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Obama told to “shove” his Jobs plan, Tennesseans rally around Editor fired for saying so

In Uncategorized on August 6, 2013 at 10:48 AM

Obama told to “shove” his Jobs plan, Tennesseans rally around Editor fired for saying so

As you may know, our friend and strong 1st Amendment advocate and practitioner Drew Johnson was fired from his Chattanooga Times Free Press Editor job last week for criticizing the President and his jobs plan. 

This plan is actually a new tax and should be condemned. The president prances into Chattanooga with a new tax, everyone cheers, the media clamors for a glimpse of him and by large drew no criticism except by Drew Johnson and he simply got fired for expressing his opinion in his  opinion piece! 

Ben Cunningham (Nashville Tea Party)  has started an Indiegogo campaign to let people contribute to the bonus he should have gotten from the paper instead of being fired.

He is within two weeks of his wedding, his birthday is this week and now he is jobless, he deserves much better.

Please consider giving $10 or $20 to show your support for someone who has the courage to live the First Amendment. Let’s stand and support those that are willing to stand up and pay the price for our liberties!


I believe he should be rewarded instead of being jobless two weeks before his wedding and birthday!

Here is a link to the campaign: http://igg.me/at/birthdaybonusfordrew/x/4250223

Also, please help by spreading the word by sending this link to your lists. 

Drew and our first Amendment deserves our support.

Drew Johnson is scheduled to speak to the Tea Party of Bradley County in Cleveland Tennessee, 3rd Tuesday of September, at the Bradley County Courthouse, 630 pm.

  1. I didnt think that the true americans in that state would forget the courage this man had to print the truth about a president who should be impeached.. Stand tall Tennesseans, the country is watching you…


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