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TN Legislators ignore RNC resolution against Article V Convention

In Uncategorized on November 2, 2015 at 4:47 AM

TN Legislators ignore RNC resolution against Article V Convention

0443 am

The Republican National Committee (RNC) Committee by resolution has loudly opposed a Constitutional Convention on August 22, 2012. The resolution draft is posted below to read.

In spite of this stern warning and resolution passed by their respective representative body, both houses easily passed another call for a Constitutional Amendment Convention on April 2014 and in the Senate on April 2015 in Tennessee.

Oddly enough all prior resolutions were rescinded in 2010 by many of the same people that just voted for another call for convention in 2014 and 2015.

It’s mind boggling that so many at the behest of their own party affiliations still wish to defy ample warnings to the contrary let alone the wishes of many they represent.

An ongoing poll of multiple social media websites conducted by Stop CON CON TN reveals 97 percent DO NOT SUPPORT amendments being made to the US Constitution.

This poll clearly shows where the constituency are aligned, polar opposites of where their elected reps stand.

Please take the poll mentioned.

This is a total disconnect, one that must be remedied with stiff opposition. When those elected to represent you fail to do so, the negative impact of their contrary action with the looming possiblity of a runaway convention should be placed firmly in their laps and those individuals held accountable for the deleterious result that could result.

The resolution adopted below by the RNC has certainly fallen deafly onto our TN elected representatives ears once again.

There is no doubt that the RNC is standing firmly against an Article V Amendment to the States citing “that the risk of loss far exceeds the possibility of gain from such an uncontrolled and uncontrollable proceeding!”

Why would any group of legislators defy their own party’s recommendation to not proceed?

I believe the answer lies steadfastly in the lining of their pockets. The almost childlike defiance surely shows great consternation to those offering advice.

I would suggest anyone to follow the money because something something stinks in the TN camp of elected reps. I am very sure many of those on the left and the right of which they are aligned with are not economically challenged and are capable of exchanging monetary gain for a favor.

I have not personally witnessed this, it’s only an assumption, but few other things talk like a soft monetary bill landing on the hand of an elected rep. Why else would an elected rep make a stand against 97 percent of their constituency and the party they represent?

My guess is a possible usurpation at the hand of the almighty greenback would most likely be the motivation behind this uncivil act.

It would be fair to assess that those calling for an Article V Convention of the states and not following RNC advice on calling for Amendment are Republicans In Name Only, a name many dodge with intensity while others seem to glow in it?

By not heeding their own party advice and the will of 97 percent of their constituency, it shows expressed interest in working with the Left pushing their agendas while ignoring the greater portion of their constituency. This is gross neglect.

The only true way to assure this does not happen again is to make a strong stand at the ballot box and make every effort possible to assure they do return to their elected seats.

This is the resolution from the RNC to fellow legislators, Reince Preibus, Chairman.


WHEREAS, Article V of the Constitution of the United States authorizes the convening of a Convention for proposing Amendments, now frequently called a Constitutional Convention, “on the application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several States”; and,

WHEREAS, the Constitution is silent as to the qualifications of the delegates to such a convention and how or by whom they should be selected; and,

WHEREAS, the Constitution is also silent as to the agenda of such a Convention and sets out no way to limit the agenda of such a Convention, and,

WHEREAS, former U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice Warren Burger concluded that there is no effective way to limit or muzzle the actions of a Constitutional Convention after it is convened; and,

WHEREAS, a Constitutional Convention would attract a multitude of individuals and special interest groups with agendas that would alter our Constitution beyond recognition; and,

WHEREAS, well known Democrat members of the US Congress are currently advocating a Constitutional Convention to introduce a number of amendments that would enshrine and effectuate their liberal agenda; and

WHEREAS, the Constitution of the United States is a timeless document which, by limiting the powers of the government it created and guaranteeing the freedom and opportunity of the citizens for whom it was created, has produced the best and most productive nation in the history of the world; now be it

RESOLVED, that the Republican National Committee strongly opposes the convening of a convention for the purpose of proposing amendments to the Constitution of the United States for the reason that the risk of loss far exceeds the possibility of gain from such an uncontrolled and uncontrollable proceeding.

The following statement was taken directly from the Leaf Chronicle reporting on the Convention of States Legislative meeting in Nashville TN recently. Scott Williams, the Tennessee state director for the Convention of the States said this,

“An Article V Convention of the States allows the state legislatures to call a convention to amend the U.S. Constitution, as long as two-thirds of the states approve, Williams said. And whatever amendments are proposed at the convention would not become active unless ratified by three-fourths, or 38, of the states, he added.”

A State led Constitutional Convention will more than likely be held and a multitude of amendments will undoubtedly be added by many and those delegates chosen will have the ability to vote on them and present them for ratification or not. This is too risky as no one is assured the outcome regardless of statements to the contrary.

I have recently reached out to several of our elected representatives to once again save our Republic from the hands of usurpers and rescind the current call! It could be your last chance.

Call yours today and ask they support a recision of this plunge into a the abyss of which our country may never recover. I have reached out to Senator Mae Beavers, District 17, to rescind this call for a Convention. Why don’t you do the same.



We must act!
Call your legislators and demand that a call for a convention not be conducted fearing our country and the people in it may lose the sacred document that protects them. Call or email now!

State Senator Mike Bell, sponsor of SJR 0067 and Sheila Butt seem to be spearheading the efforts in TN calling for a Convention of States.

To contact State Senator Mike Bell:

House District 64 Rep Sheila Butt:

Many thanks to Shawn Meehan for his shared advice and many others. He is one of the experts on this subject, me, I’m still absorbing and relying heavily on these seasoned AV activist to steer me along and show me the ropes. With great patience on their part, I continue to grow in my knowledge and understanding of this process.

Please visit his site frequently and support his efforts with your time. See the link below for more interesting articles.



Disclaimer: The words spoken here as with all my blog entrees are my opinions based on many hours of research. I make conclusion based on those facts and findings. Please comment to the contrary in the space provided. Remember, simply objecting or stating “that doesn’t sound right” is not enough for me to negate my statement making mine wrong and yours rights. I attempt to work with absolutes not conjecture only! Have a blessed day.

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