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Posts Tagged ‘saint’

George Soros/CREW attack Dejarlais: A saint, a sinner and moderate vie for TN 4th District Congressional seat

In Uncategorized on November 28, 2012 at 11:14 AM

One of the most interesting stories in a long while is developing out of the wild wild west, better known as Bradley County Tennessee and the 4th Congressional District.

Tennessee State Representative Kevin Brooks announces today he “may” be throwing his hat in the race for the 4th District Tennessee Congressional seat, currently held by embattled Congressman Scott Dejaralis.

This makes for a very interesting race as Zack Wamps little boy Weston also announced he is exploring running for the much sought after 4th District Congressional seat.

This sets up the inevitable clash and deserving conversations between a sinner saved by grace with mistakes he made 13 years ago, Congressman Scott Dejarlais. The saint, an ordained Church of God minister whose associations have him appearing left of center and a Bill Haslam protege, State Representative Kevin Brooks. Little Wamp, a moderate young thinker hanging onto Daddy’s coattail, who has yet to date prove he can string enough votes of support outside Chattanooga. A billionaire Socialist who has lent large financial contributions to CREW, who is attacking the current Congressman. I would be remiss to say once again if I didn’t say I live for this type of thrill inside the political arena. We got us a race Tennessee!

The gravy definitely just got thicker when you toss in a smattering of George Soros and CREW and you have an unforgettable race full of trickery with a certain evil essence from the “scary spooky dude” George Soros. The many bells of alert are sounding across the country as these candidates jump into a world influenced by the money of this very evil man, perhaps a purveyor of the much talked about New World Order!

This helps explain the medias extreme bias attacks on the current Congressman because Soros has been long rumored to “own” the liberal media also. These layers of socialist involvement begs for you to also ask if Mr Soros and his Open Society Institute are influencing the candidates that are entering the race. This is a very interesting statement and will garner alot of research and attention from the “conservative grassroots” press who are very familiar with George Soros and his influence on Global politics.

I cannot make this stuff up y’all! This is the stuff Hollywood can’t put together and sell to a devouring public frequently enough.

George Soros a billionaire Socialist dead set on ruining America alone is enough of an “attention getter” to sell out many theaters. Add a sinner saved by grace, a saint under Haslams wing and a Wamp with unfortunately his Daddy’s name and a host of others vie for Tennessee’s very large and diverse 4th Congressional seat and you have sold out show that is going to gain national attention once it hits the “conservative” press circuit.

This is going to be fun right out of the gate and is going to reveal some very interesting facts to come out of this race into this blog news site. My heart is beating hard and the juices are flowing freely as this one is gearing up to be most interesting to say the least.

Stay tuned as politics as usual hits center stage from the eye of the storm Bradley County, Tennessee.

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