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Tennessee: 5 pillars of Islam replace 10 Commandments in public school, tolerance reigns supreme

In Uncategorized on August 9, 2013 at 9:53 PM

Tennessee: 5 pillars of Islam replace 10 Commandments in public school, tolerance reigns supreme

Springfield High School didn’t miss an opportunity to display and essentially express their desire to show their tolerance for an ever growing diverse community at a recent open house for parents and returning public school children.

On display on the freshmen hall wall of the Robertson County TN school, the 5 Pillars of Islam were pasted “up and down” the hallway proclaiming the “rules” to be a good student of Islam, much in the way the 10 Commandments direct Christians.

Photo of one of many posters observed in hallway of Springfield High School in Robertson County, TN.


The 5 Pillars were youthfully drawn onto a white cardboard canvas complete with definition and meanings of the 5 pillars of Islam. Interestingly enough the 5 Pillars contained what is often considered the 6th Pillar called Jihad and was missing Zakat,Charity or the tithing pillar which most religions consider very important, more so than Jihad or Holy War.

I was informed of this display from a very concerned parent who sent me a picture of the “poster” displaying the 5 Pillars and said they were all over the place and was very concerned that one “religious” set of rules had been tolerated and posted on school walls and one was not.

The only problem, to date, is the 5 Pillars stayed and the 10 Commandments came down.

The Jihad reference is a very strong one as many believe it along with Zakat or charity is helping fund many of the terroristic attacks around the world against Christians and believers of Christ. 

Simply put, Jihad is war against the non believers, the kafir, you and me, and promotes death as a certain end if you fail to convert to Islam. And our schools and leftist groups are not saying a word and allowing this to be promoted in our TN public schools.

It is evident that the only religion allowed to express their religion and political clout in public schools are the Muslims and the teachings of Islam.

This is indoctrination through prostelyzation to the Kafirs, our children. 

If they can have this type of access to our children all or none should be able to do the same.

Allowing one religion to be promoted in our public schools and not any others shows a deliberate bias and deliberate attempt to make one religious concept acceptable over another. 

A certain hypocrisy is displayed and begs for at least questions to be asked as to why this has been allowed in these “politically correct” times and what is their motivation?

It is extremely obvious that while one  side is attacking the foundations of Christ, it is allowing and ignoring “other” representation of religious display. 

As seen in the references provided below there are mutliple attempts, successfully I may add, by the extreme left to squash the display of any Christian literature or  historical foundational documents from our rich national heritage. Religious display other than Christian seems to be acceptable in our public schools.

The cry for tolerance of all religions is quickly being discovered to be a push for preference while softening or eliminating the evangelical voice in our state and nation.

At what point does it become acceptable to condemn one religion and all it’s tenets for the promotion of another. Where is the outrage by Christians on this subject who have been silenced and their beliefs replaced with the 5 Pillars of Islam.

The driving force behind acceptance comes when the cry for tolerance becomes intolerance and vica versa. As one wise person has said before, “what is good for the goose, is good for the gander!”

How does this foundation of Islam get to be displayed and the foundation of the Christian faith, the 10 Commandments get attacked and ordered removed by numerous lawsuits forcing their removal. 

I believe school leaders and teachers are joining the PC crowd so as not to offend, unless of course you are Christian.

Meanwhile, the 5 Pillars of Islam doesn’t even raise a bleep on the radar screen of  the ultra liberal groups like the ACLU and The Freedom From Religion Foundation crying for their removal, not a word. 

These same groups, at the drop of a hat repeat the mantra that our school or public institutions must be free from religion and influence of the church. “We must separate Church and State”, yet remain silent when Islam or others push for the same.

Its obvious to me this movement is not about separating Church and State and freedom from religion, it’s about removing God from our schools and dismantling the Christian movement. This effort by the left is and always has been about that. It is now being revealed.

 If the measuring stick was religious influence on our children the leftist and the mainstream media would have made a bee line toward removing the 5 Pillars of Islam from our public schools just as they have the 10 commandments. But it is not, and will not!

To me, the first pillar of Shahadah, there is no god but Allah and Muhammed was his messenger is the most powerful “religious” statement that is going unchallenged. To ignore the call for Jihad in the hallways of our TN public schools should not be tolerated in any civilized setting. 

These terroristic expressions of faith and duty by Islam should be condemned by all, including the Robertson County school board, Springfield High School Principal, parents, churches, congregations and teachers inside the system.

Religious freedom, if you believe it, should be applied here in great force to any god or religion! Right?

Showing bias toward one religion and not another shows hypocrisy with a good heap of partiality for one “religion” over another severely weakens their argument that religion should not be in our school system. So, the logical solution and I’m playing the devils advocate, its all or nothing. 

In case you have never seen or reviewed the pillars, here they are. This is what is being displayed in our public schools in TN as proven by many photos taken of their display and parents statements of kids inside this school system.

The 5 pillars of Islam:

1. The Shahadah
A statement of belief: I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allah and I further testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.

2. Salah
Compulsory prayers that are performed five times a day.

3. Zakat
The practice of giving, based on accumulated wealth, and is obligatory for all Muslims who can afford it.

4. Saum
Fasting during the month of Ramadan.

5. Hajj
Make pilgrimage during the Islamic month of Dzul Hijjah in the city of Mecca once in a lifetime for those who are physically and financially able to perform it.

6. Jihad
Islamic campaign against nonbelievers:a campaign waged by Muslims in defense of the Islamic faith against people, organizations, or countries regarded as hostile to Islam

Wanna see the disparity and obvious  hypocrisy?

Please glance at these articles below then look at the “flip side” and see the counter offer by the left to drive the teachings of Islam mainstream in our public schools and the lefts silence and lack of resistance to this religious display.

A note worthy of mentioning is in my exhaustive research I found no item or lawsuit by the ACLU or FFRF demanding that the 5 Pillars of Islam be removed from any venue. I did find many supporting and even large corporations promoting their display.

The hypocrisy and one sided approach to “freedom from religion” is very intriguing. 

To contact Robertson County School board:

Robertson County School Board Email list:

allan.heard@rcstn.net, stoney.crockett@rcstn.net, jeff.white@rcstn.net, jerry.converse@rcstn.net, lyle.payne@rcstn.net, connie.hogan@rcstn.net

Springfield High School website:


ACLU demands Rutherford County TN Courthouse remove 10 Commandments!

10 Commandments removed from Fentress County TN School system.

TN revisits law suits over 10 Commandments!

Let’s cut the 10 Commandments down to six!

ACLU demands public schools not display 10 Commandments!

FFRF-Freedom From Religion Foundation demands Oklahoma schools take down 10 Commandments.

FFRF demands Pennsylvania Schools take down 10 Commandments.

Atheist demands North Carolina town to remove 10 commandments.

10 Commandments removed from Jamestown school!


North Hampton Middle School adds 5 Pillars of Islam to library!

School for Champions adds 5 Pillars of Islam.

Crayola school supply provides instruction in how to make and display the 5 Pillars of Islam at your school.

5 Pillars of Islam for school children.

The Metropolitan Museum of Art displays 5 Pillars of Islam.

Dallas Fort Worth school system models school organization on 5 Pillars of Islam.

School supply company boasts 5 Pillars of Islam in 150,000 schools worldwide.

E-How instructions on how to hang 5 Pillars of Islam in your school.

ACLU defends 5 Pillars of Islam stating by limiting their beliefs cuts down on charitable donations.

5 Pillars of  Islam being taught in public schools.