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Common Core: Libyan owned Pearson at the core of TN Governor Bill Haslams Islamic policies in our state

In Uncategorized on November 27, 2013 at 11:25 AM

Common Core: Libyan owned Pearson at the core of TN Governor Bill Haslams Islamic policies in our state

In the last few years we have seen a movement in our country to nationalize our educational system, to implement Common Core in all our schools. 

Inside the schools, the most drastic change has been an overwhelming  theme of driving acceptance of different religions in our schools, particularly the overwhelming influence of Islam and Sharia law! I was left with the overwhelming question as to why such a push toward acceptance of multiple religions, in light of the recent push by the left to eliminate “religious” influence from our schools the last 40 years or so.

I believe I have followed the money trail to Pearson Education and our own TN State Governor Bill Haslam, with many assorted tentacles intertwined to deliver Haslams brand of bad policy towards education reform. Together they are deliberately spearheading this drastic change in tandem by implementing pro-Islamic literature and a global policy agenda that supports acceptance and integration of Islam into our communities. 

In my research, I had to look no further than the middle east, to Lybia and the regime of the late Muammar Gadaffi, Bill Haslam, Pearson Education and assorted friends for a connection.

Lybia and their regime own 26 million shares of Pearson stock, a huge 4 percent share, valued at nearly one half billion dollars. 

The LIA, Lybian Investment Authority and five members of Gaddafi’s family own the stock. With a Pearson portfolio this huge it surely carries great influence on the content inside it’s books and on our elected leaders. (See links below)

In the middle east, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, CAIR and the Muslim Brotherhood have invested heavily in Pearson Education and K-12 learning vehicles. 

It has even been reported by Bill Korach, at http://www.thereportcard.org 
that Pearson owners are deeply involved in the Muslim Brotherhood and linked to CAIR.  “Muslim Brotherhood documents seized by the FBI and presented at the Holy Land Foundation Trial in Texas revealed a plan by the Muslim Brotherhood and their subsidiary organizations like CAIR to penetrate and indoctrinate American K-12 students.”

” Key Pearson textbook consultants on Islam, Susan Douglass and Shabbir Mansuri have both been connected to the Muslim Brotherhood and voiced strong support of Islamic Madrassah, Islamic schools where hate for Jews and Christians is a daily lesson. (At the very least) The Pearson Libyan connection and others who may own Pearson bear deeper scrutiny.”

As perhaps one of the strongest lobbying groups in the US, you can easily see how Pearson educational books content could be swayed to contain an Islamic bias and may well explain the strong Islamic literature contained within many of their books.

Pearson has reportedly “frozen” Gaddafi’s holdings and the only explanation given was to keep his regime from funding Jihad against the Lybian people during the 2011 uprising. No mention of freezing the assets because of it’s influence on our K-12 system or on our Common Core curriculum. It has been reported that Pearson has gone on to say that this controversy has not affected their business greatly in the Middle East.

It seems wherever there is Islamic influence, Middle East money or big oil influence, the money trail always seem to end up in Tennessee and to Tn Governor Bill Haslam. It just seems this way. If it makes money Haslam seems to have his hands near it and allows it to influence his decision making in our state of Tennessee.

It appears Haslam is up to his neck tie in special interest or middle east money. His obvious actions listed below shows him extremely involved, a willing vessel for acceptance or the luckiest man on earth possibly making hundreds of millions on his educational endeavors. Figure in his TN Secretary of Education nominee Kevin Huffman and you have the perfect cocktail to make money off his endeavors into education reform,ie, Common Core, testing materials, online education tools, elearning modules, textbooks and assorted computer software for it’s implementation. It’s a strong suspicion with many links and warrants heavier scrutiny, perhaps in another opinion piece.  

Enter TN Governor Bill Haslam! 

If participation and facilitation make you a guilty party to benefitting off Common Core implementation and all it’s tentacles, then actions and outright policy changes to benefit self makes you part of the problem and responsible for the recent influx of Islamic and Sharia influence in our state, and renders you guilty.

Timelines and pointed data do more to establish this connection and basically renders fact and conjuncture along an organized path for easier consumption, for this reason I am a fan. Critics find it very difficult to dispute facts with links in an organized fashion. This once again tells me that where the flak is heaviest I have a confirmed target!

Let’s just look at what we do know then follow up on my research, then we draw our own conclusions, hopefully piecing the big puzzle together. Remember, this data is based on my opinion first and then while looking for facts I attempt to substantiate and support my claims. Some link up, some don’t. Please consume the info, make your own mind up, and if you find it palatable, pass it along to your friends.

This grouping of assumptions and facts do not follow a specific “timeline” but are instead grouped according to topic with discussion. Enjoy the read.

1) One of the first actions of our Governor was to put out a policy to not allow Pearson or McGraw Hill books to be reviewed by the public and warning of any leaks of their content will be dealt with a stiff hand. The simple phrase that info cannot be reviewed or critiqued because of copyright restraints, sounds like he has a vested interest or the very least for some reason protecting the book companies, for whatever reason, scrutiny would be my guess and don’t try to get a book  of choice from your child’s school. My kids can’t even take their books home. What is the big secret? Bill Haslam declares no books on Common Core be reviewable, claiming copyrights laws protect us from looking at them!

Click to access TextbookCollectionSitePolicies.pdf

2) Who owns Pearson? At least 26 million shares belong to the Muammar Gadaffi family via the Lybian Investment Authority and his five family members who have put together a nice portfolio! Enough said there! But then I question, what could be Haslams involvement in the Middle East, ie; Lybia, Turkey, Iran and Saudi Arabia? See links below, I’m building on this here, be patient.

Pearson is partially owned by Lybian government and the late Mohmar Ghadaffi!

3) Who once owned stock in K-12 education, a key component of Common Core, a complimentary reform measures that makes Pearson and other book and software companies multiple-billionaires? Ok, the cat is out of the bag, Bill Haslam invested 10,000 dollars in this program, but “didn’t know it” or failed to recognize that his portfolio contained this investment. He supposedly dumped it from his name and ditched the stock as it was uncovered by a Democratic foe as he was running for Governor.  My intuition would lead me to believe he perhaps got rid of the stock but has it close to him somewhere in another co-owned business, non profit or someone else’s name. Even early on he realized that 10,000 dollars invested in this up and rising stock would reap him possibly millions upon millions. A shrewd businessman and politician he is, a wise man he may not be. He knew education reform was on the way.
Michael Milken, “Haslam Invested in K-12.”

4) PILOT Oil is deeply associated with Lybia and Iran. Before his election, the then Democrat Gubernatorial candidate McWherter brought many of these issues to the table for review that I have discussed this evening. It is not to far a stretch to assume that Haslam is influenced by big oil and the middle east. To tie these together much less prove or implicate and tie them to Haslam is a stretch, but it makes you wander when most of his decisions are made about education reform it somehow seems to be tied to the middle east or big oil, you begin to think, where is his alliance? What is he protecting with these repeated bad policies with a middle eastern flare to them? Where is his ability to benefit personally from his policy? He has paved a way for Sharia Compliance with other actions in TN, why not with Education Reform? Who is in his pocket and pulling his strings?  And why do most of his decisions seem to tied to that common theme.

5) Is there a Saudi, Iranian, Muslim Brotherhood, Middle East, Turkey, Big oil, Education
Reform connection of book companies such as Pearson textbooks  to Pilot oil or Bill Haslam? The verdict is outstanding but the trail is warm. Further research may reveal many more personal interest connections.

6) The mere fact that Informational textbooks are replacing great works of literature in TN sets one to think that big corporate America is driving education reform changes. The recent endorsement of the US Chamber of Commerce of Common Core and recent private meetings in Bradley County Tennessee with members of SCORE, Kevin Huffman at least shows intent and an attempt to keep info sharing on the down low!

Click to access PESF_G2_3-8_v4web.pdf

7) An Anti-Terrorism, Anti-Sharia, Anti-Jihad bill was introduced, SB 1028, that was spawned from the jihad attack on military personnel and other acts of “homegrown” terrorism acts in TN to include Haslams policies. Haslams actions have resulted in Legislators feeling strongly enough to enact laws to protect its citizens from Haslams bad policies and influence. 

Click to access FAQ%20anti-terrorism%20bill%2011.pdf

Click to access SB1028.pdf

8) PARRC Testing and Kevin Huffman, a Haslam appointee for Education Czar in TN, is shifting the load, favor and money to Pearson to conduct the tests, develop the tests and get them online with loads of software development to support it. This action leaves a lucrative money trail benefitting once again Pearson Education and vested parties, Haslam and Huffman. Can anyone say money,  investments and lobbying influence driving decisions?

9) Bill Haslams Drive 55 initiative gives the TN GED testing contract to, you guessed it, Pearson Education, yet another obvious push to give Pearson more of our state tax dollars. Can you see the set up and the cronyism displayed in these actions?  The Islamic influence in our childrens schools and text books? He doesn’t seem to make a step without including a benefit package for known associates of K-12, Pearson, PARRC, or Common Core. It makes you think that he might even be in cahoots with Jeb Bush and Bill Gates?

10) Jeb Bush and Bill Haslam partner to bring Education Reform to TN. What do you know? Coincidence? I don’t think so!! 

After stepping down as governor in 2007, Jeb Bush created the Foundation for Excellence in Education, which advocates for school choice and higher standards in public education, he announced after speaking to Tn Governor Bill Haslam.

Bush admitted that “it was helpful to have money behind the reforms,” “You’re asking people to eat broccoli—it’s always good to have some hot-cheese sauce. The money is like that hot-cheese sauce,” Bush said.

At the meeting Haslam asked “As Republicans, what do we think the government’s role is in higher standards?” Sinking feeling!!! “What is the Governments role in higher standards?” Did Bill Haslam really ask that?

Jeb Bush went on to correct Governor Haslam and again reiterate, although falsely, that this is not a government program but a state led, school board, teacher and superintendent led education reform plan- emphasis added for maximum impact!

 Mr Bush added, “I’m a conservative, but this is a national imperative. We have close to no standards.” No standards? What have we been doing for the last 50 years?Just a note of interest, with Common Core there are actually much fewer standards than are currently in place, by the way Mr Bush.

Note to self, Bush’s and Haslam’s partnership and education foundation receives funding from major Republican Party donors as well as the philanthropic foundations run by Bill Gates and Michael Bloomberg. 

“The event was hosted by the State Collaborative on Reforming Education (S.C.O.R.E.), a Nashville think tank founded by former U.S. Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist. Members of the Tennessee General Assembly were also in the audience, the source below reveals. The Bush-Haslam reform partnership came a few weeks into a legislative session where Tennessee lawmakers were expected to vote on controversial education bills, including a statewide authorizer for charter schools and a generous school voucher program. ” Another reform measure to take away our school board and parents voice. Bring on WGU.

10) Charter Schools: Haslam signs bill making charter schools more accessible, his idea of bringing new businesses and jobs to TN.

Haslam threatens to take away money from schools in TN for not implementing charter schools! Remember, this man is vested somehow and he doesn’t make a decision without a check in his hand.

Charter schools jump 12 fold and growing under Haslams reign.

11) School Vouchers: The timeline continues. Remember Jeb Bush came to town and suggested it and Haslam assumed the lead!  It’s that simple! Does Haslam have an original thought?

12)  WGU, Western Governors University an online Diploma mill, another venture for Bill Haslam coming out of the meeting with Jeb Bush. McGraw Hill  gets the nod to provide the material. . .” a landmark agreement to establish a “pay-for-performance” model in which McGraw-Hill will receive variable compensation for those WGU students who use MHE technology and services for a particular course and pass.”

Through the partnership, McGraw-Hill Education will provide e-books and access to industry-leading adaptive learning tools including McGraw-Hill LearnSmart to Western Governors University’s (WGU) online courses.” 

Meanwhile back in Tennessee just a few weeks later after Bush met with Haslam to talk corporate education reform, Haslam once again was doing the “I’m vested and will do whatever you want dance” and produced the following informercial on YouTube to promote a sweetheart deal to hand over $5 million in public money to set up an office for WGU in Tennessee., with Bill Gates kicking in $750,000.  This public largesse for an out-of-state corporate diploma mill comes at a time when public universities and community colleges can’t pay the light bills or cut the grass.  Please watch (it’s short):

Could there ever be a sweeter corporate welfare deal?  Move right into the State, with taxpayer support and become a state university overnight!

13) Bill Haslam, the United Nations via the Gates Foundation awarded $90 million to Memphis City Schools almost a year ago to improve teacher quality. Teacher quality? Are you beginning to
see where teacher evaluations, pay for performance complete with hiring and firing decisions, loss of teaching licenses based on a child’s performance on tests was born? 

 In attendance at this meeting was the then newly elected Governor Bill Haslam, who quickly accepted Gates money for Tennessee schools, but it didn’t come without the favor for money given. Does Bill Haslam do anything he is not told while a check is being written? It doesn’t seem so!

And Bill Gates praised the state’s (Haslams)  willingness to try new things:

“This idea of measuring teachers is very important because a teacher wants to know what they could do better…”

Gates also said  he “wants data to drive teacher evaluations nationwide!”

And as the attention turned to Haslam as the new Governor, Bill Gates essentially tells Haslam what he will do, with a 90 million dollar bribe of course and Haslam does it!

Melinda Gates, Bill Gates spouse offered this challenge to our spongy Governor,

“For a governor-elect, it’s really ‘Continue the course,’ and there will be tweaks to make along the way; there are going to be some hard times ahead, as you try to make sure you get an effective teacher in every classroom. It’s going to take some political will to do that with the parents and the teachers, but I think he’s very committed and we’re excited to be here, and will continue to work with whatever administration is here working in Tennessee.”

The Governor wet and soiled himself in this instance and has in one fell swoop appeased the United Nations/UNESCO/Education Reformer. Gates continued,  “I’m excited by the momentum around education reform, and will maintain it going forward.” Notice, no questions asked, Bill Gates says do it this way, and it is done. No questions asked! Done!

Gates, a UN puppet ended the meeting with this; “Countries with educational systems outperforming the United States academically all have three things in common:
— Students spend more time in school.
— Schools in different areas share the same curricula, or “common core,” meaning a student moving cross-country can arrive in a classroom studying the same material as the old one.
— Teachers get lots of feedback about their strengths and weaknesses.
 (Lets pretend that we don’t know that most countries only report their top students against our median average of all students, let’s leave that fact out of the equation, Mr Gates. Bill Haslam the whip has been  snapped and another set of bad policies are well on their way to
changing the way TN educates it’s children.

Here is a picture of Bill Haslam and Bill Gates with Phil Bredesen at the meeting.

Bill Gates inks agreement with UNESCO, given to Haslam, to do exactly what the UN wants him to do. Remember, not to long ago the Governor refused to sign off on the anti-Agenda 21 bill from the legislature and senate. Agenda 21 specifically addresses education in it’s plan. Gates and Haslam seem to know that!
UNESCO Agreement with Gates.

Click to access UNESCO-MS.pdf

14) Teacher Evaluations and pay. Bill gates said it, Haslam does it! Let’s rethink our teacher evaluations and tie their license to how well their students perform on tests and decrease their pay too!

Haslam taps SCORE to do teacher evals! Cha Ching !

15) Do I even need to post a link of what happens next, in true Haslam fashion, if it benefits him and you give him money, he’ll do it!

Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam today launched WGU Tennessee — http://tennessee.wgu.edu/ — an online, competency-based university aimed at expanding access to higher education for Tennesseans.

16) Haslam and K-12 investments led by Saudis? Again, the anthem repeated by Haslam. The following summary was provided by the link below ” It turns out that the system of federal subsidies to university programs of Middle East Studies (under Title VI of the Higher Education Act) has been serving as a kind of Trojan horse for Saudi influence over American K-12 education. Federally subsidized Middle East Studies centers are required to pursue public outreach. That entails designing lesson plans and seminars on the Middle East for America’s K-12 teachers. These university-distributed teaching aids slip into the K-12 curriculum without being subject to the normal public vetting processes. Meanwhile, the federal government, which both subsidizes and lends its stamp of approval to these special K-12 course materials on the Middle East, has effectively abandoned oversight of the program that purveys them (Title VI).
Enter the Saudis. By lavishly funding several organizations that design Saudi-friendly English-language K-12 curricula, all that remains is to convince the “outreach coordinators” at prestigious, federally subsidized universities to purvey these materials to America’s teachers. And wouldn’t you know it, outreach coordinators or teacher-trainers at a number of university Middle East Studies centers have themselves been trained by the very same Saudi-funded foundations that design K-12 course materials. These Saudi-friendly folks happily build their outreach efforts around Saudi-financed K-12 curricula.”

17) Bill Haslam invests in K12. Yes he did and supposedly dumped his stock before running for office.

18) For sake of time, I will only mention further radical groups that Haslam has embraced as a tool to change education results in our state of TN and they are SCORE, Teach for America, Students First and Achieve Inc ! It’s worthy to research these organizations because they are the catalyst to do the Governors dirty work!

In summary, you can easily see who is really driving education reform in TN and across the nation, big corporate money, special interests,  a seedy middle east influence, education reformers, self made millionaires, opportunists, big oil,  government controllers and they all have one thing in common and that is our Tn State Governor Bill Haslam. 

Other sources of information:

Pearson who are they?

Pockets of rebellion: Many educators are calling for Huffman and Haslam to stop their assault and push toward education reform.


Is Bill Haslam turning TN into Saudi Arabia?



An added bonus: Many other allegations about the Haslam dynasty.

Pearson Middle East


Gadafis assets frozen

  1. Remember the countries that Gates states perform better than us are COMMUNIST countries. And the US out performs CHINA on all TIMSS and PISA testing. So tell him to take his Communist UN loving dribble somewhere else. I suggest he moves to Cuba. I wish the worst kind of cancer on him and his entire family. The harm they have done to this country is unforgivable.


  2. Good article on the real origins of CCSS. You might learn something. http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/4537284?utm_hp_ref=tw


  3. Can you please provide me the information that Pearsons is a Lybian owned company? My understanding it is a United Kingdom company? I cannot possibly post this article on my FB groups of 18,000 people with something that is not factual.


    • Thank you Angela for your comments. Pearson is a publicly traded company and has many investors and each is a stakeholder. The Lybian country, specifically the family of Mommar Gadafhi own 26 million shares valued at over 1/2 billion dollars. Many parties in the middle east “own” great portions of stock in Pearson and undoubtedly influencing it’s content as explained in my post. I would encourage to read the post again and consider that if you as a country “owned” 26 million shares in any company you could and surely would say you own a sizable chunk of Pearson. I didn’t say Lybia was founded or created by Lybia. My inference to owning Pearson was pretty accurate and holds true and was headlined to show the great influence they have and the reason I feel Pearson is promoting the Islamic culture and the pro Muslim content of a great deal of their product. Angela, I spend a great deal of time verifying my information
      And researching an double checking it for accuracy. When I publish something you can be pretty sure it is accurate or every effort made to make sure it is accurate. Have I been wrong? Sure! Have I relied to heavily on an eventual unreliable source? Sure! Have I either made the story straight or redacted the info? Yes! I doubt any news source is ever perfect. This would mean they are not of this world. Some are distrustful on purpose. Now these are the ones we all should be concerned about. I hope this helps explain my position when I stated Lybia owned Pearson. Thank you and I hope you reconsider your stance. I do respect you bringing your issue directly to me and my readers. We are grateful and occasionally need that watchful eye our way. Have a great day and hopefully we all keep the truth flowing to those who read us daily.


  4. Where exactly is Lybia? Is it near Libya?


    • Brian or Bryan, I don’t want to be the first to scream dumbass but Libyan is the correct spelling that I used in the article. It does appear that I used Lybian within the content but hey you have proved we are not all perfect. The title
      Is the Arabic form if the word used in tripoli. Can’t keep up just read the article and use the content and less about the spelling of Libya or Lybia. Either way you can absorb the message and quit showing ignorance attempting to sound superior. You fail miserably but appreciate your sharing my articles with 1/2 million people in 146 countries. Thanks buddy!


  5. […] Pearson owners are deeply involved in the Muslim Brotherhood and linked to CAIR.  “Muslim Brotherhood documents seized by the FBI and presented at the Holy Land Foundation Trial in Texas revealed a plan by the Muslim Brotherhood and their subsidiary organizations like CAIR to penetrate and indoctrinate American K-12 students.” […]


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