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Tennessee: 5 pillars of Islam replace 10 Commandments in public school, tolerance reigns supreme

In Uncategorized on August 9, 2013 at 9:53 PM

Tennessee: 5 pillars of Islam replace 10 Commandments in public school, tolerance reigns supreme

Springfield High School didn’t miss an opportunity to display and essentially express their desire to show their tolerance for an ever growing diverse community at a recent open house for parents and returning public school children.

On display on the freshmen hall wall of the Robertson County TN school, the 5 Pillars of Islam were pasted “up and down” the hallway proclaiming the “rules” to be a good student of Islam, much in the way the 10 Commandments direct Christians.

Photo of one of many posters observed in hallway of Springfield High School in Robertson County, TN.


The 5 Pillars were youthfully drawn onto a white cardboard canvas complete with definition and meanings of the 5 pillars of Islam. Interestingly enough the 5 Pillars contained what is often considered the 6th Pillar called Jihad and was missing Zakat,Charity or the tithing pillar which most religions consider very important, more so than Jihad or Holy War.

I was informed of this display from a very concerned parent who sent me a picture of the “poster” displaying the 5 Pillars and said they were all over the place and was very concerned that one “religious” set of rules had been tolerated and posted on school walls and one was not.

The only problem, to date, is the 5 Pillars stayed and the 10 Commandments came down.

The Jihad reference is a very strong one as many believe it along with Zakat or charity is helping fund many of the terroristic attacks around the world against Christians and believers of Christ. 

Simply put, Jihad is war against the non believers, the kafir, you and me, and promotes death as a certain end if you fail to convert to Islam. And our schools and leftist groups are not saying a word and allowing this to be promoted in our TN public schools.

It is evident that the only religion allowed to express their religion and political clout in public schools are the Muslims and the teachings of Islam.

This is indoctrination through prostelyzation to the Kafirs, our children. 

If they can have this type of access to our children all or none should be able to do the same.

Allowing one religion to be promoted in our public schools and not any others shows a deliberate bias and deliberate attempt to make one religious concept acceptable over another. 

A certain hypocrisy is displayed and begs for at least questions to be asked as to why this has been allowed in these “politically correct” times and what is their motivation?

It is extremely obvious that while one  side is attacking the foundations of Christ, it is allowing and ignoring “other” representation of religious display. 

As seen in the references provided below there are mutliple attempts, successfully I may add, by the extreme left to squash the display of any Christian literature or  historical foundational documents from our rich national heritage. Religious display other than Christian seems to be acceptable in our public schools.

The cry for tolerance of all religions is quickly being discovered to be a push for preference while softening or eliminating the evangelical voice in our state and nation.

At what point does it become acceptable to condemn one religion and all it’s tenets for the promotion of another. Where is the outrage by Christians on this subject who have been silenced and their beliefs replaced with the 5 Pillars of Islam.

The driving force behind acceptance comes when the cry for tolerance becomes intolerance and vica versa. As one wise person has said before, “what is good for the goose, is good for the gander!”

How does this foundation of Islam get to be displayed and the foundation of the Christian faith, the 10 Commandments get attacked and ordered removed by numerous lawsuits forcing their removal. 

I believe school leaders and teachers are joining the PC crowd so as not to offend, unless of course you are Christian.

Meanwhile, the 5 Pillars of Islam doesn’t even raise a bleep on the radar screen of  the ultra liberal groups like the ACLU and The Freedom From Religion Foundation crying for their removal, not a word. 

These same groups, at the drop of a hat repeat the mantra that our school or public institutions must be free from religion and influence of the church. “We must separate Church and State”, yet remain silent when Islam or others push for the same.

Its obvious to me this movement is not about separating Church and State and freedom from religion, it’s about removing God from our schools and dismantling the Christian movement. This effort by the left is and always has been about that. It is now being revealed.

 If the measuring stick was religious influence on our children the leftist and the mainstream media would have made a bee line toward removing the 5 Pillars of Islam from our public schools just as they have the 10 commandments. But it is not, and will not!

To me, the first pillar of Shahadah, there is no god but Allah and Muhammed was his messenger is the most powerful “religious” statement that is going unchallenged. To ignore the call for Jihad in the hallways of our TN public schools should not be tolerated in any civilized setting. 

These terroristic expressions of faith and duty by Islam should be condemned by all, including the Robertson County school board, Springfield High School Principal, parents, churches, congregations and teachers inside the system.

Religious freedom, if you believe it, should be applied here in great force to any god or religion! Right?

Showing bias toward one religion and not another shows hypocrisy with a good heap of partiality for one “religion” over another severely weakens their argument that religion should not be in our school system. So, the logical solution and I’m playing the devils advocate, its all or nothing. 

In case you have never seen or reviewed the pillars, here they are. This is what is being displayed in our public schools in TN as proven by many photos taken of their display and parents statements of kids inside this school system.

The 5 pillars of Islam:

1. The Shahadah
A statement of belief: I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allah and I further testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.

2. Salah
Compulsory prayers that are performed five times a day.

3. Zakat
The practice of giving, based on accumulated wealth, and is obligatory for all Muslims who can afford it.

4. Saum
Fasting during the month of Ramadan.

5. Hajj
Make pilgrimage during the Islamic month of Dzul Hijjah in the city of Mecca once in a lifetime for those who are physically and financially able to perform it.

6. Jihad
Islamic campaign against nonbelievers:a campaign waged by Muslims in defense of the Islamic faith against people, organizations, or countries regarded as hostile to Islam

Wanna see the disparity and obvious  hypocrisy?

Please glance at these articles below then look at the “flip side” and see the counter offer by the left to drive the teachings of Islam mainstream in our public schools and the lefts silence and lack of resistance to this religious display.

A note worthy of mentioning is in my exhaustive research I found no item or lawsuit by the ACLU or FFRF demanding that the 5 Pillars of Islam be removed from any venue. I did find many supporting and even large corporations promoting their display.

The hypocrisy and one sided approach to “freedom from religion” is very intriguing. 

To contact Robertson County School board:

Robertson County School Board Email list:

allan.heard@rcstn.net, stoney.crockett@rcstn.net, jeff.white@rcstn.net, jerry.converse@rcstn.net, lyle.payne@rcstn.net, connie.hogan@rcstn.net

Springfield High School website:


ACLU demands Rutherford County TN Courthouse remove 10 Commandments!

10 Commandments removed from Fentress County TN School system.

TN revisits law suits over 10 Commandments!

Let’s cut the 10 Commandments down to six!

ACLU demands public schools not display 10 Commandments!

FFRF-Freedom From Religion Foundation demands Oklahoma schools take down 10 Commandments.

FFRF demands Pennsylvania Schools take down 10 Commandments.

Atheist demands North Carolina town to remove 10 commandments.

10 Commandments removed from Jamestown school!


North Hampton Middle School adds 5 Pillars of Islam to library!

School for Champions adds 5 Pillars of Islam.

Crayola school supply provides instruction in how to make and display the 5 Pillars of Islam at your school.

5 Pillars of Islam for school children.

The Metropolitan Museum of Art displays 5 Pillars of Islam.

Dallas Fort Worth school system models school organization on 5 Pillars of Islam.

School supply company boasts 5 Pillars of Islam in 150,000 schools worldwide.

E-How instructions on how to hang 5 Pillars of Islam in your school.

ACLU defends 5 Pillars of Islam stating by limiting their beliefs cuts down on charitable donations.

5 Pillars of  Islam being taught in public schools.

  1. Is this part of Haslams’ plan to bring shara law to Tn? geo. slawson


    • Bredesen brought RTTT with the unseen, undeveloped Common Corr Standards. I’m pretty sure the 5 pillars are part of the CC standards, books and curriculum. I can not say first hand that it’s Haslams baby but he sure is an advocate of CC and a supporter and has implemented many things to make Sharia a possibility as the law of the land


  2. Disgusting.., I got nothin’velse.


  3. Tolerance reigns supreme? Why aren’t you tolerant of the 10 Commandments?? This is beyond disgusting…


  4. […] the latest example, a high school in Springfield, Tennessee, is teaching the “five pillars of Islam” during the first few weeks of school. The Bradley County News reported, “On display on the […]


  5. […] the latest example, a high school in Springfield, Tennessee, is teaching the “five pillars of Islam” during the first few weeks of school. The Bradley County News reported, “On display on the […]


  6. You very correct and very wrong. Christianity nor any other religious promotions or teachings by the school are legal. And the “left” isn’t doing anything. Religion has never been legal in public schools since the Separation of Church and State. So, it makes no sense to target one religion over another and that’s not what’s happening here. This was probably posted by a student and the school is too ignorant of the law to understand that they should remove it.


    • Get this f@$&, find him, get him, we’ll show them the same tolerance they show us. Kill all Islam.


    • Anonymous………Keep in mind that there is no mention in the Constitution about the “separation of church and state.” What it does state is that there should be no STATE CHURCH as they have in
      England. Our founders respected different religions and they were, for the most part,
      Christians! And as far as religion being legal in public schools………when I grew up in
      the public schools, the Principal read from the Bible at every weekly assembly. It was
      always from the Old Testament (usually Psalms and Proverbs) out of respect for the
      Jewish students! But, make no mistake………..religion was a part of the public school in
      this country until such abominations as the ACLU reared their ugly faces, it was a fact!!!!


  7. it’s easy to fix. LAWSUIT.


  8. Fools that think this means tolerance really need to look close at what they are doing. They are being USED by the islamists to force islam on this country. Take a few moments and look at islam, it is NOT peaceful, and more importantly it is NOT compatable with the US Constitution.


  9. Reblogged this on News You May Have Missed and commented:
    Tennessee: 5 pillars of Islam replace 10 Commandments in public school, tolerance reigns supreme


  10. I went to the school’s website and wrote them an email telling them how disgusting they are. There is NO reason to promote Islam. There is NO reason to promote one and not any other religion. I am SO mad, so glad I don’t live there. I hope the parents wake up and pull their kids from this school of indoctrination and homeschool them.


    • If you believe eveerything you read, then you may be misguided at times. The poster is hung in only ONE classroom and it is a project done by a student. It is not a promotion of a religion, it is a lesson about religion. If our students/children do not learn about other cultures and religion then they will be severely sheltered and oblivious to other people and their beliefs. The sad thing is that the poster directly under this one is of Christianity and even has the words “Under God” on it. You are severly misstaken on your comment and beliefs.


      • Thanks Chuck for your comments! Promotion of Islam via a poster of the foundations of their religion has no place in a public school. If you remember, probably in your lifetime God, Christ, Jesus etc were in our school system and the left removed them with numerous lawsuits and complaints now that the foundation of Islam and others is on the agenda perhaps in the Common Core standards then it is ok to promote “other” religions and we all should be tolerant and accepting of the 5 pillars and Islam and other beliefs. This boggles my mind and begs to ask, where were all the supporters of religion and the 10 commandments, prayer etc when they were being attacked and removed from our schools. Perhaps and its a remote possibility to think, what if over the last 20 to 40 years had you “promoters of all that is global” had thought, if we had just shut up and not made such a raucous condemning and removing Christianity from our schools with such great force, many of those same people would be supportive of the global acceptance if other religions. Simply tearing it down for years then all of a sudden you think it’s ok to promote other religions just doesn’t seem like a level playing field. You wander where the backlash comes from when you try to make everyone tolerant of all religions now that it fits your agenda.


  11. This story on Springfield high School is untrue. 1st of all Springfield high school does not have a red wall inside the school. Which the picture shows also this picture was clearly done by a student to get a rise. look we have enough ”real” issues, we do not need to create imaginary ones.


    • Dear reader, thanks for your comments. Please read the above comment by what I think is a Robertson County school board member, at least that how he signed his name. He not only confirmed this story, he condoned it and defended it. Sorry, the school must have done some painting over the summer since your last visit.


    • Anonymous how do you know that this story on Srpingfield High School is NOT true?
      Have you been inside the school recently to have seen all the walls making certain that there is red wall?
      What proof do you have that a student posted the 5 Pillars just to get a rise?
      If a student did do this he needs to be brought up on some kind of charges in a court.
      This is no joke!


  12. This is from the board of education.
    This is not true. It is one poster in one classroom prepared by one student as a project for World Geography class done in conjunction of their study of the Arab world. The poster is on the classroom wall along with the other projects by other students in the class. Anything in the article you read to the contrary is inaccurate. I appreciate you asking before jumping to conclusions.
    Updated info from the board…. Forgive me for an error. It was 3 or 4 students doing 3 or 4 individual projects that hung on the classroom wall with about 30 other projects varying in form and subject. General consensus is that the 3 or 4 students chose this particular project because it was the easiest!!! (remember, they are high school kids!) Wanted to make sure I got you accurate info.
    Jerry Converse


    • Thanks Jerry for your reply. The posters allowed by this teacher and now the school board is giving their stamp of approval that it is ok with a student posting Jihad and Shahadah, no god but Allah and Muhammed his messenger. Killing kafirs, Unbelievers, that do not convert, like many in that school should never be displayed or condoned. It’s not ok to kill for ones religious/political beliefs. Yes these kids are very influential, got a gaggle myself, they don’t need to be indoctrinated at an early age that this is acceptable.


  13. This is from the board of education.
    This is not true. It is one poster in one classroom prepared by one student as a project for World Geography class done in conjunction of their study of the Arab world. The poster is on the classroom wall along with the other projects by other students in the class. Anything in the article you read to the contrary is inaccurate. I appreciate you asking before jumping to conclusions.
    Updated info from the board…. Forgive me for an error. It was 3 or 4 students doing 3 or 4 individual projects that hung on the classroom wall with about 30 other projects varying in form and subject. General consensus is that the 3 or 4 students chose this particular project because it was the easiest!!! (remember, they are high school kids!) Wanted to make sure I got you accurate info.
    Jerry Converse


  14. “It is evident that the only religion allowed to express their religion and political clout in public schools are the Muslims and the teachings of Islam.”
    Obviously you have never been to public schools in Tennessee. You are either asleep or dreaming of intolerance.

    “Allowing one religion to be promoted in our public schools and not any others shows a deliberate bias and deliberate attempt to make one religious concept acceptable over another. ”
    I agree. Therefore, no religion should be expressed in public schools asto not interfere with sound logic and reason when studying fact-based, scientifically testable subjects and history.

    This post is Fox News worthy and nothing else. Fair and balanced approach to successfully propagating misinformation and fear.
    Great job, Goebbels would be proud.


  15. i am cross posting this on my blog


  16. I see that in your “about the author” that you are tired of “one sided news.” I hate to say this but you are also being very ignorant of all the truths of this story. I am a parent of a student that attends school in Robertson County and this is completey either wrong and false or not even close to representing ALL the facts. This is just a blatant attack based on rumors and ignorance. If you are going to be writing a whole article completely based on what people say other than the actual teacher of the classroom, then you are just a mudslinging politician! You might want to know the WHOLE truth before writing so that you can save your embarrassment.


    • My info comes from parents in the system! Pictures came from them also! The pics I saw promoted and informed of Jihad! Killing all kafirs, that to me is offensive enough. Allah? No other but Allah! Including this in contrast with perhaps Budhism does not change the fact.


      • Please enlighten us with “the truth!”


        • Sure, how about going to the school yourself and talking to some of the people that work and learn there. How about doing a more global censous of the parents and how they feel about their children’s education of this school and not just the parents that are all up in arms about this. It is those who are not even giving this story a second thought that you need to talk to. How about going to the school and walking the hall and seeing what is on the walls and how the teachers treat the kids. How about talking to the teachers and asking them how they presented the material and if they are promoting the religion or just informing them. How about looking in the classroom and seeing what else is on the walls instead of a blurry picture of one poster. How about looking at the lesson plans of the teacher to see what else they have taught. How about looking at the Tennessee standards to see if this topic is part of the classes syllibus. How about actually going to the school and sitting in the class while this lesson is being taught and listening to the tone, presentantion, and overall point of what is being taught. You want the the truth, I would suggest finding other sources than a few angry parents or immature students for your information. To bad all I can think about is that you are so biased already that nothing you find out to the contrary of what you already believe will be argued off as a ploy to hide something. And on goes this silly debate of whether all this is true or not. There are a 1000 kids in this school you are talking of. How many of the parents and kids have you really gotten this information from? Over half? 80%? All of them? I am guessing it is less than a handfull. I feel like I am wasting my time with a news organization that has made up their mind and only wants drama and ratings. Hopefully there are those that read this and will question the viability of all this sad over exaggeration. But then again, everyone is happier with a scandel.


          • Thanks for the comments. Although I can tell you are upset it is establishing dialogue. This onslaught needs to be in the minds of many as we are seeing creeping Sharia being accepted and tolerated all the way down to our children. Thanks for the critique! I love to see this reaction to these volatile actions. It spawns conversation which is the purpose of a blog. My understanding is this was the first day of school or near it. Not hardly time for extensive homework projects. This was purposeful and probably displayed with the “other major religions” just as the Common Core standards promote. Sure “all religions” have the right to display whatever they want in the US. The problem is the left has destroyed that privilege and are causing the controversy at present at Springfield. Many, many requests and lawsuits by the leftist groups like ACLU and FFRF have mad this all encompassing. By demanding that Christians not display any foundations of their religion, the blanket gets spread to all religions. We get here by many years of pounding and the dispersion of God from our school system. So now when the left and Islam attempt to integrate their beliefs into our school system how can they not expect the same retaliation and intolerance that they have consistently displayed for greater than 40 years. At this point and having a feeling of conciliation, the left is not now gonna have their way by destroying the Christian while promoting Islam, Buddhism, Earth worship or whatever. The street is a two way street and now Christians and others are saying uh uh, don’t work that way. I figured the backlash would be great and it has. The left does not like the same rules applied to them. They don’t play that way and expect you to step aside when it is their agenda. Apologists for this action do not make it any easier either to enforce the same rules. Jihad! Which was displayed on the poster, in a public school, supported partially by my tax dollars allowed whomever to display these words where influential children absorb this stuff like a sponge. Jihad is a pillar displayed and practiced daily throughout the world, in fact 400 Christians are attacked or murdered daily over jihad. You don’t convert you get your head lopped off. Don’t believe the sanitized version of the politically correct that is a daily struggle to defend their belief. This is bunk! Daily actions reported all over the world display otherwise. If you or I had displayed that we should kill all Muslims if they do not convert to Christianity , whhooooooa! Can you imagine what would happen to us. Unspeakable! Instead the school allows the display with it’s meaning and yes they are tolerating it and not condemning which in rough terms means they are supporting the practice. Sorry it has to be this way but at some point tolerance has to apply to all or none! Thanks for the ACLU link but this was an Islamic charter school, albeit probably supported by tax dollars and they should be limiting this type of behavior. The freedOm from religion, sadly, now applied to us all and every religion. It is and you touched on it, it’s tough to see a “news organization” make up their mind an report what they want. I see bias daily in the news supporting and ignoring the right. This is why this news outlet was created and it is evident to me that the left doesn’t like it too much when they are called out on their support of “religion” in our schools. That sounds really odd and is usually a statement by the left. Why is it that only the left is intolerant and only tolerant if views are shared other than the Christian standard? This phenomenon is intriguing. Sounds like another needed blog! Have a great day and thanks for your input.


            • Thank you for your response. I now know that we are not arguing about the same thing. You are talking about the horrible allowance of teaching religion other than Christianity in the classroom (specifically Islam) and I am talking about the defamation of people. Please realize that probably a Christian is teaching this class and is following a curriculum set by the State. Also permit that the Constitution has a real pull on religion being presented in class and that if one is presented, all need to be presented. With that be said, all your arguments should be more focused on politics and governmental avenues and not one picture of a poster in one school building. As I read your response, I actually feel that you just want an easy soap box for your viewpoint of having just Christianity taught and that cannot happen legally in a public classroom. You may also repeat saying that the display of this poster is deliberate and just because you write it does not make it so. I am arguing for the integrity and an the intention of the teacher (or teachers) who have undoubtedly been unfairly scorned, hated, and lashed out by people that are jumping to conclusions and just need an outlet for unfounded anger. So what about this teacher? Are they deserving of all the hate? Should they be getting hate mail, phone calls, and whatever else the mob behavior can do to ruin their lives? These teachers are teaching a curriculum that the state puts forth and using a book approved by the state education department. I have actually looked up the section of the book where this topic is discussed. It is titled “Geography of Terrorism.” Sounds to me like the right spin is put on this for us as Americans. I know that Education is a playground for media but is it a place to target teachers for doing their job and teaching what the State Department of Education tells them to teach? No. If you really want to discuss how horrible it is that the tenets of Islam or Buddhism or Hinduism or even Christianity is being taught in schools, don’t make a teacher take the fall, they are only doing their job. Say instead, “State Curriculum mandates teachers to teach Islam in class.” This is your issue, not the teachers.


          • Anonymous ~ Thank You for stating exactly what I didn’t read with all the other comments above… Pure Common Sense and Logical Truth!!! Just makes me smh in disgust that a journalist like this one or any other are too lazy to do their homework, personally check their resources, research from every angle, then write the Truth… and nothing but the truth! Thank You again for everything thing you shared, you saved me the time and hopefully will open up other minds. ~ Rozlyn


  17. I teach at SHS.
    There is ONE poster in one classroom – the result of high school student reports on religions of the world (there are many other posters concerning many other religions).

    Come on, people. Please check your facts. This blogger is a nut job.


    • Now remember calling people names is a form of bullying. that was a joke kinda! I believe this was the first day or near it of school, perhaps kids are doing homework assignments over the summer. I do not know that. But Jihad was the words on the poster! Jahadah, no other god but Allah! Killing Americans who do not agree or convert to Islam is nothing an influential teen needs exposure too. Protecting this mentality puts our children in grave danger!


      • These posters were left over from last year. There are even posters of christianity on the wall but I guess that was left out of your report…and picture.If you step foot in the room, you will notice 40-50 posters all over the room about MANY different things.

        Do most of us disagree with killing others…yes. But that is their religion. We have to make our students aware of that. If we don’t, they are sheltered and don’t understand what is going on in the WORLD. Students have to be aware of what happens globally, not just in Robertson, Bradley, Davidson counties, Tennessee, etc. We should want out students to excel in ANYTHING they want to do and this may include a job in which takes them over seas. They have to be aware of this type of religion because you never know. It also helps them unserstand what the see on the WORLD News that comes on after the Local news.


  18. The country you call America is not a country, neither is the U.S., it is a CORPORATION. Why is it that the rest of the civilized world can comprehend and already is aware of that? Not to mention the Government that you call the United States existed long before Europeans came here. This land is known as Amexem, is Ancient, and founded on Islam. This continent is founded in Islam like that pyramid on your “dollar” bill.


  19. […] the latest example, a high school in Springfield, Tennessee, is teaching the “five pillars of Islam” during the first few weeks of school. The Bradley County News reported, “On display on the […]


  20. I am Georgia resident who has lived abroad for going on a decade and a half. I have kept up with many news articles over the years, regarding the US.

    It truly saddens me that our country is going in the direction it is headed. From an Islamic tolerant President, all the way down to Islamic tolerant schools, where our children are educated.

    Do you good folks realize what sort of faith this is, that is slowly creeping into our country? Do you realize what these people truly believe? Good folks of Tennessee, please do your research, whether this article is true or not. God knows, I hope it isn’t,

    Muhammad, the prophet Islamist’s follow, married one of his wives at six years old. He consummated that marriage when she was only nine. Internet search for the words: “Muhammad and Aisha marriage”. It will make you sick to read the history of Islam.

    We had all better start stepping up and doing something to stop this, or the US will be headed for hell in a hand basket. I hope we all would want a better future for our children, than this.


    • Finally, someone that is not jumping to conclusions! I have to say that if my child was going to learn anything about the Islam faith that it would be done in a public school. At least I know that whatever was taught would be presented non biased and along with all the other types of faith for comparison. How can kids learn about this stuff if it is not taught in school? I am sure it is covered at home as much as sex Ed. . . Oh wait, it’s not. I am sure that we are not converting all these kids just by describing the religion to them so that they at least know what it is. It is just like studies show the kids do not just go out and have sex more just because there is a sex Ed class. But, that would make too much sense.


      • At what point do we think the government must teach us this? We are lost aren’t we?


        • Only if you beilieve that children are being taught at home about all these topics. You know as well as I that most parents send their kids off to school with the trust and blind acceptance that their teachers will teach them all the things they don’t have time to. Then we have one poster picture and now they want to be involved? Seems pretty narrow minded to me. I see all this “left” talk you are spewing on this trend and the real problem is the apathy of the parents not being involved enough to ask their kids what they are learning, what is being taught and how all these lessons are being worded. Maybe this poster was given along with how horrible the islamic faith is and how they have a foundation of hate and violence towards any other religion. How would you know? Were you in there when it was being taught? Did you hear the words coming form the teacher. No. you have a picture and a couple of rumors from parents that are as blind to their children’s education as you are to the actual truth of this whole ordeal. Do I know the truth? Not a bit. Just from what is written here, I know the whole story is is more than some outlandish plot to convert all our kids to Islam. That is just absurd to even mention. NOt a stretch for your agenda though huh? Please, if you want to make a statement about what is being taught that – fine, but accusing, whether directly or indirectly, that an American Christian teacher is promoting and being “tolerant” of the Isalm faith is a gross assumption. What is the real issue here? Do you really think that these teachers are really converting these kids to Islam or are you just taking another stab at the “lefts” who are taking over our country? NIce to know you are so objective and open minded. I could care less about what is being taught as long as how it is being taught has the right connotaion.


  21. […] for exercising their faith, yet muslims are allowed to practice their faith unmolested in schools or wherever they […]


  22. […] for exercising their faith, yet muslims are allowed to practice their faith unmolested in schools or wherever they […]


  23. […] The importance of religion is on the decline in the West. The “separation of church and state” ideal has jumped to a new level, and the influx of Muslim immigration has all the politically correct politicians erasing every trace of their nations’ historically Christian roots. While a recent report states that Christmas decorations in Berlin will no longer be allowed to be displayed in public for fear of offending Muslims, this is a trend which can be seen all over the West as the more religious symbols of Christmas are replaced with snowflakes and snowmen, if they are allowed to be displayed at all. As Paul Wilkinson wrote in his article, “Liberalism: Britain’s Descent into the Multicultural Abyss,” other examples of this secularization include “prayers before council meetings stopped, Christians told not to wear crosses at work, or St George’s flags removed in case they upset Muslims.” There are a multitude of such examples, like US Congressman Keith Ellison taking his oath of office with his hand on the Qur’an, rather than the Bible, or the 10 Commandments in a Tennessee school coming down only to be replaced with the 5 Pillars of Islam, with the 6th pillar of jihad listed rather than the charity or… […]


  24. My country is founded by the Ten Commandments and if I was there I would pull them all off the wall.


  25. […] source:  https://bradleycountynews.wordpress.com/2013/08/09/tennessee-5-pillars-of-islam-replace-10-commandmen… […]


  26. […] a high school in Tennessee, the 10 Commandments were replaced with the 5 Pillars of Islam, (though the 5th pillar of charity was not listed while the 6th pillar of jihad took its place.) If […]


  27. […] a high school in Tennessee, the 10 Commandments were replaced with the 5 Pillars of Islam, (though the 5th pillar of charity was not listed while the 6th pillar of jihad took its place.) If […]


  28. […] a high school in Tennessee, the 10 Commandments were replaced with the 5 Pillars of Islam, (though the 5th pillar of charity was not listed while the 6th pillar of jihad took its place.) If […]


  29. […] a high school in Tennessee, the 10 Commandments were replaced with the 5 Pillars of Islam, (though the 5th pillar of charity was not listed while the 6th pillar of jihad took its place.) If […]


  30. […] a high school in Tennessee, the 10 Commandments were replaced with the 5 Pillars of Islam, (though the 5th pillar of charity was not listed while the 6th pillar of jihad took its place.) If […]


  31. Is there any truth to Islam being taught in Tn Middle Schools?


  32. Five Pillars of Americanism 1. Declaration of Independence – “Inalienable rights” granted by the Creator 2. US Constitution’s subscription clause that declares Jesus “our Lord.” 3. National motto: “In God We Trust” 4. Pledge of Allegiance – “one nation under God.” 5. Ten Commandments display in the Supreme Court Building.


  33. […] Tennessee: 5 pillars of Islam replace 10 Commandments in public school, tolerance reigns supreme […]


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