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Archive for May 17th, 2012|Daily archive page

Georgetown Community meeting tonight: Rezoning, property rights, SR 60 on the agenda

In Uncategorized on May 17, 2012 at 2:11 PM

Tonight! Community meeting at Georgetown Baptist Church on SR 60, across from the Family Dollar, 730 pm, bring someone with you!

A sleepy little piece of rural America nestled into Bradley Counties rolling hills and meadows is being prepared to become a hustle and bustle rezoned I (1) heavy industrial park complete with a 5 lane highway with major intersection development at Hopewell School!

The existing property rights and values of that property are at stake. Many realtors and key players in and around the planning commissions stand to gain heavily from this property grab.

The vote went forward on May 1, 2012 by the Bradley County Planning Commission despite a packed room of concerned citizens saying “NO!” Tony Young was quoted by the Cleveland Daily Banner, “I think we get the gist”, he said, “You all are against it.” Then moments later, the Commission voted in favor of the rezoning. Mr Young (Works for Crye Leike) abstained from the vote because of conflicts with Allen. Judy Allen who is not a member of the planning commission but from my understanding is/was a Crye Leike Realtor and owner of some of the property in the rezoning area. The vote was approved 3 to 2 with Commissioner and Planning member Mel Griffith, Tom Crye and Stacey Tucker voting yes and Janie Bishop and Daryl Sneed voting no. Planning
Commissioners Lisa Webb and Lindsay Hathcock and Greg Calfee were absent. Why Mr Tom Crye(in the realty business) continued on with his vote I do not know.

My overwhelming thought coming out of this meeting is why were so many “vested” and standing to benefit from this rezoning ever allowed on this board and some still voted? Why didn’t our one standing County Commissioner on the board vote with the people and vote NO? Another thought, with so many “absent and abstaining” why was the vote not delayed till the appointed board could have had better attendance which could have turned the vote. Why?

Many in the room that evening were encouraged to vote no or to delay the vote to “gather” more information. County Commissioners Terry Caywood and Ed Elkins, both from 1st District representatives even suggested delaying the vote. Why did the planning commission elect to bypass those requests by it’s citizens and elected representatives and vote in favor? Whatever the reason, herein lies the answer.

Living in a rural area is an enviable position to be in from city dwellers. I love the open area. I love to stand on my front porch and see pasture, birds and listen to a roaring stream and birds chirping. I do not want to look out my door and see a new superstore or a steel grey building shadowing me from the sun and the traffic getting back and forth to it. Leave the county alone! Leave our property alone. We like it the way it is. Rural and beautiful!

Come join us at the meeting tonight. 730 pm at the Georgetown Baptist Church across from the Family Dollar on SR 60. Come early, it is going to be crowded. We must take a stand against our elected and nonelected representatives that are calling all the shots despite our objections. They and their selected minions work for us and if we want things a certain way then they should act accordingly. Community activism against is the backbone of our society. When that voice is taken away by those elected to represent us, especially the non elected boards, Committees and Chambers of Commerces there is tyranny under a monarchy. Liberty and a republic does not exist when the peoples voice is silenced and their efforts vilified. Community and public dissent is the great equalizer not the great evil that certain “good ole boys” in town wish to make you. Our country was formed by dissenters and so called “trouble makers” in our not to distant past.

Embrace these citizens that are boldly and courageously standing between us and an encroaching government, stand with them. They are what America needs more of. Send a strong message that we are not the bad guy. Instead, we are a very strong, well oiled group that are standing up for the fight armored with our inalienable (God given, not man or Government given rights but inalienable! Mainly mong those are our property rights.

The Bradley County Commission is planning to vote on this rezoning issue on June 4th, 2012, 7pm, at the Bradley County Commission meeting room at the courthouse. Please plan to be there and bring someone from the Georgetown, Hopewell area with you.

In the meantime, call your commissioner and tell them you want them to vote NO on this rezoning request. Tell them you want a NO vote, not a DELAY vote. They frequently will delay the vote in hopes of public dissent to cool somewhat them when “interest is lost” the vote is recast with less hoopla! This method has been used successfully in the past!

VOTE NO or we replace you with someone who will vote NO! It’s that simple and it is the American way to prevent government intrusion into our lives.

Our forefathers would be proud! See ya there!