"Read all about it"


Tired of reading the newspaper and then cursing the pages knowing that what they are telling you is not the “complete” truth? Ever grow tired of wishing you had a way to reach the masses with your take on the issues and never gain access to the pages by overzealous editors or owners squelching the citizens just to keep the truth hidden. The Bradley County News was created for that reason. We are not about competing with other news outlets or trying to gain the upper hand by over reporting. We are about getting the truth out to Bradley county and surrounding areas and to offer an alternative to the same blah, blah, blah from the major news outlets. Hope you enjoy, look around, tell others to come join us.

  1. Thanks for the heads up on this. I am calling my House rep tomorrow. I am so proud of our state government. They actually listen to the people, and they are fully aware of the tyranny being perpetrated in Washington. It’s going to take a lot to stop this. Haslam is a supporter of Agenda 21, and I suspect totally bought and paid for by agenda supporters. Lamar Alexander ditto — not sure about Corker, but he’s up for election this year, and he’s been voting very carefully.


    • Corker was mayor of Chattanooga a few years back! Chattanooga is leading the charge in the Agenda 21, UN, ICLEI driven growth plan that is now encompassing 16 counties and 3 states to include Bradley County! Need I say more!


      • Tennessee has been co-opted by these people. We will soon be at the same level as Cali and Washington. Very troubling that we are seeing all these stories coming out of Tennessee.

        Land prices are relatively cheap here and in much of the South. Look for them to spread.


  2. Just happened up on your website and I like it! We need more people to engage like you do. I did this same thing using http://www.RheaCountyNewspaper.com and built if from 50 hits a month to over 7,000 per month. Then not only was my website shut down, every account (email and all) was deactivated by my service provider host Yahoo. Imagine that. I then created smaller websites as I detest being silenced. I’m sure the truth hurts SOME but it relieves me as I fear nothing from TRUTH. A lot of people across the river from you over here in Rhea County that are in elected positions or cronies control the only newspaper in the county which is the Herald-News. I now am placing headlines of my own at http://www.DaytonHerald.net in attempt to inform the public of things the powers that be want kept hush-hush. Okay, just wanted to say HI and keep up the good work. Roy


  3. Dear Mr Harwood; you have completely misunderstood and misconstrued the OSCE mission; I know this international group and they are absolutely neutral observers with no interest in interfering in any way, nor in offering any opinions. We should have been proud to show them how Americans vote. My familly is an ancient Tennessee family, and I am ashamed. You owe them an apology. / M Corlette


    • Mrs Corlette, thank you for your response. While I am sure your comments are heartfelt they are not based on fact. Ther are many reason that the OSCE bothers me. I am a sovereign American. I do not need an international observer to be peering over my shoulder while I vote. Our election laws were not written with international observers in mind. The OSCE was approached by many left leaning organizations one of them ex ACORN associates about what to watch for with election fraud issues, they should know this since they have been convicted and jailed for their efforts in recent elections. A bias could be formed very easily and our elections disrupted very easily by these “fine” folks whispering in their ears. This is one of many problems I have with the OSCE. if they need to observe and learn then I can send them a video. We do not not appreciate them being involved in our election process. Thank you very much and have a great day.


  4. Love the Truth!! God Bless all of you that work to bring this news to us!!


    • Thank you for your comments and reading this news blog. My staff and I exist to hear the words you just expressed! Please keep sharing and reading. It makes my research so enjoyable when it is appreciated. For now, freedom of speech is a luxury I do not take for granted! Have a blessed day, mine has been made!


  5. Would like permission to print the article on common core in the Rutherford Reader. Please provide a byline of can use the site link. Thanks. Kaye


  6. Love it. I too operate my own website in Humphreys County. I have spent the last hour reviewing your site and I have to say I’m extremely impressed. Keep up the great work! Bookmarked it so I follow.


  7. Please email me the location in Shelbyville of the terriost camp your article speaks of.


  8. Where in Paris is there a Muslim camp? I’ve lived here 42 years and know of none.I do know of the Dover camp.


  9. I read your entire “article” on the 3 terror camps in Tennessee and I read all the links you provided at its end. Your information is so poorly documented that it is useless to those of us who truly want to be informed. You do yourself a great injustice by not providing supporting documentation of your claims. Doing so would add backbone to your stories and to your point-of-view. Without it you are just more meaningless hot air. I was expecting more from you and am sadly disappointed in what you delivered.


    • Thanks for your input and appreciate your comment. I am constantly trying to improve. I will do better from now in. I hope you were able to view some of the videos. Read the article I put out today, it’s packed full of facts about these groups that will make you grab your kids and hide. Have a blessed day. PS-Please don’t put too much faith in me, man will let you down time after time. It’s just a blog, just take or leave the information, I do.


  10. Valuable information!! Thank you for all your research and efforts. I live near Knoxville and Sevierville, TN and we have become painfully aware of the Muslim and Russian presence in this region. There is Russian military camp in Gatlinburg and the city of Pigeon Forge has had an influx of Russian young adults in the past 6 years. The Muslim presence in Knoxville has grown to the point of having their own community and they have infiltrated UT with a Muslim Brotherhood campaign. This area is getting hit from all sides it seems.


  11. I don’t know if you do this, but my dad’s working dog went missing a little over four hours ago. She is a light brown pug that answers to Gerty. She was last seen in front of our home on Johnson Rd. She was wearing a faded pink collar with a Pirate themed dog tag. If you could let people know that would be awesome. If not then please direct me to the best place to post about this.


  12. I had no idea this was out there. Good job.


  13. How can I contact you


  14. Who runs this site? Please for the love of all that is holy and righteous tell me you don’t claim to be a Christian.


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