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Posts Tagged ‘Tennessee’

TN State House Committee votes 5-3 to amend US Constitution, to Calendar and Rules

In Uncategorized on January 27, 2016 at 7:38 AM

TN State House Committee votes 5-3 to amend US Constitution, to Calendar and Rules

0734 am

The Tennessee State Government Committee voted yesterday on SJR67, Convention of States resolution.

I am sad to inform you the motion passed 5-3.

It will move on to the Calendar and Rules Committee for another vote possibly next week before going to a full House vote.

Representative Sheila Butt and Mark Meckler both spoke in support of the bill.

At approximately the 17:50 mark of the video, Meckler began spewing forth as many lies as possible that could be placed inside a short time frame. In my opinion, he could have been charged with perjury.

(An analysis and rebuke of the Meckler diatribe is needed. Hopefully a faithful expert reader could provide this information to share.)

Great questions were asked by the Representatives on the committee. Raising questions about a runaway convention, the 2nd Amendment, vetting of the delegates, restraining the delegates, itinerary of a Convention were very appropriate but allowing Meckler and Butt to field the questions and provide one sided answers was a total disservice to the people of Tennessee.

All Representatives speaking voiced that they had received many emails, calls and office visits from both sides of this issue. Thanks to many of my readers and advocates for this service.

It’s sad to report that the voice of the people did not get fully represented here. Although acknowledging much dissent and non support for this bill, the Reps approved the resolution which will now move on to another committee.

Let’s get citizen representatives to the next hearing.

Personal side bar:

During the hearing, not a single voice of opposition was offered. I believe this committee was asking the right questions but a dissenting voice in the room may have meant the difference and swayed the vote to a NO.

We need an Article V expert to stand in the gap and represent the people at the next Calendar and Rules Hearing. Please step forward if this is your calling.

Question for legal experts:

At the 57 to 58 minute mark, after a call for a vote was made, the committee took a small break to discuss a legal issue. In the break, you can see Mark Meckler leave his seat walk to the left of the screen, say something to Representative Butt then Representative Butt nodding her head approaches the committee and speaking with several of the committee members as if to lobby them about an issue they made have had during the hearing.

I was under the assumption that once a vote was called you could not speak to the committee members or offer influence to them. Am I wrong on this issue, please feel free to offer comment on the BCN Comment section below.

The COS hearing video:


TN Legislature set to vote on changing US Constitution, opposition strong

In Uncategorized on January 22, 2016 at 11:23 AM

TN Legislature set to vote on changing US Constitution, opposition strong

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Next week, January 26, 2016 at noon, our TN State Legislature, via the TN State House Government Committee will be voting on the Senates version of SJR67, the Convention of States legislation to change and or amend our US Constitution. The Senate version led by Senator Mike Bell passed last year.

While I agree this move may be Constitutiinal I do not feel the timing of such a move by our legislators is a safe one.

We have way too many wolves in sheeps clothing ready to trounce on the Constitution once inside chambers to do so creating a potential devastating result.

The risk of a runaway jury is very real. Once inside the deliberation room anything could happen. The process of amending and changing the US constitution could fall into greedy hands not capable or interested in protecting our sacred document which holds our Bill of Rights and the protections on freedom we all enjoy.

Below is a sample letter, please feel to personalize it, to send out to the committee that will be considering placing it up for a vote. We must not let this pass it’s too risky!

Dear Representative,

Please consider saying NO to Tennessee’s SJR67 (COS) being heard on Tuesday January 26, 2016 at Noon in the TN House State Government Committee. I feel this could be very harmful to the integrity of our US Constitution and put our sovereignty at risk. Thank you for this consideration.


Email blast list of SJR67 Committee Members:

Please share vigorously as our country and its fate may depend upon it!

Nashville: Office of New Americans hires Director to train immigrants to become leaders in community

In Uncategorized on January 8, 2016 at 9:23 AM

Nashville: Office of New Americans hires Director to train immigrants to become leaders in community.

0918 am

The Office of New Americans has recently celebrated its first birthday and has a new Director.

The Mayor of Nashville Meagan Barry has hired Vanessa Lazon, a Peruvian born immigrant who came to the Nashville area and attended Glenville High School.
Excerpt from the Nashville Post,

“Nashville is a stronger city because of the many different cultures and communities that come together to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere for all,” said Mayor Barry. “Vanessa will play an important role in creating a stronger bond between our government and the many immigrant and refugee communities that strengthen the fabric of our city.”

“The Office of New Americans will be a part of the Mayor’s Office of Neighborhoods and Community Engagement and will serve to fulfill their joint mission of amplifying the voices of all Nashvillians in the governing process.”

It’s sorta like a government welcome center for illegal and legal immigrants. A place that cuts through all the red tape and makes it easier for the foreign born immigrants to get a foot hold in the community and become leaders in our community.

Please watch this video for more details:

Lazon has been very busy with projects to allow immigrants to be included in the day to day activities in and around Nashville encouraging them to be leaders in our community.
The MyCity Academy has recently graduated 30 new immigrants from the program. This program takes foreign-born people and immerses them in everything Nashville.
“They get to learn basics of Nashville history, recycling water, Metro services, all kinds of stuff that is helpful when you come from another country,” said Lazon. “Some of those things aren’t on your radar.”

“Then they are able to become leaders of their respective communities.”
The second program is the Parent Ambassador Program where 20 foreign parents are acclimated into Metro schools to help new foreign parents.

The third role is to help individuals who need a lawyer to help finalize their citizenship.

“It’s important, she says. That safety for family and being a permanent resident provides (them) more chances to go to work,” said Lazon.

“We are all in this together and we are working together,” said Lazon. “You benefit, I benefit, we all benefit. It’s not you versus them or us versus them.”

Nashville Mayor Megan Barry had this to say about all the excitement of new foreign born immigrants coming to our area,

“Our Islamic community makes us stronger and better, too. We are proud to be a city where Muslims can live and work, a city where Muslims can play and pray, a city where Muslims can start families and start businesses.

With nearly 80 new foreign immigrants moving to downtown Nashville every day and nearly 30,000 per year you are obviously going to need a government welcome center in place to accommodate this many people.

Nashville has about 76,000 new immigrants, about 12 percent of the total population. You can drive down about any Nashville road and see the influence of immigrants on the downtown area.

You can see signs for Little Turkistan, Little Mexico and many other ethnic billboards introducing new businesses, enclaves and communities separate from the usual climate, where many do not assimilate.

It is estimated that 90 percent of these immigrants are on welfare for an extended period or for life. This begs you to ask where will the breaking point be for our state. With 30,000 plus immigrants being coerced to our area every year, when will the money run out or become a serious burden on the taxpayer.

With Mayor Meagan Barry at the helm and other spiritual leaders such as Rev. Judy Cummings, senior pastor at the New Covenant Christian Church; Rabbi Mark Schiftan of the Temple Congregation Ohabai Sholom; Nashville attorneys Abby Rubenfeld and Gregg Ramos; as well as human relations commissioners Samar Ali and Aisha Lbhalla and several Metro Councilmen working hard to accommodate all these foreign born immigrants, you can see that eventually the city will need some financial assistance very soon to finance this venture.

I have currently been unable to access any information as to the cost of these programs or the budget numbers for these newly formed departments. Perhaps a loyal reader has those numbers or access to them

I am fairly confident that Governor Bill Haslam has the numbers, he just needs to release them.

This has his fingerprints all over it!

Sources of information:

Please visit their sites frequently and support them with your time and efforts.



TN Houses approve resolution to alter US Constitution, Trojan Horse in place at gate of Convention

In Uncategorized on November 14, 2015 at 9:57 AM

TN Houses approve resolution to alter US Constitution, Trojan Horse in place at gate of Convention

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Both Tennessee Houses have voted and approved bills to apply for a Constitutional Convention of States.

The TN House took up the Balanced Budget Amendment (BBA) and approved it in 2014, the TN Senate approved the Conventon of States (COS) resolution in the spring of 2015. The House will vote on the COS resolution in January 2016 when it reconvenes.

The Tennessee State Legislature and Senate Houses have applied to Congress calling for amendments to the US Constitution. This action by our elected representatives could change, alter, eliminate or re-write our most sacred document that defines the freedoms we now partake of daily.

Both resolutions have passed with an overwhelming majority and now we await for a 2/3 majority to call upon Congress to make the Convention a reality once the vote is cast in January of 2016.

The measure can be stopped and We the People still have that ability to call House members and request they not approve the COS resolution in 2016. Time is short. We must be vigilant and expediant.

It is deeply regretful that the bid went forward and We the People did not foresee the many problems that may result from a Constitutional Convention sooner.

“Conservatives” in our State Legislatures by statement of their vote to conduct the process of amending the Constitution have acted irresponsibly.

The left through the years have resigned to the fact they could not do it on their own. They have now enlisted the right to assist them with the changes to the Constitution. The left has co-opted the right and the dance that ensues is a very dangerous and one that could disrupt our nation and hand it over to a New World Order, a much requested venture.

The US Constitution is the only thing keeping the left from creating that global utopian socialist nation under the control of foreign forces dead set on destroying our country.

Amendment changes to the US Constitution is too risky with too many people with the ability to place their paws upon the most precious document that relinquishes to us our God given rights and liberties.

The US Constitution is not yours to subject to the wiles of the left and evil people to do as they please. Leave it alone Mr or Mrs Statesperson.

“Conservatives” are saying that they will only be seeking to inject one amendment at a called convention. This is a lie!

By teaming with the left with its many constitution changing agendas, we know this to be a lie solely on their stated desire to do so.

The right is being used as the Trojan horse that will wheel up to the doors of a Constitutional Convention and to possibly change this document forever.

Let’s watch as that Trojan Horse is discovered.

Once at the gate of the convention the left with cover from their “Conservative” friends will knock on the doors of our rights at the convention. Knock, knock!

Our elected reps, our chosen delegates, once hearing the lustful knock of a combined “right, left” team effort will open that door.

Eyes will be curiously watching as the Trojan Horse will be hauled to a convention of states. Once inside, the belly of the giant will begin to slake and rumble. The trap door will become ajar from the eager vermin more than willing to embark. The horse will release its vile content onto the floor of a called convention.

As the sludge oozes from his belly, the barely recognizable forms will take shape. The surge of force will surely dislodge millions of dollars, several constitutions, special interest subjects and lobbyist and many diverse amendments and a host of other assorted ideologies.

As this Trojan Horse gives birth to its subjects, you begin seeing these delegates, numerous they may be, made up of hundreds of lobbyists and special interest groups they scatter among the convention and the feeding frenzy will ensue.

Once in place, the convention room may be closed off to any spectators, the doors closed and the dismantling ensues.

The speaker will make the call for order and for delegates to place their agendas upon the table. With a great ferocity each demanding their bought and paid for “changes”, the delegates will submit their considerations for adoption.

Each delegate will undoubtedly meet resistance from other better paid delegates and the proverbial chest thump and resulting dance will begin.

One delegate with less money influence will begin the squall of a dying calf, the better funded will strap on his sorosesque rapid fire cannon and lob his influence on to the convention hall. The less powerful will succumb to the monster we shall call a well funded entity.

The right whose eyes have been closed will now begin to open and start to see the lie they were fed, the result of bipartisan support and a blind cohesion with the left. Angst will build and regret shall encompass their sold out core.

The crowd will grow concerned, oddly uncomfortable while watching this three ring circus perform, peering to the right as if to question the lies…

The left will most likely yield the majority of delegates inside this debacle.

The Trojan Horse has been revealed and fearing retribution from opposing delegates they may seize the opportunity at a runaway convention possibly making a move to temporarily suspend state rights providing them immunity from any attempts to prosecute them for the seditious acts that will befall this convention.

We the People disillusioned with the tone and tenor of the convention will surely rise up paving another avenue for Civil unrest.

The Convention event has now lost stability. The “right”that got duped into believing them will now begin to attempt to control the event they helped create. A lengthy spin cycle with damage control will ensue, but it’s too little, too late.

Posturing from all sides, lobbyists and insiders will be breathing heavily as they run from aisle to aisle looking for a compromise or expansion of amendments.

The fear of a runaway or perpetual Convention has been realized. The right and the left have now become the same.

Upon exiting the chaotic convention one regretful patriot will inevitably emerge from Independence Hall on that fateful day reminiscent of that chilly fall day in 1787 when Ben Franklin departed the last convention.

A lady from the crowd lunges forward and yells “Dr what do we have a Republic or a Monarchy?” The response from the patriot will more than likely be “A New World Order under Parlimentary control by the UN, whether you want it or not!”

Ladies and gentlemen we are on the verge of some serious attacks on our US Constitution. The realization of a hostile takeover and destruction of our Constitution is just a Convention away.

The false assumption that an Article V Convention of States is benign is false. Yes, the Article V is Constitutional. But to question its intent and the timing of this call for a Convention is worth some serious contemplation.

The end result, regardless of how you word it, the US Constitution will suffer a great hit or be abolished all together inside a convention of delegates that may not share our vision of how we should live our lives under the protections given us.

Regardless of how you approach it, it could be a potential disaster, one that I’m not willing to watch happen.

Sure, in a perfect world I would love to think only one change will be performed upon the Constitution but the buzzards circling tells me otherwise.

Our forefathers didn’t provide a whole lot of instruction for delegates and the way a convention was to be run. This may have been purposeful but they may have underestimated the enormity of the attack and those dead set on changing it to their defined objective.

As a matter of fact we have never had a state led Amendment Convention. There is no example of us to follow, no precedence to lean on for guidance, only a slew of people wanting the same thing…..their amendment to be the one that gets the ok that leads to passage. This is an unmanageable issue that is too risky to ascertain.

This is not Tennessee’s first attempt to call on Congress to make amendment changes. In fact, I believe Tennessee has made three prior requests for a Constitutional Convention. There is a valid reason why Tennessee through the years has denied and rescinded this issue. It undeniably leaves the United States very vulnerable to the wiles of those willing to subjugate our sovereignty.

In 2010, Tennessee rescinded all calls for a Con Con. Even the RNC under the leadership of Reince Preibus called upon legislators to STOP the push for a CON CON, fearing the Trojan Horse scenario above would result.

The RNC, the Republican National Committee, condemned all attempts to change our US Constitution and urged our Tennessee elected representatives to stand down from all efforts because of the inherent damage doing so could do to our country and our state.

On August 22nd,2012 the RNC unleashed this WARNING to all legislators.

WHEREAS, the Constitution is also silent as to the agenda of such a Convention and sets out no way to limit the agenda of such a Convention, and,

WHEREAS, former U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice Warren Burger concluded that there is no effective way to limit or muzzle the actions of a Constitutional Convention after it is convened; and,

WHEREAS, a Constitutional Convention would attract a multitude of individuals and special interest groups with agendas that would alter our Constitution beyond recognition….

Surprisingly two years later, despite this warning from their own party, our Tennessee reps have applied for a CON CON against their own party. What happened between 2012 and 2014?

You would suspect that this warning, this direction, would be enough to sway those in elected seats to halt their pursuit of a Constitutional Convention. It is akin to the constant consultation you give to your children that do not heed your advice.

In 2014, the current State Legislature took up the call to Congress as well as the State Senate in 2015 under the tutelage of Senator 9th District Mike Bell to conduct a Constitutional Convention.

Interestingly, some of the same legislators calling for a recision and repeal in 2010 voted for it in 2014 and 2015. Im only speculating but it looks as if special interest groups and lobbyist did a number on our elected reps in TN perhaps placing a little greenback into their personal coffers.

Why else would a Tennessee State Legislator or Senator buck the advice of their own party as they have in Tennessee? It’s worth consideration.

This frequent waffling, flip flopping and resistance on the same subject has to have some big money behind it. What else would make them turn one way one year and another way against the advice of their own party in 2014 and 2015. Sounds to me like a few prodigal sons need to find their way home.

Meanwhile we wait for other states to approve the applications for a CON CON as TN did or we stand against these wayward legislators tampering with our freedom and subjecting us to the possibility of propping up a new government that will equate to a socialist dump with all the non perks that go with that decision.

This is serious bidding and the health of our state, our nation and its people are at risk!

Call your state legislators to either say NO to a CON CON or rescind the application to make a call to Congress for a Convention.

Your country and your freedoms depend on your action or your silent consent.

You make that decision.

I’m only informing you of the risk and the potential result! My self prescribed duty is done.

Other interesting reading:
RNC resolution against and Article V Convention:

2012 Republican National Committee Resolution Against Article V


The resolutions enacted by our TN State reps:


Click to access hjr0548.pdf


Tennessee rescinding in 2010 (House Joint Resolution No. 30 [Memorial 405 and Memorial 406, 156 Congressional Record H8264, soft-cover preliminary edition]), but, in 2014, Tennessee lawmakers again applied for a convention relative to an amendment requiring that the federal budget be balanced (House Joint Resolution No. 548).

Open letter to all Legislators: Pass it along to your State Legislator or Senator!

Open letter to all state legislators: The other side of the Article V issue

As with all my posts this article is my opinion and solely that within my first amendment rights to do so. To consider it more than an opinion is irresponsible. Hopefully with the info provided you will form your own opinion also and decide to call your State rep and demand this AV Con Con not move forward.

-This article was updated on 11/16/2015 and changes made. The timing and events were not clear and confusing to some! Thanks for the input.

TN Legislators ignore RNC resolution against Article V Convention

In Uncategorized on November 2, 2015 at 4:47 AM

TN Legislators ignore RNC resolution against Article V Convention

0443 am

The Republican National Committee (RNC) Committee by resolution has loudly opposed a Constitutional Convention on August 22, 2012. The resolution draft is posted below to read.

In spite of this stern warning and resolution passed by their respective representative body, both houses easily passed another call for a Constitutional Amendment Convention on April 2014 and in the Senate on April 2015 in Tennessee.

Oddly enough all prior resolutions were rescinded in 2010 by many of the same people that just voted for another call for convention in 2014 and 2015.

It’s mind boggling that so many at the behest of their own party affiliations still wish to defy ample warnings to the contrary let alone the wishes of many they represent.

An ongoing poll of multiple social media websites conducted by Stop CON CON TN reveals 97 percent DO NOT SUPPORT amendments being made to the US Constitution.

This poll clearly shows where the constituency are aligned, polar opposites of where their elected reps stand.

Please take the poll mentioned.

This is a total disconnect, one that must be remedied with stiff opposition. When those elected to represent you fail to do so, the negative impact of their contrary action with the looming possiblity of a runaway convention should be placed firmly in their laps and those individuals held accountable for the deleterious result that could result.

The resolution adopted below by the RNC has certainly fallen deafly onto our TN elected representatives ears once again.

There is no doubt that the RNC is standing firmly against an Article V Amendment to the States citing “that the risk of loss far exceeds the possibility of gain from such an uncontrolled and uncontrollable proceeding!”

Why would any group of legislators defy their own party’s recommendation to not proceed?

I believe the answer lies steadfastly in the lining of their pockets. The almost childlike defiance surely shows great consternation to those offering advice.

I would suggest anyone to follow the money because something something stinks in the TN camp of elected reps. I am very sure many of those on the left and the right of which they are aligned with are not economically challenged and are capable of exchanging monetary gain for a favor.

I have not personally witnessed this, it’s only an assumption, but few other things talk like a soft monetary bill landing on the hand of an elected rep. Why else would an elected rep make a stand against 97 percent of their constituency and the party they represent?

My guess is a possible usurpation at the hand of the almighty greenback would most likely be the motivation behind this uncivil act.

It would be fair to assess that those calling for an Article V Convention of the states and not following RNC advice on calling for Amendment are Republicans In Name Only, a name many dodge with intensity while others seem to glow in it?

By not heeding their own party advice and the will of 97 percent of their constituency, it shows expressed interest in working with the Left pushing their agendas while ignoring the greater portion of their constituency. This is gross neglect.

The only true way to assure this does not happen again is to make a strong stand at the ballot box and make every effort possible to assure they do return to their elected seats.

This is the resolution from the RNC to fellow legislators, Reince Preibus, Chairman.


WHEREAS, Article V of the Constitution of the United States authorizes the convening of a Convention for proposing Amendments, now frequently called a Constitutional Convention, “on the application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several States”; and,

WHEREAS, the Constitution is silent as to the qualifications of the delegates to such a convention and how or by whom they should be selected; and,

WHEREAS, the Constitution is also silent as to the agenda of such a Convention and sets out no way to limit the agenda of such a Convention, and,

WHEREAS, former U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice Warren Burger concluded that there is no effective way to limit or muzzle the actions of a Constitutional Convention after it is convened; and,

WHEREAS, a Constitutional Convention would attract a multitude of individuals and special interest groups with agendas that would alter our Constitution beyond recognition; and,

WHEREAS, well known Democrat members of the US Congress are currently advocating a Constitutional Convention to introduce a number of amendments that would enshrine and effectuate their liberal agenda; and

WHEREAS, the Constitution of the United States is a timeless document which, by limiting the powers of the government it created and guaranteeing the freedom and opportunity of the citizens for whom it was created, has produced the best and most productive nation in the history of the world; now be it

RESOLVED, that the Republican National Committee strongly opposes the convening of a convention for the purpose of proposing amendments to the Constitution of the United States for the reason that the risk of loss far exceeds the possibility of gain from such an uncontrolled and uncontrollable proceeding.

The following statement was taken directly from the Leaf Chronicle reporting on the Convention of States Legislative meeting in Nashville TN recently. Scott Williams, the Tennessee state director for the Convention of the States said this,

“An Article V Convention of the States allows the state legislatures to call a convention to amend the U.S. Constitution, as long as two-thirds of the states approve, Williams said. And whatever amendments are proposed at the convention would not become active unless ratified by three-fourths, or 38, of the states, he added.”

A State led Constitutional Convention will more than likely be held and a multitude of amendments will undoubtedly be added by many and those delegates chosen will have the ability to vote on them and present them for ratification or not. This is too risky as no one is assured the outcome regardless of statements to the contrary.

I have recently reached out to several of our elected representatives to once again save our Republic from the hands of usurpers and rescind the current call! It could be your last chance.

Call yours today and ask they support a recision of this plunge into a the abyss of which our country may never recover. I have reached out to Senator Mae Beavers, District 17, to rescind this call for a Convention. Why don’t you do the same.



We must act!
Call your legislators and demand that a call for a convention not be conducted fearing our country and the people in it may lose the sacred document that protects them. Call or email now!

State Senator Mike Bell, sponsor of SJR 0067 and Sheila Butt seem to be spearheading the efforts in TN calling for a Convention of States.

To contact State Senator Mike Bell:

House District 64 Rep Sheila Butt:

Many thanks to Shawn Meehan for his shared advice and many others. He is one of the experts on this subject, me, I’m still absorbing and relying heavily on these seasoned AV activist to steer me along and show me the ropes. With great patience on their part, I continue to grow in my knowledge and understanding of this process.

Please visit his site frequently and support his efforts with your time. See the link below for more interesting articles.



Disclaimer: The words spoken here as with all my blog entrees are my opinions based on many hours of research. I make conclusion based on those facts and findings. Please comment to the contrary in the space provided. Remember, simply objecting or stating “that doesn’t sound right” is not enough for me to negate my statement making mine wrong and yours rights. I attempt to work with absolutes not conjecture only! Have a blessed day.

Tennessee School Districts Say Revealing Islam Lessons May Cost ‘Millions,’ Take Too Darn Long

In Uncategorized on October 2, 2015 at 10:26 AM

Tennessee School Districts Say Revealing Islam Lessons May Cost ‘Millions,’ Take Too Darn Long

Contributing Editor:
ERIC OWENS-The Daily Caller
Education Editor
8:15 AM 09/30/2015

Dozens and dozens of taxpayer-funded Tennessee school districts are refusing to comply with an open records request from a conservative legal nonprofit seeking materials and documents relevant to the way public schools are teaching Islam — primarily to middle schoolers.

The American Center for Law & Justice, a law firm that generally promotes conservative and Christian principles, sent its open records requests to all 146 taxpayer-funded school districts in Tennessee earlier this month, reports The Tennessean, Nashville’s main newspaper.

A Nashville attorney, Chuck Cagle of the law firm Lewis Thomason, has provided almost 80 school districts (all represented by the firm) with a sample letter which district officials are customizing to deny the conservative group’s open records request.

“Our client denies your request in full,” the sample letter reads. “Among many other defects in your demand, the Tennessee Open Records Act only requires that certain public records be made available for personal inspection by Tennessee citizens. See Tenn. Code Ann. § 10-7-503(a)(1)(B). A public records request made by an agent on behalf of a foreign business entity is invalid.”

An attorney for the Washington, D.C.-based American Center for Law & Justice, CeCe Heil, says Cagle is applying his Tennessee law all wrong.

“We deal with government entities regularly and anticipate the necessity of engaging in negotiations pertaining to the actual documentation received,” Heil told The Tennessean in an email. “Our open records requests are valid and signed by an attorney who is a citizen of Tennessee.”

Also, Heil noted, the ACLJ is requesting the records because anxious Tennessee parents contacted its attorneys.

The ACLJ’s open records request is definitely broad. The conservative activist group is seeking every test, every quiz, every lesson plan, every study guide and every bit of instructional material concerning the teaching of religion in all Tennessee public school districts. The request specifies anything asking students to recite words in Arabic or to say or write Muslim prayers. It also seeks internal communications concerning how classroom materials were chosen.

“I’ve never seen a records request that asked for this volume of information in 25 years of practicing law,” Cagle, the professional school district lawyer, complained.

Cagle has also claimed that compliance with an open records request about what schools are teaching is not feasible because it will take too long to respond and cost too much money.

“On the front end, this could cost school boards hundreds of thousands, if not millions of dollars to respond to this request,” Cagle told Nashville NBC affiliate WSMV.

The open records request is related to a grassroots reaction among parents — primarily evangelical Christian parents — against what they perceive as an inappropriate focus on Islam in history and social studies courses in Tennessee middle schools.

Earlier this month, for example, parents in the Nashville suburb of in Spring Hill expressed alarm because their public middle school children are learning about Islam in a world history class but, the parents say, the course material pointedly ignores Christianity. (RELATED: Public School Parents Angry After Middle Schoolers Instructed To Write ‘ALLAH IS THE ONLY GOD’)

Mad mom Brandee Porterfield, who has a seventh-grade daughter at Spring Hill Middle School in Spring Hill, Tenn., said her daughter came home with world history schoolwork all about the Five Pillars of Islam and other core teachings of the Abrahamic religion. The first and most important pillar — the shahada in Arabic — is roughly translated as: “There is no god but God. Muhammad is the messenger of God.” Porterfield said her daughter’s teacher instructed the girl to write: “Allah is the only God.”

A petition initiated by the American Center for Law & Justice entitled “Stop Islamic Indoctrination in School” had garnered 201,505 signatures as of early Wednesday morning.

A spokesman for the Islamic Center of Nashville, Rashed Fakhruddin, said he thinks both the ACLJ’s open records request and the claim that schools are teaching too much Islam are preposterous.

“I don’t know if this is meant to be a witch hunt, but all of the religions — Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism — they’re being taught in the schools,” Fakhruddin told WSMV.

In addition to Islam, students in Tennessee public schools also study Buddhism and Hinduism. However, they do not study Christianity per se. There is not, for example, one class day dedicated to the basic Jesus story.

A Spring Hill school district official promised that students eventually come across a reference to Christianity when history teachers reach the “Age of Exploration” in eighth grade. Then, students will hear about Christians persecuting other Christians in some countries in Western Europe.

Source of info: I would encourage you to visit the site below and subscribe to their site. It is full of other interesting articles.

BCN Note: In the meantime WE THE PEOPLE must approach our personal school districts and request the information ourselves. You know what to do! Go!!!

ACLJ sending open records requests to all school districts in TN regarding teaching of Islam

In Uncategorized on September 23, 2015 at 9:03 AM

ACLJ sending open records requests to all school districts in TN regarding teaching of Islam

0852 am

The American Center for Law & Justice, a legal advocacy group for conservative Christian causes, is sending open records request letters to all Tennessee school districts for information on teaching Islam, reports The Tennessean.

State Senate Education Chairman Dolores Gresham, meanwhile, is calling on the state Department of Education to caution all schools against Islamic indoctrination.

In a recent meeting held by the Bradley Ministerial Association in Bradley County Tn, the notion seems to be, based on a series of comments, Islam will be taught as a “tool” for learning. The school leaders stated that they must teach to the standards which contains the teaching of Islam, to include memorizing the Shahada and the 5 Pillars of Islam. Now we will see if they intend to teach it.

Many schools and parents are reporting a series of teachings accumulating to 3 and 4 weeks on the study of Islam and other teachings. This is indoctrination. We must adhere to the 3 Rs not the 5 Pillars and spend our time wisely. Our kids could learn alot of other things within that extra month of study beside being indoctrinated to Islam.

For schools stepping over the line they will more than likely be issued subpoenas for teaching adverse and excessive religious topics in our schools and then be forced to stop or face a lawsuit or jail time.

Much of this Islamic teaching is heavily funded by the likes of the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Iran, Qatar and Saudia Arabia to slant the standards to contain a heavy influence of the Middle Eastern Culture.

From the Tennessean:

Cece Heil, Senior Counsel with the ACLJ, said open records requests have gone to all 146 Tennessee public school districts because of the concerns voiced by parents to the organization.

“Although a school may teach curriculum on religion, it must be objective,” Heil said in an email. “It may not prefer one religion over other religions without running afoul of the Establishment Clause. After receiving specific complaints from parents, it seems that some school (districts) may have crossed this line.”

The time and depth Islam has been taught in schools has been scrutinized recently by Tennessee lawmakers and community members representing multiple districts.

The state provides academic standards, which Tennessee Department of Education Commissioner Candice McQueen said are designed to provide a deep understanding of how world religions have affected world history.

…The ACLJ letters are requesting records and information on what students are learning about Islam and other religions, how students are being taught and what resources teachers are using.

News release from Senate Republican Caucus

NASHVILLE – Senate Education Committee Chairman Dolores Gresham (R-Somerville) has requested Tennessee Commissioner Candice McQueen issue a letter instructing local school districts to use caution to ensure that students are educated rather than indoctrinated while teaching religious beliefs and how they impact world history.

The letter comes after recent objections were raised by parents in several Tennessee counties regarding the teaching of Islamic practices in middle school curriculum. Some parents claim their children were required to memorize the five pillars of Islam and to write “Allah is the only God” as part of an assignment.

“Over the past few weeks, members of the General Assembly have received an increasing number of messages from constituents over the curriculum being used in Tennessee 7th grade Social Studies classrooms,” the letter said. “Most of these concerns surround the teaching of Islamic tenets in Tennessee classrooms. While we understand the importance of teaching world history to our students, we must be prudent in our approach so it is clear that we are educating rather than indoctrinating.”

“To help ensure that our State is providing the best quality education to our children we request that the Department of Education issue a letter instructing our local school districts to use caution when teaching religious beliefs and how they impact world history,” the letter concluded.

Here is the last article written on this subject. It shows the local community school leaders more than willing to submit to the teachings of Islam in our schools.

Bradley County Schools Director Cash says “information about Islam is  “just a tool” teachers can use.

Source of information:


CAIR condemns Sheriff Hammonds remarks demanding US DOJ investigate civil rights violations

In Uncategorized on September 5, 2015 at 8:51 AM

CAIR condemns Sheriff Hammonds remarks demanding US DOJ investigate civil rights violations

0725 am

As sure as the sun is set to rise every morning in Chattanooga Tennessee, so was the expected response by the Muslim Brotherhood front group, Hamas tied, designated Terrorist Group CAIR demanding extra protection for Muslims after Tennessee sheriff calls for enhanced monitoring of potential Muslim terrorists in Tennessee.

CAIR today said it will call on the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) to investigate the civil rights implications of “raw anti-Muslim bigotry” expressed by a Hamilton County  Sheriff, Jim Hammond, who  recently said that Islam is communism with a god and is a huge threat to constitutional government.

Considering the most recent terrorist attack by Mohammed Youseff  Abdullahzeez that killed 5 US Service members in downtown Chattanooga, this is a very smart move by the Sheriff to protect the citizens of his city.

According to Nooga.com, the hate group, CAIR, Council on American-Islamic Relations is asking public officials to protect the civil rights of Tennessee Muslims after recent remarks from Hamilton County Sheriff Jim Hammond.

“They want Tennessee,” Hammond said. “They’re building mosques as fast as they can in Tennessee. For us to sit back and do nothing is wrong.”

Speaking at a Pachyderm luncheon Monday, Hammond urged other Tennessee sheriffs to monitor Muslims throughout the state for illegal and questionable activity.

He said Islam is a “state, wrapped in a religion so they can get the tax breaks, so they cannot have government intrusion into their mosques. They are able to use our own system against us.”

Hammonds continued with his verbal assault against Islam extremists stating “Islam is very good at what they do. They have built a structure to take over this country. And many of the pieces are in place.”

CAIR spokesman Ibrahim Hooper said in a statement to the Chattanooga Times Free Press,

“Given Sheriff Hammond’s extremist views and his stated plan to act on and spread those views, it is incumbent on state and federal officials to take appropriate action to protect the civil and legal rights of the state’s Muslim population.” 

Hammond also said Muhammad Abdulazeez was motivated by jihad in fatally shooting five service members July 16 in Chattanooga. Coincidentally Abdullahzeez was a “regular” worshipper at the local mosque, ISGC, Islamic Society of Greater Chattanooga with known financial ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.

“I can stand up here and tell you, as your sheriff, I’m convinced that this was Islamic terrorism,” he said.

Hammond went on to defend his position by saying he was not against all Muslims just the extreme radical ones, not the entire religion.

Rapid firing back against CAIRs accusations Hammond said that he is against anyone, Muslim, Buddhist or Christian who want to replace constitutional government with religious laws (Sharia Law)

He concluded his defense by stating that “Law abiding Muslims have nothing to worry about.”

Ibrahim Hooper quipped back and said be would like to see some kind of formal condemnation of such attitudes by state and federal officials, further stating we shouldn’t have to ask for these things but we do.

In light of the current trend of violence or Jihad against Americans, Christians and people abroad it is high time that we take Sheriff Hammonds advice and closely monitor the activities of radical Islam and collectively ask for  closer monitoring of their activities. Just as they have destroyed the culture in Europe, they will also in Chattanooga Tennessee and the US.

Fellow Tennesseans, Sheriff Hammonds comments are a shot across the bow warning Chattanooga and the state of Tennessee that Hijra (Conquest by immigration) and Jihad (Holy War) are upon us and the city is becoming inundated with violent extremism. According to local sources radical Islamists are flocking to our city in droves as the Jihadist influence is spreading. 

The call to stop this must be heeded before it is to late.

Please contact your legislators and elected local officials and demand that they take Sheriff Hammonds warnings literally as a man on the front lines, demanding this one sided war against Christians and all Americans stop.

Remember your silence is your consent.

Disclaimer: As with all my posts these comments are my opinion and are not intended to harm anyone, only inform. Any action taken to
harm others is solely your own. 

My preferred weapon is information and my belief is to have a revolution we must share information and encourage all to act responsibly and precisely.

Sources of information and quotes:





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Chattanooga TN Sheriff says “Islam is communism with a god”

In Uncategorized on September 4, 2015 at 5:18 AM

Chattanooga TN Sheriff says Islam is “communism with a god”

0506 am

Recently Chattanooga Tennessee Sheriff, speaking to the Hamilton
County Pachyderm Club called Islam communism with a god! 

As Sheriff Hammonds words ricocheted off the walls of the Pachyderm Club, we will surely see many upset Islamists in Chattanooga. 

I’m sure like clock work CAIR, the local MOA-Muslims of America terrorists and the ISGC, ie, the Muslim Brotherhood will soon attack the Sheriff. 

Hammond making these statements seems more concerned about the safety of Chattanooga residents and less about offending the non PC terrorists in our community.

According to the Chattanooga Times Free Press, “Hammond spent three years training police officers in the Middle East and previously served as a chaplain’s yeoman in the U.S. Navy, said that Islam is “the strongest infringement that we’ve had in our country as a constitutional government since communism.”

The CTFP interview continued, “According to Hammond, more than 2,000 mosques or Islamic centers have opened in the U.S. in the last 24 years and he warned that citizens and law enforcement need to be move vigilant about Islamic activities.”

In the past, Hammond has stepped up and shown his support for the Constitution taking a pledge to be a Constitutional Sheriff, committing his office to assure that federal officers cannot have jurisdiction over his city in the state of TN. A measure supported by many true conservatives across the state and nation.

Sheriff Hammond plans to speak with Tennessee sheriffs soon “to help monitor activity of Muslims throughout the state.” “And he wants to meet with education leaders to discuss mentions of Islam and Christianity in textbooks.”

According to the article
in the Chattanooga Times Free Press “he stressed that he was not trying to say all Muslims are dangerous and want to overthrow the U.S. government. But he said enough of them were.”

“Even if only 5 percent of the 1.2 billion to 1.5 billion Muslims out there want to perform jihad, that’s a lot of people,” Hammond said.

“Hammond added that the July 16 attack in Chattanooga was definitely Islamic terrorism.”

“I can stand up here as your sheriff and say this is Islamic terrorism,” Hammond said. “Was he (I’m assuming he is speaking of Mohammed Abdullahzeez, the Islamic Terrorists that took the lives of our soldiers in Chattanooga) given instructions, I don’t know. The FBI might not ever know.”

I will reiterate and take Sheriff Hammonds words a step further and state that all of Islam whether moderate or radical are attempting to destroy all of our country. 

They are taking incremental steps and we are allowing Sharia Law to creep into our country. This is no more evident than in Chattanooga Tennessee. 

Sweeping change is coming to Chattanooga Tennessee and a very dangerous environment is being set up. 

We, in Chattanooga have enough Islamic sympathizers that are willing to see Islamic terrorism flourish in spite of recent attacks on our populace. We have just enough willing to accept Terrorism instead of condemning it.

And this attitude, this environment will allow Islamist terrorism to take root and freely breed in our city and destroy it from within. 

It started with a terrorist attack and the murder of our soldiers, next it will be shoving Islam down your throat with politically correct statements defending Islam as a peaceful loving religion incapable of doing the the things Mohammed Abdullahzeez did to our city and it’s soldiers. Tomorrow, we remain silent as not to offend a political ideology that is on the move and serving jihads to it’s inhabitants and the movement thrives.

Take heed. 

That 5 percent that Sheriff Hammond spoke of, and I personally think it’s much higher are setting up the political structure right now to take over out city and our country. 

Terrorists from all over the state and nation have been emboldened by the Abdullahzeez murders and “copycats” are sure to migrate to our area, receive support from local mosques and Imans then act all over again. This pattern of activity is being echoed all over the globe.

Chattanooga is a prime target of radical/moderate Islam and is well positioned to embed it’s tentacles into our community whether we allow
it or not. A bevy of migrants, refugees and their families are on their way to Chattanooga. Brace for it’s onslaught and decide where you will stand. Islam is on the move in our city and state and it in recent weeks has targeted Chattanooga.

CAIR and the likes will surely come after Sheriff Hammond for his statements. 

We need to make sure we are willing to stand with great force with this brave Sheriff as he takes on terrorism in his city.

The Islamist “anti propaganda” team is well organized and is vicious in it’s  defense of people who speak against jihadist/terrorists in their ranks.

Stand and salute Sheriff Hammond Chattanoogans. 

He will be lonely on this non PC island as the attacks come without your support.

Surely, RINOs and establishment politicians will run from this perceived controversy and the people will suffer as they succumb to the will of Islam.

It will happen. 

It’s happening all over the country.

Source of information:



As with all my posts, they are my opinion based on facts and hours of research. My blog and posts should be taken as that….my opinion, only.

None of my posts are intended to cause any harm and any harm resulting from actions taken with the 
info provided is solely your decision, not mine.

My preferred weapon in this war on our country is information. An Information Revolution can only happen when We the People are informed and take civil action to inform others.

I am only exercising my first amendment rights while they still exist.

Haters move on, but please don’t do so before sharing this article with your friends. 

Ultra-resistant lice found in Tennessee, OTC treatment 100 percent ineffective

In Uncategorized on August 19, 2015 at 8:30 AM

Ultra-resistant lice found in Tennessee, OTC treatment 100 percent ineffective

0824 am

According to researchers at Southern Illinois University, Ultra resistant lice are in 25 states and every species, 100 percent, of lice tested in Tennessee is resistant to current OTC treatment.

Dr Yoon, speaking at an American Chemical Society conference recently said that Pyrethrin OTC medications are no longer effective in 104 of 109 species found across the United States.

To put it simply, the receptors on the lice have mutated to the point that the Pyrethrins no longer fit into those receptors thus not killing the Ultra-Resistant lice.

As with germs via the use of improper or inappropriate use over years has created super bugs resistant to many antibiotics. The same phenomena is taking place today with lice and is putting many people at risk of greater disease and infection.

Outside of current treatment soap, water and nit combs as the most effective treatment. In other words, you learn to live with them hoping to back them down enough to be comfortable.

Researchers have said that in states where the lice are not yet 100 percent resistant, making sure to apply that second application of Pyrethrins and convincing your child to leave it in their hair for the recommended time with a plastic cover is killing non resistant licenser now. Many parents are not wanting to expose their children to chemical this long thus fueling the ultra resistant strand of lice spreading across the US.

Tennesseans as other states have been told to wash clothing/bedding and individually pick them out of your hair to keep them in check.

They did suggest shaving your head as one other option but many school kids are not keen on adopting that hairstyle this early in the school year.

I’m going to the barber now and getting myself some antihistamines. I hope you don’t get it, but if you do seek treatment. Either way, it’s getting very hard to make them go away.

Scratch, scratch!


Disclaimer: Please talk to your Doctor about treatment for your head lice. I am not a physician and any action without your Doctors advice is irresponsible. Any treatment I have suggested for my self is for me only, your Doctor can suggest you a treatment regimen and I would recommend that.