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TN Houses approve resolution to alter US Constitution, Trojan Horse in place at gate of Convention

In Uncategorized on November 14, 2015 at 9:57 AM

TN Houses approve resolution to alter US Constitution, Trojan Horse in place at gate of Convention

0906 am

Both Tennessee Houses have voted and approved bills to apply for a Constitutional Convention of States.

The TN House took up the Balanced Budget Amendment (BBA) and approved it in 2014, the TN Senate approved the Conventon of States (COS) resolution in the spring of 2015. The House will vote on the COS resolution in January 2016 when it reconvenes.

The Tennessee State Legislature and Senate Houses have applied to Congress calling for amendments to the US Constitution. This action by our elected representatives could change, alter, eliminate or re-write our most sacred document that defines the freedoms we now partake of daily.

Both resolutions have passed with an overwhelming majority and now we await for a 2/3 majority to call upon Congress to make the Convention a reality once the vote is cast in January of 2016.

The measure can be stopped and We the People still have that ability to call House members and request they not approve the COS resolution in 2016. Time is short. We must be vigilant and expediant.

It is deeply regretful that the bid went forward and We the People did not foresee the many problems that may result from a Constitutional Convention sooner.

“Conservatives” in our State Legislatures by statement of their vote to conduct the process of amending the Constitution have acted irresponsibly.

The left through the years have resigned to the fact they could not do it on their own. They have now enlisted the right to assist them with the changes to the Constitution. The left has co-opted the right and the dance that ensues is a very dangerous and one that could disrupt our nation and hand it over to a New World Order, a much requested venture.

The US Constitution is the only thing keeping the left from creating that global utopian socialist nation under the control of foreign forces dead set on destroying our country.

Amendment changes to the US Constitution is too risky with too many people with the ability to place their paws upon the most precious document that relinquishes to us our God given rights and liberties.

The US Constitution is not yours to subject to the wiles of the left and evil people to do as they please. Leave it alone Mr or Mrs Statesperson.

“Conservatives” are saying that they will only be seeking to inject one amendment at a called convention. This is a lie!

By teaming with the left with its many constitution changing agendas, we know this to be a lie solely on their stated desire to do so.

The right is being used as the Trojan horse that will wheel up to the doors of a Constitutional Convention and to possibly change this document forever.

Let’s watch as that Trojan Horse is discovered.

Once at the gate of the convention the left with cover from their “Conservative” friends will knock on the doors of our rights at the convention. Knock, knock!

Our elected reps, our chosen delegates, once hearing the lustful knock of a combined “right, left” team effort will open that door.

Eyes will be curiously watching as the Trojan Horse will be hauled to a convention of states. Once inside, the belly of the giant will begin to slake and rumble. The trap door will become ajar from the eager vermin more than willing to embark. The horse will release its vile content onto the floor of a called convention.

As the sludge oozes from his belly, the barely recognizable forms will take shape. The surge of force will surely dislodge millions of dollars, several constitutions, special interest subjects and lobbyist and many diverse amendments and a host of other assorted ideologies.

As this Trojan Horse gives birth to its subjects, you begin seeing these delegates, numerous they may be, made up of hundreds of lobbyists and special interest groups they scatter among the convention and the feeding frenzy will ensue.

Once in place, the convention room may be closed off to any spectators, the doors closed and the dismantling ensues.

The speaker will make the call for order and for delegates to place their agendas upon the table. With a great ferocity each demanding their bought and paid for “changes”, the delegates will submit their considerations for adoption.

Each delegate will undoubtedly meet resistance from other better paid delegates and the proverbial chest thump and resulting dance will begin.

One delegate with less money influence will begin the squall of a dying calf, the better funded will strap on his sorosesque rapid fire cannon and lob his influence on to the convention hall. The less powerful will succumb to the monster we shall call a well funded entity.

The right whose eyes have been closed will now begin to open and start to see the lie they were fed, the result of bipartisan support and a blind cohesion with the left. Angst will build and regret shall encompass their sold out core.

The crowd will grow concerned, oddly uncomfortable while watching this three ring circus perform, peering to the right as if to question the lies…

The left will most likely yield the majority of delegates inside this debacle.

The Trojan Horse has been revealed and fearing retribution from opposing delegates they may seize the opportunity at a runaway convention possibly making a move to temporarily suspend state rights providing them immunity from any attempts to prosecute them for the seditious acts that will befall this convention.

We the People disillusioned with the tone and tenor of the convention will surely rise up paving another avenue for Civil unrest.

The Convention event has now lost stability. The “right”that got duped into believing them will now begin to attempt to control the event they helped create. A lengthy spin cycle with damage control will ensue, but it’s too little, too late.

Posturing from all sides, lobbyists and insiders will be breathing heavily as they run from aisle to aisle looking for a compromise or expansion of amendments.

The fear of a runaway or perpetual Convention has been realized. The right and the left have now become the same.

Upon exiting the chaotic convention one regretful patriot will inevitably emerge from Independence Hall on that fateful day reminiscent of that chilly fall day in 1787 when Ben Franklin departed the last convention.

A lady from the crowd lunges forward and yells “Dr what do we have a Republic or a Monarchy?” The response from the patriot will more than likely be “A New World Order under Parlimentary control by the UN, whether you want it or not!”

Ladies and gentlemen we are on the verge of some serious attacks on our US Constitution. The realization of a hostile takeover and destruction of our Constitution is just a Convention away.

The false assumption that an Article V Convention of States is benign is false. Yes, the Article V is Constitutional. But to question its intent and the timing of this call for a Convention is worth some serious contemplation.

The end result, regardless of how you word it, the US Constitution will suffer a great hit or be abolished all together inside a convention of delegates that may not share our vision of how we should live our lives under the protections given us.

Regardless of how you approach it, it could be a potential disaster, one that I’m not willing to watch happen.

Sure, in a perfect world I would love to think only one change will be performed upon the Constitution but the buzzards circling tells me otherwise.

Our forefathers didn’t provide a whole lot of instruction for delegates and the way a convention was to be run. This may have been purposeful but they may have underestimated the enormity of the attack and those dead set on changing it to their defined objective.

As a matter of fact we have never had a state led Amendment Convention. There is no example of us to follow, no precedence to lean on for guidance, only a slew of people wanting the same thing…..their amendment to be the one that gets the ok that leads to passage. This is an unmanageable issue that is too risky to ascertain.

This is not Tennessee’s first attempt to call on Congress to make amendment changes. In fact, I believe Tennessee has made three prior requests for a Constitutional Convention. There is a valid reason why Tennessee through the years has denied and rescinded this issue. It undeniably leaves the United States very vulnerable to the wiles of those willing to subjugate our sovereignty.

In 2010, Tennessee rescinded all calls for a Con Con. Even the RNC under the leadership of Reince Preibus called upon legislators to STOP the push for a CON CON, fearing the Trojan Horse scenario above would result.

The RNC, the Republican National Committee, condemned all attempts to change our US Constitution and urged our Tennessee elected representatives to stand down from all efforts because of the inherent damage doing so could do to our country and our state.

On August 22nd,2012 the RNC unleashed this WARNING to all legislators.

WHEREAS, the Constitution is also silent as to the agenda of such a Convention and sets out no way to limit the agenda of such a Convention, and,

WHEREAS, former U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice Warren Burger concluded that there is no effective way to limit or muzzle the actions of a Constitutional Convention after it is convened; and,

WHEREAS, a Constitutional Convention would attract a multitude of individuals and special interest groups with agendas that would alter our Constitution beyond recognition….

Surprisingly two years later, despite this warning from their own party, our Tennessee reps have applied for a CON CON against their own party. What happened between 2012 and 2014?

You would suspect that this warning, this direction, would be enough to sway those in elected seats to halt their pursuit of a Constitutional Convention. It is akin to the constant consultation you give to your children that do not heed your advice.

In 2014, the current State Legislature took up the call to Congress as well as the State Senate in 2015 under the tutelage of Senator 9th District Mike Bell to conduct a Constitutional Convention.

Interestingly, some of the same legislators calling for a recision and repeal in 2010 voted for it in 2014 and 2015. Im only speculating but it looks as if special interest groups and lobbyist did a number on our elected reps in TN perhaps placing a little greenback into their personal coffers.

Why else would a Tennessee State Legislator or Senator buck the advice of their own party as they have in Tennessee? It’s worth consideration.

This frequent waffling, flip flopping and resistance on the same subject has to have some big money behind it. What else would make them turn one way one year and another way against the advice of their own party in 2014 and 2015. Sounds to me like a few prodigal sons need to find their way home.

Meanwhile we wait for other states to approve the applications for a CON CON as TN did or we stand against these wayward legislators tampering with our freedom and subjecting us to the possibility of propping up a new government that will equate to a socialist dump with all the non perks that go with that decision.

This is serious bidding and the health of our state, our nation and its people are at risk!

Call your state legislators to either say NO to a CON CON or rescind the application to make a call to Congress for a Convention.

Your country and your freedoms depend on your action or your silent consent.

You make that decision.

I’m only informing you of the risk and the potential result! My self prescribed duty is done.

Other interesting reading:
RNC resolution against and Article V Convention:

2012 Republican National Committee Resolution Against Article V


The resolutions enacted by our TN State reps:


Click to access hjr0548.pdf


Tennessee rescinding in 2010 (House Joint Resolution No. 30 [Memorial 405 and Memorial 406, 156 Congressional Record H8264, soft-cover preliminary edition]), but, in 2014, Tennessee lawmakers again applied for a convention relative to an amendment requiring that the federal budget be balanced (House Joint Resolution No. 548).

Open letter to all Legislators: Pass it along to your State Legislator or Senator!

Open letter to all state legislators: The other side of the Article V issue

As with all my posts this article is my opinion and solely that within my first amendment rights to do so. To consider it more than an opinion is irresponsible. Hopefully with the info provided you will form your own opinion also and decide to call your State rep and demand this AV Con Con not move forward.

-This article was updated on 11/16/2015 and changes made. The timing and events were not clear and confusing to some! Thanks for the input.