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Posts Tagged ‘bcc strategic growth plan’

TN budget heads to Haslam, Virginia gets our loot to boot scoot

In Uncategorized on July 30, 2012 at 9:34 AM

Our most recent Tennessee State budget has been approved by our state legislators and awaits Governor Bill Haslams signature.

One certain detail that may not or may have gotten overlooked when approving this budget was 500,000.00 or so dollars is going to the state of Virginia to help fund a Country music museum.

Its called Regionalism, megaregionalism, shared governence or globalism. We help others with our tax dollars for the collective good of all!

Ladies and gentlemen, I am afraid you are witnessing the birth of a movement that will basically plunge us into a socialistic society much quicker than we once thought. See, our elected politicians have somehow deemed it acceptable to basically gamble your tax dollars away to another state in the hopes that we benefit from it.

To participate in regionalism or megaregionalism without even a mention if it was acceptable to the general public of which 100 percent of the funds are coming from for our politicians to play with your money and give it away!

After reading the following article in the Chattanooga Free Press recently it seems we are funding a Country Music Museum in Virginia, not in Tennessee, but in Virginia with your tax dollars!


In a May 1 article from the Chattanooga Times this give away was justified by saying “tennessee will get a benefit out of this.” Is this now the threshold for giving away TN tax dollars? Is it as simple as saying it must be acceptable if it benefits the state? The problem I foresee with this is it is pretty much like gambling in Vegas. If I plop down 500,000.00 dollars on a roulette table, I risk a very big chance of it not “benefitting” me to do so. Same with Haslam and our other politicians sending our money to Virginia for a country music museum. How do we know if it pays off and how long will it take? That argument could be used for any state.

This is one of the problems with regionalism, one state’s tax dollars going to fund “economic development” in another state. We have stepped into what could be a bottomless pit. Let’s keep our tax dollars within our state. I can’t believe I even have to say that. Doesn’t even sound logical. Lets collect taxes from Tennesseeans and send it to another state?

A quote from the article below: “Bristol is “unique” and “Tennessee will get a benefit out of this” and its “barely” on the Virginia side I guess the implication is we are only doing this because of the proximity to the state border but in the July 31 article from the Chattanooga Times Charles Wood vice-president of Economic Development of the Chamber of Commerce in Chattanooga says “county lines, state lines, city lines — none of that means nothing, Keep in mind Mr Woods is nothing more than a hired bureaucrat who has been given too much power to make decisions on the peoples behalf. When Mr Woods left Pensacola many doubted the Chambers contribution to assisting the local economy out of a slump, perhaps this type of mismanagement is why three department heads left around the same time and our region gets the offspring of that departure! And now we trust this organization to “run our region?” Its just my opinion and we know what opinions are like? Right?

http://www.timesfreepress.com/news/2012/may/01/31-billion-budget-heads-to-haslam/ article

If you owned a business on the TN side of the Bristol border would you give 500 thousand of your own money based on the belief that “visitors simply walking across the street into Tennessee to visit restaurants and shops” would benefit you personally? I would be willing to bet you would not. This is nonsense. This has to stop.

Elected officials, many of whom have boasted recently about this budget failed to mention that a half million dollars or so is going to Virginia to promote a country music venue. Non elected bureaucrats or politicians have no right to invest our state taxes to another state. Isn’t this illegal? They have no right to give away TN tax dollars to other states just because its “barely” in Virginia and you believe Tennessee will benefit.

“Chattanooga has to start thinking regionally” says the article below. If it says Chattanooga, then that means Cleveland/Bradley County. In recent years the push has been local growth plans, then that expanded into a regional 16 county, 3 state plan with Chattanooga leading the way then we hear of a Piedmont mega region that will connect a great deal of the southeast then the rest of the nation blocked off into 9 or so separate districts. From these alliances we are expected to pool our taxes and help each other pay for projects, a sharing of our fortunes or abundance of taxes. There is something at work here people and it is clearly bigger than we are!

Doesnt this seem like we have been duped? Where is the taxpayevoicing in all this? Have we no representation any more? This is the most proposterous plan I have ever heard of. The larger cities will clearly eat up the bulk of the revenue and the smaller cities will shrivel away to nothing as the likes of Atlanta, Charlotte and Greenville eat up the lions share.


Even as economic development slows, the region and Tennessee budget grows and a large chunk of it goes to Virginia and perhaps many other state economies in the near future. How do we justify this inequity? Who is buying into this and driving this type or form of a new regional socialism? A common theme among all these plan is once again the Chamber of Commerce, the father of the United Nations, the most corrupt regime in the world!

The nation is in a recession, unemployment rises, economic development is in a “doldrum” and businesses we are recruiting have little viable future in a down economy and the Chamber of Commerce continues to suggest ways to spend your tax dollars in another state. I fail to see the logic in this. What is the ultimate goal? Spread the wealth? Spread it so thin that it benefits no one?


Ask your state representatives Brooks and Watson why this has been allowed to happen. Ask them to lead the charge to recover the tax dollars given away and to pass a resolution that says Tennessee tax dollars cannot be given to any state, regardless of how “unique” the situation is. Next time it might not be a neighboring state because Woods says state lines mean nothing, it does to me and it should to our representives.

This madness must stop! The only way for it to stop is for you to tell them to stop it! Call them today!

Cleveland TN Town Hall meeting set to discuss plans for Downtown Central City Area

In Uncategorized on July 15, 2012 at 2:54 PM

This Tuesday, July 17th, 2012, the Tea Party of Bradley County hosts a town hall meeting to discuss the growth in the downtown Cleveland Tennessee Central area. The meeting will be held at the Cleveland/Bradley County public library on Church street at 630 pm.

As many of you may know the Cleveland City Council and Mayor Tom Rowland has vehemently denied that 300 homes in the downtown area was set to be demolished and redeveloped. A flyer controversy erupted with the Mayor disputing the information from the flyer which resulted in the Mayor and City Council passing a resolution 7 to 0 to hunt down, arrest and expose the person or persons passing out these so called “untruthful and misleading literature!”

Little did the Mayor know that while he was ranting about the drafted plan being unbelieveable, untruthful and a scare tactic to scare senior citizens in the area, the plan that he and his council approved was the actual wording that was included in the plan he was admonishing.

Six days after he made a hasty news conference he announced along with Planner Greg Thomas that the plan had been changed in a private meeting because so many people didn’t like it. The changes were made unaware to the public and all the public had was the last public information given out at the last Charette at the mall.

Our question is to the planners and our councilmen is when are we going to get the real draft? When are we going to see the “real” plan? Is this going to be a pattern for future meetings? Are we going to get a public drafted plan and have a hidden private plan on the side?

Plans that are this fluid are no good to the public if they are going to be changed once the public is made aware behind closed private doors.

We are hoping our elected leaders who have been elected to lead us will show up and tell us what the plans are for our future. We are also hoping the planners are going to show up and tell us which plan are we to believe.

All members of the council and the Mayor have been sent certified letters and emails inviting them to this meeting to address the citizens concerns.

We are seeking answers, real answers to Growth concerns! If we are going to be given one drafted plan only to have the plans changed secretly behind a closed door with no public notice, the least we deserve is to have the opportunity to address our concerns.

Come and visit with us on Tuesday at the library, bring someone with you and ask some questions.

Please pass this news realease through your email lists and on Facebook. We are hoping to see a big crowd for this event.
See ya there!

73 percent of Charette attendees strongly disagree with Bradley County Comprehensive Plan

In Agenda 21, Government on April 28, 2012 at 12:10 PM

The overwhelming message from the recent Charette at the Bradley Square Mall in Cleveland Tennessee was the citizens of Cleveland and Bradley County Tennessee do not want this comprehensive plan or hire consultants from out of town for hundreds of thousands of dollars of our tax dollars who will leave our community with heavy new land use regulations that will infringe on our property rights and substantially increase our tax base and utility bills to fund it!

As a matter of fact 73 percent of all that attended the three day Charette disagreed or strongly disagreed with the plan that McBride, Dale and Clarion have devised at the behest of many citizen objections!

The results: Compiled from a review of surveys provided by planners at the Charette. (Video was taken of the surveys and complied in another setting!)

Northern Corridor- 85.7% disagree/strongly disagree
Central Corridor- 70.1% disagree/strongly disagree
Southern Corridor- 63.5% disagree/strongly disagree
Growth and Strategies- 56.5% disagree/strongly disagree

Summary- 73.1% of Bradley County/Cleveland residents in attendance disagree/strongly disagree with the BCC Strategic Growth/Comprehensive Plan

“I was very proud to see so many citizens of Bradley County show up in force to speak out against the terribly expensive and overreaching BCC Comprehensive Growth Plan” said Donny Harwood, Tea Party of Bradley County founder and organizer, while attending the Charette.

Many “regular citizens” among them, concerned, tax paying and voting Tea Party types also filed into the Charette! Many were upset for different reasons. The construction and plans around exit 20, the encroaching business parks being built around their homes, road supervisors saying your fence and trees need to come down, many in the McDonald area, hwy 60 business owners who will lose property, people upset a fence has to go around a creek so cattle can’t walk through it, people who dont want to be annexed or rezoned or dont want a commercial business in their back yards, citizens fined by the EPA, resounding constant chatter regarding property rights and the businesses getting chosen and given tax breaks the “regular” business person doesn’t get, the cost of the project and a whole slew of other concerns permeated the mall.

My observation was the planners were overwhelmed with the negative response and were left attempting to explain away the reason the results, questionnaires and comment cards came back overwhelmingly negative on members of the tea party. We are citizens too, we just happen to be involved, engaged and vocal about our discontent with this plan! There was no gerrymandering and no agenda was set forth! We happen to know what is going on and you ask for public input and you got it, that’s all! There were also many employees on the city/county payrolls that filled out a few ballots too or you may not have gotten even 23% to agree with you on the plan!

Consultant Greg Dale was overheard saying he didn’t have time to tally the results of the public input portion of the Charette but quickly changed his tone to say he was joking when he found out that many around him wanted to see the results and were disappointed the results were not tallied for public view. He went on to say he has never seen such a negative response where so many in the community didn’t even want a plan!

Although I was there the majority of the time to oversee the Charette I met many for the first time and was very glad to see so many respond that were not in the Tea Party! I think it is a testament to our county that so many “grassroots” people are becoming involved in our local governments affairs!

We are no longer living in a time when we can ignore what our planners via our locally elected officials are doing. Our community has come alive and we are seeing what is happening and we are no longer going to take haphazard plans laying down. We live in a different time and our current environment calls for the citizens to act in a different way! We can no longer be silent as our local governments do as they please often overlooking the will of the people. Making enemies of your concerned citizens is easy. Listening to them, absorbing what they are saying, responding and thanking God every day that you have “watchmen on the wall” is the difficult part that very few practice!

It was overheard and reported to me that one of the planners was going to say that the Tea Party was stacking the surveys to look negative! My response to that accusation is if the response was overwhelmingly positive they would have had no problem reporting those findings! This is also tyranny folks, fear and intimidation from your government with repercussion for your actions! This is the sad part inside our Republic!

The accusation that the Tea Party stacked the votes is actually a compliment and a testament to the reason that tea parties were formed! Just as they were formed to protest a tax on tea from India, so be it we protest when a group of consultants and planners in coordination with their local government propose billions of dollars in cost to the taxpayer and a disrespect for their property rights!

The bottom line is the citizens, albeit some in the Tea Party, which is their well defined role, projected a positive affect on it’s community by speaking up and out about this grossly expensive and expansive growth plan delivered by out of town consultants for over a half a million dollars!

One thing that the planners, consultants and elected officials forget is that those “awful” tea party types are citizens too who are engaged, cast votes and just happen to speak up and show up when asked to for public input. This is called patriotism! This is the direct result of a Republic intact, not a socialist wanna be community where everyone listens to whatever the government says and the people agreeably nod!

The “politicians” of Bradley County should be proud of it’s patriotic people who show up when asked instead of villifying the ones who exercise their God given rights to direct their government when they step out of line. Any attempt to “make the Tea Party look bad” will be a direct push to stop a free people from freely addressing a grieveance of their government.

The Comprehensive Growth plan is not a popular one, but the overriding determining factor, regardless of the will of the people is the perceived “relief” our community gets when you bombard it with federal grants and the likes. We have seen over and over again that “spending our way out of debt” is not the answer! Smaller government, less taxes, the free market and higher accountability is the answer.

Any attempts at this point to squelch the voice of the people looks socialistic, communistic or perhaps Marxist! The best move is to stand with the people! The people are fully within their constitutional boundary to limit the size of their government and the influence they have on our daily lives.

The battle being waged should not be on the people but on the bureaucracy we call our standing government. History will stand in favor of the people, bureaucrats inside the government will fade like a silent whisper.

For now, step outside your tightly wrapped box and see that the people have spoken loudly! Try as you may but our voices will not succumb to tyrannical role players inside a rusty machine!

The loss of American property rights to the United Nations

In Agenda 21 on February 2, 2012 at 12:00 PM

With the first in a series of 3 meetings to “kick off” the Comprehensive plan for Bradley County behind us, I can officially say I know what it is like to have smoke blown squarely up my backside! I feel I was courted, kissed and left limp before I awakened! Undoubtedly, the rest in the room were given tranquilizers as our elected officials never batted an eye or twitched a muscle as this plan was introduced and allowed to proceed!

Consensus was not obtained in that room at the five points museum regardless of how it was reported in the local press! Overwhelming disapproval was echoed by the majority in the room! I have the video to prove it, but then again, citizen objections are not supposed to be heard or voiced in Bradley County!

Their attempt to bamboozle and intimidate was obvious when County Commissioner Connie Wilson stood up from her seat and shouted the Citizens down leading us to believe we were wasting her time. Well, Mrs Wilson a great way to open up a little time in your busy schedule would be to resign or not run again, that would be a great way to free up your Mondays! Better yet, come election time we need to encourage the vote to go to someone willing to listen to and be inconvenienced by the people! Beyond the yelling by Mrs Wilson the meeting moved on without much citizen input acknowledgement.

The calling of the Police is a classic but outdated move often rendered by the machine when they are being objected to and not getting their way!

I wonder, if perhaps, the call was made from her table, thinking out loud always gets me in trouble.

For future reference, in case you have forgotten, “we the people” have a constitutional right and duty to question our government and their actions! Stop calling our Policemen and women who have other important things to do besides monitoring law abiding citizens demanding answers from their government! It’s appears so Gestapo, so Marxist, loud and out of touch!

Enjoy the article below! I have been so busy lately with all the happenings I can’t catch up! Believe me, the other articles are coming!

The loss of American property rights to the United Nations
The UN Agenda 21 Marches on in America with the USDA-EPA National Partnerships.

By Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh  Sunday, August 14, 2011

John Adams said, “Property must be secured, or liberty cannot exist.” The Decalogue emphasized private property in “Thou shalt not steal.” George Washington stated, “Private property and freedom are inseparable.”

Private property was so important to our Founding Fathers that its principles were included in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. The right to property is surmised in the owner’s determination of land use, as long as its use does not “disturb the equal rights of another.”

The Declaration of Independence states that “…all Men…are endowed by their Creator with Certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.” United Nations Charter and Declaration of Human Rights are based on the idea that rights are granted and rescinded by men.

The UN third world nations planners devised Agenda 21 on three suspect principles: Equity, Economy, and Environment, all controlled by government because “individual rights must take a back seat to the collective.”

In 1964, UN developing nations called for the establishment of a New International Economic Order, asking that multi-national corporations be regulated, foreign property nationalized, asking to establish commodity monopolies, and requesting transfer of technology and technical assistance.

Developed nations ignored this declaration but developing nations promoted these ideas at other conferences. In 1976, the Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat One) declared that private land ownership and wealth are the primary reasons for social injustice. The 65 page socialist document recommended land use:

redistribution of population in accordance with resources

government must control the use of land in order to achieve equitable distribution of resources

land use must be controlled through zoning and planning
government must control excessive profits from land use
urban and rural land reform should be done through public ownership of land

public authorities should hold developing rights of land and should be separated from owner rights

The 1987 UN report, “Our Common Future” by the World Commission on Environment and Development focused on the policy of sustainable development: land use, education, and population control and reduction. Sustainable Development made nature and its protection the central principle for all member nations.

The 1992 UN Bruntland Commission released the official UN Agenda 21 with its 40 chapters and the 178 nations who signed and agreed to implement UN Agenda 21 at the conference in Rio de Janeiro. Signatory for the United States was President George Bush.

All countries agreed that decisions must be made based on how they will affect the environment. Property is evil and creates wealth for the rich at the expense of the poor. Business is evil, should be controlled by the community, while the owner is responsible, and pays taxes.

Wealth was produced at the expense of the poor and must thus be confiscated and given to the poor. No private enterprise should exist, only public-private partnerships. These ideas are tenets of socialism/Marxism.

UN Agenda 21 set out to abolish private property, control education, control and reduce population, and control the economy. The global plan was called “Sustainable Development.”

Every one of the 40 chapters contains policies that member nations must adopt such as demographics, settlements, sustainable communities, water control, land use control, role of business, energy control, role of industry, international mechanisms of implementing the agenda, and the institutions used to implement the policies.

In 1993, President Bill Clinton signed the Biodiversity Treaty. The treaty was used to implement UN Agenda 21 in the United States, “Creation of national strategies, plans, policies, and processes which are crucial in achieving a sustainable world.”

Dr. Michael Coffman revealed a map to the U.S. Senate of the proposed development of the Wildlands under UN Agenda 21 in the U.S. This map had red, yellow, and green zones noted as Core Reserves and Corridors with little or no human use, Buffer Zones with highly regulated use, and Smart Growth with human settlements.

President Clinton signed Executive Order 12852, creating the President’s Council on Sustainable Development to translate UN Agenda 21 into public policy administered by the federal government. The Council created the first UN Agenda 21 called “Sustainable America,” with 16 “we believe” statements. The ultimate goals were to abolish private property, control education, control and reduce population, and control the economy.

To aid in implementing UN Agenda 21 a Consensus Process was developed: Stakeholders of the Affected Group select an Initiator who then selects a Decision-Making Committee (steering committee); Policy Decisions are pre-determined by a Facilitator and not by the Committee (they cannot vote). Consensus is the process in which objections to the proposal are erased. (Exactly as they did on the 30th of January in Cleveland Tennessee with the “kick off” of the BCC Comprehensive growth plan.) The Affected Group has to abide by the pre-determined decision with no voice in choosing the decision-maker or the outcome.

President’s Council on Sustainable Development (PCSD) published “Sustainable America, a New Consensus,” which contains 150 policy recommendations taken directly from UN Agenda 21. Secretary of Commerce Ron Brown said that his agency can implement 67 percent of the recommendations administratively, using rule-making authority.

Land Management Agencies promoted land use policies based on ecological or aesthetic consequences. The agencies appropriated millions in grants to state and local governments and set up land trusts for the purpose of acquiring private property. For example, by 1997, 43 million acres were designated roadless areas, 1/3 of land in America was owned by government and ten percent by states, 21 national monuments were expanded. (Donna Holt)

How was UN Agenda 21 implemented at the grass roots? Millions in grants were awarded to state and local governments by American Planning Association and EPA through “visioning.”

A Visioning Council (steering committee) made up of businessmen, politicians, NGOs (non-governmental organizations), and people who stood to gain financially from the implementation of the goals of UN Agenda 21, worked with the EPA, the American Planning Association, the Conservation Fund, the National Resources Defense Council, and the Sierra Club.

The Visioning Council received their proposal from the President’s Council on Sustainable Development (PCSD) and proposes it as local goals for the community. The “Consensus” would remove any objections the public may have had. The result was the “vision” and the new plan of action. The entire process took 12-18 months.

The Initiator would make press releases to introduce the idea of Sustainable Communities and to build huge public support; the elected officials signed on without any questions asked. They either did not understand the nefarious intent or were financially complicit in the vision. Some local government officials had no idea that the plan came from the United Nations Agenda 21.

Partners of Sustainable Development are ICLEI, International County/City Management Association, American Planning Association, Renaissance Planning Group, Florida Forever (largest public land acquisition program in the U.S.—9.8 million acres purchased). They provide technical support and assistance with SD, management training, performance measurement, rural and urban planning.

In June 2008, The One Planet Communities proposed: (data from Donna Holt)

58 percent less electricity
65 percent vehicle mileage down time
23 gallons/water less per person
50 percent reduction in car ownership
40 electric car solar powered charging stations
Reduction of footprint from 6 homes to 2 homes by 2020
Stacked homes to avoid expansion of housing developments
Five minute lifestyle (5 minute walk or bike from your home to shop, work, live, go to school)
Walk or bike within the community
Car-sharing for short distances or from one stacked community to another
High speed rail for longer distances
Car ownership will disappear
Current consequences of UN Agenda 21:

Sustainability is taught k-12, colleges, and universities
Colleges teach how to “build earth’s sustainable workforce,” “sustainability manager for carbon accounting,” “corporate sustainability manager,” “energy auditor,” “engineering sustainably certified homes,” to name just a few
Children are well indoctrinated into Sustainable Development practices
Government schemes to control future use of agricultural land and water through the recently passed White House Rural Council
San Joaquim Valley in California was turned into a virtual dust bowl last year when water was denied to farmers in order to protect the delta smelt; 40,000 people became unemployed;

less vegetables and fruits resulted in higher prices

Regulatory taking of land, especially in Florida, Miami-Dade County

Rationing of water, electricity, and fuel

Expensive retrofitting of homes—people will be forced to leave their homes if they cannot afford the expensive retrofitting

Denied building permits and thus land is deemed worthless

Private property abolished to prevent urban sprawl

Land shortage

High density living

In June 2011, President Obama signed the White House Rural Council. To make good on the promise to control rural life and its resources, on August 8, 2011, the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the EPA announced a national partnership “to improve rural drinking water and wastewater systems.”

The Secretary of Agriculture, Tom Vilsack, who chairs the White House Rural Council and thus controls 16% of U.S. land, “is working to coordinate USDA programs across the government and encourage public-private partnerships, to improve economic conditions and create jobs in rural communities.”

I guess the government has finished “saving or creating the three million jobs” in urban areas, they are now moving into rural areas.

Here is UN Agenda 21 in action through its Hallmark public-private partnerships, to “fundamentally change” and control the use of water, resources, and agricultural land.

NFRA condemns A21 and comprehensive plan, Bradley County leaders forge on

In Agenda 21, Government on January 29, 2012 at 9:28 AM

The National Federation of Republican Assemblies recently made a statement and offered a supporting resolution regarding Agenda 21, Comprehensive planning and land use regulations stating these plans have no respect for the people’s rights to their own property!

This resolution and statement below did not come from a conservative right wing spokesperson or media outlet! This did not come from Glenn Beck or Alex Jones, it came from the NFRA on the heels of a resolution made by the RNC and a bill proposal by Tennessee State Representatve Kevin Brooks to halt and desist the Agenda 21/ICLEI COmprehensive Planning process.

These resolutions are evidence to me that our elected officials are starting to listen the people they represent and are absorbing the enormity of this sinister and diabolical plan to rid our country of it’s sovereignty, inalienable and property rights!

They have now gone a step further and have taken the initiative to call out the groups that are responsible for implementing these “Comprehensive Plans” using the United Nations Agenda 21 model for “sustainable growth.”

The NGOs, Non Governmental Organizations such as the APA-American Planning Association, the Chamber of Commerce (of which holds the number one Consultative Status with the United Nations) Sierra Club and locally, the Cleveland and Bradley County planning offices, the Industrial Development Board, “the SSD gang” (I warned you of months ago), TACIR and the many other boards not representative of the people of Bradley County!

Our locally elected officials continuing to be complicit with the Comprehensive plan is a failure of our local government to constitutionally operate!

This shameful display of cooperation with a foreign entity to destroy our country borders on illegal and is definitely unconstitutional! This blatant disregard for our sovereignty and our mere survivability should be condemned and these complying officials removed from office by the strength of the ballot box.

As soon as tomorrow our County Planners, Mayors and many elected officials in cooperation with ICLEI, McBride Dale and Clarion are presenting a “Comprehensive Plan” to the public using the United Nations Agenda 21 as a directive tool!

This is no longer our elected officials and planners moving forward without notification and ignorance! This is full cooperation with ICLEI, the UN and NGOs setting out to destroy our country, our property rights and our way of life!

The meeting tomorrow, Monday January 30th, from 7 to 9 pm, at the Five Points museum with planners, elected officials and NGOs will be a direct overt act to circumvent the people of Bradley County and will show direct cooperation with a foreign entity to undermine our constitutional republic.

A reminder to readers our County Commission has not authorized this action and have voted for it not to move forward. County Planner Corey Divel has countered that the County has committed to the funding to assist with implementation. But no vote to go forward! The city council and Mayor Tom Rowland have voted yes on the BCC 2035 Strategic Growth Plan.

It will be interesting to see who will show up at this big “visioning” meeting! Who will remain complicit above all sensible warnings, bill drafts and resolutions? Who will the “useful idiots” be that remain committed to this process?

We can no longer stand back as our elected officials give away our country and our county to an agent of an International entity that does not have our best interest in mind. This direct and deliberate violation of our rights cannot be tolerated and all should be held accountable for their actions.

The NFRA, the RNC and most recently our very own Kevin Brooks have presented resolutions and bills to stop Agenda 21. I believe our leaders are beginning to see the Comprehensive Plan, Agenda 21 process for what it truly is. They are now willing to step up to stop it, we should make sure their resolutions and bill proposals and efforts do not go to waste.

The question still remains why is Bradley County, Tennessee still going forward with this costly and unconstitutional plan? Why are our Mayors and select elected representatives still moving forward when leaders in the nation and many within their own parties are saying halt.

Read below, look closely at it’s content and then tell me we have nothing to worry about! The nation sees it, some of our elected state officials, a few local guys see it, but, why are our planners and mayors still moving forward?

I am afraid it is the lust and lure of the mighty federal tax dollar and the selfish pride of not wanting to admit they were wrong. Then sprinkle into the equation the thought that some may be in deeper than we think and can’t get out even if they wanted. I think now you can begin to see a little more clearly!

WHEREAS, the National Federation of Republican Assemblies recognizes that the pillars of freedom and liberty are life, liberty and property. As such, we seek to identify those candidates that understand and support these same noble characteristics of our great nation and that it is the combination of these truths that makes America “exceptional”; and
WHEREAS, some little known facts about comprehensive land use planning, known as Agenda 21 include, but are not limited to, the following:
The UN’s Agenda 21 was revealed to the world at the Rio Earth Summit II in 1992;
Agenda 21 was signed into soft law in 1992 and requires only administrative approval and not legislative approval;
The UN’s Agenda 21 was granted administrative approval when President Clinton, through Executive Order, created the first President’s Council on Sustainable Development;
The President’s Council on Sustainable Development created the domestic plan known as “Sustainable America”;
Official non-Government Organizations known as NGOs are certified through the UN based on their compliance and willingness to institute UN created policies like Agenda 21 and the “Wildlands Project”. Examples of NGOs include, but are not limited to: the Sierra Club, U.S. Chamber of Commerce, American Planning Association, and ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability; formally known as the “International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives.”;
GATT, NAFTA and other trade agreements also contain components that are derivatives from the economic components of Agenda 21;
Income redistribution as a form of “economic justice” is a tool to be used by Agenda 21;
Agenda 21 is anti-property rights;
The terms “Sustainable Development”, “Smart Growth”, “Comprehensive Land Use Plan”, and “Sustainable Agriculture” are domestic equivalents of Agenda 21; and
The Global Biodiversity Assessment Report identifies private property ownership, single family homes, traditional agriculture, and consumerism as “unsustainable.”; therefore be it
RESOLVED, that we, the National Federation of Republican Assemblies (NFRA), oppose the nondomestic policies of Agenda 21 based on failure to recognize private property rights as one of America’s cornerstones of freedom and liberty; be it further
RESOLVED, that Article one, Section ten of the Constitution prohibits any State or subordinate governmental body from contracting with nondomestic entities such as ICLEI; and be it
RESOLVED, that the NFRA shall not endorse a candidate or elected official including the office of President that refuses to oppose the same.

HJR 587: State Rep. Kevin Brooks adopts resolution to stop Agenda 21 in Bradley County

In Agenda 21 on January 24, 2012 at 11:12 AM

Breaking News:

Legislation has been proposed in the Tennessee House by State Representative Kevin Brooks that could possibly halt the recent flurry of Agenda 21 activity in Bradley County, Tennessee. This single action may also halt the Regional Growth Plan out of Chattanooga and it’s association with ICLEI!

After many months of many emails, conversations and educational material sent out to our elected officials regarding Agenda 21, our movement has just inhaled a breath of fresh air. The Tennessee legislature has stepped up to the batters box and hit a home run!

The game is far from over and we still have the arduous task ahead of us to get this resolution to fruition in the House and Senate. It is a start and it is gladly accepted.

State Representative Kevin Brooks has put forth the resolution to stop the Agenda 21 process in our County and Region. It is now our duty to assist him with getting this resolution through the House as a bill.

This first essential step in the right ditection is only the beginning. The implementation of such legislation could have huge implications for Bradley County and the region.

Many in Non-Governmental roles are still pushing Agenda 21 items in Bradley County. Huge expensive and far overreaching comprehensive growth plans are still being pursued, even as I speak in Bradley County, Tennessee.

The RNC recently proposed similar legislation as HJR 587 and I am encouraged by both. I am cautious at best and concerned this proposal could die in committee and never reach its potential.

This resolution used as a device to halt the assault on us will be very welcome. Making its way through the house as a bill will be, I’m afraid, harder than it looks as legislators may find it very difficult to give up those federal dollars and face the wrath of perhaps a Mayor with other plans. We will see what the short term future holds and will remain optimistic that this difficult resolution will make it out of committee and onto the floor as a bill.

This resolution, if it remains true to its purpose and intent should put a stop to the growth plans that are forthcoming in Bradley County. As you may know, the growth plans are a very important step in the implementation of Agenda 21 in our communities.

We must stop this Agenda 21 process and cut off all of its existing tentacles that are running rampant throughout the district!

Our Mayors Rowland and Davis should know that a strong message has been sent to them! They should stop in kind the push to implement Agenda 21 in Bradley County!

Neutralizing this threat and attack on our property rights and sovereignty before it gets completed, is crucial. Your constituency have spoken and Mr Brooks has responded favorably! Please accept his stance against Agenda 21 and stop the surge to its fulfillment.

Many citizens across the state and nation are making this stand and so should our local Bradley County and Chattanooga Regional elected leaders.

Existing bills such as HB 1554 and an assortment of other actions are only hurting the taxpayers of Bradley County. The endless drain on our economy will be evident if these plans go forward.

The sovereign district Mr Brooks represents in Tennessee deserves this resolution to become a reality!

Bradley County and the thousands of people you represent will be much better because of your stand against Agenda 21!

Your resolution to unleash the grip of the United Nations and Agenda 21 on our community will hopefully reach deeply into plans that are already in place in Bradley County.

Eliminating PUD housing, land use regulations, property grabs, conservation easements, EPA, HUD and DOT strangulations on local business, international codes, annexations, flag subdivisions, brownfields, Greenway and historic designation has set you aside from all the others!

Complete annihilation of those processes with your proposed legislation is very welcome! This proposal is sure to change the landscape of our community and State forever. This resolution alone has stepped in and done more with one stroke of the pen than the citizens of Bradley County could do in years.

Let’s make this proposal have teeth! Let’s not allow this to remain talk and hyperbole. Let’s put legs on it and make it walk! We can stop this in it’s tracks!

Let this be a strong message to Beth Jones of the East Tennessee Economic Development Council and Armando Carbonell a direct representative of ICLEI and the UNITED NATIONS that State Representative Kevin Brooks has made the necessary steps to halt Agenda 21.

We will stop this and it all began in Bradley County! Have a great day and we will continue to hold this Representative accountable and responsible for changing the face of politics in Bradley County!

The citizens of Bradley County have spoken and the house and the RNC have responded. These bold first baby steps were very much needed in the fight against Agenda 21 activity in Bradley County!

We must now send a strong message to Mr Brooks and all TN House and Senate legislators! Let’s get busy notifying our elected officials to include our Mayors, Councilmen and commissioners!

This will be key to getting this resolution to stick! We can’t pass this opportunity up! We must act and act now!

The proverbial ball is rolling and it is now up to us to pour on the accelerant by making many phone calls and sending emails to your elected officials and rallying support through your contact lists!

Dig deep, take a deep breath and get to work! It is essential to making sure this resolution is a success! Our community is counting on it, our country deserves it!

The link and resolution content can be seen at this site:

(copy and paste URL to view)