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Archive for October 18th, 2015|Daily archive page

Chattanooga Newspaper reports, “Victim Mohammed Abdullahzeez, suspects, 5 unidentified police officers”

In Uncategorized on October 18, 2015 at 1:34 PM

Chattanooga Newspaper reports, “Victim Mohammed Abdullahzeez, suspects, 5 unidentified police officers”

1326 pm

The Chattanooga Times-Free Press has started a database of all homicide victims in Hamilton County. It is called The Toll.

It includes details of all the stories and deaths of those taken from us by violence.

That is indeed a worthy endeavor.

However…Included in this database as a “victim” is Mohammad Abdulazeez…the Islamic terrorist who murdered 5 U.S. servicemen (and injured a police officer) in Chattanooga last July.

In fact, his profile is listed right next to the real victims that day.

The “suspects” as listed by the Times are “Five unidentified police officers.”

To say that this is offensive would be a ridiculous understatement.

He should be removed and his “victim profile” should be discarded. He was the murderer.

He was a terrorist.

He attacked American citizens on our soil. And the “suspects” kept him from killing more innocent people.

The outrage I feel at this is immeasurable.

This is an unbelievable attack on our servicemen and our country!

Please feel to call the CTFP and voice your disgust! I have not been this enraged by a leftist MSM article in a long time! We have reached an all time low in this country!


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Portions of this article was borrowed from a FB post of a friend.

The Man Who Murdered Four Marines In Chattanooga Was A Palestinian Muslim Terrorist Who Was A Cage Fighter And Is Now Being Praised By Muslims In America As A Hero Of Islam
