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Posts Tagged ‘cleveland city council’

Haslam sweeps into town, Cleveland City elected steal signs that “embarrass”

In Uncategorized on July 15, 2013 at 7:04 AM

Haslam sweeps into town, Cleveland City elected steal signs that “embarrass”

Gadfly, a “muscled up gadfly”, this is what City Councilman George Poe said in the aftermath, as he and City Manager Janice Casteel removed signs from the  private business of Dan Rawls this week during a recent visit by TN Governor Bill Haslam.

A gadfly is by definition an”irritator, trouble maker,  a fly that bites livestock, a fly that irritates livestock by biting them and sucking their blood, a horsefly, somebody annoying, somebody regarded as persistently annoying or irritating, nuisance, pest, meddler, busybody, irritator, tormentor, pesterer, stirrer! 

Dan Rawls said this about Poes comments, “yep, that about sums me up” as he chuckled at the unbelieveabilty and gall of these elected officials to step onto his private property and remove his signs and then insult him when confronted. 

Governor Haslam was visiting the city of Cleveland just across the street from Mr Rawls business. Dan got word of this and began his peaceful protest in the yard of his business. He placed several signs on his private property that said benignly “Shame on you Governor Haslam”, and “Stop CC!”

Even more humorous was at one point Poe thought “Stop CC” meant Stop the Community Center, the place where Haslam was speaking. 

The disconnect by this politician is evident as they failed to recognize that the sign was a statement protesting one of the cities and states most fiery issues, Common Core, the nationalization of our public school system, led by Haslam and his Education Secretary Kevin Huffman stated Rawls when interviewed by BCN.

While Governor Haslam dumped multiple hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars on our community much like a John would for a high dollar prostitute. The Haslam faithful latched on to the big government teet, adulterating the “City with Spirit” and suspending the peoples rights and the Constitution.

As the scene unfolded Councilman George Poe evidently took offense to private business owner Dan Rawls protecting his own property by shouting, seven police cars responded hurriedly after Poe dragged his handy police radio from his ample hip and reported his own crime. 

Poe, dragging Casteel along for what could have been a zany clip from the hit tv show “Cops” said Dan Rawls came out of his private business quickly, flailing his arms and asking what they were doing removing his private property, essentially stealing his property. George Poe with Janice Casteel commenting on the malay afterwards said that he thought he was going to shove Mrs Casteel when he exited his business. Shoving? Let’s trek back into the not to distant past and see the last time you saw someone stealing property near you Mr Poe. Let’s see the last time you saw private property being stolen you acted irrationally. You emptied a .380 clip over a lawnmower, chased the perpetrator  down and shot till you ran out of bullets while he crashed his vehicle trying to flee your wrath and District Attorney Steve Bebb let you go unscathed. Rawls didn’t and it never crossed his mind to use such violence but If Mr Rawls had followed your credo you and Mrs Casteel would have been loaded up in the back of a hearse, toes up and lying on ice in a local funeral home saying hello to Jesus.

Rawls exercised great restraint and clear judgement and chose not exercise his second amendment rights as you did.

Instead he gave you and Mrs Casteel a pass, which is his nature and instead opted to simply raise his voice asking what authority you had to remove signs from his private business. 

Poe and Casteel, on the scene were obviously a little confused as once again city officials think it’s within their power, within the City Charter and state constitution to take on the role of Code Enforcement officer pushing their will on it’s
Citizenry because they thought the message implied would embarrass them and shed a bad light on the Governor. Once again you are wrong in assuming you have more power than you do.

This is not the first incident in recent history that Cleveland City officials acted against the actions of citizens exercising their first amendment rights. 

If you remember, earlier this year Cleveland MayorTom Rowland started a manhunt for  citizens passing out fliers warning the public of the cities plan to destroy and demolish the homes of 300 or so in South Cleveland. This action by the Mayor spurred a potential lawsuit by citizens in Cleveland and resulted in public outcry to bridle the appointed King Rowland and his court from sending taxpaying citizens to prison for expressing disdain for the Mayors own growth plan. Requests for apologies were denied by these tyrants and the reign of terror continues.

The obvious is happening. Elected officials with too much power and an abundance of bad judgement within a good ole boy network are way comfortable restraining the rights of citizens. This must be stopped.

This buddy system and self absorbed power must be driven from town. The ballot box must be the answer. The old guard must be changed. It cannot lead us any longer. The citizenry has lost faith in it’s abilities. 

Please be on the alert and conscious of your surroundings. The posse in town seems to place the needs of a RINO Governor with a little cash over the rights of it’s people. The Haslam seems to bring out the worst in people, especially those that rely on his money bribes for favors.

What a sad day and time we live in.

Source of info:


UN connections to our community, it might surprise you

In Uncategorized on September 26, 2012 at 7:35 AM

Every elected official should watch this video by John Anthony called “Agenda 21 for Public Officals.” It is a very simple explanation of how Agenda 21 has been brought to your community by these NGOs and how they are affecting your property rights and eventually your way of life.

Check out this video on YouTube:

NGOs, as explained and listed below shows you the massive involvement of the United Nations and the effort being exerted to completely transform our community.

Ask your self, “why are so many organizations partnering with the UN!” “Why in our community and in our neighborhood?” The answer is simple. Every community must have the infrastructure in place in every community in the world before a One World Government or a New World Order can be established. It’s a collaborative effort that is using common themes such as the eradication of poverty to promote social justice by redistributing the wealth of our country for the collective good of all!

The infrastructure, the growth plans, the right environment and a vast arrangement of people and organizations must be in place before the big plan is shifted into place. Pretty much the way I put a jigsaw puzzle together, fill in the borders then piece by piece fill in the middle till complete.

An NGO, according to the UN is an organization that is committed to the implementation of Agenda 21, a definition directly from the UNs Agenda 21 program.

Agenda 21: Chapter 27


Basis for action

27.1. Non-governmental organizations play a vital role in the shaping and implementation of participatory democracy. Their credibility lies in the responsible and constructive role they play in society. Formal and informal organizations, as well as grass-roots movements, should be recognized as partners in the implementation of Agenda 21. The nature of the independent role played by non-governmental organizations within a society calls for real participation; therefore, independence is a major attribute of non-governmental organizations and is the precondition of real participation.


I thought it would be interesting for you to see the United Nations influence on businesses and organizations that we in Bradley County are directly or indirectly involved with. This list is by all means not complete.

The circle of influence on our society is growing daily. This overwhelming influence leads me to believe there is a reason it is so saturated in our city and nation. The UN wants to control every aspect of our lives and eventually set up a New World Order under One World Government with a One World Religion as it’s base.

Simply not knowing or refusing to believe that your organization is not a partner is no longer an acceptable answer. The implementation phase is well under way. It is time and we must hold those organizations that have partnered with the UN on Agenda 21 to be accountable for our country’s demise.

Long gone are the days of arguing whether Agenda 21 exists or is being implemented in our community. We know that it is so we must stop it. If our elected officials will not step up and stop this then let’s step up and replace them with those that will.

A list of assorted NGOs participating in the implementation of Agenda 21 in our community. A few are indirectly involved with our County but the majority have direct NGO status or are heavily involved with NGOs that are.

American Bar Association
American Planning Association
Baptist World Alliance
Christian Childrens Fund
Citizens Network for Sustainable Development
College Art Association
Committee for Economic Development
Crime Stoppers
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority
Delta Kappa Gamma
Environmental Defense Fund
Focus on the Family
General Conference of Seventh Day Adventist
Girl Scouts of America
Global Youth Action Network
Invisible Children
Habitat for Humanity
Humane Society
American Press Association
Amateur Radio Union
Chief of Police Association
Lions Club
Rotary Club
College of Surgeons
Council for Caring Community
Planned Parenthood
International Youth Foundation
Chamber of Commerce
Junior Chamber of Commerce
League of Women’s voters
Mennonite Center Committee
Narcotics Anonymous
National Association of Realtors
National Bar Association
Center for missing and exploited children
National Wildlife Federation
Nature Conservancy
Open Society Institute
Presbyterian Church
Church of God
Sierra Club
Special Olympics
Trilateral Commission
United Church of Christ
United Methodist Church
United Way
People for Care and Learning
Independent Christian Churches
World Jewish Congress
Build a City
World Village
Micahs Challenge
People for People
Coca Cola
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Model UN
International Baccalaureate Program

For a list of NGOs, please see the link below:

Click to access unpan014562.pdf

If you want to further research whether a company has involvement with the UN, simply google the company and the United Nations in the same sentence or go to the UN web site at http://www.UN.org, in the top ti
right corner just put in the company, name of a person or anything you choose and read the articles that the UN has created that prove their involvement.

Have fun searching. It’s not hard or it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure it out or I would never be able to see the connections.

Lastly, ask these organizations listed above why they have partnered with the UN as an NGO. The first answer may be you are crazy and whomever is saying this should be ashamed. Some may say it is a tax break or the guys upstairs, higher ups must have did that but regardless it was done. At least you have exposed their involvement and now continued participation is advocating their association and makes them guilty of assisting in the insidious destruction of our country from the inside out all in the name of the 3Es of Agenda 21, Social Equity, the Economy and the Environment.

Show them the list or link provided or your own research and ask them to explain their involvement. I am afraid many will just give you that deer in the headlights look and say “What are you talking about?” Have fun with it and see how many times you can get that reaction.

Cleveland mayor, Bradley County tea party chief defend roles in flier dispute

In Uncategorized on August 15, 2012 at 7:18 AM

published Wednesday, August 15th, 2012
Cleveland mayor, Bradley County tea party chief defend roles in flier dispute
By Randall Higgins

CLEVELAND, Tenn. — Mayor Tom Rowland says the city has no reason to apologize for asking for a police investigation into who was distributing fliers to south Cleveland homes in June.

The fliers, which stated the city was planning to use eminent domain to take more than 300 homes in the name of development, were untrue, Rowland said Monday.

It is the Tea Party of Bradley County that needs to apologize for upsetting families, some of whom have lived in their homes for two generations or more, he said.

“They were in tears,” Rowland said.

At Monday’s City Council meeting, a lively, but civil, debate took place between council members and members of the Tea Party of Bradley County. In the end, the only common ground was that no one will apologize.

Donny Harwood, president of the Tea Party of Bradley County, said his organization has no reason to apologize, either. At the time they were distributed, the fliers were true, according to the latest public information, he said. It is the city that needs to apologize for intimidating the group’s members and seeking to deny them their right to free speech, he said.

The call for an investigation aimed to “essentially hunt down, arrest and expose members of our tea party group as we made efforts to inform the community of horrendous plans for their community,” Harwood said.

“This flier contained truthful information based on the last known public meeting,” Harwood said. The “white paper” on which the flier was based later was changed, he said.

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“We haven’t stopped your free speech,” Rowland told Harwood.

“Have you passed any leaflets out to apologize to the 300 homeowners that this was not true?” he asked Harwood.

Rowland said the investigation was only to determine if laws were violated, and since none were the point is moot.

“If you are man enough, you will go down there and apologize,” he told Harwood.

“There is nothing for us to apologize about,” Harwood responded.

The group, he said, held a town hall meeting to seek explanations but only one councilman, Bill Estes, attended. Other council members, and Rowland, said they got the invitation after the meeting was held.

Tea party member Dan Rawls said that isn’t true because he sent the registered letters.

Councilman George Poe said he got a late invitation to a meeting to discuss something he had no intention of doing anyway.

“We couldn’t afford to buy 300 houses in the first place,” he said. “We have never talked about what we are accused of.”

If Harwood’s group was so alarmed, Poe said, they should have come to the council first with questions.

Rowland and Poe said they have not read the “white paper” from contracted consultants on which the flier was based. Harwood said the paper was handed out during a three-day public planning meeting at Bradley Square Mall.

Councilman Richard Banks, who said he has read the white paper, told tea party leaders they took the “300 homes” statement out of context. The original question was what would happen in the community if Whirlpool stayed in its old location, he said.

Consultants said that up to 300 homes might have to be seized through eminent domain to accommodate the company’s expansion there. But Whirlpool moved to its new Benton Pike site.

It was only a “what-if” discussion, Rowland said.

“There is nothing for us to explain, because there was nothing to it,” he said.

Contact staff writer Randall Higgins at rhiggins@timesfree press.com or 423-314-1029.

Council, tea party leader argue over apology need

In Uncategorized on August 14, 2012 at 5:21 PM

Council, tea party leader argue over apology need
by DAVID DAVIS, Managing Editor

The Cleveland City Council became embroiled in a 40-minute argument Monday with Bradley County Tea Party President Donny Harwood over who should apologize for deceiving the public. In the end, neither side admitted wrongdoing.

Harwood approached the Council during the regular voting session regarding what he viewed as an action taken by the Council that impinged on party members’ freedom of speech.

The resulting exchange centered around a flier distributed in June by the local tea party and subsequent action taken by the Council on June 18.

“On June 18, I witnessed first-hand the Cleveland City Council and its Mayor Tom Rowland display behavior uncharacteristic of a free republic bound to the U.S., the state constitution and the city charter. With this most recent breach it is safe to say our first amendment rights are imperiled in Bradley County,” he said. “There is still egregious legislation on the books today that has yet to be reversed that limits our freedom of speech.

“Cleveland Mayor Tom Rowland, with a unanimous resolution vote of 7-0 by this Council ordered an investigation using police force to essentially hunt down, arrest and expose members of my Tea Party group as we made efforts to inform the community of horrendous plans for their community, thus criminalizing our free speech.”

Rowland said Monday there was no resolution. It was simply a vote taken after he expressed his opinion at the June 18 Council meeting that whoever anonymously distributed the flier should be publicly identified.

The anonymous flier was in neighborhoods south of the old Whirlpool Plant in downtown Cleveland. It warned homeowners of the impending loss of their property rights, if they did not immediately act. The flier stated 300 homes were targeted for demolition and redevelopment.

“I think this is a very cruel hoax on the citizens of our community. This is sneaky. It’s deceitful. I don’t like it and I don’t like my citizens to be in fear,” the mayor said in June.

He said then it was a gray area as to whether or not an actual crime was committed by distributing fliers containing false information about the future of the area and “whoever wrote this should be exposed to the public and to those people who called Greg (Planning Director Greg Thomas) with fear in their hearts. They ought to know who wrote this.”

The Council voted 7-0 to request the city attorney, police and district attorney’s office to fully investigate the matter to determine if any laws were broken and try to uncover the source of the flier. The matter was investigated. It was determined no laws were broken and no further action was taken.

“I think this flier is very inciting and I don’t find anything, other than some terminology here and there, that’s even true,” Rowland said during the June meeting. “We formed the Southside Development Committee, but that would do nothing but increase values in that area by getting rid of the blight in our city and enhance the value of the property around it.”

Harwood said Monday the flier contained truthful and accurate information based on the last known public meeting where the information was provided.

“The white paper draft plan is the last known information available to the public in a public setting,” he said. Since that time, he said the plan was changed in a private setting.

Thomas said in a June 17 interview the white paper was written by a Knoxville-based planning consultant and it was handed out to the public in April during a three-day planning workshop at Bradley Square Mall. Thomas said that was the first time he saw the white paper and subsequently, he requested that section be deleted. There have been no public meetings since April.

“The bottom-line answer is the city is not going to run in and take anybody’s property,” he said in June.

Cleveland/Bradley Chamber of Commerce Vice President for Economic Development Doug Berry said in July references to 300 houses came when talks first began with Whirlpool about replacing its century-old manufacturing facilities. The company wanted to remain in the downtown area where there is historical linkage because it is a big issue for a company to break that attachment.

“When we first sat down with Whirlpool, they told us they needed to develop modern manufacturing facilities, that the inefficiencies of these historic plants were so great it was having a bottom-line effect on the company,” Berry said. “They told us they would prefer to do a rebuild in the area of their existing plant. Their first request of me, as a representative of this community, was to provide them a redevelopment option for them to put two half-million square foot buildings in this corridor.”

Berry said during the July MainStreet Cleveland luncheon that such a redevelopment project has never happened in Cleveland. Ultimately, keeping the plant in its historical location would require the use of eminent domain. Berry said he expressed his concern to the company, but agreed to analyze what it would take to put a million square feet in the neighborhood. In order to do that, he said it would require buying all of the property between Plant No. 3 and Ocoee Street, all the way to Plant No. 2.

“That’s 300 lots. That’s where the 300 number came from,” Berry said. “I then sat down with the company and explained that I did not think this was a viable option because this community has not been through the process and has no history of ever having used eminent domain as part of its economic development program. When you hear about the 300 homes that are going to be taken and bulldozed, that number actually has basis, but it’s not fact in the conclusion of those statements,” he told MainStreet members.

Rowland asked Harwood on Monday if he had apologized to the 300 homeowners.

“They were alarmed that their houses might be taken when that’s not a fact,” the mayor said.

Harwood said, “There is nothing for us to apologize for.”

Rowland said, “You should go back and apologize to those people whose lives you have upset. Would you do that or not? We have not stopped your free speech. You have passed leaflets out since then and during that time you haven’t been stopped. We wanted to know who was doing it so you would know what you are passing out is not true. There is nothing true about it. This Council has not voted on it and you know good and well where it started — when Whirlpool said what if we build down there, it was said you might have to buy 300 houses. Period. Where did Whirlpool move to? That was irresponsible —”

“Well, the information —,” Harwood said.

“Listen to me!” the mayor demanded. “The only people I’ve talked to were in tears because somebody put some kind of information out that has no facts to it at all and if you’re man enough, you’ll go down there and tell them that you were wrong.”

The remainder of the argument centered mainly around Harwood and Tea Party member Dan Rawls asking Council members why they did not appear at a Tea Party town hall meeting to discuss the issue. Councilman Bill Estes, who represents the 2nd District, was the only councilman who accepted the invitation.

In return, Councilman George Poe asked Harwood why he didn’t attend a Council meeting months ago if he had questions.

Tea Party confronts Cleveland City Council on first amendment

In Government on August 14, 2012 at 8:52 AM

Press release
Delivered to Cleveland Tennessee City Council
August 13, 2012

Tea Party of Bradley County
Cleveland, Tennessee

Mayor Tom Rowland and City Council,

On June 18th, 2012 I witnessed first hand the Cleveland City Council and it’s Mayor Tom Rowland display behavior uncharacteristic of a free Republic bound to the US, the State Constitution and the Cleveland Charter.

With this most recent breech, it is safe to say that our 1st Amendment rights are in peril in Bradley County, Tennessee. There is still an egregious resolution on the books that has yet to be reversed that limits our freedom of speech.

Cleveland, Tennessee City Mayor Tom Rowland, with a unanimous resolution vote of 7 to 0 by his council, ordered an investigation using police force to hunt down, arrest and expose members of my group as we made efforts to inform the community of horrendous plans for their community, thus criminalizing free speech. Thankfully the local Sherrif and the 10th judicial District Attorney saw this as what it was, an expression of free speech, thus curtailing a manhunt, further public humiliation and a possible federal prison sentence.

The Mayor and Council took offense to a flyer that was passed out to the community surrounding the old Whirlpool site warning of the demolition and redevelopment of 300 plus homes in south Cleveland. This flyer contained truthful and accurate information based on the last known public meeting where that information was provided. The White paper draft plan is the last known information that has been made available to the public in a public setting. Since much public outcry and protest of these proposed actions a revised edition of that plan has been revealed in what can be best construed as a change made in private setting.

Only after approximately 7 days of public humiliation was this latest information provided. The latest information was reportedly released after strong community concern and protest and the white paper was supposedly changed. This change then reflected the negation of the previous proposed draft that called for demolition and redevelopment of 300 plus homes in the downtown area. The latest adoption of this plan has not been made known to the public except when the press inquired about the original draft plan.

Since this time, the Tea Party of Bradley County held a town hall meeting. The Mayor and 7 council members were invited by certified mail. Only one councilman Bill Estes and one County Planner bothered to show up to confront approximately 150 civilians, a great portion residents from the Southside of Cleveland concerned about their livelihood and the security of their private property.

This would have afforded a great opportunity for this Mayor and his council to address their concerns and put them at ease. Instead with the exception of one city councilman, this governing body missed a fantastic opportunity to answer the citizens question they represent. This missed opportunity tells of the disconnect this body has with the people they represent.

I am convinced that this initial offering of information was only a shot across the bow of what is coming to our community, specifically the downtown area. Since this time we have heard further debate of eminent domain, demolition and development at the Ocoee/25th street exchange and on highway 60 around and through the Georgetown community, where many acres of private property will be taken by proposed growth plans. The exact action where just a few weeks prior this body condemned, reprimanded and investigated citizens of this county for informing the community about. With this doublespeak and deception I am convinced eminent domain will be a major implementation tool to revamp the downtown area and the county as the BCC 2035 Joint Strategic plan is further implemented. The Chambers Doug Berry has said it is a given, I draw from this comment that eminent domain will be used to develop our city and county. With this most recent resolution the Mayor and his council have successfully criminalized free speech in Bradley County.

This move by Mayor Tom Rowland created much fear and caused several to hide in fear of retaliation. Since the Mayors press conference basically calling this action illegal, mean spirited and untruthful has caused a great pummeling by the local media, the Chamber of Commerce, locally elected officials and planners on many citizens of Cleveland Tennessee. While siding with Mayor Rowland this group has relentlessy worked to discredit and tarnish the reputations of many within our group with lies and falsehoods further adding to the endless attacks upon it’s citizens and criminalizing our actions.

The Mayor and his Council with one swift vote has caused great harm to the citizens of this community. This action should embarrass this administration as efforts were made vigorously to squelch our first amendment rights. The attacks have been consistent and have even led to further allegations of potential wrong doing on the part of the Tea Party.

The damage and embarrassment this administration has done to this community can probably never be undone but this Mayor and City council by rescinding this resolution and replacing it with a new confirmation may start the healing process. I am asking that this governing body make the needed changes within the next 2 weeks of this date calling for a revision and replacement of the aforementioned resolution and a confirmation that our free speech rights will remain intact in perpetuity.

We must not let this action go unchecked because of the seriousness of it’s content for it’s citizens. No Mayor or representative of government at any level should have the power to stifle and quash free speech and plant fear into the hearts of its citizens at his will simply for exercising their God given constitutional rights to assemble, speak and redress our government.

Let me remind you that this is no game and you cannot simply throw your constituency to the wolves as a sacrificial lamb for your own selfish reasons. The lives you intend to destroy from this pulpit are not willing to continue to take your repeated lashing at their integrity. Playing with people’s lives at the risk of political expediency is a dangerous game and leaves many potentially hurt within the path of tyrannical behavior.

Our forefathers wrote the constitution to prevent the actions that the Mayor and his council have taken. No form of government should be so mighty and powerful to think it does not have to answer to the people or to the constitution that protects us all. No Mayor or his council should ever appear from behind our constitutional cover and lash out toward the people you represent while swinging a swath of destruction that has no boundaries.

We are asking Mayor Rowland and his council to publicly apologize and strike down his freedom eliminating resolution and replace it with another resolution proclaiming that our liberties and freedoms are restored and respected by a government that is clearly out of touch with it’s citizens.

Our actions to retain an attorney was decided upon after a thorough evaluation of the seriousness of the charges that were levied against Cleveland and Bradley County Citizens. The continuous attacks by our government and others have had a temporary and long lasting effect on the movement of our Tea Party and has caused many to “hide” from fear of misaligned exposure and criminalization. According to recent information provided this is not the first action by this council to squelch free speech, a pattern of abuse of power is now presenting itself.

We must shed light on this runaway government and end it’s frightening tactics. We must end the tyranny today, for those that may choose to live in Bradley County tomorrow.

Liberty must outlast tyranny, the attacks of a few should never be accepted as the political norm and the law of the land, placing the Constitution as an afterthought. It’s people must continue to fight regardless of the attempts to take away those rights and on occasion must stand to reclaim those rights given to us by God almighty.

Donny Harwood
Tea Party of Bradley County

Here is an article by the Chattanoogan that refers to the hiring of our attorney Stuart James to fight this resolution or vote.


Tea Party of Bradley County says it’s first amendment rights have been violated

In Uncategorized on August 9, 2012 at 9:31 AM

Perilous times are upon our city and county. Basic God given rights are being threatened on a consistent basis.

Our enthroned government has become so presumedly powerful that the general citizenry is now becoming fearful of its entity of government. Any resistance to it’s force is viewed upon as hate speech or being contrary. Defending against tyranny, restoring a lost republic, pursuing life, liberty and happiness is no longer viewed upon as valiant or brave, but pitiful by it’s elected representatives.

Recent actions to limit free speech upon it’s citizens by a runaway government is indicative of the times of the day where citizen participation in matters of freedom are frowned upon.

We have seen government abuse and it is very ugly. The sadness of this reality outweighs the strength of those words.

People are being criminalized and marginalized in Cleveland Tennessee by our elected representatives for portraying the actions set forth by our forefathers which among other subjects gives us the right to free speech.

When, on June 18th, 2012 this mayor and his court took a vital liberty from it’s citizens by passing a resolution 7 to 0 to basically hunt down, expose and imprison law abiding citizens for exercising free speech.

A travesty was committed and a protected innocence taken away by an assembly of men well intended to disperse and quash free speech in Cleveland Tennessee. Feeling threatened by your citizenry for challenging bad policy should never be reprimanded in a public or private setting with freedom stealing resolutions.

Free speech is being perceived as a threat instead of a reassurance of our inalienable rights and the people mocked for exercising our rights.

Let it be known that no entity or establishment of government will stifle, delay, quash or eliminate our most basic right as a free people.

Reverse the recent resolution that took away our rights and replace it with a confirmation of our free speech rights.

Our leaders witnessing this debacle should be standing side by side with the people making these demands. Our leaders should be rallying to the aid of their people being stripped of their rights. Instead, we stand and gaze from a comfortable distance as the slaying ensues.

Where are the supporters of freedom. Shame on any man that adds to our demise by doing nothing. Why are detractors in abundance when it’s people are quashed. This phenomenon may only be realized when our detractors have all our rights in their fists!

Freedom once lost is exactly that, lost!

The only thing that is standing between inprisonment and freedom for its people are these very well written constraints below, that at the moment still rule the land.

United States Constitution, First Amendment:

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
― (United States) Congress

Tennessee State Constitution:

Article 1, § 19. Freedom of speech and press; defamation

That the printing presses shall be free to every person to examine the proceedings of the Legislature; or of any branch or officer of the government, and no law shall ever be made to restrain the right thereof. The free communication of thoughts and opinions, is one of the invaluable rights of man, and every citizen may freely speak, write, and print on any subject, being responsible for the abuse of that liberty. But in prosecutions for the publication of papers investigating the official conduct of officers, or men in public capacity, the truth thereof may be given in evidence; and in all indictments for libel, the jury shall have a right to determine the law and the facts, under the direction of the court, as in other criminal cases.

Thursday, August 9th, 2012
Bradley County Tea Party says its rights abused

by Randall Higgins

CLEVELAND, Tenn. — Tea Party of Bradley County members are warning the Cleveland City Council not to interfere with their right to free speech.
On June 18, the City Council voted for a resolution supporting a city police investigation into the distribution of leaflets in South Cleveland. The anonymous leaflets, left on doors and porches, warned that a city renewal plan meant taking over about 300 homes in that area and tearing them down.

Alarmed people who contacted City Hall were told that was not true.
After the council’s vote to find out who distributed the leaflets, tea party members came forward and admitted doing so.
Police Chief Wes Snyder sent a memo to the council, stating there were no criminal violations and that the tea party members’ right to speak could not be restrained.

On Monday, attorney Stuart James, on behalf of the Tea Party of Bradley County, sent a warning letter to the council and announced he wants to address its members at their next meeting Monday.
“As you know, political free speech is protected by the Tennessee and United States constitutions,” James wrote in the letter. “Although free speech is not an absolute right, free speech is protected. Moreover, free speech is protected from retaliatory actions by governmental bodies, such as the City Council. “Therefore, any resolution attempting to undermine those rights is in and of itself, constitutionally suspect. Moreover, the City Council may have exceeded its authority and may have violated the Constitution of the United States of America and the Tennessee Constitution attempting to pass a resolution designed to stop the exercise of free speech.”

Donny Harwood, president of the Tea Party of Bradley County, said Wednesday the group is being proactive.

“That’s a great portion of what we do, getting information to the public,” he said. “We can let them trample on our right to free speech or we can take a stand.”

Mayor Tom Rowland said Wednesday the city has no response, but James is welcome to speak to the council.

“We did receive the letter,” he said. “There were some inaccuracies in it.”

The county, Cleveland and Charleston hired a consultant to look at growth potential through 2035 and a batch of proposals came out of that study, but no final plan has been suggested or discussed.
There may be future opposition to the renewal plan, as well, James wrote in the letter.
“Any actions by the City Council to quash or quell free speech will be met with the appropriate response to enforce and protect the rights of individuals and organizations to exercise their free speech,” the letter stated.
James asked the council to repeal the previous resolution and adopt instead a resolution calling for protection of free speech in Cleveland.

Rowland routinely invites anyone not on the council’s meeting agenda to comment at the beginning of the official sessions. The council meets Monday at 1 p.m. for a work session and at 3 p.m. for its official voting session.

Bradley County, Chattanooga region receive their “Death, Color Zone” designations

In Agenda 21 on April 3, 2012 at 5:30 PM

This is an urgent notice to all citizens living in Bradley County and the Chattanooga Region. Your Mayors have voluntarily taken the necessary steps to place you into a specified “Death Color Zones! Your property rights are at extreme risk! YOU WILL EVENTUALLY LOSE YOUR PRIVATE PROPERTY RIGHTS!

The Mayors of 16 surrounding counties in 3 States have knowingly, willingly and covertly placed you into your very own “Death, Color Zone!” Their willing participation to sign on with the Chattanooga Regional Growth plan with ICLEI, a well documented component in the implementation of Agenda 21, has put us at great risk and will have a long lasting effect on our county and region for generations to come.

Because of recent actions of a collective of Mayors at the direction of The Southeast Tennessee Economic Development Council, its Board Chairman, Bradley County Mayor Gary Davis and Cleveland Mayor Tom Rowland we have now have the Chattanooga Region ready for “Color Zone” designation. The “Biodiversity Simulation Map” or “Death Map” is being used as a guide!

Bradley Counties URBAN GROWTH BOUNDARY, the designated area being appointed by the Counties growth plan, will result into a herding of all citizens into these designated areas known as “Black Zone” color to include Hamilton County as another “black” zone!

This “Black Zone” color designation means this will be a population area only! The “Red Color Zone” is reserved for the more rural areas and will be uninhabitable consisting of mostly National Parks, forests and recreation areas!

You can clearly see Polk County and other counties in the region fall into the “Red Zone!” The “Red Zones” and it’s citizens will eventually be displaced into “Black Zones” better known as the Urban Growth Boundaries! If you are doubting this plan, does it surprise you that every county in the US has a “Comprehensive Growth Plan” of some kind with a specific Urban Growth Boundary! The reason for that is explained in this article.

The Wildlands Project and UN Convention on Biological Diversity Plan to Restore Biodiversity in the United States!

See the map and the following paragraph on this site! See where your home will fall within the “death zone!”

You may purchase an 11″ X 17″ laminated print of this map for $13.00
The Wildlands Project would set up to one-half of America into core wilderness reserves and interconnecting corridors (red), all surrounded by interconnecting buffer zones (yellow).

No human activity would be permitted in the red, and only highly regulated activity would be permitted in the yellow areas. Four concerned conservative activists who now make up the board of Sovereignty International were able to find UN documentation that proved the Wildlands Project concept was to provide the basis for the UN Convention on Biological Diversity.

They used this information and this map produced by Dr. Michael Coffman, editor of Discerning the Times Digest and NewsBytes and CEO of Sovereignty International, to stop the ratification of the treaty an hour before its scheduled cloture and ratification vote. (See Congressional Record S13790)

Since the treaty was stopped, tens of thousands of Americans have used this map to expose environmentalist’s efforts to implement this diabolical agenda piecemeal local(plan), just as President Clinton did by setting aside millions of acres of public and private land. © 2000 Discerning the Times Digest and NewsBytes. 

Taken From: The United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity, Article 8a-e; United Nations Global Biodiversity Assessment, Section; US Man and the Biosphere Strategic Plan, UN/US Heritage Corridor Program, “The Wildlands Project”, Wild Earth, 1992,. Also see Science, “The High Cost of Biodiversity,” 25 June, 1993, pp 1968-1871 and the Border 21 Sidebar of NAFTA. The very high percentage of buffer zone in the West is due to the very high percentage of federal land.

With the assistance of clumps of HUD housing and grants in the multiple millions this will much more easily be a reality. Your recent MOA (Memorandum of Agreement) signed by our region, will use millions of tax payers dollars to herd them into Urban Growth areas! Your willing participation with HUD, the EPA and DOT along with other NGOs (Non Governmental Organizations) while forging Public Private Partnerships with the Chamber of Commerce, you are willingly putting everyone you represent at great risk!

Look below, and see where your decisions today will leave the many people you represent!

Agenda 21 and the United Nations and many “green movements” and many “useful idiots” of our elected conglomerate have a plan that moves people into zones and the 2035 BCC Strategic Growth Plan clearly recognizes this and gives it several names, but the death map demonstrates this designation as “Color Zones which reflect property owners being forced from their property and into a “human Settlement” within a “Rural, urban or designated growth area represented as a color designation on the map.
The Counties you represent will fall into these ominous colors and represent a redistribution of our populace to make it in their minds the most “sustainable.” After all, “Urban Sprawl” is a formidable enemy to sustainability and its goals that come with it!

The color zones are recognized by color schemes and their designations are in parentheses as how it will fall on the Biodiversity Map after our counties are manipulated according to this Agenda 21 plan and the will of our negligent self saving Mayors!

RED- No human presence!
YELLOW- Buffer zone around Red area with very controlled limited access!
BLACK DOT- Where people in red and yellow areas will be relocated (human settlements)
Polk County (red)
Bradley County (Red and Yellow)
Cleveland (Black dot)
Hamilton-Chattanooga (Black Dot)
Bledsoe (Red and Yellow)
Rhea (Red and Yellow)
McMinn (Mostly Yellow)
Marion (Mostly Red)
Sequatchie (Red)
Meigs (Red)


Jackson County (Red)
Dekalb (Yellow)


Catoosa (Red and Yellow)
Murray (Red and Yellow)
Walker (Yellow)
Dade (Yellow)
Whitfield (Yellow)

Notice where the Black Dots fall! Who are the noticeable recipients that will receive the bulk of the population growth? Yes, Chattanooga/Hamilton and Cleveland/Bradley County and the appointed leaders, Mayors Rowland, Davis and Littlefield and their local Chambers of Commerces!

The plan is in place!

It is the will of the people who should stop this madness!
We are the tenants of a Republic protected and guided by the Constitution!
We are not willing participants in our demise and we must not allow this to be a reality, God help us!
We are in this battle for the long haul.
Mayors and all willing participants in this scheme, you are being placed on notice! A very concerted effort to remove you from office either by recall or at the election ballot box will be inevitable.
The decision is yours!
Your political fate is in your hands! Your deciisions are now affecting millions! The public is becoming informed and an informed public makes very wise decisions on the fate of their county!

Deciding to join with ICLEI out of Chattanooga shows very poor judgement as this Non Governmental Organization is a direct component of the United Nations and shows that you have now stepped up as a willing participant and placed the people in a death zone!

Bradley County property tax or wheel tax as only solution? Are you kidding?

In Government on March 15, 2012 at 3:59 PM

Commissioner Caywood and Councilman Estes state we need a Property tax if not a Wheel tax!

When does it stop? Why is it that the first solution for our elected officials is to go deep into the pockets of it’s citizens?

Bradley Countians and Clevelanders are suffering and our current leaders are turning us around and putting the proverbial tax knife in the center of our backs!

In sure from their vantage point they don’t see the people hurting! I know personally families that are one check, one more tax from being homeless and on the street! The financial burden of this and more taxes in the horizon are going to place many in our county on the road to a socialist utopia, welfare and total dependence on the governement for cheese and a loaf of bread!

The fake president is doing it in DC, why not continue that effort at the local level! Many in Cleveland/Bradley County are at or below the poverty level! Every school, but one is a Title 1 program, meaning that we are at a certain poverty level in our community to accept federal grants!

We gave just suffered two of the strongest tornado disasters in our history with more than 600 homes destroyed and countless others ruined and many dead! Now, as we are awakening out of this disaster the people begin looking up and all we can see on the horizon is a Wheel Tax or a Property Tax ? You have got to be kidding me?

When will out elected officials get the message? I recently encouraged one of our commissioners to take me up on a challenge! Everywhere you go today, downtown, grocery store, in your community simply ask everyone you come across for 32 dollars! All ages, sizes, income levels, ask them for 32 dollars! See just how hard it would be for most to cough up that 32 dollars, being the equivalent of the Wheel Tax! I told the Commissioner that by the end of the day he or she would be crying and a Wheel tax would no longer be on the table!

Guys we are facing one of the toughest times in our country economically and instead of our elected officials from Mayor to Mayor, from City Council to County Commission making it easier on you, they are deciding that as a plan B, if the Wheel Tax gets turned down by the people, a Property tax will be levied upon you with the additional risk of losing your home on the line! God forbid? Where is the human side to all these decisions by our locally elected officials?

At one point do we say enough is enough! For all accounts and purposes the Property tax can be put to a referendum also! The will of the people can and will be enforced!

Another proposal out there and will be touched on in another blog is this! I feel there is a conflict of interest between certain members of our elected body and their connections to the local school system! The boards, council and commission are stocked full of people with a vested interest in their decisions! You know who you are and you are many, pull your self out of the tax talk. I believe a conflict of interest resides within our governing bodies! Pull your self out of the debate as you should! Taxing the citizens with a bias is not good practice! Hmmm food for thought!

A quick solution to our problems may be to ask the people who don’t belong in the current school zone area they are attending to politely go to the area they are zoned for! I hear this will take care of the overcrowding problem! I hear 200 to 300 kids are in our system that belong to systems outside the county and even the state! That would solve the overcrowding issue and nullify the need for 8 pods at a local high school! Just thinking out loud here in blogger world! Hate to discuss and perhaps over step my blogger boundaries!

Read the article below and look at the interactions between them! Absolutely not one person speaking up for “Joe Citizen!”

Take a look at the picture I’m guessing was taken at Lake Forest, with the cabinet door taken off and dangling from particle board! Think it is high time a group of citizen volunteers take up hammer and nail and fix those 40 million dollar cabinets! How about it? A citizen repair and maintenance team is on the way! Sound good ? Contact me or comment below if you have cabinet repair skills?


CLEVELAND, Tenn. — Members of four Bradley County elected bodies met over lunch Wednesday to hash out how to pay for about $38 million in immediate schools needs.

The Bradley County Schools system has a short list of needs that amounts to about $26 million.

“We have building needs, and one of them is Lake Forest [Middle School],” said county school board Chairman Charlie Rose, who taught at Lake Forest for 30 years. “It is a maintenance nightmare.”

The school, which opened in 1976 and was built for elementary and middle school students, includes 17 buildings. County officials want to replace the academic buildings with one large classroom building and keep the remaining buildings, including the gymnasium and cafeteria.


They also want more space at Walker Valley High School. Built for 1,200 students, it now has more than 1,500. And officials want to replace Blue Springs Elementary School, lost in the 2011 tornadoes, Rose said.

Members of the Cleveland City Council, the Bradley County Commission and the city and county school boards talked about the needs during the roundtable at the Mountain View Inn.

“This is one issue where we are really joined at the hip,” Cleveland Mayor Tom Rowland said in his opening remarks.

Fast population growth is fueling the immediate need for another elementary school in the city system, Director Martin Ringstaff said.

“Rezoning is not the answer,” he said. “You can’t rezone overcrowded schools into other overcrowded schools.”

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Should Bradley County have a wheel tax?
vote results
Push for wheel tax

County Commission Chairman Louie Alford said the solution is passage of a $32 wheel tax in August by county voters.

“If that goes through, it should give us some additional money for some of these projects and pay down the school debt,” Alford said.

Commissioner Jeff Morelock said a $32 wheel tax will not generate enough income to do all that.

A property tax increase of a few cents would be cheaper for taxpayers and generate the needed money, City Councilman Bill Estes said.

In response to a question about what would happen if voters turn down the wheel tax, Alford said, “There is no plan B.”

Commissioner Terry Caywood said the next alternative is a property tax increase.

Commissioner Jeff Yarber then noted that the City Council “has the power to raise its own property taxes.”

Others said all four elected bodies should get behind selling the wheel tax to the public, and Councilman Dale Hughes said each should approve a resolution saying that.

But those resolutions should tell voters exactly how the money would be spent, whether on immediate needs or to pay down the county’s $65 million school debt, city school board member Dawn Robinson said.

Commissioner Adam Lowe said some voters in his district see paying down the debt as an immediate need, too, .

Contact Randall Higgins at rhiggins@timesfreepress.com or 423-314-1029.

HJR 587- Anti Agenda 21/ICLEI resolution passes another hurdle, on to floor today

In Agenda 21 on March 15, 2012 at 2:05 PM

HJR 587 jumps another hurdle on it’s way to final approval! Another vote will take place today, awaiting results! I know State Representative Kevin Brooks has been all over this resolution as it has gained greater than 30 sponsors in a short amount of time!

The United Nations Agenda 21 is being recognized as the evil plan that it is! In Bradley County we have in less than a year gone from “you are out of your minds” to a resolution being passed in the State Legislature to get it and ICLEI out of our community!

The RNC has made this effort their number one concern for 2012 and have also endorsed legislation to get the UN out of TN and the country! They were even as bold as to say that if you do not make a stand against Agenda 21 they would not endorse you for office next election! That is a very bold statement and has gained and spurred many bills and pieces of legislation to be created!

Our Bradley County,Cleveland City Mayor, city and county planners along with consultants McBride Dale and Clarion, commissioners and councilmen need to realize that their efforts beyond this date are futile. State and RNC legislation should be followed! We are done with our expensive and expansive growth plan and all the “green” efforts that are being implemented without the peoples approval!

We are no longer alone in this process! We now have teeth and we are asking our local leaders to jump on the bandwagon and stop looking beyond the will of the people! Stubbornness and thoughts of that’s the way we have always done things are no longer the status quo! At this point, you are alone and acting as if their are no stop gap measures in place. Continued action is irresponsible and possibly illegal. We keep hoping they will do the right thing, but we will see!

Listen to the sweetness of this resolution below sponsored by State Representative Kevin Brooks! It really is music to my ears and sends a definitive message to the local press that mocked us for daring to make this an issue long before any one knew about it. I’ll reserve my judgement for another day! The following resolution was created by a State Representative that dared to step out and act while others were hiding under mommas skirt tale too scared to stand up with the will of the people!

An email from Kevin Brooks!

A good morning fellow patriots,

This morning HJR 587 passed Calendar & Rules and was placed
on the Regular House Floor Calendar for Thursday, March 15th.

I am very grateful for the support and co-sponsors of this HJR.

Please spread the word to contact your Legislators to vote YES
on HJR587 on Thursday morning, March 15, 2012.  

For Liberty!

Kevin D. Brooks
Assistant Majority Leader
State Representative Dist. 24
104 War Memorial Building
Nashville, Tennessee 37243
(615) 741-1350
(800) 449-8366 x11350        

HJR 587, by K. Brooks

A resolution relative to United Nations Agenda 21.
Whereas, the United Nations Agenda 21 is a COMPREHENSIVE PLAN of extreme environmentalism, social engineering and global political control that was initiated at the United Nations conference on Environmental and Development (UNCED) held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 1992 and

Whereas, the United Nations Agenda 21 in being covertly pushed into local communities throughout the United States of America through the International Council of Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) through local “sustainable development”, polices such as Smart Growth, Wildlands Project, Resilient Cities, Regional Visioning Projects, and other “green or alternative” projects and

Whereas, the United nations Agenda 21 plan of radical so called “sustainable development” views the American way of life of private property ownership, single family homes, private car ownership and individual travel choices and privately owned farms all as destructive to the environment and

Whereas, according to the United nations Agenda 21 policy, social justice, is described as the right and opportunity of all people to benefit equally from the resources afforded us by society and the environment which would be accomplished by socialist/communist redistribution of wealth, and

Whereas according to the United Nations Agenda 21 policy, national sovereignty is deemed a social injustice, now, therefore, be it resolved by the House of Representatives of the one hundred seventh general Assembly of the State of Tennessee, the Senate concurring that the general Assembly theat the General Assembly recognizes the destructive and insidious nature of United Nations Agenda 21 and hereby exposes to the public policy makers the dangerous intent of the plan.

Be it further resolved, that neither the United States government, nor any state or local government is legally bound by the United Nations Agenda 21 treaty in that it has never been endorsed by the United States Senate,

Be it further resolved, that the Federal government and State and Local governments across the country be well informed of the underlying harmful implications of implementation of United Nations Agenda 21 destructive strategies for “sustainable development” and we hereby endorse rejection of its radical policies and rejection of any grant monies attached to it.

Breathe in deeply Bradley County and the rest of Tennessee! We now have a representative that is willing to stand in the gap!

Next step, based on the recommendation of our own State Legislature let’s take our reps resolution and demand legally that the Regional, Comprehensive plan, the BCC 2035 Growth plan are dead in it’s tracks!

Let’s tell the consultants hired by ICLEI out of Chattanooga that are currently directing our local growth plan to go home! You are fired! We do not want you here no more! Your outdated, cookie cutter plan has already cost us too much money!

Mayors, commissioners, councilmen and the Chamber of Commerce you no longer legally have the right to keep implementing this Agenda 21 plan in our community!

We can develop our own growth plan! We do not need the United Nations, the Chamber of Commerce or a group of ICLEI led Consultants spending billions of our tax dollars on sustainable development and placing the burden on me, my grandchildren and beyond!

RNC passes resolution to halt and expose Agenda 21 and ICLEI

In Agenda 21 on January 17, 2012 at 3:21 PM

This is a good day for American citizens, particularly, in Tennessee! Our RNC State Executive Committeewoman D6, Peggy Lambert, has co-sponsored a resolution to expose Agenda 21 and perhaps put an end to this runaway international program to take your personal property rights and put an undue burden on you by paying for this atrocious, overexpensive, overreaching growth plan!

They, the RNC, in the last few days have made Agenda 21 it’s main focus for 2012! What a victory! We have come from being called conspiracy theorists and kooks to the RNC making this their number one priority in 2012 and passing a resolution unanimously to expose and halt it!

I do know that many so called Republicans in this town and state are still pushing and supporting Agenda 21 via the growth plan, comprehensive plan and the ICLEI inspired and led 16 County, 3 State Regional growth plan out of Chattanooga! It is even mentioned in the resolution!

We need to communicate with our 2 Mayors in Bradley County, our two State Representatives Kevin Brooks and Eric Watson, our State Senator Mike Bell, Congressman Fleischmann and our Governor and two Senators that their continued support of this growth plan, comprehensive plan is unconstitutional and if you talk to constitutional purists, this complicity with a foreign nation inside the United States could be called a treasonist act and could be left up to the citizens of the state to file charges for doing so!

ICLEI and it’s connection to the United Nations and our county, its mayors and state representatives working side by side with these international entities to make sure this growth plan moves forward is unconstitutional and possibly treasonist!

I have warned our local and state representative of this day for months now and to date they have ignored my requests to stop this monstrosity of a growth plan directly from the United Nations and to date no action o statement had been taken to stop it!

Now the RNC of which they are affiliated with has taken the bold step to expose and halt Agenda 21 and they are still hightailing it toward the glorious land of the few federal grants they have been promised for cooperating with ICLEI and the UNITED NATIONS!

The day is coming and I believe it has arrived when the citizens of this state and nation awaken and realize this diabolical plan is from a very dark place and every one of my local and state representatives have been taken by her sensual money desire! The love of money has foreshadowed the freedom of it’s citizens! Everyone of you that has been complicit should be ashamed, better yet replaced at the ballot box next election!

Your poor decision making should be enough to replace you but to see you bow in a hail of votes against you or even a recall of your eligibility for being very cooperative with another foreign entity and charged with treason may be the icing on the cake!

Think it want or can’t happen? You didn’t think this was an ICLEI led, United Nations inspired attack on our country either just 9 months ago when I and others got laughed out of the courthouse and scorned in the local press for trying to warn you?

If you are looking for my motivation here, well here it is! On December 19th, 1985 in Knoxville Tennessee,at the Knoxville MEPS CENTER, a rainy afternoon, on my entrance into the US Army which embarked upon an 8 year term and nearly a year on foreign soil in support of my country, I TOOK AN OATH! TO DEFEND MY COUNTRY AGAINST ENEMIES BOTH FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC! PERIOD!

My country is attempting to be destroyed from within and it can come in many forms such as a suit, a dress, or a set of camos! But it is up to me and other citizens that have taken the oath and frankly those that have not taken the oath, but are citizens of this great nation who are dead set on protecting her!

It is our duty! We must push on to secure this country from all invaders even if they were elected by us!

Thank you RNC for leading the way! Now lets support them! It shouldnt matter where you are politically, republican, Democrat or independent, we should unite to save our country!

Get on the phone immediately or email your representatives and ask their support of this new brave resolution that may just save our country as we know it! Get busy! Don’t wait for someone else to do it for you!

As you continue to read this article and resolution below, keep these words in mind:

“No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto law, or Law impairing the obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility.” -Article 1, Section 10, The United States Constitution

That Section of the Constitution prevents membership of states, cities and counties in an organization called International Council of Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI)… but I’ll bet many readers of this article live in a city, town, or county that belongs to ICLEI because ICLEI has more than 600 active members throughout the United States. Those members are cities, counties, and states, not individuals.

If your state is spending your tax dollars to violate Article 1, Section 10 of the Constitution to pay for membership in ICLEI, you need to do something about it. The Constitution says no state should enter into an alliance with a group devoted to supporting international policies unfriendly to America.

Our County Mayor Gary Davis and City Mayor Tom Rowland joined with ICLEI out of Chattanooga and signed on to implement the Chattanooga/ICLEI led 16 County, 3 State Regional Growth Plan for Bradley County! This in my opinion is unconstitutional and treasonous! Just an opinion, but one deep seated in the pages of that ole document called the US Constitution!

They embarked on this without one single vote being cast or one council or commission member knowingly informed! This is a sinister act and they should be held accountable for every action they take from here on out!

Additional Note: The Cleveland council and Bradley County commission members upon notification of this sinister act have also remained, to date, quiet and complicit in this very dark, diabolical and sinister act upon the citizens of this county and region!

The RNC resolution:

RESOLVED, that Article one, Section ten of the Constitution prohibits any State or subordinate governmental body from contracting with nondomestic entities such as ICLEI; and be it

RESOLVED, that the NFRA shall not endorse a candidate or elected official including the office of President that refuses to oppose the same.

Resolution Exposing United Nations Agenda 21

WHEREAS, the United Nations Agenda 21 is a comprehensive plan of
extreme environmentalism, social engineering, and global political control that was initiated at the United Nations Conference on Environment and
Development (UNCED) held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1992; and,

WHEREAS, the United Nations Agenda 21 is being covertly pushed into local communities throughout the United States of America through the International Council of Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) through local
lands Project, Resilient Cities, 

WHEREAS, this United Nations Agenda 21 plan of radical so-­called ownership, single family homes, private car ownership and individual travel choices, and privately owned farms;; all as destructive to the environment;;

WHEREAS, according to the United Nations Agenda 21 policy, social justice is
described as the right and opportunity of all people to benefit equally from the resources afforded us by society and the environment which would be
accomplished by socialist/communist redistribution of wealth;; and,

WHEREAS, according to the United Nations Agenda 21 policy National sovereignty is deemed a social injustice;; now therefore be

RESOLVED, the Republican National Committee recognizes the destructive and insidious nature of United Nations Agenda 21 and hereby exposes to the public and public policy makers the dangerous intent of the plan;; and
therefore be it further

RESOLVED , that the U.S. government and no state or local government is legally bound by the United Nations Agenda 21 treaty in that it has never been endorsed by the (U.S.) Senate, and therefore be it further

RESOLVED, that the federal and state and local governments across the country be well informed of the underlying harmful implications of implementation of United Nations Agenda 21 destructive strategies for policies and rejection of any grant monies attached to it, and therefore be it further RESOLVED, that upon the approval of this resolution the Republican National Committee shall deliver a copy of this resolution to each of the Republican members of Congress, all Republican candidates for Congress, all Republican candidates for President who qualify for RNC sanctioned debates, and to each Republican state and territorial party office.

Addendum to resolution:

RESOLVED:  That membership in ICLEI is an unconstitutional confederation with foreign cities in an international organization with foreign policy goals and that every city, county and town in the United States ought to get out of ICLEI immediately.  We commend the communities that have already done so.

Chief Sponsor:
Helen Van Etten
Republican National Committeewoman for Kansas

Co- Sponsors:
Carolyn McLarty
Republican National Committeewoman for Oklahoma

Kim Lehman
Republican National Committeewoman for Iowa

Paul Reynolds
Republican National Committeeman for Alabama

Demetra DeMonte
Republican national Committeewoman for Illinois

Solomon Yue
Republican National Committeewoman for Oregon

Donna Cain
Republican National Committeewoman for Oregon

Cindy Costa
Republican National Committeewoman for South Carolina

John Sigler
Republican State Chairman for Delaware

Steve Scheffler
Republican national Committeeman for Iowa

Peggy Lambert
Republican National Committeewoman for Tennessee

Jim Bopp
Republican National Committeeman for Indiana

Bruce Ash
Republican National Committeeman for Arizona

Demarus Carlson
Republican National Committeewoman for Nebraska

Contributing source:

Marilyn M. Barnewall