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NFRA condemns A21 and comprehensive plan, Bradley County leaders forge on

In Agenda 21, Government on January 29, 2012 at 9:28 AM

The National Federation of Republican Assemblies recently made a statement and offered a supporting resolution regarding Agenda 21, Comprehensive planning and land use regulations stating these plans have no respect for the people’s rights to their own property!

This resolution and statement below did not come from a conservative right wing spokesperson or media outlet! This did not come from Glenn Beck or Alex Jones, it came from the NFRA on the heels of a resolution made by the RNC and a bill proposal by Tennessee State Representatve Kevin Brooks to halt and desist the Agenda 21/ICLEI COmprehensive Planning process.

These resolutions are evidence to me that our elected officials are starting to listen the people they represent and are absorbing the enormity of this sinister and diabolical plan to rid our country of it’s sovereignty, inalienable and property rights!

They have now gone a step further and have taken the initiative to call out the groups that are responsible for implementing these “Comprehensive Plans” using the United Nations Agenda 21 model for “sustainable growth.”

The NGOs, Non Governmental Organizations such as the APA-American Planning Association, the Chamber of Commerce (of which holds the number one Consultative Status with the United Nations) Sierra Club and locally, the Cleveland and Bradley County planning offices, the Industrial Development Board, “the SSD gang” (I warned you of months ago), TACIR and the many other boards not representative of the people of Bradley County!

Our locally elected officials continuing to be complicit with the Comprehensive plan is a failure of our local government to constitutionally operate!

This shameful display of cooperation with a foreign entity to destroy our country borders on illegal and is definitely unconstitutional! This blatant disregard for our sovereignty and our mere survivability should be condemned and these complying officials removed from office by the strength of the ballot box.

As soon as tomorrow our County Planners, Mayors and many elected officials in cooperation with ICLEI, McBride Dale and Clarion are presenting a “Comprehensive Plan” to the public using the United Nations Agenda 21 as a directive tool!

This is no longer our elected officials and planners moving forward without notification and ignorance! This is full cooperation with ICLEI, the UN and NGOs setting out to destroy our country, our property rights and our way of life!

The meeting tomorrow, Monday January 30th, from 7 to 9 pm, at the Five Points museum with planners, elected officials and NGOs will be a direct overt act to circumvent the people of Bradley County and will show direct cooperation with a foreign entity to undermine our constitutional republic.

A reminder to readers our County Commission has not authorized this action and have voted for it not to move forward. County Planner Corey Divel has countered that the County has committed to the funding to assist with implementation. But no vote to go forward! The city council and Mayor Tom Rowland have voted yes on the BCC 2035 Strategic Growth Plan.

It will be interesting to see who will show up at this big “visioning” meeting! Who will remain complicit above all sensible warnings, bill drafts and resolutions? Who will the “useful idiots” be that remain committed to this process?

We can no longer stand back as our elected officials give away our country and our county to an agent of an International entity that does not have our best interest in mind. This direct and deliberate violation of our rights cannot be tolerated and all should be held accountable for their actions.

The NFRA, the RNC and most recently our very own Kevin Brooks have presented resolutions and bills to stop Agenda 21. I believe our leaders are beginning to see the Comprehensive Plan, Agenda 21 process for what it truly is. They are now willing to step up to stop it, we should make sure their resolutions and bill proposals and efforts do not go to waste.

The question still remains why is Bradley County, Tennessee still going forward with this costly and unconstitutional plan? Why are our Mayors and select elected representatives still moving forward when leaders in the nation and many within their own parties are saying halt.

Read below, look closely at it’s content and then tell me we have nothing to worry about! The nation sees it, some of our elected state officials, a few local guys see it, but, why are our planners and mayors still moving forward?

I am afraid it is the lust and lure of the mighty federal tax dollar and the selfish pride of not wanting to admit they were wrong. Then sprinkle into the equation the thought that some may be in deeper than we think and can’t get out even if they wanted. I think now you can begin to see a little more clearly!

WHEREAS, the National Federation of Republican Assemblies recognizes that the pillars of freedom and liberty are life, liberty and property. As such, we seek to identify those candidates that understand and support these same noble characteristics of our great nation and that it is the combination of these truths that makes America “exceptional”; and
WHEREAS, some little known facts about comprehensive land use planning, known as Agenda 21 include, but are not limited to, the following:
The UN’s Agenda 21 was revealed to the world at the Rio Earth Summit II in 1992;
Agenda 21 was signed into soft law in 1992 and requires only administrative approval and not legislative approval;
The UN’s Agenda 21 was granted administrative approval when President Clinton, through Executive Order, created the first President’s Council on Sustainable Development;
The President’s Council on Sustainable Development created the domestic plan known as “Sustainable America”;
Official non-Government Organizations known as NGOs are certified through the UN based on their compliance and willingness to institute UN created policies like Agenda 21 and the “Wildlands Project”. Examples of NGOs include, but are not limited to: the Sierra Club, U.S. Chamber of Commerce, American Planning Association, and ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability; formally known as the “International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives.”;
GATT, NAFTA and other trade agreements also contain components that are derivatives from the economic components of Agenda 21;
Income redistribution as a form of “economic justice” is a tool to be used by Agenda 21;
Agenda 21 is anti-property rights;
The terms “Sustainable Development”, “Smart Growth”, “Comprehensive Land Use Plan”, and “Sustainable Agriculture” are domestic equivalents of Agenda 21; and
The Global Biodiversity Assessment Report identifies private property ownership, single family homes, traditional agriculture, and consumerism as “unsustainable.”; therefore be it
RESOLVED, that we, the National Federation of Republican Assemblies (NFRA), oppose the nondomestic policies of Agenda 21 based on failure to recognize private property rights as one of America’s cornerstones of freedom and liberty; be it further
RESOLVED, that Article one, Section ten of the Constitution prohibits any State or subordinate governmental body from contracting with nondomestic entities such as ICLEI; and be it
RESOLVED, that the NFRA shall not endorse a candidate or elected official including the office of President that refuses to oppose the same.