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46 Reasons to Repeal ALL of Obamacare NOW

In Uncategorized on June 29, 2012 at 12:58 AM

June 28, 2012
50 now 46 Reasons to Repeal ALL of Obamacare NOW

Provisions 10,15,24 and 34 were struck down!

Before you read this remember this is mostly the financial side and how it will affect the state and ultimately you! I am working on a post of the more scary stuff and how it will directly affect you. All the more reason to repeal or nullify this horrible encroachment on you and your way of life! This will more than likely back fire in our faces and all I can say is we were warned and we didn’t send a strong enough message!

A special thanks to the Jim DeMint office for putting these provisions together!


Today the Supreme Court struck down portions of Obamacare as unconstitutional –states cannot be “dragooned” into expanding their Medicaid programs according to the law’s dictates. However, a list of 50 particularly onerous or egregious provisions in Obamacare (with sections from the statute duly noted) reveals just how much of this bad law remains. By the most generous interpretation, the Court struck down only four of the 50 egregious policies, illustrating why Congress should immediately repeal the entire measure once and for all.  Among many other bad policies, the law:

1.Imposes $800 billion in tax increases, including no fewer than 12 separate provisions breaking candidate Obama’s “firm pledge” during his campaign that he would not raise “any of your taxes” (Sections 9001-9016)

2.Forces Americans to purchase a product for the first time ever (Section 1501)

3. Creates a board of 15 unelected and unaccountable bureaucrats to make binding rulings on how to reduce Medicare spending (Section 3403)

4. Pays over $800 billion in subsidies straight to health insurance companies (Sections 1401, 1402, and 1412)

5. Requires all individuals to buy government-approved health insurance plans, imposing new mandates that will raise individual insurance premiums by an average of $2,100 per family (Section 1302)

6. Forces seniors to lose their current health care, by enacting Medicare Advantage cuts that by 2017 will cut enrollment in half, and cut plan choices by two-thirds (Section 3201)

7. Imposes a 40 percent tax on health benefits, a direct contradiction of Barack Obama’s campaign promises (Section 9001)

8. Relies upon government bureaucrats to “issue guidance on best practices of plain language writing” (Section 1311(e)(3)(B))

9. Provides special benefits to residents of Libby, Montana — home of Max Baucus, the powerful Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, who helped write the law even though he says he hasn’t read it (Section 10323)

10. Imposes what a Democrat Governor called the “mother of all unfunded mandates” – new, Washington-dictated requirements of at least $118 billion – at a time when states already face budget deficits totaling a collective $175 billion (Section 2001)

11.  Imposes reductions in Medicare spending that, according to the program’s non-partisan actuary, would cause 40 percent of all Medicare providers to become unprofitable, and could lead to their exit from the program (Section 3401)

12.  Raises premiums on more than 17 million seniors participating in Medicare Part D, so that Big Pharma can benefit from its “rock-solid deal” struck behind closed doors with President Obama and Congressional Democrats (Section 3301)

13.  Creates an institute to undertake research that, according to one draft Committee report prepared by Democrats, could mean that “more expensive [treatments] will no longer be prescribed” (Section 6301)

14.  Creates a multi-billion dollar “slush fund” doled out solely by federal bureaucrats, which has already been used to fund things like bike paths (Section 4002)

15.  Subjects states to myriad new lawsuits, by forcing them to assume legal liability for delivering services to Medicaid patients for the first time in that program’s history (Section 2304)

16.  Permits taxpayer dollars to flow to health plans that fund abortion, in a sharp deviation from prior practice under Democrat and Republican Administrations (Section 1303)

17.  Empowers bureaucrats on a board that has ruled against mammograms and against prostate cancer screenings to make binding determinations about what types of preventive services should be covered (Sections 2713 and 4104)

18.  Precludes poor individuals from having a choice of health care plans by automatically dumping them in the Medicaid program (Section 1413(a))

19.  Creates a new entitlement program that one Democrat called “a Ponzi scheme of the first order, the kind of thing that Bernie Madoff would have been proud of” — a scheme so unsustainable even the Administration was forced to admit it would not work (Section 8002)

20.  Provides $5 billion in taxpayer dollars to a fund that has largely served to bail out unions and other organizations who made unsustainable health care promises to retirees that they cannot afford (Section 1102)

21.  Creates a tax credit so convoluted it requires seven different worksheets to determine eligibility (Section 1421)

22.  Imposes multiple penalties on those who marry, by reducing subsidies (and increasing taxes) for married couples when compared to two individuals cohabiting together (Sections 1401-02)

23.  Extends the Medicare “payroll tax” to unearned income for the first time ever, including new taxes on the sale of some homes (Section 1402)

24.  Impedes state flexibility by requiring Medicaid programs to offer a specific package of benefits, including benefits like family planning services (Sections 2001(a)(2), 2001(c), 1302(b), and 2303(c))

25.  Requires individuals to go to the doctor and get a prescription in order to spend their own Flexible Spending Account money on over-the-counter medicines (Section 9003)

26.  Expands the definition of “low-income” to make 63 percent of non-elderly Americans eligible for “low-income” subsidized insurance (Section 1401)

27.  Imposes a new tax on the makers of goods like pacemakers and hearing aids (Section 9009)

28.  Creates an insurance reimbursement scheme that could result in the federal government obtaining Americans’ medical records (Section 1343)

29.  Permits states to make individuals presumptively eligible for Medicaid for unlimited 60-day periods, thus allowing any individual to receive taxpayer-funded assistance ad infinitum (Section 2303(b))

30.  Allows individuals to purchase insurance on government exchanges — and to receive taxpayer-funded insurance subsidies — WITHOUT verifying their identity as American citizens (Section 1411)

31.  Gives $300 million in higher Medicaid reimbursements to one state as part of the infamous “Louisiana Purchase” — described by ABC News as “what…it take[s] to get a wavering senator to vote for health care reform” (Section 2006)

32.  Raises taxes on firms who cannot afford to buy coverage for their workers (Section 1513)

33.  Forces younger Americans to pay double-digit premium increases so that older workers can pay slightly less (Section 1201)

34.  Prohibits states from modifying their Medicaid programs to include things like modest anti-fraud protections (Section 2001)

35.  Includes a special provision increasing federal payments just for Tennessee (Section 1203(b))

36.  Allows individuals to purchase health insurance across state lines — but only if politicians and bureaucrats agree to allow citizens this privilege (Section 1333)

37.  Allows the HHS Secretary and federal bureaucrats to grant waivers exempting people from Obamacare’s onerous mandates, over half of which have gone to members of union plans (Section 1001)

38.  Creates a pseudo-government-run plan overseen by the federal government (Section 1334)

39.  Removes a demonstration project designed to force government-run Medicare to compete on a level playing field with private plans (Section 1102(f))

40.  Gives the Secretary of HHS an UNLIMITED amount of federal funds to spend funding state insurance Exchanges (Section 1311(a))

41.  Creates a grant program that could be used by liberal groups like ACORN or AARP to conduct “public education activities” surrounding Obamacare (Section 1311(i))

42.  Applies new federal mandates to pre-Obamacare insurance policies, thus proving that you CAN’T keep the insurance plan you had — and liked — before the law passed (Sections 2301 and 10103)

43.  Prohibits individuals harmed by federal bureaucrats from challenging those decisions, either in court or through regulatory processes (Sections 3001, 3003, 3007, 3008, 3021, 3022, 3025, 3133, 3403, 5501, 6001, and 6401)

44.  Earmarks $100 million for “construction of a health care facility,” a “sweetheart deal” inserted by a Democrat Senator trying to win re-election (Section 10502)

45.  Puts yet another Medicaid unfunded mandate on states, by raising payments to primary care physicians, but only for two years, forcing states to come up with another method of funding this unsustainable promise when federal funding expires (Section 1202)

46.  Imposes price controls that have had the effect of costing jobs in the short time since they were first implemented (Section 1001)

47.  Prohibits individuals from spending federal insurance subsidies outside government-approved Exchanges (Section 1401(a))

48.  Provides a special increase in federal hospital payments just for Hawaii (Section 10201(e)(1))

49.  Imposes new reporting requirements that will cost businesses millions of dollars, and affect thousands of restaurants and other establishments across the country (Section 4205)

50.  Codifies 159 new boards, bureaucracies, and programs

The Supreme Court may have struck some of these onerous provisions, but the only way to ensure that ALL these provisions are eliminated — and never return — is to repeal ALL of this unconstitutional law immediately.

The United States Will Have to Change Its Name

In Uncategorized on June 27, 2012 at 12:30 PM

The United States Will Have to Change Its Name

The main-stream-media reported yesterday’s U.S. v. Arizona Supreme Court ruling as a partial victory for Arizona. Nothing could be further from the truth. The Court’s ruling destroyed the United States. This is not hyperbole. The United States quite literally no longer exists.

The name, “United States” describes a nation that consisted of several sovereign States, combined by a Constitution which granted limited powers to a central government. That nation no longer exists because the former States are sovereign no longer.

This is not just my assessment of the current situation, this is the assessment of Justices Thomas and Scalia. Justice Scalia’s dissenting opinion reads like a new call to revolution. It begins by pointing out that States are sovereign States only when the States have certain abilities. One of those required abilities is to be able to determine who will be allowed within its territory, and who will not. Throughout history it has been agreed that any state lacking the right to exclude certain categories of people is not truly sovereign. Such governments are, themselves, simply subjects of some other sovereign government. The entities formerly known as “States” in North America are now simply subjects of the Federal government.

No precedent supports yesterday’s ruling from the Court. The court’s main opinion tries to make its ruling seem like normal application of preemption precedent. But the truth is that the Court has never applied its preemption precedent in any way remotely resembling U.S. v. Arizona. Keep in mind that Arizona simply wanted to enforce existing Federal law. Never before has the Court said that states can’t enforce Federal law, unless Congress explicitly prohibited State enforcement. The Court has occasionally prevented states from adding to or taking away from Federal law, but it has NEVER said that states cannot enforce Federal law when Congress doesn’t explicitly prohibit enforcement by the states. Imagine the Federal government telling states that they can’t arrest and prosecute bank robbers or drug dealers. Yesterday’s ruling is even more absurd because Federal immigration law actually encourages state enforcement. This ruling is a new high water mark in the ever-growing Federal takeover of state sovereignty.

What we really have here is a President that disagrees with laws passed by Congress, so he actively refuses to enforce those laws. After this week’s ruling we also have a judicial branch that has joined the President by denying “states” the right to do what the President refuses to do. So, we have a Federal government eliminating the remnants of state sovereignty while separation of powers within the Federal government is also ignored. What role does Congress have if the Executive can actively refuse to enforce Federal law? The answer is none. In the past our brilliant system of government would have protected the citizens from such a breakdown within the Federal system by allowing State governments to pick up the slack, like Arizona tried to do. Now the Supreme Court has removed that check and balance.

We can no longer call our nation the United States of America because “States” no longer exist. Instead we now have 50 administrative departments of the Federal government. After yesterday’s ruling “State” borders are no more than boundaries marking the geographical extent of administrative departments. We are now the North American Federal Empire. Our Federal masters will probably have to raise taxes to fund changing the name of our nation on all the stationary.

Despite this unfortunate turn of events, there is still hope. Liberty Legal Foundation has made a difference. The amicus brief LLF filed with the Supreme Court in the U.S. v. Arizona case focused on one issue. That was the one issue that Arizona won.

The one part of the Arizona law that was upheld was the “States’” right to require all local law enforcement to check the immigration status of suspected illegal immigrants. LLF’s amicus brief pointed out to the Court that existing Federal law forbids the Federal government from telling any state or local agency that they can’t ask for immigration information on any individual. This point had not been clearly made by any party or other amicus prior to our brief. Our brief did not discuss the other issues raised by this case because the “State” of Arizona argued those other issues very well. We focused only on a point that had not been made by anyone else, a point that is very important to proper separation of powers.

The Supreme Court’s main opinion acknowledges the point we made in our amicus brief. Even better, Justice Thomas’ dissenting opinion repeats our point, almost verbatim, on page one and two of his opinion. It seems clear that we got the attention of the Court and influenced its ruling. This is great news.

It is unfortunate that overall the Court took a huge step in the wrong direction. However, three justices dissented vigorously, and Arizona won the one issue argued by LLF. We must keep fighting. As bad as this ruling is for our nation, it is still possible to reverse this course by changing one mind on the Court. Our efforts are being noticed within the Court. We can restore our Constitutional Republic if we continue to contend for these Founding Principles with our fellow citizens and with the Courts. To that end, please share this message with your friends, family and social networks.

For Liberty,

Van Irion, Founder

“Flyer propaganda” prompts Cleveland Mayor to order investigation on citizen exercising free speech

In Government on June 26, 2012 at 12:38 AM

There is no Propaganda! There is nothing being made up! There are no mistruths in the much discussed flyer that was handed out in the central southern downtown area.

The only thing that did happen was a lone patriot took it upon himself to warn some friends and neighbors of the up and coming drafted plan to demolish and redevelop their homes.

Many of these mostly blue collared and retired citizens just south of the old whirlpool have only one entity to live in fear of and that is the actions of their locally elected officials who are supposed to represent them and protect them.

The Mayor, his council and their hired consultants and Greg Thomas drafted a plan that called for the demolition and redevelopment of 300 homes in downtown Cleveland.

Only when the citizens were informed of their demise did the mayor and Planner Greg Thomas go on the offensive and look as if they had no part in the published draft for the BCC 2035 downtown growth plan which was handed out at the last public meeting and at the time of the flyer handout was the only known draft.

Only after the Mayor, Greg Thomas and editors at the Banner ranted at the sick and demented acts of a single Patriot for 6 days did we suddenly all realize that a private meeting was reportedly held and the planners and Mayor miraculously came up with another plan and the Flyer guy was handing out old “outdated” information.

“This area would be best served by demolition and redevelopment!” as quoted from the last public notice of the last updated public plan draft. This quote came directly from the consultants hired by our local government using a 3 to 2 vote by City Council to go forward with redevelopment that gave the go ahead for the consultants and planners to draft the plans with the above ominous sentence.

Until the very recent discovery of a “new draft plan” the area south of the old Whirlpool Plant with 300 homes had been targeted for DEMOLITION AND REDEVELOPMENT!

The above statement is confirmed in the draft of the plan handed out to the public at the last public meeting at the Bradley Square Mall. If you recall many were sorely disappointed at the drafted plans on that date and over 73 percent of those in attendance for the three day event disagreed or strongly disagreed and more than 80 percent disagreed with the Central City plan.

The Consultants, Planners and Elected officials took a deaf ear stance to the cries of a citizenry that did not want to see this happen in their communities. The cry was loud, even prompting additional purchased adds in the local paper because noone, to include the hired Consultants would publish the results…..”because they were too negative!”

My conclusion to this would be if you had listened to those who attended you would not have been surprised when many called the planners horrified that their homes were suggested to be better served by demolition and redevelopment.

The overwhelming message at the Charrette is you will be violating our property rights and when the people affected discover your vile plan the Mayor and Greg Thomas act mortified and disgusted that anyone would dare tell a citizen about your plan that contained the scary, absurd and crazy message.

Too negative? The outrage from this last public meeting Charrette at Mall was labeled too negative to report the findings. Would you attempt to label something too negative if it meant giving up your property rights? I know not of a single person that addressed this issue and our very verbal concerns but instead chalking up the many who spoke against this development and demolition as “stirring up trouble!”

The local Bradley/Cleveland Chamber of Commerce, in their April monthly newsletter, mailed to every business member in the area and basically condemned our efforts to warn the public of the dissatisfaction with the redevelopment plans for this area that the Mayor has now reportedly vehemently denied will ever happen showed much disbelief that someone would tell those people something awful like that and upsetting senior citizens, Mr Mayor, this was your drafted plan that contained the bad news!

What is happening in this community? Bureaucrats, elected leaders, Mayors, consultants, planners, vested parties, the utility departments, the Chamber of Commerce, the many appointed boards and elected officials turning on the general public and attempting to block, squelch and criminalize anyone that dares to expose this stealthy plan. This same group is surprised when the now informed public learns of their own demise at the hands of our locally elected officials and take a precarious stance to act like it never happened.

I have addressed and dredged up many many reports supporting the facts in the flyer. Read some, read them all and you will be amazed at the amount of trickery, spin and energy that goes into denying the facts. It is almost as if they don’t realize that with 99 percent of what they do or say there is some type of public record about most of their actions. Nothing a little Google search want confirm.

City Planner calls flyer allegations “crazy and scary!”

The Cleveland Daily Banner in an “anonymous” editorial letter in this weeks paper called the actions of citizens “absurd!”

A recent conversation with a Banner reporter which will remain unidentified out of respect for this person, I told him that alot of people are going to be angry over this “spin” and lack of details of this drafted plan for the BCC 2035 growth plan that noone wants to assume ownership of and the local press is only offering one side of the story.

I am now convinced after compiling this data that the right hand does not know what the left hand is doing as this unknown government goes forward with redevelopment. Others have expressed that this is deliberate and the opposing messages being sent to the public are intentional, much like self governance, the unknown government and consensus through techniques like the Delphi!

I do know one thing and mark my word. The demolishing and redevelopment portion of the Central City plan white papers is very real and is the last known draft that the public has been privy to. The Mayor and the City Planner, based solely on their comments and it is my opinion only, no fact to base this statement on but it appeared the Mayor and the Planner at the time of the flyers being passed out were either unaware of the drafted plans by hired out of town consultants or are flat out not being honest with the people that they represent. It has to be one or the other based on the many reactions in shock of the drafted plan and their repeated cries they didn’t know where we were getting these “bogus ideas!”

Let me put another opinion out there, no fact, just my humble opinion, let me put out there another scenario. When the mayor called a press conference and eventually a 7 to 0 vote by his council to criminalize a patriots action why didnt the Mayor or City Planner express to the many news outlets on that Monday, June 18 th and the following 6 or so days that “the news being put out was outdated instead of a farce as they alleged. Why wasn’t the opportunity to inform the public not done initially instead of many days later. Just a thought and again my opinion is he didn’t even know what the planners and consultants had put in the plan.

The day of my interview with Channel 12s News, Bill Mitchell after interviewing the Mayor told me we had been acting on old outdated plans and that the “planners” met on May 31st and changed the wording to say nothing of redevelopment and demolition. How convenient is that! Now that the word is out and the plan changes drastically and not one word to the public or coverage in the local papers. News this big did not make it out to the public for nearly 4 months?

I requested the “newly updated” version of the plan from Corey Divel and it was indeed updated and did not mention demolishing or redevelopment as the original last known draft to the public said. The newly revised plan from Corey Divel had the same date as the original. I’ll let you form your own opinion here.

I requested yet another draft plan, this one from Greg Thomas, this one with the original date and the updated date and of course no mention of the demolishing and redevelopment of 300 homes South of the old whirlpool plant. He later communicated to me that he did not like being misrepresented. I now ask the question, what is misrepresentative about the only current public information we have that says the 300 homes South of the old Whirlpool plant would be best served by Demolition or Redevelopment. I do not see what is false or misrepresented about that?

Perhaps, after reading the many attached articles you can find out where the mistruth is in the flyer that was disseminated by an anonymous flyer man exercising his First Amendment right. I can’t find it! I tried to find a mistruth in it, I honestly did! Then I would be forced to shut up and drop the issue.

Remember, this issue was brought on by our elected body who attempted to warn the public and to criminalize the actions of a few citizens with a stronghand vote from City council and a horrendous media smear of this person! That’s the only fault I have found with this whole debacle!

My many thanks goes out to the Banner for providing much of the information I have displayed! I encourage you to keep reading the Banner for it’s timely reporting of these issue and spend that 50 cents and dollar on Sunday getting the news of our local happenings.

A statement from Mayor Rowland, “This flyer was anonymously passed out in the city. It’s my understanding that over 20 people contacted Greg Thomas because his number was listed on the flyer, who were concerned and some even expressed fear that we’re going to take their property. Nothing can be further from the truth. I think this flyer is very exciting. I don’t find anything, maybe some terminology here and there that’s even true.” He also went on to explain that this person must be exposed and explore any possible criminal activity that may apply!

Tennessee Code Annotated 13-20-201, Kingsporhttp://www.khraredevelopment.org/aboutus.html

3 tools to use under TCA 13-20-201

the Statute T.C.A. 13-20-201. The tools that could be used in a Redevelopment District include:

Tax Increment Financing (TIF):
TIF is the redirection of increased property tax revenues
which occur as the result of a redevelopment project, in support of the project. It is a means of providing funding to spur redevelopment activities. TIF must be approved by the governing bodies involved. A side note- the schools, police and fire as well as many other budgets are affected by TIF financing because of frozen property tax rates and the diversion of tax dollars to the likes of developers and etc.

Ability to Assemble Property:
Are able to acquire property either through outright purchase, or through the exercise of eminent domain, which is defined as the taking of private property for the public good, with just compensation and assistance with relocation.

Bonding Authority:
Are authorized by T.C.A. 13-20-104(a)22 has the capability to borrow funds through its bonding authority in support of projects with a public purpose, with public ownership. This may be at a lower, tax-exempt, interest rate.

Doug Berry communicates with Richard Cathey of KPMG! Bond discussion and or outsourcing conversation? The details of that conversation have not been made public. Wasn’t Bernie Madoff tied up with KPMG at one time? Just wandering why we are dealing with this company. May be no relation, just an opinion!

Mayor Rowland calls for redevelopment of downtown: Remember, he asked what development in the Chattanoogan article.

Tom Rowland Civic Center downtown: “most exciting redevelopment project in our history!”

Favored developers, raising property values and taxes, Tom Rowland Convention Center:

What redevelopment? Favored developers? Quote from Commissioner Banks “With public and private opportunities, I think this Whirlpool property and surrounding property could be a great asset to Cleveland,” he said. “That’s where Cleveland started.”

He said Cleveland businessman Tom Robertson texted him a series of messages suggesting the redevelopment could be based on the creek that runs all the way from Big Spring Baptist Church to the Village Green before it turns north along Keith Street to Willow Street where the Cleveland/Bradley Greenway begins. Some of the waterway is open and some of it runs under buildings.

Favored developers through public private partnerships? I dont know, you decide! “The spec building is a public-private partnership between Dillard Construction Inc., contractor; Dillard Partnership, the developer; Cleveland/Bradley County Industrial Development Board, the organization that holds the note on the land; and the Cleveland/Bradley County Chamber of Commerce, which is handling the marketing and information distribution for the development.”

Legislation, HB 1554 introduces TIF as funding source for redeveloping downtown Whirlpool site

Using a City Council vote to squash freedom of speech and attempting to criminalize a patriot exercising his freedom
of speech and face possible charges if they apply:

Chamber of Commerce, Public Utilities, other Economic Development personnel have a “VESTED INTEREST in the region’s anticipated growth over the next quarter century.”

Call it Sustainable Development or Agenda 21 it’s still Sustainable Development under the direction of the United Nations 21 Local plan for our County with direct influence of the Chamber of Commerce!

Click to access BCC%202035-1.pdf

Planning efforts draw ire of Rosa Koire:

BCC 2035 plan as per AECOM consultants to McBride,Dale and Clarion

Click to access 18435%20Cleveland%20Bradley%20Growth%2004.12.pdf

“The biggest redevelopment project the community has ever seen.” The City Mayor was recently quoted by the Chattanoogan, “what redevelopment?”

City Council narrowly approves growth plan, discusses raising property taxes or cutting services to fund it. Also discussed, salary of consultants! “The plan was initiated by the Cleveland/Bradley Chamber of Commerce” in partnership… “At that time, the cost of the study was $221,720. The local share of $171,720 was paid by the participants.”

Copy of a quote in the Banner from the above news article by Councilman Banks:
““When we vote on this it’s not just because it looks good in a notebook,” he said as he held the strategic plan in his hand. “We’re setting a course. If you read what’s in there, we are going to have to make some tough decisions and one of them is trying to get a property tax increase in the next 60 days.”

Banks said increasing the property tax might be best, but before raising taxes, he urged department heads to think about where they could save money.”

The Delphi Technique to achieve consensus. That overwhelming sense that no matter what we get back from the public, we will get what we want!

Community gives growth plan thumbs down, police called, tyranny reigns in Bradley County!

73 percent of Bradley County residents disapprove of growth plan, 80 percent disapprove of Central City Plan but the plan goes forward as if consensus reached.

73 percent of Charette attendees strongly disagree with Bradley County Comprehensive Plan

Redevelopment, the unknown Government- Speaks of the same things we are implementing here in Bradley County by hired out of town consultant is the same thing that is destroying California’s economy without a single vote cast by the people!

Strongly ask your self why did our elected leaders act so strongly toward a single taxpaying, constitutionally protected citizen? I would cide with my opinion that they got caught with their hand in the cookie jar and quickly responded negatively against the citizen who did the reporting. This again is the easy thing to do and they clearly took the low road. My daddy used to tell me son, if you are going to say something, you better be willing to back it up! Wished many would have received that advice! Thanks Dad! God rest your soul!

Tea Party leader fires back about fliers

In Uncategorized on June 20, 2012 at 2:17 AM

Tea Party leader fires back about fliers

The ironic thing is there is not one mistruth is in this flyer! And our elected officials have stirred up one hell of a balew over it! It is all true! I am holding a document and would gladly provide a copy that clearly states that 300 homes in the downtown area will be “demolished and redeveloped” just as the flyer warns.

The mix up is that it is my belief that not even the Mayor is fully informed of the growth plan that he and his council have voted on and approved recently!

This is the price they pay for allowing 3rd parties and NGOs (Non Governmental Organizations) such as industrial boards, Chamber of Commerce or economic development appointees or committee members to make all the in between vote decisions for them. Then when the informed taxpayer, in this instance, an informed tea partier does his due diligence, researches numerous documents and presents facts to our elected officials they have that deer in the headlight look as if seeing it for the first time.

I have a very alert, well educated and intelligent group of individuals in the tea party and they are willing to go to bat to stop this type of spin on the truth even if it means great personal conflict or loss! It is a belief in the constitution, that if followed will flush out many who do not belong in office.

We can no longer sit back and trust our elected officials with the rings at a full gallop. We must, as concerned citizens, pull back on the bit and slow the stallion down while occasionally having to break them with a steady firm hand.

Our politician bureaucrat types are attempting to discredit and silence any person that speaks the truth in an open venue, such as passing flyers out to the public.

Not one single mistruth permeates this flyer! The biggest lie told on this story comes from a very misinformed Mayor and council that is not even aware of the plans inside the plan they voted to enact just a few short months ago.

To make up for their information inadequacy they strike at the first person who happens to tell them something they have never heard or seen and instead of researching the data or “googling” the information as suggested, they assume the information is false and start a campaign against this valiant man and his family!

The campaign hoisted by this administration is irrehensible and truly has hurt those in it’s path! The ability of one person and it’s seven henchmen along with a willing press to do absolutely no research of any of the data in question is the true destructive component of a government and it’s governors that are sorely inconsiderate of their electorate.

I would truly be ashamed if this were my doing and hurting a family the way some have. The mental anguish this has placed on this person is almost unbearable and has caused a fine upstanding citizen to go underground to avoid tyranny from a runaway government.

Not a single reporter or elected representative that I am aware of has even bothered to raise a hand to research the facts. If they did they would clearly see that the information that is being hotly contested would bare out the truth and provide the answers and end the debate over truth or non truth.

It’s like Nancy Pelosi suggested on the Obamacare health care bill, sign it then we will read it later! The taxpayers are pretty aware of what is coming down the pike, it’s the elected officials that would sign on a paper bag without knowing what was in the bag, if it meant federal dollars coming their way!

Source: http://www.timesfreepress.com/news/2012/jun/20/tea-party-leader-fires-back-about-fliers/?local

CLEVELAND, Tenn. — The head of the Tea Party of Bradley County said Tuesday that Mayor Tom Rowland should resign after taking a stand against a flier — written by a tea party member — that says the city wants to destroy the homes in some Cleveland neighborhoods.

Donny Harwood, local tea party chairman, said Rowland thinks he is king.

The Cleveland City Council also voted unanimously to request a police investigation into the flier, a decision that Harwood says is “to basically manhunt down the source of the flier and have him arrested or brought up on charges.”

Harwood said the man who put out the flier recently joined the Bradley tea party and is “now in fear of his safety and well-being. I had to listen as his family wept in the background on a phone conversation because this mayor unjustifiably put out a bounty on his head!”

In his emailed statement, Harwood said the mayor and all the City Council, plus city planner Greg Thomas, should resign.

Rowland said Tuesday that “the job of city government is to protect its citizens and that includes misinformation that could put fear into senior citizens.”

Rowland has said there is no plan to destroy homes in the neighborhoods through a plan being developed by Bradley County, Cleveland and Charleston to accommodate growth for the next 25 years.

“The neighborhoods where the fliers were circulated are established neighborhoods where people have lived for two or three generations,” Rowland said. “They should not be given misinformation that creates fear.

“The council simply asked for an investigation to determine the source of the fliers so they can be given correct information. Of course, if any criminal laws are violated, that is a different matter,” Rowland said.

Calling the city government “runaway,” Harwood said that if he or the man who put out the flier are harmed, that the mayor, the council and Thomas “should be held responsible and investigated to the fullest extent of the law!”

Tyrannical acts of Cleveland Mayor Tom Rowland creates fears for law abiding, tax paying citizens

In Uncategorized on June 19, 2012 at 1:57 PM

Definition of tyranny:

1 : oppressive power ; especially : oppressive power exerted by government

2 a : a government in which absolute power is vested in a single ruler; especially : one characteristic of an ancient Greek city-state b : the office, authority, and administration of a tyrant

3 : a rigorous condition imposed by some outside agency or force <living under the tyranny of the mind

4 : a tyrannical act

Last evening on Channel 9 out of Chattanooga Tennessee, Cleveland Tennessee Mayor Tom Rowland was featured in a scathing news report that was aimed at the citizens of Cleveland/Bradley County that were reportedly handing out flyers in a community in the downtown Cleveland area speaking out against the Mayor and his band of clones that are going to redevelop the downtown area using the EPAs Brownfield development using HB 1554 and TIF financing to take away our property rights.

I’ll add a scary voice here, but he was quoted on the news cast as saying they, whomever they are, “are being very careful to not put the flyers in the mailboxes!” scary laugh, hooo haaaaaah haaaaaah!!!! Eluding to the fact that if we find out they put a flyer in a mailbox, we will snatch them from their family and put them in a federal prison for years, and we can probably do it through the Department of Homeland Security, since I am head of the local office, scary laugh again! The unquoted parts were mine and not his but can you see that this man is assuming he has more power than he really does?

The Mayors tyrannical activity speaks volumes of the county and cities efforts to squash the citizens from speaking out about a wayward government with way too much power. Enough power to presumably cause a citizen to go underground, to flee from his or her government, to cause family anguish due to fear of reprisals, causing his or her family to be tormented by his words causing citizens to second guess any activity for fear of retaliation or reprisals. This is a sad day for Cleveland Tennessee, and Bradley County!

The Mayor from a bully pulpit, on a regional TV news stage exerting the effort to stop a normal, tax paying citizen from exercising his/her first amendment rights. This is shameful and should be condemned.

No longer are we under the kookiness of a King George, his oppression was done away with long ago, yet we have a modern day King Tom oppressing the people in the same way through fear and intimidation.

The mayor spoke of federal charges and encouraged the citizens to call in and report this anonymous person who dares speak out against King Tom, leading many to believe there is a manhunt for this purveyor of truthful flyers complete with statements about King Toms plans for his downtown Kingdom.

I have been approached by several involved in the “federally” offensive flyer handout scandal and they have made the decision to lay low and are truly fearful for their safety! A government designed and led this way should at the very least be questioned as unethical! This is BS, hogwash or any other word that I can print!

Our elected mayor calling on citizens to be arrested for speaking up and forcing them to be on the lamb, so to speak and cause their family great suffering is tyranny at its strongest! Shame on the mayor for his actions. Illegal activity, hogwash!!!

In a recent conversation, after several attempts of this reporter/blogger to contact the police department, Sherrif Snyder, a police officer, the mayor himself I finally reached the Asst District attorney Steven Hatchett who was willing to go on record as saying that the act of handing out flyers in a community is "not illegal and is protected by free speech even if the information being handed out is disputed!" Mr Hatchett went on to say that the first Tea Party was handing out flyer years ago and it was not illegal then either! He dd go onto say that although the act of handing out a flyer is not illegal, there are some constraints such as no littering, inciting a riot, obstructing traffic or when possibly a ordinance is broken but was safe to say that the act of passing out the flyer is not illegal. The rule to free speech is the exception that it must pass constitutional muster! Mr Hatchett was very professional and helpful throughout the short interview. The overwhelming feeling I got from him is no matter who you are or what your title is, the rights of the people under the constitution is still intact and still protects them.

Mr Mayor, all elected officials blow the dust off the ole constitution that you may have on your bookshelf and I advise you to read it!

This is the only document that at present date is keeping the citizen in Cleveland, Tennessee free from a tyrannical run away government!

Its the difference between keeping us free and making us felons. Many have tried to enslave the people but the one constant is that the constitution protects the people and tyrannical governments. For now, as long as it remains intact, the Mayor nor anyone in this town can tell us what to do and that our government truly has no jurisdiction over the people and our Sovereignty!

Eminent Domain and Brownfields: What the future holds.

In Uncategorized on June 19, 2012 at 1:02 AM

I just watched the local channel 9 news and saw a bureaucracy run amuck! I just saw Cleveland Mayor Tom Rowland threaten federal or other charges against the citizens of Cleveland and Bradley County for someone informing the community via “flyers” for exercising their right to inform the people of the governments plans for their future.

He also asked that if anyone happens to know who is passing out these “flyers” to notify the police! Wow! I thought we were a few years from being a police state, but I think it is now upon us!

The Mayor of Cleveland asking all citizens to report those informing the community of his plans via Brownfield redevelopment using TIF and eminent domain as a tool of implementation is such a disservice to our community!

Obviously those reporting on this act of tyranny and those in our local government do not know what brownfield Development is or what implications it has on our community. Eminent domain is a frequently used tool of brownfield development often purchasing the people’s property at fair market value then reselling it to developers for a huge profit thus increasing property value thus increasing their property tax that makes it’s way into our budgets every year. Redevelopment is done this way! Our Mayor cannot do all he wants to do downtown without someone losing their property. A huge Tom Rowland Convention center cannot be without someone losing their property.

Many within the machine will argue with you that if someone wants to sell their property then that is their prerogative, I agree! The part that makes my blood boil is that person that was living in that house last year would still be there if not for the Mayors lofty plans to “save the city!” with his tyrannical government.

Assume that same person refuses to sell their property and wants to hang onto it as the mayor suggests they have a right to do. That person will face new land use regs, zoning regs, huge property tax rate increases and God knows whatever else them and the EPA wants to place on them. You did know that brownfield development is a direct project of the EPA, never mind, guess that small fact is being left out of the equation and will require further education to our elected bodies on a different day.

But that person, perhaps of limited income would have great difficulty paying for this newly appraised property and would perhaps lose their property anyway! A vicious circle has started and the fittest and wealthiest survive. This is the plan that the mayor forgets to unveil while wanting to charge you with federal charges!

Often when our elected leaders make decisions that will affect many negatively, they frown upon those civilians that stand against the tyrannical government that is trying to impose these dastardly deeds upon it’s contingent base. Often times it only takes a simple google search to find out what they are up to and they may not even know the content of what they are proposing.

When the public has to inform our elected leaders of the decisions they are making then we are in trouble. At this point and it has been proven time and again, any attempt by a citizen to explain their side, the bureaucrat steps up to the plate and calls it a lie or a conspiracy! This is the simple thing to do and it works in the short time but with time it often doesn’t hold water and the elected official offering his or her version of free spin often looks like the devil incarnate holding a pitch fork that is frequently buried within a citizens chest, sweat on the brow of the bureaucrat holding the forked instrument and shouting “its a lie.”

What is illegal about putting information out to the public. Let’s just assume that it is off base, which I’m pretty sure it is not because it is sitting squarely on the mayors phrenic nerve or he would not be reacting so strongly.

There is nothing illegal about passing information out in public regardless of it’s harmless content. What TCA code is anyone violating? What code or regulation is being broken? What grounds does a sworn officer, upholding the Costitution, have to arrest anyone? NONE! so please stop using scare tactics to disperse the freedom loving people of this county.

I have not a clue who is placing these “flyers” that have so inflamed our elected body but I can tell you, at present there is not a court in the land that would tell him or her that legally they cannot do that! Not a one! You know why? Because the Constitution of the US states we have freedom of speech and can file grievance with our government at any time we the people feel that it is necessary! Period! End of sentence!

If someone wanted to pass out literature saying the sky is made of mashed potatoes and it’s gonna rain gravy. They have the Constitutional right to say it. Would I like it? Not necessarily! Is it illegal? No? Distasteful or against someones opposing view, perhaps, but not illegal!

Mr Mayor, please attempt to constrain your self from overreacting like a king beheading it’s citizens, it’s highly unecesary to threaten your constituency with federal or other charges for speaking out against your policy! It’s not a flattering road for you to travel!

By Shawna M. Bligh
The Session Law Firm
Kansas City, MO

Eminent domain is often an essential development tool utilized by local governments to acquire contaminated sites and pursue bold Brownfields redevelopment strategies that can be a catalyst for community revitalization. Brownfields are abandoned, idle or under‑used real property where expansion or redevelopment is complicated by the presence or potential presence of environmental contamination. However, using eminent domain for private projects, such as Brownfields redevelopment, is always a divisive issue. This is even more the case since the Supreme Court’s decision in Kelo v. City of New London.

In Kelo, the Supreme Court addressed the question of whether a city violates the Fifth Amendment’s takings clause if it takes private property, through its powers of eminent domain, and sells it for private development to further the local government’s overall economic growth plan. On June 23, 2005, the court held that local governments could use their powers of eminent domain to take property for private, economic development. The Kelo opinion has prompted an avalanche of legislation at both the federal and state level.

At the federal level, the U.S. House of Representatives passed legislation, which would withhold, for two years, federal money from state and local governments, which use their powers of eminent domain to take property intended for private, economic development. This legislation, H.R. 4128, the Private Property Rights Protection Act of 2005, is a direct response to the Kelo decision. H.R. 4128 defines “economic development” as taking private property for commercial, for-profit projects intended to increase tax revenues, the tax base, employment or improve general economic health. H.R. 4128 passed the House on November 3, 2005 by a vote of 376-38, and is currently before the Senate Committee on the Judiciary. While hearings have been held on the bill, no legislative action has been scheduled.

Fortunately, a bipartisan amendment, H.AMDT. 612, to H.R. 4128 added an exemption, from the definition of “economic development” for the redevelopment of brownfield sites, as defined in the Small Business Liability Relief and Brownfield Revitalization Act of 2002 (Pub. L. No. 107-118). The amendment, introduced by Congressman Gary Miller (R-CA) and Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX), would allow cities to responsibly use eminent domain to redevelop brownfield sites. On the House floor, Congressman Miller stated “owners of brownfield sites are frequently unwilling to sell them for fear of cleanup and cost of contamination. Eminent domain can often help break through legal and procedural barriers to the sale of land.”

The United States has more than 450,000 vacant or underused industrial sites as a result of environmental contamination. While not only improving and protecting the environment, cleanup of Brownfields restores the sites to productive use, facilitates job growth, and substantially increases tax revenues for local governments. Additionally, cleanup revitalizes otherwise dormant urban core areas, thus promoting smart growth by taking development pressures off undeveloped, open land. Without eminent domain for redevelopment purposes, local governments would be less likely to redevelop Brownfields because of the liability for all costs and cleanup of the polluted land as the owner and operator of the site. Therefore, it is imperative that eminent domain legislation, at both the state and federal level, include exemptions for Brownfields redevelopment. Without such exemptions, Brownfields redevelopment would be significantly impaired and contaminated lands would sit idle.

At the state level, the Missouri House and Senate have proposed various limitations on the use of eminent domain, and, unfortunately, none of the proposed legislation provides an express Brownfield exemption. Examples of presently proposed limitations include prohibiting the state or local governments from exercising its powers of eminent domain to acquire property for the purpose of economic development; limiting the definition of “blighted areas” under Missouri eminent domain laws; requiring businesses in areas taken by eminent domain to reimburse persons displaced from that area; and even placing a moratorium on the use of eminent domain until 2007.

Missouri has several state Brownfields including the Kansas City Riverfront Development and the St. Louis Arena. The state of Missouri benefits greatly from Brownfields redevelopment and eminent domain is an important tool in these redevelopment areas. Eminent domain was an essential component in the redevelopment of Kansas City’s Central Industrial District. This is the oldest industrial area of the bi-state Kansas City region where the Kansas and Missouri Rivers meet. Blight and fear of contamination threatened to drive away remaining businesses and private investment in the late 1990’s. Efforts to retain a leading business were frustrated by a private owner’s refusal to maintain the site in violation of City codes, which later led to a catastrophic fire that devastated the West 8th Street area. The owner refused to cooperate with City officials who planned to use local, state and federal funds to acquire the ruins and prepare the area for redevelopment. Ultimately, what came to be known as the Lewis & Clark Redevelopment Area Project succeeded, in large part because of the City’s eminent domain powers. Improvements in the area led to over $100 million in private investment, the creation of 421 jobs and retention of more than 1,100 jobs. Without the City’s powers of eminent domain, the many benefits of this Brownfield redevelopment project would have been lost.

The Missouri Brownfield Redevelopment Program is administered by the Department of Economic Development and the Department of Natural Resources. The program’s purpose is to oversee cleanup and provide various financial incentives for the redevelopment of contaminated properties. If the legislature is concerned about the potential misuse of eminent domain powers by municipalities, serious consideration should be given to conferring with the Department to address these concerns while at the same time furthering the goals of this Program.

RNC Resolution Exposing United Nations Agenda 21

In Uncategorized on June 18, 2012 at 9:54 AM

Agenda 21 exposed by the RNC! The assault on our property rights are being addressed! Comprehensive Planning coupled with stringent land use regulations, annexation and zoning are leading the attacks on our personal property rights! The RNC is now taking the necessary steps to stop this massively expensive and expansive comprehensive growth plans and are encouraging others to do the same! It is a step in the right direction as our state and federal leaders are starting to see the light!

Enjoy the read below!

RNC Resolution Exposing United Nations Agenda 21

WHEREAS, the United Nations Agenda 21 is a comprehensive plan of extreme environmentalism, social engineering, and global political control that was initiated at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1992; and,
WHEREAS, the United Nations Agenda 21 is being covertly pushed into local communities throughout the United States of America through the International Council of Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) through local “sustainable development” policies such as Smart Growth, Wildlands Project, Resilient Cities, Regional Visioning Projects, and other “Green” or “Alternative” projects; and
WHEREAS, this United Nations Agenda 21 plan of radical so-called “sustainable development” views the American way of life of private property ownership, single family homes, private car ownership and individual travel choices, and privately owned farms; all as destructive to the environment; and,
WHEREAS, according to the United Nations Agenda 21 policy, social justice is described as the right and opportunity of all people to benefit equally from the resources afforded us by society and the environment which would be accomplished by socialist/communist redistribution of wealth; and,
WHEREAS, according to the United Nations Agenda 21 policy National sovereignty is deemed a social injustice; now therefore be
RESOLVED, the Republican National Committee recognizes the destructive and insidious nature of United Nations Agenda 21 and hereby exposes to the public and public policy makers the dangerous intent of the plan; and therefore be it further
RESOLVED, that the U.S. government and no state or local government is legally bound by the United Nations Agenda 21 treaty in that it has never been endorsed by the (U.S.) Senate, and therefore be it further
RESOLVED, that the federal and state and local governments across the country be well informed of the underlying harmful implications of implementation of United Nations Agenda 21 destructive strategies for “sustainable development” and we hereby endorse rejection of its radical policies and rejection of any grant monies attached to it, and therefore be it further
RESOLVED, that upon the approval of this resolution the Republican National Committee shall deliver a copy of this resolution to each of the Republican members of Congress, all Republican candidates for Congress, all Republican candidates for President who qualify for RNC sanctioned debates, and to each Republican state and territorial party office.

Chief Sponsor:
Helen Van Etten
Republican National Committeewoman for Kansas
Co-Sponsors:Carolyn McLarty
Republican National Committeewoman for Oklahoma
Kim Lehman
Republican National Committeewoman for Iowa
Paul Reynolds
Republican National Committeeman for Alabama
Demetra DeMonte
Republican national Committeewoman for Illinois
Solomon Yue
Republican National Committeewoman for Oregon
Donna Cain
Republican National Committeewoman for Oregon
Cindy Costa
Republican National Committeewoman for South Carolina
John Sigler
Republican State Chairman for Delaware
Steve Scheffler
Republican National Committeeman for Iowa
Peggy Lambert
Republican National Committeewoman for Tennessee
Jim Bopp
Republican National Committeeman for Indiana
Bruce Ash
Republican National Committeeman for Arizona
DeMarus Carlson
Republican National Committeewoman for Nebraska

Ban Ki Moon calls Rio+20 Summit negotiations “painfully slow.”

In Uncategorized on June 16, 2012 at 8:42 AM

The one thing that is noticeable going into RIO and out of RIO is that the world is waking up to this UN scam called Agenda 21. The elected officials are realizing the long term plan that will have horrible cost factors combined with a loss of our sovereignty and property rights. This realization and reluctance of our leaders and its people to embrace Agenda is the “painfully slow” part that he speaks of.

One of the most disturbing things in this statement from Ban Ki Moon is the last paragraph below where he says he is sure most progress will be made outside the RIO SUMMIT with the many business leaders cooperating, meaning once again he will rely on the likes of the Chamber of Commerce to do his dirty work with the implementation of Agenda 21.

The non elected, non governmental entities that have a differing view of where America should be headed and are dead set on destroying our country for the greater good of all!

Ban Ki-moon calls Rio Earth summit negotiations ‘painfully slow’

Ban Ki-moon and other United Nations officials think Rio+20 is unlikely to replicate breakthroughs of 1992 global summit

Ban Ki-moon says Rio+20 global development summit negotiations are bogged down on minor details and narrow national interests.

Suzanne Goldenberg, US environment correspondent
guardian.co.uk, Thu 24 May 2012 22.33 BST

The United Nations chief, Ban Ki-moon, held out little hope on Thursday of an historic outcome at the Rio global development summit, now less than a month away, admitting negotiations had been “painfully slow”.

The warning was the latest from United Nations officials and others involved in preparations that the summit, known as Rio+20, is unlikely to replicate the breakthrough achievements of the original environmental gathering in the city in 1992.

Ban, who has made sustainable development and climate change his signature issues as secretary-general, was candid about the difficulties of having world leaders engage with Rio.

“The negotiations have been painfully slow,” he told a group of journalists at the United Nations foundation on Thursday.
The pace was so sluggish, in fact, that Ban prevailed on the international community to agree to an extra five days of talks, from 29 May to 2 June. The last-minute talks were aimed at getting at producing a face-saving outcome for a summit, which so far has failed to engage world leaders.

With Barack Obama focused on his re-election, and European leaders focused on the financial crisis, the advance work for Rio has been left to bureaucrats who do not have the political clout to make the kind of bold decisions that would allow a breakthrough.

Negotiations were bogged down on minor details and narrow national interests which, Ban said, had overwhelmed far more important issue of setting the world on the right track for sustainable growth.

At one point, the negotiating text ballooned to an impossibly unwieldy 6,000 pages Ban said. It was currently about 80 pages.
Other UN officials involved in Rio preparations have also rued the failure of world leaders to fully engage with the summit. But Ban added urgency to their concerns on Thursday.

“My message is that this is not the time to argue against any small, small items. Please do not lose (sight of the) bigger picture,” Ban said. “This is not the end. Rio+20 is just the beginning of many processes so they should be flexible. They should rise above national interests or specific group interests.”

He admitted the lack of urgency in the negotiations had drastically lowered expectations for Rio. “There is some scepticism about whether this conference will be a success,” Ban said. But he added that he remained optimistic.

Ban’s remarks mark the second time since mid-April in which he has tried to get world leaders to focus on the Rio+20 summit. For Obama, attendance at the summit would be politically toxic in an election year.

Nancy Sutley, a White House environmental advisor, on Wednesday said the administration had yet to decide which officials to send to Rio.

In his remarks, Ban said the summit had identified five main areas of concern including developing a global strategy for developing a green economy to putting in place the institutions that would encourage social development, such as improvements in health and education, along with economic growth.

But he indicated that the most progress could happen outside the government negotiations, with ten of thousands of business leaders, activists, and environmentalists descending on Rio to make their case for a greener and more equitable model of development.

HR 459: Fleischmann and Paul to “Audit the Fed”

In Uncategorized on June 7, 2012 at 6:44 PM

Extremely good news coming out of DC today! Congressman Chuck Fleischmann has signed on with Ron Paul to audit the fed with bill HR 459.

The runaway fed is spending trillions of our tax dollars and for the most part the feds are largely unaccountable to that spending.

Let’s congratulate and call Chuck and Ron and let them know we are happy for this decision. Like all bills we must get more co-sponsors to make it stick. By Chuck signing on as well as others, it’s chances of survival are greater.

Call your Congressman now and let them know you want them to sign on to HR 459. An audit of the fed is way over due.

Pass this along to your email lists and get lots of attention drawn to this bill.

Email from Congressman Fleischmann:

During the 2008 financial crisis, the Federal Reserve Bank issued roughly $3.3 trillion in loans to failing investment banks, hedge funds, and other financial firms which are outside the mandate of the Fed.  In return, the Fed accepted undisclosed assets from their counterparties, many of which are no doubt toxic and have exposed the Fed to significant loss. It is clear that an audit of the Fed is badly needed, so I am pleased to join Rep. Ron Paul as a cosponsor of H.R. 459, the Federal Reserve Transparency Act.

Currently, the Fed is purchasing trillions in US debt and other securities in a practice called quantitative easing, thereby weakening the dollar.  Also, the Fed has lowered the dollar financing costs for European banks, potentially taking on European sovereign debt, which isn’t exactly the safest investment these days.  Both of these actions could significantly threaten the US economy, and expose taxpayers to bailouts.  Unfortunately, neither Congress nor the American public knows the extent of the Fed’s exposure.  An audit will change this, and bring the actions of the Fed out of the shadows and into the light of day.  It is long past time that we examine the Fed’s role in our financial system.
I look forward to supporting the Federal Reserve Transparency Act on the House floor, and I will continue to fight to make the Fed transparent and accountable to the American people.


Chuck Fleischmann
Member of Congress

Did the Chamber of Commerce create the United Nations? Look at the facts and decide!

In Agenda 21, chamber of commerce on June 7, 2012 at 12:20 AM

BCN Note: Conspiracy? I will engage you to think that till you research it yourself or simply read the article and look at the sources of info. Remember, if something seems unbelievable and too far fetched to believe, your train of thought from that point does not automatically categorize it into conspiracy. It only means you have not researched it yet and seen the truth. I realize our nature is to dismiss the seemingly unbelievable, I do it myself on occasion, it’s the easy route and is a nice, near way to tuck it away and be dismissed or to vilify the informer.

Please do not stop reading! It would again be easy to dismiss this and stop reading. The UN has a “year book” of all these transactions and their humble beginnings! Look them up! It’s a fact! Google United Nations, Chamber of Commerce and year book! Better yet let me just give it to you.


What you are about to read will easily cause you to yell conspiracy. Self admitted I did so at first…till I looked at the facts.

This is not information that is easily digested or info that even wants to be consumed. To consume, digest and somehow form an opinion based on fact would require Americans to rethink our relationship with these stealthy organizations and question just what is American.

The organizations we have relied on to build America is the same one that is tearing it down from the inside out. This is such a sad spot to be in. It was created by us, it was promoted by us with evidently little research into it’s past. God Bless America! The roots of Socialism are much deeper than first assumed. America, unless we pay attention and demand change from the top to the bottom we are done.

The evil that permeates and carries a heavy stench is
embedded in everything Americana. This is only my opinion, guess the rest is up to you.

The same organization that is encouraging law abiding citizens to give up their property to a planning commission who will haphazardly give the ok to rezone large amounts of land and give it over to the local government so that we can industrialize the rural area regardless of what the citizens in that area say! No more! The jig is up!

A citizen recently wrapped it all up for the skeptical citizen. “I would not have asked for rezoning had the Bradley County Planning Commission not asked me to do so, said Larry Allen at the last Bradley County Commission meeting!”

We all know who is guiding the planning commission bypassing the local government……….you guessed it………the Chamber of Commerce……with its undying
sidekick the United Nations!

Have you wandered lately why there are so many bills, resolutions and treaties on behalf of the United Nations hitting Congress lately? Its because of a very sick arrangement the Chamber has with the UN! That is the Chamber who by the way made way to create the UN and the UN in like is exchanging favors and has given the Chamber of Commerce Chief Consultative Status, meaning that every new venture, treaty or evil plan the UN has for America, guess who gets to know about it first…..one guess……..yes, the Chamber of Commerce! The evil is now being realized and their wicked plot is now on display for all of America to grasp!


The Chamber of Commerce

It’s Power and Goals

By Erica Carle – October  2005
Most people, including Chamber Of Commerce members, would be astonished to learn the extent of power that organization exerts over international , national, state and local policies.

It is common knowledge that the Chamber has lobbyists in Washington and state legislatures, and that it is active in local communities. These activities are no secret. They can be noticed by the casual observer, and are expected by members. But there is a great deal more which must be understood in order to gain a concept of the real power of the Chamber of Commerce — not only over commerce, education, religion, technology, industry, agriculture, transportation, medicine, communication, labor and government.

To understand this power we have to look beyond the local communities to the Chamber’s national and international activities, and to Chamber ties with other organizations, both governmental and non-governmental.

The Chamber Is Many Organizations

The Chamber of Commerce is not one, but many organizations. There are local Chambers of Commerce in thousands of communities. These are blanketed by the United States Chamber of Commerce, and since 1920, an International Chamber of Commerce.

Once the United States Chamber of Commerce was set up, individual Chambers of Commerce all over the country were invited to join and allowed it to represent and inform them. Such invitations are usually eagerly accepted. No one likes to be left out, and most people like to feel they are part of a big, important group. Local Chambers joined, and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce leaders were able to claim the right to make policy for many individual Chambers.

Gaining Power

The U.S. Chamber leaders suggested they had answers to many problems, the most important being the final answer to the problem of war. There is an almost-universal yearning for peace, so that was taken as good news. The home town folks knew they could not solve the problem, or enforce a universal acceptance. How wonderful, they thought, to be associated with those who claimed they could. (It often seems that the farther away from home policies are set on difficult problems, the easier it is to assume that those who are making decisions have all the right answers.) Home town common sense was abandoned for the sake of an unsupported philosophical dream.

The leaders of the U.S. and International Chambers must have known, even as they made the promise, that they did not have the ability to deliver on it, but they also knew that the mere promise would give them a hold on the emotions of many members of local and national Chambers, and of others who believed in universal solutions.

Another problem Chamber leaders claimed to be able to solve was that of hunger and poverty worldwide. The Chamber had one answer to both problems: “rational” world trade. Allow the trade of the whole world to be carried on under the Chamber’s “rational” direction, rather than independently under the supervision of various governments; and the world’s two most pressing problems would be solved. Two slogans were popularized in order to gain backing for Chamber leadership: “World peace through world trade,” and “More business in government and less government in business.”

A New Organization

The Chamber sought to commercialize the world under its own direction. To do this it needed to find ways to affect and bypass operating policies of various states and nations. To change national policies, and even laws, required popular support and collective action. An new type of blanket organization was needed, one that could blanket not only governments, but professions, unions, educational institutions, farms, industries, sciences, religions and even families. An organization was sought which could bring about the cooperation and commercialization of all of these. A strong controllable international blanket organization was needed.

Coalition For Change

By the 1930’s plans for the new blanket organization to serve the Chamber’s purposes, the United Nations, were already well under way. The Chamber had the cooperation of tax-exempt foundations, some of which, such as the Carnegie Foundation for International Peace and the Rockefeller Foundation, had been set up early in the century. Large banks and trusts could see future profits for themselves if they cooperated with the Chamber; and the cooperation of international corporations was assumed, especially since Thomas J. Watson, President of International Business Machines (IBM) was President of the International Chamber of Commerce and a trustee of the Carnegie Foundation for International Peace. University cooperation was no problem because there were many close ties, financial and otherwise, between the above groups and universities such as Harvard, Columbia, etc. University policy planners, economists, and sociologists were also eager to extend their influences and enlarge their campuses.

Wartime Planning

World War II aided, rather than hindered efforts to establish a “national” international commercial system. Chamber representatives from countries on both sides met and planned throughout the war. They were deciding how the world’s resources ought to be controlled and divided after the shooting was over, and how to set up the United Nations. The United Nations organization could be used to gain governments’ compliance with the Chamber’s plans for a unified, controlled world economy, and also the cooperation of various non-governmental organizations.

The Organization Is Born

After the war was over, the system was ready to be put into operation. Through the efforts of the Chamber coalition the United Nations was born. And through the United Nations, the Chamber gained for the first time in history, a permanent vehicle for prescribing policy for governments. It is a crushing dominating type of power.

Economic And Social Council

How could the United Nations be used to increase Chamber of Commerce power and help the Chamber throw its blanket over other activities? It was done largely through what the Chamber regarded as the most important element in the United Nations Charter: the setting up of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). Such a council was the one thing that had been lacking in the old League of Nations. But when the United Nations was set up, the Economic and Social Council opened the way for the Chamber to have direct and continuous influence upon international affairs, even though it was a non-governmental organization. The Economic and Social Council was placed beside the Security Council. George L. Ridgeway said in his Merchants of Peace: “…The world of economic and social enlightenment beside the world of force…” The important thing about the Economic and Social Council was that it made provision to include representatives from non-governmental organizations in its discussions. The Chamber of Commerce was immediately included as one of the most important advisory organizations.

Chamber Power With ECOSOC

With the birth of the United Nations, the Chamber had a vehicle subject to its influence, which could gather under its blanket not only governmental, but all types of professional and other non-governmental organizations. This put the Chamber of Commerce at the center of policy making for every governmental and non-governmental organization that is in any way associated with, or dominated by the United Nations.

Including representatives from non-governmental organizations in its deliberations may seem on the surface to be a way for the Economic and Social Council to learn the needs and wishes of the people, and to allow them to participate in policymaking decisions., but this is not the case. What most people do not understand is that the United Nations is not an open forum, offering opportunities for unlimited discussion on public matters. It is a goal-centered vehicle, dedicated to accomplishing the purpose for which it was founded: that of putting control of all the world’s political, social and economic activities under one Chamber of Commerce-dominated blanket.

Goal-Centering Means Behavior Controlling

Because the United Nations is goal-centered, it is also a behavior controlling organization. Chamber coalition leaders know that those who set the goals for others control the behavior of others. Those who participate in the United Nations must support UN goals. Participants must dedicate themselves, their efforts, their personalities, and their resources to the United Nations. They must give up their individuality. The United Nations does not exist for the sake of individuals. From the United Nations point of view, individuals and groups exist for the sake of the United Nations. It is an organization of organizations, dealing only with groups. It works through groups – those groups which gain consultative status and which are recognized as worthy of participation in the Economic and Social Council.

Consultative Status

To gain consultative status with the Economic and Social Council organizations must:

1) Make application to the Economic and Social Council’s Committee on Non-governmental Organizations.
2) Be willing to submit reports on its own operations and activities to the Economic and Social Council on a regular basis.
3) Be eligible for one of the categories set up for participation.

Categories Of Participation

Non-governmental organizations having consultative status with the Economic and Social Council are divided into three classifications:

Category I is for those organizations, such as the International Chamber of Commerce, that are closely involved in the economic and social life of the areas they represent, and which are said to have marked and sustained contributions to make to the achievements and objectives of the United Nations.

Category II is for those organizations, internationally known, having special competence in and specifically concerned with only a few of the fields of activity covered by the Council.

The Roster is for those organizations able to make occasional and useful contributions to the Council’s work. In 1979, the most recent edition of the United Nations Yearbook which is available , 30 international organizations were listed in Category l; 206 organizations were listed in Category ll, and 357 organzations were on the Roster.

Organizations Included

Some of the organizations having status with the Economic and Social Council are organizations which have been in existence long before the United Nations was born. Others seem to have been concocted for the purpose of organizing people to serve the United Nations. The following were listed in 1979 in Category l, the most important Category: International Alliance of Women – Equal Rights, Equal Responsibilities; International Association of French-Speaking Parliamentarians, International Chamber of Commerce, International Confederation of Free Trade Unions; International Cooperative Alliance; International Council of Voluntary Agencies; International Council of Women; International Council on Social Welfare, International Federation of Agricultural Producers; International Federation of Business and Professional Women; International Organization for Standardization; International Organization of Consumers Unions; International Organization of Employers; International Planned Parenthood Federation; International Social Security Association; International Union of Local Authorities; International Youth and Student Movement for the United Nations; Inter-Parliamentary Union; League of Red Cross Societies; Muslim World League; Organization of African Trade Union Unity; United Towns Organization; Women’s International Democratic Federation; World Assembly of Youth; World Confederation of Labor; World Federation of Democratic Youth; World Federation of Trade Unions; World Federation of United Nations Associations; World Muslim Congress; World Veterans Federation.

Indirect Influence

One of the advantages the Chamber of Commerce is able to realize through United Nations is the advantage of anonymity. Policies it promotes do not have to bear the Chamber of Commerce label. They can be presented to governments as United Nations’ policies. When the United States and local Chambers of Commerce support these policies, few of the local Chambers or their members are aware of the vital links between the Chamber and the United Nations, or that much of the legislation United Nations representatives suggest to national and state legislatures was actually originally brought to the United Nations by the Chamber of Commerce. The steps in the process that can be followed are:

(1) Planners, perhaps at a university or Chamber-supported think tank, develop legislation.
(2) The Chamber of Commerce accepts the legislation as in keeping with its goals.
(3) The Chamber of Commerce suggests it to the Economic and Social Council.
(4) The Economic and Social Council promotes it through the United Nations.
(5) The United Nations pressures someone in each national or state government to introduce the legislation in that area’s legislature.
(6) The United States Chamber (and Chambers in other countries) suggest and/or pressure local Chambers to support the legislation.
(7) The National League of Cities, National Municipal League, U.S. Conference of Mayors, Association of Counties, National Governors’ Conference, International City Managers’ Association, Advisory Commission on Inter-Governmental Relations, Urban Action Clearinghouse, International Labor Organization, etc….add their weight.
(8) Local Chamber officials get instruction on how to “educate” their members to favor the policy or legislation.
(9) Chambers’ paid lobbyists pressure legislatures for passage.
(10) Local Chambers work in communities for more support.
(11) Federal legislation is passed.
(12) Enabling legislation at state and other levels is passed.

Few members of local Chambers are aware of any but the last three or four steps. Even among those who know that local Chambers take positions on legislation, there are few among the members who know what position the Chamber lobbyists actually take on specific legislation.

Chamber-Supported Legislation And Policies

The Chamber of Commerce and the Chamber coalition have supported much legislation which has not only been extremely costly, but which has served to transfer power, responsibility and resources from independent nations, local communities, local businesses, and private professions to the universal system coordinated by the Chamber of Commerce coalition. It has supported measures harmful to many of its own members. The following are some of the measures the Chamber of Commerce has supported to aid in the transfer of power from individuals and independent governments, groups, businesses and professions to the Chamber-advocated management system:

(1) Creation of the United Nations.
(2) Creation of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.
(3) Regional government or “New Federalism.”
(4) Medicare (Commercialization of medical professions.)
(5) Postal reorganization.
(6) Organized Crime Control Act.
(7) Contracting for school services with private industry.
(8) Voucher system for education.
(9) Management and human relations techniques for handling personnel in industry.
(10) Health care planning councils.
(11) Prepaid medical practice (HMOs).
(12) Federal land use planning.
(13) Federally-imposed career education.
(14) Equal Rights Amendment.
(15) Cross-town busing for desegregation.

These and many other measures have been, or will be, extremely costly. Yet, when the Chamber of Commerce calls for decreases in federal spending and speaks out about the costly federal bureaucracy, its sincerity is seldom questioned. Its goals and power are not well enough known and understood.

Use Of This Document

A single document, such as this, may not affect that Chamber of Commerce power, nor diminish the crushing effect of its system to a noticeable degree. But it may encourage some citizens, government officials, professionals, and perhaps even Chamber of Commerce members to look more closely, investigate more diligently, direct their own actions more intelligently, and respond more aggressively against efforts to diminish their personal responsibility and confound their independent judgment.

Major Sources:

Merchants of Peace – The History of the International Chamber of Commerce by George L. Ridgeway, Little Brown & Co., 1938, 1959.

Washington Report – Weekly newsletter published by the Chamber of Commerce of the United States. Issues from 1968-79. Think –

International Business Machines’ in-house publication. Issues from 1937-1970. The United Nations Yearbook, 1979

Additional sources:

Please visit http://www.newswithviews.com as often as possible for other interesting info.

© Erica Carle – All Rights Reserved