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Posts Tagged ‘sustainable development’

Brymer Creek muddy, residents see clearly the impact of Sustainable Development on our environment.

In Uncategorized on July 7, 2013 at 9:58 AM

Brymer Creek muddy again as residents see clearly the impact of Sustainable Development on our environment.

Once again the creeks are muddy as rural development progresses and the City of Cleveland presses on to build another Industrial Park in rural Cleveland Tennessee. Bradley County Tennessee has been dealt another heavy blow to the quality of our life.

The Chamber of Commerce and it’s many elected representatives that are pushing sustainable development  in our community need to hear from you about the steps they are taking that is leading to the corrosion of our city. Big  money, cronyism and greed are driving this decline in our quality of life.

Muddy runoff from an Industrial park is once again destroying our beautiful landscape and endangering the citizens of Bradley County Tennessee.

Poor inspections, careless contractors, speedy destruction and excavation of hundreds of acres of wooded land is promoting the  pollution of Brymer Creek.

The citizens of Bradley County have seen enough! Big Government forced upon us by hapless unelected bureaucrats must stop. It is time they listen to the citizenry.

Help save Brymer Creek, help save Bradley County! Stop the destruction of our land and its infrastructure.

Contact your Cleveland City Councilman,  Bradley County Commissioners, Chamber of Commerce, State Representative Kevin Brooks and Eric Watson, Senators Bob Corker and Lamar Alexander, State Senator Mike Bell and Todd Gardenhire and Governor Bill Haslam.

TDEC has been contacted. Several elected officials are seeking information as we speak. More on this as the story unfolds.

Channel 12 News and the Cleveland Daily Banner have expressed a desire to cover this story soon.

Videos of the muddy creeks:

Contact your elected and non elected reps and demand something be done and NOW!

Thrive 2055- 50 dangerous signs that a regional plan has been implemented in your community.

In Uncategorized on March 28, 2013 at 3:48 PM

50 dangerous signs identified within the Thrive 2055 regional growth plan.

Bradley County Tennessee and 15 other counties in 3 states within our mega region are busily preparing for a huge growth plan that will reduce our current system of representative government to a shadow government.

The many dangers signs are clearly visible but involve peeling back many layers to  be seen.

 Replacing our local government with a regional or quasi government run by globalists with a specific agenda to ultimately rob you of your property and personal rights, to me, is the most dangerous element within a regional growth plan.

With the acceptance of and our elected officials turning over their autonomy and ability to make decisions to a regional non representative government we in Bradley County and across the nation have seen our voice of representation at the local level go away and replaced.

Regionalism can be seen as a way to spread the cost of development across the region and cutting costs to some vested stakeholders.

The reality of a regional plan is a much darker picture under the surface.

We will see a transformation that will turn our community into a sea of rules and codes that will drown us in layers of new regulation.

Pay attention to these 50 danger signs and see if this is where you want our community to succumb.

Our community is actively changing and there are many who stand to benefit royally from their willing participation in this dangerous shift to a socialistic nirvana with the successful herding of the masses of population into a confined area with a wave of repression that we have never seen in modern day America.

Simply declaring regionalization as a non negative force, perhaps benign entity is naiveté defined. 

This thought pattern reflects to me that regionalism is not clearly understood and the mere fact that the many sinister components within this plan are being supported leads me to believe that our elected leaders are either compliant or do not fully understand it’s impact.

This undertaking either way will have a lifelong lasting effect on humans within our zone or region.

To see this and still support this is irresponsible and leads us to assume that our priorities are out of place and we have once again let the almighty dollar or federal handout direct our path.

Ponder this path and declare if this is where you want those who are leading us to take you, the taxpayer who will ultimately foot this huge bill.

1) We can assume a tremendous cost burden on ourselves and our children in the billions, perhaps trillions, into future generations. Ask a simple question, “What will it cost?” The answer will not readily be heard.

2) Our property rights will be in jeopardy by imposing stringent rules and code enforcement and many forced to leave by eminent domain or other means.

3) Our personal rights and choices will be restricted. The land of the free will come at a cost. Your choices will be made by the new regulations imposed upon you.

4) Expansive new land use regulations will strangle you with additional cost and headaches. Step outside these boundaries and you will surely feel the wrath. Just ask someone who has recently had it done to them.

5) New codes and regulations will be your reality. Non adherent inhabitants please move into the UGB, immediately.

6) Will be a shift of population to Urban Growth Boundaries into stack and pack housing with the increased crime and dereliction. The plan in some areas calls for 16 family units per acre. Not exactly a quality of life diamond.

7) Rural development will be discouraged with incentives to move toward the city center. If incentives fail, well you know, code enforcement.

8) Refusal or resistance to shift will mean differing codes will be enforced and accumulating fines will ensue forcing cash strapped farmers and rural dwellers to move and lose their properties. Few will be unable to survive the onslaught.

9) EPA, HUD and DOT and their plans for your property will be our new governing body. They come with their own set of rules and the regulations will compound making your survival in a sea of regulation impossible. Remember, no money given to our community comes without strings.

10) Our elected leaders will be reduced to figure heads with subsidies flowing steadily to persuade their vote. The near comatose state and deer in the headlights look would be comical if not so sad.

11) Rural areas will be claimed as wilderness areas under the control of federal government,  death zones established. Once inside this grasp, the fines will be heavy to either conform or move into the city. Also keep in mind, if you plan to move out of the area, you will just move into another region with it’s own unique regulation structure. This issue is not unique to our area, it is happening all over the world. Are you seeing the bigger picture yet?

12) Rural passes and permission slips will be issued to trespass or visit areas that were once yours. Your unique private property already has plans for it’s use. Just check out the Wilderness Projects already mapped out.

13) Roads and sewer systems will be left to crumble and living before displacement will be unbearable. Vacant and less traveled roads will be destined to rubble. Infrastructure dollars will be shifted inward to the UGB and the rural lands transformed to federal parks, activity centers and open space.

14) Your farm or the property will be government controlled or owned and  you, the former owner, will be given the option to either sale or produce what the government commands or take a small chunk of change or move out.  Have you heard of conservation easement? A dangerous tool of the globalist that are taking over our land.

15) Bikes will be your new choice of transportation and greenways and bike paths will replace roads and vehicles. 

16) Electricity will come at a premium and allocated to you from a defined use of pattern established by smart meter allocation with strict guidelines to stay within limitations. Your pattern of use established and a new pattern established to make you greener and more “sustainable!”

17) If fuel is available it will be at a premium and rationed with government vehicles and corporate farmers getting first dibs. Electric car “recharging” areas will pop up at local establishments within the Urban Growth Boundary.

18) Decision making of where your tax dollars will be spent will be in the hands of select NGOs (Non Governmental Organizations) or appointed boards.

19) Self indulging, self serving corporatists and stakeholders will direct your tax dollars to their advantage. Many of these same people will be on the many appointed boards and councils set up that create the shadow government. The Chamber of Commerce a close ally and NGO of the United Nations will be directing this onslaught.

20) Stack and pack multi unit housing will pop up on every corner with freedom granted only to roam within your designated color zone or mega region. Have you ever watched the Hunger Games? Pretty close to our future.

21) Fuel restrictions on vehicles, mileage limitations, carbon taxes and fines levied. Tax on miles driven.  Little black boxes within your vehicles that will check your carbon output and upload that data to a central server and a tax or fine applied for that use.

22) Self regulating governess, loss of representation in government. State elected officials bought and paid for to implement changes within your zone. Our elected officials give the green light and leave all the decisions within that plan to bureaucrats. We have seen that locally as our Mayors have shifted that power to a foundation or regional board and our local guys knew nothing of it.

23) Power shift of decision making to NGOs and select bureaucrats and stakeholders with full power to implement. Doesn’t it sound awkward for those representatives of the people to just hand off all the work to a paid consultant group, council or board member? It’s happening now as you speak.

24) Coalition of World Business Council to make corporatism the norm with selective survival while rewarding failure. Big business is already driving the decision making under the direction of entities or NGOs like the Chamber of Commerce.

25) Community Development Block Grants CDBGs. Money with strings attributing to more regulation. This type of structure has brought out many who have plans to pad their own pockets.

26) Monsanto and Cargill controlling seeds and growth. If they control the seeds and ultimately the food, what else do they control, yes, you!

27) Food Councils setup to produce and grow locally with government assistance and direction our  regions food to fuel our food sheds. See the pattern being established here? Self sufficiency within our sector or region, which leads mento believe we are being herded into these mega regions for a bigger objective. Population control? Seperate or individual areas that are easily controlled? An isolation of the states?

28) Face lift grants to “make the community aesthetically pleasing with strict codes for development. Loads of cash and the rules
that go with it, after all, if we are getting billions should it at least look like it?

29) Control and decision making to EPA, HUD and DOT for growth planning. They are already placing their fingerprint, recently filing multi million dollar lawsuits against some of our local mom and pop  businesses, ie, Wright Brothers

30) Deeper community debt, higher taxes and personal loss. Work permits to travel outside region boundaries. A few large corporate employers and very few jobs otherwise leaves you as a slave to corporatism.

31) A marriage to ICLEI with their many planning guidelines and connections to the United Nations, our soon to be International governing body with subtle yet solemn surrender of our sovereignty.

32) Strict Climate control penalties and fines. Restriction of heating and air comfort. If you harm the environment in any way, you will pay. Remember the recent lawsuits for cow dung, dust and milk spillage because the milk contain oils that are “not good for the environment?”

33) Oversight of the environment with stringent controls thereof. Mandatory solar or wind adaptation. Stiff fines for non compliance. An expensive alternative that leaves you no choice but to pack up and move to the city or urban area.

34) Transportation guidelines employed to rid our community of gas consuming vehicles. Bicycle rental pods all around and talk of bullet trains through your city.

35) Star Communities vying for approval inside a sustainable community. Again, jumping through hoops for a few dollars.

36) Ambient light and noise discipline in neighborhoods, multiple heavy fines. LEED lighting? Sound familiar? Perhaps we are already doing this!

37) Redevelopment of blighted areas, TIF projects, demolition of homes, initiation of “open spaces”, turning communities “green”, forced recycling.  300 homes in South Cleveland have been targeted and 12 others recently with houses already being taken even as I speak.

38) Churches supporting the UNs MDGs, Millenium Development Goals with paralyzation of our church leaders and a gradual prodding to accept sharia law into your community with the message of love, peace and hope. 

39) Seperate and equal governing councils per region. With full power to make all decisions within the Thrive 2055 plan.

40) Adoption of ICC codes. Yes International enforcement codes, already adopted and waiting in the wings.

41) Local Comprehensive plans drawn up, sent to locally elected officials for approval and authority handed off to bureaucrats like the Chamber of Commerce. Done!

42) Food Policy Centers within each region to define what is socially and environmentally acceptable for consumption.

43) Loathsome land use regulations and restrictions. PUD guidelines, aggressive annexation to engross and grow the Urban Growth Boundary.

44) Establishment of “food miles” to promote utilization of food sheds. Tracking what it means to get food to you within your region.

45) The promotion of community gardening to feed the collective with multi shopping options within your stack and pack dwelling unit. Locovores will be the new buzzword.

46) Small business closures and failures because of trends to protect large business with tax breaks and bailouts. Big corporation have the money and influence this giving you the disadvantage.

47) Shared project costs from city to city within the region. Increased burden on local budgets. Need a school in Georgia or Alabama?  Well, we have a big ole regional budget let’s pool together our tax dollars and send it to them. 

48) Shared school system and funds within region. Common Core initiation with Socialistic indoctrination overtones.

49) Code enforcement officers patrolling and prosecuting offenders like you and I, forcing us into compliance or lose our property. A societal emergency and policing system with collection of data to outer agencies such as Interpol. Initiation of NDAA, NIXEL to squelch the naysayers. Use of Drones for surveillance of your activity on your property with mega pixle picture uploads to only God knows who.

50) Environmental restraints dictating the length of grass, what you can grow on your property, garbage disposal, family gardens etc

This is not an all inclusive list but encompasses and provides a visual for our future under a regional reign.

You can easily see where our locally elected officials have gone awry. By giving their authority to these awkward sets of bureaucrats you can see our sovereignty float away. 

I have spoken to many locally elected officials and they overwhelmingly do not see that their simple vote of approval has placed us on this path to destruction. They have failed to look beyond the federal gifts of dollars and seen our future and what they have done. This is truly the saddest news.

Regionalism under the Thrive 2055 title will completely change the way we live and the financial future of our children. 

Speak out now against this bureaucratic takeover of our local and state governments.

Call your Mayors and elected representatives and tell them this is not what you want out future to look like.

Your silence on this issue is acceptance of these horrendous policies.

I believe this excerpt from the planners bible titled “Freedom of Choice” is a clear depiction of where we are headed

“People should be able to choose where they live and do business as long as they pay the identifiable costs of those choices and do not impose unaccounted for costs on other people or nature, now, or in the future.”

Please check out this video below by Don Casey, on the “Dangers of Regionalism” at a recent town hall meeting in Chattanooga Tennessee.

Thanks Tin Ship Productions for your video contribution.


UN connections to our community, it might surprise you

In Uncategorized on September 26, 2012 at 7:35 AM

Every elected official should watch this video by John Anthony called “Agenda 21 for Public Officals.” It is a very simple explanation of how Agenda 21 has been brought to your community by these NGOs and how they are affecting your property rights and eventually your way of life.

Check out this video on YouTube:

NGOs, as explained and listed below shows you the massive involvement of the United Nations and the effort being exerted to completely transform our community.

Ask your self, “why are so many organizations partnering with the UN!” “Why in our community and in our neighborhood?” The answer is simple. Every community must have the infrastructure in place in every community in the world before a One World Government or a New World Order can be established. It’s a collaborative effort that is using common themes such as the eradication of poverty to promote social justice by redistributing the wealth of our country for the collective good of all!

The infrastructure, the growth plans, the right environment and a vast arrangement of people and organizations must be in place before the big plan is shifted into place. Pretty much the way I put a jigsaw puzzle together, fill in the borders then piece by piece fill in the middle till complete.

An NGO, according to the UN is an organization that is committed to the implementation of Agenda 21, a definition directly from the UNs Agenda 21 program.

Agenda 21: Chapter 27


Basis for action

27.1. Non-governmental organizations play a vital role in the shaping and implementation of participatory democracy. Their credibility lies in the responsible and constructive role they play in society. Formal and informal organizations, as well as grass-roots movements, should be recognized as partners in the implementation of Agenda 21. The nature of the independent role played by non-governmental organizations within a society calls for real participation; therefore, independence is a major attribute of non-governmental organizations and is the precondition of real participation.


I thought it would be interesting for you to see the United Nations influence on businesses and organizations that we in Bradley County are directly or indirectly involved with. This list is by all means not complete.

The circle of influence on our society is growing daily. This overwhelming influence leads me to believe there is a reason it is so saturated in our city and nation. The UN wants to control every aspect of our lives and eventually set up a New World Order under One World Government with a One World Religion as it’s base.

Simply not knowing or refusing to believe that your organization is not a partner is no longer an acceptable answer. The implementation phase is well under way. It is time and we must hold those organizations that have partnered with the UN on Agenda 21 to be accountable for our country’s demise.

Long gone are the days of arguing whether Agenda 21 exists or is being implemented in our community. We know that it is so we must stop it. If our elected officials will not step up and stop this then let’s step up and replace them with those that will.

A list of assorted NGOs participating in the implementation of Agenda 21 in our community. A few are indirectly involved with our County but the majority have direct NGO status or are heavily involved with NGOs that are.

American Bar Association
American Planning Association
Baptist World Alliance
Christian Childrens Fund
Citizens Network for Sustainable Development
College Art Association
Committee for Economic Development
Crime Stoppers
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority
Delta Kappa Gamma
Environmental Defense Fund
Focus on the Family
General Conference of Seventh Day Adventist
Girl Scouts of America
Global Youth Action Network
Invisible Children
Habitat for Humanity
Humane Society
American Press Association
Amateur Radio Union
Chief of Police Association
Lions Club
Rotary Club
College of Surgeons
Council for Caring Community
Planned Parenthood
International Youth Foundation
Chamber of Commerce
Junior Chamber of Commerce
League of Women’s voters
Mennonite Center Committee
Narcotics Anonymous
National Association of Realtors
National Bar Association
Center for missing and exploited children
National Wildlife Federation
Nature Conservancy
Open Society Institute
Presbyterian Church
Church of God
Sierra Club
Special Olympics
Trilateral Commission
United Church of Christ
United Methodist Church
United Way
People for Care and Learning
Independent Christian Churches
World Jewish Congress
Build a City
World Village
Micahs Challenge
People for People
Coca Cola
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Model UN
International Baccalaureate Program

For a list of NGOs, please see the link below:

Click to access unpan014562.pdf

If you want to further research whether a company has involvement with the UN, simply google the company and the United Nations in the same sentence or go to the UN web site at http://www.UN.org, in the top ti
right corner just put in the company, name of a person or anything you choose and read the articles that the UN has created that prove their involvement.

Have fun searching. It’s not hard or it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure it out or I would never be able to see the connections.

Lastly, ask these organizations listed above why they have partnered with the UN as an NGO. The first answer may be you are crazy and whomever is saying this should be ashamed. Some may say it is a tax break or the guys upstairs, higher ups must have did that but regardless it was done. At least you have exposed their involvement and now continued participation is advocating their association and makes them guilty of assisting in the insidious destruction of our country from the inside out all in the name of the 3Es of Agenda 21, Social Equity, the Economy and the Environment.

Show them the list or link provided or your own research and ask them to explain their involvement. I am afraid many will just give you that deer in the headlights look and say “What are you talking about?” Have fun with it and see how many times you can get that reaction.

Ban Ki Moon calls Rio+20 Summit negotiations “painfully slow.”

In Uncategorized on June 16, 2012 at 8:42 AM

The one thing that is noticeable going into RIO and out of RIO is that the world is waking up to this UN scam called Agenda 21. The elected officials are realizing the long term plan that will have horrible cost factors combined with a loss of our sovereignty and property rights. This realization and reluctance of our leaders and its people to embrace Agenda is the “painfully slow” part that he speaks of.

One of the most disturbing things in this statement from Ban Ki Moon is the last paragraph below where he says he is sure most progress will be made outside the RIO SUMMIT with the many business leaders cooperating, meaning once again he will rely on the likes of the Chamber of Commerce to do his dirty work with the implementation of Agenda 21.

The non elected, non governmental entities that have a differing view of where America should be headed and are dead set on destroying our country for the greater good of all!

Ban Ki-moon calls Rio Earth summit negotiations ‘painfully slow’

Ban Ki-moon and other United Nations officials think Rio+20 is unlikely to replicate breakthroughs of 1992 global summit

Ban Ki-moon says Rio+20 global development summit negotiations are bogged down on minor details and narrow national interests.

Suzanne Goldenberg, US environment correspondent
guardian.co.uk, Thu 24 May 2012 22.33 BST

The United Nations chief, Ban Ki-moon, held out little hope on Thursday of an historic outcome at the Rio global development summit, now less than a month away, admitting negotiations had been “painfully slow”.

The warning was the latest from United Nations officials and others involved in preparations that the summit, known as Rio+20, is unlikely to replicate the breakthrough achievements of the original environmental gathering in the city in 1992.

Ban, who has made sustainable development and climate change his signature issues as secretary-general, was candid about the difficulties of having world leaders engage with Rio.

“The negotiations have been painfully slow,” he told a group of journalists at the United Nations foundation on Thursday.
The pace was so sluggish, in fact, that Ban prevailed on the international community to agree to an extra five days of talks, from 29 May to 2 June. The last-minute talks were aimed at getting at producing a face-saving outcome for a summit, which so far has failed to engage world leaders.

With Barack Obama focused on his re-election, and European leaders focused on the financial crisis, the advance work for Rio has been left to bureaucrats who do not have the political clout to make the kind of bold decisions that would allow a breakthrough.

Negotiations were bogged down on minor details and narrow national interests which, Ban said, had overwhelmed far more important issue of setting the world on the right track for sustainable growth.

At one point, the negotiating text ballooned to an impossibly unwieldy 6,000 pages Ban said. It was currently about 80 pages.
Other UN officials involved in Rio preparations have also rued the failure of world leaders to fully engage with the summit. But Ban added urgency to their concerns on Thursday.

“My message is that this is not the time to argue against any small, small items. Please do not lose (sight of the) bigger picture,” Ban said. “This is not the end. Rio+20 is just the beginning of many processes so they should be flexible. They should rise above national interests or specific group interests.”

He admitted the lack of urgency in the negotiations had drastically lowered expectations for Rio. “There is some scepticism about whether this conference will be a success,” Ban said. But he added that he remained optimistic.

Ban’s remarks mark the second time since mid-April in which he has tried to get world leaders to focus on the Rio+20 summit. For Obama, attendance at the summit would be politically toxic in an election year.

Nancy Sutley, a White House environmental advisor, on Wednesday said the administration had yet to decide which officials to send to Rio.

In his remarks, Ban said the summit had identified five main areas of concern including developing a global strategy for developing a green economy to putting in place the institutions that would encourage social development, such as improvements in health and education, along with economic growth.

But he indicated that the most progress could happen outside the government negotiations, with ten of thousands of business leaders, activists, and environmentalists descending on Rio to make their case for a greener and more equitable model of development.

Earth Summit in Rio: UN and Chamber of Commerce “call business’s to action” for future they want

In Uncategorized on May 12, 2012 at 9:46 AM

A memo has been uncovered from one of the United Nations websites calling all business owners to “action” to implement many aspects of “sustainable development”, “Agenda 21” elements for the “future we want” campaign coming out of the Rio+20 Earth Summit in Rio where the International Chamber of Commerce and the United Nations are plotting to make a final push to finally implement Agenda 21 in our country and across the world.

Pay special attention to the words Sustainable Development, BASD (Business Action for Sustainable Development, future we want and Global Compact. These elements of Agenda 21, specifically from Chapter 30, the business portion coming out of Rio will have an enhanced appearance and you will see a huge effort to finalize this effort and the Chamber of Commerce will be a very willing and useful tool for implementation.

Locally, the Chamber is still following the archaic and outdated continued conspiracy theory mentality somehow dreamed up by local Bradley County Citizens, Conservative and Tea Party types.

I can assure you that this is no conspiracy. The facts present themselves as in this memo from a UN website. The threat is very real and if not stopped, we will be overcome with a huge Socialist type takeover of our businesses and our daily lives as soon as the Earth Summit subsides somewhere around the middle to end of June 2012.

We can no longer debate whether this is conspiracy or not, the facts are displayed and we are running out of time. The powers that be are pushing hard and fast because Americans are waking up to their game and they realize the people of this proud and great country are the only ones willing to stop it.

Many more blogs will soon follow with further evidence of our planned demise. Read below and check the link out your self. Stay tuned, the facts that are coming will probably more than you can bare.


May 3, 2012
Businesses: Make a Commitment

If you are a business owner, consider making a public commitment to help create the future we want. The United Nations, the World Business Council for Sustainable Development and the UN Global Compact are calling for corporate commitments that will be published on the UN’s Rio+20 website.

What kind of commitments? They can take many forms, according to the UN, including new projects or existing projects that will be scaled-up. All commitments must advance one or more of the UN’s sustainability goals and include measurable targets. Businesses must be willing to have their progress reported to the public each year.

For more information, go to the UN’s “Call for Action” web site or the World Business Council’s site. If you’d like to participate in the corporate sector’s contribution to Rio+20, go to the “Business Action for Sustainable Development” website operated by the World Business Council, the UN Global Compact and the International Chamber of Commerce.

Community gives growth plan thumbs down, police called, tyranny reigns in Bradley County!

In Agenda 21, Government on March 20, 2012 at 7:24 AM

As I stood watching the endless line of bureaucrats file into the Cleveland Bradley Public Library with the familiar easel, rolled up maps, worn out suits and clip boards listening to the steady beat of size 12 leather hills tapping the library granite corridor floor like a desperate prisoner chiseling his way out of prison! Perhaps this was none of the above and it was simply the melodious thump of a well orchestrated drum line! I couldn’t help but sense a sinister coup was in full operation mode while unknowingly the ill-informed citizen lurks outside, quietly foiling their lonely existence. We were about to see the covert operation unfold right before our eyes. I was there and no one invited me!

I soon realized that the fate of our county was being handed to these bureaucrats of a greater scheme! One thing that was overwhelmingly missing from that long line of mostly self-appointed dignitaries was that there were only a few, if any “regular, Joe Schmo citizens” filing into the room!

They all say “well, I am a citizen too!”, “right?” Of course you are, but a citizen that has either been appointed to a board, a commission, a review panel or a growth panel yielding influence or persuasion about a multi billion dollar project no longer qualifies you as a “regular citizen” that is not connected to the steam roller that is running over the people and taking away their rights! Sorry, but that is how we roll! If you are on one of the many numerous boards or commissions that yield the opinion or vote, your presence in the room no longer qualified you as an unbiased citizen. I saw 3 and I was 1!

If not for a very alert informant, we could have missed this potential consensus party! Had the two other citizens not been informed when we were this would have been one big communal love fest orgy of planners and bureaucrats yielding their proverbial wands to each other for the ultimate compliment and certain approval!

Can you imagine how one-sided this meeting could have gone and been accepted if those darn citizens hadn’t gotten in the way and raised legitimate questions about property rights and our sovereignty? Whew!

I was a little hurt that I didn’t get a formal invite or email notification about this party! But hey, I’ve been left off invitation lists before! There was this one time while in DC Ronald Reagan left me off the guest list, never mind! Wasted trip, another blog! But you get the drift!

I am now the red-haired step child of the local leftist Socialistic, Democratic planning movement! You know, that guy with no date to the prom, sorta shy and not quite cute enough to score the prom queen, ok, lets save that for another blog too! I have been saying that alot lately! Maybe, I am under the spell of the planners in BC! Oh well, save that one………..for another…… Oh you know……..blog!

I guess when you invite a regular concerned citizen, you might get a few questions asked and God forbid that happen when consensus is trying to be obtained! How better to gain consensus than to make sure no citizens were at this perceived public meeting! Silly me! Maybe my expectations were too high! I consider myself a pretty alert and informed kinda guy! I was left out of the plans! I was left out! Wait! Dejavu! Prom all ov er again! You know that potential night with high expectations that is one unanswered proposal from wearing a tux, a bow tie and a silly grin with deteriorating lamb skin rotting away inside his wallet! They disguised this one well! They hid this one well!

They were almost successful pulling this meeting off without one uninvolved citizen that wouldn’t benefit from the implementation of this growth plan!

I strolled in behind the only other two citizens Karen and Dan and we sat among the modest crowd of Bradley County “Elite!” You know those people that only their momma could love! That was a joke! I can hear now ” and that Blogger called me ugly too!”

Meeting the other two citizens in the room was brief and we went to meeting the other “decision makers!” Lets see to look around the room. There is Commissioners Mel, Woods, Caywood, Rominger, Greg Dale and his associates, Mayor of Charleston, the usual group of Chamber of Commerce rulers, planners galore, old, young, past and present and in between, various suits with Clarion clipboards, Emily, chairmen of the planning commission, wives and girlfriends of those people, oh yeah and don’t forget the old grey haired lady on the front row that has the police on speed dial who happens to be on one of the planning commissions! (that’s another story for another blog) but you see the plan!

Notify every one but the people that will be affected by the plan who will ultimately be footing the bill with their hard earned tax dollars were in the room or so it seemed!

0915 approached and the crowd of 40 to 50 fully involved citizens filed to their seats! The intros were short and the slides were popping!

After a brief introduction by Greg Dale of consultants McBride Dale and Clarion he handed it off to his able bodied comrade, Emily!

The very first slide, reportedly, a compilation of the top desires of the different breakout tables from the last meeting on January 30th! You know, those things that concerned citizens would like to hear more about! Property rights, impending plan costs, not implementing the growth plan, new taxes! Those things that concerns the everyday struggling citizen!



Not having to drive your car everywhere, getting a bicycle and riding everywhere! More Greenways! Putting all of our house on a pin head and have your bank, grocery store dry cleaners and everything at the bottom of your high rise so we can cut down on Green house gases, electric outlets for electric car? Does this sound like something brought up by the concerned citizens of Bradley County! Give me a break!!! This is from a planners playbook and a cookie cutter recipe that is shown by our consultants all over the United States! There was no “new slide” made up for just Bradley County! I would bet and I bet there are slide presentations out there with the exact same things on it from the exact same consultant!



Quality of life?

The list went on and on! The crowd was complicit and the speaker lulling us into a deep sleep of acceptance, the planners drool was now pasted onto my shirt. The subliminal messages were streaming from the speaker system, the fresh scent of brewing coffee now lingered over the doughnuts in the back of the room. A complete whitewash, a steady current of blah blah blah was now all I could hear and the crowd of dignitaries were proud of the work their consultants had done on compiling the data!

What about property rights? Sleepy heads and partially confused men turned to me as if I had just awakened them! What about our property rights? A huge component was missing on your compiled data? Tables 7, 8 and 9 were all very concerned about property rights and not a single mention of it on your slides? Eminent domain, tearing down buildings, new land use regulations, building codes, cost, new taxes, decreasing urban sprawl, firing the consultants, devising our own plan, promoting the free market. Those are the things we were concerned about and none of them got in the board! Why not?

Mr Dale speaks up and gently nudges the speaker back as she is more or less yelling and very confrontational at this point!

Property rights! We are concerned about property rights. We will be putting together more data with that information in it! I essence, he told me these were manufactured cookie cutter slides and we didn’t put them on a new slide because frankly we only want to show you what we want you to see and take your half million or more fee to blow smoke right up your behinds!

Every slide was presented as if it was the first time the room had heard it! The speaker became more and more agitated ad the presentation went on and the questions kept pouring in!

At one point, Mr Dale, said to the 3 citizens in the room “are you going to let this meeting go on or are you going to keep asking questions?” The immediate response was “uh NO, we have questions!” Commissioner Caywood, much like Commissioner Woods in the last meeting chimed in against the people asking legitimate questions, he pipes in and says and I paraphrase “I came here to learn about this, I have a family, a business and I’m giving of my time to be here so citizens with legit questions, shut the heck up!” he went on to sat “Majority rules in America, in a democracy!” Let me correct you here Mr Caywood, Majority does rule in a democracy, but we are a Republic and every vote counts! We are not yet a colony once again under the rule of kings, close but not yet! Commissioner Woods, was silent this round of tyranny and attempts at squashing our first amendment rights! Somebody must have read her the constitution, you know the part where we can challenge our government to make sure they don’t get too big for their britches! Restraint is a good fit Commissioner, shows maturity!

The spirited banter intensified and just as our founding fathers began to smile, just like clock work, the partially blonde/grey haired old lady, just as the last time steps out into the hallway and fires up her cell phone and calls for police backup because the three unwelcome guests were “gettin rowdy!” The full court press to squelch the voice of the people was on and the “people were bobbing and weaving to counter the proverbial punch of a government run amuck!

Two policemen follow her into the room and she sits beside the familiar man just as before with a Cheshire grin that could have taken on the trophy for her kennel! Success! Escort them out please! They have spoken and we all know commoners don’t dare speak in the presence of royalty! Bow to me young man and your two disobedient and irreverent scribes! Fetch my coat, I must relieve myself of these swine!

The funny thing about calling the police and she soon realized was, they are and have been on the side of the people. This is constitutionally what a sherrif and his deputies are sworn to do

Fortunately, at least most of them are here to serve and protect the peoples rights! They tell me as I sauntered to the back of the room, ” We are not going to arrest anyone that challenges or asks questions of an elected official or appointed board in a public meeting!” They think it is hilarious that our local government wants to squash it’s peoples rights! The Sherrifs in this town have made it no secret that they are here to serve and protect the people, not be a strong arm for the representatives of government or the selfish desires of an old woman! Whatever this woman is trying to do here, this is not Chicago or DC! We are well represented by our law officers and they are watching out for our well being!

Old lady do as you please, it is your right to be tyrannical , but remember in America at least for now, is not against the law! The Constitution still gives me the right to peacefully address my government and hold them accountable for their actions! So lay off the 911 calls for dignity sakes! It makes you look so pretentious and smug!

As I said clearly in the meeting, I respect the uniform and the position, but I do not fear standing up and speaking up in a public meeting!

Public facilities?

Did I go to the same meeting? The meeting I went to was so bombarded with citizen concerns that they hardly had time to discuss any of the plans! Some of my high faluting friends tell me this is what you call a fix! Consensus! Where you stay on course regardless of the questions and concerns, then it looks like everyone is in agreement!

For real? Public facilities, bathrooms and a Tom Rowland Convention Center is the most pressing thing on the table? Really? We are paying these consultants to tell me the same thing they tell every community! In fact when I asked Greg Dale this question he said and again I’m paraphrasing, he said that many communities have the same concerns, thats why all these sound the same from community to community!

We have just called you out on your same old outdated slides and you want me to buy your spill and let you implement a growth plan that will tax me well into the next century and burden my great grand children! Are you kidding me?

The meeting came to a sudden halt and once again we were broken off into 3 groups and discussed bringing everyone into our Urban Growth boundary and decrease sprawl in the rural areas, give everybody a bike and tell them to walk on the greenway under the guidance of the EPA, HUD, UN and the

The meeting like the others did not meet consensus or even get close! The meeting from my observation was a failure! We have a plan for growth that is being poorly presented by consultants that are highly overpaid and have a very sinister under belly to them! We have reporters on this issue and we are collaborating some very disturbing trends!

What we have here is big government trying to get bigger! We have our taxes going up as a result! We have a few in government who are overreaching in their powers!

A citizenry that is being bypassed by a group of bureaucrats that feel they know better and are being briskly tugged by the almighty dollar in the form of multiple federal grants!

We are doomed and we have the deck stacked against us! The people’s voice in Bradley County is no longer! The republic and what it stands for is diminishing by the assistane of planners in a very finance rich environment that are using the crutches of government to fulfill their edicts from DC!

It is a sad day for our country! Our representative form of government is the ruling word in our world. The hell with the people! They are just in the way?

Our founding fathers laid out the framework, the people enforce the constitution and government resets it’s own set of rules and yet tyranny prevails!

I’ll save this next thought for another blog!

HJR 587- Anti Agenda 21/ICLEI resolution passes another hurdle, on to floor today

In Agenda 21 on March 15, 2012 at 2:05 PM

HJR 587 jumps another hurdle on it’s way to final approval! Another vote will take place today, awaiting results! I know State Representative Kevin Brooks has been all over this resolution as it has gained greater than 30 sponsors in a short amount of time!

The United Nations Agenda 21 is being recognized as the evil plan that it is! In Bradley County we have in less than a year gone from “you are out of your minds” to a resolution being passed in the State Legislature to get it and ICLEI out of our community!

The RNC has made this effort their number one concern for 2012 and have also endorsed legislation to get the UN out of TN and the country! They were even as bold as to say that if you do not make a stand against Agenda 21 they would not endorse you for office next election! That is a very bold statement and has gained and spurred many bills and pieces of legislation to be created!

Our Bradley County,Cleveland City Mayor, city and county planners along with consultants McBride Dale and Clarion, commissioners and councilmen need to realize that their efforts beyond this date are futile. State and RNC legislation should be followed! We are done with our expensive and expansive growth plan and all the “green” efforts that are being implemented without the peoples approval!

We are no longer alone in this process! We now have teeth and we are asking our local leaders to jump on the bandwagon and stop looking beyond the will of the people! Stubbornness and thoughts of that’s the way we have always done things are no longer the status quo! At this point, you are alone and acting as if their are no stop gap measures in place. Continued action is irresponsible and possibly illegal. We keep hoping they will do the right thing, but we will see!

Listen to the sweetness of this resolution below sponsored by State Representative Kevin Brooks! It really is music to my ears and sends a definitive message to the local press that mocked us for daring to make this an issue long before any one knew about it. I’ll reserve my judgement for another day! The following resolution was created by a State Representative that dared to step out and act while others were hiding under mommas skirt tale too scared to stand up with the will of the people!

An email from Kevin Brooks!

A good morning fellow patriots,

This morning HJR 587 passed Calendar & Rules and was placed
on the Regular House Floor Calendar for Thursday, March 15th.

I am very grateful for the support and co-sponsors of this HJR.

Please spread the word to contact your Legislators to vote YES
on HJR587 on Thursday morning, March 15, 2012.  

For Liberty!

Kevin D. Brooks
Assistant Majority Leader
State Representative Dist. 24
104 War Memorial Building
Nashville, Tennessee 37243
(615) 741-1350
(800) 449-8366 x11350        

HJR 587, by K. Brooks

A resolution relative to United Nations Agenda 21.
Whereas, the United Nations Agenda 21 is a COMPREHENSIVE PLAN of extreme environmentalism, social engineering and global political control that was initiated at the United Nations conference on Environmental and Development (UNCED) held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 1992 and

Whereas, the United Nations Agenda 21 in being covertly pushed into local communities throughout the United States of America through the International Council of Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) through local “sustainable development”, polices such as Smart Growth, Wildlands Project, Resilient Cities, Regional Visioning Projects, and other “green or alternative” projects and

Whereas, the United nations Agenda 21 plan of radical so called “sustainable development” views the American way of life of private property ownership, single family homes, private car ownership and individual travel choices and privately owned farms all as destructive to the environment and

Whereas, according to the United nations Agenda 21 policy, social justice, is described as the right and opportunity of all people to benefit equally from the resources afforded us by society and the environment which would be accomplished by socialist/communist redistribution of wealth, and

Whereas according to the United Nations Agenda 21 policy, national sovereignty is deemed a social injustice, now, therefore, be it resolved by the House of Representatives of the one hundred seventh general Assembly of the State of Tennessee, the Senate concurring that the general Assembly theat the General Assembly recognizes the destructive and insidious nature of United Nations Agenda 21 and hereby exposes to the public policy makers the dangerous intent of the plan.

Be it further resolved, that neither the United States government, nor any state or local government is legally bound by the United Nations Agenda 21 treaty in that it has never been endorsed by the United States Senate,

Be it further resolved, that the Federal government and State and Local governments across the country be well informed of the underlying harmful implications of implementation of United Nations Agenda 21 destructive strategies for “sustainable development” and we hereby endorse rejection of its radical policies and rejection of any grant monies attached to it.

Breathe in deeply Bradley County and the rest of Tennessee! We now have a representative that is willing to stand in the gap!

Next step, based on the recommendation of our own State Legislature let’s take our reps resolution and demand legally that the Regional, Comprehensive plan, the BCC 2035 Growth plan are dead in it’s tracks!

Let’s tell the consultants hired by ICLEI out of Chattanooga that are currently directing our local growth plan to go home! You are fired! We do not want you here no more! Your outdated, cookie cutter plan has already cost us too much money!

Mayors, commissioners, councilmen and the Chamber of Commerce you no longer legally have the right to keep implementing this Agenda 21 plan in our community!

We can develop our own growth plan! We do not need the United Nations, the Chamber of Commerce or a group of ICLEI led Consultants spending billions of our tax dollars on sustainable development and placing the burden on me, my grandchildren and beyond!

From pathetic to prophet: ‘Sustainable Development’ a new political issue

In Uncategorized on January 3, 2012 at 11:53 AM

Pathetic to Prophet! Not really but it sounds good in a headline! Eating that elephant one bite at a time! That is the proper technique for exposing and destroying the huge albatros known as Agenda 21! The stealthy but large mammal is making it’s way into every facet of Bradley County, the Region through every corridor in the State of Tennessee, to the nation! And our local and state officials are still ignoring that it exists!

From little “county smart sustainable growth plans” to “moderate Regional plans” to large federal involvement, we are seeing our once great country conquered, divided and destroyed by Socialist dead set on seeing your private and intellectual property, your divine God given rights, your sovereignty given away by a herd of politicians dead set on “getting that federal grant money” in exchange for your freedom!

Agenda 21 is real Bradley County and the rest of the nation! People are slowly awakening to this reality and little by little the moo mentality within our own local commission and council, general public is slowly turning to favor my stance against this diabolical plan to rule the world by convincing the local policy makers with a local agenda 21 focus!

Yesterday, I went to the local grocery store and briskly walked in to collect the evening meal for my family, purchased a copy of the Cleveland Daily Banner and flipped quickly to the editorial section, I believe page 16, top of the column, I see the ominous words “Sustainable Development.” My heart raced, my imagination stirred!

Will I be reading once again, a failed attempt at the paper to discredit me or call me a kook, have they dialed up the UNITED NATIONS again and attempted to thwart the work of a few patriots in this town trying to save Bradley County and the Region! Perhaps, a scathing article announcing a find that Agenda 21 is a hoax, a fake Socialist program dreamed up by local Tea Party types and “crazy freedom lovers” gaurding their great Republic from a Socialist Leftist Regime sent down from Washington DC?

Nope! It was a time for me to smile! Within the pages of the local newspaper was a very satisfying article chocked full of the same information that me and my freedom fighting buddy “Dan the Man” gave them almost a year ago! It was reading something like a novel directly from the pages from my distant mentor Henry Lamb! In fact it was! I loomed further and he was even quoting Henry, referred to his research and even directed every one to his website for further information! Could the local paper have had an epiphany, could they have seen the light?

A grin now forming from my jowls, a witnessed precarious situation was unfolding and popping into my proportionately large mixed up head! Sort of like having to kiss your lil sister for one of those silly family pictures or sucking a lemon right after consuming a tablespoon of sugar! That reverse of what is expected to happen!

The local paper, I’m sure, has contracted this syndicated, editorial, columnist and agreed to print this article, regardless of what he had to say! You know that long forgotten free speech thang! Needless to say, I believe the paper had no choice but to print the truth about Agenda 21 from this great columnist, thus the sister and lemon analogy!

Not too long ago, Dan and I approached the County Commission about the BCC 2035 Strategic Growth Plan having deeps roots within the United Nations and stunk of Agenda 21 filth! The local paper reportedly called the UNITED NATIONS and shortly offered a story the next day or so completely debunking, mocking and attempting to discredit our efforts! A very clever UN telephone spokesperson offered that they knew nothing of an Agenda 21 plan in Bradley County Tennessee! The reporter then pounced on this, wrote an article the following day and left the impression with their readers that the UNITED NATIONS was unaware of any agenda 21 plans “to rule the world!”

The article went on to explain that all the allegations were false and unduly represented by the local Tea Party fanatics in Cleveland/Bradley County! They went on to say, and I’m again paraphrasing, but said they were unsure of what they were going to do about all these rumors floating around by those radical tea party types! This left me and others the impression they were either going to snuff me out or sue me. Otherwise, the local paper in a failed attempt to embarrass me had “outed” me as perhaps a “domestic terrorist”, a “trouble maker”, “un-American” or at the very least a “crazy” with very little power to defend myself against the very large leftist elite media machine and the great big ole UNITED NATIONS!

Sure, the attention they gave to the UN regarding me and the poor attempt to discredit me could have caused me and my family great harm, fortunately has not to date! I was placed in the crosshairs and given as a sacrificial lamb to arguably the most powerful regime in the world, the UNITED NATIONS by my local press! You know, sort of like you know the mob exists, but you don’t go kissing Don Corleone on the lips, you know what I’m sayin? Huh?

But the same paper that did all that is now printing the same truth I had just divulged a few months earlier and much more eloquently I may add! The same paper that attempted to destroy me is now enjoying a profit on my story! Spouting the same thing that just a few months ago, said didn’t exist! Go figure!

Oh well! Small victories to me are just as sweet as the large ones! I go from pathetic to prophet in a blink of an eye! Thanks for the article! Keep them coming, will enjoy reading and re reading this for a long time!

Editorial afterthought: I have notified nearly every local politician, have given the same “sustainable” book by Henry Lamb to most all of them, have sat down with many of them and shared videos and other literature and have received very little feedback! The Federal grant money has won their hearts I am afraid!

At the Halloween Block party I personally handed Kevin Brooks, State Representative, 24th District a copy and asked him to read it and he assured me he would! I also asked him to halt the ICLEI/Agenda 21/United Nations led Chattanooga Regional Growth Plan, if only temporarily, to further look into what they are up to! To date, as of this article, nothing! No response about either! This is the disconnect of our local politicians to the people they represent that I have been referring to in past blogs! We have got to create change! Change comes from within the machine!

The article below! Read and pass around! I dare you!


Cleveland Daily Banner, January 2nd, 2012

It’s been said that over time we can do anything we really want to do. We can eat an elephant if we take it one bite at a time. This is the concept behind a group of elitist people who would like to take over the world, including America, and in the process take our precious freedom from us. Now that sounds like a radical statement, but hear me out and then make your own judgment as to how radical it is. Sometime back a thoughtful reader sent me a booklet titled, “Understanding Sustainable Development – Agenda 21 – A Guide for Public Officials.”
Please note that the concept of Sustainable Development and the danger it poses is directed toward public officials and not so much to ordinary citizens like me, and maybe you. However, after reading this booklet over several times, I felt it was something we all should know about, and then if our public officials won’t act we will know what to do.
First, what is Sustainable Development? As used in this context, it is a “buzz” term that refers to a political agenda rather than an objectively sustainable form of development.
Specifically, it refers to an initiative of the United Nations (U.N.) that took place around 1987 called the U.N. Sustainable Development Agenda 21, the most comprehensive statement of political ideology that is being progressively infused into every level of government in America. Agenda 21 was unveiled in 1992 during the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, commonly known as the Rio Earth Summit, where more than 178 nations adopted Agenda 21 and pledged to evaluate progress made in implementing the plan every five years thereafter.
This was never authorized by Congress because they used a technique called “a soft-law policy recommendation” not a treaty, and therefore needs no ratification. This was signed off on by former presidents George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton, so the implementation is occurring on a non-partisan basis. There is far too much information to cover in one column, but it basically comes down to taking away our freedoms by restricting and controlling land use. If you do not think that is important, listen to these words by two other former presidents.
“Private property must be secured, or liberty cannot exist,” said John Adams. “Private property and freedom are inseparable,” said George Washington. And then these words from the Declaration of Independence: “…all Men….are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.” Here is the real rub and why we must be diligent to protect our rights and our freedoms: Rights found in the United Nations Charter and the Declaration of Human Rights are NOT granted and rescinded by their creator, but by men. Now that sounds like socialism to me.
Sustainable Development is a plan for global control, including America, using land and resource restriction, social transformation through education and other programs to accomplish this end. This is why our public officials must know about this and combat it if we are to remain a free people. The two key programs are called “The Wild-Lands Project” and its urban counterpart “Smart Growth.” The plan is to eliminate human presence on at least 50 percent of the American landscape and to heavily control human activity on most of the rest of American land. No land — no freedom. It is important for all of us, especially our public officials, to understand the concept of Sustainable Development. For more information, visit this Web site: http://www.freedom21.org.

(EDITOR’S NOTE: Jim Davidson is a public speaker and syndicated columnist. You may contact him at 2 Bentley Drive, Conway, AR 72034. To support literacy, buy his book: “Learning, Earning & Giving Back.”)

Ark of Hope moved to United Nations in New York

In Agenda 21, Government on December 26, 2011 at 9:05 AM

Soon after the aftermath of and in the chaos that followed the 911 disater in New York that rocked the free world, followers and devotees of the United Nations ceremoniously made their way through the debris scattered streets of New York, with very little fanfare, carrying the 200 pound heavily decorated Ark of Hope into its resting place as the symbol of the next chapter in our nation. A New World Order is well under way. The pieces are coming together, the jigsaw puzzle is methodically being fit together.

The Ark of Hope inside the United Nations, it’s resting place with the Earth Charter tucked snugly inside!

The real goal of the Earth Charter is that it will
in fact become like the Ten Commandments.”
– Maurice Strong

The Earth Charter – Humanity’s Covenant with the Earth
The Earth Charter is a declaration of fundamental ethical principles for building a just, sustainable and peaceful global society in the 21st century. It seeks to inspire in all people a new sense of global interdependence and shared responsibility for the well-being of the whole human family, the greater community of life, and future generations. It is a product of a decade-long, worldwide, cross cultural dialogue on common goals and shared values.

The Ark of Hope, a 49″(124.5cm) x 32″ (81.3cm) x 32″ (81.3cm) wooden chest was created as a place of refuge for the Earth Charter document, an international peoples treaty for building a just, sustainable, and peaceful global society in the 21st century. Visit – http://www.earthcharter.org – for complete information on the Earth Charter. The Ark of Hope also provides refuge for the Temenos Books, Images and Words for Global Healing, Peace, and Gratitude. Over 1,000 handcrafted 8″ x 8″ x 2″ books have been made by artists, schoolchildren, and citizens around the world, expressing their individual and collaborative prayers and affirmations for Earth. The Earth Charter’s 16 principles are the guiding vision behind the creation of these books.

The Ark was designed and painted by Vermont, USA artist Sally Linder, built by cabitnetmaker Kevin Jenness and lined by fabric artist Beth Haggart. It was crafted from a single plank of sycamore maple from a sustainable forest in Germany. The five painted panels that form the sides and top of the Ark each represent the flora and fauna of the world as seen through the images of the world’s traditional artists. Each panel visualizes a season, a direction, an element, and a universal symbol. Symbols of faith from traditional religions and indigenous societies surround the top panel of “Spirit” that honors the children and young animals of the world. The 96″ carrying poles are unicorn horns which render evil ineffective. Inside the Ark’s lid is the Earth Charter handwritten on papyrus paper. The University of Cairo supplied Sally with instructions for making paper with papyrus – a plant known to have the ability to purify water of pollutants. The papyrus was harvested from the Living Systems, Inc. waste treatment plant in South Burlington, VT, soaked for two weeks in Sally’s bathtub, then pressed using 90,000 pounds of pressure at Langdell Papers, a Vermont papermaker in East Topsham.
The Ark of Hope was created for a celebration of the Earth Charter held at Shelburne Farms, Vermont on September 9, 2001. The event, for love of Earth, featured keynote speaker Jane Goodall, global peace walker Satish Kumar, musician Paul Winter, and Dr. Steven C. Rockefeller, a member of the Earth Charter Commission. On September 11, 2001 volunteers were cleaning up from the September 9th event when news of the New York and Washington, DC terrorist attacks and tragedies was heard. Sally Linder’s immediate, spontaneous response to the horror was to begin walking the Ark of Hope to New York and the United Nations. Joined by Andrea Morgante and Janet Fredericks, they carried the 200-pound chest across the meadows of the farm to Rt. 7 where they were joined by Susan Diehl Dufort.

Hundreds of walkers joined the pilgrimage to New York City, bringing with them hope and the vision of the Earth Charter to communities along the way. For two months the Ark of Hope was walked over 350 miles through four states. The last leg of the journey down the Hudson River was aboard Pete Seeger’s legendary sloop The Clearwater. Due to heightened security at the United Nations the Ark of Hope rested at New York’s Interfaith Center upon arrival.
Recognizing that the United Nations is central to global efforts to solve problems which challenge humanity, the Ark of Hope carrying the Earth Charter and the Temenos Books was exhibited at the United Nations during the World Summit PrepComII in January-February 2002.

At the 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg, South Africa, the Ark of Hope was ceremoniously offered to the world by the children of Diepsloot, an informal settlement in Johannesburg.

To the people of Bradley County, the region, state and Nation! If we think for a moment that the United Nations existence in every county in the US is benign and just by accident, think again! Let me suggest you re-read this article because you obviously didn’t see the seriousness of this Ark of Hope!

The Ark of the Covenant is a highly revered place in the Christian religion, housing perhaps the Ten Commandments and other literature! Now the United Nations is almost mockingly mimicking and giving the same reverence to the “Earth Charter!”

This mockery is eery to me on so many levels! Attempting to make a religion or establish a sacredness to the sustainability, agenda 21, green movement in a step to establish a “One World Government”, a “New World Order” is really beyond what many of us can or care to comprehend.

These events of moving the Ark of Hope to the United Nations building in New York concerns me and should you too! There is being established a religious type hierarchy that one one day may replace religion as we know it. When writing this story, many thoughts raced through my head. Do they have a specific timeline to fulfill their destiny? Will we be able to resist the push to that New World Order? Will I be free and still have the ability to chain thoughts together in a free society? When the UN takes over are we then subject to international powers only, while superseding not only states rights but will the UN be able to trump the federal government? What will day to day activity be like, one currency, one religion, one church?

Some may think this is a bunch of junk! This man has lost his mind! I have heard this many times and the biggest critics of my rants are the elected leaders and “higher upper socialites” that are making the path for the UN easier to waltz right in to Bradley County!

You can say whatever you want! I am ok with that. It’s the American way! Freedom of speech and I’m totally open to it, because more often than not it establishes dialogue and that is a good thing. Call me odd, but it invigorates me instead of discouraging me. So with that said, disagree with me, fine! But ask yourself this. If this is not a big master plan and their is not a huge push for sustainability and a New World Order, then what is it? Why is there a city planner in every county accepting cash grants for ICLEI to come in to every county in the US and transform all of our communities into little Socialist Green Utopias?

I have to say and I am convinced it is sinister! The Ark of Hope being moved into the UN to house the Earth Charter, the document that got it all started, kinda proved to me this is something more than just a “green sustainable movement” it’s instead a transformation of America into a Socialist community complete with it’s Ark of Hope and it’s Earth Charter to lead the way!

Click to access echarter_english.pdf



Bradley/Cleveland Mayors, duly elected! On notice for wrong decisions! It’s on you now!

In Uncategorized on October 28, 2011 at 5:35 PM

This diatribe was sent to all of my locally elected officials in Cleveland/Bradley County and it is in this forum that I notify all others at the State and Federal levels! To also include the NGO ” useful idiots” such as the Chamber of Commerce and the development boards who think they have governmental authority in this town! Spread this around, copy, post and repost! It is up to you to spread the word about this Federal take over of our town, my town and to bring notice to you that our town is being given away by the very people we put in office to represent us! I dare you to call them! Don’t debate them, simply tell them you are fed up and you want them to stop this and you are here to take your city and county back!

I have been reading a little about this Regional Sustainable Coalition with 3 states and 16 counties.

Is anyone concerned that we are now going to have the Federal Government telling us how to live, work and breathe while designing the land we live on right now to be sustainable!

Does anyone know what this means or the affect it will have on the people you represent?

Answering to HUD, DOT and God forbid the EPA? Jumping into bed with these three is everything America is supposed to not do, constitutionally!

We will be so busy jumping through their hoops we will not have much time to do anything else and they will be expecting us to live exactly like they tell us!

Do you think this trio will dump millions perhaps billions into our lap and we go our merry way! Please guys you are much smarter than that!

If you allow this, the way we live is about to drastically change! Cleveland is a beautiful place! I love living here and enjoy having my family call it home! It has a small town feel! It feels good! My part of town is for the most part quite and peaceful! I can drive most anywhere around me and spend the day taking in it’s scenery!  For the most part we come and go as we please and can pretty much answer to no one except our selves, because we still have a say so about our own property and our way of life and can do so relatively cheap!

Making Cleveland a downtown Chattanooga or Atlanta is not my idea of something I want to duplicate or bring my children up in. The crime, the massive amounts of concrete and pollution, the cross section of people that migrate to “big” cities? Give me the old Cleveland any day!   

Guys I have hinted around about this for a while, but now it’s time to advise at this point!  What you guys are doing and allowing to be done will be devastating to our community where we will have little say so on what goes on on our own land!

Let’s get real here! I have probably researched this more than I care to recollect, countless hours! I do not give warnings out like this without great fear and assurance that what I have researched is true and relevant!  This is downright bad! As my daddy used to say “this is bad mojo, something smells!”

Anybody read what they plan to do? I would encourage you to! The total repercussions of this plan will greatly limit our ability to do as we please on our own property and in our own town!

Have you heard the word “a city with walkability?” this means and I have read it many time on HUDs website and others and even as it relates to this regional plan! Walkability means the ability of the federal government via HUD, DOT and the EPA to design “livable sustainable communities” where you are forced to live on designated areas or migrate into communities where all your shopping, churches, parks, banks, restaraunts, cinemas and etc are all within “walking” distance and I quote “so you want need cars!” THis is a sustainable community!

Is this your vision of Cleveland and Bradley County to become little pods of communities, everyone walking, co existing in a plastic world with all kinds of people in a relatively small area, taking the occasional train ride up the Ocoee to see the area we used to call home! Think im exaggerating! Research it!

I promise that vision is shared by many who are giving you money to do what they want!

Have you put any additional thought into why they want everyone to live in a “sustainable liveable, walkable community?” There is a bigger picture we are failing to see! There will be a day real soon where many of our rural areas will be just that and will be low population areas with restrictions on who can be on these properties that used to be yours!

The “urban sprawl” as it talks about in our very own 2035 Growth plan will be discouraged and the “human settlements” will be directed into “urban Growth areas”, doesn’t this scare you to death? We are annexing now to make that happen in the Northern part of the county to make that a reality! I didn’t make these facts up! It’s in our own growth plan!

Now, we go and make a certain deal with the devil in the form of a Regional Plan with huge plans to change Cleveland and Bradley County and for some reason. I’m predicting federal dollars are placing blinders on you and it appears you are willing to stand by and allow this to happen knowing it will affect Bradley Countians tremendously and you guys, our leaders are not even speaking up to defend us!  To speak out or to at least investigate what this is beyond what some Beuracrat in DC or Nashville convinces you it is!

If your answer is allow it to happen despite the outcome, I must say I am sorely disappointed in your humanity! This is no small decision here guys! This is big time and we have stepped into a mess by allowing our City, County and state to marry the federal government in this way while a great percentage of your constituency say stop and at least see what we are getting in to!

Who among you are man or woman enough to make a stand and say let’s at least look before we leap! This is not good! We are not making rational decisions as a community!

The people in this town in great part are in the dark about this, some are there because that the easiest path, some are there because they choose to listen to others as experts, some because they trust the wrong people!

Some of us prefer to research the facts, follow the  trails, look at other communities that have fallen into this trap and see if they are truly better off?

The burden is now on you! I feel as a complete county we are being taken down the wrong road by our elected leaders and guess what? You answer for you!

I am telling you this is a HUGE mistake and only YOU will be held responsible for the decision you make!

Have a great day!

I would hope some would respond to me as this is a cry to you to do the right thing and not be blinded by the relatively small amount of money you may get in exchange for our freedom!