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Archive for September 4th, 2015|Daily archive page

Chattanooga TN Sheriff says “Islam is communism with a god”

In Uncategorized on September 4, 2015 at 5:18 AM

Chattanooga TN Sheriff says Islam is “communism with a god”

0506 am

Recently Chattanooga Tennessee Sheriff, speaking to the Hamilton
County Pachyderm Club called Islam communism with a god! 

As Sheriff Hammonds words ricocheted off the walls of the Pachyderm Club, we will surely see many upset Islamists in Chattanooga. 

I’m sure like clock work CAIR, the local MOA-Muslims of America terrorists and the ISGC, ie, the Muslim Brotherhood will soon attack the Sheriff. 

Hammond making these statements seems more concerned about the safety of Chattanooga residents and less about offending the non PC terrorists in our community.

According to the Chattanooga Times Free Press, “Hammond spent three years training police officers in the Middle East and previously served as a chaplain’s yeoman in the U.S. Navy, said that Islam is “the strongest infringement that we’ve had in our country as a constitutional government since communism.”

The CTFP interview continued, “According to Hammond, more than 2,000 mosques or Islamic centers have opened in the U.S. in the last 24 years and he warned that citizens and law enforcement need to be move vigilant about Islamic activities.”

In the past, Hammond has stepped up and shown his support for the Constitution taking a pledge to be a Constitutional Sheriff, committing his office to assure that federal officers cannot have jurisdiction over his city in the state of TN. A measure supported by many true conservatives across the state and nation.

Sheriff Hammond plans to speak with Tennessee sheriffs soon “to help monitor activity of Muslims throughout the state.” “And he wants to meet with education leaders to discuss mentions of Islam and Christianity in textbooks.”

According to the article
in the Chattanooga Times Free Press “he stressed that he was not trying to say all Muslims are dangerous and want to overthrow the U.S. government. But he said enough of them were.”

“Even if only 5 percent of the 1.2 billion to 1.5 billion Muslims out there want to perform jihad, that’s a lot of people,” Hammond said.

“Hammond added that the July 16 attack in Chattanooga was definitely Islamic terrorism.”

“I can stand up here as your sheriff and say this is Islamic terrorism,” Hammond said. “Was he (I’m assuming he is speaking of Mohammed Abdullahzeez, the Islamic Terrorists that took the lives of our soldiers in Chattanooga) given instructions, I don’t know. The FBI might not ever know.”

I will reiterate and take Sheriff Hammonds words a step further and state that all of Islam whether moderate or radical are attempting to destroy all of our country. 

They are taking incremental steps and we are allowing Sharia Law to creep into our country. This is no more evident than in Chattanooga Tennessee. 

Sweeping change is coming to Chattanooga Tennessee and a very dangerous environment is being set up. 

We, in Chattanooga have enough Islamic sympathizers that are willing to see Islamic terrorism flourish in spite of recent attacks on our populace. We have just enough willing to accept Terrorism instead of condemning it.

And this attitude, this environment will allow Islamist terrorism to take root and freely breed in our city and destroy it from within. 

It started with a terrorist attack and the murder of our soldiers, next it will be shoving Islam down your throat with politically correct statements defending Islam as a peaceful loving religion incapable of doing the the things Mohammed Abdullahzeez did to our city and it’s soldiers. Tomorrow, we remain silent as not to offend a political ideology that is on the move and serving jihads to it’s inhabitants and the movement thrives.

Take heed. 

That 5 percent that Sheriff Hammond spoke of, and I personally think it’s much higher are setting up the political structure right now to take over out city and our country. 

Terrorists from all over the state and nation have been emboldened by the Abdullahzeez murders and “copycats” are sure to migrate to our area, receive support from local mosques and Imans then act all over again. This pattern of activity is being echoed all over the globe.

Chattanooga is a prime target of radical/moderate Islam and is well positioned to embed it’s tentacles into our community whether we allow
it or not. A bevy of migrants, refugees and their families are on their way to Chattanooga. Brace for it’s onslaught and decide where you will stand. Islam is on the move in our city and state and it in recent weeks has targeted Chattanooga.

CAIR and the likes will surely come after Sheriff Hammond for his statements. 

We need to make sure we are willing to stand with great force with this brave Sheriff as he takes on terrorism in his city.

The Islamist “anti propaganda” team is well organized and is vicious in it’s  defense of people who speak against jihadist/terrorists in their ranks.

Stand and salute Sheriff Hammond Chattanoogans. 

He will be lonely on this non PC island as the attacks come without your support.

Surely, RINOs and establishment politicians will run from this perceived controversy and the people will suffer as they succumb to the will of Islam.

It will happen. 

It’s happening all over the country.

Source of information:



As with all my posts, they are my opinion based on facts and hours of research. My blog and posts should be taken as that….my opinion, only.

None of my posts are intended to cause any harm and any harm resulting from actions taken with the 
info provided is solely your decision, not mine.

My preferred weapon in this war on our country is information. An Information Revolution can only happen when We the People are informed and take civil action to inform others.

I am only exercising my first amendment rights while they still exist.

Haters move on, but please don’t do so before sharing this article with your friends.