Churches supporting the UNs MDGs, Millenium Development Goals with paralyzation of our church leaders and a gradual prodding to accept sharia law into your community with the message of love, peace and hope. 

39) Seperate and equal governing councils per region. With full power to make all decisions within the Thrive 2055 plan.

40) Adoption of ICC codes. Yes International enforcement codes, already adopted and waiting in the wings.

41) Local Comprehensive plans drawn up, sent to locally elected officials for approval and authority handed off to bureaucrats like the Chamber of Commerce. Done!

42) Food Policy Centers within each region to define what is socially and environmentally acceptable for consumption.

43) Loathsome land use regulations and restrictions. PUD guidelines, aggressive annexation to engross and grow the Urban Growth Boundary.

44) Establishment of “food miles” to promote utilization of food sheds. Tracking what it means to get food to you within your region.

45) The promotion of community gardening to feed the collective with multi shopping options within your stack and pack dwelling unit. Locovores will be the new buzzword.

46) Small business closures and failures because of trends to protect large business with tax breaks and bailouts. Big corporation have the money and influence this giving you the disadvantage.

47) Shared project costs from city to city within the region. Increased burden on local budgets. Need a school in Georgia or Alabama?  Well, we have a big ole regional budget let’s pool together our tax dollars and send it to them. 

48) Shared school system and funds within region. Common Core initiation with Socialistic indoctrination overtones.

49) Code enforcement officers patrolling and prosecuting offenders like you and I, forcing us into compliance or lose our property. A societal emergency and policing system with collection of data to outer agencies such as Interpol. Initiation of NDAA, NIXEL to squelch the naysayers. Use of Drones for surveillance of your activity on your property with mega pixle picture uploads to only God knows who.

50) Environmental restraints dictating the length of grass, what you can grow on your property, garbage disposal, family gardens etc

This is not an all inclusive list but encompasses and provides a visual for our future under a regional reign.

You can easily see where our locally elected officials have gone awry. By giving their authority to these awkward sets of bureaucrats you can see our sovereignty float away. 

I have spoken to many locally elected officials and they overwhelmingly do not see that their simple vote of approval has placed us on this path to destruction. They have failed to look beyond the federal gifts of dollars and seen our future and what they have done. This is truly the saddest news.

Regionalism under the Thrive 2055 title will completely change the way we live and the financial future of our children. 

Speak out now against this bureaucratic takeover of our local and state governments.

Call your Mayors and elected representatives and tell them this is not what you want out future to look like.

Your silence on this issue is acceptance of these horrendous policies.

I believe this excerpt from the planners bible titled “Freedom of Choice” is a clear depiction of where we are headed

“People should be able to choose where they live and do business as long as they pay the identifiable costs of those choices and do not impose unaccounted for costs on other people or nature, now, or in the future.”

Please check out this video below by Don Casey, on the “Dangers of Regionalism” at a recent town hall meeting in Chattanooga Tennessee.

Thanks Tin Ship Productions for your video contribution.


Bradley County leaders decision to tax and spend, not sitting well with taxpayers

In Uncategorized on February 26, 2013 at 10:52 AM

The Bradley County News room just received an email that I thought would make a very appropriate “Letter to the Editor” type blog to be addressed in this news outlet and shared with our 50,000 plus readers in 106 countries.

The relevance of the letter comes on the heels of a huge regional tax and spend program startup with meetings to be kicked off in the month of March.

The Local Chamber of Commerce and other NGOs will be gambling billions upon billions of your tax dollars on “economic development” for our 3 state, 16 County megaregional “Thrive 2055” growth program.

The enormity of this project will be horrendously expensive and we the taxpayer will get very little benefit and we will see very little oversight by our elected leaders as non governmental organizations run amuck with your hard earned tax dollars.

The biggest message I received from this email was our locally elected representatives are not concerned with reducing our debt, only receiving more grants to spur new spending sprees. That is a fantastic summation of where our leaders are directing us with this regional growth plan.

They all “say or preach” the right thing when the press is around or hog the print to fuss about DC when they are doing the same thing only at the local level and on a smaller scale.

It’s time the citizens and ultimately taxpayers speak up and say enough is enough. We do not like the direction our County is going and we want to preserve our children’s future not gamble it away for the next federal grant that may come our way.

I think it’s high time we take responsibility for our city and county. Act responsible and live within our means for a change, cut our debt instead of mounding it on our children’s backs, robbing them of their own ability to be prosperous.

Letter to the Editor:

Let me please begin by recalling some of your quotes that are the basis of this e-mail to you all.
Gary Davis quote from TFP article by Paul Leach on Jan. 11 2013:

“These are all very good signs that we are slowly but surely growing our way out of this recession and, at least in Southeast Tennessee, doing our part to generate the revenue we need without raising taxes”
Jeff Morelock quote from TFP article by Paul Leach on Dec. 5, 2012:

“Are we going to invest in future industry here and have growth so we don’t have to increase taxes, or are we going to tell industry we’re not interested in you coming here?”
J. Adam Lowe from a CDB article 2/22/2013 by David Davis:

He “absolutely despises the conversation about reducing the deficit. I want to eliminate the deficit. I want to reduce the debt”.
He said his parents would pay more in taxes if they knew it would go toward paying foreign debt.
“There is not trust it will go to that”. “Their concern is that it will continue to fund programs…”
Each of these articles were about different issues but I found a common thread running through each of them in your quotes. All of you rail against Washington. All of you talk about how federal debt is an issue and all you ascribe to the same basic political and economic philosophies as the solution.
We have our own ever increasing debt problem in Bradley County and none of you talk about it (at least publicly as I can tell). It’s always about how bad things are in Washington. As a proportion we are at least as bad as Washington in this county. Is it not hypocrisy on your part to attack Washington when our situation is approaching a mirror image? And unlike Washington, you can’t just print more money until it is as worthless as the the currency became during the days of  the Wiemar Republic just preceding Hitler.
Instead of remaining within the bounds of what is expected of your job you take on the task of “economic development” based on the principles of sustainable development, public/private partnerships and now regional growth. We have been at this kind of activity for over 20 years now? How has it worked for us? Have all these PILOT programs, incentives and business “attraction” produced a ballooning budget surplus yet that you have so hoped for? No it hasn’t and it never will. Do you know what else? I cannot find one study, one piece of documentation anywhere that tells us this unholy alliance between big business and bigger government works. I have multiple studies from the right wing (The John Birch Society) all the way to the left wing (The NEA) as well as many other legal and academic studies that show what you are engaging in always fails. I defy you to find me one study that shows the success of government directed economic development. Understand: I want to believe it works. I want to believe that I can turn all of life’s problems over to my government and they will create a “livable community” for me. The evidence does not bare that out.
“Whirlpool is still here.” “Look at Volkswagen and Amazon”: is not a study. Sorry. There are always silver shovel ceremonies and short term bubbles of economic growth (makes for great headlines and photo ops) but that bubble always bursts. Then it leads to more economic development which means more debt! You promote these deals, we provide infrastructure and services at no cost to these corporations. They take federal, state and local monies in these programs. The result: either they are long gone by the time it is time for them to begin paying their full tax burden or if they are still here, we are hit up for another PILOT agreement. You are all aware of cities that have gone bankrupt such as Stockton, Cal. The big lie in the media is that it was all about out of control public employee benefits, retirements and the SEIU. I know there is some truth in part. However the real issue in these California cities is their net bonded debt that they could not pay. This debt was created by redevelopment schemes and business attraction programs just like what is being unleashed in our area now. What makes you think you will do better this time? Regionalism? Thrive 2055 will take care of it?  
As stated earlier; none of you suggest addressing the spending side of the equation to solve our deficit issues and spending “needs”. All of you agree that your activity will generate growth, that will generate jobs, that will generate revenue. Once again, we have been doing this for a long time, where is the budget surplus? Where is the debt reduction? Why do you still despair over a lack of revenue?

Your quotes are essentially threats to the people: let us spend this money on economic development or we will raise your taxes. Those are the only options you give. Jeff Morelock, this is especially true of your quote. You clearly give no thought to spending reduction. You want to grow the tax base to match the size of this government that continually increases. How are any of you different than Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama? I can’t tell the difference. These are the ones you probably all criticize and complain about “strings attached” as you continually take money in federal grants and sit back and act appalled at their behavior.
Let me make it simple and if you disagree, then at least I said my peace to you.
PILOT programs, TIF and other Tax abatements are wrong for four reasons: 
1. People like free stuff. Whether it is an individual or a corporation. I don’t blame them: they would be stupid for not taking what you are offering because if they don’t, their competition will. Once people or corporations start taking free stuff, they will never stop and demand more free stuff. I asked another county commissioner this  question to his face one time: Where does it end? He shook his head and muttered “I don’t know”. How sad of a response; yet he still votes for all this.

2. Corporations that have tax abatements do not pay for the services they consume. If you want to perform an experiment: let all county residents only pay the school portion of their property taxes for 6 months and see how far you get. And you don’t even have to build us a new fire station or a new road! The NEA study takes my position because they know the safeguards written into the law to protect school taxes does not work.

3. As you start using our tax money as an incentive do you not think other municipalities, regional entities, etc… are doing the same against us? I know in business when someone cuts a price, there is always retaliation against the price cutter. Soon a price war ensues. Gary Davis: I know you understand this: That is why you were caught on a YouTube video at the Walden Club asking our local municipalities to “stop competing with each other, that’s the point”. You said: “We don’t need to compete”. In business, that is a clear violation of the Sherman Anti-Trust act; In government, I guess you can create any sort of Cartel you want. You must be really excited about Thrive 2055. This is a whole new layer of unelected, unaccountable government who make decisions on what businesses will go where and what areas grow. However, this didn’t work in ancient Rome where it was pursued by Emporer Constantine in Constantinople. It did not work in the Soviet Union, and it will not work here. Central planning ALWAYS fails and leaves a trail of debt and poverty. Again, I will share multiple studies if you are interested.

4. NGOs like the Chamber of Commerce and quasi-government organizations like the Industrial Development board shop our tax money to people and corporations. I know these things are not your creation but your quotes and actions show you are more than willing participants. Again, these are unelected organizations and individuals that have no accountability to the people of Bradley County but declare themselves as our “representatives”. There were some very smart people who wrote our various state constitutions who outlawed the very activity the IDB engages in. I know full well these industrial development boards were created to get around state constitutional restraints that forbid municipalites from lending their credit to private comapnies or individuals. Again, many of these things came into being as a result of the New Deal and are not your doing, but they are still wrong. You can choose to not go along with this if you want. 
In closing,
We are poor. Let’s start acting like it. Stop complaing about Washington when in truth Washington is your life blood. We rely on federal grant money and you know it as well as I do. Its’ not just funding our local government directly from Washington – you can even look at our local “growth”. For example look at Spring Creek which is being built with HUD 221 backed financing. This is not real, organic economic growth and you know it. These developments are built with non-recourse loans with a lower down payment than any mortgage today. This is a formula for disaster. That’s exactly what caused the housing bubble in the first place! However there is always a recourse – The American taxpayer!!

Show Washington how it’s done. You have your own debt problem to deal with.
J. Adam Lowe: If you are serious about debt, I suggest you offer up a proposal to raise property tax rates in the county with all the proceeds to go to a “lock box” for debt reduction. Think about it – you can be the Ross Perot of Bradley County!! Remember he ran on a platform to tax a gallon of gasoline $.50 that went right to debt reduction? I don’t think you will get that far in your political career by pointing attention to our local debt load but it’s worth a try.

The truth of the matter is that all of you don’t want more revenue for debt reduction: you want more revenue for more spending. My proof is the wheel tax proposal that failed. More money for more borrowing.

Gentlemen, please consider going in a new direction. Consider these words and I am happy to reconsider where I am wrong in my conclusions. Can you say the same about yourselves? I have nothing against any of you personally as I have not met many of you. It’s not any of you as a person that drives me to write this: It is the political and economic philosophies you are following that I find objectionable.
Let’s start by pulling out of that exit 20 land deal that the city and county paid about $4 millon dollars too much for. I would like a copy of the property assessment for that land by the way. can one of you please scan and send your copy to me?
Thank you for your attention,
Rob Bower 

Huge Industrial Park funding vote set for Monday

In Uncategorized on December 1, 2012 at 2:36 PM

On Monday, December 3rd, 2012, 7pm at the Bradley County Courthouse in Cleveland Tennessee there will be a vote on a MOA, a Memorandum of Agreement for initial funding for the Spring Branch Industrial Park off exit 20.

The City, the County and Cleveland Utilities will be chipping in about 2 million dollars each up front just for the purchase of this property that was bought by a local businessman and a bargain price and selling it to the taxpayer at around a 600 percent profit.

Many things stink about the purchase of the property and that can be discussed in future blogs, but the message today is we cannot afford this vast industrial park and it’s many amenities and kickbacks to several involved.

Please plan to attend this meeting before the County Commission. We must hold our elected representatives to task when they waste and spend our hard earned tax dollars.

We cannot afford another drain on our economy. We as a county are broke. We cannot continue to spend and spend and expect to stay afloat.

Many have already committed to being there. Grab a friend and haul them down to the courthouse to participate in saving our local economy.

Call your commissioners, mayors and council men and women and tell them you do not want a huge industrial park in your community that will further drain your bank account.


Bradley County Finance Committee mulls 16 cent property tax increase

In Uncategorized on October 25, 2012 at 8:10 AM

The County Commission via the Finance Committee is once again discussing taxing the citizens of Bradley County Tennessee.

The “what if” by the finance committee to propose yet another tax on the citizens in light of a recent overwhelming wheel tax defeat is beyond what my somewhat simple mind can handle.

Listen to the people! We do not want another tax! We are living in tough economic times! We are hurting. Struggling to feed our families and make ends meet.

Are we so comfy in our lofty elected and appointed posts that we do not see the ramifications? Why is it that everytime we need to fix something the first and second response is to turn to the peasants for a constant stream of seemingly endless requests on our revenue stream?

Some have told me that it’s only about 50 dollars on the average home in the county. Quit looking at it as a single hit on our budgets, it cumulative and it’s more than likely permanent. This 50 dollars gets piled up on another 50 dollars etc and eventually we can’t pay it anymore and we lose our property and the rights that go with it.

I was recently asked in an email exchange from one of our elected State Representative “Why don’t you provide some solutions?” In other words, stop your bitchin and do something about it! Really? Should I, a citizen, who just cast a vote that elects you to be my representative and you tell me to provide solutions to solve the problems of our state and local governments. My response is to that scenario is either resign or don’t run again and I gaurantee you we can put a citizen in that will represent the people and act on their request. Please forgive me this morning, I woke up in a rather gripey mood and I feel an overwhelming need to apologize. This type of malarchy just sets me off.

If the best you can do is shuffle a few line item scenarios around to make it look good on paper then perhaps your rent is up and it is time to elect someone who can put it all together and get our county back on track. This is a replacement tax for Gods sake, in case the County loses the 3,000,000.00 case over a sales tax issue. This tax will not even be attributed to knocking down our current debt load, but to replace money lost! It will not help our situation one bit, it just gets us back to where we were! What an excellent opportunity to have to cut costs within our county budget. What an opportunity missed to fix our problem with big government before we tax the citizens further. That sounded original didn’t it and it looks proactive, right? Another apology for my grumpiness.

You have to be one brick shy of a load to think this will be the only tax in our future. We are facing a 4 to 10 billion dollar growth plan in our immediate future. Who do you think is going to pay for that? Let’s not also forget we have already shifted close to a million dollars to an out of state company that has at best cut out a cardboard cookie cutter county growth plan that has drawn the ire of and disapproval of 73 percent of our citizenry. We, you and our children will be the beneficiary of this debt fiasco. Oh yeah, how could we forget the county mayors stealthy 16 county, 3 state regional growth plan that is well under way. Let me mention this while I’m here and I will elaborate later, this regional growth plan will take your county, Bradley Counties tax dollars and send it to another county to help them pay for one of their projects. How you like those apples, grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!

Is there some type of unspoken rule or edict that says our County has to take federal grant money in great amounts and more often than not turn around and ask the citizens to turn over increasingly greater amounts of their hard earned money? I am aware of Public Chapter 1101, but the immensity of it? Who dictates how big it has to be?

Keep in mind, I’m just a concerned citizen, with a keen sense of insight who happens to like to write. I am not a professor of finance nor a guru of all that is financial but let me ask one more question of our elected officials then I will shut up.

Why dont we fix our problems inside our own government house before we request more from the already unstable and stretched budgets of the citizenry? If someone can answer that with a logical response will get a big hug from me. Why not get our house in order first. Why not take the politics out of it and look at it from a human perspective?

King George and his court were ousted and our country reshaped some 250 years ago for this same type of behavior and blatant disregard for the people he represented. Sounds like it is time to do the same and vote these distinguished characters out of office before we can’t afford to live here anymore.

The message is simple, lean in closely, I am about to scream. NO NEW TAXES! PERIOD!

And I mockingly borrow from a quote by one our elected Mayors from the city as he screamed at me recently in one of his familiar rants, “If you are man enough,” and I add, “Put this to a referendum and let the citizens decide if they want to give you more of their hard earned money!” I am pretty sure the response will be the same as the wheel tax and the growth plan. This way it will leave you no doubt whether you are simply doing the job you were elected to do. No guilt, let the people decide for you. You know the old adage “to be representative of the people and for the people.”

Good day and I’m very curious to see if anyone mans up and steps up and not on the citizens of Bradley County Tennessee! I doubt it, but i’ve seen greater miracles.

One of the sources of info:

UN connections to our community, it might surprise you

In Uncategorized on September 26, 2012 at 7:35 AM

Every elected official should watch this video by John Anthony called “Agenda 21 for Public Officals.” It is a very simple explanation of how Agenda 21 has been brought to your community by these NGOs and how they are affecting your property rights and eventually your way of life.

Check out this video on YouTube:

NGOs, as explained and listed below shows you the massive involvement of the United Nations and the effort being exerted to completely transform our community.

Ask your self, “why are so many organizations partnering with the UN!” “Why in our community and in our neighborhood?” The answer is simple. Every community must have the infrastructure in place in every community in the world before a One World Government or a New World Order can be established. It’s a collaborative effort that is using common themes such as the eradication of poverty to promote social justice by redistributing the wealth of our country for the collective good of all!

The infrastructure, the growth plans, the right environment and a vast arrangement of people and organizations must be in place before the big plan is shifted into place. Pretty much the way I put a jigsaw puzzle together, fill in the borders then piece by piece fill in the middle till complete.

An NGO, according to the UN is an organization that is committed to the implementation of Agenda 21, a definition directly from the UNs Agenda 21 program.

Agenda 21: Chapter 27


Basis for action

27.1. Non-governmental organizations play a vital role in the shaping and implementation of participatory democracy. Their credibility lies in the responsible and constructive role they play in society. Formal and informal organizations, as well as grass-roots movements, should be recognized as partners in the implementation of Agenda 21. The nature of the independent role played by non-governmental organizations within a society calls for real participation; therefore, independence is a major attribute of non-governmental organizations and is the precondition of real participation.


I thought it would be interesting for you to see the United Nations influence on businesses and organizations that we in Bradley County are directly or indirectly involved with. This list is by all means not complete.

The circle of influence on our society is growing daily. This overwhelming influence leads me to believe there is a reason it is so saturated in our city and nation. The UN wants to control every aspect of our lives and eventually set up a New World Order under One World Government with a One World Religion as it’s base.

Simply not knowing or refusing to believe that your organization is not a partner is no longer an acceptable answer. The implementation phase is well under way. It is time and we must hold those organizations that have partnered with the UN on Agenda 21 to be accountable for our country’s demise.

Long gone are the days of arguing whether Agenda 21 exists or is being implemented in our community. We know that it is so we must stop it. If our elected officials will not step up and stop this then let’s step up and replace them with those that will.

A list of assorted NGOs participating in the implementation of Agenda 21 in our community. A few are indirectly involved with our County but the majority have direct NGO status or are heavily involved with NGOs that are.

American Bar Association
American Planning Association
Baptist World Alliance
Christian Childrens Fund
Citizens Network for Sustainable Development
College Art Association
Committee for Economic Development
Crime Stoppers
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority
Delta Kappa Gamma
Environmental Defense Fund
Focus on the Family
General Conference of Seventh Day Adventist
Girl Scouts of America
Global Youth Action Network
Invisible Children
Habitat for Humanity
Humane Society
American Press Association
Amateur Radio Union
Chief of Police Association
Lions Club
Rotary Club
College of Surgeons
Council for Caring Community
Planned Parenthood
International Youth Foundation
Chamber of Commerce
Junior Chamber of Commerce
League of Women’s voters
Mennonite Center Committee
Narcotics Anonymous
National Association of Realtors
National Bar Association
Center for missing and exploited children
National Wildlife Federation
Nature Conservancy
Open Society Institute
Presbyterian Church
Church of God
Sierra Club
Special Olympics
Trilateral Commission
United Church of Christ
United Methodist Church
United Way
People for Care and Learning
Independent Christian Churches
World Jewish Congress
Build a City
World Village
Micahs Challenge
People for People
Coca Cola
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Model UN
International Baccalaureate Program

For a list of NGOs, please see the link below:

Click to access unpan014562.pdf

If you want to further research whether a company has involvement with the UN, simply google the company and the United Nations in the same sentence or go to the UN web site at http://www.UN.org, in the top ti
right corner just put in the company, name of a person or anything you choose and read the articles that the UN has created that prove their involvement.

Have fun searching. It’s not hard or it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure it out or I would never be able to see the connections.

Lastly, ask these organizations listed above why they have partnered with the UN as an NGO. The first answer may be you are crazy and whomever is saying this should be ashamed. Some may say it is a tax break or the guys upstairs, higher ups must have did that but regardless it was done. At least you have exposed their involvement and now continued participation is advocating their association and makes them guilty of assisting in the insidious destruction of our country from the inside out all in the name of the 3Es of Agenda 21, Social Equity, the Economy and the Environment.

Show them the list or link provided or your own research and ask them to explain their involvement. I am afraid many will just give you that deer in the headlights look and say “What are you talking about?” Have fun with it and see how many times you can get that reaction.

Brymer Creek degradation, a result of talk, little action

In Uncategorized on September 6, 2012 at 8:05 AM

From the beginning the warning bells have sounded as many citizens spoke up about the economic and environmental impact of such a large construction project like the Spring Branch Industrial Park would have on our community.

I think Matt Bentley said it best almost a year ago as the vote to go forward with the park was being initiated.

“I want you to think long and hard about the pros and cons of this development,” community member Matt Bentley said.

Bentley said he and others in the community did not feel respected in the process thus far.

The above concerns by resident Matt Bentley and other concerned citizens, including members of the Tea Party of Bradley County now sound like an ominous warning that got neglected resulting in our elected leaders rendering the seriousness of this debate to an afterthought.

Repeated warnings of possible degradation to the environment around this sight and to the creek were voiced for almost a year prior to this most recent negative impact to the states fifth cleanest creek.

You can clearly see, a year ago, where the ball got dropped although two of Bentley’s concerns were addressed in a paragraph added before the original resolution, presented by 6th District Commissioner Robert Rominger as reported in the Cleveland Daily Banner.

This added paragraph said steps would be taken to limit the impact on the community from the industrial park. The proposed steps include: “(1) sewer service to the proposed Spring Brach Road site will be provided from an existing 8-inch sewer line on APD 40, (2) buffers will surround building sites as shown on the concept drawing, (3) Spring Branch Road will be closed and will not be used for ingress or egress from the industrial park and (4) Harriman Road will serve as a secondary method of ingress and egress from the site and every effort will be made to prevent traffic use other than in an emergency.”

The resolution does not address the community’s concern about preserving Spring Branch, Brymer Creek and Candies Creek from storm water runoff as reported in the Cleveland Daily Banner 12 months ago.

Seventh District Commissioner Bill Winters said the Commission does in fact respect the community’s concerns. Winters said he shared concerns about protecting the area’s creeks.

“I don’t think any of us want an industrial park to negatively impact your community,” Winters said.

Mr Winters spoke of it, showed concern, went a step further to say he heard our concerns and was interested in protecting the area creeks and not negatively impact them, but it appears to be only talk. To my knowledge, no plan or oversight was planned beyond talking about it and acknowledging that the problem or potential exists.

We are always so quick to form a committee to study one thing or another, this would and could have been an excellent opportunity to say we are going to follow this through to make sure this didn’t happen to one of the cleanest creeks in the state.

Fast forward one year and we see Brymer creek and the surrounding area being inundated and degraded by muddy polluted stormwater runoff at the Spring Branch construction site.

During the Bradley County Commission voting session meeting Monday evening, Commissioner Ed Elkins said, “Last week I reported on a situation down in the McDonald area or Exit 20 area involving some stormwater runoff. Subsequent to the meeting last week, I did learn that it had been looked at by TDEC and the environmental engineers from the city of Cleveland and I was assured that corrective action was in place to correct that.” Mr. Elkins was referring to the stormwater runoff coming from road and industrial development projects near Spring Branch causing muddy water to flow into Brymer Creek as reported by the Chattanoogan.com.

Dan Rawls addressed the commission stating, “This situation out in McDonald is why the people of McDonald were opposed to this. I don’t know if anyone has seen the video of the degradation of that creek, but you were warned about it from the beginning. Who is accountable for this? The people who are affected by this are in the county. How can you allow that to happen to a waterway that’s that clean and that recognized? We were all told that would never happen. Who is accountable, the government, the people who did it or the contractors? What’s the answer here? What’s going on? We tried to warn you that this was going to happen. Why were the systems not put in place to have prevented this in the first place? I fought this thing for over a year and they’ve fought it longer than that. I think there needs to be some answers and some apologies to the people that live out there around that creek that warned you about this.”

Commissioner Elkins responded, “The permit for that project was issued to the city of Cleveland. They have responsibility for it. The contractor did not take the necessary precautions and that was unfortunate. Once TDEC was notified, they did get on it and got the city down there. It’s kind of like closing the barn door once the horse escaped, but I’m told they are taking precautions to do that now. Clearly someone dropped the ball.”

Commissioner Peak Jones said, “The city of Cleveland does have precautions in place for that process. Where it fell through, nobody knows.”

Commissioner Elkins commented, “The city annexed that area and they pulled the general permit for that project to do the road. So, Bradley County really has no jurisdiction over it. I guess we could file a complaint with the city because where the damage is being done is inside Bradley County. It falls under the city to explore it. I think it would be appropriate for us to file a complaint with them and ask them to do this.”

Commissioner Adam Lowe said, “We went to great lengths to have meetings with people in that community. I remember listening to a very healthy active discussion about the pros and cons and figuring out how to mitigate as much as we could. I’m having trouble recalling if anyone from the city was there but it was prior to the annexation. Right now, I’m a little shattered about going to such great lengths as a county commission to try to hear from the constituents in that area. It was such a high priority in my opinion. I feel like for some reason, somewhere it stopped being a high priority.”

May I add something here Commissioner Lowe, while it was evidently labeled a “high priority” that’s all it was, a label. It was all talk and little action. This is where we always seem to get bogged down in the political machine. We gladly offer talk because it can easily be quoted in a news article, so we can cut it out and put it in our scrap book. Getting our hands dirty and doing something on the other hand is a whole new realm we seldom like to explore because it takes a little more effort.

Commissioner Yarber suggested Commission Assistant Amy Moore provide more information regarding the matter and recommended further discussion at a future work session to come up with a thought process to put in place on how to handle the situation.

Chairman Alford said, “Me and Mrs. Moore will get in touch with people from the city regarding the matter tomorrow to try to get more information. That is, if they are willing to meet with us.”

With all due respect to the Commissioners, City Councilmen and women, both Mayors, the Industrial Development Board and Doug Berry of the Chamber of Commerce, one thing clearly stands out in the paragraphs above of the coverage of tbe meeting.

We love to give lip service to the general public and say what we think the people want to hear. We are all very quick to listen to concerned citizens and their gripes and complaints and then talk about plans to fix it. This debacle has left many scampering for someone to blame with hoardes of elected and non elected officials washing their hands of the responsibility of the pollution of Brymer Creek.

Instead of one person stepping up and committing to making sure not one more ounce of pollution flows into Brymer Creek, it seems the only viable and forseeable solution is let’s talk and talk and talk about it till we have talked enough then let’s talk some more.

But when all is said and done the end result is a once clean creek is now dirty and polluted and all we have done is talk about it to the point of nausea.

Talking without followup seems to have gotten us in this dilemma. Lip service without a plan is exactly that, lip service.

Who is to blame? Ultimately the voter will decide. They will mull over the previous four years of service and make an informed decision.

It would have been so simple to take our concerns, formulate a plan, follow up on plan, provide oversight of construction and make sure that when the first scoop of dirt was moved, no runoff was going to pollute Brymer creek.

The ball was dropped indeed. Many chose to talk and even more failed to execute.

Source of info:

Please visit this site frequently as it is chocked full of note worthy news articles that affect us daily. http://www.chattanoogan.com/2012/9/5/233582/Stormwater-Runoff-Into-Brymer-Creek.


Georgetown Community meeting tonight: Rezoning, property rights, SR 60 on the agenda

In Uncategorized on May 17, 2012 at 2:11 PM

Tonight! Community meeting at Georgetown Baptist Church on SR 60, across from the Family Dollar, 730 pm, bring someone with you!

A sleepy little piece of rural America nestled into Bradley Counties rolling hills and meadows is being prepared to become a hustle and bustle rezoned I (1) heavy industrial park complete with a 5 lane highway with major intersection development at Hopewell School!

The existing property rights and values of that property are at stake. Many realtors and key players in and around the planning commissions stand to gain heavily from this property grab.

The vote went forward on May 1, 2012 by the Bradley County Planning Commission despite a packed room of concerned citizens saying “NO!” Tony Young was quoted by the Cleveland Daily Banner, “I think we get the gist”, he said, “You all are against it.” Then moments later, the Commission voted in favor of the rezoning. Mr Young (Works for Crye Leike) abstained from the vote because of conflicts with Allen. Judy Allen who is not a member of the planning commission but from my understanding is/was a Crye Leike Realtor and owner of some of the property in the rezoning area. The vote was approved 3 to 2 with Commissioner and Planning member Mel Griffith, Tom Crye and Stacey Tucker voting yes and Janie Bishop and Daryl Sneed voting no. Planning
Commissioners Lisa Webb and Lindsay Hathcock and Greg Calfee were absent. Why Mr Tom Crye(in the realty business) continued on with his vote I do not know.

My overwhelming thought coming out of this meeting is why were so many “vested” and standing to benefit from this rezoning ever allowed on this board and some still voted? Why didn’t our one standing County Commissioner on the board vote with the people and vote NO? Another thought, with so many “absent and abstaining” why was the vote not delayed till the appointed board could have had better attendance which could have turned the vote. Why?

Many in the room that evening were encouraged to vote no or to delay the vote to “gather” more information. County Commissioners Terry Caywood and Ed Elkins, both from 1st District representatives even suggested delaying the vote. Why did the planning commission elect to bypass those requests by it’s citizens and elected representatives and vote in favor? Whatever the reason, herein lies the answer.

Living in a rural area is an enviable position to be in from city dwellers. I love the open area. I love to stand on my front porch and see pasture, birds and listen to a roaring stream and birds chirping. I do not want to look out my door and see a new superstore or a steel grey building shadowing me from the sun and the traffic getting back and forth to it. Leave the county alone! Leave our property alone. We like it the way it is. Rural and beautiful!

Come join us at the meeting tonight. 730 pm at the Georgetown Baptist Church across from the Family Dollar on SR 60. Come early, it is going to be crowded. We must take a stand against our elected and nonelected representatives that are calling all the shots despite our objections. They and their selected minions work for us and if we want things a certain way then they should act accordingly. Community activism against is the backbone of our society. When that voice is taken away by those elected to represent us, especially the non elected boards, Committees and Chambers of Commerces there is tyranny under a monarchy. Liberty and a republic does not exist when the peoples voice is silenced and their efforts vilified. Community and public dissent is the great equalizer not the great evil that certain “good ole boys” in town wish to make you. Our country was formed by dissenters and so called “trouble makers” in our not to distant past.

Embrace these citizens that are boldly and courageously standing between us and an encroaching government, stand with them. They are what America needs more of. Send a strong message that we are not the bad guy. Instead, we are a very strong, well oiled group that are standing up for the fight armored with our inalienable (God given, not man or Government given rights but inalienable! Mainly mong those are our property rights.

The Bradley County Commission is planning to vote on this rezoning issue on June 4th, 2012, 7pm, at the Bradley County Commission meeting room at the courthouse. Please plan to be there and bring someone from the Georgetown, Hopewell area with you.

In the meantime, call your commissioner and tell them you want them to vote NO on this rezoning request. Tell them you want a NO vote, not a DELAY vote. They frequently will delay the vote in hopes of public dissent to cool somewhat them when “interest is lost” the vote is recast with less hoopla! This method has been used successfully in the past!

VOTE NO or we replace you with someone who will vote NO! It’s that simple and it is the American way to prevent government intrusion into our lives.

Our forefathers would be proud! See ya there!

Bradley County, Chattanooga region receive their “Death, Color Zone” designations

In Agenda 21 on April 3, 2012 at 5:30 PM

This is an urgent notice to all citizens living in Bradley County and the Chattanooga Region. Your Mayors have voluntarily taken the necessary steps to place you into a specified “Death Color Zones! Your property rights are at extreme risk! YOU WILL EVENTUALLY LOSE YOUR PRIVATE PROPERTY RIGHTS!

The Mayors of 16 surrounding counties in 3 States have knowingly, willingly and covertly placed you into your very own “Death, Color Zone!” Their willing participation to sign on with the Chattanooga Regional Growth plan with ICLEI, a well documented component in the implementation of Agenda 21, has put us at great risk and will have a long lasting effect on our county and region for generations to come.

Because of recent actions of a collective of Mayors at the direction of The Southeast Tennessee Economic Development Council, its Board Chairman, Bradley County Mayor Gary Davis and Cleveland Mayor Tom Rowland we have now have the Chattanooga Region ready for “Color Zone” designation. The “Biodiversity Simulation Map” or “Death Map” is being used as a guide!

Bradley Counties URBAN GROWTH BOUNDARY, the designated area being appointed by the Counties growth plan, will result into a herding of all citizens into these designated areas known as “Black Zone” color to include Hamilton County as another “black” zone!

This “Black Zone” color designation means this will be a population area only! The “Red Color Zone” is reserved for the more rural areas and will be uninhabitable consisting of mostly National Parks, forests and recreation areas!

You can clearly see Polk County and other counties in the region fall into the “Red Zone!” The “Red Zones” and it’s citizens will eventually be displaced into “Black Zones” better known as the Urban Growth Boundaries! If you are doubting this plan, does it surprise you that every county in the US has a “Comprehensive Growth Plan” of some kind with a specific Urban Growth Boundary! The reason for that is explained in this article.

The Wildlands Project and UN Convention on Biological Diversity Plan to Restore Biodiversity in the United States!

See the map and the following paragraph on this site! See where your home will fall within the “death zone!”

You may purchase an 11″ X 17″ laminated print of this map for $13.00
The Wildlands Project would set up to one-half of America into core wilderness reserves and interconnecting corridors (red), all surrounded by interconnecting buffer zones (yellow).

No human activity would be permitted in the red, and only highly regulated activity would be permitted in the yellow areas. Four concerned conservative activists who now make up the board of Sovereignty International were able to find UN documentation that proved the Wildlands Project concept was to provide the basis for the UN Convention on Biological Diversity.

They used this information and this map produced by Dr. Michael Coffman, editor of Discerning the Times Digest and NewsBytes and CEO of Sovereignty International, to stop the ratification of the treaty an hour before its scheduled cloture and ratification vote. (See Congressional Record S13790)

Since the treaty was stopped, tens of thousands of Americans have used this map to expose environmentalist’s efforts to implement this diabolical agenda piecemeal local(plan), just as President Clinton did by setting aside millions of acres of public and private land. © 2000 Discerning the Times Digest and NewsBytes. 

Taken From: The United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity, Article 8a-e; United Nations Global Biodiversity Assessment, Section; US Man and the Biosphere Strategic Plan, UN/US Heritage Corridor Program, “The Wildlands Project”, Wild Earth, 1992,. Also see Science, “The High Cost of Biodiversity,” 25 June, 1993, pp 1968-1871 and the Border 21 Sidebar of NAFTA. The very high percentage of buffer zone in the West is due to the very high percentage of federal land.

With the assistance of clumps of HUD housing and grants in the multiple millions this will much more easily be a reality. Your recent MOA (Memorandum of Agreement) signed by our region, will use millions of tax payers dollars to herd them into Urban Growth areas! Your willing participation with HUD, the EPA and DOT along with other NGOs (Non Governmental Organizations) while forging Public Private Partnerships with the Chamber of Commerce, you are willingly putting everyone you represent at great risk!

Look below, and see where your decisions today will leave the many people you represent!

Agenda 21 and the United Nations and many “green movements” and many “useful idiots” of our elected conglomerate have a plan that moves people into zones and the 2035 BCC Strategic Growth Plan clearly recognizes this and gives it several names, but the death map demonstrates this designation as “Color Zones which reflect property owners being forced from their property and into a “human Settlement” within a “Rural, urban or designated growth area represented as a color designation on the map.
The Counties you represent will fall into these ominous colors and represent a redistribution of our populace to make it in their minds the most “sustainable.” After all, “Urban Sprawl” is a formidable enemy to sustainability and its goals that come with it!

The color zones are recognized by color schemes and their designations are in parentheses as how it will fall on the Biodiversity Map after our counties are manipulated according to this Agenda 21 plan and the will of our negligent self saving Mayors!

RED- No human presence!
YELLOW- Buffer zone around Red area with very controlled limited access!
BLACK DOT- Where people in red and yellow areas will be relocated (human settlements)
Polk County (red)
Bradley County (Red and Yellow)
Cleveland (Black dot)
Hamilton-Chattanooga (Black Dot)
Bledsoe (Red and Yellow)
Rhea (Red and Yellow)
McMinn (Mostly Yellow)
Marion (Mostly Red)
Sequatchie (Red)
Meigs (Red)


Jackson County (Red)
Dekalb (Yellow)


Catoosa (Red and Yellow)
Murray (Red and Yellow)
Walker (Yellow)
Dade (Yellow)
Whitfield (Yellow)

Notice where the Black Dots fall! Who are the noticeable recipients that will receive the bulk of the population growth? Yes, Chattanooga/Hamilton and Cleveland/Bradley County and the appointed leaders, Mayors Rowland, Davis and Littlefield and their local Chambers of Commerces!

The plan is in place!

It is the will of the people who should stop this madness!
We are the tenants of a Republic protected and guided by the Constitution!
We are not willing participants in our demise and we must not allow this to be a reality, God help us!
We are in this battle for the long haul.
Mayors and all willing participants in this scheme, you are being placed on notice! A very concerted effort to remove you from office either by recall or at the election ballot box will be inevitable.
The decision is yours!
Your political fate is in your hands! Your deciisions are now affecting millions! The public is becoming informed and an informed public makes very wise decisions on the fate of their county!

Deciding to join with ICLEI out of Chattanooga shows very poor judgement as this Non Governmental Organization is a direct component of the United Nations and shows that you have now stepped up as a willing participant and placed the people in a death zone!

Rio Principles lead way to implementation of SD 21 in U.S.

In Agenda 21 on March 27, 2012 at 10:43 AM

Much like the Rio Principles their predecessor the Stockholm Principles of 1972 are attempting to define Sustainability in the United States and lead the way to implementation of Agenda 21 or SD 21(Sustainable Development for the 21st Century) as it has been called since planning has started for the RIO SUMMITT!

The United Nations seem to be updating their “game plan” in preparation for the backlash by our own government against Agenda 21 in the United States!

In the US we have many new legislative bills and resolutions being passed quickly through the House and Senate in the last few months! Those bills have also been met with great resistance, most recently from Chattanoogas Mayor Ron Littlefield regarding ousting ICLEI and protecting our property rights. One would question his alliance while battling to save our region.

In Bradley County our Mayors Rowland and Davis signed on with Chattanooga to have ICLEI come into our County and take the reigns while pushing a 3 state, 16 county regional growth plan down our throats without one vote cast for it’s approval and without consent of our governing body, the City or County Commission/Council. Turns out their motivator was to blindly accept federal grant money for our sovereignty! Heck, our County Mayor Davis was even offered and accepted a Chairman post on the Non Governmental Organization (NGO) that will be running the show!

The Southeast Tennessee Economic Development Council under the tutelage of Mrs Beth Jones along with Mr Gary Davis, with the financial backing of the Benwood Foundation (Coca Cola Bottling connection) has been given the dutiful task of implementing Agenda/SD 21 into our area!

HJR 587, proposed by our very own Tennessee State Representative Kevin Brooks is one of many moving forward or awaiting sponsors! The passage recently of HJR 587 sends a strong message to our mayors and locally elected representatives that we will no longer cooperate with ICLEI, EPA, HUD, DOT and the United Nations to push Agenda 21 into our area and change our county and city drastically! No longer can we put our citizens at risk by giving our consent to a foreign entity! Let me remind anyone within ear shod of this message, this is unconstitutional and if the Constitution survives this presidency you will be held accountable for your actions!

The United Nations is having a tough time understanding why Americans are not lapping at their feet begging for more forced environmental regulations! They do not understand what it means to be free and have free choice with complete sovereignty! Nothing in this country will ever be 100 percent implemented because we like our rights, among those property rights and the sovereignty that goes with it!

Our Mayors have turned a blind eye to the needs of it’s citizens in exchange for federal dollars! In today’s economy that is such a sad statement and begs me to ask, “where are your alliances?”

Look at these Rio Principles, if the United Nations has their way they will use these principles to gently change and direct your lives! This is no longer a conspiracy!

The United Nations is coming at us full throttle ahead regardless of what we are doing to try and stop them! This tells me one thing! They are pretty confident they will make this work in the US and the world and they may know something I don’t! I can gaurantee the local minions are getting their marching orders from ICLEI or the UN to move this forward regardless of the repercussions! The move us on and will accelerated after the RIO EARTH SUMMIT IN JUNE! It is up to us to stop it!

The environment is rich and we have a fake president that is doing whatever is within his power to ruin and bring the US to it’s knees! This is no longer a joke or a conspiracy! The United Nations is positioning itself to be a world leader and if we continue to allow them we will be a socialist country within the next 4 years! Gauranteed, and I will add we will probably have our last predidential election as a free nation this upcoming election.

Take these principles and study them, look deeply into their meaning and think why in the world would any entity adopt such principles? To control the governments of the world and position the UNITED NATIONS to be the leader in a New World Order! It’s been in the works for a long time! The timing is right!

Principle 1. The role of humans.

Human beings are at the centre of concern for sustainable development. They are entitled to a healthy and productive life in harmony with nature.

Principle 2. State sovereignty

States have, in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations and the principles of international law, the sovereign right to exploit their own resources pursuant to their own environmental and developmental policies, and the responsibility to ensure that activities within their jurisdiction or control do not cause damage to the environment of other States or of areas beyond the limits of national jurisdiction.

Principle 3. The Right to development

The right to development must be fulfilled so as to equitably meet developmental and environmental needs of present and future generations.

Principle 4. Environmental Protection in the Development Process

In order to achieve sustainable development, environmental protection shall constitute an integral part of the development process and cannot be considered in isolation from it.

Principle 5. Eradication of Poverty

All States and all people shall cooperate in the essential task of eradicating poverty as an indispensable requirement for sustainable development, in order to decrease the disparities in standards of living and better meet the needs of the majority of the people of the world.

Principle 6. Priority for the Least Developed

The special situation and needs of developing countries, particularly the least developed and those most environmentally vulnerable, shall be given special priority. International actions in the field of environment and development should also address the interests and needs of all countries.

Principle 7. State Cooperation to Protect Ecosystem

States shall cooperate in a spirit of global partnership to conserve, protect and restore the health and integrity of the Earth’s ecosystem. In view of the different contributions to global environmental degradation, States have common but differentiated responsibilities. The developed countries acknowledge the responsibility that they bear in the international pursuit of sustainable development in view of the pressures their societies place on the global environment and of the technologies and financial resources they command.

Principle 8. Reduction of Unsustainable Patterns of Production and Consumption

To achieve sustainable development and a higher quality of life for all people, States should reduce and eliminate unsustainable patterns of production and consumption and promote appropriate demographic policies.

Principle 9. Capacity Building for Sustainable Development

States should cooperate to strengthen endogenous capacity-building for sustainable development by improving scientific understanding through exchanges of scientific and technological knowledge, and by enhancing the development, adaptation, diffusion and transfer of technologies, including new and innovative technologies.

Principle 10. Public participation

Environmental issues are best handled with the participation of all concerned citizens, at the relevant level. At the national level, each individual shall have appropriate access to information concerning the environment that is held by public authorities, including information on hazardous materials and activities in their communities, and the opportunity to participate in decision-making processes. States shall facilitate and encourage public awareness and participation by making information widely available. Effective access to judicial and administrative proceedings, including redress and remedy, shall be provided.

Principle 11. National Environmental Legislation

States shall enact effective environmental legislation. Environmental standards, management objectives and priorities should reflect the environmental and developmental context to which they apply. Standards applied by some countries may be inappropriate and of unwarranted economic and social cost to other countries, in particular developing countries.

Principle 12. Supportive and Open International Economic System

States should cooperate to promote a supportive and open international economic system that would lead to economic growth and sustainable development in all countries, to better address the problems of environmental degradation. Trade policy measures for environmental purposes should not constitute a means of arbitrary or unjustifiable discrimination or a disguised restriction on international trade. Unilateral actions to deal with environmental challenges outside the jurisdiction of the importing country should be avoided. Environmental measures addressing transboundary or global environmental problems should, as far as possible, be based on an international consensus.

Principle 13. Compensation for Victims of Pollution and other Environmental Damage

States shall develop national law regarding liability and compensation for the victims of pollution and other environmental damage. States shall also cooperate in an expeditious and more determined manner to develop further international law regarding liability and compensation for adverse effects of environmental damage caused by activities within their jurisdiction or control to areas beyond their jurisdiction.

Principle 14. State Cooperation to Prevent environmental dumping

States should effectively cooperate to discourage or prevent the relocation and transfer to other States of any activities and substances that cause severe environmental degradation or are found to be harmful to human health.

Principle 15. Precautionary principle

In order to protect the environment, the precautionary approach shall be widely applied by States according to their capabilities. Where there are threats of serious or irreversible damage, lack of full scientific certainty shall not be used as a reason for postponing cost-effective measures to prevent environmental degradation.

Principle 16. Internalization of Environmental Costs

National authorities should endeavour to promote the internalization of environmental costs and the use of economic instruments, taking into account the approach that the polluter should, in principle, bear the cost of pollution, with due regard to the public interest and without distorting international trade and investment.

Principle 17. Environmental Impact Assessments

Environmental impact assessment, as a national instrument, shall be undertaken for proposed activities that are likely to have a significant adverse impact on the environment and are subject to a decision of a competent national authority.

Principle 18. Notification of Natural Disaster

States shall immediately notify other States of any natural disasters or other emergencies that are likely to produce sudden harmful effects on the environment of those States. Every effort shall be made by the international community to help States so afflicted.

Principle 19. Prior and Timely Notification

States shall provide prior and timely notification and relevant information to potentially affected States on activities that may have a significant adverse transboundary environmental effect and shall consult with those States at an early stage and in good faith.

Principle 20. Women have a Vital Role

Women have a vital role in environmental management and development. Their full participation is therefore essential to achieve sustainable development.

Principle 21. Youth Mobilization

The creativity, ideals and courage of the youth of the world should be mobilized to forge a global partnership in order to achieve sustainable development and ensure a better future for all.

Principle 22. Indigenous Peoples have a Vital Role

Indigenous people and their communities and other local communities have a vital role in environmental management and development because of their knowledge and traditional practices. States should recognize and duly support their identity, culture and interests and enable their effective participation in the achievement of sustainable development.

Principle 23. People under Oppression

The environment and natural resources of people under oppression, domination and occupation shall be protected.

Principle 24. Warfare

Warfare is inherently destructive of sustainable development. States shall therefore respect international law providing protection for the environment in times of armed conflict and cooperate in its further development, as necessary.

Principle 25. Peace, Development and Environmental Protection

Peace, development and environmental protection are interdependent and indivisible.

Principle 26. Resolution of Environmental Disputes

States shall resolve all their environmental disputes peacefully and by appropriate means in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations.

Principle 27. Cooperation between State and People

States and people shall cooperate in good faith and in a spirit of partnership in the fulfilment of the principles embodied in this Declaration and in the further development of international law in the field of sustainable development.

Community gives growth plan thumbs down, police called, tyranny reigns in Bradley County!

In Agenda 21, Government on March 20, 2012 at 7:24 AM

As I stood watching the endless line of bureaucrats file into the Cleveland Bradley Public Library with the familiar easel, rolled up maps, worn out suits and clip boards listening to the steady beat of size 12 leather hills tapping the library granite corridor floor like a desperate prisoner chiseling his way out of prison! Perhaps this was none of the above and it was simply the melodious thump of a well orchestrated drum line! I couldn’t help but sense a sinister coup was in full operation mode while unknowingly the ill-informed citizen lurks outside, quietly foiling their lonely existence. We were about to see the covert operation unfold right before our eyes. I was there and no one invited me!

I soon realized that the fate of our county was being handed to these bureaucrats of a greater scheme! One thing that was overwhelmingly missing from that long line of mostly self-appointed dignitaries was that there were only a few, if any “regular, Joe Schmo citizens” filing into the room!

They all say “well, I am a citizen too!”, “right?” Of course you are, but a citizen that has either been appointed to a board, a commission, a review panel or a growth panel yielding influence or persuasion about a multi billion dollar project no longer qualifies you as a “regular citizen” that is not connected to the steam roller that is running over the people and taking away their rights! Sorry, but that is how we roll! If you are on one of the many numerous boards or commissions that yield the opinion or vote, your presence in the room no longer qualified you as an unbiased citizen. I saw 3 and I was 1!

If not for a very alert informant, we could have missed this potential consensus party! Had the two other citizens not been informed when we were this would have been one big communal love fest orgy of planners and bureaucrats yielding their proverbial wands to each other for the ultimate compliment and certain approval!

Can you imagine how one-sided this meeting could have gone and been accepted if those darn citizens hadn’t gotten in the way and raised legitimate questions about property rights and our sovereignty? Whew!

I was a little hurt that I didn’t get a formal invite or email notification about this party! But hey, I’ve been left off invitation lists before! There was this one time while in DC Ronald Reagan left me off the guest list, never mind! Wasted trip, another blog! But you get the drift!

I am now the red-haired step child of the local leftist Socialistic, Democratic planning movement! You know, that guy with no date to the prom, sorta shy and not quite cute enough to score the prom queen, ok, lets save that for another blog too! I have been saying that alot lately! Maybe, I am under the spell of the planners in BC! Oh well, save that one………..for another…… Oh you know……..blog!

I guess when you invite a regular concerned citizen, you might get a few questions asked and God forbid that happen when consensus is trying to be obtained! How better to gain consensus than to make sure no citizens were at this perceived public meeting! Silly me! Maybe my expectations were too high! I consider myself a pretty alert and informed kinda guy! I was left out of the plans! I was left out! Wait! Dejavu! Prom all ov er again! You know that potential night with high expectations that is one unanswered proposal from wearing a tux, a bow tie and a silly grin with deteriorating lamb skin rotting away inside his wallet! They disguised this one well! They hid this one well!

They were almost successful pulling this meeting off without one uninvolved citizen that wouldn’t benefit from the implementation of this growth plan!

I strolled in behind the only other two citizens Karen and Dan and we sat among the modest crowd of Bradley County “Elite!” You know those people that only their momma could love! That was a joke! I can hear now ” and that Blogger called me ugly too!”

Meeting the other two citizens in the room was brief and we went to meeting the other “decision makers!” Lets see to look around the room. There is Commissioners Mel, Woods, Caywood, Rominger, Greg Dale and his associates, Mayor of Charleston, the usual group of Chamber of Commerce rulers, planners galore, old, young, past and present and in between, various suits with Clarion clipboards, Emily, chairmen of the planning commission, wives and girlfriends of those people, oh yeah and don’t forget the old grey haired lady on the front row that has the police on speed dial who happens to be on one of the planning commissions! (that’s another story for another blog) but you see the plan!

Notify every one but the people that will be affected by the plan who will ultimately be footing the bill with their hard earned tax dollars were in the room or so it seemed!

0915 approached and the crowd of 40 to 50 fully involved citizens filed to their seats! The intros were short and the slides were popping!

After a brief introduction by Greg Dale of consultants McBride Dale and Clarion he handed it off to his able bodied comrade, Emily!

The very first slide, reportedly, a compilation of the top desires of the different breakout tables from the last meeting on January 30th! You know, those things that concerned citizens would like to hear more about! Property rights, impending plan costs, not implementing the growth plan, new taxes! Those things that concerns the everyday struggling citizen!



Not having to drive your car everywhere, getting a bicycle and riding everywhere! More Greenways! Putting all of our house on a pin head and have your bank, grocery store dry cleaners and everything at the bottom of your high rise so we can cut down on Green house gases, electric outlets for electric car? Does this sound like something brought up by the concerned citizens of Bradley County! Give me a break!!! This is from a planners playbook and a cookie cutter recipe that is shown by our consultants all over the United States! There was no “new slide” made up for just Bradley County! I would bet and I bet there are slide presentations out there with the exact same things on it from the exact same consultant!



Quality of life?

The list went on and on! The crowd was complicit and the speaker lulling us into a deep sleep of acceptance, the planners drool was now pasted onto my shirt. The subliminal messages were streaming from the speaker system, the fresh scent of brewing coffee now lingered over the doughnuts in the back of the room. A complete whitewash, a steady current of blah blah blah was now all I could hear and the crowd of dignitaries were proud of the work their consultants had done on compiling the data!

What about property rights? Sleepy heads and partially confused men turned to me as if I had just awakened them! What about our property rights? A huge component was missing on your compiled data? Tables 7, 8 and 9 were all very concerned about property rights and not a single mention of it on your slides? Eminent domain, tearing down buildings, new land use regulations, building codes, cost, new taxes, decreasing urban sprawl, firing the consultants, devising our own plan, promoting the free market. Those are the things we were concerned about and none of them got in the board! Why not?

Mr Dale speaks up and gently nudges the speaker back as she is more or less yelling and very confrontational at this point!

Property rights! We are concerned about property rights. We will be putting together more data with that information in it! I essence, he told me these were manufactured cookie cutter slides and we didn’t put them on a new slide because frankly we only want to show you what we want you to see and take your half million or more fee to blow smoke right up your behinds!

Every slide was presented as if it was the first time the room had heard it! The speaker became more and more agitated ad the presentation went on and the questions kept pouring in!

At one point, Mr Dale, said to the 3 citizens in the room “are you going to let this meeting go on or are you going to keep asking questions?” The immediate response was “uh NO, we have questions!” Commissioner Caywood, much like Commissioner Woods in the last meeting chimed in against the people asking legitimate questions, he pipes in and says and I paraphrase “I came here to learn about this, I have a family, a business and I’m giving of my time to be here so citizens with legit questions, shut the heck up!” he went on to sat “Majority rules in America, in a democracy!” Let me correct you here Mr Caywood, Majority does rule in a democracy, but we are a Republic and every vote counts! We are not yet a colony once again under the rule of kings, close but not yet! Commissioner Woods, was silent this round of tyranny and attempts at squashing our first amendment rights! Somebody must have read her the constitution, you know the part where we can challenge our government to make sure they don’t get too big for their britches! Restraint is a good fit Commissioner, shows maturity!

The spirited banter intensified and just as our founding fathers began to smile, just like clock work, the partially blonde/grey haired old lady, just as the last time steps out into the hallway and fires up her cell phone and calls for police backup because the three unwelcome guests were “gettin rowdy!” The full court press to squelch the voice of the people was on and the “people were bobbing and weaving to counter the proverbial punch of a government run amuck!

Two policemen follow her into the room and she sits beside the familiar man just as before with a Cheshire grin that could have taken on the trophy for her kennel! Success! Escort them out please! They have spoken and we all know commoners don’t dare speak in the presence of royalty! Bow to me young man and your two disobedient and irreverent scribes! Fetch my coat, I must relieve myself of these swine!

The funny thing about calling the police and she soon realized was, they are and have been on the side of the people. This is constitutionally what a sherrif and his deputies are sworn to do

Fortunately, at least most of them are here to serve and protect the peoples rights! They tell me as I sauntered to the back of the room, ” We are not going to arrest anyone that challenges or asks questions of an elected official or appointed board in a public meeting!” They think it is hilarious that our local government wants to squash it’s peoples rights! The Sherrifs in this town have made it no secret that they are here to serve and protect the people, not be a strong arm for the representatives of government or the selfish desires of an old woman! Whatever this woman is trying to do here, this is not Chicago or DC! We are well represented by our law officers and they are watching out for our well being!

Old lady do as you please, it is your right to be tyrannical , but remember in America at least for now, is not against the law! The Constitution still gives me the right to peacefully address my government and hold them accountable for their actions! So lay off the 911 calls for dignity sakes! It makes you look so pretentious and smug!

As I said clearly in the meeting, I respect the uniform and the position, but I do not fear standing up and speaking up in a public meeting!

Public facilities?

Did I go to the same meeting? The meeting I went to was so bombarded with citizen concerns that they hardly had time to discuss any of the plans! Some of my high faluting friends tell me this is what you call a fix! Consensus! Where you stay on course regardless of the questions and concerns, then it looks like everyone is in agreement!

For real? Public facilities, bathrooms and a Tom Rowland Convention Center is the most pressing thing on the table? Really? We are paying these consultants to tell me the same thing they tell every community! In fact when I asked Greg Dale this question he said and again I’m paraphrasing, he said that many communities have the same concerns, thats why all these sound the same from community to community!

We have just called you out on your same old outdated slides and you want me to buy your spill and let you implement a growth plan that will tax me well into the next century and burden my great grand children! Are you kidding me?

The meeting came to a sudden halt and once again we were broken off into 3 groups and discussed bringing everyone into our Urban Growth boundary and decrease sprawl in the rural areas, give everybody a bike and tell them to walk on the greenway under the guidance of the EPA, HUD, UN and the

The meeting like the others did not meet consensus or even get close! The meeting from my observation was a failure! We have a plan for growth that is being poorly presented by consultants that are highly overpaid and have a very sinister under belly to them! We have reporters on this issue and we are collaborating some very disturbing trends!

What we have here is big government trying to get bigger! We have our taxes going up as a result! We have a few in government who are overreaching in their powers!

A citizenry that is being bypassed by a group of bureaucrats that feel they know better and are being briskly tugged by the almighty dollar in the form of multiple federal grants!

We are doomed and we have the deck stacked against us! The people’s voice in Bradley County is no longer! The republic and what it stands for is diminishing by the assistane of planners in a very finance rich environment that are using the crutches of government to fulfill their edicts from DC!

It is a sad day for our country! Our representative form of government is the ruling word in our world. The hell with the people! They are just in the way?

Our founding fathers laid out the framework, the people enforce the constitution and government resets it’s own set of rules and yet tyranny prevails!

I’ll save this next thought for another blog!