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Posts Tagged ‘Sebelius’

Under fire from Conservative Joe Carr, Lamar flip-flops on Sebelius

In Uncategorized on November 2, 2013 at 8:33 AM

Joe vs Alexander on Sebelius
TN US Senator Lamar Alexander has flip-flopped his stance on Sebelius after he was called out on it by US Senate Candidate Joe Carr.  Carr is attacking Alexander on his statements and votes and it’s way past overdue. This is Alexanders weakness, because he doesn’t vote with his party but around 37 percent of the time. We need real representation in DC, Joe Carr is that man!

Please go to Lamar Alexanders website or FB site and comment on his change of mind, be civil!

Under fire from Conservative Joe Carr, Lamar flip-flops on Sebelius

Nashville, TN –Just one day after Conservative Senate candidate Joe Carr criticized Senator Alexander for his refusal to call for Secretary Sebelius’s dismissal, Senator Alexander dramatically reversed his position.

“I’m glad that Senator Alexander has reversed his position and now admits I was right.” ” But its unfortunate he only did the right thing after political pressure.” “Unlike Senator Alexander, I’ll fight for our conservatives principles from day one.”, ~~~Joe Carr~~~

Last week, Senator Alexander gave an interview to Fox News in which he was asked if Sebelius should be fired. Alexander responded: “Well, that’s up to the President. I think he should make that decision.”

On Monday, Carr released the following statement:

“ObamaCare is a disaster and the implementation is even worse. It’s time for Kathleen Sebelius to be held accountable for the debacle she helped create. Senator Alexander’s refusal to call for her ouster is further proof he is well to the left of the conservative mainstream,” said Carr.

This week Lamar reversed his position. 

Rosine Ghawji