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Posts Tagged ‘Gun control’

Ryan and Murray sacrifice 2nd Amendment for bipartisan budget deal

In Uncategorized on December 15, 2013 at 10:53 AM

Ryan and Murray sacrifice 2nd Amendment for bipartisan budget deal


This week Representative Paul Ryan reached across the aisle and essentially placed the 2nd Amendment protection in jeopardy and left it open for further attacks.

Many are calling this latest move by Ryan and the leftist Senator Patty Murray the “Bipartisan Budget Act” to avoid another government shut down. Those in the know are calling it a carve out of our 2nd Amendment Rights, that should have remained intact.

Besides kicking the can down the road another two years with no real long term spending cuts, our stated 2nd Amendment Rights are left vulnerable.

Ryan assisting Murray effectively put into place a series of actions that are sure to pave the way for you to turn in your guns and surrender our sovereignty to an international power called the United Nations via the UN Small Arms Treaty.

Ben Marquis with the Examiner explains the bipartisan budget bill passed this week  “Rep. Ryan willingly sacrificed a number of Deficit Neutral Reserve Funds. These Deficit Neutral Reserve Funds are basically principled stands for public consumption that are added into budget deals and Concurrent Resolutions, or CR’s. They hold no actual funds, rather they serve as placeholders for future legislation, and give said legislation something of a jumpstart in the procedural process, provided this future legislation does not add significantly to the deficit, i.e. is “paid for” by tax increases or expense cutting. In the temporary CR that was passed in mid-October to end the government shutdown, there were 84 such Reserve Funds staking out principles, ideals and future plans. The budget deal worked out between Ryan and Murray trimmed that number down to 58 Reserve Funds in Subtitle B, Section 114, Parts (c) and (d).”

The Examiner continues “Two of the Deficit Neutral Reserve Funds that were cancelled in the deal dealt with the 2nd Amendment, and their cancellation could place our gun rights at risk. Located in House Con Res 25, Title III, Section 382 established a Deficit Neutral Reserve Fund to ensure that the United States will not negotiate or support treaties that violate American’s 2nd Amendment rights under the Constitution of the United States. Section 384 established a Deficit Neutral Reserve Fund to uphold 2nd Amendment rights and prevent the United States from entering into the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty. Both of these principled stands that explicitly protect our natural right to keep and bear arms from foreign interference were sacrificed for the sake of a temporary budget deal. The door has been opened for the Obama administration or some of his agencies to begin implementation of aspects of the UN Arms Trade Treaty, with a false claim that nothing directly prohibits them from doing so.”

The UN Small Arms Treaty narrowly failed a June 3rd, 2013 vote but many are expecting it to pass the next time it is up for a vote and it will be easier with these provisions carved out!

Many say the UN Small Arms Treaty is nothing and has no teeth. Of course this is based on conjecture and not fact. If anyone reads this treaty, they will quickly find out that registering every firearm, linking it to every maker, retail store and consumer is very much a part of the UN Small Arms Treaty. This is the first step to allow this to happen.

Some are saying the supremacy clause of the Constitution, located in Article 6, Section 2 trumps all treaties and should protect us. In a perfect world this would be the case, but we have a president and an administration that does not honor the Constitution.

The assault on our 2nd Amendment Rights are deliberate and intentional, we must remain aware and cognizant to know that those in elected leadership positions do not always represent our best interests.

If our 2nd Amendment Rights are gone and they are taken away we lose any ability to defend ourselves from an encroaching tyrannical government that needs you to be unarmed to completely control you.

For now, we must call out the elected leaders that voted for this bill and let them know we are none too satisfied with this latest move

My first call out is to TN 3rd District Congressman Chuck Fleischmann who voted for this bill, supporting Ryan and Murray, this shredding our 2nd Amendment. 

I want to give a shout out to TN 4th District Congressman Scott DeJarlais for his no vote! Mr DeJarlais consistently votes with his constituency and has shown great judgement with his votes.
You know what to do!

A complete list of yays and nays of our US Congressmen that voted for the Bipartisan Budget Bill.

Source of information and source quoted in above article! Please visit this site. It has a host of informational article worth consuming.
UN Small Arms Treaty

Ringstaff opts for PC with “we will not tolerate” guns in Cleveland City schools statement

In Uncategorized on February 13, 2013 at 10:27 AM

This week, the Cleveland TN City School Board has voted 7 to 0 to not allow guns in our city schools to protect our children.

The only exception made was that police resource officers may carry guns on city school property.

A move that essentially leaves your child as vulnerable today as it did yesterday. Politically speaking the city school board debated and voted to essentially make no new improvements or improve upon the security inside our city public schools and have given the teachers no added avenues to protect our children.

I agree that not every teacher has the desire or personality needed to confront an armed gunman face to face. The fact remains that many of our teachers are veterans and ex or current law enforcement officers and have more than enough training to yield a gun to protect our kids.

In the aftermath of Newtown and Sandy Hook and dozens of other horrible incidents in our schools, concerned citizens and taxpayers are asking for increased protection. That request has not only been ignored it has been stated and voted upon that we “will not tolerate” guns in our schools.

This to me means that only bad guys with guns will be allowed in our schools. Look at the message this sends.

I am assuming Mr Ringstaff and the school board will also have concerns about the most recent bill that is forging ahead that allows guns in parking lots for the safety of the teachers who travel back and forth.

In a world that is accepting of political correctness, the Cleveland city school board has obliged and have severely missed the mark. The opportunity to demonstrate to the community that your child’s safety is in our best interest was lost in the hopes to look politically correct in the eyes of a growing leftist viewpoint.

What a world we live in where the leaders of the city of Cleveland Tennessee are so attuned to the daily drumbeat from the White House that the safety factor is ignored for our children for the sake of not looking confrontational to the policies coming from DC.

Why not just choose to not make a statement at all Mr Ringstaff or how about making a statement such as the safety of our kids in our schools are of utmost importance and we will continue to protect them as we have for years, with guns, may I remind you. Anyone approaching our property with the intent to harm will be met with deadly force.

Instead, we get the PC version directly from the Socialist playbook, we will not tolerate guns in our schools, with exceptions.

Where is the day when leaders stood up and were accountable? Where is a community that cries out when a director of schools makes a statement that leads to absolutely not one added barrier of added security to protect your children but does allow for his anti gun rhetoric to flourish although the community is crying out for you to take action.

I am puzzled.

Let’s hope and pray in spite of our elected and appointed leaders that we do not have disasters such as aforementioned. Let’s make a conscious decision to hold our leaders completely accountable for any breeches o safety upon our kids. Hopefully this outcry will spawn action. The message that your desire to be PC is crippling this country and is leaving our children less safe.

I pray down an order of protection around our schools, obviously our leaders have chosen to do otherwise with this recent action.

This blog is only my opinion and if you read and disagree, I challenge you to tell me what they have done with this vote and a missed opportunity to protect our children.

If you are completely honest with your self, I’m sure you will come to the same conclusion as me and that is:

No added barriers of safety were decided and voted upon that further protect our children. Only a politically correct gun control statement was made and nothing else.

I digress for now, because I am bewildered!

Source of info:


Bradley County Sherrif Jim Ruth joins Arpaio and Mack saying NO to Obama gun control

In Uncategorized on February 8, 2013 at 2:55 AM


Posted on February 01, 2013

Sheriffs have risen up all over our great nation to stand up against the unconstitutional gun control measures being taken.

BCN Note: I have to say this is a very proud moment for my county. Sherrif Jim Ruth has stepped out and is standing tall among Sherrifs in Tennessee and across the nation. He along with Jim Hammond of Hamilton County are the first and only to stand against the onslaught of Obama gun control actions from Tennessee. This list of impressive constitutionalists are upholding their oath to the citizens of their respective towns.

When and I do believe the Feds under Obama executive orders or the authorization of the UN will be at our doors very soon to take our guns. Constitutional Sherrifs are the last defense between a tyrannical government and taking your guns. They are really the only ones that can stop them. How you may ask? The Sherrif makes a stand and deputizes every willing person in sight and we simply make a loud and persuasive argument for them to turn around and return to DC. It’s that easy. The trick being our Sherrif has to make the buck stop with him first.

After several people talking with Sherrif Ruth for the last couple of weeks, watching videos and exposing him to the realities of what can happen if the federal government oversteps it’s boundaries he summarized it best when he was quoted as saying ” I don’t think we realize how bad of shape out country really is in!”

If your Sherrif is not on this list, what are you waiting for? Have them contact CSPOA and sign up and stand with Ruth, Arpaio, Mack and many others.

The following is a list of sheriffs and state sheriff’s associations from who have vowed to uphold and defend the Constitution against Obama’s unlawful gun control measures.  I applaud these public servants for their courage and conviction.  

I call on sheriffs all over this nation to add their voices to the growing numbers of faithful protectors of our freedom. -Richard Mack

Constitutional Duty of the Sheriff – Richard Mack

Sheriffs and associations who have made public statements committing to protect their citizens’ 2nd Amendment rights from Obama’s gun control efforts will be added.  Some of these sheriffs are members of the CSPOA, but inclusion in this list does not necessarily mean they are a member.


1. Utah Sheriffs Association

2. Florida Sheriffs Association

3. Georgia Sheriffs Association

4. Colorado Sheriffs Association

5. New Mexico Sheriffs Association

6. Nebraska Sheriffs Association

7. Wyoming Sheriffs Association

8. Indiana Sheriffs Association


Disclaimer: While we encourage all sheriffs, their departments and peace officers to join CSPOA, the above list was created to identify those county sheriffs who have gone on record to uphold their oath by having made public statements, written open letters or called our office and asked to be included in the list of sheriffs and peace officers standing against gun control.  This DOES NOT mean they are members of the CSPOA.

Name County State
1 Blake Dorning Madison Alabama
2 Ana Franklin Morgan Alabama
3 Andy Hughes Houston Alabama
4 Jay Jones Lee Alabama
5 Huey Hoss Mack Baldwin Alabama
6 Kevin Davis Chilton Alabama
7 Scott Mascher Yavapai Arizona
8 Joe Arpaio Maricopa Arizona
9 Tom Sheahan Mohave Arizona
10 Paul Babeu Pinal Arizona
11 Mark J. Dannels Cochise Arizona
12 Leon Wilmot Yuma Arizona
13 Mike Moore Boone Arkansas
14 Adam Christianson Stanislaus Ca
15 Jon Lopey Siskiyou California
16 Tom Bosenko Shasta California
17 John D’Agostini El Dorado California
18 David Hencraft Tehama California
19 Dean Growden Lassen California
20 Dean Wilson Del Norte California
21 Mike Poindexter Modoc California
22 Thomas Allman Mendocino Ca
23 Mike Downey Humboldt California
24 Margaret Mims Fresno California
25 Greg Hagwood Plumas California
26 Bruce Haney Trinity California
27 Martin Ryan Amador California
28 Jerry Smith Butte California
29 James W. Mele Toulumne California
30 Justin Smith Larimer Colorado
31 Terry Maketa El Paso Colorado
32 John Cooke Weld Colorado
33 Stan Hilkey Mesa Colorado
34 Lou Vallario Garfield Colorado
35 Rick Dunlap Montrose Colorado
36 Jeff Christopher Sussex Delaware
37 Bill Snyder Martin Florida
38 Frank McKeithen Bay Florida
39 Mike Scott Lee Florida
40 Rick Beseler Clay Florida
41 Michael Adkinson Walton Florida
42 Grady Judd Polk Florida
43 Harrell Reid Hamilton Florida
44 Stacy Nicholson Gilmer Georgia
45 Scott Berry Oconee Georgia
46 Roger Garrison Cherokee Georgia
47 Neil Warren Cobb Georgia
48 Butch Conway Gwinnett Georgia
49 Gary Gulledge Paulding Georgia
50 Joe Chapman Walton Georgia
51 R. Darren Mitchum Twiggs Georgia
52 Christopher M. Clinton Towns Ga
53 Roy Klingler Madison Idaho
54 Kieran Donahue Canyon Idaho
55 Daryl Wheeler Bonner Idaho
56 Chris Goetz Clearwater Idaho
57 Doug Giddings Idaho Idaho
58 Doug McFall Jerome Idaho
59 Brian Brokop Lewis Idaho
60 Joe Rodriguez Nez Perce Idaho
61 Tom Carter Twin Falls Idaho
62 Dave Resser Benewah Idaho
63 Mitch Alexander Shoshone Idaho
64 Edward Motley Edgar Illinois
65 Mike Emery McLean Illinois
66 Jerry Parsley Clark Illinois
67 John Zaruba DuPage Illinois
68 Brad Rogers Elkhart Indiana
69 Ken Murphy Franklin Indiana
70 Tom Grills Ripley Indiana
71 Ken Campbell Boone Indiana
72 Warren M. Wethington Cedar Iowa
73 Frank Denning Johnson Kansas
74 Denny Peyman Jackson Kentucky
75 Michael A. Helmig Boone Kentucky
76 John Snedegar Bath Kentucky
77 Scott F. Harrison Powell Kentucky
78 Chuck Korzenborn Kenton Kentucky
79 Charles A. Jenkins Frederick Maryland
80 Ken Tregoning Carroll Maryland
81 Dar Leaf Barry Michigan
82 Ted Schende Benzie Michigan
83 Larry Stelma Kent Michigan
84 Kenny Marks Menominee Michigan
85 Robin Cole Pine Minnesota
86 Victor Williams Itasca Minnesota
87 Bill Rasco DeSoto Mississippi
88 Billy McGee Forrest Mississippi
89 Cecil Cantrell Monroe Mississippi
90 Brad A. DeLay Lawrence Missouri
91 Charles Heiss Johnson Missouri
92 Steve Cox Livingston Missouri
93 Mick Epperly Barry Missouri
94 Stephen Stockman Mercer Missouri
95 George Underwood Oregon Missouri
96 Michael Dixon Osage Missouri
97 Randee Kaiser Jasper Missouri
98 Steven R. Blunkall Shannon Missouri
99 James Sigman Texas Missouri
100 Mark Dobbs Butler Missouri
101 Gary Schaaf Perry Missouri
102 Randy Esphorst Gasconade Mo
103 Kevin T. Harrison Warren Missouri
104 Jimmy Shinn Marion Missouri
105 Gerry Dinwiddie Ralls Missouri
106 Tom Rummel Sanders Montana
107 Jay Doyle Lake Montana
108 Scott F. Howard Powell Montana
109 Chris Hoffman Ravalli Montana
110 Darby Harrington Wibaux Montana
111 Mike Linder Yellowstone Montana
112 Chris Kleinberg Dakota Nebraska
113 Ed Kilgpore Humboldt Nevada
114 Benjamin D. Trotter Churchill Nevada
115 Tony DeMeo Nye Nevada
116 Douglas R Dutile Grafton NH
117 Dan Houston Bernalillo New Mexico
118 Shawn Menges Catron NM
119 Patrick R Jennings Chaves NM
120 Johnny Valdez Cibola New Mexico
121 Jim Maldonado Colfax NM
122 Dennis A. Cleaver De Baca NM
123 Todd Garrison Dona Ana New Mexico
124 Scott London Eddy New Mexico
125 Raul Holguin Grant New Mexico
126 Michael R Lucero Guadalupe NM
127 Herman Martinez Harding NM
128 Saturnino Madero Hidalgo NM
129 Mark Hargrove Lea New Mexico
130 Robert Sheppard Lincoln NM
131 Marco Lucero Los Alamos NM
132 Raymond Cobos Luna New Mexico
133 Benny House Otero New Mexico
134 Joe Schallert Quay New Mexico
135 Joe Mascarenas Arriba NM
136 Darren Hooker Roosevelt New Mexico
137 Ken Christesen San Juan NM
138 Benjie Vigil San Miguel NM
139 Robert Garcia Santa Fe New Mexico
140 Joe Baca Sierra New Mexico
141 Phillip Montoya Socorro NM
142 Miguel Romero Jr Taos New Mexico
143 Heath White Torrance New Mexico
144 William Spriggs Union NM
145 Louis Burkhard Valencia NM
146 Tony Desmond Schoharie NY
147 Richard Devlin Jr. Otsego New York
148 Donald Smith Putnam New York
149 David Cole Steuben New York
150 Timothy B. Howard Erie County NY
151 Coy Reid Catawba North Carolina
152 Adell Dobey Edgefield North Carolina
153 Jerry Jones Franklin North Carolina
154 Charlie McDonald Henderson NC
155 Jimmy Thornton Sampson NC
156 Eddie Cathey Union North Carolina
157 Donnie Harrison Wake NC
158 Carey Winders Wayne North Carolina
159 Sam Page Rockingham NC
160 Larry Rollins Harnett North Carolina
161 Alan Norman Cleveland North Carolina
162 Mike Marshall Stokes North Carolina
163 Tracy Carter Lee North Carolina
164 A.J. Rodenberg Clermont Ohio
165 Sam Crish Allen Ohio
166 J. Steve Sheldon Richland Ohio
167 Michael Simpson Preble Ohio
168 Bob ‘Big Block’ Colbert Wagoner OK
169 Johnny Tadlock McCurtain OK
170 Roger LeVick Jackson Oklahoma
171 Steve Randolph Major Oklahoma
172 Glenn E. Palmer Grant Oregon
173 Gil Gilbertson Josephine Oregon
174 Tim Mueller Linn Oregon
175 Craig Zanni Coos Oregon
176 John Hanlin Douglas Oregon
177 John Bishop Curry Oregon
178 Larry Blanton Deschutes Oregon
179 Jim Hensley Crook Oregon
180 Pat Garrett Washington Oregon
181 Dan Staton Multnomah Oregon
182 Mike Winters Jackson Oregon
183 Brian Wolfe Malheur Oregon
184 Mitchell Southwick Baker Oregon
185 Frank Skrah Klamath Oregon
186 Jason Myers Marion Oregon
187 Bob Wolfe Polk Oregon
188 Jack Crabtree Yamhill Oregon
189 Boyd Rasmussen Union Oregon
190 Jim Muller Adams Pennsylvania
191 Eric J. Weaknecht Berks PA
192 Clinton J. Walters Bradford PA
193 Jeffrey C. Krieg Elk Pennsylvania
194 Carolyn “Bunny” Welsh Chester PA
195 Jonathan Held Westmoreland PA
196 Ronny R. Anderson Cumberland PA
197 Ronnie Anderson Cumberland PA
198 Al Cannon Charleston SC
199 Chuck Wright Spartanburg SC
200 Wayne DeWitt Berkeley South Carolina
201 Jim Matthews Kershaw South Carolina
202 James Metts Lexington South Carolina
203 Bruce Bryant York South Carolina
204 JIM RUTH Bradley Tennessee
205 Jim Hammond Hamilton Tennessee
206 Larry Smith Smith Texas
207 Terry Box Collin Texas
208 Joel W. Richardson Randall Texas
209 Jack Brandes Austin Texas
210 Johnny Brown Ellis Texas
211 Michael Cox Hill Texas
212 Bob Alford Johnson Texas
213 Earl Howell McCulloch Texas
214 Parnell McNamara McLennan TX
215 David Medlin Oldham Texas
216 Tommy Gage Montgomery Texas
217 Dane Kirby Fannin Texas
218 R. Glenn Smith Waller Texas
219 W.T. Smith Burnet Texas
220 Ed Cain Hardin Texas
221 Buster Nixon Mason Texas
222 Clint Hammonds Mills Texas
223 Don L Johnson Hutchinson TX
224 Cameron M. Noel Beaver Utah
225 David Edmunds Summit Utah
226 James Tracy Utah Utah
227 Robert Dekker Millard Utah
228 Frank Park Tooele Utah
229 Joseph Yeates Box Elder Utah
230 G. Lynn Nelson Cache Utah
231 James Cordova Carbon Utah
232 Jerry Jorgensen Daggett Utah
233 Todd Richardson Davis Utah
234 Travis Mitchell Duchesne Utah
235 Greg Funk Emery Utah
236 James D. Perkins Garfield Utah
237 Steven White Grand Utah
238 Mark Gower Iron Utah
239 Alden Orme Juab Utah
240 Lamont Smith Kane Utah
241 Blaine Breshears Morgan Utah
242 Marty Gleave Puite Utah
243 Dale Stacey Rich Utah
244 Rick Eldredge San Juan Utah
245 Brian Nielson Sanpete Utah
246 Nathan Curtis Sevier County Utah
247 Jeff Merrell Uintah Utah
248 Todd Bonner Wasatch Utah
249 Cory Pulsipher Washington Utah
250 Kurt Taylor Wayne Utah
251 Terry Thompson Weber Utah
252 Merv Gustin Duchesne Utah
253 Than Cooper Garfiled Utah
254 James B. Nyland Sr. Grand Utah
255 Gene Ercanbrack Morgan Utah
256 Mike Lacy San Juan Utah
257 Kay P. Larsen Sanpete Utah
258 Phil Barney Sevier Utah
259 Kenneth Vanwagoner Wasatch Utah
260 Kirk Smith Washington Utah
261 Ken Bancroft Asotin Washington
262 Tom Jones Grant Washington
263 Dave Brown Skamania Washington
264 Brett Myers Whitman Washington
265 Ken Irwin Yakima Washington
266 Mike Harper Roane West Virginia
267 Ken Merritt Wood West Virginia
268 William “Randall” White Boone WV
269 David A. Clarke Jr. Milwaukee WI


Bradley County Sherrif Jim Ruth vows to protect our 2nd Amendment rights

In Uncategorized on February 7, 2013 at 9:21 AM

Local sheriffs vow to oppose Obama’s gun control

BCN insert- More gun control laws will not make us safer. Stricter or tightened registration will not solve anything. The government knowing more about you and all your information placed in a database somewhere in DC will not make us safer. Guns don’t kill people, the person pulling the trigger kills people. Criminals with the intent to harm others will more than likely not register a gun or be concerned whether it is registered or not.

Let’s support Sherrif Ruth as he makes a stand against more gun control laws that supress your second amendment rights!

Link to video: http://www.wrcbtv.com/story/20962631/area-sheriffs-speak-out-on-gun-rights?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter&autoStart=true&topVideoCatNo=default&clipId=8324119

Posted: Feb 04, 2013 8:58 PM EST
Updated: Feb 04, 2013 10:28 PM EST
By Matt Barbour, Reporter – email

(WRCB) — As President Obama spent part of his day pitching his anti-gun violence agenda in Minnesota, more law enforcement agencies across the country are vowing to uphold the right to bear arms.

Two sheriffs in the Tennessee Valley are speaking out on gun rights.

“I would hope that the legislature at the federal level would not mess with second amendment rights,” says Hamilton County Sheriff Jim Hammond.

It is a stance that Sheriff Hammond and other sheriffs across the country are taking.

“Sheriffs are constitutional officers and we take very seriously protecting the rights of citizens, when it comes, especially this case, to their second amendment rights.”

Hammond says the Tennessee Sheriffs’ Association will soon follow suit behind others across the country, including Georgia’s, which has a statement posted on its website.

It reads in part, “The sheriffs will aggressively oppose federal or state legislation which infringes upon law abiding citizens’ right to bear arms.”

This comes as President Obama is rallying for a ban on assault weapons and universal background checks.

“It’s not because of what he’s doing, it’s because I want to let them know how I would stand as a sheriff,” says Hammond.

Just two weeks ago, the Bradley County Commission passed a resolution, vowing support of existing state and federal rights to bear arms.

Sheriff Jim Ruth wrote a letter publicly supporting it, saying he took an oath to support the constitution and it is his solemn obligation to support the resolution.

“I hope we can come together with some realistic legislation to make society safer and at the same time not to pick on things that have no effect,” says Commissioner J. Adam Lowe.

Lowe proposed the resolution.

He says a ban is not the answer.

“When we look at violent crime rates with countries with bans, we see that it doesn’t reduce violent crime.”

He is open to laws that make it tougher for guns to end up in a criminals’ hands.

“Background checks are a reasonable expectation to screen those who are law abiding. I think it gives a lot of gun dealers, whom are many friends of mine, an opportunity to know more about a person before they sell them a weapon,” says Lowe.

Bottom line, there is a call for open dialogue when it comes to gun rights.

“I just think we’ve got to have cool heads in making a decision, we can’t be rushing into something with a knee-jerk reaction,” says Hammond.

Both Hammond and Lowe say when it comes to school safety, they are big advocates of supporting the school resource officer program.

But Hammond says it all depends on what tax payers are willing to pay.

He says if he were to put an SRO in every Hamilton County school, his budget would increase by $6 million.

Obama launches 23 executive orders to advance gun control agenda

In Uncategorized on January 16, 2013 at 1:33 PM

Hot off the presses: Obama launches 23 executive orders to advance gun control agenda!

The president of the United States just issued 23 new executive orders to push his socialistic agenda of eventually taking your gun rights away from free Americans.

In a press release the White House issued a complete list of orders that will lead to banning guns in the US forever and eroding our constitutional, God given rights.

Our country is in the midst of a complete transition to a socialistic dictatorship. Our forseeable legacy and sadly so we are inevitably going to be known as the generation that let our country and it’s greatness collapse right along with it’s freedoms.

We cannot allow this to happen! Contact your Congress men and women, Senators and Governors and demand they stop this dictator NOW!

We are no longer in a might or conspiratorial mode, we are in it’s happening as you read this. Our country and it’s Socialist Dictator is making his move. We have stood back and observed long enough. We must get our elected body to once again represent the people. We must save this great country! What a shame to see her fold!

Take a look at these extensive executive orders. It seems he is going after our guns with the mental health care issues. Ever had a breakdown? Ever just talked with a psych Dr? Have PTSD? Take psych meds? On Ritalin? Antidepressant? Yeah thats a great deal of Americans. And guess what? He is using Obamacare, aka, the Affordable Care Act to access your records to clear you for your ability to carry a gun!

Concerned now? Best be! Gonna be alot of changes you are not going to like. Going to be a real tough pill to swallow.

Office of the Press Secretary
January 16, 2013

Gun Violence Reduction Executive Actions
Today, the President is announcing that he and the Administration will:

1. Issue a Presidential Memorandum to require federal agencies to make relevant data available to the federal background check system.

2. Address unnecessary legal barriers, particularly relating to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, that may prevent states from making information available to the background check system.

3. Improve incentives for states to share information with the background check system.

4. Direct the Attorney General to review categories of individuals prohibited from having a gun to make sure dangerous people are not slipping through the cracks.

5. Propose rulemaking to give law enforcement the ability to run a full background check on an individual before returning a seized gun.

6. Publish a letter from ATF to federally licensed gun dealers providing guidance on how to run background checks for private sellers.

7. Launch a national safe and responsible gun ownership campaign.

8. Review safety standards for gun locks and gun safes (Consumer Product Safety Commission).

9. Issue a Presidential Memorandum to require federal law enforcement to trace guns recovered in criminal investigations.

10. Release a DOJ report analyzing information on lost and stolen guns and make it widely available to law enforcement.

11. Nominate an ATF director.

12. Provide law enforcement, first responders, and school officials with proper training for active shooter situations.

13. Maximize enforcement efforts to prevent gun violence and prosecute gun crime.

14. Issue a Presidential Memorandum directing the Centers for Disease Control to research the causes and prevention of gun violence.

15. Direct the Attorney General to issue a report on the availability and most effective use of new gun safety technologies and challenge the private sector to develop innovative technologies.

16. Clarify that the Affordable Care Act does not prohibit doctors asking their patients about guns in their homes.

17. Release a letter to health care providers clarifying that no federal law prohibits them from reporting threats of violence to law enforcement authorities.

18. Provide incentives for schools to hire school resource officers.

19. Develop model emergency response plans for schools, houses of worship and institutions of higher education.

20. Release a letter to state health officials clarifying the scope of mental health services that Medicaid plans must cover.

21. Finalize regulations clarifying essential health benefits and parity requirements within ACA exchanges.

22. Commit to finalizing mental health parity regulations.

23. Launch a national dialogue led by Secretaries Sebelius and Duncan on mental health.

Obama endorses UN Small Arms Treaty, DHS to enforce UN mandates using local police authority

In Agenda 21, Uncategorized on January 16, 2013 at 10:37 AM

It didn’t take but mere hours from Barack Obama’s victory speech, as the confetti was still being swept off the floor, for the reelected President to make a late night phone call giving a full and hearty endorsement of the UN Arms Trade Treaty. Reuters reports that the backdoor gun control conversation, which was shot down earlier this year, is about to make a grand comeback at the UN. It is fully expected to pass:

Hours after U.S. President Barack Obama was re-elected, the United States backed a U.N. committee’s call on Wednesday to renew debate over a draft international treaty to regulate the $70 billion global conventional arms trade.

Naysayers simply state that the UN Arms Trade Treaty has more to do with controlling the flow of guns into rogue, third-world nations, than restricting the 2nd Amendment. However, that doesn’t appear to be the language in the last draft. The New American writes:

Section III, Paragraphs 7 and 8 of the Programme of Action mandate that if a member state cannot get rid of privately-owned small arms legislatively, then the control of “customs, police, intelligence, and arms control” will be placed under the power of a board of UN bureaucrats operating out of the UN Office for Disarmament Affairs.

Obviously, the Obama administration is just itching to pass this monstrosity through the UN. Once that happens, the UN itself says that they are mandated to take control of ‘customs, police, intelligence, and arms control’. Who do you think will not comply with this treaty in any form? The states and the citizenry.

In addition, The New American has an interesting analysis on another part of the treaty, which says that it is the responsibility for the member state to use gun sniffing technologies; technologies that the DHS has already unveiled:

In order to assist these blue-helmets and their disarmament overlords in their search and seizure of this ammunition, Section III, Paragraph 10 mandates that member states develop technology to improve the UN’s ability to detect stockpiles of ammo and arms.

This brings to mind the imminent deployment by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) of portable invisible lasers developed by Genia Laboratories (a company created by CIA offshoot In-Q-Tel) that can detect even trace amounts of gun powder from over 50 yards away. The laser reportedly can penetrate walls, glass, and metal. DHS is scheduled to take possession of the devices later this month, according to testimony presented on Capitol Hill late last year.

Perhaps the most interesting part about The New American’s analysis is that the ‘shot heard round the world’, the battle that began the American War for Independence, was begun when a government power from overseas decided that it was a good idea to go after a stockpile of arms. That didn’t turn out so well for the power from overseas, and ultimately, American independence was won from the war that followed.
