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Archive for the ‘Agenda 21’ Category

US Journalist Drew Johnson tossed from UN WHO meeting in Delhi

In Agenda 21 on November 8, 2016 at 12:06 PM

US Journalist Drew Johnson tossed from UN WHO meeting in Delhi


Drew Johnson, a US reporter and friend of Bradley County News Network was tossed from a tax supported and funded UN World Healthcare Organization meeting where several US Delegates were inside.

The crime? He is a reporter who wanted to cover the inner meeting where many decisions are met that affect a great portion of America and nearly 180 countries.

He was pulled from his seat by his lanyard, stripped of his identification and shoved out the door, sliding into the hallway.

The UN Delegate in charge refused to return his badge so he could attend other meetings.

The Daily Caller Journalist is livid and rightfully so. The UN has limited freedom of speech despite its stance to support the same.

WATCH as U.S. journalist Drew Johnson who defied the ban on reporters is physically removed from the meeting!

MORE: http://www.therebel.media/watch_u_s_j…

It is time for the US to EXIT the UN. #USEXITUN

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Incremental change via elected leaders lays groundwork for Agenda 21 fulfillment

In Agenda 21 on September 18, 2014 at 10:51 AM

Incremental change via elected leaders lays groundwork for Agenda 21 fulfillment

1044 am

We all have a choice! We are all capable of recognizing right and wrong. We live in a world today where it is most important to know the difference.

We have elected officials and leaders in the communities in which we live who are making decisions that affect our daily lives. Big decisions that will leave us in a situation that will not provide a path to retreat to once bad decisions are made.

Recently, in Bradley County Tennessee, our elected leaders have voted to revise, adopt and accept international building codes and a few have called for stricter environmental regulations to be placed on it’s citizens. A tighter control to push someone else’s agenda upon you the private property owner. 

For some reason, our elected officials are under the belief that to do things right, we must adopt regulations and codes that are from an international body, particularly the United Nations under the guises of Agenda 21.

Many scoff at this thought that somehow the UN is going to reach into our community and dictate to us what and how we are going to structure our community. This in fact is happening and our elected leaders seem oblivious to this fact when a few googled words could provide them the answers they need and resolve any doubt.

Unfortunately too many listen to someone else that may not be as informed. This scenario never ceases to amaze me. Simply dismissing something because it sounds too far fetched? This phenomenon is an interesting study in human nature and it’s ability to drift toward public opinion instead of rock steady facts. 

The device used in this wave of Agenda 21, particularly chapter 7, is locally elected officials. Local Agenda 21 is focused on changing your community or habitat with environmental and international building codes using those you elected, then bypassing them with the same regulations and codes they just enacted. 

The bricks are being laid even as we speak. Many elected officials are willingly going along with the plan to transform our country into a socialist utopia while destroying our individual God given rights. We are at a crossroads. We do not get a second chance to save her.

Incremental small changes will gradually succumb us to this international push to transform our
Nation, our community, Bradley County into something beyond our control, a method to control every aspect of your life and choke you of liberty, sovereignty and property rights.

The people you have elected to office are in charge of making these decisions. We don’t get a do over. Once done it is done.

Remind each commissioner, Mayor and elected official that you will be holding them accountable for each and every decision they make. And when it all hits the fan, tell them you
will not forget them giving away your  rights and your freedom to an international body.

Say no to the adoption of
International Building codes and UN influence on our county.

Many in elected office have tried
to forget about Agenda 21 and it’s influence on our community. They have tried to toss it aside like if I forget about or ignore it, it will go away. It will not go away. Simply refusing to continue to address it will not stop it from progressing and eventually assuming every function your elected officials were elected to perform.

Below is a video that was given to many elected officials in the recent past. I consider it one of the best and most simple video about Agenda 21 for elected officials I have seen.

Please feel free to share it and this blog entry. 

This video provides a description of Agenda 21/sustainable development and how it affects your property rights. 

While it is important to be good stewards of our planet, the sustainable development movement has been co-opted by an aggressive agenda to rewild America (The Wildlands Project) and reduce automobile usage and unnecessary travel by gradually shifting people into high density urban areas supported by mixed use dwellings (Smart Growth.) 

Often the planning process to meet these objectives confiscates private property rights through imminent domain or conservation easements. The outcome is not a safer planet, but rather, an unrecognizable nation most would strongly oppose. When advanced community by community, most do not realize the bigger picture. 

The bigger picture is the elimination of your property rights one regulation or code at a time and herding you into pods on a pre determined growth boundary complete with guidelines to develop your community or build your home. Doesn’t sound desirable to me, what about you?

How Agenda 21 influences the BCC 2035 joint strategic plan

In Agenda 21 on September 17, 2014 at 9:15 AM

How Agenda 21 influences the BCC 2035 joint strategic plan

0911 am

Shortly before Henry Lambs death, I asked Henry to evaluate the BCC 2035 growth plan and it’s proposed building codes. Henry was one of the foremost leaders on Agenda 21 and how it was affecting our local communities. He was great at analysis and his thorough understanding of Agenda 21 made it a joy to drain his brain at every occasion.

Shortly before his untimely death he took great interest and was drawn to what was being done in Bradley County. He graciously studied our growth plan and drew comparisons to Agenda 21 and offered his genius to show specifically where our very own growth plan was indeed a product of the UN and Agenda 21. His analysis showed the eerily close similarities the UNs plan to eventually herd us all into pods, loss of sovereignty, property rights and eventually world dominance under a new world order.  

His analysis when done showed many elected leaders that their involvement was indeed a devious plan by the UN to gain control of the last bastion of freedom, our property rights and our sovereignty.

This week the Bradley County Commission voted to enact new building codes in accordance with Agenda 21, particularly chapter 7.

These new regulations and codes are set to go into affect on January  1, 2015. They have allowed for a 90 day education period before the final vote is cast. This is part of that educational process.

You may ask what is wrong with building a building that is done right and has regulations that protect the citizenry? It is all incremental and it takes baby steps to make leaps ahead. This is by design. Our elected leaders once the pieces of the pie are formed and the plan in place will have very little say so about what goes on in the community of Bradley County mainly because they won’t have elected officials to represent them. The peoples voice and representation will be taken away.

Please read the link below by Henry Lamb. It is a PDF file so I could not cut and paste. I left it intact and please enjoy as it relates directly to our county and it’s growth plan.

Click to access BCC%202035-1.pdf

UN’s International Building Codes, necessary tool for Agenda 21 implementation

In Agenda 21 on September 16, 2014 at 7:52 AM

UN’s International Building Codes, necessary tool for Agenda 21 implementation

0744 am

Here is an excerpt from the preamble of the document Agenda 21

“Land… cannot be treated as an ordinary asset, controlled by individuals and subject to the pressures and inefficiencies of the market. 

Private land ownership is also a principal instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth and therefore contributes to social injustice; if unchecked, it may become a major obstacle in the planning and implementation of development schemes… 

Public control of land use is therefore indispensable to its protection as an asset and the achievement of the long-term objectives of human settlement policies and strategies.”

By Henry Lamb, post humously, I certainly do miss his mentoring abd advice.

“Anyone who reads Chapter 7 of Agenda 21, and then reads their local comprehensive land use plan will immediately recognize that most of the provisions of the local land use plan come directly from Agenda 21. 

More often than not, the elected officials who adopt these plans have never read Agenda 21, and many have never even heard of the U.N. document, signed by President George H. W. Bush in 1992.

The facilitators and professional planners have heard about Agenda 21, but frequently claim that the plan they are working on has nothing to do with the U.N. or Agenda 21. Don’t believe it for one minute.

Gary Lawrence, former Director of the Center for Sustainable Communities at the University of Washington, and Chief Planner for the City of Seattle, told an audience in London that:

” In the case of the U.S., our local authorities are engaged in planning processes consistent with LA21 [Local Agenda 21] but there is little interest in using the LA21 brand…. So, we call our processes something else, such as comprehensive planning, growth management or smart growth.”

In community after community, the same scenario is repeated. The federal government, through the EPA or the Department of Commerce or the Department of Interior, offers special grants to communities for the purpose of developing a vision for a greener future, and a plan to convert the vision into reality.

Typically, the local government will find a private consultant to “facilitate” the process. The facilitator will identify a local “steering committee,” carefully chosen from people who represent various segments of the community, all of whom are known in advance to be sympathetic to the goals of Agenda 21.

Typically, the advisory group will meet in private to lay out the framework for the process and the goals for the finished product. When this is achieved, public meetings are scheduled to give the appearance of public input and ownership. Rarely are these meetings ever publicized adequately to attract the private property owners who are most directly affected. Care is taken to see that members of local environmental organizations and social justice organizations constitute the majority of attendees.

These public meetings are said to be “the visioning process.” The procedures vary slightly from community to community, depending upon the facilitator. Remarkably, however, the “vision” in every community contains essentially the same elements: restricted auto traffic; bike trails; walkable neighborhoods; integrated housing; high density urban boundary zones; conservation areas; green belts; and much more — directly from Agenda 21.

Once the vision document is complete, the next step is to convert it into a Comprehensive land use plan, adopted by local elected officials in the form of an ordinance that is enforceable with fines and other penalties. The plans are necessarily so long and complex that few people ever read them, other than the professional planners and enforcement officials. Many, if not most, of these comprehensive plans incorporate many, if not most, of the codes developed by the International Codes Council. Here are some of the codes:

International Building Code

International Residential Code

International Fire Code

International Energy Conservation Code

International Private Sewage Disposal Code

International Mechanical Code

International Fuel Gas Code

International Wildland-Urban Interface Code

ICC Performance Code

International Existing Building Code

International Property Maintenance Code

International Zoning Code

International Green Construction Code

Here’s a sample of what to expect. From Chapter 2 of the International Green Construction Code:

CONSERVATION AREA. Land designated by the jurisdiction or by state or federal government, as a result of a community planning process, as appropriate for conservation from development because of the land possessing natural values important to the community including, but not limited to wildlife habitat, forest or other significant vegetation, steep slopes, ground water recharge area, riparian corridor or wetland.

DAYLIGHT SATURATION. The percentage of daytime hours throughout the year when not less than 28 foot-candles (300 lux) of natural light is provided at a height of 30 inches (762 mm) above the floor.

DEMAND RESPONSE, AUTOMATED (AUTO-DR). Fully Automated Demand Response initiated by a signal from a utility or other appropriate entity, providing fully-automated connectivity to customer energy end-use control strategies.

This is a tiny sample of the rules and regulations buried deep within the innocent-sounding comprehensive land use plans adopted by unaware local officials to achieve the politically-correct label of “sustainable community.”

These plans should be rejected, not simply because they arise from the United Nations, but because they infringe personal freedom and private property rights. The implementation of these comprehensive land use plans effectively transfers to government the right to dictate to individuals what kind of materials must be used in constructing their privately owned homes. The Auto-DR provision defined above actually gives government the right to dictate the temperature in your home, and the ability to enforce it.

This is madness! This is sustainable development! This is Agenda 21!

Local Tea Parties, 9.12 groups, and property rights organizations must learn about Agenda21, and exactly what their local visioning statements and local comprehensive land use plans contain. Many groups are forming study committees to analyze their local plans by section, and then report back to the entire group. This way, not every individual has to read the entire plan.

If this rush to oblivion is going to be stopped, it is up to private citizens to get informed, get involved, and help get into office only those people who truly respect the Constitution and the individual freedom it is supposed to guarantee.”

2005 © Henry Lamb

BCN Note:

Authur Lee, an American patriot and colonist in 1775 said, “The right of property is the guardian of every other right, and to deprive people of this, is in fact to deprive them of their liberty.”

Dan Peterson, Executive Director for the Coalition for Property Rights (CPR) said this and I close,  

“Is Agenda 21 the greatest threat to private property ownership, property rights, and liberty today?It could be. For years it has flown under the radar, and now urgently needs critical investigation, public exposure, and evaluation. One thing is certain; it has cost billions over the years and brought our nation under an enormous burden of regulation and restriction.”

The Bradley County Commission voting to implement International Building Codes is a scary game to play and sets the stage for a regional growth plan.

Not only are we conforming to
the United Nations Agenda 21 plan we are giving away our property rights as well as our sovereignty.

Complete text of Chapter 7 of Agenda 21,



EPA set to garnish your wages for breaking regulations

In Agenda 21 on July 9, 2014 at 8:15 AM

EPA set to garnish your wages for breaking regulations

0710 am

The EPA, Environmental Protection Agency, has announced that as of September 2014, it will have the unbridled ability to garnish your wages for environmental infractions.

If this seems odd to you then you had best speak up. Otherwise, breaking an EPA regulation will cost you plenty and they can take it via wage garnishment.

As per link below, According to The Washington Times, the agency announced the plan to enhance its purview last week in a notice in the Federal Register. The notice claimed that federal law allows the EPA to “garnish non-Federal wages to collect delinquent non-tax debts owed the United States without first obtaining a court order.” 

The notice went on to say that the EPA had fast-tracked the new rule, enabling it to take effect September 2. 

1. The EPA said the rule was not subject to review because it was not a “significant regulatory action.”

The EPA has claimed this new authority by citing the Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996,  Section 31001(o), which gives all federal agencies the power to conduct administrative wage garnishment, provided that the agency allows for hearings at which debtors to challenge the amount or the terms of repayment schedule. 

.”The EPA also states that, “we view this as a noncontroversial action and anticipate no adverse comment.” 

“This direct final rule is effective September 2, 2014 without further notice unless EPA receives adverse comments by August 1, 2014.”

To contact the EPA on this subject please use one of these to post your comments. I was unable find an ability to comment online.

Submit your comments by one of the following methods:

1. Email: jones.anita@epa.gov.

2. Fax: (202) 565-2585.

3. Mail: OCFO-2014-0001; FRL-9910-14-OCFO FPPS c/o Anita Jones, OCFO/OFM/FPPS, Mailcode 2733R, Environmental Protection Agency, 1300 Pennsylvania Ave. NW., Washington, DC 20460.


The conservative Heritage Foundation claimed that the rule gives the EPA “unbridled discretion” over the process of challenging fines.  David Addington, group vice president for research at Heritage, told the Times that the rule not only puts the burden of proof on the debtor, rather than the agency, but also allows the EPA to decide whether a debtor even gets a chance to present a defense before picking whomever it chooses to serve as a hearing officer.

The amount of money the EPA has collected in fines has increased steadily since President Barack Obama took office. In 2012, the agency took in $252 million in fines, up from just $96 million in 2009. 

Also be conscious of the fact that a growth plan is probably in effect in your community. This Agenda 21 project gives the DOT, the EPA and  HUD full access to your community with all authority rendered to them via your locally elected representatives. 

It’s time to speak up and out about government overreach into your wallets by a truly oppressive regime.

Share this info and by all means comment on the EPA hotline and comment line expressing your distaste for this overreach. Then contact your elected representatives and tell them to stop the EPA from garnishing your wages and taking your hard earned money.

Source and quotes from this link below. Please visit this site frequently. It has other excellent information for you to enjoy.


An example of how the EPA is reaching into the pockets of Americans can be seen in the example given in this link below. Just one story of where this could go. 

A 75,000 dollar a day fine placed on a man and his family for building a pond in his yard, a perceived violation of the Clean Water Act!

EPA Harasses Americans

If silence falls on this, we are in for some serious tyranny by a federal agency that will only gain strength at each fine and garnishment levied.

The wage garnishment rule:


Common Core: UNESCO and Bill Gates timeline to federalized education reform in US

In Agenda 21 on April 29, 2014 at 6:30 AM

Common Core: UNESCO and Bill Gates timeline to federalized education reform in US

0626 am

In most every state,community, every small town, big city or tiny rural town the education landscape is changing rapidly.

This newest form of change has been evolving for over a decade and has finally found a lucrative vehicle to carry it through to it’s completion.

The United Nations via its educational division, UNESCO is the main force that is pushing major education reform across the globe. Microsoft  billionaire entrepeneurs Bill and Melinda Gates are working closely with UNESCO to make sure
that reform is in place as the United Nations desires.

For a while many have stood and watched the changes and have been puzzled at the break neck speed in which education was transforming right before our eyes and have wondered who could be behind this and why.

Common Core, Education for All, Race to the Top, Teachers for America, International Benchmarking, School Vouchers, Teacher pay for performance, ICT, Goals 2000 Act, the School-to-Work Act Opportunities Act, Connect All Schools and the reauthorized Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) called “Improving America’s Schools Act of 1994″, etc, are all the products of the United Nations, particularly the Millennium Development Goals or MDGs.

Since 1992 there has been a steady drum beat of radical change. This change combined with the right environment and billions of dollars now has a synergist, a vehicle to carry educational change to fruition. Bill Gates and UNESCO, the educational division of the United Nations is carrying the banner for the United Nations that has it’s sights solely on our children with this foray into nationalizing or should I say Internationalizing our educational system.

What started as a benign donation ended up being the catalyst that has finally arrived at Common Core. 

Bill Gates donates many grants to UNESCO and Common Core, this got the ball rolling pretty quickly but for more than a decade the leftist were working behind the scenes to make sure that education reform would be for all, the whole world, not just in the good ole USA. 

Behind the scenes and in conjunction with UNESCO, the Gates and an international body are the main minions carrying the ball for the UN.



I love timelines. Timelines organize many actions and events into an organized structure that is easy to read and refer to. So here is my latest timeline that if read carefully and with an open mind you can easily see this is far from initiated by the states. This was and is a deliberate top down internationalization of our school systems. From the very top of the education reform food chain, all the way down to our local school boards.

-Good ole Marc Tucker, Linda Darla Hammonds and a host of others are pressing forward to make Common Core and education for all a reality.

• 1988: Marc Tucker became the president of the National Center for Education and the Economy (NCEE) where he joined up with Hillary Clinton, Mario Cuomo, and Ira Magaziner to get states to move away from local control of their schools and migrate to national standards.

• 1990: George H. W. Bush signed an international agreement entitled, “World Education for All (EFA), the result of a United Nations “World Conference on Education for All” summit. 

• 1991: Tucker and Lauren Resnick created New Standards that pushed standards-based reform.

Controversial author Marc Tucker to speak at MS Dept. of Education Statewide Forum Sept. 14

• 1992: Tucker writes “Dear Hillary Letter.” This letter, written to Hillary Clinton, addressed Tucker’s ideas for radical education reform after Bill Clinton’s presidential win. 

The goal is “to remold the entire American system” into “a seamless web that literally extends from cradle to grave and is the same systems for everyone,” coordinated by “a system of labor market boards at the local, state and federal levels” where curriculum and “job matching” will be handled by counselors “accessing the integrated computer-based program.” 

• 1994: Tucker’s ambitious plan was implemented in three laws passed by Congress and signed by President Clinton: the Goals 2000 Act, the School-to-Work Act Opportunities Act, and the reauthorized Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) called “Improving America’s Schools Act of 1994.”

• 1996: An organization called ACHIEVE, Inc. was formed by the nation’s governors and corporate leaders. (Many of them tied to Marc Tucker and the NCEE). The goals from an Education Summit in Palisades, NY were to ACHIEVE the goals of the 1994 school reform bills. (link)

• 1998: Tucker and Judy Codding created America’s Choice, a comprehensive school reform program, that made sure the national standards were further implemented into schools.

• 2001: George W. Bush renames ESEA “The No Child Left Behind Act” and signed it into law.

• 2004: Microsoft (Bill Gates) contracts with UNESCO (the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) to fulfill part of UNESCO’S Millennium Campaign Goals—universal education and educating for a global economy. A “master curriculum” for teacher training in information technologies based standards, guidelines, benchmarks, and assessment techniques is to be developed. (link)
(UNESCO / Gates Foundation Agreement)

• 2005: Bill Gates funds the New Commission on the Skills of the American Workforce—created by Tucker. States begin adopting its education reform initiative, “Tough Choices or Tough Times.” In 2008, Utah’s Governor Huntsman touts it and joins with 5 others states (Massachusetts, Delaware, Arizona, New Mexico, and New Hampshire) who adopt it in order to “reinvent their educational systems.” 

2005- Bill Gates signs 26 page agreement with UNESCO:

2005- Bill Clinton: “We have to do away with our love of local control of our schools”

• 2008: Gates Foundation, along with two other foundations, created Strong American Schools (a successor to the STAND UP campaign launched in 2006, which was an outgrowth of UNESCO’s Millennium Campaign Goals for Universal Education). It calls for American education standards.

NOTE- This point in the timeline above and below is probably the most important transition from UNESCO, Bill Gates, the IBAG to passing the Common Core Standards to the NGA. Many think that the NGA just popped out this idea, when in fact it was handed to the NGA on behalf of Bill Gates and UNESCO.

This is the claim where the CCS were state led, “because they came from NGA, a group of state Governors, doing what is best for their states.”

• 2008: Gates Foundation funds the International Benchmarking Advisory Group report for Common Core Standards on behalf of the National Governors Association, Council of Chief State School Officers, and ACHIEVE, Inc. titled, “Benchmarking for Success: Ensuring U.S. Students Receive a World-Class Education.” This report shows the United Nations is a member of the International Benchmarking Advisory Group for Common Core Standards. 

The member of mention is the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) which developed UNESCO’s Millennium Declaration—partnering with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. (link)

The report states: While states must take the lead, the federal government can help. And the federal government can do that best by playing an enabling role grounded in a new vision for the historic state-federal partnership in education.

• 2009:  Marc Tucker writes a chapter in the book “Change Wars: The Inspiring Future for Educational Change.” One chapter is called International Benchmarking as a Lever for Policy Reform. The book says the UN’s OECD launched Programme for International Student Assessment in 2000 to monitor the outcomes of education. Linda Darling-Hammond also contributes a chapter. Darling-Hammond heads the SBAC.

• April, 2009: Gates Foundation members, along with a few dozen others, participate in a Washington conference and produce “Smart Options: Investing the Recovery Funds for Student Success.” These ideas were funded by the 2008 Stimulus (ARRA-American Recovery and Reinvestment Act) and supported Race to the Top. Priority 1: Develop Common American Standards—also called Career-Ready Standards—in most states by January 2012.

• 2009 (summer): Council of Chief State School Officers, National Governors Association, and ACHIEVE, Inc. agree to partner on a common core standards project.

• 2009 (fall): The U.S. Dept. of Ed signals it will fund $360M for summative assessments aligned to Common Core Standards and begins planning meetings. Two consortia begin competing for this funding: Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium and Partnership for the Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers. States begin adopting Common Core Standards and join one of the consortia in order to receive No Child Left Behind waivers from the U.S. Department of Education Secretary, Arne Duncan.

• 2009 (December): Utah becomes a governing member state of Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) and is obligated to use the online assessments created by the SBAC which is led by Bill Ayers’ friend, Linda Darling-Hammond. Judy Park, Associate Superintendent, Utah State Office of Ed, eventually co-chairs the Consortia.

• 2009 (December): Gates Foundation gives the National PTA a $1 million grant to mobilize parents for Common Core Standards.

• June, 2010: National Governors Association and State Education Chiefs launch Common State Academic Standards.

• April 2011: The SBAC Overview Curriculum and Assessment Conference issues a report stating that CCSS member states must adopt their assessments by Dec. 31, 2011. Further, they must develop tests to be administered in 2014-2015.

• 2011: The American Legislative Exchange Council’s (ALEC) education task force calls for the demise of the Common Core Standards, but puts it on hold after receiving a $376,635 grant from the Gates Foundation. (link)

• 2011: Bill Gates speaks at the November G20 Summit in Cannes and issues his report, “Innovation With Impact: Financing 21st Century Development” stating, “My report will address the financing needed to achieve maximum progress on the Millennium Development Goals, and to make faster progress on development over the next decade.”

• 2011: Obama Education Secretary Arne Duncan announces “Today, I promise you that [the Department of Education] will be a committed partner in the national effort to build a more environmentally literate and responsible society… We must advance the sustainability movement through education… Education and sustainability are the keys to our economic future-and our ecological future.”

• 2012: States begin to recognize the loss of local control and enormous cost of implementation of the Common Core Standards. Many states begin pushing back. The Heritage Foundation and the Cato Institute call the standards unconstitutional per federal education law.

• 2012: States not on Common Core and not meeting the Annual Yearly Progress requirements of NCLB petition congress for relief. Lawmakers working on options are undercut when the Obama White House circumvents congress to grant waivers from NCLB if states adopt Common Core.

-Texas Education Commissioner Robert Scott stated that the common standards movement amounted to a “desire for a federal takeover of public education.” Now, additional states (who originally signed on), including Massachusetts, Iowa, Kansas, and Virginia, are expressing concerns about the common standards initiative.

-Gov. Nikki Haley just signed a letter supporting legislation in South Carolina to block CCSS implementation stating, “South Carolina shouldn’t relinquish control to a consensus of states any more than the federal government.”

2011-Larry Shumway, Utah state superintendent, a member of the CCSSO Board of Directors, a member of the Board of Directors at West Ed which is the project management partner for SBAC assessments, recommends Utah retain its relationship as a governing member of the SBAC (thus forcing Utah to use their tests).

“I am personally opposed to any changes in Utah’s public education governance, either by constitutional amendment or by statutory revision, that would have the effect of centralizing power and decreasing representation.  I oppose changes that would decrease the ability of local boards of education, elected by the citizens of that district, to guide their own schools to meet the needs of their communities as they see it, or that would diminish the ability of 104 elected legislators and 15 elected State Board members to fulfill their responsibilities to lead Utah public education as they represent their constituencies.” -Larry Shumway–State of Education Address October 11, 2011

This seems to me a clear conflict of interest for Mr. Shumway to testify to the Utah legislature on anything related to Common Core or the SBAC.

Gates’ Foundation other contributions during the time frame of consideration and development of the Common Core initiative.

Counsel of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO): 

National Governor’s Association (NGA): 
2008–$2,259,780,Mark Tucker’s NCEE: 

Total: $27,000,000

Bill Gates, via UNESCO and the United Nations and many willing participants taking bribes at all levels has successfully not only nationalized but Internationalized our educational system. 

To any who still harbor the illusion that Common Core State Standards were the product of the states simply coming together, I have a bridge in Brooklyn I’d like to sell you.
Special thanks to the many people involved in digging this information up. Much work has been done by people all around the country to put this information together and help follow the money trail.

 Please do your part now in passing this information on to everyone you know so they can be educated about what the Common Core Initiative is really all about.

Links to above article:
Bill Gates timeline: best source

Ed for all 2015

Click to access class%20of%202009.pdf



Click to access BenchmarkingforSuccess.pdf

Does U.N.’s Agenda 21 Education Mandate Push Common Core in USA?


2004- UNESCO “Cooperation Agreement” with Bill Gates.

Click to access strategy_microsoft_agreement.pdf


Bradley County Commission votes NO to Common Core, Yarber gets decision 

In Agenda 21 on February 20, 2014 at 8:48 AM

Bradley County Commission votes NO to Common Core, Yarber gets decision 

BCN Note: No one was actually hurt in the writing of this news blog. Humor was added to a very serious subject. The bout was fictional and fun, the details factual. My opinions are below based on my observations of the event as it unfolded.

0749 am

Bradley County TN Commissioners have echoed the efforts of the Bradley County School Board and said NO to Common Core.

Former semi-pro boxer County Commissioner Jeff Yarber, who long ago hung up his gloves, but Tuesday, took them off the shelf and delivered a show of might reminiscent of his days on the circuit.

He stood mighty tall in this setting and went the full 10 rounds and was left shuffling in his corner unscathed.

Throughout the meeting Yarber stepped up, squared up on his opponent, left hand slightly in front of the other, weaved left and right, steps in head low, chin down and delivered a barrage of thunderous blows that left the impression that Common Core is not welcome in our community in any form. Even some of his own debated him but were left in a heap on the canvas of this political arena.

As the debate continued, the formally trained athlete, was fully prepared to go the distance and he did.

The bout started with the introduction for approval of two bills getting cranked up in the House and Senate. 

A vote to back HB 2332 and its Senate companion bill SB 2405 was debated and Jeff Yarber was scrapping the whole time. He took a few jabs off his ample iron jaw while fending off blows to defeat support for these bills. The intent of these bills is to remove Common Core and it’s cronies from our children’s presence, period! The bills are not there so they can be tweaked, renamed or repackaged. They are to be REMOVED, DISCONTINUE! Period!!!

If passed, the House and Senate bills would amend Tennessee Code Annotated section 49-1-302 to say “on July 1, 2014, the state board and the department of education shall DISCONTINUE the use of the Common Core state standards in English language arts and mathematics.” 

At that time, the standards that had been in place before Common Core standards were first being implemented in 2010 “shall become the standards for use by LEAs [local education agencies] and schools until the state board develops and adopts new Tennessee specific standards for English language arts and mathematics.” 

With the final vote pending, just as the Bradley County School Board had done a couple of weeks ago, Yarber and the County Commission stepped up and knocked down the formidable Common Core opponent.

Our buddies on the education board said that Common Core “would be highly disruptive to student growth.” 

During this title match, It was also mentioned that changes like postponing of PARCC assessment tests and tying those scores to teacher licensure, student data collection and non parent or teacher involvement would not be in the best interest of our teachers and ultimately our children.

Let’s not forget the lightweight contender Michelle Rhee of Students First, the ex wife of Heavyweight TN Education Secretary Kevin Huffman and Bantam weight Bill Haslam appointee have advocated, by their support of Students First, for parents to get out of the way so Common Core can be delivered uninterrupted as stated  in past interviews with Rhee. 

How convenient would it be to get parents, teachers, school boards and elected officials out of the way so the deed can be completed. Sounds like a win-win scenario if you ask me.

Like any good story or bout in this case there is always the spoiler. Today that is twofold. Commissioner Jeff Morelock and Bill Winters are once again those wet noodle types among mighty oaks. 

Morelock expressed his understanding of the school board’s resolution was that the board was in favor of the standards as a whole, but some changes needed to be made to them. Did he read the same resolution I did? I dont believe he read the same resolution!  He continued with his drivel of liberalism and said “there were some necessary changes, doing away with the standards would not help.”

Commissioner Bill Winters, Morelocks liberal Co Co buddy chimed in. Remember Yarber is bouncing around doing the rope a dope waiting to be engaged. I know it’s suspenseful but keep reading.

Commissioner Bill Winters said he “had a problem with the fact the Commission’s resolution supported repealing the state standards.”

He sluggishly continued and said ” he would not vote to repeal Common Core because the standards being removed would “tie the hands” of the legislators working to fix the parts of the standards that were not working well.” Hello Bill? The consensus, bills and resolutions are to get rid of it, to DISCONTINUE them, not fix them! Focus! Please allow me to enlighten you in a little constitutional secret. You as an elected official are the voice of the people, you have the authority to limit government intrusion at any level, thus balancing the power! You are a microcosm of the bigger picture Bill! You can do this!

In addition, Winters went on to say he “did not think the vote would be in line with what the local school board wanted.” Really Bill? Once again and please allow me to reiterate, the vote today is to DISCONTINUE the Common Core standards, not fix or tweak them. The vote today! The one before you now! A liberal slant is not the seal of approval and doesnt change the fact that you are voting in a few minutes to DISCONTINUE the standards not fix or tweak them. 

He went on to zap out all the remaining energy out of the room room finishing his monologue “The school board did not ask us to repeal this,” Winters said. He finally gathered enough liberal strength to say “the standards “could be worked for the good of the schools.” Ooooh Yawn, please wake me Jeff Yarber.

LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, MAY I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION, In the red corner, hailing from Clevegas TN, weighing in at probably a different weight from his previous days, lets here it for the one, the only, the scrapper, the commissioner of all commissioners, a Commissioner every one wants to be………..Jefffffffffff Yarrrrrrrrber! ARE……. YOU……..READY……. TO RUUUUUUUUUUUMBLE?

Commissioner Jeff Yarber relying on strength and momentum from his youth, meets gloves in the middle, and lands the first punch countering  “I am  in favor of Tennessee scrapping the Common Core standards altogether and creating new standards to replace them.” Kaaaa Pooooow!

Side step, 1-2 punch amongst a flurry of undercuts he continues “this means local education would not be “tied in with” the federal government. Yes! Morelock and Winters are punch drunk but not relenting.

Winters and  Morelock countered with a few soft jabs none phasing the Yarber. Yarber counters with a flurry, “Common Core is the problem, and we can do it better!!!!”

The crowd on their feet, Winters and Morelock on their heels, to the mat. Dazzled by the display of skill and precision of this prize fighter reborn, the ref steps in with the 10 count, 1-2-3… 

Commissioner Adam Lowe steps into the ring to finish off the opponent.

The atmosphere now has changed from a prize fight to a tag team WWF wrestling match, please allow the setting to morph in your mind.

A more cautious Lowe yet equally as effective mounts the ropes and from the top rope with bare chest, tight spandex shorts he shouts….. “the state bills in question were “simple” and “straightforward,” though he was not totally certain they were “a step in the right direction.”  The frenzied crowd yells “Deliver the fatal blow Adam! Jump down and deliver the fatal blow. The cautious approach allowed Yarber to suffer a few minor blows to his seasoned jawline but unable to daze him. Lowe is a thinker! He is contemplating his next move.

Lowe balancing on the top row, chest bare, pecs glistening continues….he believes “one of the problems the field of education has been facing has been the attention paid to reforming standards rather than actual teaching methods because “standards don’t have feelings.” “We continue to try to teacher-proof the classroom,” he said.  The standards dont have feelings!” Beautiful. Great skill from such a gifted orator, give the appearence that the standards are a living breathing set of standards. Im loving this approach. The crowd sinks back to it’s seats as Lowe steps down from the top rope.

Nice assist Commissioner Lowe, we need you in Yarbers corner, he needs water and some vasoline on his left eye.

Commissioner Caywood receives the tag from Lowe!

Commissioner Terry Caywood, a little long in the tooth, but still with the vigor and stamina of the young bucs weighs in.. 

Caywood cautiously enters the ring very aware of the mood in the room, the roar of the crowd, he becomes invigorated, picks up Bill Winters and begins to spin him around the ring tossing him into Morelock, like a bowling pin they both fall and he grabs the mike and begins to shout  ” I have spoken with a teacher who said Common Core standards “took all the fun out of teaching.” Take that and put it in your pipe and smoke it, I Imagined Caywood saying that last part. The part he is playing in my mind is quite the opposite, he is really a kind gentle christian man unwilling to engage his peers this way.

And from back of the room, much like Ralphie, from the Christmas Story engaging Scut Farkus and Grover Dill in a fight that won Ralphie some respect in the neighborhood, Commissioner Mel Griffith tags in and says he was “very supportive” of the standards’ goals, but they were not being implemented well.” That splatted onto the mat like an overhydrated cow patty. 

Has he been listening to Morelock and Winters?  Somehow, are we blaming this on the teachers now? Anyway, he tried to punch but couldn’t allow the standards to be done away with, Ralphie is retired quickly.

With the fighting done and the warrior weary State Representative Kevin Brooks steps into the ring with his shiny suit, crisp red tie, neatly tucked, half windsor perhaps, hair motif perfectly aligned and undisturbed, he bounces up uncharacteristically and says “the bills would have the state completely scrapping the current standards, meaning it would “throw out the baby, the bathwater — all of it.” Was that an apology? Or did he see his baby (Common Core) just get tossed out with the bath water? Mr Brooks, the baby (Common Core) and the bath water (the standards) are what we want gone! It’s ok! It’s not a real baby.

He continued, “Instead of completely repealing Common Core, he said he was in favor of making “incremental” changes to the standards and changing the name to reflect those changes.” It is pretty clear that the message being sent is not being absorbed. Our elected bodies are saying NO to Common Core, not parts, not increments, ALL OF IT! To DISCONTINUE IT! Not tweak, rename or repackage the standards!

Question to Mr Brooks? If Common Core is fully repealed does this mean he returns his campaigns number one donor Michelle Rhee and Students First campaign donations? It’s a legit question that needs answering.

Few have worked as hard as Representative Kevin Brooks to
bring RTTT and Common Core to Bradley County. Ok, now I’m getting sweaty from that flurry of punches. Jeff Yarber I need a tag out.

Brooks continues “I have been asked what is the most-debated topic in Nashville right now,” Brooks said. “It is Common Core. (Because parents, teachers and school boards are mad and don’t want it) There’s nothing in me that wants to lower our standard, but the name……the brand……is broken.” 

Ok, do we tweak it and change the name? Florida and other states are doing this also. It does not change the facts. If it walks and talks like a duck? It’s a duck!

Ok let’s pretend this epic battle is coming to an end and my children are safely out of reach of a few of our commissioners for the time being.

The 14-member Commission passed the resolution sponsored by the ex prize fighter Jeff Yarber supporting the state bills with nine in favor, four opposed and one absent. 

Yarber has completed the bout and by KO, he chalks up another win.

Wait! There was one more breath of life left in the two on the mat. In one final expression of defiance his eyes slightly swollen, Bill Winters tarries to center ring facing Yarber and 8 other Commissioners and whispers, “I propose a substitute motion to pass a resolution simply saying the Commission supported the school board’s resolution and not mentioning the proposed state bills.” And he collapses to the mat. That motion failed!

Known as an observer and more of a ring manager Commissioner Mark Hall countered with his own motion right before the event concluded, he quips “lets have a work session to be discussed further,” As if to be saying, in other words let me delay this vote so I can find out what this Common Core thingy is. The motion failed! Several Commissioners reminded him this matter had already been discussed in previous meetings.

Enters Dan Rawls posing as the clean up crew, while lifting chairs, kicking aside popcorn boxes and candy wrappers, shouting from the observation deck, crowd dispersing around him he shouts “the passage of this resolution was “brave, calling it “a big vote.” 

The big victor tonight was Commissioner Jeff Yarber and the kids of our county. He stepped up for the teachers, Students, parents all over the county. 

Lowe deserves an assist. 

Yarber stands tall after this bout, the victor.

When all was said and done the County Commission as our elected representatives did what they needed to do.

In a big way, standing in the gap for the kids, parents and teachers who have been left out of the process but are now speaking up and winning small battles to regain our educational system from the hands of the federal government./

Source of quotes: Cleveland Daily Banner. Please continue to read this fine paper and buy it daily, they get paid to deliver the news, I report for free!


Candid encounter with waiter about GMO corn leaves patron amazed

In Agenda 21 on February 7, 2014 at 9:03 AM

Candid encounter with waiter about GMO corn leaves patron amazed

0827 am

Dining in my favorite neighborhood restaurant one evening I asked the very nice waiter for a menu. The menu is simple tonight he replied and it features what many consider their favorite veggie, corn. 

The waiter takes my order and shortly thereafter arrives with two pieces of corn, slathered and dripping with butter, salt and pepper, just the way I have eaten it my entire life. 

The waiter states to me before I consume this delightful delicacy, I must warn you of the dangers of consuming one of those ears of corn. A puzzled look is now painted across your face.

Please explain. Certainly is the reply from the very assured waiter with ample certainty, it was more than expected from such a young lad. The words began to flow freely and hinted of one too many expressos supplied by a generous Barrista for sure..

On the left is a natural ear of corn, untainted, fresh, purely organic and grown in farmer Smiths field just down the road a bit. Oh fantastic that sounds marvelous.

And the one on the right? Well this is your second option. Although it looks identical to the other one it is much different.

How so, I quickly reply? The one on the right is a Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) or a GAUF product, Genetically Adulterated Unlabeled Food. Oh you say, please explain further.

It goes something like this, the very knowledgeable waiter continued. Some years ago near a Round Up chemical dump, yes, the weed killer company. Scientists noticed that at the back of their facility there was a plant that was not dying when exposed to round up. This intrigued the scientists, they extracted this gene protective mutation and they all came to the conclusion, let’s put this in peoples food and let them eat it. After all, it will preserve the food, eliminate world poverty and we can grow plants and they will not die even in the harshest of environments. The scientists and corporate America really loved it, and so goes the capitalist entrepreneur.

Bt-Toxin or Bacillus Thuringenisis, is inside that corn on the right and is chemically laden, genetically modified and “Round Up ready.” Please ignore my cander, I am sure you are aware the term Round Up Ready is ominous and does denounce that it is interwoven with it and it is interesting that you cannot kill that ear of corn with that product. NO, I didnt know! Remember, this is a restaraunt and your choice of which food you eat is completely up to you and please don’t shout. I do want you to enjoy your dining experience and leave completely satisfied. 

Ignoring my hunger pangs, I listened further as the waiter had now wooed me into a trance with his rhythmic tone and he continues. Ok, you see, Bt- Toxin is a naturally occurring product in nature, can be found at your local feed and seed store and is largely an accepted form of natural pesticide applied to our food, no huge risk, although still harmful if consumed is mostly washed off before consumption, the sun shines down on it and degrades back into the earth from where it came. We also wash our corn very well before we serve it and I can assure you that corn has been washed, I do it myself, a little sous chef type activity to pick up few extra dollars, any way! Do you know how many products we consume that cintain GMO corn? Lots and lots! Where was I?

Oh yeah, what you may not know this but the two ears of corn before you are very different. The ear of corn on the left is natural as can be, the one on the right has Bt interwoven within it, in it’s DNA, in it’s gene pool. This is the naturally occurring pesticide we talked of earlier. Did you take note that I said now it’s inside of it? It’s thousands of times more concentrated than if merely sprayed  on the outside of the plant and washed off. That’s the big difference and that’s what makes it deadly.

You may also find it interesting that many studies have stated that the consumption of the chemical is
perfectly safe and that it will cause no harm, because it’s naturally occurring in our environment. 

Even Snopes has claimed that reports of Bt-Toxin being harmful is false even though Snopes acknowledges that scientists have debunked that claim in their report, yet they still say it is safe. It’s one if those situations where you say the data is inconclusive and the info is sit 50/50, uuh, I’ll go with the corporate giant and not some nerdy scientist. I’ve also heard Snopes is a couple of people living in a basement sitting around debunking people’s statement to appease a leftist agenda. Dont know it, just heard it!

Recently, an ENSSA (European Network of Scientists for Social and Environmental Responsibility) report as soon as December 10, 2013 said that 297 Scientists have now signed on and said that Bt-Toxin and GMO food is harmful and may have a very damaging effect on the bodies of those that consume, causing numerous health problems and cancer.

Even the EPA, the Environmental Protection Agency ignored it’s own advisory panel that suggested that more studies need to be done on humans before being placed on the market. The EPA decided to side with food and seed giant Monsanto and clear the way to place these chemicals inside our food supply anyway.

I am now Intrigued, lost in the conversation and slowly pushing the corn to the middle of the table out of my reach but not before asking, “why is there concern that it may harm my body?”

I’m glad you asked as the waiter continued. Very few studies have been done on humans, I only know of one study and it was not conclusive and did not declare it safe. 

Rats, insects and Rhesus Monkeys are relatively cheap, disposable and can be tested in high numbers. After all, if large numbers of humans died in preliminary experiments like our lab rats and insects did it would not be a lucrative venture for Monsanto and other GMO companies, so the study goes on.

Many scientists have looked at the effect of Bt Toxins on the body and and based on these studies came to this conclusion.

The end result and the short version of many scientific tests is that insects died when the integrity of their stomach lining was compromised when exposed to Bt. High levels of Bt has also been detected in women, in cord blood, suggesting the crossing of that almost impenetrable blood brain membrane or barrier that protects babies. 

One study suggested that the Bt-Toxin, even after one feeding may attach to the lining of the stomach of a human and colonize, meaning it will preserve itself, replicate and disperse at intervals throughout your lifetime creating an environment for future sickness and cancer that will manifest itself at a later date. No such data that I am aware of has been collected or reported referring to an increase in sickness or cluster cancer rates and high consumption of Bt. It has been said this may be why so many of our bees are dying off colony population diminishing rapidly.

What we do know is Scientists have concluded that the Bt Toxin and the two versions produced by  Monsanto causes at the very least an antigenic and antiallergic response.

This means that genes and tissue within your body are mutilated or altered when exposed to Bt and or an allergic response ensues causing things such as asthma and or autism when crossing the blood brain barrier.

The body releases an interleukin or cytokine response when exposed to a foreign antigen or substance. This may cause abdominal pain, flu like symptoms, a general malaise or just not feeling well. Let me remind you this is a bacteria and can cause sickness.

These markers can be detected in your blood when you go to the Doctor. This type of response is seen when your body is exposed to allergens in the environment and is seen with many types of cancer after consuming.

The waiter continues, my father is in the healthcare profession and he says you would not believe the amount of people that enter the hospital daily with many forms of stomach pain and related ailments. Many are treated but may not get diagnosed correctly and may never find out why they are hurting or sick. 

He is skeptical and says it could be because of something in the environment or some foreign substance they consumed like Bt, but he doesn’t know for sure.

I am so sorry sir, please forgive me, I must get to other customers, I talk way too much but can I now serve you the corn you requested or do you need more time to decide. 

I believe I have come to a conclusion, you can keep both ears, I’ll go home hungry tonight and contemplate that home garden and growing my own food! Yeah that’s what ill do. 

Well sir, did I tell you that Monsanto now owns most of the worlds seeds, and the government has passed a Farm bill that says you can’t grow your own food and one of your local Tennessee state Senators just voted to block labeling of GMO products on your…..food…..sir, man on the ground……..sir? Are you alright? Are you ok! Please someone dial 911!!!!

This was a fictional story, but if it had been for real, the facts and the results would be the same.

Please share with your friends.


Snopes report acknowledges report and test results from scientist and still call report False! It appears they rendered their decision on the fact that Bt id a naturally occurring ingredient but didn’t recognize that Bt and GMO food is inside the plant, a part of it’s structure not merely in it’s surface, which can be easily washed off. Go figure.

ENSSER Report claiming 297 scientist say GMO good is unsafe

Sinister City Phnom Penh faces Civil war on heels of Chuk Tema ouster

In Agenda 21, Uncategorized on January 24, 2014 at 9:10 AM

Sinister City Phnom Penh faces Civil war on heels of Chuk Tema ouster


Thousands of miles from it’s “sister city,”  Phnom Penh, Cleveland Tennessee is seeing it’s appointed leaders being used as pawns to civil unrest in Phnom Penh.

The city with it’s willingness to exchange favors with a leftover regime of the Khmer Rouge has left our sister city on the brink of civil war.

It appears our selection of this city as our sister city was a thwarted attempt for a ruthless regime to retain power using American influence and select corporatism as its wedge.

Last year our elected leaders decided to join hands with a ruthless regime of dictators with connections to the Khmer Rouge, left over from the Vietnam War that killed 10s of thousands at the barrel end of a gun and a sword. 

This same regime with blood on their hands performing unspeakable atrocities on it’s people found their way into our beautiful community at the request of our local spiritual, business and political leaders. 

As they were paraded around in town as the next savior of our City on the back of its business model shared with the Chamber, we were entranced and blinded to the filth that was left in their wake. It is still amazing to me that money, greed and cronyism can blind many seeking to gain from this forced venture, but it is what it is.

This welcomed regime graced our city and brought with them a swath of destruction and remnants of evil that rivals many ruthless dictatorial leaders throughout history. These same folks that allegedly sprayed three hundred innocent souls with water then electrocuted them, allowed and participated in child pornography, child slave labor, child and adult prostitution rings, child sex rings, outright murder, displacement of it’s citizens from valued property in the center of town pulled from their homes and dumped in rice fields miles away, held deeds to valuable property, ruination of property rights for personal gain, citizens arrested for speaking up, threats upon the lives of protestors, cooperation with international bodies such as the UN, sympathizers of the UNs Agenda 21…….etc were allowed to parade around our city unchecked and unquestioned by it’s leaders.

The Governor of Phnom Penh was on the ropes and dancing when he visited Cleveland Tennessee.

Our elected officials were pulled into the Governors web of deciet in an attempt to save his much coveted position in Phnom Penh government of which was floundering and in steep decline and had been since 2008.

The Governor and his court used our religious and political good will to attempt to retain his governors seat by extending good will and false promises while in Cleveland.

In 2008, the PM leaked a statement to the locals that if Kep Chuk Tema could not unite his country and somehow “fix” their problems the axe would fall. 

During this time the UN placed sanctions on this government and took away any foreign aid to build the country using the Agenda 21 model for atrocities committed against it’s people in the 10s of thousands. 

The UN via their councils stated that if Kep Chuk Tema could regain his pride and establish his country as moving forward the money would return and sanctions lifted.

Shortly afterwards and a well timed visit to Bradley County he forms a bond with  local religious organizations to show him favor and hopefully to retain his power. 

It is my opinion only, but I am afraid our local religious organizations may somehow have joined hands with the UN, the Phnom Penh government, developers and our local government to further develop the country on the backs of those willing to participate with monetary gain as it’s facilitator. The money trail may be a revealing factor as soon as those numbers are reported.

Monetary gain or not, this venture was not based on a relationship formed solely on mutual trust. 

Agenda 21 is bad policy and runs over anyone that dares stop or attempt to halt it’s implementation. The progressive plan to upbuild our inner cities, displacing citizens from their private property with the assistance of the United Nations in any city whether it be Cleveland Tennessee or Phnom Penh is bad policy. 

Selective corporatism is a death nail to private small business, deciding who is successful and who is not solely based on who you know or who you pay off royally is not a good way to build a country or a city. In Bradley County we do this deed extremely well.

Eventually, the citizens begin to
see the deception and realize that cronyism or you scratch mine I’ll scratch yours inside a good ole boy network is not the best for our community.

Shortly after Kep Chuk Tema and his delegation slid back to Phnom
Penh the City of Cleveland, in Chuk Tema fashion began it’s onslaught of similar tactics that Chuk Tema is now answering to. 

As the Cleveland regime, fresh off the Phnom Penh delegation visit began to leak and announce that South Cleveland was going to succumb to displacement of it’s citizens and the planned private property invasion by a greedy government was underway, in search of private property for placement of a self named Civic Center where homes used to be. Coincidence? Planned? Orchestrated with advice from Chuk Tema? We will never know but shortly after his departure our city began to see the same transformation as in Phnom Penh. 

Shortly after returning to Phnom Penh, Chuk Tema and many of his cabinet was dismantled and replaced by Governor Pa Soceatvong. He is a similar minded dictator with a harder line but has been asked to display a softer line to squelch a tenuous people from envoking a civil war, an uprising to suppress a tyrannical government. 

Sam Rainsy, the personable character that preferred to bow than shake hands with yours truly has been reduced to rubble since his return. 

He was recently photographed by reporters on the ground begging, crawling around asking for forgiveness for his bad policy. 

In the aftermath and return home it was reported that Chuk Tema offered H.E. Hun Sen 300,000 dollars in blood money to keep his position but he “sacked” him anyway! 

Wait a minute where did he get that money? He did just return from Cleveland Tn? Nah that’s really conspiracy at this time but who knows those rabbit hole chases have faired me well with exposing the truth. Hmmm? 

After all Governor Bill Haslam intended to use his NASCAR influence to treat them to a hot dog and a race at Bristol! 

I can make this stuff up guys! Follow the money is my old adage.

The bottom line is this. My Phnom Penh contacts on the ground are expressing a desire to overthrow this government of whom we call our sister, and stop the onslaught of radical, single handed, top down bad land abuse policy. 

Ladies and gentlemen, also in this country, the citizens of this country are speaking up and out, rallying around a  plan, formulating a takeover against the UN and Agenda 21. The tangled webs we weave often get exposed when the story is exposed and a microscope is applied. 

Sadly, as in Cleveland, these people are the recipients of this behavior and this scheme to level their homes and transform their country and we continue to assist their government because it makes us feel good and we get a mattress factory exported further exposing more children and adults to slave labor and encampment. 

Is turning out mattresses for a like-minded regime because a dictator was afraid he was gonna lose his position and power in our best interest. Sounds familiar doesn’t it?

Why are our leaders given a pass when it comes to this type behavior. Why does State Representative Kevin Brooks and Mayor Rowland who literally kissed the ring of a
ruthless dictator using religious connections to promote crony selective corporatism with an assist of the Chamber of Commerce while in step with the United Nations to implement Agenda 21? 

Remember last summer when our own local government turned on the citizens of Cleveland and Bradley County TN because they were notifying the residents in the area of  a plan to do exactly what Phnom
penh was doing that is causing a civil

An investigation was launched to lynch any one found stepping over that line? And the citizens of Bradley County had to hire attorneys to get a tyrannical Mayor off their backs and restore the US Constitution that had just been shredded.

How soon we forget! Do you see the stark similarities? Do you see why we call them sister? 

Sinister City would be the most appropriate name applied to this partnership. The devil definitely has a hand in this and the throngs of “do gooders” do not have to answer to men on Earth, their judgement will be from a much higher power!

The Cambodian delegations expenses were paid for by People for Care and Learning, the Phnom Penh government, and private donations. The paper trail begins here. Sadly, in my opinion,we have been reduced to a game of chess where the people of both cities are the pawns and big government and big corporatism are using greed as our motivator.

A recent email from Phnom Penh had this to say about the governor that visited our city ” Kep Chuk Tema of Phnom Penh city is about bribery, corruption, human vultures, unsanitary condition, traffic congestions, air polution. He was also responsible for the death of some 300 revellers on one New Year Day”…..” I can’t wait for the American Delegate to visit Phnom Penh and the nearby surrounding areas and offer their impression.”

The people of Phnom Penh see the game the American Delegation is
playing with their lives, only wish Clevelanders would do the same and expect the same change.

Kep Chuk Tema replaced as Governor! 

Kep Chuk Tema has been on Cambodian chopping block since 2008




Beong Kak Lake

New leader admonishes Sam Rainsy!


Sam Rainsy begging to keep his job!

Pictures of the delegation!

Asking Hun Sen to step down. CNRP opposing CPP, the government we support. Backlash on our people and those supporting CPP HUN SEN!

Obama endorses UN Small Arms Treaty, DHS to enforce UN mandates using local police authority

In Agenda 21, Uncategorized on January 16, 2013 at 10:37 AM

It didn’t take but mere hours from Barack Obama’s victory speech, as the confetti was still being swept off the floor, for the reelected President to make a late night phone call giving a full and hearty endorsement of the UN Arms Trade Treaty. Reuters reports that the backdoor gun control conversation, which was shot down earlier this year, is about to make a grand comeback at the UN. It is fully expected to pass:

Hours after U.S. President Barack Obama was re-elected, the United States backed a U.N. committee’s call on Wednesday to renew debate over a draft international treaty to regulate the $70 billion global conventional arms trade.

Naysayers simply state that the UN Arms Trade Treaty has more to do with controlling the flow of guns into rogue, third-world nations, than restricting the 2nd Amendment. However, that doesn’t appear to be the language in the last draft. The New American writes:

Section III, Paragraphs 7 and 8 of the Programme of Action mandate that if a member state cannot get rid of privately-owned small arms legislatively, then the control of “customs, police, intelligence, and arms control” will be placed under the power of a board of UN bureaucrats operating out of the UN Office for Disarmament Affairs.

Obviously, the Obama administration is just itching to pass this monstrosity through the UN. Once that happens, the UN itself says that they are mandated to take control of ‘customs, police, intelligence, and arms control’. Who do you think will not comply with this treaty in any form? The states and the citizenry.

In addition, The New American has an interesting analysis on another part of the treaty, which says that it is the responsibility for the member state to use gun sniffing technologies; technologies that the DHS has already unveiled:

In order to assist these blue-helmets and their disarmament overlords in their search and seizure of this ammunition, Section III, Paragraph 10 mandates that member states develop technology to improve the UN’s ability to detect stockpiles of ammo and arms.

This brings to mind the imminent deployment by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) of portable invisible lasers developed by Genia Laboratories (a company created by CIA offshoot In-Q-Tel) that can detect even trace amounts of gun powder from over 50 yards away. The laser reportedly can penetrate walls, glass, and metal. DHS is scheduled to take possession of the devices later this month, according to testimony presented on Capitol Hill late last year.

Perhaps the most interesting part about The New American’s analysis is that the ‘shot heard round the world’, the battle that began the American War for Independence, was begun when a government power from overseas decided that it was a good idea to go after a stockpile of arms. That didn’t turn out so well for the power from overseas, and ultimately, American independence was won from the war that followed.
