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Posts Tagged ‘Harry Reid’

Tea Party destroys the nation, shuts down government but remains an irrelevant minority? 

In Uncategorized on October 22, 2013 at 8:20 AM

Tea Party destroys the nation, shuts down government but remains an irrelevant minority? 

The political pundits in DC have finally tired of blaming everything on George Bush and have shifted all the blame for everything wrong with Washington on the Tea Party.

Hearing the left and some on the right speak of the Tea Party stating they are a terribly disorganized bunch of malevolents, racists, terrorists, jihadist and anarchist with barely the membership to exist, irrelevant is humorous.

Everything from bad policy to Obamacare,to shutting down government is being blamed on one “small irrelevant” group. Doesn’t it leave the impression that this is a pretty formidable group capable of changing the state of our country with great force and might and no credit is given, only blame?

The attacks are coming on the hills of a very effective movement by the Tea Party in the last few weeks. This group seemingly has matured beyond rallies and rah rah moments to a well oiled and increasingly influential political group with devout and passionate members. The Tea Party is starting to organize, to put structure to a fluid movement, to scare the left and the not so right in DC! 

An example of the bigotry coming from the beltway is when Harry Reid on September 23rd, 2013 stated “We’re not going to bow to tea party anarchists who deny the mere fact that Obamacare is the law.” “We will not bow to tea party anarchists who refuse to accept that the Supreme Court ruled that Obamacare is constitutional,” Reid said in a blistering opening speech. “The simple fact remains: Obamacare is the law of the land and will remain the law of the land as long as Barack Obama is president of the United States and as long as I’m Senate majority leader.”

Seems to me Harry is pretty worried and concerned that he is losing strength and power and that perhaps Obamacare could be dead in the water come mid term elections in 2014!

The recent attacks or flak being fired at Tea Party members all over the nation tells me that the Tea Party is over the intended target and is obviously rattling their chains.

The mere statement that pundits are saying the Tea Party  is non existent and incapable of doing anything constructive is inaccurate at best. 

The Tea Party is getting blamed for a boat load of things yet the left will never admit that the Tea Party is anything more than bumbling idiots with nothing better to do than stop the daily tyranny by the Obama regime? These actions speak volumes about a “small” but effective group.

Getting blame or credit for “ruining” every thing good in the country on the Tea party means we must be providing the bee in their bonnets, causing the left to squirm spurring vicious attacks on every day Americans on a daily basis. Meaning, the movement is doing exactly what it was intended to do! 

What you are seeing is an awakening of the people and a strengthening of a movement that is resilient and unbendable in the face of controversy, rhetoric and hate speech. 

The strength of the Tea Party and what you perhaps do not understand is that they are everyday Americans, not jihadist, anarchists, obstructionist or racist, they love their country to the core!

We wait on your tables, serve your coffee, fill your cars with gas, save your life in an emergency, sell your home, cash your checks, bag your groceries and even fix your plumbing and overflowing septic tanks. We are not freaks of nature, we are you. And the left is attacking you!

We are also a huge voting block and the left knows it. This is frightening to them who have a separate, differing agenda. 

A diamond is forged under extreme pressure and maturation, a Tea Partier is formed in much the same way. You apply dictatorial tyrannical pressure and that forms a bond stronger than steel. 

I am glad folks like the main stream media, liberals and RINOS have chosen this fight. Because of you the Tea Party is solidifying and regrouping amidst the attacks on everyday Americans working hard to provide a roof over their family’s heads. 

 The continuous spewing of rhetoric has an unintended outcome and by applying “pressure” it’s secures our country and the movement in ways you have yet to see and will probably never understand. 

The American spirit is inbred and like red blood cells and bone marrow it will always be a part of the Tea Party well into the next century. 

My parting advice is don’t apply excessive pressure on these lumps of coal unless you want to increase it’s worth and purpose.   

Republicans had best rethink the policy of distancing themselves from  perhaps its strongest and most passionate members. That’s a dangerous game with deleterious consequences.

We are not going away, we are no longer needing a marketing plan to recruit, Americans are flocking to the Tea Party for answers in droves.

Like it or not this little bitty group of irrelevant racists and jihadists are here to stay.

Sources of information:

New York Times calls it Tea Party war on America! Jihadist!

Harry Reid calls Tea Party Anarchist.

Morgan Freeman calls Tea Party racist!

Tea Party is dead!

GOP throwing away the Tea Party!

Tea Party irrelevant!

Timeline on government shutdown reveals Harry Reid is a liar

In Uncategorized on October 1, 2013 at 3:40 PM

Timeline on government shutdown reveals Harry Reid is a liar

HARRY REID is a liar! 

His take on the issue of the government shutdown is that the anarchist, the Tea Party and many Republicans caused or refused to compromise to prevent the shut down of government.

The truth is Harry Reid refused right up to the very last vote to prevent the shutdown. Not one compromise!  Nothing!  The country and it’s government was shut down last night around midnight because he and the Democrats refused to compromise.

It is time the truth gets out to all. Please spend alot of time spreading the message. 

The timeline below and a short message is from the Tea Party Patriots and Jenny Beth Martin to many “anarchists” across the country.

TPP memo:

You have surely seen the media, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, President Obama, and the ruling elite in Washington try to pin the blame of the government shut down on the Tea Party. These allegations simply aren’t true. 

You can see the timeline of events below. The evidence clearly shows that this shut down belongs to Harry Reid and the fact that the Senate Democrats are relentlessly REFUSING to compromise.

For now, our work is still not done. Pressure is already mounting on the Republicans in the House to cave and give Barack Obama and Harry Reid everything they want. Even though just the other day the President acknowledged that no one gets 100% of what they want.

Harry Reid even had the nerve today to continue to call the Tea Party anarchists on the floor of the Senate. He then went on to try to lecture us about the proper budget process of the Federal Government. This is after he FAILED to pass a budget in the Senate for 4 years!

Patriots, this fight isn’t over. The fight has just begun. We must continue to demand that the House stand strong and do whatever they can to stop Obamacare. 

We also need to send a strong message to Senate Democrats that it is time they stop playing games and listen to the will of the American people. 

Obamacare is destroying jobs, forcing people to lose hours, lose insurance, lose their doctors, and none of the Senate Democrats seem to care.

Call Your Senators and Representative today and tell them to start listening. Obamacare isn’t good enough for big business, big labor, or Congress, so it isn’t good enough for the American people!

Capitol Switchboard: (202) 224-3121

The revealing timeline and Harry Reids refusal to compromise:

Time Line of Continuing Resolution Debate:

Friday, 9/20/13 – The House of Representatives passed a Continuing Resolution that would fully fund the government (including things that Republicans don’t like) while at the same time defunding Obamacare.
Result: House Republicans COMPROMISED on spending that we’d like to see cut in exchange for defunding Obamacare.

Friday, 9/27/13 – The Senate stripped the defunding language out of the House passed Continuing Resolution and sent it back to the House.
Result: Harry Reid and Senate Democrats REFUSED to compromise.

Saturday, 9/28/13 – The House of Representatives added two amendments to the Senate revised Continuing Resolution to delay Obamacare for one year (far from what we were originally willing to agree to) and repeal the medical device tax.
Result: House Republicans COMPROMISED away from defunding to delaying Obamacare for one year.

Monday, 9/30/13 – The Senate stripped the two amendments from the House passed Continuing Resolution and sent it back to the House.
Result: Harry Reid and Senate Democrats REFUSED  to compromise one inch on Obamacare.

Monday, 9/30/13 – The House of Representatives responded by adding language to the Continuing Resolution to delay the individual mandate for a year and to take away the health care subsidies Members of Congress and their staffs received from the Office of Personnel Management ruling earlier this year. 
Result: House Republicans COMPROMISED away from delaying Obamacare for one year to delaying the individual mandate for a year and requiring that Congress live under Obamacare just like the rest of the American people.

Monday, 9/30/13 – The Senate voted to table the House passed continuing resolution.
Result: Harry Reid and Senate Democrats REFUSED to compromise. 

Monday, 9/30/13 – The House appointed conferees and sent a message to the Senate requesting a conference meeting to resolve their differences.
Result: House Republicans were still willing to COMPROMISE and reach a solution.

Tuesday, 10/1/13 – Midnight – No Deal is reach and a temporary shut down begins.

Tuesday, 10/1/13 – The Senate votes to table the House’s request for a conference to resolve differences.
Result: Harry Reid and the Senate Democrats REFUSED to compromise. 

-Tea Party Patriots National Support Team

The end! The lie revealedi