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Common Core: UNESCO and Bill Gates timeline to federalized education reform in US

In Agenda 21 on April 29, 2014 at 6:30 AM

Common Core: UNESCO and Bill Gates timeline to federalized education reform in US

0626 am

In most every state,community, every small town, big city or tiny rural town the education landscape is changing rapidly.

This newest form of change has been evolving for over a decade and has finally found a lucrative vehicle to carry it through to it’s completion.

The United Nations via its educational division, UNESCO is the main force that is pushing major education reform across the globe. Microsoft  billionaire entrepeneurs Bill and Melinda Gates are working closely with UNESCO to make sure
that reform is in place as the United Nations desires.

For a while many have stood and watched the changes and have been puzzled at the break neck speed in which education was transforming right before our eyes and have wondered who could be behind this and why.

Common Core, Education for All, Race to the Top, Teachers for America, International Benchmarking, School Vouchers, Teacher pay for performance, ICT, Goals 2000 Act, the School-to-Work Act Opportunities Act, Connect All Schools and the reauthorized Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) called “Improving America’s Schools Act of 1994″, etc, are all the products of the United Nations, particularly the Millennium Development Goals or MDGs.

Since 1992 there has been a steady drum beat of radical change. This change combined with the right environment and billions of dollars now has a synergist, a vehicle to carry educational change to fruition. Bill Gates and UNESCO, the educational division of the United Nations is carrying the banner for the United Nations that has it’s sights solely on our children with this foray into nationalizing or should I say Internationalizing our educational system.

What started as a benign donation ended up being the catalyst that has finally arrived at Common Core. 

Bill Gates donates many grants to UNESCO and Common Core, this got the ball rolling pretty quickly but for more than a decade the leftist were working behind the scenes to make sure that education reform would be for all, the whole world, not just in the good ole USA. 

Behind the scenes and in conjunction with UNESCO, the Gates and an international body are the main minions carrying the ball for the UN.



I love timelines. Timelines organize many actions and events into an organized structure that is easy to read and refer to. So here is my latest timeline that if read carefully and with an open mind you can easily see this is far from initiated by the states. This was and is a deliberate top down internationalization of our school systems. From the very top of the education reform food chain, all the way down to our local school boards.

-Good ole Marc Tucker, Linda Darla Hammonds and a host of others are pressing forward to make Common Core and education for all a reality.

• 1988: Marc Tucker became the president of the National Center for Education and the Economy (NCEE) where he joined up with Hillary Clinton, Mario Cuomo, and Ira Magaziner to get states to move away from local control of their schools and migrate to national standards.

• 1990: George H. W. Bush signed an international agreement entitled, “World Education for All (EFA), the result of a United Nations “World Conference on Education for All” summit. 

• 1991: Tucker and Lauren Resnick created New Standards that pushed standards-based reform.

Controversial author Marc Tucker to speak at MS Dept. of Education Statewide Forum Sept. 14

• 1992: Tucker writes “Dear Hillary Letter.” This letter, written to Hillary Clinton, addressed Tucker’s ideas for radical education reform after Bill Clinton’s presidential win. 

The goal is “to remold the entire American system” into “a seamless web that literally extends from cradle to grave and is the same systems for everyone,” coordinated by “a system of labor market boards at the local, state and federal levels” where curriculum and “job matching” will be handled by counselors “accessing the integrated computer-based program.” 

• 1994: Tucker’s ambitious plan was implemented in three laws passed by Congress and signed by President Clinton: the Goals 2000 Act, the School-to-Work Act Opportunities Act, and the reauthorized Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) called “Improving America’s Schools Act of 1994.”

• 1996: An organization called ACHIEVE, Inc. was formed by the nation’s governors and corporate leaders. (Many of them tied to Marc Tucker and the NCEE). The goals from an Education Summit in Palisades, NY were to ACHIEVE the goals of the 1994 school reform bills. (link)

• 1998: Tucker and Judy Codding created America’s Choice, a comprehensive school reform program, that made sure the national standards were further implemented into schools.

• 2001: George W. Bush renames ESEA “The No Child Left Behind Act” and signed it into law.

• 2004: Microsoft (Bill Gates) contracts with UNESCO (the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) to fulfill part of UNESCO’S Millennium Campaign Goals—universal education and educating for a global economy. A “master curriculum” for teacher training in information technologies based standards, guidelines, benchmarks, and assessment techniques is to be developed. (link)
(UNESCO / Gates Foundation Agreement)

• 2005: Bill Gates funds the New Commission on the Skills of the American Workforce—created by Tucker. States begin adopting its education reform initiative, “Tough Choices or Tough Times.” In 2008, Utah’s Governor Huntsman touts it and joins with 5 others states (Massachusetts, Delaware, Arizona, New Mexico, and New Hampshire) who adopt it in order to “reinvent their educational systems.” 

2005- Bill Gates signs 26 page agreement with UNESCO:

2005- Bill Clinton: “We have to do away with our love of local control of our schools”

• 2008: Gates Foundation, along with two other foundations, created Strong American Schools (a successor to the STAND UP campaign launched in 2006, which was an outgrowth of UNESCO’s Millennium Campaign Goals for Universal Education). It calls for American education standards.

NOTE- This point in the timeline above and below is probably the most important transition from UNESCO, Bill Gates, the IBAG to passing the Common Core Standards to the NGA. Many think that the NGA just popped out this idea, when in fact it was handed to the NGA on behalf of Bill Gates and UNESCO.

This is the claim where the CCS were state led, “because they came from NGA, a group of state Governors, doing what is best for their states.”

• 2008: Gates Foundation funds the International Benchmarking Advisory Group report for Common Core Standards on behalf of the National Governors Association, Council of Chief State School Officers, and ACHIEVE, Inc. titled, “Benchmarking for Success: Ensuring U.S. Students Receive a World-Class Education.” This report shows the United Nations is a member of the International Benchmarking Advisory Group for Common Core Standards. 

The member of mention is the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) which developed UNESCO’s Millennium Declaration—partnering with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. (link)

The report states: While states must take the lead, the federal government can help. And the federal government can do that best by playing an enabling role grounded in a new vision for the historic state-federal partnership in education.

• 2009:  Marc Tucker writes a chapter in the book “Change Wars: The Inspiring Future for Educational Change.” One chapter is called International Benchmarking as a Lever for Policy Reform. The book says the UN’s OECD launched Programme for International Student Assessment in 2000 to monitor the outcomes of education. Linda Darling-Hammond also contributes a chapter. Darling-Hammond heads the SBAC.

• April, 2009: Gates Foundation members, along with a few dozen others, participate in a Washington conference and produce “Smart Options: Investing the Recovery Funds for Student Success.” These ideas were funded by the 2008 Stimulus (ARRA-American Recovery and Reinvestment Act) and supported Race to the Top. Priority 1: Develop Common American Standards—also called Career-Ready Standards—in most states by January 2012.

• 2009 (summer): Council of Chief State School Officers, National Governors Association, and ACHIEVE, Inc. agree to partner on a common core standards project.

• 2009 (fall): The U.S. Dept. of Ed signals it will fund $360M for summative assessments aligned to Common Core Standards and begins planning meetings. Two consortia begin competing for this funding: Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium and Partnership for the Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers. States begin adopting Common Core Standards and join one of the consortia in order to receive No Child Left Behind waivers from the U.S. Department of Education Secretary, Arne Duncan.

• 2009 (December): Utah becomes a governing member state of Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) and is obligated to use the online assessments created by the SBAC which is led by Bill Ayers’ friend, Linda Darling-Hammond. Judy Park, Associate Superintendent, Utah State Office of Ed, eventually co-chairs the Consortia.

• 2009 (December): Gates Foundation gives the National PTA a $1 million grant to mobilize parents for Common Core Standards.

• June, 2010: National Governors Association and State Education Chiefs launch Common State Academic Standards.

• April 2011: The SBAC Overview Curriculum and Assessment Conference issues a report stating that CCSS member states must adopt their assessments by Dec. 31, 2011. Further, they must develop tests to be administered in 2014-2015.

• 2011: The American Legislative Exchange Council’s (ALEC) education task force calls for the demise of the Common Core Standards, but puts it on hold after receiving a $376,635 grant from the Gates Foundation. (link)

• 2011: Bill Gates speaks at the November G20 Summit in Cannes and issues his report, “Innovation With Impact: Financing 21st Century Development” stating, “My report will address the financing needed to achieve maximum progress on the Millennium Development Goals, and to make faster progress on development over the next decade.”

• 2011: Obama Education Secretary Arne Duncan announces “Today, I promise you that [the Department of Education] will be a committed partner in the national effort to build a more environmentally literate and responsible society… We must advance the sustainability movement through education… Education and sustainability are the keys to our economic future-and our ecological future.”

• 2012: States begin to recognize the loss of local control and enormous cost of implementation of the Common Core Standards. Many states begin pushing back. The Heritage Foundation and the Cato Institute call the standards unconstitutional per federal education law.

• 2012: States not on Common Core and not meeting the Annual Yearly Progress requirements of NCLB petition congress for relief. Lawmakers working on options are undercut when the Obama White House circumvents congress to grant waivers from NCLB if states adopt Common Core.

-Texas Education Commissioner Robert Scott stated that the common standards movement amounted to a “desire for a federal takeover of public education.” Now, additional states (who originally signed on), including Massachusetts, Iowa, Kansas, and Virginia, are expressing concerns about the common standards initiative.

-Gov. Nikki Haley just signed a letter supporting legislation in South Carolina to block CCSS implementation stating, “South Carolina shouldn’t relinquish control to a consensus of states any more than the federal government.”

2011-Larry Shumway, Utah state superintendent, a member of the CCSSO Board of Directors, a member of the Board of Directors at West Ed which is the project management partner for SBAC assessments, recommends Utah retain its relationship as a governing member of the SBAC (thus forcing Utah to use their tests).

“I am personally opposed to any changes in Utah’s public education governance, either by constitutional amendment or by statutory revision, that would have the effect of centralizing power and decreasing representation.  I oppose changes that would decrease the ability of local boards of education, elected by the citizens of that district, to guide their own schools to meet the needs of their communities as they see it, or that would diminish the ability of 104 elected legislators and 15 elected State Board members to fulfill their responsibilities to lead Utah public education as they represent their constituencies.” -Larry Shumway–State of Education Address October 11, 2011

This seems to me a clear conflict of interest for Mr. Shumway to testify to the Utah legislature on anything related to Common Core or the SBAC.

Gates’ Foundation other contributions during the time frame of consideration and development of the Common Core initiative.

Counsel of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO): 

National Governor’s Association (NGA): 
2008–$2,259,780,Mark Tucker’s NCEE: 

Total: $27,000,000

Bill Gates, via UNESCO and the United Nations and many willing participants taking bribes at all levels has successfully not only nationalized but Internationalized our educational system. 

To any who still harbor the illusion that Common Core State Standards were the product of the states simply coming together, I have a bridge in Brooklyn I’d like to sell you.
Special thanks to the many people involved in digging this information up. Much work has been done by people all around the country to put this information together and help follow the money trail.

 Please do your part now in passing this information on to everyone you know so they can be educated about what the Common Core Initiative is really all about.

Links to above article:
Bill Gates timeline: best source

Ed for all 2015

Click to access class%20of%202009.pdf



Click to access BenchmarkingforSuccess.pdf

Does U.N.’s Agenda 21 Education Mandate Push Common Core in USA?


2004- UNESCO “Cooperation Agreement” with Bill Gates.

Click to access strategy_microsoft_agreement.pdf


  1. Thank you. This is fantastic and a great resource to share with those who do not believe the evil intentions and agenda.


  2. Wow! What a service you have done to our country by compiling this! Thank you!!!


  3. I believe you are misguided on many of the things you write about CCSS. What you just described in this blog can be summed in a more intelligent and rational thought. That is, all of the changes and reforms that have been implemented in education is not part of some conspiracy theory to indoctrinate children and overthrow the country or world, but rather just a mere justification of someone’s job. If you really want to be a renegade and do something good for your community, look at overpaid positions that have been created from your local government all the way up to the federal level. CCSS is not a diabolical program aimed at promoting Islam and terrorism. Nor is it indoctrinating children to believe in homosexual marriage or that America is evil. (These examples have been conjured up by the misinformed and spread around like they were facts.) Please, stop reading and getting your information from one-sided sources. If journalism is your thing, then please do it right. Look at many arguments or sides to an issue and report on facts, not opinions. If you know what side of an issue you are on before knowing the facts about it, then you might not want to write about it. That is a bias opinion.


    • Thank you “JJ” for your reply. Although I respect your opinion I do not agree with it. There is a fundamental shift going on in our country and in this case in the field of education. My reduction of a situation comes from many areas of research and I see searching for facts such as in this post, entertaining. To me it’s like therapy, something I enjoy. I write frequently for that reason. It plays well into my plans for a healthy life. I don’t write so I can argue with others or choose to engage in a spirited dialogue just to come to the same conclusion as when we started. If you are looking for a “fight” you have come to the wrong blog. I had more fight in me as a younger man, today I put my thoughts and share them with my near 250,000 readers. Mist like my writing and style, many dont. Just as when I choose to eat at a fast food restaurant, I choose one I like. I don’t keep patronizing one I dont like. I encourage any input in my blog and I also will say that if you don’t like it, don’t visit or read. It’s really that simple. Can you imagine what a boring place this would be if we all agreed with those that think they are right. Not a place I care to be. You have a great day and if you choose I’ll have more for you to read or not read, that choice is yours.


    • JJ is way off base. I have been on an elected state school board since 2003 and I did not see one thing that was incorrect in this article. The author was spot on. JJ is the one who needs to do his or her homework. JJ, show me your documentation. What you have posted, now 2 1/2 years old, has pretty much been debunked. Even Jeb Bush and his supporters have had to “rebrand” the toxic Common Core name.


  4. Why is it difficult for you to engage in a civil discourse with someone who makes good points and challenges your position? Are you just so used to all of your “sheeple” blinding following you and believing all of your nonsense?


    • For a full reply, please read my previous comment. This is a blog “JJ”, it’s packed full of opinion and slanted thought, this is it’s purpose. It’s really just a blog. Last I cared to check blogs are for niche readers and followers. In my case, this is an alternative to the news I see everyday. I am not trying to win your thoughts over, just trying to get you thinking independently from the daily hub a bub. Have a blessed day.


  5. My sincere apology for my last comment. It was cruel and wrong. It was quite disrespectful. I had checked this site for a reply to my original comment and believed it to have been discarded. Again, I’m sorry.


  6. Parents need to opt out of testing. Starve the data monster. No data, no evidence. It is the only way to push back.


  7. […] Bradley County News reports the Gates Foundation contributions during the time frame of consideration and development of the Common Core initiative. […]


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