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UN’s Millenium Development Goals: Ushering in the Antichrist and One World Religion?

In Uncategorized on September 12, 2012 at 9:06 AM

We are living in perilous times. The economy is bad, the future looks bleak, poor people are lined up around the block in every soup kitchen in the US, homeless are strewn all over our city streets, the housing market has imploded leaving many with their only hope of recovery is to reach out to God almighty and his appointed leaders for help.

The poor, the middle class and quite frankly the upper income earners are having to tighten their belts just to make ends meet in todays economy.

Families are looking for help. Three meals and a cot are your most basic needs and even those are difficult to attain.

Who can help us? Who can get us back on our feet? The government? The Church? The United Nations?

This overwhelming “global poverty” dilemma is sadly being approached by all three of the aforementioned entitities and in partnership with each other.

The vehicle is Agenda 21 and the United Nations Millenium Development Goals or MDG’s abbreviated.

What can be bad about assisting the poor? Churches and spiritual leaders have done it for centuries. Why do they need to associated with the UN to continue this mission quest? Did the system of helping your poor and afflicted all of a sudden break down and is no longer functional? Why are we seeing the UN now cry out to our elected and spiritual leaders for help in eradicating poverty? I believe the answer is simple. There is an alternative motive to our religious leaders linking up with the UN. Continue reading and my intent is to show you the untold story.

We are arguably seeing the end of our society as we know it come to an end. The culmination of these combined efforts to not only stamp out poverty but implement Agenda 21 into every community in the world is the catalyst.

I believe we are witnessing the development and genesis of a “One World Government”, a “New World Order” and a “One World Religion” under the complete control of the United Nations and they are relying on our gratitude and servitude to achieve their deviant plan.

The eight Millennium Development Goals that came out of the UN Millenium Summitt in 2000 and again in 2010 is one leg of a many legged beast that will eventually lead to World Dominance by the United Nations over every facet of our existence.

The MDG’s are a direct initiative of the UN from the international program known as Agenda 21, specifically Chapter 3 of the 40 chapter plan to completely morph our world into a Socialist, Marxist Communistic and Godless society run by elitist with no other goal than the elimination of a sovereign and free people.

Before you tune me out and decide that this will never happen take a look around you and see that even locally, in your community, many of the MDG and Agenda 21 goals have been implemented and many more are on the way and have already occurred. I have taken the liberty to step outside a narrow minded thought process to piece the whole puzzle together. Before you take offense to what I am saying consider my motivation. My goal and many know this, my children and their children and in fact your children will be living in this environment that is being created by our esteemed religious leaders. I can’t bare to leave this to my lineage. The attacks on me because of my stances are certain to come and will come from those involved and those that usually have something to hide or have come to the conclusion that what I am saying is unfounded without researching it themselves. I am really ok with this. I sleep very well at night knowing that I have at least drawn attention to a very sinister plight.

Agenda 21 via the MDG’ is insidious and admittedly clever. The actions of the UN are enticing, prolonged and consistent. Who doesn’t want to see poor people get a helping hand, a womans equal rights observed, a healthy baby delivered, a home built for a poor family, an improved educational system or the eradication of Tuberculosis and HIV from the surface of the Earth. Very few people would deny these needs to the afflicted. Sadly, this is not the whole story.

Our devoted and spiritual local church leaders have bought into this fix for the worlds problems and are being manipulated on the world stage for the gain of many that have not fully yet been recognized as being the catalyst to our demise. I personally doubt few have looked behind the organization that is driving these initiatives or goals.

Even our local Tn State Representative Kevin Brooks has been drafted into this UN agenda 21 approach to eradicate global poverty although just last year drafted a resolution in the Tennessee state house to rid ourselves of the insidious program called Agenda 21. This would appear as hypocritical but I honestly dont think he has taken the time to evaluate the complete package that he is incessantly pushing into our community using his church affiliated base for implementation. If he did, I think his approach would be different.

Our local Chamber of Commerce whose international organization has “Chief Consultative Status” with the United Nations is playing a huge part of the implementation of Agenda 21 in our community. The Chamber of Commerce is a willing and knowing partner in this endeavor and will go to any length to make sure if its success. Their partnership with the UN is undeniable at this point and their true motives are not hidden.

Local church leaders such as the honorable T.L Lowery who initiated the MDGs into our community and was wined and dined by Ban Ki Moon at the UN in New York to facilitate this into our lives.

My beloved pastor Mitch Maloney has been recruited for implementation of certain aspects of the MDGs and has even donated needed water/sewer lines in slums in Cambodia.

The World Church of God and North Cleveland Church of God has direct involvement.

Our own Cleveland Mayor Tom Rowland and his seven city councilmen recently gave a notable horrendous dictator the key to our city in support of the MDGS.

People for Care and Learning, the UNs Habitat for Humanity, elected officials and spiritual leaders all over our community are being drafted into this evil empire that many have claimed is the direct path to the unveiling of the Antichrist and the facilitation of the end times.

Involvement of our community church leaders does not make them bad people. In fact, quite the opposite. These leaders have done more good for this old world in a day than many in a lifetime. Their continued association knowingly or unknowingly with a ruthless evil organization like the UN is where we separate and their ongoing support becomes questionable and would cast doubt to their credibility and intentions.

I believe our community leaders have been co opted by the United Nations to implement this scheme to eradicate global poverty via Agenda 21/MDGS.

Our leaders have failed to recognize the reality of joining hands with a very dangerous and powerful world power called the United Nations, that is gaining momentum with every assist from our leaders is a calculated risk that many seem to indulge despite numerous warnings.

Linking with the UN to implement these goals that go beyond eradicating poverty to implementing sustainabilty and environmental controls on our country, as demonstrated in goals 7 and 8 of the MDG’s is a very dangerous game to play with the lives of your congregations and constituents.

Take the time to acquaint your self with the information below and ask the question, who and what organizations are pushing this agenda and why. Simply expelling your involvement because you think it is impossible and is untrue, your naievete is no longer acceptable. The repercussions on the citizens of different communities are the ones that will suffer from your decisions and your continued participation.

The educated response and the knowledge you now attain through this blog and the information provided now puts you in the know. No longer can you be a participant in this deviant plan without the knowledge that you are doing the devils work through Agenda 21 and the MDG’s. No more excuses.

The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) are eight international development goals that all 193 United Nations member states and at least 23 international organizations have agreed to achieve by the year 2015. The goals are:

eradicating extreme poverty and hunger,
achieving universal primary education,
promoting gender equality and empowering women
reducing child mortality rates,
improving maternal health,
combating HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases,
ensuring environmental sustainability, and
developing a global partnership for development.

Each of the goals has specific stated targets and dates for achieving those targets.

Debate has surrounded adoption of the MDGs, focusing on lack of analysis and justification behind the chosen objectives, the difficulty or lack of measurements for some of the goals, and uneven progress towards reaching the goals, among other criticisms. Although developed countries’ aid for achieving the MDGs has been rising over recent years, more than half the aid is towards debt relief owed by poor countries, with remaining aid money going towards natural disaster relief and military aid which does not further development.

A UN conference in September 2010 reviewed progress to date and concluded with the adoption of a global action plan to achieve the eight anti-poverty goals by their 2015 target date. There were also new commitments on women’s and children’s health, and new initiatives in the worldwide battle against poverty, hunger and disease.

Government organizations assist in achieving those goals, among them are the United Nations Millennium Campaign, the Millennium Promise Alliance, Inc., the Global Poverty Project, the Micah Challenge, The Youth in Action EU Programme “Cartoons in Action” video project and the 8 Visions of Hope global art project.

The aim of the MDGs is to encourage development by improving social and economic conditions in the world’s poorest countries. They derive from earlier international development targets, and were officially established following the Millennium Summit in 2000, where all world leaders present adopted the United Nations Millennium Declaration.

The MDGs originated from the Millennium Declaration produced by the United Nations. The Declaration asserts that every individual has the right to dignity, freedom, equality, a basic standard of living that includes freedom from hunger and violence, and encourages tolerance and solidarity. The MDGs were made to operationalize these ideas by setting targets and indicators for poverty reduction in order to achieve the rights set forth in the Declaration on a set fifteen-year timeline.

The MDGs were developed out of the eight chapters of the Millennium Declaration, signed in September 2000. There are eight goals with 21 targets, and a series of measurable indicators for each target.

Please look closely at these goals and you will quickly see where this is about more than eradicating global poverty.

Goal 1: Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger

Target 1A: Halve the proportion of people living on less than $1 a day
Proportion of population below $1 per day (PPP values)
Poverty gap ratio [incidence x depth of poverty]
Share of poorest quintile in national consumption
Target 1B: Achieve Decent Employment for Women, Men, and Young People
GDP Growth per Employed Person
Employment Rate
Proportion of employed population below $1 per day (PPP values)
Proportion of family-based workers in employed population
Target 1C: Halve the proportion of people who suffer from hunger
Prevalence of underweight children under five years of age
Proportion of population below minimum level of dietary energy consumption.

Goal 2: Achieve universal primary education

Target 2A: By 2015, all children can complete a full course of primary schooling, girls and boys
Enrollment in primary education
Completion of primary education
everyone will get into school
MDG Monitor:Goal 2

Goal 3: Promote gender equality and empower women

Target 3A: Eliminate gender disparity in primary and secondary education preferably by 2005, and at all levels by 2015
Ratios of girls to boys in primary, secondary and tertiary education
Share of women in wage employment in the non-agricultural sector
Proportion of seats held by women in national parliament[13]
For girls in some regions, education remains elusive[14]
Poverty is a major barrier to education, especially among older girls.
In every developing region except the CIS, men outnumber women in paid employment
Women are largely relegated to more vulnerable forms of employment
Women are over-represented in informal employment, with its lack of benefits and security
Top-level jobs still go to men — to an overwhelming degree[14]
Women are slowly rising to political power, but mainly when boosted by quotas and other special measures

Goal 4: Reduce child mortality rates

Target 4A: Reduce by two-thirds, between 1990 and 2015, the under-five mortality rate
Under-five mortality rate
Infant (under 1) mortality rate
Proportion of 1-year-old children immunized against measles[15]

Goal 5: Improve maternal health

Target 5A: Reduce by three quarters, between 1990 and 2015, the maternal mortality ratio
Maternal mortality ratio
Proportion of births attended by skilled health personnel
Target 5B: Achieve, by 2015, universal access to reproductive health
Contraceptive prevalence rate
Adolescent birth rate
Antenatal care coverage
Unmet need for family planning[16]

Goal 6: Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases

Target 6A: Have halted by 2015 and begun to reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS
HIV prevalence among population aged 15–24 years
Condom use at last high-risk sex
Proportion of population aged 15–24 years with comprehensive correct knowledge of HIV/AIDS
Target 6B: Achieve, by 2010, universal access to treatment for HIV/AIDS for all those who need it
Proportion of population with advanced HIV infection with access to antiretroviral drugs
Target 6C: Have halted by 2015 and begun to reverse the incidence of malaria and other major diseases
Prevalence and death rates associated with malaria
Proportion of children under 5 sleeping under insecticide-treated bednets
Proportion of children under 5 with fever who are treated with appropriate anti-malarial drugs
Incidence, prevalence and death rates associated with tuberculosis
Proportion of tuberculosis cases detected and cured under DOTS (Directly Observed Treatment Short Course)[17]

Goal 7: Ensure environmental sustainability

Target 7A: Integrate the principles of sustainable development into country policies and programs; reverse loss of environmental resources
Target 7B: Reduce biodiversity loss, achieving, by 2010, a significant reduction in the rate of loss
Proportion of land area covered by forest
CO2 emissions, total, per capita and per $1 GDP (PPP)
Consumption of ozone-depleting substances
Proportion of fish stocks within safe biological limits
Proportion of total water resources used
Proportion of terrestrial and marine areas protected
Proportion of species threatened with extinction
Target 7C: Halve, by 2015, the proportion of the population without sustainable access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation (for more information see the entry on water supply)
Proportion of population with sustainable access to an improved water source, urban and rural
Proportion of urban population with access to improved sanitation
Target 7D: By 2020, to have achieved a significant improvement in the lives of at least 100 million slum-dwellers
Proportion of urban population living in slums[18]

Goal 8: Develop a global partnership for development

Target 8A: Develop further an open, rule-based, predictable, non-discriminatory trading and financial system
Includes a commitment to good governance, development, and poverty reduction – both nationally and internationally
Target 8B: Address the Special Needs of the Least Developed Countries (LDC)
Includes: tariff and quota free access for LDC exports; enhanced programme of debt relief for HIPC and cancellation of official bilateral debt; and more generous ODA (Official Development Assistance) for countries committed to poverty reduction
Target 8C: Address the special needs of landlocked developing countries and small island developing States
Through the Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States and the outcome of the twenty-second special session of the General Assembly
Target 8D: Deal comprehensively with the debt problems of developing countries through national and international measures in order to make debt sustainable in the long term
Some of the indicators listed below are monitored separately for the least developed countries (LDCs), Africa, landlocked developing countries and small island developing States.
Official development assistance (ODA):
Net ODA, total and to LDCs, as percentage of OECD/DAC donors’ GNI
Proportion of total sector-allocable ODA of OECD/DAC donors to basic social services (basic education, primary health care, nutrition, safe water and sanitation)
Proportion of bilateral ODA of OECD/DAC donors that is untied
ODA received in landlocked countries as proportion of their GNIs
ODA received in small island developing States as proportion of their GNIs
Market access:
Proportion of total developed country imports (by value and excluding arms) from developing countries and from LDCs, admitted free of duty
Average tariffs imposed by developed countries on agricultural products and textiles and clothing from developing countries
Agricultural support estimate for OECD countries as percentage of their GDP
Proportion of ODA provided to help build trade capacity
Debt sustainability:
Total number of countries that have reached their HIPC decision points and number that have reached their HIPC completion points (cumulative)
Debt relief committed under HIPC initiative, US$
Debt service as a percentage of exports of goods and services
Target 8E: In co-operation with pharmaceutical companies, provide access to affordable, essential drugs in developing countries
Proportion of population with access to affordable essential drugs on a sustainable basis
Target 8F: In co-operation with the private sector, make available the benefits of new technologies, especially information and communications.

Telephone lines and cellular subscribers per 100 population
Personal computers in use per 100 population
Internet users per 100 Population.

Challenges and what does it cost?

Although developed countries’ aid for the achievement of the MDGs have been rising over recent years, it has shown that more than half is towards debt relief owed by poor countries. As well, remaining aid money goes towards natural disaster relief and military aid which does not further the country into development. According to the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (2006), the 50 least developed countries only receive about one third of all aid that flows from developed countries, raising the issue of aid not moving from rich to poor depending on their development needs but rather from rich to their closest allies.

Many development experts question the MDGs model of transferring billions of dollars directly from the wealthy nation governments to the often bureaucratic or corrupt governments in developing countries. This form of aid has led to extensive cynicism by the general public in the wealthy nations, and hurts support for expanding badly needed aid.

Over the past 35 years, the members of the UN have repeatedly made a “commit[ment] 0.7% of rich-countries’ gross national income (GNI) to Official Development Assistance.” The commitment was first made in 1970 by the UN General Assembly.

The United Nations has requested that 0.7 percent of our GNI, Gross National Index, in the trillions and only second to Chinas to be donated in support of the UN and their goal to eradicate debt across the globe.

As mentioned very little of this “relief” gets to the nations that need it. A part of the agreement is to also “forgive” or “relieve” other nations debts. This is clearly redistribution of wealth that will eventually destroy our own economy and “equalize” us into just another third world country thus eliminating the “great Satan” of it’s wealth in the name of promoting social justice.

Each economically advanced country will progressively increase its official development assistance to the developing countries and will exert its best efforts to reach a minimum net amount of 0.7 percent of its gross national product at market prices by the middle of the decade.

The UN “believe[s] that donors should commit to reaching the long-standing target of 0.7 percent of GNI by 2015”.[46]

Many organizations are working to bring U.S. political attention to the Millennium Development Goals. In 2007, The Borgen Project worked with Sen. Barack Obama on the Global Poverty Act, a bill requiring the White House to develop a strategy for achieving the goals. As of 2009, the bill has not passed, but Barack Obama has since been elected President.

The United Nations Millennium Campaign is a UNDP campaign unit to increase support to achieve the Millennium Development Goals and seek a coalition of partners for action. The Millennium Campaign targets intergovernmental, government, civil society organizations and media at both global and regional levels.

The Millennium Promise Alliance, Inc., or Millennium Promise, is a U.S.-based non-profit organization dedicated to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals and founded in 2005 by renown international economist and Special Advisor on the MDGs to the UN Secretary General, Professor Jeffrey Sachs, and Wall Street leader and philanthropist, Ray Chambers.

Millennium Promise coordinates a project, the Millennium Villages Project, in partnership with Columbia University’s Earth Institute and the UNDP that aims to demonstrate the feasibility of achieving the Goals through an integrated and community-led approach to holistic development. The Millennium Villages Project currently operates in 14 sites across 10 countries in sub-Saharan Africa.

The Global Poverty Project is an international education and advocacy organisation using its multimedia presentation 1.4 Billion Reasons to educate people about the Millennium Development Goals and our capacity to end extreme poverty within a generation. They travel to workplaces, schools, universities, community groups and churches around Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States to equip people with the knowledge and resources they need to encourage the achievement of the MDGs.

The Micah Challenge is an international campaign that encourages Christians to support the Millennium Development Goals. Their aim is to “encourage our leaders to halve global poverty by 2015.”[60]

The Youth in Action EU Programme “Cartoons in Action” project created stop motion animation videos about MDGs, a video channel “8 gol x 8 Millennium Development Goals” and 21 Videos about 21 MDGs Targets using Arcade C64 videogames [61]

8 Visions of Hope is a global art project that explores and shows how art, culture, artists, musicians as positive change agents can help in the realization of the eight UN Millennium Development Goals.

The Development Education Unit of Future Worlds Center envisions, designs and implements development education awareness campaigns, trainings, conferences and resources since 2005. Leads a number of European-wide projects such as the Accessing Development Education and TeachMDGs.

You can see the enormity of this project on the world scene. If this were just about eradicating poverty this could be seen as a gratuitous project. It is about much more than just poverty eradication it’s about big money, sustainable development and world power through domination.

Sadly, our church and elected leaders are only seeing this as a mission field at which they can throw their effort and hard work into.

They are either complicit in this scheme, naive in their approach or are in denial that they are dealing with the devil and some may say ushering in a “One World Government” and facilitating the rise of the Antichrist.

You decide where you wanna be when that day happens. I know which side I want to be on.

Partial source of information:


Brymer Creek degradation, a result of talk, little action

In Uncategorized on September 6, 2012 at 8:05 AM

From the beginning the warning bells have sounded as many citizens spoke up about the economic and environmental impact of such a large construction project like the Spring Branch Industrial Park would have on our community.

I think Matt Bentley said it best almost a year ago as the vote to go forward with the park was being initiated.

“I want you to think long and hard about the pros and cons of this development,” community member Matt Bentley said.

Bentley said he and others in the community did not feel respected in the process thus far.

The above concerns by resident Matt Bentley and other concerned citizens, including members of the Tea Party of Bradley County now sound like an ominous warning that got neglected resulting in our elected leaders rendering the seriousness of this debate to an afterthought.

Repeated warnings of possible degradation to the environment around this sight and to the creek were voiced for almost a year prior to this most recent negative impact to the states fifth cleanest creek.

You can clearly see, a year ago, where the ball got dropped although two of Bentley’s concerns were addressed in a paragraph added before the original resolution, presented by 6th District Commissioner Robert Rominger as reported in the Cleveland Daily Banner.

This added paragraph said steps would be taken to limit the impact on the community from the industrial park. The proposed steps include: “(1) sewer service to the proposed Spring Brach Road site will be provided from an existing 8-inch sewer line on APD 40, (2) buffers will surround building sites as shown on the concept drawing, (3) Spring Branch Road will be closed and will not be used for ingress or egress from the industrial park and (4) Harriman Road will serve as a secondary method of ingress and egress from the site and every effort will be made to prevent traffic use other than in an emergency.”

The resolution does not address the community’s concern about preserving Spring Branch, Brymer Creek and Candies Creek from storm water runoff as reported in the Cleveland Daily Banner 12 months ago.

Seventh District Commissioner Bill Winters said the Commission does in fact respect the community’s concerns. Winters said he shared concerns about protecting the area’s creeks.

“I don’t think any of us want an industrial park to negatively impact your community,” Winters said.

Mr Winters spoke of it, showed concern, went a step further to say he heard our concerns and was interested in protecting the area creeks and not negatively impact them, but it appears to be only talk. To my knowledge, no plan or oversight was planned beyond talking about it and acknowledging that the problem or potential exists.

We are always so quick to form a committee to study one thing or another, this would and could have been an excellent opportunity to say we are going to follow this through to make sure this didn’t happen to one of the cleanest creeks in the state.

Fast forward one year and we see Brymer creek and the surrounding area being inundated and degraded by muddy polluted stormwater runoff at the Spring Branch construction site.

During the Bradley County Commission voting session meeting Monday evening, Commissioner Ed Elkins said, “Last week I reported on a situation down in the McDonald area or Exit 20 area involving some stormwater runoff. Subsequent to the meeting last week, I did learn that it had been looked at by TDEC and the environmental engineers from the city of Cleveland and I was assured that corrective action was in place to correct that.” Mr. Elkins was referring to the stormwater runoff coming from road and industrial development projects near Spring Branch causing muddy water to flow into Brymer Creek as reported by the Chattanoogan.com.

Dan Rawls addressed the commission stating, “This situation out in McDonald is why the people of McDonald were opposed to this. I don’t know if anyone has seen the video of the degradation of that creek, but you were warned about it from the beginning. Who is accountable for this? The people who are affected by this are in the county. How can you allow that to happen to a waterway that’s that clean and that recognized? We were all told that would never happen. Who is accountable, the government, the people who did it or the contractors? What’s the answer here? What’s going on? We tried to warn you that this was going to happen. Why were the systems not put in place to have prevented this in the first place? I fought this thing for over a year and they’ve fought it longer than that. I think there needs to be some answers and some apologies to the people that live out there around that creek that warned you about this.”

Commissioner Elkins responded, “The permit for that project was issued to the city of Cleveland. They have responsibility for it. The contractor did not take the necessary precautions and that was unfortunate. Once TDEC was notified, they did get on it and got the city down there. It’s kind of like closing the barn door once the horse escaped, but I’m told they are taking precautions to do that now. Clearly someone dropped the ball.”

Commissioner Peak Jones said, “The city of Cleveland does have precautions in place for that process. Where it fell through, nobody knows.”

Commissioner Elkins commented, “The city annexed that area and they pulled the general permit for that project to do the road. So, Bradley County really has no jurisdiction over it. I guess we could file a complaint with the city because where the damage is being done is inside Bradley County. It falls under the city to explore it. I think it would be appropriate for us to file a complaint with them and ask them to do this.”

Commissioner Adam Lowe said, “We went to great lengths to have meetings with people in that community. I remember listening to a very healthy active discussion about the pros and cons and figuring out how to mitigate as much as we could. I’m having trouble recalling if anyone from the city was there but it was prior to the annexation. Right now, I’m a little shattered about going to such great lengths as a county commission to try to hear from the constituents in that area. It was such a high priority in my opinion. I feel like for some reason, somewhere it stopped being a high priority.”

May I add something here Commissioner Lowe, while it was evidently labeled a “high priority” that’s all it was, a label. It was all talk and little action. This is where we always seem to get bogged down in the political machine. We gladly offer talk because it can easily be quoted in a news article, so we can cut it out and put it in our scrap book. Getting our hands dirty and doing something on the other hand is a whole new realm we seldom like to explore because it takes a little more effort.

Commissioner Yarber suggested Commission Assistant Amy Moore provide more information regarding the matter and recommended further discussion at a future work session to come up with a thought process to put in place on how to handle the situation.

Chairman Alford said, “Me and Mrs. Moore will get in touch with people from the city regarding the matter tomorrow to try to get more information. That is, if they are willing to meet with us.”

With all due respect to the Commissioners, City Councilmen and women, both Mayors, the Industrial Development Board and Doug Berry of the Chamber of Commerce, one thing clearly stands out in the paragraphs above of the coverage of tbe meeting.

We love to give lip service to the general public and say what we think the people want to hear. We are all very quick to listen to concerned citizens and their gripes and complaints and then talk about plans to fix it. This debacle has left many scampering for someone to blame with hoardes of elected and non elected officials washing their hands of the responsibility of the pollution of Brymer Creek.

Instead of one person stepping up and committing to making sure not one more ounce of pollution flows into Brymer Creek, it seems the only viable and forseeable solution is let’s talk and talk and talk about it till we have talked enough then let’s talk some more.

But when all is said and done the end result is a once clean creek is now dirty and polluted and all we have done is talk about it to the point of nausea.

Talking without followup seems to have gotten us in this dilemma. Lip service without a plan is exactly that, lip service.

Who is to blame? Ultimately the voter will decide. They will mull over the previous four years of service and make an informed decision.

It would have been so simple to take our concerns, formulate a plan, follow up on plan, provide oversight of construction and make sure that when the first scoop of dirt was moved, no runoff was going to pollute Brymer creek.

The ball was dropped indeed. Many chose to talk and even more failed to execute.

Source of info:

Please visit this site frequently as it is chocked full of note worthy news articles that affect us daily. http://www.chattanoogan.com/2012/9/5/233582/Stormwater-Runoff-Into-Brymer-Creek.


These “esteemed” savages got the key to our city and we call them sister

In Uncategorized on August 24, 2012 at 11:17 AM

I am going to limit my words here to leave the emphasis on the obvious of what just happened in Cleveland Tennessee. Our Mayor Tom Rowland and our State Legislator Kevin Brooks and Governor Bill Haslam have welcomed one of the worst human rights offenders in the world to our city and we call them sister and give them the key to our city.

We were swept away with the pomp and circumstance as our Mayor bowed to a ruthless dictator while slipping him the key to our city. Where is the humanity in this? Where are the church leaders in our town that should be speaking up for these children and their parents being taken in and forced into slave labor, child prostitution and human trafficking? Why do we choose to turn a blind eye to the reality of our associations? How can Rowland, Brooks and Haslam not see this delegation for what they truly are? Why doesnt the rule of you are known by your associations apply here? How can we build these people up while ignoring their devilish and satanic actions?

I will tell you simply. We have once again sighted our vision in the almighty dollar instead of the humanity that suffers because of our actions. We can forget the action if it profits me!

We listen to others influential in all things business like the Chamber of Commerce. We instead ignore Gods voice of conviction that must lay heavy on these leaders hearts.

We have lost touch with the sense that while helping a few become wealthy while making a few spiritual leaders feel warm and fuzzy all over. The intended message has been eternally lost. Gods message to love thy neighbor and assist them when troubled has been watered down by an opportunity to outsource a mattress factory and spread the wealth. A child slaving over a mattress has become more important than giving that same kid a place to rest his head at night.

The assumed numerous children of Pol Pot living in Phnom Penh who have lived to tell the story of horrendous crimes and powerful regimes are now being further exploited by our elected leaders who would rather turn a blind eye to the iniquities of many for the promotion of self.

God bless our city and the misdirection it has received, bless our leaders as this regime is lifted to royalty. Please let’s take a look at the real people that we are gloating about and let’s put value on his excellency for what they really are……ruthless thugs with enough power to influence many to participate in the degregation of a generation of children and people and further chaining their feet to a communist/socialist regime that is being empowered by the elite a thousand miles away from them.

Please take the time to get to know these Cambodian delegates and sisterS of our city that have been given the key to our city by seemingly likeminded politicians who seem oblivious to the influence our support has on the futures of a generation where 50 percent of it’s population is under the age of 21. What a great opportunity missed to reach millions squandered on greed and pride.

Pleas take a few minutes to read from a news source inside Cambodia and Phnom Penh who see the light because it is shinin on them brightly.

I encourage you not to read the posted website if your stomach is easily upset or vivid images stick in your head for a long time that may produce PTSD side effects. What I read literally made me wash my hands with soap and water to remove the filth when I shook their hands! While you may choose to read with great hesitancy remember the greatest tragedy is how we have lifted this “delegation” up as the example of what our city needs to be.


Never forget these are my opinions only and are mine only. These thoughts reflect my interpretation of some very sad events that are happening in Cleveland Tennessee that are not being reported by mainstream media. I would be remiss and negligent to observe these atrocities and not report them. Please read and come to your own conclusions about our elected and non elected leaders. Let the shame fall where it may.

Essence of evil permeates Chamber of Commerce as a host of City Leaders bow to Cambodian “dignitaries”

In Uncategorized on August 22, 2012 at 11:18 PM

I want to mention that Kep Chuktema has forcefully evicted over 3000 urban poor families from the center of Phnom Penh during his tenure.  He has been quoted in the national papers as saying that the urban poor “pollute our city’s beauty”.  Most recently he evicted roughly 1,500 urban poor to a location without any basic services:  No running water, bathrooms, health clinics, schools, etc.  Literally dropped off over a thousand families into a barren ricefield during the rainy season.  The UN Special Rapporteur on Housing (Miloon Kothari) has described the trends occurring in Phnom Penh as approaching that of an ‘apartheid city’.  He has employed police and soldiers to carry out evictions, armed with electric batons, guns, gas masks, and riot gear.  The last eviction he used roughly 1,000 such ‘security’ forces, carried out the eviction at four in the morning, and refused to allow UN monitors, NGO human rights monitors, or the media from observing the evictions.

The above passage was written by a Cambodian begging for someone to hear his or her plight. It is the cry of the Cambodian people! Save me!

The Cambodians reaching out because of these and other atrocities by them at the hands of Kep Chuk Tema. Memories of Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge still exists and the remnants of that horrible regime have made their way to America, specifically Cleveland Tennessee.

Rape, child rape, sex crimes and trade that are only echoed in horror chambers, drugs, abuse of women, evictions, bribery, murder and mass corruption these are there cries!

The cry of a child prostitute offering her self for “one dollar”, “one dollar” speaks of darkness that only a few know.

I am dumbfounded by the level of acceptance by our church leaders, elected officials, NGOs, the Chamber of Commerce, the Mayor Tom Rowland and any others that may wish to participate in this endeavor.

I find it interesting, we criminalize patriots for questioning land policy in Cleveland, yet embrace a delegation that has evicted, raped and pillaged hundreds of thousands in phnom penh and we give them the key to the city who are known Socialists/Marxist/Leninist with close ties to the Khmer Rouge, go figure!

The worst of human rights abuses are on the record and they were committed by the man and his government that we accept in Cleveland Tennessee with open arms. The atrocities that Mr Garmon and Mr George were the work of the man they are parading around in our town as a hero to his people. In Phnom Penh it is quite different.

The United Nations, yes it’s hard for me to say that, but their human rights board is investigating his Khmer Rouge/Apartheid type activity all in the name of sustainable economic development.

Why is he here in my opinion? The World Bank has cut off all his money for land development because of his human rights violations. So he accepts the offer from God fearing, freedom loving Americans that are more than willing to save the world. So, Mr Chuktema by building little cities, with the cooperation of the US of course shows some good will and is able to get his World Bank financing back. At the same time the Chamber of Commerce, the Mayor and Planners might get a business out of it!

This is truly the saddest part of this all. Our Church leaders and elected leaders that we trust to protect our sovereignty and freedoms end up giving them to a Buddhist/Socialist/Marxist/Leninist regime.

The people we are entrusting to lead us out of the economic downfall are the very ones that are doing the most to prevent a free market and capitalism to work. Let’s share the wealth! That is the game. Have you seen pictures of Phnom Penh lately? Do you think there is a shortage of cash in this area that needs or can get a step ahead by the generous tithing of a few hundred church faithful? 2.2 million to hand to a dictator that has the equivalency of a King and his court? To build 800 or so homes for a tyrannical leader that does not see the bad in evicting 200, 000 poor people from his kingdom? Why has he done this? It is to secure a sustainable future! Where if you offer enough money I will gladly displace thousands if your dream is to build a strip mall or a high rise apartment for the poor you just dumped in a rice paddy in the middle of nowhere. How can our churches and elected leaders participate in this apartheid! I thought we were about helping the poor, not benefitting from their demise.

Read the many excerpts below! Many from first hand reports from Cambodians who have suffered greatly from the entourage that has invaded Cleveland Tennessee recently. The poor in these countries need real representation, not a gaggle of yes men who only see evil in those that try to keep America and our county free. I was told by one of these high ranking church officials that these were only homeless people who live in cardboard boxes on the street near the airport. Wow! God bless America! We have seen what the mighty dollar can do to corrupt a city like Cleveland Tennessee, see what greed and seeking power can and has done to Cambodia!

Read below with an open mind and ask your self why would our spiritual leaders be supporting such an awful regime? I am afraid our leaders have chosen to look beyond the human plight and found a few dollars to replace the sins of many!

These below are the same ones that our City Mayor, State Legislator Kevin Brooks, the Chamber of Commerce, select church leaders gave the key to the city to.

Read below and look at the magnitude of this tragedy.
220, 000 poor have been evicted from their property by Governor.

60,000 evicted from Phnom Penh by Governor Kep Chuktema

City protests against eviction, falls on deaf ears.

Benivides Raneses and Kep Chuk Tema gather local poor citizens for protesting this government from taking their farms

Kit Sopha- Another delegate evicts 100 poor families without compensation from homes near airport.

Koeut Chhea- another delegate member- Holds and imprisons 24 women and 6 children after being evicted from homes. Both the United Nations and HRW have documented suspicious deaths, rape, torture and beatings there.

4,000 families evicted to make way for Chinese company.

Eat Dog meat poor people! “Chuktema also said dog meat should be sold openly in the markets because there is a demand among poor people who eat it. “They don’t have [nice] wine, but poor people can enjoy their dog meat with palm juice wine,” Chuktema said.

2500 garment slave workers march to phnom penh government and are turned back by armed police and forced back to work. Because they were being sexually harassed.

On August 20th, while touring Cleveland Chuk Temas government sends volunteers into village asking for deeds as proof they own the land they occupy then keep them and give them to other people. 60 families lose their property.

UN inquiring about Kep Chuktemas human rights abuses.

Horrific bridge dedication presided over by Kep Chuktema. one theory of what went wrong causing the injury to 700 plus and the death of 353 was the government police electrocuted the crowd and shot with water cannons. The bridge is family owned by Prime Minister Hun Sin.

US State Department report on horrendous abuses by Kep Chuktema and Prime minister Hun Sen controlled governments. Charges to include children sex trade, drugs, police beatings and evictions and numerous other human rights issues.

Click to access 186476.pdf

Another eviction notice by Kep Chuktema. I hope that by giving him the key to the city our elected officials don’t use his atrocious human rights tactics at home.

Governor sells Khmer Rouge killing fields for development, you know sustainable development.

The “boss” of Governor Kep Chuktema, Prime minister Hun Sen was a battalion commander for the Khmer Rouge regime.

God bless our county and our country if we have leaders like this making our decisions for us. Someone please question the lack of judgement in our city and county. How can we support such wickedness while acting so faithful to God. God please forgive these men who have been blinded by Satan and are playing games with the devil at the cost of many lives inside Cleveland Tennessee. Please lift the blinders from them and have them ask for forgiveness and to truly see the light.

Cleveland mayor, Bradley County tea party chief defend roles in flier dispute

In Uncategorized on August 15, 2012 at 7:18 AM

published Wednesday, August 15th, 2012
Cleveland mayor, Bradley County tea party chief defend roles in flier dispute
By Randall Higgins

CLEVELAND, Tenn. — Mayor Tom Rowland says the city has no reason to apologize for asking for a police investigation into who was distributing fliers to south Cleveland homes in June.

The fliers, which stated the city was planning to use eminent domain to take more than 300 homes in the name of development, were untrue, Rowland said Monday.

It is the Tea Party of Bradley County that needs to apologize for upsetting families, some of whom have lived in their homes for two generations or more, he said.

“They were in tears,” Rowland said.

At Monday’s City Council meeting, a lively, but civil, debate took place between council members and members of the Tea Party of Bradley County. In the end, the only common ground was that no one will apologize.

Donny Harwood, president of the Tea Party of Bradley County, said his organization has no reason to apologize, either. At the time they were distributed, the fliers were true, according to the latest public information, he said. It is the city that needs to apologize for intimidating the group’s members and seeking to deny them their right to free speech, he said.

The call for an investigation aimed to “essentially hunt down, arrest and expose members of our tea party group as we made efforts to inform the community of horrendous plans for their community,” Harwood said.

“This flier contained truthful information based on the last known public meeting,” Harwood said. The “white paper” on which the flier was based later was changed, he said.

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“We haven’t stopped your free speech,” Rowland told Harwood.

“Have you passed any leaflets out to apologize to the 300 homeowners that this was not true?” he asked Harwood.

Rowland said the investigation was only to determine if laws were violated, and since none were the point is moot.

“If you are man enough, you will go down there and apologize,” he told Harwood.

“There is nothing for us to apologize about,” Harwood responded.

The group, he said, held a town hall meeting to seek explanations but only one councilman, Bill Estes, attended. Other council members, and Rowland, said they got the invitation after the meeting was held.

Tea party member Dan Rawls said that isn’t true because he sent the registered letters.

Councilman George Poe said he got a late invitation to a meeting to discuss something he had no intention of doing anyway.

“We couldn’t afford to buy 300 houses in the first place,” he said. “We have never talked about what we are accused of.”

If Harwood’s group was so alarmed, Poe said, they should have come to the council first with questions.

Rowland and Poe said they have not read the “white paper” from contracted consultants on which the flier was based. Harwood said the paper was handed out during a three-day public planning meeting at Bradley Square Mall.

Councilman Richard Banks, who said he has read the white paper, told tea party leaders they took the “300 homes” statement out of context. The original question was what would happen in the community if Whirlpool stayed in its old location, he said.

Consultants said that up to 300 homes might have to be seized through eminent domain to accommodate the company’s expansion there. But Whirlpool moved to its new Benton Pike site.

It was only a “what-if” discussion, Rowland said.

“There is nothing for us to explain, because there was nothing to it,” he said.

Contact staff writer Randall Higgins at rhiggins@timesfree press.com or 423-314-1029.

Council, tea party leader argue over apology need

In Uncategorized on August 14, 2012 at 5:21 PM

Council, tea party leader argue over apology need
by DAVID DAVIS, Managing Editor

The Cleveland City Council became embroiled in a 40-minute argument Monday with Bradley County Tea Party President Donny Harwood over who should apologize for deceiving the public. In the end, neither side admitted wrongdoing.

Harwood approached the Council during the regular voting session regarding what he viewed as an action taken by the Council that impinged on party members’ freedom of speech.

The resulting exchange centered around a flier distributed in June by the local tea party and subsequent action taken by the Council on June 18.

“On June 18, I witnessed first-hand the Cleveland City Council and its Mayor Tom Rowland display behavior uncharacteristic of a free republic bound to the U.S., the state constitution and the city charter. With this most recent breach it is safe to say our first amendment rights are imperiled in Bradley County,” he said. “There is still egregious legislation on the books today that has yet to be reversed that limits our freedom of speech.

“Cleveland Mayor Tom Rowland, with a unanimous resolution vote of 7-0 by this Council ordered an investigation using police force to essentially hunt down, arrest and expose members of my Tea Party group as we made efforts to inform the community of horrendous plans for their community, thus criminalizing our free speech.”

Rowland said Monday there was no resolution. It was simply a vote taken after he expressed his opinion at the June 18 Council meeting that whoever anonymously distributed the flier should be publicly identified.

The anonymous flier was in neighborhoods south of the old Whirlpool Plant in downtown Cleveland. It warned homeowners of the impending loss of their property rights, if they did not immediately act. The flier stated 300 homes were targeted for demolition and redevelopment.

“I think this is a very cruel hoax on the citizens of our community. This is sneaky. It’s deceitful. I don’t like it and I don’t like my citizens to be in fear,” the mayor said in June.

He said then it was a gray area as to whether or not an actual crime was committed by distributing fliers containing false information about the future of the area and “whoever wrote this should be exposed to the public and to those people who called Greg (Planning Director Greg Thomas) with fear in their hearts. They ought to know who wrote this.”

The Council voted 7-0 to request the city attorney, police and district attorney’s office to fully investigate the matter to determine if any laws were broken and try to uncover the source of the flier. The matter was investigated. It was determined no laws were broken and no further action was taken.

“I think this flier is very inciting and I don’t find anything, other than some terminology here and there, that’s even true,” Rowland said during the June meeting. “We formed the Southside Development Committee, but that would do nothing but increase values in that area by getting rid of the blight in our city and enhance the value of the property around it.”

Harwood said Monday the flier contained truthful and accurate information based on the last known public meeting where the information was provided.

“The white paper draft plan is the last known information available to the public in a public setting,” he said. Since that time, he said the plan was changed in a private setting.

Thomas said in a June 17 interview the white paper was written by a Knoxville-based planning consultant and it was handed out to the public in April during a three-day planning workshop at Bradley Square Mall. Thomas said that was the first time he saw the white paper and subsequently, he requested that section be deleted. There have been no public meetings since April.

“The bottom-line answer is the city is not going to run in and take anybody’s property,” he said in June.

Cleveland/Bradley Chamber of Commerce Vice President for Economic Development Doug Berry said in July references to 300 houses came when talks first began with Whirlpool about replacing its century-old manufacturing facilities. The company wanted to remain in the downtown area where there is historical linkage because it is a big issue for a company to break that attachment.

“When we first sat down with Whirlpool, they told us they needed to develop modern manufacturing facilities, that the inefficiencies of these historic plants were so great it was having a bottom-line effect on the company,” Berry said. “They told us they would prefer to do a rebuild in the area of their existing plant. Their first request of me, as a representative of this community, was to provide them a redevelopment option for them to put two half-million square foot buildings in this corridor.”

Berry said during the July MainStreet Cleveland luncheon that such a redevelopment project has never happened in Cleveland. Ultimately, keeping the plant in its historical location would require the use of eminent domain. Berry said he expressed his concern to the company, but agreed to analyze what it would take to put a million square feet in the neighborhood. In order to do that, he said it would require buying all of the property between Plant No. 3 and Ocoee Street, all the way to Plant No. 2.

“That’s 300 lots. That’s where the 300 number came from,” Berry said. “I then sat down with the company and explained that I did not think this was a viable option because this community has not been through the process and has no history of ever having used eminent domain as part of its economic development program. When you hear about the 300 homes that are going to be taken and bulldozed, that number actually has basis, but it’s not fact in the conclusion of those statements,” he told MainStreet members.

Rowland asked Harwood on Monday if he had apologized to the 300 homeowners.

“They were alarmed that their houses might be taken when that’s not a fact,” the mayor said.

Harwood said, “There is nothing for us to apologize for.”

Rowland said, “You should go back and apologize to those people whose lives you have upset. Would you do that or not? We have not stopped your free speech. You have passed leaflets out since then and during that time you haven’t been stopped. We wanted to know who was doing it so you would know what you are passing out is not true. There is nothing true about it. This Council has not voted on it and you know good and well where it started — when Whirlpool said what if we build down there, it was said you might have to buy 300 houses. Period. Where did Whirlpool move to? That was irresponsible —”

“Well, the information —,” Harwood said.

“Listen to me!” the mayor demanded. “The only people I’ve talked to were in tears because somebody put some kind of information out that has no facts to it at all and if you’re man enough, you’ll go down there and tell them that you were wrong.”

The remainder of the argument centered mainly around Harwood and Tea Party member Dan Rawls asking Council members why they did not appear at a Tea Party town hall meeting to discuss the issue. Councilman Bill Estes, who represents the 2nd District, was the only councilman who accepted the invitation.

In return, Councilman George Poe asked Harwood why he didn’t attend a Council meeting months ago if he had questions.

Tea Party confronts Cleveland City Council on first amendment

In Government on August 14, 2012 at 8:52 AM

Press release
Delivered to Cleveland Tennessee City Council
August 13, 2012

Tea Party of Bradley County
Cleveland, Tennessee

Mayor Tom Rowland and City Council,

On June 18th, 2012 I witnessed first hand the Cleveland City Council and it’s Mayor Tom Rowland display behavior uncharacteristic of a free Republic bound to the US, the State Constitution and the Cleveland Charter.

With this most recent breech, it is safe to say that our 1st Amendment rights are in peril in Bradley County, Tennessee. There is still an egregious resolution on the books that has yet to be reversed that limits our freedom of speech.

Cleveland, Tennessee City Mayor Tom Rowland, with a unanimous resolution vote of 7 to 0 by his council, ordered an investigation using police force to hunt down, arrest and expose members of my group as we made efforts to inform the community of horrendous plans for their community, thus criminalizing free speech. Thankfully the local Sherrif and the 10th judicial District Attorney saw this as what it was, an expression of free speech, thus curtailing a manhunt, further public humiliation and a possible federal prison sentence.

The Mayor and Council took offense to a flyer that was passed out to the community surrounding the old Whirlpool site warning of the demolition and redevelopment of 300 plus homes in south Cleveland. This flyer contained truthful and accurate information based on the last known public meeting where that information was provided. The White paper draft plan is the last known information that has been made available to the public in a public setting. Since much public outcry and protest of these proposed actions a revised edition of that plan has been revealed in what can be best construed as a change made in private setting.

Only after approximately 7 days of public humiliation was this latest information provided. The latest information was reportedly released after strong community concern and protest and the white paper was supposedly changed. This change then reflected the negation of the previous proposed draft that called for demolition and redevelopment of 300 plus homes in the downtown area. The latest adoption of this plan has not been made known to the public except when the press inquired about the original draft plan.

Since this time, the Tea Party of Bradley County held a town hall meeting. The Mayor and 7 council members were invited by certified mail. Only one councilman Bill Estes and one County Planner bothered to show up to confront approximately 150 civilians, a great portion residents from the Southside of Cleveland concerned about their livelihood and the security of their private property.

This would have afforded a great opportunity for this Mayor and his council to address their concerns and put them at ease. Instead with the exception of one city councilman, this governing body missed a fantastic opportunity to answer the citizens question they represent. This missed opportunity tells of the disconnect this body has with the people they represent.

I am convinced that this initial offering of information was only a shot across the bow of what is coming to our community, specifically the downtown area. Since this time we have heard further debate of eminent domain, demolition and development at the Ocoee/25th street exchange and on highway 60 around and through the Georgetown community, where many acres of private property will be taken by proposed growth plans. The exact action where just a few weeks prior this body condemned, reprimanded and investigated citizens of this county for informing the community about. With this doublespeak and deception I am convinced eminent domain will be a major implementation tool to revamp the downtown area and the county as the BCC 2035 Joint Strategic plan is further implemented. The Chambers Doug Berry has said it is a given, I draw from this comment that eminent domain will be used to develop our city and county. With this most recent resolution the Mayor and his council have successfully criminalized free speech in Bradley County.

This move by Mayor Tom Rowland created much fear and caused several to hide in fear of retaliation. Since the Mayors press conference basically calling this action illegal, mean spirited and untruthful has caused a great pummeling by the local media, the Chamber of Commerce, locally elected officials and planners on many citizens of Cleveland Tennessee. While siding with Mayor Rowland this group has relentlessy worked to discredit and tarnish the reputations of many within our group with lies and falsehoods further adding to the endless attacks upon it’s citizens and criminalizing our actions.

The Mayor and his Council with one swift vote has caused great harm to the citizens of this community. This action should embarrass this administration as efforts were made vigorously to squelch our first amendment rights. The attacks have been consistent and have even led to further allegations of potential wrong doing on the part of the Tea Party.

The damage and embarrassment this administration has done to this community can probably never be undone but this Mayor and City council by rescinding this resolution and replacing it with a new confirmation may start the healing process. I am asking that this governing body make the needed changes within the next 2 weeks of this date calling for a revision and replacement of the aforementioned resolution and a confirmation that our free speech rights will remain intact in perpetuity.

We must not let this action go unchecked because of the seriousness of it’s content for it’s citizens. No Mayor or representative of government at any level should have the power to stifle and quash free speech and plant fear into the hearts of its citizens at his will simply for exercising their God given constitutional rights to assemble, speak and redress our government.

Let me remind you that this is no game and you cannot simply throw your constituency to the wolves as a sacrificial lamb for your own selfish reasons. The lives you intend to destroy from this pulpit are not willing to continue to take your repeated lashing at their integrity. Playing with people’s lives at the risk of political expediency is a dangerous game and leaves many potentially hurt within the path of tyrannical behavior.

Our forefathers wrote the constitution to prevent the actions that the Mayor and his council have taken. No form of government should be so mighty and powerful to think it does not have to answer to the people or to the constitution that protects us all. No Mayor or his council should ever appear from behind our constitutional cover and lash out toward the people you represent while swinging a swath of destruction that has no boundaries.

We are asking Mayor Rowland and his council to publicly apologize and strike down his freedom eliminating resolution and replace it with another resolution proclaiming that our liberties and freedoms are restored and respected by a government that is clearly out of touch with it’s citizens.

Our actions to retain an attorney was decided upon after a thorough evaluation of the seriousness of the charges that were levied against Cleveland and Bradley County Citizens. The continuous attacks by our government and others have had a temporary and long lasting effect on the movement of our Tea Party and has caused many to “hide” from fear of misaligned exposure and criminalization. According to recent information provided this is not the first action by this council to squelch free speech, a pattern of abuse of power is now presenting itself.

We must shed light on this runaway government and end it’s frightening tactics. We must end the tyranny today, for those that may choose to live in Bradley County tomorrow.

Liberty must outlast tyranny, the attacks of a few should never be accepted as the political norm and the law of the land, placing the Constitution as an afterthought. It’s people must continue to fight regardless of the attempts to take away those rights and on occasion must stand to reclaim those rights given to us by God almighty.

Donny Harwood
Tea Party of Bradley County

Here is an article by the Chattanoogan that refers to the hiring of our attorney Stuart James to fight this resolution or vote.


Chamber of Commerce turns on spin cycle regarding “eminent domain” plans for downtown

In Agenda 21 on July 20, 2012 at 3:38 PM

Recently Mr. Doug Berry of the Local Chamber of Commerce was quoted in the local press that he was the one that came up with the 300 number while referring to lots, that were targeted for demolition and redevelopment and mentioned in a “propaganda flyer” that was passed out to residents within the target zone. That action drew the ire of the Chamber, the Mayor and City Council over allegations it was misleading and untruthful. Well you can decide for yourself what the white-paper drafted plan was talking about regardless of the spin that is placed upon it.

I asked my self what purpose would it serve for Mr Berry to take this on himself? Why would he say he was the originator of the “300 lots”, causing further controversy just to have controversy?

My opinion is he is placing this on himself to deflect from the elected officials that are involved. See he didn’t get elected by the people. He was hired to be the “hatchet man” much tbe way he was hired in Knoxville to do when they used eminent domain to build that downtown.

The most interesting thing I see about this is that Mr Berry, at least the three days I was there and during my participation in the SWOT analysis was not there or should I say, at least was not visible at the three day Charade, er, Charette.

The Consultants and planners while at the Charette made it sound and was able to provide “proof” that the 300 homes that would “be best served by demolition and redevelopment” was spawned from the SWOT Analysis and it was our input and our idea! I’m really confused. How could “we” have done it and Mr Berry claims he did it? You can see what is going on here! When I was in the military we call this FUBAR, I don’t need to fill it in I think you know what that means! The right hand does not know what the left hand is doing! There is so much cover up trying to hide the true plans for our county that they catch themselves in opposing stories! If Mr Berry is in fact the purveyor of the 300 homes then what worth is the SWOT anaysis. Does Mr Berry have more say so in the plan than the public! That seems the opposite of what the consultants are telling us at the public Charades! I thought “we” suggested that the 300 homes be best served by demolition and redevelopment? Shoot, now he goes and admits it was his idea! I’m sooooo confused!

It’s my opinion that by admitting it and somehow attaching it to him it’s better or somehow throws you off the scent of true intent. And then he says 300 lots, not 300 homes as in the white paper draft that was given at the last public meeting. Its spin folks! My head hurts!

He said and I paraphrase here, while that 300 home statement has basis, BUT, you clearly can see by the way I tell it that we were only talking about the property within the Whirlpool boundary! You know those old buildings and “lots”, not the silly 300 homes that people live in, eat, sleep and raise their children in! Not those silly people, why would I refer to that area as the one we had “drafted” and “planned” to bulldoze, after all if that was the plan, that would be 10 years off, haha! Those silly peasants! They are so annoying! He didn’t really say that but through his series of statements in the banner article I can entertain my inner child and somehow play out a comical sketch to somehow lessen the severity of the impact that our non elected bureaucrats are playing with our minds and our property! Are these actions to cover up a bold move by one too many bureaucrats with their hands in the pot. I don’t know you decide.

What vantage point does the Chamber of Commerce seek with all this double talk? To speak louder than the citizenry? To vilify those informing the public of their plans?

Let’s just spin it so the silly peasants sound as if they made the the whole thing up about the 300 homes and say it was just the whirlpool site and 300 lots! Sounds ingenious doesn’t it, except for one thing Mr Berry, all the info, drafted or suggested plans and past press statements you made say and project otherwise!

Let’s start with the white paper draft plan that no one seems to acknowledge or that it even exists And was handed out to the public and very clearly describes what the consultants, Mr Berry, the Chamber of Commerce and planners really planned to do with your property.

Excerpt from the drafted “White paper draft plan” that noone will admit to existing but is the last known plan released to the public.
Listen as I quote the information given out at the last charade public meeting and see if you believe this sounds like the activity Mr Berry speaks of (a benign 300 lot factory) will be confined within Whirlpool property?

“An area of particular concern consists of several blocks of “postage stamp” lots located directly south of the Whirlpool Complex, The area consists of small work force housing on small lots built during the 1920’s 30’s, and 40’s and are now in poor repair.”

“The roughly 300 units are valued at approximately $35,000 each and several landlords own 6 or more units. Due to age and value, the units as a whole are not well maintained.”

“Those attending the SWOT Analysis (not Doug Berry) concurred that this area would best be served by DEMOLITION AND REDEVELOPMENT!”

Note the detail of those statement above! Doesn’t sound like some broken down empty warehouse lot to me!

You know Mr Berry, why have controversy for the sake of controversy! Doesn’t make sense to me. The people that live in those 300 lots would alot rather hear that that “WAS” the plan, after much debate, we heard you and we heard you didn’t like this and we changed course because we care about you and your property rights! That is much more palatable than trying to tell them a double sided story that is full of holes.

I personally doubt any concerned citizens that supposedly formulated the SWOT analysis really said the area would be best served by demolition and redevelopment as the white paper draft concluded. Its that adage of believing if he said it then it must be true kinda thing.

The SWOT Analysis was designed to direct and limit your choices to the outcome that the city desired with the appearance that the community was behind it. The city has been trying to convince the city of Cleveland that the citizens are behind the plan. Take a look at this article in CDB.

I thought this plan was the work of Rick Russell (who popped up out of nowhere at the Charade and the banner include me in an article about the greenway of all things) and his firm, why is Mr. Berry now saying he is responsible for the 300 number? Did he contribute to other areas of the white-paper, or was this the only area?
It is now confirmed that eminent domain was on the table and still is. Mr. Berry says “it would be false of me to say we can redevelop there without acquiring some homes or commercial businesses. That’s a given if we want to replace these manufacturing jobs with more manufacturing jobs.” Now Mr. Berry admits eminent domain is a “given”, how else does the city acquire property or get the residents to clean up their property.

Maybe we can look at 890 Inman Street for an example which I believe is in the gateway to the city that Berry is so concerned about. The memo giving the owner of the property 60 days from 5/4/12 to demolish the structure.

If I owned the 2 junkyards mentioned in the white-paper that were identified as eyesores I would be more concerned than ever after Berry says “gateways and inner cities are important because they are they are the definitions of who and what a community is to the outside world.” He doesn’t stop there he continues, “we have to be careful at times on how we route people into Cleveland so people who are from out of town do get the right impression.”  So even if you don’t lose your property you may not be able to use it as you desire.

Mr. Berry has now given us an ultimatum, if you want more jobs, accept eminent domain, and now he admits homes and businesses are at risk and “that those are some tough decisions we have to be prepared to talk through and work through with the neighborhood.”
What jobs is he talking about replacing? I thought Whirlpool just relocated. Did they cut employees?
It seems the flyer’s that were distributed in the CCA were accurate and the city has been in cover up mode by changing the original white-paper, and when given the opportunity to hand out the new white-paper at a June 18 status update public meeting with residents from the central city area in attendance they failed to do so. Why is that, if the document was changed on May 31, why would the mayor and city council and others who were at that meeting not make it available to the residents of the central city area? Because it appears the White paper was changed to cover up the city’s true intentions! To demolish and redevelop!
It also appears and this again is my opinion, that the local press are in cover up mode also! Why? Why are we trying to hide something from the public that will in the end hurt the people of Bradley County? Why can’t a reporter even after hearing presented evidence of why the Mayor blasted his constituency, to report it. Because the truth somehow leaked out and now we go into spin cycle and deny it because it would not be politically expedient to every sitting elected official! That’s the true reason! In my opinion!
Is he lying? Is he covering up his true plans? Is he on spin cycle?you decide for your self! I personally believe that the plan to to move forward with Demolition and redevelopment will go forward as leaked and many people will be displaced from their homes! Just a hunch!

Mr. Berry says “I can’t lie to people!” Look at his statements made in public and captured in print and you make a determination if ge has lied to you!
“The following are excerpts from local press articles of Mr Berry displaying his true intentions for Cleveland and all of Bradley County!”

“Cleveland/Bradley Chamber of Commerce Vice President for Economic Development Doug Berry, who worked with Nance on several Knoxville projects, said the primary area in Cleveland is the 93-acre Whirlpool site.”

“One of the things we’ve struggled with is that this all started around Whirlpool’s decision, which would tend to put it at Inman Street moving south and kind of easterly,” he said. “If we get into redevelopment, we certainly need to look at stepping across (north of Inman Street).”

“Though how far to step north of Inman Street is debatable, Berry said there is a need to at least engage all the streetscape for the sake of cohesiveness

“In order to successfully develop the Whirlpool site, the BROADER AREA NEEDS TO BE CONSIDERED!!!”

“The first time I looked at how to redevelop around Whirlpool and keep them there at that location, it was 113 properties we had to deal with,” he said. “When I thought in the context of what is an appropriate area geographically to create opportunity from a mixed-use perspective, it jumps to a minimum of about 330 properties.”

BCN side note: 330 properties! Not lots within the Whirlpool boundary!

“In Knoxville, the development corporation used a form of eminent domain to clear the titles. But Berry said he realizes Cleveland has never utilized eminent domain and has no interest in using that procedure as it is interpreted here.”

BCN side note: In fact eminent domain was used in the 40s and reportedly displaced one of our County Commissioners families. Also, at a meeting at the library, which of course didn’t get any press coverage but Mr Berry told me he had no problem with condemning a property and taking it if we couldnt find an heir or that person didn’t mow their grass! I quickly responded in that meeting that this is the reason I am here today protesting because of you saying stuff like that!

Nance said a form of eminent domain was used in Knoxville in a “FRIENDLY SENSE” because it provided tax incentives and other advantages for the property owners.

BCN side note: Their is nothing friendly about eminent domain!


Such a redevelopment project has never before been undertaken in Cleveland and ultimately, it would require the use of eminent domain. Berry expressed his concern to the company, but he agreed to analyze what it would take to put a million square feet in the neighborhood. In order to do that, it would require BUYING ALL OF THE PROPERTY between Plant No. 3 and Ocoee Street, all the way to Plant No. 2.

BCN note: Hereege tells you what he is going to do and it is exactly what we warned you he was going to do! He notes that a redevelopment project has never before been undertaken……AND IT WOULD REQUIRE THE USE OF EMINENT DOMAIN!!! How much clearer can it get? How do we give the Mayor, the Chamber, hired consultants and our planners a pass when we know what their ultimate plan is! All they are doing is attempting to villify the people who are telling you about it and they have a willing press to cover it up!

The difference between an outright purchase which will be their first move and eminent domain is whether you are willing to sell or not. Say no! I wanna keep my home and they take it!!!

Mr Berry continues “That’s 300 lots. That’s where the 300 number came from,” Berry said. “I then sat down with the company and explained that I did not think this was a viable option because this community has not been through the process and has no history of ever having used eminent domain as part of its economic development program.”

“When you hear about the 300 homes that are going to be taken and bulldozed, that number actually has basis, but it’s not fact in the conclusion of those statements.” He said some use might be found for the Hardwick Stove Plant (Whirlpool Plant No. 2) which is directly across from the Woolen Mill. That would be a tremendous project to anchor a VLOUNTARY redevelopment strategy. Plant No. 3 might have interim uses but it will be a demolition job. It will be a brownfield or a new vacant site for development. He expects the buildings that make up Plant No. 1 are worn out after 100 years of continuous manufacturing.

BCN note: Voluntary is key word!

“What do we need to do to successfully redevelop this with manufacturing or distribution or job centers? I CAN’T LIE TO THE PEOPLE! We will have to assemble some larger tracts from these core parcels, predominantly because of the way companies develop sites now,” he said. “It would be false of me to say we can redevelop there WITHOUT ACQUIRING some HOMES or COMMERCIAL BUSINESSES. That’s a given if we want to replace these manufacturing jobs with more manufacturing jobs.”

BCN note: Silly peasants! I can’t lie to you! He probably should have said “I must tell you the truth!” He is telling you he can’t redevelop the area without ACQUIRING HOMES AND COMMERCIAL BUSINESSES! What is different than what was in the so called “propaganda flyer!” The two junkyards are in his target too, just read the white paper draft before they can change it again!


“We started with Whirlpool’s decision,” said Doug Berry, the Chamber’s vice president for economic development. But Cleveland may want to look BEYOND the century-old plant site’s 113 acres to ADJACENT AREAS INCLUDING INMAN STREET, he said.”

Berry, in his former job as a Knoxville planner, worked with Nance on that city’s redevelopment projects.

A common funding technique in Knoxville has been TAX INCREMENT FINANCING, Nance said. That process uses anticipated tax revenue from increased property values to subsidize development.

BCN note: With TIF financing, they purchase or acquire your property at rock bottom prices, redevelop and resell you property to a select realtor it develops, value goes up and the difference used to fund the redevelopment of your old property! This will also shuttle money from the city coffers and away from the schools for 20 to 30 years! How you like those apples! “It’s for the kids right?”

“It is one way for the public to have a voice in the city’s development, he said. But the objective, Nance said, is for the market to drive the redevelopment, whether commercial or residential.”

“Knoxville ALSO has used its POWER of EMINENT DOMAIN to ACQUIRE some PROPERTIES!”

BCN note: Mr Nance used to and is seemingly still is working with Mr Berry! One question? Also? Did someone squeeze a duck in the room? Also meaning Knoxville and Cleveland? Perhaps a little slip on
backroom conversation! Just an observation!

While the use of EMINENT DOMAIN CAN BE CONTROVERSIAL in some cases in Knoxville it was the ONLY WAY to clear titles and get loans for redevelopment, Nance said. He cited one property with 150 HEIRS making it impossible to find a LENDER.

BCN note: Soooooo! The one piece of property in the example above had so many people that were heirs that it was impossible to get lending? Hmmmmm? Sooooo, so many people wanted to KEEP their property that it would have tied up the court system so long that there would be no chance in hades of expediantly resolving it so take it by eminent domain and wack those 150 heirs out of their inheritance. Now I get it!

“It can be done in a FRIENDLY (they sure like that friendly word) way with tax advantages to the owners,” Nance said.


“Approach the comprehensive redevelopment task with an OPEN MIND and DETERMINED mindset remembering that DEMOLITION of EXISTING STRUCTURES and HISTORIC PRESERVATION can share in the COLLECTIVE GOOD of the community and area residents. To PRESERVE WHEN REASONABLE and to START OVER WHEN NEEDED are LEGITIMATE OPTIONS and WORKING PARTNERS!”

BCN Note: in other words, your Government and The Chamber of Commerce comb over your property, go eenie meenie money mo and select what homes and businesses dont cut the mustard then by you being a fantastic team player, you give up your home for the “collective good” and you take your little chunk of change and go somewhere to start over like a good little boy or girl!

“Any idea geared at redeveloping the Whirlpool site is worth debate but not all will be doable nor economically feasible. Most of the existing structures are old and many sit in a flood plain. But these should not be VIEWED AS LIMITATIONS but rather as OPPORTUNITIES!”


Berry pointed out the industrial site is large enough that its redevelopment will IMPACT SURROUNDING AREAS; hence, the need for COMMUNITY INPUT!

BCN note: In other words when we take your property we want you to know about it! Wait a minute, didn’t the flyer provide an avenue to let you know what they were planning? Didn’t the Mayor and the City Council form a resolution in city chambers to hunt down, expose and arrest those that were seeking community input! They don’t want your input, they want a Tom Rowland Convention to replace your home? No, then read this:

Councilman Banks suggests a Tom Rowland Convention Center and a couple of buildings for planners!

“Over the next couple of years, Whirlpool leaders will have two focuses in Cleveland. One will be construction, and completion, of the new factory. The second will be a close involvement with the community in REDEVELOPING the existing site, Berry said.

“They (Whirlpool) will need to be involved to understand community expectations,” he offered. “ … Ultimately, the community and the company will have to come to terms with what we’ve got and WHAT WE’RE GOING TO DO WITH IT!”


I think it is pretty clear they, everyone is covering up what they plan to do downtown around the ole whirlpool site! The Chamber of Commerce with it’s grand plan of what they want to do with your property is pretty clear! No matter what spin they throw at you, the deed is done and no matter of resistance will stop them! It is now up to you to stand for your property rights and defend your self against an intimately aligned organization of the UNITED NATIONS! The Chamber is the number one consultation status with the UNITED NATIONS and perhaps their true colors are showing!

Community gives growth plan thumbs down, police called, tyranny reigns in Bradley County!

In Agenda 21, Government on March 20, 2012 at 7:24 AM

As I stood watching the endless line of bureaucrats file into the Cleveland Bradley Public Library with the familiar easel, rolled up maps, worn out suits and clip boards listening to the steady beat of size 12 leather hills tapping the library granite corridor floor like a desperate prisoner chiseling his way out of prison! Perhaps this was none of the above and it was simply the melodious thump of a well orchestrated drum line! I couldn’t help but sense a sinister coup was in full operation mode while unknowingly the ill-informed citizen lurks outside, quietly foiling their lonely existence. We were about to see the covert operation unfold right before our eyes. I was there and no one invited me!

I soon realized that the fate of our county was being handed to these bureaucrats of a greater scheme! One thing that was overwhelmingly missing from that long line of mostly self-appointed dignitaries was that there were only a few, if any “regular, Joe Schmo citizens” filing into the room!

They all say “well, I am a citizen too!”, “right?” Of course you are, but a citizen that has either been appointed to a board, a commission, a review panel or a growth panel yielding influence or persuasion about a multi billion dollar project no longer qualifies you as a “regular citizen” that is not connected to the steam roller that is running over the people and taking away their rights! Sorry, but that is how we roll! If you are on one of the many numerous boards or commissions that yield the opinion or vote, your presence in the room no longer qualified you as an unbiased citizen. I saw 3 and I was 1!

If not for a very alert informant, we could have missed this potential consensus party! Had the two other citizens not been informed when we were this would have been one big communal love fest orgy of planners and bureaucrats yielding their proverbial wands to each other for the ultimate compliment and certain approval!

Can you imagine how one-sided this meeting could have gone and been accepted if those darn citizens hadn’t gotten in the way and raised legitimate questions about property rights and our sovereignty? Whew!

I was a little hurt that I didn’t get a formal invite or email notification about this party! But hey, I’ve been left off invitation lists before! There was this one time while in DC Ronald Reagan left me off the guest list, never mind! Wasted trip, another blog! But you get the drift!

I am now the red-haired step child of the local leftist Socialistic, Democratic planning movement! You know, that guy with no date to the prom, sorta shy and not quite cute enough to score the prom queen, ok, lets save that for another blog too! I have been saying that alot lately! Maybe, I am under the spell of the planners in BC! Oh well, save that one………..for another…… Oh you know……..blog!

I guess when you invite a regular concerned citizen, you might get a few questions asked and God forbid that happen when consensus is trying to be obtained! How better to gain consensus than to make sure no citizens were at this perceived public meeting! Silly me! Maybe my expectations were too high! I consider myself a pretty alert and informed kinda guy! I was left out of the plans! I was left out! Wait! Dejavu! Prom all ov er again! You know that potential night with high expectations that is one unanswered proposal from wearing a tux, a bow tie and a silly grin with deteriorating lamb skin rotting away inside his wallet! They disguised this one well! They hid this one well!

They were almost successful pulling this meeting off without one uninvolved citizen that wouldn’t benefit from the implementation of this growth plan!

I strolled in behind the only other two citizens Karen and Dan and we sat among the modest crowd of Bradley County “Elite!” You know those people that only their momma could love! That was a joke! I can hear now ” and that Blogger called me ugly too!”

Meeting the other two citizens in the room was brief and we went to meeting the other “decision makers!” Lets see to look around the room. There is Commissioners Mel, Woods, Caywood, Rominger, Greg Dale and his associates, Mayor of Charleston, the usual group of Chamber of Commerce rulers, planners galore, old, young, past and present and in between, various suits with Clarion clipboards, Emily, chairmen of the planning commission, wives and girlfriends of those people, oh yeah and don’t forget the old grey haired lady on the front row that has the police on speed dial who happens to be on one of the planning commissions! (that’s another story for another blog) but you see the plan!

Notify every one but the people that will be affected by the plan who will ultimately be footing the bill with their hard earned tax dollars were in the room or so it seemed!

0915 approached and the crowd of 40 to 50 fully involved citizens filed to their seats! The intros were short and the slides were popping!

After a brief introduction by Greg Dale of consultants McBride Dale and Clarion he handed it off to his able bodied comrade, Emily!

The very first slide, reportedly, a compilation of the top desires of the different breakout tables from the last meeting on January 30th! You know, those things that concerned citizens would like to hear more about! Property rights, impending plan costs, not implementing the growth plan, new taxes! Those things that concerns the everyday struggling citizen!



Not having to drive your car everywhere, getting a bicycle and riding everywhere! More Greenways! Putting all of our house on a pin head and have your bank, grocery store dry cleaners and everything at the bottom of your high rise so we can cut down on Green house gases, electric outlets for electric car? Does this sound like something brought up by the concerned citizens of Bradley County! Give me a break!!! This is from a planners playbook and a cookie cutter recipe that is shown by our consultants all over the United States! There was no “new slide” made up for just Bradley County! I would bet and I bet there are slide presentations out there with the exact same things on it from the exact same consultant!



Quality of life?

The list went on and on! The crowd was complicit and the speaker lulling us into a deep sleep of acceptance, the planners drool was now pasted onto my shirt. The subliminal messages were streaming from the speaker system, the fresh scent of brewing coffee now lingered over the doughnuts in the back of the room. A complete whitewash, a steady current of blah blah blah was now all I could hear and the crowd of dignitaries were proud of the work their consultants had done on compiling the data!

What about property rights? Sleepy heads and partially confused men turned to me as if I had just awakened them! What about our property rights? A huge component was missing on your compiled data? Tables 7, 8 and 9 were all very concerned about property rights and not a single mention of it on your slides? Eminent domain, tearing down buildings, new land use regulations, building codes, cost, new taxes, decreasing urban sprawl, firing the consultants, devising our own plan, promoting the free market. Those are the things we were concerned about and none of them got in the board! Why not?

Mr Dale speaks up and gently nudges the speaker back as she is more or less yelling and very confrontational at this point!

Property rights! We are concerned about property rights. We will be putting together more data with that information in it! I essence, he told me these were manufactured cookie cutter slides and we didn’t put them on a new slide because frankly we only want to show you what we want you to see and take your half million or more fee to blow smoke right up your behinds!

Every slide was presented as if it was the first time the room had heard it! The speaker became more and more agitated ad the presentation went on and the questions kept pouring in!

At one point, Mr Dale, said to the 3 citizens in the room “are you going to let this meeting go on or are you going to keep asking questions?” The immediate response was “uh NO, we have questions!” Commissioner Caywood, much like Commissioner Woods in the last meeting chimed in against the people asking legitimate questions, he pipes in and says and I paraphrase “I came here to learn about this, I have a family, a business and I’m giving of my time to be here so citizens with legit questions, shut the heck up!” he went on to sat “Majority rules in America, in a democracy!” Let me correct you here Mr Caywood, Majority does rule in a democracy, but we are a Republic and every vote counts! We are not yet a colony once again under the rule of kings, close but not yet! Commissioner Woods, was silent this round of tyranny and attempts at squashing our first amendment rights! Somebody must have read her the constitution, you know the part where we can challenge our government to make sure they don’t get too big for their britches! Restraint is a good fit Commissioner, shows maturity!

The spirited banter intensified and just as our founding fathers began to smile, just like clock work, the partially blonde/grey haired old lady, just as the last time steps out into the hallway and fires up her cell phone and calls for police backup because the three unwelcome guests were “gettin rowdy!” The full court press to squelch the voice of the people was on and the “people were bobbing and weaving to counter the proverbial punch of a government run amuck!

Two policemen follow her into the room and she sits beside the familiar man just as before with a Cheshire grin that could have taken on the trophy for her kennel! Success! Escort them out please! They have spoken and we all know commoners don’t dare speak in the presence of royalty! Bow to me young man and your two disobedient and irreverent scribes! Fetch my coat, I must relieve myself of these swine!

The funny thing about calling the police and she soon realized was, they are and have been on the side of the people. This is constitutionally what a sherrif and his deputies are sworn to do

Fortunately, at least most of them are here to serve and protect the peoples rights! They tell me as I sauntered to the back of the room, ” We are not going to arrest anyone that challenges or asks questions of an elected official or appointed board in a public meeting!” They think it is hilarious that our local government wants to squash it’s peoples rights! The Sherrifs in this town have made it no secret that they are here to serve and protect the people, not be a strong arm for the representatives of government or the selfish desires of an old woman! Whatever this woman is trying to do here, this is not Chicago or DC! We are well represented by our law officers and they are watching out for our well being!

Old lady do as you please, it is your right to be tyrannical , but remember in America at least for now, is not against the law! The Constitution still gives me the right to peacefully address my government and hold them accountable for their actions! So lay off the 911 calls for dignity sakes! It makes you look so pretentious and smug!

As I said clearly in the meeting, I respect the uniform and the position, but I do not fear standing up and speaking up in a public meeting!

Public facilities?

Did I go to the same meeting? The meeting I went to was so bombarded with citizen concerns that they hardly had time to discuss any of the plans! Some of my high faluting friends tell me this is what you call a fix! Consensus! Where you stay on course regardless of the questions and concerns, then it looks like everyone is in agreement!

For real? Public facilities, bathrooms and a Tom Rowland Convention Center is the most pressing thing on the table? Really? We are paying these consultants to tell me the same thing they tell every community! In fact when I asked Greg Dale this question he said and again I’m paraphrasing, he said that many communities have the same concerns, thats why all these sound the same from community to community!

We have just called you out on your same old outdated slides and you want me to buy your spill and let you implement a growth plan that will tax me well into the next century and burden my great grand children! Are you kidding me?

The meeting came to a sudden halt and once again we were broken off into 3 groups and discussed bringing everyone into our Urban Growth boundary and decrease sprawl in the rural areas, give everybody a bike and tell them to walk on the greenway under the guidance of the EPA, HUD, UN and the

The meeting like the others did not meet consensus or even get close! The meeting from my observation was a failure! We have a plan for growth that is being poorly presented by consultants that are highly overpaid and have a very sinister under belly to them! We have reporters on this issue and we are collaborating some very disturbing trends!

What we have here is big government trying to get bigger! We have our taxes going up as a result! We have a few in government who are overreaching in their powers!

A citizenry that is being bypassed by a group of bureaucrats that feel they know better and are being briskly tugged by the almighty dollar in the form of multiple federal grants!

We are doomed and we have the deck stacked against us! The people’s voice in Bradley County is no longer! The republic and what it stands for is diminishing by the assistane of planners in a very finance rich environment that are using the crutches of government to fulfill their edicts from DC!

It is a sad day for our country! Our representative form of government is the ruling word in our world. The hell with the people! They are just in the way?

Our founding fathers laid out the framework, the people enforce the constitution and government resets it’s own set of rules and yet tyranny prevails!

I’ll save this next thought for another blog!

Bradley/Cleveland Mayors, duly elected! On notice for wrong decisions! It’s on you now!

In Uncategorized on October 28, 2011 at 5:35 PM

This diatribe was sent to all of my locally elected officials in Cleveland/Bradley County and it is in this forum that I notify all others at the State and Federal levels! To also include the NGO ” useful idiots” such as the Chamber of Commerce and the development boards who think they have governmental authority in this town! Spread this around, copy, post and repost! It is up to you to spread the word about this Federal take over of our town, my town and to bring notice to you that our town is being given away by the very people we put in office to represent us! I dare you to call them! Don’t debate them, simply tell them you are fed up and you want them to stop this and you are here to take your city and county back!

I have been reading a little about this Regional Sustainable Coalition with 3 states and 16 counties.

Is anyone concerned that we are now going to have the Federal Government telling us how to live, work and breathe while designing the land we live on right now to be sustainable!

Does anyone know what this means or the affect it will have on the people you represent?

Answering to HUD, DOT and God forbid the EPA? Jumping into bed with these three is everything America is supposed to not do, constitutionally!

We will be so busy jumping through their hoops we will not have much time to do anything else and they will be expecting us to live exactly like they tell us!

Do you think this trio will dump millions perhaps billions into our lap and we go our merry way! Please guys you are much smarter than that!

If you allow this, the way we live is about to drastically change! Cleveland is a beautiful place! I love living here and enjoy having my family call it home! It has a small town feel! It feels good! My part of town is for the most part quite and peaceful! I can drive most anywhere around me and spend the day taking in it’s scenery!  For the most part we come and go as we please and can pretty much answer to no one except our selves, because we still have a say so about our own property and our way of life and can do so relatively cheap!

Making Cleveland a downtown Chattanooga or Atlanta is not my idea of something I want to duplicate or bring my children up in. The crime, the massive amounts of concrete and pollution, the cross section of people that migrate to “big” cities? Give me the old Cleveland any day!   

Guys I have hinted around about this for a while, but now it’s time to advise at this point!  What you guys are doing and allowing to be done will be devastating to our community where we will have little say so on what goes on on our own land!

Let’s get real here! I have probably researched this more than I care to recollect, countless hours! I do not give warnings out like this without great fear and assurance that what I have researched is true and relevant!  This is downright bad! As my daddy used to say “this is bad mojo, something smells!”

Anybody read what they plan to do? I would encourage you to! The total repercussions of this plan will greatly limit our ability to do as we please on our own property and in our own town!

Have you heard the word “a city with walkability?” this means and I have read it many time on HUDs website and others and even as it relates to this regional plan! Walkability means the ability of the federal government via HUD, DOT and the EPA to design “livable sustainable communities” where you are forced to live on designated areas or migrate into communities where all your shopping, churches, parks, banks, restaraunts, cinemas and etc are all within “walking” distance and I quote “so you want need cars!” THis is a sustainable community!

Is this your vision of Cleveland and Bradley County to become little pods of communities, everyone walking, co existing in a plastic world with all kinds of people in a relatively small area, taking the occasional train ride up the Ocoee to see the area we used to call home! Think im exaggerating! Research it!

I promise that vision is shared by many who are giving you money to do what they want!

Have you put any additional thought into why they want everyone to live in a “sustainable liveable, walkable community?” There is a bigger picture we are failing to see! There will be a day real soon where many of our rural areas will be just that and will be low population areas with restrictions on who can be on these properties that used to be yours!

The “urban sprawl” as it talks about in our very own 2035 Growth plan will be discouraged and the “human settlements” will be directed into “urban Growth areas”, doesn’t this scare you to death? We are annexing now to make that happen in the Northern part of the county to make that a reality! I didn’t make these facts up! It’s in our own growth plan!

Now, we go and make a certain deal with the devil in the form of a Regional Plan with huge plans to change Cleveland and Bradley County and for some reason. I’m predicting federal dollars are placing blinders on you and it appears you are willing to stand by and allow this to happen knowing it will affect Bradley Countians tremendously and you guys, our leaders are not even speaking up to defend us!  To speak out or to at least investigate what this is beyond what some Beuracrat in DC or Nashville convinces you it is!

If your answer is allow it to happen despite the outcome, I must say I am sorely disappointed in your humanity! This is no small decision here guys! This is big time and we have stepped into a mess by allowing our City, County and state to marry the federal government in this way while a great percentage of your constituency say stop and at least see what we are getting in to!

Who among you are man or woman enough to make a stand and say let’s at least look before we leap! This is not good! We are not making rational decisions as a community!

The people in this town in great part are in the dark about this, some are there because that the easiest path, some are there because they choose to listen to others as experts, some because they trust the wrong people!

Some of us prefer to research the facts, follow the  trails, look at other communities that have fallen into this trap and see if they are truly better off?

The burden is now on you! I feel as a complete county we are being taken down the wrong road by our elected leaders and guess what? You answer for you!

I am telling you this is a HUGE mistake and only YOU will be held responsible for the decision you make!

Have a great day!

I would hope some would respond to me as this is a cry to you to do the right thing and not be blinded by the relatively small amount of money you may get in exchange for our freedom!