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Report Voter Fraud: Call your Secretary of State

In Uncategorized on October 25, 2016 at 10:09 PM

Report Voter Fraud: Call these numbers for your state


Widespread voter fraud is being committed in our nation and on a grand scale. Individuals and groups are reporting vote flipping, ballot stuffing, dead and illegals voting. Ballots are even being changed after the vote is cast.

We have long said that voting in today’s elections is being done to give us the illusion that we still have a choice. We no longer have a vote and out vote no longer counts. Our votes are cast but the fix is in and regardless of what the people want, the “machine”, the “NWO”, the “man behind the curtain”, the “establishment George Soros types” with all the money have the final decision when it comes to deciding who will be our next President.

George Soros practically owns the “Smartmatic” voting system consisting of control of 16 critical states. Much like Karl Rove stole the election from John Kerry and gave it to G. Bush 2, by sending the ballots cast to a Basement dwelling of a Pioneer Bank in Chattanooga to be flipped so will George Soros do to preserve the election for Killery Klinton. If you remember Kerry was winning by 3 percent in Ohio. This win would have won him the presidency. Karl Rove and his band of thieves sent the ballots to be certified in Chattanooga and the votes were flipped leaving Kerry with a 3 percent loss. That 3 percent resulted in a win for BUSH and Rove.

Let’s not allow this to happen in our state or anywhere and let’s call the numbers of your Secretary of State each time we catch a thief with his hand in the cookie jar.

Stay vigilant and report it to them. If they do not take you serious threaten to sue them for incompetence and or collusion with Hillary Clinton.

Here is a list of numbers to report any cases of voter fraud and intimidation in all 50 States are listed below, thanks to Trump51 – Massachusetts for sharing this information.

Alabama 334-242-7210
Alaska 907-465-4611
Arizona 602-542-8683
Arkansas 501-682-5070
California 916 657-2166
Colorado 303-894-2200
Connecticut 860-509-6100
Delaware 302-739-4277
Florida 877-868-3737
Georgia 877-725-9797
Hawaii 808-453-8683
Idaho 208-334-2852
Illinois 217-782-4141
Indiana 317-232-6531
Iowa 888-767-8683
Kansas 785-296-4561
Kentucky 502-564-3490
Louisiana 225-922-0900
Maine 207-624-7736
Maryland 410-269-2840
Massachusetts 617-727-7030
Michigan 888-767-6424
Minnesota 877-600-8683
Mississippi 601-576-2550
Missouri 573-751-2301
Montana 406-444-3976
Nebraska 402-471-2555
Nevada 775-684-5705
New Hampshire 603-271-3242
New Jersey 609-292-3760
New Mexico 505-827-3600
New York 518-473-5086
North Carolina 919-733-7173
North Dakota 701-328-4146
Ohio 614-466-2585
Oklahoma 405-521-6457
Oregon 503-986-1518
Pennsylvania 717-787-5280
Rhode Island 401-222-2345
South Carolina 803-734-9060
South Dakota 605-773-3537
Tennessee 615-741-7956
Texas 512-463-5650
Utah 801-538-1041
Vermont 800-439-8683
Virginia 804-864-8901
Washington 360-902-4151
Washington DC 202-727-2525
West Virginia 304-558-6000
Wisconsin 608-261-2028
Wyoming 307-777-5860

Hillary Clinton aiding ISIS with financial and logistical support of Qatar and Saudi Arabia

In Uncategorized on October 19, 2016 at 5:14 PM

Hillary Clinton aiding ISIS with financial and logistical support of Qatar and Saudi Arabia

1705 pm

This operation must remain “low key.” “The governments of Saudi Arabia and Qatar are providing Clandestine financial and logistical support to ISIL and other radical Sunni groups in the region.”

The statement above is from a leaked Wikileak email from Hillary Clinton.

This is treason, aiding and abetting the enemy!

How can we possibly support a person like Hillary Clinton to run this country.

The MSM will not run this story. It is up to you. Please pass this info around.

Friendsofsyria.wordpress.com writes:

…Can you guess why?

Maybe it has something to do with the fact that The Saudi’s brag about funding 20% of Hillary’s Presidential campaign, and along with Qatar, are among the largest donors to the CLINTON FOUNDATION.

Is it any mystery now why ISIS has flourished under the Obama/Clinton administration? The United States has created armed and funded the terrorists overthrowing Syria via our Terrorist State allies. When you know this it makes you look at the situation in Syria differently. Perhaps Russia and Iran are the ones fighting ISIS, it stands to reason once you know we are fighting Russia, and at the same time arming ISIS.

BCNN concludes:

We do not need this woman and her operatives destroying this country from within.

Source of info:

Please read this article and support this site with your visits.

IT’S OVER: Hillary’s ISIS Email Just Leaked & It’s Worse Than Anyone Could Have Imagined…

Hillary Clinton calls for “One Hemispheric Government”, if elected

In Uncategorized on October 19, 2016 at 2:13 PM

Hillary Clinton calls for “One Hemispheric Government,” if elected

1339 pm

In a recent WIkileak email Hillary Clinton states she “Dreams of a one hemispheric government with open borders and open trade.

This should scare every American tremendously. The move to a one hemispheric secret government echoes of the NWO, New World Order we have heard from leaders like George Bush, Obama and Henry Kissinger.

Obama said about the New World Order or One Hemispheric Government,

The Washington Post’s Chris Cilliza highlighted this excerpt [emphasis added]:
“But whether people see what’s happening in Ukraine, and Russia’s aggression towards its neighbors in the manner in which it’s financing and arming separatists; to what’s happened in Syria — the devastation that Assad has wrought on his own people; to the failure in Iraq for Sunni and Shia and Kurd to compromise — although we’re trying to see if we can put together a government that actually can function; to ongoing terrorist threats; to what’s happening in Israel and Gaza — part of peoples’ concern is just the sense that around the world the old order isn’t holding and we’re not quite yet to where we need to be in terms of a new order that’s based on a different set of principles,that’s based on a sense of common humanity, that’s based on economies that work for all people.”

George Bush said this, https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=txukr5zgHnw

Henry Kissinger said this,

In many opinions, the New World Order must be in place to welcome the Antichrist, this is biblical and we will discuss this another day. The UN already has in place a New Arc of the Covenant in New York, complete with a template and US support for a One World Religion.

The next move by Hillary Clinton will be to inundate our economy and culture with 10 million Islamists that will eventually usher in the NWO and turn the corner to welcome the Antichrist. The rise and or fall of our country will hinge on this next election and the leader we choose.

I hope before November all Americans realize that the greatest danger to a free society is to approve of a government administration that claims to operate in secrecy is harmless.

Especially when we know it is intended for the express purpose of keeping secrets from the Legislative Branch and the Judicial Branch and the citizens who elect them.

There are powerful forces at work that would deflect attention from the simple fact that to allow one branch of our government to operate in secret without oversight defeats the system that keeps us free.

Hillary Clinton is a far greater threat to our democratic republic than Donald Trump could ever be.
By Rosejac in comments

I hope we make the right choice on November 8th, 2016.

God Bless America.

Source of info:

Please visit this site below frequently. It is full of great information and the information is greatly appreciated.


Project Veritas: Hillary Clintons darkest underground operatives exposed

In Uncategorized on October 17, 2016 at 6:32 PM

Project Veritas: Hillary Clintons darkest underground operatives exposed

1336 pm

Project Veritas went undercover and has exposed the darkest of the darkest we call the Hillary Clinton machine.

Her collaboration with the underground, the shifting of money to the homeless, the AFL-CIO, the DNC, Hillary Super Pacs to “bird dog” and disrupt Trump rallies and events is almost too hard to watch.

To see America and our Republic destroyed from the inside is truly a spectacle to watch. To see these operatives exposed is like seeing the devil for the first time, displaying its pure evil.

I have long suspected that many of the George Soros, DNC types were very active on the ground, but I have never had proof of that notion. Now, in living color that “conspiracy theory” is brought to light in dramatic fashion and these covert demons display their game.

Watch this 15 minute undercover video exposing the lies and the deception happening right before our eyes.

Your Mainstream media will not air this, you will not hear this on CNN, so watch now then share and share again. America needs to see this.

I’m sure this video will not be available long.

I am confident that our near 1 million or so BCNN readers will spread this like wildfire.

You know what you need to do! Go!

My Moms House: A tribute to the greatest woman I have ever known.

In Uncategorized on October 9, 2016 at 3:35 AM

Ecclesiastes 12:6-7New International Version (NIV)
6 Remember him—before the silver cord is severed, and the golden bowl is broken;
before the pitcher is shattered at the spring,and the wheel broken at the well,and the dust returns to the ground it came from, and the spirit returns to God who gave it.


Mommas House: A tribute to the greatest woman I have known.

Recently I saw my mothers spirit leave her body that ended her journey on this Earth.

We were surrounding the bed as mom had become critically ill and we were looking to make some tough decisions soon and we witnessed her departure. Moms tension in her eyes released, her facial muscles relaxed and she took her last breath, break every chain played lightly in the foreground.

This is a moment I have seen many times in my Nursing career but had never seen it this closely.

My Sister said did you see that?

I said yes. And we watched Mom leave her body and her spirit ascend into heaven. Mom is no longer on this earth.

Her spirit was returned to God who gave it.

INTRO: A few short weeks ago mom was in critical condition in the hospital. I had elected to stay at her house in between hospital visits, instead of traveling back and forth to home, we were tired.

I have always reached for pen and paper when in stressful situations, it’s sort of a coping method for me and has been for many years. So I started writing.

I would like to share that experience with you as I began to process that her passing may be eminent.

It will only take a few minutes but I hope you will see the influence she was on myself, my brother and sister and many others.

This is one of the toughest things I have ever done, please bare with me as I struggle to do this.

In my mind I am attempting to reconnect to my mom who was very sick at this time and I was very concerned that she may not be coming home from this hospital stay.

My Moms House: A tribute to the greatest woman I have ever known.

I begin to slowly make my way around the house my mother had lived in. She left this earth September 22nd at 0535, 2016.

As I exit your house and head to the hospital I quickly reflect upon my time inside your home, so briefly!

I became a child again today, I am a man reaching out to find something to grasp, to hold as I feel you slipping away.

I rummaged through a few things, listened to ghosts of my past and leaned in to hear you speak. I cocked my head much like a tiny puppy, even leaned in to hear your voice again, you spoke softly through memories and I listened intently.

I crack the door, step in and quickly the sweet smell of where you had been, the essence, the linger of your perfume rises lightly, a hint of an evening meal, I breathe in deeply and I continue to walk around receiving and searching for memories, this was a gift to me.

The place I’m at right now is not far from my childhood, yet sends me to the present, tears well up and start dripping to my chest, I clear my eyes and I slowly walk around.

In the kitchen, the way you left it when you exited to the hospital, as if frozen in time.

Ears of corn still on the stove, a tiny dish of prepared food dipped in a light sauce stuck like glue to a small dish sitting beside the stove, my habit of doing the same at my home gave way and explained why I do the same.

A half empty Diet Coke sitting on the counter and the dishes in the drainer, glancing on the wall as a chIld I stare at some of the same pots and pans eerily the same 40, 50 years ago.

The bathroom, your customary art work hanging, comet, lemon scented cleaner setting beside the tub. Almond flavored soap, tassels hanging from the tapestry, I begin to hear the tub filling as a child she placed my head under the water to seek silence from a loud world, she begins cleansing my hair, a soft hymn wafting from her lips, wrapping a towel around my steamy red body, quickly hugging me till I am dry. I am there, I am now an adult rummaging through memories attempting to connect with my inner child, not caring where my mind goes or my thoughts wonder, just to feel you with me once more, holding on to the hopes of another hug, another conversation, another kiss.

Into the hallway, a change of clothing is hanging. Perhaps a cloak for her final resting place. Am I watching her prepare for her passing? I wish not to think this way, but perhaps.

I slowly walk to your small dining area, The table set, the mid table display of fresh fruit, salt and pepper shaker the same as I remember when I was small child. The crispness of an apple, the scent of an orange peeled just for me.

The pantry stocked full of quick one step meals, even spam, a bag of pinto beans, perhaps for chili or a quick meal for a fall trip to the lake.

A small summer sausage log laying there begging me to slice it and savor some of my past. I did ask “Should I cut it?” I cut it into the morsel, my mouth stinging slightly from the spices. I flash to a payday or day doing laundry when little treats like this were rare but never spared. I begin to chuckle lightly, reaching for another memory.

I am now pouring salty peanuts into a carbonated beverage watching it spew over the bottles edge, the salty protein finish brings a smile to my face, delivering another rich memory to me.

To the living room where hair bows and inexpensive make up surround a mirror where daily grooming techniques were performed.

Makeup supplies scattered as if you were hurrying to paint your face. After all, “I cant go to the hospital with my hair and face unkept.”
“Always wear clean underwear, you never know who may see them” she would say.

My mother more beautiful now as she was younger, stained with wisdom, strengthened by pain, enforced with the satisfaction that your life was dedicated to us and our well being. It’s aware to me she is heading to the hospital.

I positioned to sit where she sat while peering into her mirror. I looked beyond my face and can see her sitting there. A few wrinkles more pronounced but sitting upright, arthritic hands still working to push her thinning grey hairs into place, placing liner on wise eyes and a thinning brow, cheeks now rosy.

As the tears continued to flow, the connection was made.

I see a young girl, a rising mother, an aging grandmother and today, preparing for her day, committed to her children, destined to leave an ample legacy, death looming.

I see pain from years of being in the fight called life. Life darts that once tortured and the pain felt are now a subtle memory where a giant has crawled from the ashes, leaving her legacy in her wake. A strong lady with enough battle scars for two lifetimes, a steady course, she overcame.

The mirror smoky with old make up, finger prints from adjustments, perhaps a hint of tar from a barely inhaled cigarette I see my mom lending me her borrowed time, her remnants of a gathered apprenticeship where I was the study, a worn path she laid for me to follow.

Though imperfect and beyond perfect in the same breath, my mom a resilient statue of strength smoothed with guilt, triumphed from a life, a shell, a remnant with some regret. Her greatest gift, all in this room, someone, somehow influenced by her light.

Thank you momma for giving me the ability to love, to live and share my learned love skills with those I love. You gave us a house of love and no regrets.

Thank you momma for giving me this chance at life, you instilled in me, in all your kids that same desire to be the best we could be.

A special gift you gave me to descern good from evil, wrong from right, giving us just enough of Gods light to afford us a substantial fulfilled and rewarded life.

That narrowed edge, that delicate cloth, the wet eyes that pleaded with God to have your offspring overcome great obstacles and become men and women with a purpose able to create lives of our own, we are here, we are your fruit.

Your ability to capture life, harness its power and pour it into your children is where my gratitude begins and my debt to you will never end.

Your example, your firmness, resolve to see us grow to where you needed us to be, a place we were not always comfortable, but somehow landed.

The example you led gave me a path to see that life as it is, is worth living, worth sharing and leaving us presentable as whole spirits willing to relinquish only our pride for an ample chance at life, to be who you thought we could be could not have been possible without you.

We shared much of our life while growing up together reliving much of those challenges that held us temporarily back, only to see dark clouds roll away and a new day appear with renewed hope and energizing spirit eluding the swords of a life that could have resulted in a ruined heap of regret, yet you stayed the course and oversaw our safe arrival.

That ability to see the good in people regardless of the pain they inflicted, to forgive when others dare not, to love when love was not returned.

I, through you saw innocence turned to cold honesty while confusion mired our pathways yet your resolve saved us much, while allowing an imperfect vessel to see through that perfect lens that you now possess.

Trying to understand the hand being dealt, but trying to understand the heavy hand that kept us down. We were joined by your spirit to paint a life of worth with hope as a beatitude.

As I step away from your home where I was mired and steeped for a day or so, again wrapped in your arms, though distant, felt the same. I am somehow in a trance, wondering when you will return or to our reunion on the other side.

Thanks mom for sharing this moment with me, thanks for allowing me to sleep in your bed where life was and where your ascension began.

Mom, do me a favor once again. Stand on that porch and greet me once again, wrap your arms around me, snuggle your warm nose against my neck and let me hear you say you love me once again.

Please allow me once again to hear your laughter, let me chuckle at your wit, feel your weight pulling me into your embrace.

Mom, don’t go yet, come back to us once again. Allow us one more meal, one more memory, a taste of your home cooking, a recipe shared, perhaps that day may not come, perhaps it will.

Mom I feel this is not your final chapter. You have a house full of love awaiting you once again, your story is not done. You have another portrait to paint.

Provide me one more glance at your crooked smile, your smooth hints of how you just fixed your hair, take me through a scrape on my knee or a bump on our heads once again.

It’s your subtle lady like demeanor, the way you dip your chin when you smile, one more worry about your weight or a pain in your back or doesn’t my hair look good today?

Please allow me one more memory, I promise I’ll sit still, I won’t run in circles to out maneuver your scoldings, you bearing down through my stubbornness, your nudges of encouragement, I’ll listen this time to your inclinations and advice momma. You gotta give me this one last walk!

Love you mom…….


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God Bless you!

Florida Terrorist Attacks: Look beyond shooter, issue may be with local Imam

In Uncategorized on June 12, 2016 at 2:16 PM

Florida Terrorist Attacks: Look beyond shooter, issue may be with local Imam

12:31 pm

As we begin to dissect the recent horrific acts in Orlando Florida today I suggest we look behind the headlines and look at the bigger picture. Let’s look at the associations behind the shooter and his motivation for doing so.

Today’s terrorist attack on a gay nightclub in Florida is the largest mass shooting in US history and consequently the 21st type event since Barrack Hussein Obama has been President.

To see the immensity of this terrorist act in Florida we must look at the real reason this terrorist chose to kill 50 plus in a night club in Orlando Florida.

An Islamic shooter such as Omar Mateen in Florida or Muhammed Abdullzeez in Tennessee doesn’t just wake up and begin shooting people for no reason. There is a deep seeded reason that they are acting and they also have a supporting network in the form of local Imams and mosques that teach and advance hatred upon our country and its inhabitants. In this latest case it’s their hatred of homosexuality as commanded by their chosen one and the teachings of the Koran.

Todays attacks are the result of a culmination of radical indoctrination fueled by Imams continuing the teaching and keeping the hatred alive inside our nation. This is not a single event that ended with police killing Omar Mateen inside a gay bar. This is the result of centuries of extremist teaching being awakened by those that control these mosques. They appear very peaceful on the surface as commanded but yield a potent and often lethal form of justice known as Sharia Law. This direct action upon Americans is Sharia Law being enforced by vigilantes obeying commands.

When I saw the local Imam Muhammed Musri, a good friend of local government and confidant of Governor Christie, I distinctly remembered his face and his name. “This Imam has a past” I recall thinking as he encouraged Americans “not to jump to conclusions” as the blood of infidels was being mopped up from a bar that flowed from 50 plus Americans in a bar in Orlando, I knew I had seen this face before.

Muhammad Musri as you may recall has a sorted past of supporting moderate Muslims in the USA and supporting terror from his comfortable post in Orland Florida.

The 10 statewide mosques he commands is associated with the Islamic Society, is NAIT funded, ISNA, CAIR supported and a major funder of Hamas.

Here is a short bio of Muhammed Musri provided by TWGRadio:

“Imam Muhammad Musri is the Founder and President of Islam Inc., a national organization representing moderate Muslims. He is also President and Senior Imam of the Islamic Society of Central Florida (ISCF), which oversees 10 Mosques that serve approximately 40,000 Muslims.

Imam Musri is also Founder and President of:

Leaders Preparatory School
Muslim Social Services
The Peace Institute
In addition Imam Musri is a frequent commentator and contributor to NPR, CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, BBC, CBC, Al Jazeerah Arabic and English, Al Arabia, NBC, CBS and ABC News. He also produces the weekly television program ‘Islam,’ and is a regular lecturer at universities and colleges.”


He was deeply involved in the Terry Jones Koran burning debacle and attack on others free speech and is an acquaintance of Imam Fiesal Abdul Rauf, the man behind the “Ground Zero” mosque in Manhattan.

It should be mentioned that in 2010, Imam Muhammed Musri raised more than 1 million dollars to fund Hamas in Orlando.

His close association to Terrorist Funder George Galloway and their delivery of money to Hamas after raising it in Orlando at the Islamic Society of Central Florida should be highly criticized and an investigation launched as to their association.

Mr Galloway is a known associate of Musri and founder of Viba Palestenia, a radical group with connections to the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas and ISIS. Mr Galloway is also a former member of British Parliment. Please watch this video and remember it was filmed in Orlando at the Islamic Society of Central Florida. Also remember that this mosque is connected to the one in Chattanooga with direct ties to the shooter of 5 US Servicemen in a mass shooting there.

Moreover, as I watched Musri delivering his cautious warnings at an FBI press conference this morning I knew there was more to this man than the peaceful appearance he projected today. Musri has also been recorded as saying America and its actions in the Middle East caused the 911 attacks in New York that killed thousands of Americans.

Here is a dire warning from an American in Florida speaking of Imam Musri and his dangerous affiliations.

Bio of Muhammad Musri

End note: Muhammed Musri may not have pulled the trigger in Orlando today but as evidenced by the Imams radical connections you can almost bet that in some form or fashion his radical affiliations had some direct or indirect influence on the terrorist attack in Florida today. This is how many mosques in the US do their bidding. They are far enough from the fray but very involved on the periphery indirectly supporting any action by radicalized Islamists.

Whether a sheep in wolves clothing or a standout radicalist with known ties to ISIS, Hamas or the Muslim Brotherhood, these Imams must answer to those they associate with and support.

His peaceful speech today in my opinion is a form of Taquiyah, an Islamist lie to advance the cause.

Please watch the speech now at the FBI conference today and then if you don’t believe my assessment of these murders, i.e., terrorist attacks then go look for your self. It’s not a difficult find to pull all his associations together.

Florida officials invite Muslim cleric to address media “to preempt a possible backlash against the Muslim community”

America we must remain vigilant. Political Correctness has stymied our spirit and our zeal for patriotism. Stand and demand that your government representatives take the needed action to protect us and now.

Violent Terrorist attacks on US soil must be stopped and its up to us to apply the pressure to make it happen.

An interesting verse from the Koran that may shed light on a motive to kill 50 plus in a gay nightclub in Orlando Florida.

It was narrated from Ibn`Abbas that the Messenger of Allah said: “Whoever you find doing the action of the people of Lot (homosexuality), kill the one who does it, and the one to whom it is done.” (Hasan)
Ibn Majah 3:20:2561

Please subscribe to Bradley County News Network and begin to absorb the knowledge needed to make wise decisions.

PS- This is a blog new site. All content inside is the express views of all staff based on our research. It is an opinion based on facts, that’s all. If you like please pass along, otherwise I encourage you not to read its contents.

Other news articles you may have missed:

Another mosques ignored for its association to terrorist attacks within the US.

Authorities ignore Chattanooga mosque links to Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas

MOA, Jamaat Al Faruq joins protest with ISGC before Chattanooga terrorist attack

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Romney/Ryan file to run for President, GOP Establishment spoiler lies in wait

In Uncategorized on March 7, 2016 at 11:43 AM

Romney/Ryan file to run for President, GOP Establishment spoiler lies in wait

March 7, 2016
1041 am

Mitt Romney has filed the necessary paperwork to run for President of the United States of America in 2016.

According to the Federal Election Commission Romney has filed to run in 2016 as a candidate for the coveted establishment seat, listing Paul Ryan as his running mate.

On the FEC site, Form 1, the Statement of Organization clearly states Romney for President, Inc with an address of Red Curve Solutions, 138 Conant Street, Beverely Massachusetts, 01915. The email address for this Romney for President, Inc is rfp@redcurve.com, a candidate campaign management firm, cited on the FEC filing form.

It appears the RFP ( Romney for President) entity was set up on October 26, 2015 and filed electronically on January 30, 2016 under the FEC filing number C00431171 naming Darrel Crate as his Treasurer, Tim Jost as Assistant Treasurer. On line 6, page 3 of FEC Form 1 it also lists Romney Victory, Inc as a name of any connected organization, Affiliated Committee, Joint Fundraising Representative, or Leadership PAC Sponsor.
Interestingly on page 2 of the FEC Form 1 under the title of candidate for President it lists Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan, ID # P80003353, party affiliation Republican for President, both candidates for President. This is probably a residual item from their run in 2012, but nonetheless Ryan’s name appears on the current 2016 FEC filing. (See FEC filing links at the bottom of this page)

The Bank of Georgetown in Washington, DC and Chain Bridge Bank in McClean Virginia are designated as depositories for contributions toward their campaigns.

Also on file with the FEC on the Campaign Disclosure Form for Candidates Mitt Romney/Paul Ryan, ID Number C00431171 are two distinct PDF Files that disclose more data in 2016.

Further down the page are more forms filed in 2016 about Romney’s Campaign financial disclosures from his previous unsuccessful runs, to 2007.

While researching Red Curve Solutions Inc, it says this about their site “We are a comprehensive campaign treasury, budgeting and FEC compliance services for political campaigns, party organization, campaigns and PACs, by patterning with Red Curve you show your donors, party officials and media you are serious about keeping your campaign out of the red.”

Regardless of the reason, one thing is assured. The GOP has sidelined a spoiler and seems willing and ready to insert this establishment candidate to circumvent the will of the people.

In a political world where nothing is considered written in stone or forever locked in an ethical safe place it seems the GOP has opted to assure an establishment win regardless of the outcome.

A concerted effort at this point by the GOP will surely lead to national upheaval by the People and perhaps spark a real revolution towards the establishment on behalf of the people all because a government entity fears losing its power. The GOP will surely die a slow death if this plan is enacted.

Donald Trump, Ted Cruz are arguably the non establishment Candidates in the GOP race and obviously not a satisfactory substitute to the appointed elite as evidenced by this recent action by the GOP Establishment.

Without GOP negative influence it appears one of them will win the Republican nomination for President chosen by the People. This will be an unacceptable scenario for a party run by shadow elitists.

The GOP if successful with their goals, inserting their spoiler, deeply dividing the vote. This will be allowing a few party elitists to circumvent the will of the People from choosing their Candidate of choice. This my friends could possibly spell the end of a country of the people, for the people and by the people.

Inserting a purposeful spoiler into a Presidential Primary is a very bad choice and all party leaders should be calling for it to cease immediately.

“We the People” are a formidable adversary. It has yet to reveal its lifted hand but with an identified common enemy, it could parlay into many headaches for a party while unleashing it’s might with ease and without restraint.

It’s obvious the GOP does not share the same enthusiasm for a Trump or Cruz ticket as the people do, this we know.

The GOP via Romney/Ryan filing the necessary paperwork to run for President tells me that they are willing to do whatever it takes not to relinquish power to the people at any cost even if that means handing the election to the Democrats.

I guess the rest of the story is up to the party usurping the will of the people to willingly suffer the backlash that may ensue. The ball is clearly in your court.

Run Romney/Ryan if you wish, but that decision will come with repercussions at the polls.

Sources of information:

Romney/Ryan filed Presidential run papers:

Click to access 201601309004959662.pdf

FEC.gov filing statement:

FEC Statement of a ROMNEY/RYAN ticket to run for President.

Interesting statement on Red Curve testimonials.

“Your ability to shut down a campaign”, Rick Lazio NY Congressman

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TN State House Committee votes 5-3 to amend US Constitution, to Calendar and Rules

In Uncategorized on January 27, 2016 at 7:38 AM

TN State House Committee votes 5-3 to amend US Constitution, to Calendar and Rules

0734 am

The Tennessee State Government Committee voted yesterday on SJR67, Convention of States resolution.

I am sad to inform you the motion passed 5-3.

It will move on to the Calendar and Rules Committee for another vote possibly next week before going to a full House vote.

Representative Sheila Butt and Mark Meckler both spoke in support of the bill.

At approximately the 17:50 mark of the video, Meckler began spewing forth as many lies as possible that could be placed inside a short time frame. In my opinion, he could have been charged with perjury.

(An analysis and rebuke of the Meckler diatribe is needed. Hopefully a faithful expert reader could provide this information to share.)

Great questions were asked by the Representatives on the committee. Raising questions about a runaway convention, the 2nd Amendment, vetting of the delegates, restraining the delegates, itinerary of a Convention were very appropriate but allowing Meckler and Butt to field the questions and provide one sided answers was a total disservice to the people of Tennessee.

All Representatives speaking voiced that they had received many emails, calls and office visits from both sides of this issue. Thanks to many of my readers and advocates for this service.

It’s sad to report that the voice of the people did not get fully represented here. Although acknowledging much dissent and non support for this bill, the Reps approved the resolution which will now move on to another committee.

Let’s get citizen representatives to the next hearing.

Personal side bar:

During the hearing, not a single voice of opposition was offered. I believe this committee was asking the right questions but a dissenting voice in the room may have meant the difference and swayed the vote to a NO.

We need an Article V expert to stand in the gap and represent the people at the next Calendar and Rules Hearing. Please step forward if this is your calling.

Question for legal experts:

At the 57 to 58 minute mark, after a call for a vote was made, the committee took a small break to discuss a legal issue. In the break, you can see Mark Meckler leave his seat walk to the left of the screen, say something to Representative Butt then Representative Butt nodding her head approaches the committee and speaking with several of the committee members as if to lobby them about an issue they made have had during the hearing.

I was under the assumption that once a vote was called you could not speak to the committee members or offer influence to them. Am I wrong on this issue, please feel free to offer comment on the BCN Comment section below.

The COS hearing video:


TN Legislature set to vote on changing US Constitution, opposition strong

In Uncategorized on January 22, 2016 at 11:23 AM

TN Legislature set to vote on changing US Constitution, opposition strong

1116 am

Next week, January 26, 2016 at noon, our TN State Legislature, via the TN State House Government Committee will be voting on the Senates version of SJR67, the Convention of States legislation to change and or amend our US Constitution. The Senate version led by Senator Mike Bell passed last year.

While I agree this move may be Constitutiinal I do not feel the timing of such a move by our legislators is a safe one.

We have way too many wolves in sheeps clothing ready to trounce on the Constitution once inside chambers to do so creating a potential devastating result.

The risk of a runaway jury is very real. Once inside the deliberation room anything could happen. The process of amending and changing the US constitution could fall into greedy hands not capable or interested in protecting our sacred document which holds our Bill of Rights and the protections on freedom we all enjoy.

Below is a sample letter, please feel to personalize it, to send out to the committee that will be considering placing it up for a vote. We must not let this pass it’s too risky!

Dear Representative,

Please consider saying NO to Tennessee’s SJR67 (COS) being heard on Tuesday January 26, 2016 at Noon in the TN House State Government Committee. I feel this could be very harmful to the integrity of our US Constitution and put our sovereignty at risk. Thank you for this consideration.


Email blast list of SJR67 Committee Members:

Please share vigorously as our country and its fate may depend upon it!

Flint Michigan: 100,000 residents dead from lead poisoning and may not know it

In environment on January 22, 2016 at 9:28 AM

Flint Michigan: 100,000 residents dead from lead poisoning and may not know it

0924 am

The near 100,000 residents of Flint Michigan are being poisoned by water purchased by them for consumption.

They are deathly sick and may not know it yet. Lead poisoning is a very serious condition and the state of emergency has not yet been realized.

Leads effect on your body is insidious at first, but the gradual decline and the devastating toll on your body is not often realized for years.

Flints population is comprised mostly of blacks at 57 percent, 37 percent white and 6 percent other. 42 percent live below the poverty line.

The city is facing bankruptcy and poor policy decisions by its officials have compromised their safety.

Perhaps one could reduce that because they are poor and less diverse than other cities, the lead problem could easily be swept under a rug and the hope being this would just go away.

The lead source was identified as a pipe corrosion problem from switching a water source that was more corrosive to the lining of water pipes supplying water to this community.

The Washington Post reported that in “April 2014, Flint stopped getting water from Detroit and began using water from the Flint River. The change was announced in a news release that acknowledged “lingering uncertainty about the quality of the water” and also sought to “dispel myths and promote the truth about the Flint River and its viability as a residential water resource,” assuring the public that the the water would be tested.”

“Residents quickly began complaining of water that smelled or was discolored. Flint began getting water from Detroit again in October, but by that time some residents had been drinking the water for 19 months.”

The integrity of the lead pipe wall has been eroded causing lead to leech freely into the water supply of almost every home in Flint Michigan. This chemical reaction has essentially poisoned every resident of Flint Michigan and created a health crisis not seen on a community since Chernobyl.

Many in local and state government thought this move would assist the city in overcoming mounting debt by saving money. Not a wise move in hindsight.

Lead poisoning by human absorption can be absorbed by inhalation of leaded fumes, think Leaded gas, lead paint in homes and through food and water. The devastating cumulative effect on children is our greatest loss.

According to WHO, the World Health Organization, “Lead is a metal with no known biological benefit to humans. Too much lead can damage various systems of the body including the nervous and reproductive systems and the kidneys, and it can cause high blood pressure and anemia. Lead accumulates in the bones and lead poisoning may be diagnosed from a blue line around the gums. Lead is especially harmful to the developing brains of fetuses and young children and to pregnant women. Lead interferes with the metabolism of calcium and Vitamin D. High blood lead levels in children can cause consequences which may be irreversible including learning disabilities, behavioral problems, and mental retardation. At very high levels, lead can cause convulsions, coma and death.”

An EPA Regional Manager Susan Hedman had stepped down over the lead problem. It has been alleged that the EPA knew of this problem for years and failed to act responsibly to keep residents from harm.

Simply acknowledging that there is a problem does not make the water quality better. Michigan Governor Snyder has offered 38 million to “fix” the problem but I’m afraid the cost will exceed billions.

The protective barrier inside the pipes are corroded and compromised. This must be fixed before anyone can expect lead levels to fall. Currently according to local activist residents the lead tainted water continues to flow at high levels.

Meanwhile, Flint resident will continue to consume, bathe and cook with contaminated water and the devastating effect on their bodies will intensify.

19 plus months of lead consumption will be devastating to this community.

Because there are not dead bodies laying around everywhere this tragedy somehow seems benign and rationally explained away. It looks good in the media. Truth be known 100,000 plus residents of Flint may already be dead and their fate not yet fully realized. The darker tragedy lies just under the surface where social uproar acceptance levels are comfortable.

There has been a cover up in this scenario somewhere and those responsible need not “step down” but held accountable for their actions. The layers will soon be pulled back and the major players will be exposed. The political football has been passed and more and more are becoming aware of this huge health issue.

We may not see the full effect of this incident today, but tomorrow may be devastating.

This community is in grave danger!

Create awareness and alarm, this will spur action.

Sources of information: Please read these publications frequently. Support these sources!


