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Posts Tagged ‘white house rural council’

TN State Executive Committeewoman links Comprehensive Plans to Agenda 21

In Agenda 21 on April 4, 2012 at 10:05 AM

It was only a matter of time before our politicians would finally see the light. The RNC, the GOP, select Democrats and State Executive Committeewoman Sally Absher are now speaking loudly and are talking about the dreaded Regional Growth Plan and it’s close ties to Agenda 21.

Also on board recently and sounding the alarm is Tn State Executive Committee Woman Peggy Lambert and State Senator Jim Summerfield!

On the flip side, the opposite is true in Bradley County and the region! Chattanooga/ICLEI/Recalled Mayor Ron Littlefield/Beth Jones/Bradley Planner Corey Divel/Mayor Gary Davis/Mayor Tom Rowland and many others in Bradley County are still pushing the Agenda 21 Growth Plan as the “plan of all plans” despite warnings from within their own party!

Please stay tuned and read the letter below from Sally Absher! You will clearly see the line of demarcation that is continuing to divide our state! Some continue to move forward, while others like Sally, Peggy and Jim are attempting to halt it!

I can’t figure why the “powers that be”, the decision “makers and shakers” of this huge unconstitutional tax burdened, highly regulated, land grabbing growth project are still moving forward as fast as they can while their State Executives and the RNC are saying halt!

On the other hand, I believe I do understand! As a father of three, I think I am qualified to make this judgement call. They are acting as a child in a candy store wanting that one piece of candy they can’t have. In this case that one big federal grant, and they are lying on the floor, on their back and are kicking and screaming, “Daddy told me if I was a good boy, I could get that piece of candy or in this case a few measly million dollars of grant money, and I’m gonna lay here and resist till I get my way!” “Because the Mayors are saying its good for the local economy!!!”

It is obvious to me that special interest, lobbyist, the PPPs and the NGOs have got our politicians ear, not the parties that are representative of the people! This is the sadness of all this!

We are witnessing the slide of our political machine that is supposed to be representative of the people, melt off into the abyss! Our local, State and Federal bureaucrats have let the proverbial cheese fall off the cracker! The lust for money, the promise of power, greed and a misdirected plan has hijacked our local representatives and are unfortunately are influencing their decisions!

They are no longer representatives of the people but are minions, stooges, dare I say, “useful idiots” of an International Socialist engineering scheme that has captured and took over any decision making skills they may have had!

I feel sorry for the whole lot! Can you imagine where they are now! They have gone from, in a very short time of being the hero, the bringer (if that’s a word) home of the big piece of the pie to the persons who are now being held responsible for engineering the scheme that makes us a socialist nation with bigger plans for the eventual takeover of our country by a New World Order!

Now because of their poor leadership, people in their districts will soon be living in POD communities, stacked in little HUD houses, looking begrudgingly at the next scourge that may wipe out parts of the population so that we can be sustainable!

Because of these elected people, we are now living in highly regulated, annexed and expanding Urban Growth Development areas while assisting the UN in decreasing sprawl and living around uninhabital land reserves placed within a color zone!

We gotta annex so we can get those extra tax dollars from the ones we represent, you know!

In the meantime, we are witnessing the greatest loss of our freedom and sovereignty by land grabs and horrendous land use regulations of our time?

Can you imagine why they are not backing down after numerous calls from their leadership? It’s a pride thing now, we are in way too deep! Turning around now would mean they were right and I was wrong!

I believe honestly they would rather go to their grave knowing they destroyed our country than acknowledge that they were wrong! I see the quandry, I understand, I feel the pain, I really do! But it’s high time to do the right thing and reverse course! I understand feeling you are too deep into this diabolical international plan to turn tail now! But we must be realistic here!

I feel it is time to make it right and save face! I must either forge on or I must get slapped in the face with a big ole piece of humble pie!

Dont be that “useful idiot” too proud of this Regional project to ever save face. Its time to put on our big boy panties, suck it up, be a big man and admit to wrong doing and change course!

I can’t imagine a representative of the people continuing to fight till the last breath against cries from within their own party or from their constituency, but I imagine there is a few that will!

This house of deception is crumbling fast as more and more people are seeing it’s real intent! I would not personally want to be still holding the bag when it collapses!

Many lives are being directed into your imperfect storm! It’s time to guide them to safety! Let’s disassociate with ICLEI and shove off this International inspired growth plan, watch the free market take care of this growth thing all by it’s self with the best interest of the people in mind!

Don’t be that adult child that screams and pitches a fit long after they have been told “no!” Be the man or woman you were elected to be and represent the people!

The letter from one of our Tennessee State Executive Women Sally Absher to Adam Nickas , Executive Director, Tennessee Republican Party!

Adam Nickas
Executive Director
Tennessee Republican Party
(615) 269-4260


Dear SEC Members, County Chairs, Young Republicans, College Republicans, and others,

First I would like to thank Peggy Lambert, our RNC Executive Committeewoman, for her report last Saturday in which she identified “the social engineering program known as Agenda 21″ as one of the top issues for the RNC this year. This is a very complex topic, and there are many components to the UN’s Agenda 21, from education policy to restricting rural development to “smart growth” in our urban areas. But the two areas that impact citizens across the state are the policies that affect the rural areas, and urban areas of our counties. We have seen an explosion in “Comprehensive Plans” – some at the county level, some encompassing multiple counties or even extending across state lines, as with the Chattanooga area’s 16 County 40 Year Plan. It is up to us to dig beneath the surface, and expose the over-reach of government and the waste and abuse of tax dollars to support these programs. Please understand – I am all for conservation and being a good steward of the resources the Lord gave me. What I am against is restriction of personal property rights and government making decisions on where people can live, work, and how they can get around in their community.

I have attached two fact sheets that will quickly bring you up to speed on the basics, as well as a figure showing the state of Tennessee from the stimulated reserve and corridor map that Dr. Michael Coffman drew up based on the Global Biodiversity Assessment Report and the US and UNESCO Man and Biosphere Program (google these). What you need to know is that this is the end plan, unless we stop this now. As with most incremental plans, this won’t happen all at once, but ultimately, red areas will be completely off-limits to all human activity, yellow and green areas are limited use areas (agriculture, etc. – for now). All people will live inside the black dots on the map, in “stack ‘em and pack ‘em” high rise apartments. No lake houses. No mountain cabins. No suburbs. You can also search YouTube for the video “Agenda 21 for Dummies” – about 9 minutes long. It’s a little dated and the ending is a bit hokey, but it is a good introduction to some of the national figures who have been in this battle for the past 20 years.

This is a lot of information to toss to you at once. There are several good speakers on this topic across the state, so if you would like for someone to make a presentation to your GOP club or organization, please let me know and I will help you get that set up. Another thing to remember is that this is a non-partisan issue (or maybe it is a bi-partisan issue). George H.W. Bush signed the agreement at the Rio Conference in 1992; Bill Clinton created the President’s Council on Sustainability; Mayors and Governors of both parties embraced these programs in order to receive federal grant money, and Barack Obama (along with the EPA) is pushing the pedal to the metal as far as implementing this. EO 13575, which established the White House Rural Council. This should be of concern to everyone who lives in a county with rural areas. It will be to the GOP’s advantage to get out in front of this quickly, but don’t hesitate to try to educate democrats as well. You might want to check out Rosa Koire’s book “Behind the Green Mask: UN Agenda 21″ available at Amazon for $14.37.

My apologies to the folks in the Chattanooga area who already received some of this information! Thanks for taking the time to learn a bit about this, and again, I urge you to do a search on the computer for “sustainable development” and your county or city. Or “comprehensive plan” and your county or city. You might be surprised by what you find!

Sally Absher
Tennessee Republican Party
State Executive Committee SD 6
Tennessee Reserve and Corridor.pdf
TN Reserve initiatives and Corridor info
(1.16 MiB) Downloaded 11 times

The Sustainability Dilemma2.pdf
The Sustainability Dilema
(193.77 KiB) Downloaded 13 times

The Sustainability Paradox2.pdf
The Paradox
(133.7 KiB) Downloaded 11 times

Obamas EO 13575- “No right to your own food!”

In Agenda 21, Farmers on November 23, 2011 at 9:12 AM



Federal Judge Patrick J. Fielder adheres to Agenda 21 globalist, collectivist principles as he strikes yet more blows against U.S. sovereignty and liberty, ruling that Americans have absolutely no right to raise and consume their own food.


Judge Fiedler ruled that Americans:

“Do not have a fundamental right to own and use a dairy cow or a dairy herd;”
“Do not have a fundamental right to consume the milk from their own cow;”
“Do not have a fundamental right to board their cow at the farm of a farmer;”
“Do not have a fundamental right to produce and consume the foods of their choice;” and
Cannot enter into private contracts without Government intervention.

Just three weeks after issuing the above ruling, Judge Fielder resigned his bench and went to work for a law firm that represents the corporate giant Monsanto – the mega-corporation fighting to eliminate raw and organic food producers.

The inherent nature of the United Nations Agenda 21 treaty is that it seeks not only to destroy our national sovereignty, but also our personal liberty and replacing it with global governance of our resources, our land, our education system and even what we eat.


The United States Senate has not yet taken up ratification of the Agenda 21 treaty, but that has not stopped its implementation across America. Powerful globalists like George Soros are using their ill-gotten wealth to circumvent our rule of law, funding campaigns to advance Agenda 21 programs that erode our freedoms, and fattening the personal coffers of judges and “public servants” in the name eco-Marxist objectives like “sustainability.” But what the United Nations globalists see as planning, progress, and desirable development for society – a future that is “sustainable” – is nothing less than tyranny, and in their analysis, what is “unsustainable” is American liberty and sovereignty.

The threat they pose to our freedom cannot be exaggerated, and it is already being implemented in America today, with your tax dollars, by Obama Executive Order 13575!

Green Eco-Marxists are working to implement Sustainable Development plans with the intention of resettling the American population into United Nations approved zones.


Think “Resettlement Camps” are things that only happen under totalitarian thug tyrants or in the Third World? Can’t happen here? Think again.

Multi-lateral, diplomatic, negotiated surrender is still surrender.

Please, take a moment to locate your geographic area on the below map.

Copy and google this map!


Is your town shaded light green? If not, the United Nations wants you to move, and it appears Green Eco-Marxists within the United States are working very hard to ensure success of “resettling” you.

It would be easy to dismiss this map as a crackpot conspiracy theory; however this information comes directly from THE UNITED NATIONS as part of their Agenda 21 implementation plans.

Map Color Codes are designated for the following uses:

Red – Little or no human use whatsoever
Yellow – Buffer zones with limited and heavily regulated use
Green – “Normal” use, similar to existing use but in compliance with UN demands
Pink – Indian Reservations
Grey – Military Reservations
Black Dots – Cities with over 10,000 people

To date, Congress has refused to ratify Agenda 21, but that has not stopped radical Greenies, Marxists and Barack Obama from implementing Agenda 21. Obama’s new motto is “We can’t Wait”! He is circumventing Congress all together. Within the last few months, Obama issued Executive Order 13575, establishing his “White House Rural Council” with a new Executive administrative body to implement the “sustainable communities” that the UN’s Agenda 21 was designed to enforce.

To stop our nation’s capitulation into the socialist nightmare of Agenda 21, it’s absolutely imperative that patriotic Americans speak out and make their voices heard. This is our moment! Now is not the time to be found wanting. We MUST ACT to save American sovereignty and liberty!


Editors note- We have the ability to stop this! Call your Congressman in your district and tell them “We want the UNITED NATIONS out of the UNITED STATES, please co sponsor HR 1146!

Also, a request for donations to fight this was removed, if you choose to do so please contact Mr Keyes website below!

For further Detailed information please read more from this news blog at: https://bradleycountynews.wordpress.com/2011/06/20/white-house-rural-council-hits-bradley-county/
Keep Faith,

Alan Keyes

P.S. It’s appalling the number of elected officials who, by design or incompetence, neither uphold nor defend our Constitution. Anyone with more than a cursory knowledge of our Founding would see, as you do, that Agenda 21 in diametrically opposed to all for which America stands! Yet, sadly, it comes down to you and me. Help “we the people” speak up loud and clear – for our nation’s sake!