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Common Core: 30 years of progressive education reform being led by Bill Ayers

In Uncategorized on April 12, 2013 at 11:43 AM

Common Core: 30 years of progressive education reform led by Bill Ayers

 Ayers and his fellow “reformers” are to Dewey what Lenin was to Marx. 

Marx was an intellectual who wished to undermine Western civilization. 

Lenin was a thug who sought to bring Marxist principles into full practice through propaganda, armed revolution, and sophisticated lies. 

Likewise, Dewey hated American liberty and individualism and wished to undermine them through socialist education. 

Ayers is Dewey’s less civilized, more “practically minded” disciple.


On the homefront:

In Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam with an assist from Achieve, Inc are the patsies being used locally to deliver the forbidden fruit to our children!”

Governor Bill Haslam is being handed the baton of progressive education called Common Core for the state of Tennessee. He has willingly, proudly and actively accepted this challenge. 

I doubt he knows or even cares to know Bill Ayers. But one thing is for sure he is assisting him at least indirectly in it’s implementation.

His past, at least formally, with Mayor Bloomberg of New York and Multi-Billionaire Bill Gates of Microsoft, a puppet of UNESCO and a huge catalyst and contributor of hundreds of millions to Common Core and it tenets at least shows he is a willing and knowledgable host, if not a conspiring puppet.

This evolvement of a pedagogical educational system which started with John Dewey has shaped into what we now call Common Core.

For more than 30 years this gradual ascent to Common Core has  come directly from the mind of terrorist, anti American, Anti Capitalist, Communist Bill Ayers and is now being passed to our children by willing Governors who will gladly take a few dollars to implement federal mandates for a complete overhaul of our school system.

The originator of this process was masterminded by John Dewey and completed by Bill Ayers and his proteges.

Today Bill Haslam, as others, are pushing the implementation of Common Core in Tennessee for a 500 million dollar bribe under the guises of RTTT and under the watchful eye of Achieve.

Governor Haslam, using his board position on Achieve, a leftist, big money think tank and lobby front for Common Core is definitely forging the path for our children’s minds in Tennessee. Many other Governors across the nation are also participating.

This is not just a benign program only being presented in our state and across the nation as a way to “assist” our states to perform better on standardized tests.

It is a deliberate and intentional step to take over the minds of our children and prepare them for thinking and functioning inside a global world where socialism and the needs of the collective are the accepted norm and are expected above and beyond their own needs thus completing the works of John Dewey and his disciple Bill Ayers.

A world where capitalism does not exist as a means of economic growth or stability. 

A world where all Americans are on a level playing field, no reward for high achievers, just a recognition that your ability to rise above others is a form of social injustice.

I recently stumbled upon this 30 or so year history while researching this takeover of our educational system by the Feds and communists. 

This artful and skillfully put together history was the creation  of Danette Clark, a blogger and further enhanced by this blog.

Many have asked me recently “Can you make a connection to Bill Ayers and Common Core and can you correlate that with the origins of Common Core?” I believe I have managed to do that.

The following is that link, that progression to what today is known as Common Core with assorted references to support these claims.

Our state and nation is at an extremely pivotal turning point. 

The acceptance of Common Core into our public schools by progressives, communists and globalist is completely unacceptable.

The Top down federal nationalism of our school system is a tragedy and this indoctrination called Common Core must be stopped. 

I believe we are one generation, one term, perhaps 4 to 10 years from being a Socialist country. The tool will be our children and the education they are now receiving.

The Socialists and Communists have perfected the tool, the program, the curriculum, the standards, the indoctrinating tool now evolved into and known as Common Core. 

The indoctrination program is underway and being implemented in our schools today.

I realize I may not convince you of this indoctrination with one blog, I do encourage you to take a few minutes, read it and make your own decisions based on this information. 

The decision to know it exists but not acknowledge it’s origins and intent is completely up to you. I prefer to look further than on the surface.

The History

The Coalition of Essential Schools (CES), a progressive education reform model rooted in the pedagogy of Paulo Freiere and John Dewey, was started by Theodore Sizer in 1984.


CES was originally housed in Brown University. In 1993, the Annenberg Institute for School Reform was established at Brown, with Theodore Sizer as its first director. The institute built on the work of Sizer’s Coalition of Essential Schools with a mission to expand that work to schools across the country.

In 1996, the Annenberg Foundation launched the Chicago Annenberg Challenge (CAC) education initiative, which was led in part by Bill Ayers. At the time, Ayers was already working with a Coalition of Essential Schools affiliate organization in Chicago.

(The Wall Street Journal connects the dots.)


Ayers appointed Obama as CAC board chairman and over the next few years, they invested millions into the expansion of Sizer’s CES schools.


Ayers’ Small Schools Workshop also received Annenberg money to aid in transforming existing schools into CES member schools (also referred to as ‘small schools’, ‘smaller learning communities’, ’small autonomous schools’ and ‘schools within a school’). Ayers and his organization provided curriculum resources, hands-on professional development, and grant development.

(Even Jared Lee Loughner attended one of Bill Ayers “small school projects”)


A total of $500 million was donated by Annenberg nationwide, providing the first big boost to the expansion of CES schools. The most recent boost is Common Core.


In between, CES schools received heavy funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Soros’ Open Society Institute, Carnegie Corporation, and through CSR, Title 1, and smaller learning community grants from the U.S. Department of Education.


CES (likely under the advice of experienced community organizers, Barack Obama and Bill Ayers) recruited ACORN workers to manipulate and elbow their way onto local school councils and scream for reform. Chicago ACORN was paid to identify and train community members to become teachers in CES schools.


Acorn Woodland Elementary, Oakland, CA
Established in 2000 by ACORN and the Coalition of Essential Schools

Today, CES is a nationwide network of almost 3,000 schools, all of which are provided curriculum material, professional development training, and staff support through CES regional training centers and partner universities. CES uses the Annenberg Institute “as a forum for sharing resources and amassing political weight”. Read more about CES growth and structure below.


The Evidence

So with CES behind CSCOPE, and Linda Darling Hammond, a long time board member and disciple of CES schools, behind Common Core, does this mean Common Core is as bad as CSCOPE?

For those who don’t necessarily agree that one bad apple can spoil the whole bunch, how about several bad apples?

After reading Michelle Malkin’s recent article that places Achieve, Inc. behind Common Core, the dots finally began to connect.


Linda Darling Hammond isn’t the only Common Core developer whose roots are firmly planted in the progressive agenda of the Coalition of Essential Schools.

Not only is Achieve, Inc. made up of several CES/Annenberg foot soldiers, it was literally established through an (unofficial) partnership of the National Governors Association and the Annenberg Institute.

(Our very own Governor Bill Haslam is on this board. The board has been involved all the way back to 1996. Coincidentally this progressive was also on the very liberal Mayor Bloombergs Coalition of Mayors Against Illegal Guns, but resigned in 2009 and joined the NRA….hypocritical and progressive? Another blog! Now onto Achieve, another progressive think tank with big money influence.)


Here is the who and the how:

• Louis Gerstner, Jr., Chairman Emeritus of Achieve, Inc., was appointed to the first Board of Overseers of the Annenberg Institute for School Reform in 1995.  Remember, Theodore  Sizer, founder of CES schools, was Annenberg’s director at the time.


Gerstner and Tommy Thompson, former NGA Chairman and former governor of Wisconsin, called for and led the first National Education Summit in 1996 wherein Achieve, Inc. was created.

Click to access 1996NationalEducationSummit.pdf

• Jeffrey Wadsworth, Achieve, Inc. board member, is president and CEO of Battelle Memorial Institute. In 2006, Battelle partnered with the Coalition of Essential Schools, Ohio State University, and KnowledgeWorks Foundation to create a new  CES school, Metro High School in Columbus, OH.


• Michael Cohen, President of Achieve, Inc., wrote a report in 2001 recommending smaller learning communities and refers to the Coalition of Essential Schools as a program that has “a clear focus and purpose”.

Under Cohen, Achieve, Inc. has partnered with the Alliance for Excellent Education on several initiatives. The Alliance is led by former governor of West Virginia Bob Wise, who is an advisory committee member (alongside Linda Darling Hammond) of CES’s Bay Area Coalition for Equitable Schools.

Click to access highschools.pdf

Linda Darling Hammond is an Alliance for Excellent Education governing board member.



Although Cohen is not specifically listed or named as a board member, his photo and bio can be found on the Alliance for Excellent Education website under “About the Alliance”.


Don’t forget to go here to see which CES-ers are behind CSCOPE.

More Proof that CES, a Nationwide Progressive Organization Launched in Part by President Obama, is Behind Recent Controversy in Texas Schools

So there you have it — Common Core is the culmination of a 30 year old progressive education initiative still being driven by the ‘irrelevant’ Bill Ayers and implemented by Obama as America’s national standard in education.


Here in Bill Ayers own words of his plans for our schools using Common Core and it tenets: “we should be looking at what we have complete access to, our schools, classrooms, communities and farms, If we want real change!”

Read about some of the outrageous things taking place and being taught in CES schools at the links below:

Racist PB&J Sandwich Rationale Courtesy of Obama-Launched Education Reform Movement

Racist PB&J Sandwich Rationale Courtesy of Obama-Launched Education Reform Movement

Discovery Channel Communications Company Partners with Radical Progressives to Bring Anti-American Curriculum to the Classroom


‘Radical Math’: Social Justice Indoctrination in Your Child’s Math Class

‘Radical Math’: Social Justice Indoctrination in Your Child’s Math Class

U.S. State Department and Department of Education Give Islamic Terrorists Access to Your Children

U.S. State Department and Department of Education Give Islamic Terrorists Access to Your Children

To read about Obama’s continued involvement in the promotion and expansion of CES schools, go to Where #OccupyWallStreet Really Began — Obama’s Hand in the Movement.

Where #OccupyWallStreet Really Began — Obama’s Hand in the Movement

Also, see some of the socialists, communists, and maoists behind CES schools at Name Names (several more will be added to this page in coming weeks). These are the faces behind CSCOPE and Common Core.

Please do skip over this list of radicals at the helm of Common Core! Kathy Wilkerson (Weather underground) Howard Machtinger (Co-founder, Weather Underground), Bill Ayers (Weather Underground founder), Tim Wise, Grant Wiggins, Jeremiah Wright, Barrack Obama, Kevin Jennings, Cornel West, 

Name Names

You can also read about federal funding of the Coalition of Essential Schools and some of the organizations and schools involved by picking up a copy of Red Army: The Radical Network that Must Be Defeated to Save America by Aaron Klein and Brenda J. Elliott.

Source of info:


Who is John Dewey?

John Dewey


This content is a result of my research and my opinion based on fact. I realize if you are a vested  party or willing participant, I’m perhaps not gonna change your mind, but I do want you to see these facts and realize that you one day may be held accountable for your actions in the court of public opinion.

  1. Thanks for sharing! Well written/good info you added on your governor’s participation in this. You may be interested in latest radical added to Name Names just today. She’s a whopper http://danetteclark.wordpress.com/2013/04/12/name-names-radical-of-the-week-5/


  2. Every parent in this country needs to cram for the final test of CCS 101!! Get yourself educated so you can pass on to others. It’s not too late… We have about a year maybe more before they implement the standards for Social Studies, Science and gets this, a National Sexuality Standard (K – 12)… Yes you read that right. The document is out there already on the web.. Look it up. Sex Ed will come from school whether you like it or not. Your parental role will diminish in a way we have never seen before and this is by design.. Please educate yourself and ask yourself WHY are you just learning about this now through your child and only recently, AFTER the implementation has started.


  3. […] and changes ONE LETTER! Bill Ayers is a strong choice for a boogeyman (here, here, here, here, here, and here). Linda Darling-Hammond is the leading boogeywoman (here, here, and here). Combine two […]


  4. […] some misconceptions. For example, some have suggested, with very little supporting evidence, that Bill Ayers was one of the authors of the Common Core. I actually checked with Mr. Ayers, and he told me he has had nothing to do with them, and does not […]


  5. […] “It’s all about John Dewey, Paulo Freiere, Bill Ayers, Bill Gates, etc.”, click here. […]


  6. […] very informative blog : https://bradleycountynews.wordpress.com/2013/04/12/common-core-30-years-of-progressive-education-refo…   shows how   The Coalition of Essential Schools (CES), a progressive education reform model, […]


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