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Posts Tagged ‘united nations’

US Journalist Drew Johnson tossed from UN WHO meeting in Delhi

In Agenda 21 on November 8, 2016 at 12:06 PM

US Journalist Drew Johnson tossed from UN WHO meeting in Delhi


Drew Johnson, a US reporter and friend of Bradley County News Network was tossed from a tax supported and funded UN World Healthcare Organization meeting where several US Delegates were inside.

The crime? He is a reporter who wanted to cover the inner meeting where many decisions are met that affect a great portion of America and nearly 180 countries.

He was pulled from his seat by his lanyard, stripped of his identification and shoved out the door, sliding into the hallway.

The UN Delegate in charge refused to return his badge so he could attend other meetings.

The Daily Caller Journalist is livid and rightfully so. The UN has limited freedom of speech despite its stance to support the same.

WATCH as U.S. journalist Drew Johnson who defied the ban on reporters is physically removed from the meeting!

MORE: http://www.therebel.media/watch_u_s_j…

It is time for the US to EXIT the UN. #USEXITUN

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Arriving UN Refugees from Syria will have devastating impact on Tennessee, US

In Uncategorized on March 3, 2015 at 10:05 AM

Arriving UN Refugees from Syria will have devastating impact on Tennessee, US

0911 am

Tennesseeans and the US are preparing for another huge onslaught of Islamist refugees from Syria, Iraq and Somalia.

This dump of UN refugees from the Middle East will pour into 180 cities in 49 states across America with Chattanooga, Nashville, Knoxville and Memphis taking the lions share for Tennessee in 2015. This will wreak havoc on our cultural and economical health in our states.

It’s estimated there are 1.3 to 3 million refugees and family members waiting to seek refuge into the United States with an assist from the United Nations as part of the UN Refugee Resettlement Program.

Last year 70,000 people made their way into our country from the Middle East as part of the UN Program. Hundreds of thousands have already entered the US since 9/11/01.  

It is estimated that 600,000 or so refugees are “almost ready to go” from Syria in UN Refugee Settlement Camps today.

To add insult to injury there is another less known program that will create even more flow of refugees into our states and communities from overseas.

The UN Refugee Family Reunification program gives new refugees the vehicle, once established in your community,to invite their family members to the USA on the taxpayers dime with the same status and benefits given their refugee family members.

These two programs alone will provide the vehicle for millions more to enter our country, our state and our communities in the coming years, beginning now.

The US Government has been the biggest sponsor of all nations to accept refugees from muslim countries to include Iraq, Somalia and The Democratic Republic of Congo.The next huge rush of Syrian refugees is expected in the remaining months of 2015.

Not many people are aware that resettlement, ie, immigration is one of two common tactics being used to conquer the west and establish Islamic dominance in the world. One is Jihad or Holy War, the other is Al Hijra, the Islamic doctrine of conquest through immigration.

It’s about the numbers, procreating, establishing communities and changing the environment around them to advance Sharia Law, Islamic doctrine with separate civil protection apart from the Constitution in our free country. It’s definitely an interesting concept worth considering in light of the huge amounts of refugees preparing to enter our communities, Al Hijra. Why should this concern me?

The State Department in summarizing their stance on these refugees and their families said  “They are cleared for refugee status by the U.N. high commissioner on refugees (UNHCR), who assigns them to various countries. Once granted refugee status by the U.N. they are screened by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security for any ties to terrorist organizations.” Remember, the US Department of Homeland Security has said there is no threat from Islamic Terrorists on the US but the FBI conflicted that statement when it clarified that Islamic Terrorism in the US is our number one threat. 

Also note, that Mohammed Ebiary, the Top US officer of the Department of Homeland Security has recently tweeted that the United States is an Islamic Country. He has been rumored to be linked with the Muslim Brother and makes you wander who is being protected by DHS.

In February 2014 according to WND.com, stunningly, “the State Department moved to ease the rules that protect the U.S. from accepting refugees with potential ties to terrorist organizations. The rules were seen as “too strict” by the refugee-resettlement groups that lobby Congress and the administration to continuously let in more Muslims from the war-torn Middle East.” This will put the citizens of the US in harms way. The “softening” of screening rules will allow many more Islamic extremists already radicalized to enter the US and should make us loudly skeptical of thes refugees.

The State Department has made it clear that the 9,000 or so far entering the US in the early months of 2015 will not be the end, many more will follow.

According to the State Department “The United States accepts the majority of all UNHCR referrals from around the world. Last year, we reached our goal of resettling nearly 70,000 refugees from nearly 70 countries (2014)”

“We plan to lead in resettling Syrians as well,”  “We are receiving roughly a thousand new ones each month, and we expect admissions from Syria to surge in 2015 and beyond.”

“Once refugees get to the United States they are placed on a fast track to citizenship and are able to get their extended families to join them in the states under the government’s reunification program”

State Department spokesperson Marie Arf, recently said “Obviously, we have several thousand in the pipeline, and that number will continue to go up.”

In the last few years, residents of Tennessee have seen large concentrations of Muslims inserted into and around our communities. They have not assimilated into our culture but instead have isolated themselves into many differing communities, many with ties to Islamic terrorist organizations. 

They are networking very well with established terrorist already in the US. The Terror Camps in differing states are providing an opportunity to travel pretty much unnoticed and off the grid from state to state to assemble this push toward jihad and Al Hijra.

This terrorist network is functioning at a very high level preumably well under the radar of the FBI, the CIA, State Department and DHS. Tennesseans and all of America is in great danger.

A great percentage of these refugees will enter the system and immediately receive free healthcare, welfare programs, housing, classes and food allowances all coordinated by mostly Catholic resettlement charities. A few within the established terrorist camps in the US have been arrested for welfare and food stamp fraud in the recent past.

Once their families arrive the same handouts are extended to them on the US Governments dole and the taxpayers dime. As many as 90 percent of the money coming into these charities in the business of resettling are from federal grants. This gives them accountability for what they do with the money and they should expect criticism if that money is used unwisely. 

I have chosen to look at the local impact on Tennessee since a large number of my readers are from this area. Keep in mind these numbers will be duplicated in 180 cities in nearly every state in the US. (See link below for resettlement plan by state and city below)

Let’s look at the numbers: These numbers were formulated on State department, UN Settlement and DHS estimates and represent averages. I could not find an exact amount ahead of this movement but one thing is for sure, many will come and many are waiting.

TENNESSEE Designated resettlement target cities:


It is known that 70,000 entered the US last year. That was about 450 refugees for every participating city and about 1,500 per state in 2014. These numbers alone have led to many negatives on our state and the Islamic influence felt in our state. First amendment issues have been challenged, seperate laws, crime rates, child endangerment, child sex crimes have increased with the migration of largely Somali immigrants in Nashville in recent years. Separate rules and preferred treatment treatment have been applied to Muslim populations relocating to our state with DOJ protection. This should not be happening in America and more immigrants resettling will only make a bad situation worse.

Sources reveal that an estimated 3 million or so could migrate to the US when it is all said and done. The per average share of refugees per city and state will skyrocket tremendously regardless of the specific exact number.

In one year the 450 refugees per community could skyrocket to 17,000 per community and about 70,000 per state based on State Department projections for Tennessee alone.

Every job that is available will be consumed quickly. The Government via the taxpayers will be called upon to provide food stamps, daycare, vouchers, school costs, disability and insurance to every refugee and their family members. Can you picture the change in our communities with millions of devout unwavering Muslims entering our communities with little or no intent to be American, clinging tightly to their own ideological political system with a religious tag, refusing to assimilate into our country?

Chattanooga, Knoxville, Nashville and Memphis will receive the lions share of Tennessee’s refugees. 72,000 Islamic refugees or so entering our state and community will weaken, not strengthen it.

This will plunge us into economic and cultural chaos. I believe this is purposeful and our president is dismantling our nation and fundamentally changing it’s course toward this impending disaster. 

The up surge of Islamists I believe is purposeful and it will eventually suck every bit of life out of our country. This is a solid plan. It is only a matter of time before the total transformation will take place, the seed is being planted, Al Hirij in action, Jihad is pending.

Once these seeds of refugees take place and begin to grow exponentially we will no longer be positioned to save ourselves or turn back. 

Those thousands will become millions, will become 10s of millions will become 100s of millions. The Hope and Change directive will be complete. Americas deathnail has been hammered. Mark my word. Unless we stand up and quickly this will be our final demise. Islamic domination of our country is not safe or viable.

Terrorist sleeper cells and Lone Wolf participants will abound, thrive and flourish under this resettlement program. Americans are asleep on this issue and many are not seeing the greater picture. 

This resettlement project will result in the downfall of our great nation. Look across the river at Australia and Great Britain for a glimpse of our future. 

Sources of info:

Click to access 05Dec14_Public%20Affiliate%20directory.pdf






Part 1  in this series: Please read and pass along.

Tennessee terrorist camps well positioned to strike key cities

Part 2:

US and TN Terrorist Camps have launched Jihad, prepare for future attacks

Part 3:

Sheikh Gilani video unveils plan to destroy America from camps

*** A personal note to my wonderful, devoted readers and subscribers approaching 500,000 strong.

As with all my posts, these are my opinions based on hours of research and a collection of facts. These opinions are just that, opinions and they should be viewed as just that, an opinion. 

This blog was started as a way to inform. It’s therapy for me, an avenue to vent, a way to inform others when the mainstream media will not. So please continue to enjoy. 

Please feel free to criticize and critique, this is America and for now we still have the first amendment and the ability to express ourselves and redress our government.

As many have noted, I will not win a Pulitzer for literature nor was that my focus. The misspells and lack of sentence structure is but a blip in the information pipeline. Please look for substance inside the blog instead. I strive daily to improve and I work very hard to get info to you. 
I’m confident not all will be happy with the result and it would be unrealistic of me to think so. 

For now, I sleep well at night knowing I’m contributing or assisting, albeit, in a small way to keep our country great. 

I often rely on my readers and subscribers to be foot soldiers doing your due diligence putting feet to my blogs, while creating momentum that forces change. There are far more of you talented than me and I rely on you heavily for that support.

 I hope only after reading you take the time to read and if you agree, pass it along and inform others. This is my greatest gift and goal.

Thanks readers/subscribers you are the best and together we are one heck of a force to be reckoned with.

BCN and my limited editorial staff.

I’m humbled by your support.

Incremental change via elected leaders lays groundwork for Agenda 21 fulfillment

In Agenda 21 on September 18, 2014 at 10:51 AM

Incremental change via elected leaders lays groundwork for Agenda 21 fulfillment

1044 am

We all have a choice! We are all capable of recognizing right and wrong. We live in a world today where it is most important to know the difference.

We have elected officials and leaders in the communities in which we live who are making decisions that affect our daily lives. Big decisions that will leave us in a situation that will not provide a path to retreat to once bad decisions are made.

Recently, in Bradley County Tennessee, our elected leaders have voted to revise, adopt and accept international building codes and a few have called for stricter environmental regulations to be placed on it’s citizens. A tighter control to push someone else’s agenda upon you the private property owner. 

For some reason, our elected officials are under the belief that to do things right, we must adopt regulations and codes that are from an international body, particularly the United Nations under the guises of Agenda 21.

Many scoff at this thought that somehow the UN is going to reach into our community and dictate to us what and how we are going to structure our community. This in fact is happening and our elected leaders seem oblivious to this fact when a few googled words could provide them the answers they need and resolve any doubt.

Unfortunately too many listen to someone else that may not be as informed. This scenario never ceases to amaze me. Simply dismissing something because it sounds too far fetched? This phenomenon is an interesting study in human nature and it’s ability to drift toward public opinion instead of rock steady facts. 

The device used in this wave of Agenda 21, particularly chapter 7, is locally elected officials. Local Agenda 21 is focused on changing your community or habitat with environmental and international building codes using those you elected, then bypassing them with the same regulations and codes they just enacted. 

The bricks are being laid even as we speak. Many elected officials are willingly going along with the plan to transform our country into a socialist utopia while destroying our individual God given rights. We are at a crossroads. We do not get a second chance to save her.

Incremental small changes will gradually succumb us to this international push to transform our
Nation, our community, Bradley County into something beyond our control, a method to control every aspect of your life and choke you of liberty, sovereignty and property rights.

The people you have elected to office are in charge of making these decisions. We don’t get a do over. Once done it is done.

Remind each commissioner, Mayor and elected official that you will be holding them accountable for each and every decision they make. And when it all hits the fan, tell them you
will not forget them giving away your  rights and your freedom to an international body.

Say no to the adoption of
International Building codes and UN influence on our county.

Many in elected office have tried
to forget about Agenda 21 and it’s influence on our community. They have tried to toss it aside like if I forget about or ignore it, it will go away. It will not go away. Simply refusing to continue to address it will not stop it from progressing and eventually assuming every function your elected officials were elected to perform.

Below is a video that was given to many elected officials in the recent past. I consider it one of the best and most simple video about Agenda 21 for elected officials I have seen.

Please feel free to share it and this blog entry. 

This video provides a description of Agenda 21/sustainable development and how it affects your property rights. 

While it is important to be good stewards of our planet, the sustainable development movement has been co-opted by an aggressive agenda to rewild America (The Wildlands Project) and reduce automobile usage and unnecessary travel by gradually shifting people into high density urban areas supported by mixed use dwellings (Smart Growth.) 

Often the planning process to meet these objectives confiscates private property rights through imminent domain or conservation easements. The outcome is not a safer planet, but rather, an unrecognizable nation most would strongly oppose. When advanced community by community, most do not realize the bigger picture. 

The bigger picture is the elimination of your property rights one regulation or code at a time and herding you into pods on a pre determined growth boundary complete with guidelines to develop your community or build your home. Doesn’t sound desirable to me, what about you?

UN’s International Building Codes, necessary tool for Agenda 21 implementation

In Agenda 21 on September 16, 2014 at 7:52 AM

UN’s International Building Codes, necessary tool for Agenda 21 implementation

0744 am

Here is an excerpt from the preamble of the document Agenda 21

“Land… cannot be treated as an ordinary asset, controlled by individuals and subject to the pressures and inefficiencies of the market. 

Private land ownership is also a principal instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth and therefore contributes to social injustice; if unchecked, it may become a major obstacle in the planning and implementation of development schemes… 

Public control of land use is therefore indispensable to its protection as an asset and the achievement of the long-term objectives of human settlement policies and strategies.”

By Henry Lamb, post humously, I certainly do miss his mentoring abd advice.

“Anyone who reads Chapter 7 of Agenda 21, and then reads their local comprehensive land use plan will immediately recognize that most of the provisions of the local land use plan come directly from Agenda 21. 

More often than not, the elected officials who adopt these plans have never read Agenda 21, and many have never even heard of the U.N. document, signed by President George H. W. Bush in 1992.

The facilitators and professional planners have heard about Agenda 21, but frequently claim that the plan they are working on has nothing to do with the U.N. or Agenda 21. Don’t believe it for one minute.

Gary Lawrence, former Director of the Center for Sustainable Communities at the University of Washington, and Chief Planner for the City of Seattle, told an audience in London that:

” In the case of the U.S., our local authorities are engaged in planning processes consistent with LA21 [Local Agenda 21] but there is little interest in using the LA21 brand…. So, we call our processes something else, such as comprehensive planning, growth management or smart growth.”

In community after community, the same scenario is repeated. The federal government, through the EPA or the Department of Commerce or the Department of Interior, offers special grants to communities for the purpose of developing a vision for a greener future, and a plan to convert the vision into reality.

Typically, the local government will find a private consultant to “facilitate” the process. The facilitator will identify a local “steering committee,” carefully chosen from people who represent various segments of the community, all of whom are known in advance to be sympathetic to the goals of Agenda 21.

Typically, the advisory group will meet in private to lay out the framework for the process and the goals for the finished product. When this is achieved, public meetings are scheduled to give the appearance of public input and ownership. Rarely are these meetings ever publicized adequately to attract the private property owners who are most directly affected. Care is taken to see that members of local environmental organizations and social justice organizations constitute the majority of attendees.

These public meetings are said to be “the visioning process.” The procedures vary slightly from community to community, depending upon the facilitator. Remarkably, however, the “vision” in every community contains essentially the same elements: restricted auto traffic; bike trails; walkable neighborhoods; integrated housing; high density urban boundary zones; conservation areas; green belts; and much more — directly from Agenda 21.

Once the vision document is complete, the next step is to convert it into a Comprehensive land use plan, adopted by local elected officials in the form of an ordinance that is enforceable with fines and other penalties. The plans are necessarily so long and complex that few people ever read them, other than the professional planners and enforcement officials. Many, if not most, of these comprehensive plans incorporate many, if not most, of the codes developed by the International Codes Council. Here are some of the codes:

International Building Code

International Residential Code

International Fire Code

International Energy Conservation Code

International Private Sewage Disposal Code

International Mechanical Code

International Fuel Gas Code

International Wildland-Urban Interface Code

ICC Performance Code

International Existing Building Code

International Property Maintenance Code

International Zoning Code

International Green Construction Code

Here’s a sample of what to expect. From Chapter 2 of the International Green Construction Code:

CONSERVATION AREA. Land designated by the jurisdiction or by state or federal government, as a result of a community planning process, as appropriate for conservation from development because of the land possessing natural values important to the community including, but not limited to wildlife habitat, forest or other significant vegetation, steep slopes, ground water recharge area, riparian corridor or wetland.

DAYLIGHT SATURATION. The percentage of daytime hours throughout the year when not less than 28 foot-candles (300 lux) of natural light is provided at a height of 30 inches (762 mm) above the floor.

DEMAND RESPONSE, AUTOMATED (AUTO-DR). Fully Automated Demand Response initiated by a signal from a utility or other appropriate entity, providing fully-automated connectivity to customer energy end-use control strategies.

This is a tiny sample of the rules and regulations buried deep within the innocent-sounding comprehensive land use plans adopted by unaware local officials to achieve the politically-correct label of “sustainable community.”

These plans should be rejected, not simply because they arise from the United Nations, but because they infringe personal freedom and private property rights. The implementation of these comprehensive land use plans effectively transfers to government the right to dictate to individuals what kind of materials must be used in constructing their privately owned homes. The Auto-DR provision defined above actually gives government the right to dictate the temperature in your home, and the ability to enforce it.

This is madness! This is sustainable development! This is Agenda 21!

Local Tea Parties, 9.12 groups, and property rights organizations must learn about Agenda21, and exactly what their local visioning statements and local comprehensive land use plans contain. Many groups are forming study committees to analyze their local plans by section, and then report back to the entire group. This way, not every individual has to read the entire plan.

If this rush to oblivion is going to be stopped, it is up to private citizens to get informed, get involved, and help get into office only those people who truly respect the Constitution and the individual freedom it is supposed to guarantee.”

2005 © Henry Lamb

BCN Note:

Authur Lee, an American patriot and colonist in 1775 said, “The right of property is the guardian of every other right, and to deprive people of this, is in fact to deprive them of their liberty.”

Dan Peterson, Executive Director for the Coalition for Property Rights (CPR) said this and I close,  

“Is Agenda 21 the greatest threat to private property ownership, property rights, and liberty today?It could be. For years it has flown under the radar, and now urgently needs critical investigation, public exposure, and evaluation. One thing is certain; it has cost billions over the years and brought our nation under an enormous burden of regulation and restriction.”

The Bradley County Commission voting to implement International Building Codes is a scary game to play and sets the stage for a regional growth plan.

Not only are we conforming to
the United Nations Agenda 21 plan we are giving away our property rights as well as our sovereignty.

Complete text of Chapter 7 of Agenda 21,



Ryan and Murray sacrifice 2nd Amendment for bipartisan budget deal

In Uncategorized on December 15, 2013 at 10:53 AM

Ryan and Murray sacrifice 2nd Amendment for bipartisan budget deal


This week Representative Paul Ryan reached across the aisle and essentially placed the 2nd Amendment protection in jeopardy and left it open for further attacks.

Many are calling this latest move by Ryan and the leftist Senator Patty Murray the “Bipartisan Budget Act” to avoid another government shut down. Those in the know are calling it a carve out of our 2nd Amendment Rights, that should have remained intact.

Besides kicking the can down the road another two years with no real long term spending cuts, our stated 2nd Amendment Rights are left vulnerable.

Ryan assisting Murray effectively put into place a series of actions that are sure to pave the way for you to turn in your guns and surrender our sovereignty to an international power called the United Nations via the UN Small Arms Treaty.

Ben Marquis with the Examiner explains the bipartisan budget bill passed this week  “Rep. Ryan willingly sacrificed a number of Deficit Neutral Reserve Funds. These Deficit Neutral Reserve Funds are basically principled stands for public consumption that are added into budget deals and Concurrent Resolutions, or CR’s. They hold no actual funds, rather they serve as placeholders for future legislation, and give said legislation something of a jumpstart in the procedural process, provided this future legislation does not add significantly to the deficit, i.e. is “paid for” by tax increases or expense cutting. In the temporary CR that was passed in mid-October to end the government shutdown, there were 84 such Reserve Funds staking out principles, ideals and future plans. The budget deal worked out between Ryan and Murray trimmed that number down to 58 Reserve Funds in Subtitle B, Section 114, Parts (c) and (d).”

The Examiner continues “Two of the Deficit Neutral Reserve Funds that were cancelled in the deal dealt with the 2nd Amendment, and their cancellation could place our gun rights at risk. Located in House Con Res 25, Title III, Section 382 established a Deficit Neutral Reserve Fund to ensure that the United States will not negotiate or support treaties that violate American’s 2nd Amendment rights under the Constitution of the United States. Section 384 established a Deficit Neutral Reserve Fund to uphold 2nd Amendment rights and prevent the United States from entering into the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty. Both of these principled stands that explicitly protect our natural right to keep and bear arms from foreign interference were sacrificed for the sake of a temporary budget deal. The door has been opened for the Obama administration or some of his agencies to begin implementation of aspects of the UN Arms Trade Treaty, with a false claim that nothing directly prohibits them from doing so.”

The UN Small Arms Treaty narrowly failed a June 3rd, 2013 vote but many are expecting it to pass the next time it is up for a vote and it will be easier with these provisions carved out!

Many say the UN Small Arms Treaty is nothing and has no teeth. Of course this is based on conjecture and not fact. If anyone reads this treaty, they will quickly find out that registering every firearm, linking it to every maker, retail store and consumer is very much a part of the UN Small Arms Treaty. This is the first step to allow this to happen.

Some are saying the supremacy clause of the Constitution, located in Article 6, Section 2 trumps all treaties and should protect us. In a perfect world this would be the case, but we have a president and an administration that does not honor the Constitution.

The assault on our 2nd Amendment Rights are deliberate and intentional, we must remain aware and cognizant to know that those in elected leadership positions do not always represent our best interests.

If our 2nd Amendment Rights are gone and they are taken away we lose any ability to defend ourselves from an encroaching tyrannical government that needs you to be unarmed to completely control you.

For now, we must call out the elected leaders that voted for this bill and let them know we are none too satisfied with this latest move

My first call out is to TN 3rd District Congressman Chuck Fleischmann who voted for this bill, supporting Ryan and Murray, this shredding our 2nd Amendment. 

I want to give a shout out to TN 4th District Congressman Scott DeJarlais for his no vote! Mr DeJarlais consistently votes with his constituency and has shown great judgement with his votes.
You know what to do!

A complete list of yays and nays of our US Congressmen that voted for the Bipartisan Budget Bill.

Source of information and source quoted in above article! Please visit this site. It has a host of informational article worth consuming.
UN Small Arms Treaty

Common Core: “State Led?”, think again

In Uncategorized on October 4, 2013 at 9:22 AM

Common Core: “State Led?”, think again

Think the Common Core State Standards are State led? 

Many have led you to believe that the Common Core standards were born from the states. 

The states had very little choice but to implement them, not create them.

They were left with no choice but to accept hundreds of millions of dollars to reform education.

The push from the top down forced the states to adopt the standards that were created using many layers of influence around the world.

From Marc Tucker, ALEC, UNESCO, to BIll Gates and the United Nations, etc, this has never been nothing but a huge plan put into motion many years ago to radically reform our educational system thus controlling the future generations minds and shaping the future. Thus birthing the next generation of little Socialists and Marxist hell bent on morphing our world into a one government, one world scenario.

Don’t just take my word for it. Read the info below, do your own additional  research and you will quickly see that Common Core is a federally funded and forced reality complete with the assistance of the UN and funded with the wallet of Bill Gates and his foundation.

The link below contains the timeline posted below and can be easily printed for your use to help spread the word about this nationalization of our public schools.

Click to access CCSS-timeline-bulletpoints.pdf

• 1988: Marc Tucker became the president of the National Center for Education and the Economy (NCEE) where he joined up with Hillary Clinton, Mario Cuomo, and Ira Magaziner to get states to move away from local control of their schools and migrate to national standards. (link)

Controversial author Marc Tucker to speak at MS Dept. of Education Statewide Forum Sept. 14

• 1990: George H. W. Bush signed an international agreement entitled, “World Education for All (EFA), the result of a United Nations “World Conference on Education for All” summit. (link)

• 1991: Tucker and Lauren Resnick created New Standards that pushed standards-based reform. 

• 1992: Tucker writes “Dear Hillary Letter.” This letter, written to Hillary Clinton, addressed Tucker’s ideas for radical education reform after Bill Clinton’s presidential win. The goal is “to remold the entire American system” into “a seamless web that literally extends from cradle to grave and is the same systems for everyone,” coordinated by “a system of labor market boards at the local, state and federal levels” where curriculum and “job matching” will be handled by counselors “accessing the integrated computer-based program.” (link)

• 1994: Tucker’s ambitious plan was implemented in three laws passed by Congress and signed by President Clinton: the Goals 2000 Act, the School-to-Work Act Opportunities Act, and the reauthorized Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) called “Improving America’s Schools Act of 1994.” (link)

• 1996: An organization called ACHIEVE, Inc. was formed by the nation’s governors and corporate leaders. (Many of them tied to Marc Tucker and the NCEE). The goals from an Education Summit in Palisades, NY were to ACHIEVE the goals of the 1994 school reform bills. 

• 1998: Tucker and Judy Codding created America’s Choice, a comprehensive school reform program, that made sure the national standards were further implemented into schools.

• 2001: George W. Bush renames ESEA “The No Child Left Behind Act” and signed it into law.

• 2004: Microsoft (Bill Gates) contracts with UNESCO (the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) to fulfill part of UNESCO’S Millennium Campaign Goals—universal education and educating for a global economy. A “master curriculum” for teacher training in information technologies based standards, guidelines, benchmarks, and assessment techniques is to be developed.

Below is Bill Gates agreement with the UN to make the push for radical reform in the United States as part of the Millenium Development Goals that many of our churches have joined to bring in a One World Religion.

(UNESCO / Gates Foundation Agreement)


• 2005: Bill Gates funds the New Commission on the Skills of the American Workforce—created by Tucker. States begin adopting its education reform initiative, “Tough Choices or Tough Times.” In 2008, Utah’s Governor Huntsman touts it and joins with 5 others states (Massachusetts, Delaware, Arizona, New Mexico, and New Hampshire) who adopt it in order to “reinvent their educational systems.” 

• 2008: Gates Foundation, along with two other foundations, created Strong American Schools (a successor to the STAND UP campaign launched in 2006, which was an outgrowth of UNESCO’s Millennium Campaign Goals for Universal Education). It calls for American education standards.


• 2008: Gates Foundation funds the International Benchmarking Advisory Group report for Common Core Standards on behalf of the National Governors Association, Council of Chief State School Officers, and ACHIEVE, Inc. titled, “Benchmarking for Success: Ensuring U.S. Students Receive a World-Class Education.” This report shows the United Nations is a member of the International Benchmarking Advisory Group for Common Core Standards. The member of mention is the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) which developed UNESCO’s Millennium Declaration—partnering with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.

Click to access BenchmarkingforSuccess.pdf

The report states: While states must take the lead, the federal government can help. And the federal government can do that best by playing an enabling role grounded in a new vision for the historic state-federal partnership in education.

• 2009:  Marc Tucker writes a chapter in the book “Change Wars: The Inspiring Future for Educational Change.” One chapter is called International Benchmarking as a Lever for Policy Reform. The book says the UN’s OECD launched Programme for International Student Assessment in 2000 to monitor the outcomes of education. Linda Darling-Hammond (Weather Underground with Bill Ayers) also contributes a chapter. Darling-Hammond heads the SBAC (see 2009, December below)

• April, 2009: Gates Foundation members, along with a few dozen others, participate in a Washington conference and produce “Smart Options: Investing the Recovery Funds for Student Success.” These ideas were funded by the 2008 Stimulus (ARRA-American Recovery and Reinvestment Act) and supported Race to the Top. Priority 1: Develop Common American Standards—also called Career-Ready Standards—in most states by January 2012. (link)

Click to access 429-arrasmartoptions.pdf

• 2009 (summer): Council of Chief State School Officers, National Governors Association, and ACHIEVE, Inc. agree to partner on a common core standards project.
This site has since been evidently taken down by those protecting the information.

• 2009 (fall): The U.S. Dept. of Ed signals it will fund $360M for summative assessments aligned to Common Core Standards and begins planning meetings. Two consortia begin competing for this funding: Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium and Partnership for the Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers. States begin adopting Common Core Standards and join one of the consortia in order to receive No Child Left Behind waivers from the U.S. Department of Education Secretary, Arne Duncan.
This info has also been taken down by those trying to control the information, but it was there and the link is provided but states it no longer exists.

• 2009 (December): Utah becomes a governing member state of Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) and is obligated to use the assessments created by the SBAC which is led by Bill Ayers’ friend, Linda Darling-Hammond. Judy Park, Associate Superintendent, Utah State Office of Ed, eventually co-chairs the Consortia.

Click to access Smarter-Balanced-Governance.pdf

• 2009 (December): Gates Foundation gives the National PTA a $1 million grant to mobilize parents for Common Core Standards.

The second link has also been removed but this one exists:

• June, 2010: National Governors Association and State Education Chiefs launch Common State Academic Standards.

• April 2011: The SBAC Overview Curriculum and Assessment Conference issues a report stating that governing member states “must” adopt Common Core by Dec. 31, 2011. Note this does not say the states must create the standards, it says the states must adopt! Adopt meaning here they are…..use them and get a bundle of money to do so.

Click to access sbac_overview.pdf

• 2011: The American Legislative Exchange Council’s (ALEC) education task force calls for the demise of the Common Core Standards, but puts it on hold after receiving a $376,635 grant from the Gates Foundation. Reminder: A couple of TN legislators hold key positions within this organization.

• 2011: Bill Gates speaks at the November G20 Summit in Cannes and issues his report, “Innovation With Impact: Financing 21st Century Development” stating, “My report will address the financing needed to achieve maximum progress on the Millennium Development Goals, and to make faster progress on development over the next decade.”
This site info has also been taken away!

• 2011: Obama Education Secretary Arne Duncan announces “Today, I promise you that [the Department of Education] will be a committed partner in the national effort to build a more environmentally literate and responsible society… We must advance the sustainability movement through education… Education and sustainability are the keys to our economic future-and our ecological future.” (link)

• 2012: States begin to recognize the loss of local control and enormous cost of implementation of the Common Core Standards. Many states begin pushing back. The Heritage Foundation and the Cato Institute call the standards unconstitutional per federal education law.

• 2012: States not on Common Core and not meeting the Annual Yearly Progress requirements of NCLB petition congress for relief. Lawmakers working on options are undercut when the Obama White House circumvents congress to grant waivers from NCLB if states adopt Common Core.

Texas Education Commissioner Robert Scott stated that the common standards movement amounted to a “desire for a federal takeover of public education.” Now, additional states (who originally signed on), including Massachusetts, Iowa, Kansas, and Virginia, are expressing concerns about the common standards initiative.

Gov. Nikki Haley just signed a letter supporting legislation in South Carolina to block CCSS implementation stating, “South Carolina shouldn’t relinquish control to a consensus of states any more than the federal government.”
This site has also been removed:

It is so obvious the standards did not begin with the states, they were picked up by a determined messenger (Gates) from a higher entity (UN) and delivered to many non governmental agencies, wrapped up nicely and delivered to the states in the form of bribes (RTTT Grants) 

Bill Gates’ Foundation contributes 10s of millions, during this time frame for consideration and development of the Common Core initiative. See below: 

Counsel of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO): 2009–$9,961,842, 2009–$3,185,750, 2010–$743,331, 2011–$9,388,911

National Governor’s Association (NGA): 2008–$2,259,780

Mark Tucker’s NCEE: 2009–$1,500,000

Total: $27,000,000

To any who still harbor the illusion that Common Core State Standards were the product of the states simply coming together, I have a bridge in Brooklyn I’d like to sell you.

Special thanks to the many people involved in digging this information up. Much work has been done by people all around the country to put this information together and help follow the money trail. Please do your part now in passing this information on to everyone you know so they can be educated about what the Common Core Initiative is really all about.

DOJ/FBI to criminalize free speech in TN, imprisonment for negative posts against political Islam

In Uncategorized on June 3, 2013 at 8:49 AM

DOJ/FBI to criminalize free speech in TN, imprisonment for negative posts against political Islam

Lurking in the hills of Manchester, just southeast of Nashville Tennessee is the setting of what many believe could be the showdown to the eventual realization that our first amendment, the Bill of Rights and the Constitution are a thing of the past.

The belief that our nations future, our ability to express ourselves in free speech lies in the hands of a few people within the Department of Justice and the FBI while representing and protecting a political system that has serious links to the Muslim Brotherhood.

For a moment, when I first heard of this Muslim Diversity acceptance meeting in Manchester TN, I thought a dialogue might be established and a  path to communication might be open to discuss our differences as Islam attempts to assimilate into our culture. Perhaps a hope that if different cultures somehow meet in the middle something good may come from it adopting the slogan “to COEXIST.” 

The fleeting belief that to live in America would mean that the first amendment would stand for us all and our nation would continue to spin as it has for more than 250 years under the consistent application of the Bill of Rights and the Constitution.

Little did I know that the table has already been set, the meal ordered and I get whatever is delivered to me. 

 My opinion, my rights placed on hold because a political system of Islam is demanding it and we have a broken system of justice that assures them their rights only will be protected.

The great state of Tennessee is being manhandled by an overreaching federal government with no respect for the Constitution or the state boundaries that restrain them. Coupled with that the fact that we, by large do not have elected leaders that will step in and stop this all out assault on our country. 

Quickly the realization sets in that this was not about how can we learn from Americans or how we can better serve the needs of our community but how “strangers” to our country can enforce their beliefs on the majority inside a constitutional republic seemingly despondent to the laws of our land.

How can these Americans who are offered the same rights as me somehow expect me to put aside my rights because their political views do not sync with mine.

When I put the puzzle together it was not about religious tolerance but about Americans becoming sharia compliant, tolerant and accepting of a political system that does not honor our Constitution. We are now being led into the abyss where the rights of many are being ignored. The path that we are taking is surely one of demise when we selectively protect political systems ignoring or stripping others of that same right.

The shell game is over the right one lifted and the pattern of disillusionment is revealed. Political Islam and it’s tenets of acceptance and diversity have been uncovered and exposed.

The DOJ and the FBI are once again bullying their way into Tennessee and basically ignoring the rights of Native Tennesseans and enforcing their warped version of justice in a free country via a sovereign state. 

Unfairly, unevenly pulling rank on everyday citizens while “having the backs” of these Islamic Americans with sinister associations is way beyond what I can comprehend in one afternoon of research.

Suspending the Constitutional rights and beliefs of roughly 99 percent for a demanding political system representing 1 percent doesnt quite meet the definition of a fair trade.

Governor Bill Haslam, ex Governor and now US Senator Lamar Alexander are primary players in this scheme to hijack our constitution and placate to the minority. Governor Haslam and Alexander have been given a pass for way to long on this issue as well as others who have bought into the deception. They should be called out in their involvement of this unconstitutional rape of our rights and met with deep resistance come election day.

In a small town called Manchester Tennessee, US Attorney for East TN Bill Killian and the Federal Bureau of Investigation will be holding a meeting to tell Tennesseans of their rights, or should I correct myself and say the rights of the political Islamists.

Killian and the FBI want us to know it is against federal law to speak out against political Islam. What federal law? Where is it against the law to speak your mind in a free America? The mere thought that the DOJ and the FBI can come into small town America and say what we can and cannot do is preposterous and begs one to ask what are their motives inside our Constitutional Republic and where they are aligned?

Why is a US Attorney with close ties  to AG Eric Holder addressing this issue in TN ? 

Why is the government suppressing the right to free speech in favor of the rights of political Islam?

Why are the local papers in Tullahoma embracing this idea that free speech should be squelched?

Why is the DOJ and the FBI telling us where our ethics must lie? 

Why and who emblazoned the US government to intimidate the citizens of the United States by suggesting that writing blogs, posting free speech in social media that it’s a federal crime to state facts about political Islam?

This is about more than religion and “culture”, this is about suppression of freedom of speech inside the greatest nation in the world……period!  

Next up to the stage, The United Nations and it’s “Declaration of Human Rights.”

For many years and in recent history the UN has attempted to convince the US to give up it’s first amendment rights and go along with the rest of the “international bodies” and adopt a law against blasphemy called the Defamation of Religions Law! 

This law has been struck down inside the UN by the United States on several occasions. 

I believe the DOJ, FBI and AMAC along with the OIC and CAIR are using this event in Manchester TN to be a flashpoint for legislation at the state and national level.

The DOJ and the FBI seemingly has a newfound authority and jurisdiction enforcing international laws on the states under the guise that the laws they speak of are from the federal level of government. The Defamation of Religions Law has never been ratified within the United States. 

In other words, you are forcing Americans to adhere to a law that doesn’t even exist nor has it had a chance in hades of becoming law in TN let alone the United States but yet you pretend it exists to meet your political agenda.

These actions inside a totalitarian state might go unnoticed but to be able to pull this off inside America will meet heavy resistance. 

Enforcing a law that only exists in the minds of globalists intent on ruining this great country with an international handout is visible to the naked eye and will not happen in Tennessee, not in the United States.

Nearly 47 percent of the countries and territories in the world have laws or policies that penalize blasphemy, which is in political Islam punishable by death! 

THE UNITED STATES DOES NOT AND WILL NOT punish  Americans for exercising their rights to free speech.

Please pay attention to this international law called “Defamation of Religion Law!” I personally believe this is the path to losing our freedom and our first amendment rights. 

If they are successful in little Manchester Tennessee, I believe they will have the precedence to masterfully bypass the Bill of Rights and the Constitution and change the face of our nation forever, the US becoming Sharia compliant.

We must rely on our legislators and elected leaders to make the right decisions.

Interestingly, within days of this meeting, June 4th, Barrack Obama is expected to sign into
Law the UNs Small Arms Treaty! Coincidence? I believe fate or destiny would be the favored word!

Plan to be there! 

June 4th, 2013, Muslim Diversity acceptance class with DOJ/FBI considering making it a crime leading to imprisonment for posting negative remarks about Islam.

Read the links below for more information.


“Public Disclosure in a Diverse Society” will be held from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. on Tuesday, June 4, at the Manchester-Coffee County Conference Center, 147 Hospitality Blvd, Manchester Tennessee 


Special speakers for the event will be Bill Killian, U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of Tennessee, and Kenneth Moore, special agent in charge of the FBI’s Knoxville Division.



Common Core: 30 years of progressive education reform being led by Bill Ayers

In Uncategorized on April 12, 2013 at 11:43 AM

Common Core: 30 years of progressive education reform led by Bill Ayers

 Ayers and his fellow “reformers” are to Dewey what Lenin was to Marx. 

Marx was an intellectual who wished to undermine Western civilization. 

Lenin was a thug who sought to bring Marxist principles into full practice through propaganda, armed revolution, and sophisticated lies. 

Likewise, Dewey hated American liberty and individualism and wished to undermine them through socialist education. 

Ayers is Dewey’s less civilized, more “practically minded” disciple.


On the homefront:

In Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam with an assist from Achieve, Inc are the patsies being used locally to deliver the forbidden fruit to our children!”

Governor Bill Haslam is being handed the baton of progressive education called Common Core for the state of Tennessee. He has willingly, proudly and actively accepted this challenge. 

I doubt he knows or even cares to know Bill Ayers. But one thing is for sure he is assisting him at least indirectly in it’s implementation.

His past, at least formally, with Mayor Bloomberg of New York and Multi-Billionaire Bill Gates of Microsoft, a puppet of UNESCO and a huge catalyst and contributor of hundreds of millions to Common Core and it tenets at least shows he is a willing and knowledgable host, if not a conspiring puppet.

This evolvement of a pedagogical educational system which started with John Dewey has shaped into what we now call Common Core.

For more than 30 years this gradual ascent to Common Core has  come directly from the mind of terrorist, anti American, Anti Capitalist, Communist Bill Ayers and is now being passed to our children by willing Governors who will gladly take a few dollars to implement federal mandates for a complete overhaul of our school system.

The originator of this process was masterminded by John Dewey and completed by Bill Ayers and his proteges.

Today Bill Haslam, as others, are pushing the implementation of Common Core in Tennessee for a 500 million dollar bribe under the guises of RTTT and under the watchful eye of Achieve.

Governor Haslam, using his board position on Achieve, a leftist, big money think tank and lobby front for Common Core is definitely forging the path for our children’s minds in Tennessee. Many other Governors across the nation are also participating.

This is not just a benign program only being presented in our state and across the nation as a way to “assist” our states to perform better on standardized tests.

It is a deliberate and intentional step to take over the minds of our children and prepare them for thinking and functioning inside a global world where socialism and the needs of the collective are the accepted norm and are expected above and beyond their own needs thus completing the works of John Dewey and his disciple Bill Ayers.

A world where capitalism does not exist as a means of economic growth or stability. 

A world where all Americans are on a level playing field, no reward for high achievers, just a recognition that your ability to rise above others is a form of social injustice.

I recently stumbled upon this 30 or so year history while researching this takeover of our educational system by the Feds and communists. 

This artful and skillfully put together history was the creation  of Danette Clark, a blogger and further enhanced by this blog.

Many have asked me recently “Can you make a connection to Bill Ayers and Common Core and can you correlate that with the origins of Common Core?” I believe I have managed to do that.

The following is that link, that progression to what today is known as Common Core with assorted references to support these claims.

Our state and nation is at an extremely pivotal turning point. 

The acceptance of Common Core into our public schools by progressives, communists and globalist is completely unacceptable.

The Top down federal nationalism of our school system is a tragedy and this indoctrination called Common Core must be stopped. 

I believe we are one generation, one term, perhaps 4 to 10 years from being a Socialist country. The tool will be our children and the education they are now receiving.

The Socialists and Communists have perfected the tool, the program, the curriculum, the standards, the indoctrinating tool now evolved into and known as Common Core. 

The indoctrination program is underway and being implemented in our schools today.

I realize I may not convince you of this indoctrination with one blog, I do encourage you to take a few minutes, read it and make your own decisions based on this information. 

The decision to know it exists but not acknowledge it’s origins and intent is completely up to you. I prefer to look further than on the surface.

The History

The Coalition of Essential Schools (CES), a progressive education reform model rooted in the pedagogy of Paulo Freiere and John Dewey, was started by Theodore Sizer in 1984.


CES was originally housed in Brown University. In 1993, the Annenberg Institute for School Reform was established at Brown, with Theodore Sizer as its first director. The institute built on the work of Sizer’s Coalition of Essential Schools with a mission to expand that work to schools across the country.

In 1996, the Annenberg Foundation launched the Chicago Annenberg Challenge (CAC) education initiative, which was led in part by Bill Ayers. At the time, Ayers was already working with a Coalition of Essential Schools affiliate organization in Chicago.

(The Wall Street Journal connects the dots.)


Ayers appointed Obama as CAC board chairman and over the next few years, they invested millions into the expansion of Sizer’s CES schools.


Ayers’ Small Schools Workshop also received Annenberg money to aid in transforming existing schools into CES member schools (also referred to as ‘small schools’, ‘smaller learning communities’, ’small autonomous schools’ and ‘schools within a school’). Ayers and his organization provided curriculum resources, hands-on professional development, and grant development.

(Even Jared Lee Loughner attended one of Bill Ayers “small school projects”)


A total of $500 million was donated by Annenberg nationwide, providing the first big boost to the expansion of CES schools. The most recent boost is Common Core.


In between, CES schools received heavy funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Soros’ Open Society Institute, Carnegie Corporation, and through CSR, Title 1, and smaller learning community grants from the U.S. Department of Education.


CES (likely under the advice of experienced community organizers, Barack Obama and Bill Ayers) recruited ACORN workers to manipulate and elbow their way onto local school councils and scream for reform. Chicago ACORN was paid to identify and train community members to become teachers in CES schools.


Acorn Woodland Elementary, Oakland, CA
Established in 2000 by ACORN and the Coalition of Essential Schools

Today, CES is a nationwide network of almost 3,000 schools, all of which are provided curriculum material, professional development training, and staff support through CES regional training centers and partner universities. CES uses the Annenberg Institute “as a forum for sharing resources and amassing political weight”. Read more about CES growth and structure below.


The Evidence

So with CES behind CSCOPE, and Linda Darling Hammond, a long time board member and disciple of CES schools, behind Common Core, does this mean Common Core is as bad as CSCOPE?

For those who don’t necessarily agree that one bad apple can spoil the whole bunch, how about several bad apples?

After reading Michelle Malkin’s recent article that places Achieve, Inc. behind Common Core, the dots finally began to connect.


Linda Darling Hammond isn’t the only Common Core developer whose roots are firmly planted in the progressive agenda of the Coalition of Essential Schools.

Not only is Achieve, Inc. made up of several CES/Annenberg foot soldiers, it was literally established through an (unofficial) partnership of the National Governors Association and the Annenberg Institute.

(Our very own Governor Bill Haslam is on this board. The board has been involved all the way back to 1996. Coincidentally this progressive was also on the very liberal Mayor Bloombergs Coalition of Mayors Against Illegal Guns, but resigned in 2009 and joined the NRA….hypocritical and progressive? Another blog! Now onto Achieve, another progressive think tank with big money influence.)


Here is the who and the how:

• Louis Gerstner, Jr., Chairman Emeritus of Achieve, Inc., was appointed to the first Board of Overseers of the Annenberg Institute for School Reform in 1995.  Remember, Theodore  Sizer, founder of CES schools, was Annenberg’s director at the time.


Gerstner and Tommy Thompson, former NGA Chairman and former governor of Wisconsin, called for and led the first National Education Summit in 1996 wherein Achieve, Inc. was created.

Click to access 1996NationalEducationSummit.pdf

• Jeffrey Wadsworth, Achieve, Inc. board member, is president and CEO of Battelle Memorial Institute. In 2006, Battelle partnered with the Coalition of Essential Schools, Ohio State University, and KnowledgeWorks Foundation to create a new  CES school, Metro High School in Columbus, OH.


• Michael Cohen, President of Achieve, Inc., wrote a report in 2001 recommending smaller learning communities and refers to the Coalition of Essential Schools as a program that has “a clear focus and purpose”.

Under Cohen, Achieve, Inc. has partnered with the Alliance for Excellent Education on several initiatives. The Alliance is led by former governor of West Virginia Bob Wise, who is an advisory committee member (alongside Linda Darling Hammond) of CES’s Bay Area Coalition for Equitable Schools.

Click to access highschools.pdf

Linda Darling Hammond is an Alliance for Excellent Education governing board member.



Although Cohen is not specifically listed or named as a board member, his photo and bio can be found on the Alliance for Excellent Education website under “About the Alliance”.


Don’t forget to go here to see which CES-ers are behind CSCOPE.

More Proof that CES, a Nationwide Progressive Organization Launched in Part by President Obama, is Behind Recent Controversy in Texas Schools

So there you have it — Common Core is the culmination of a 30 year old progressive education initiative still being driven by the ‘irrelevant’ Bill Ayers and implemented by Obama as America’s national standard in education.


Here in Bill Ayers own words of his plans for our schools using Common Core and it tenets: “we should be looking at what we have complete access to, our schools, classrooms, communities and farms, If we want real change!”

Read about some of the outrageous things taking place and being taught in CES schools at the links below:

Racist PB&J Sandwich Rationale Courtesy of Obama-Launched Education Reform Movement

Racist PB&J Sandwich Rationale Courtesy of Obama-Launched Education Reform Movement

Discovery Channel Communications Company Partners with Radical Progressives to Bring Anti-American Curriculum to the Classroom


‘Radical Math’: Social Justice Indoctrination in Your Child’s Math Class

‘Radical Math’: Social Justice Indoctrination in Your Child’s Math Class

U.S. State Department and Department of Education Give Islamic Terrorists Access to Your Children

U.S. State Department and Department of Education Give Islamic Terrorists Access to Your Children

To read about Obama’s continued involvement in the promotion and expansion of CES schools, go to Where #OccupyWallStreet Really Began — Obama’s Hand in the Movement.

Where #OccupyWallStreet Really Began — Obama’s Hand in the Movement

Also, see some of the socialists, communists, and maoists behind CES schools at Name Names (several more will be added to this page in coming weeks). These are the faces behind CSCOPE and Common Core.

Please do skip over this list of radicals at the helm of Common Core! Kathy Wilkerson (Weather underground) Howard Machtinger (Co-founder, Weather Underground), Bill Ayers (Weather Underground founder), Tim Wise, Grant Wiggins, Jeremiah Wright, Barrack Obama, Kevin Jennings, Cornel West, 

Name Names

You can also read about federal funding of the Coalition of Essential Schools and some of the organizations and schools involved by picking up a copy of Red Army: The Radical Network that Must Be Defeated to Save America by Aaron Klein and Brenda J. Elliott.

Source of info:


Who is John Dewey?

John Dewey


This content is a result of my research and my opinion based on fact. I realize if you are a vested  party or willing participant, I’m perhaps not gonna change your mind, but I do want you to see these facts and realize that you one day may be held accountable for your actions in the court of public opinion.

Common Core indoctrination must be stopped by the parents

In Uncategorized on April 5, 2013 at 9:34 AM

Only parents can set their children free from Common Core indoctrination

Common Core being initiated is yet another attack on the minds of our children.

Many progressives have realized that control of our future must begin with the indoctrination of our youth today. This is unacceptable.

Steps taken in the last few months and years are putting our children at great risk.

I have already heard from many of our elected leaders and they are telling me there is nothing that can be done, we have received the money and it’s a sealed deal.

It is exactly this excuse that makes my head spin. I happen to believe that we elected these folks to represent the people and change is possible if you pave the way

You are there to enact change and not accept what the federal government says we should do. The states still have sovereign power. 

It is time we quit accepting defeat especially when it’s for the………children!

While the President Barack Obama-led Socialist regime in Washington calls the tune by keeping the bouncing ball over the concept of Government-Fighting-Patriots, the real battle is the one where it gets to take over your children.

With all eyes trained expectantly on the latest Obama executive order; with the definition of one man, one woman marriage being rewritten by the Supreme Court, progressives in office have been working out the details to come up with a way to capture your children.

Millions of parents with school-age children will never know their children have been captured and led away.  The name of the program set up for the kidnap of all time is so innocent sounding: Common Core.  But in typical Marxist fashion, the name can be morphed into a myriad of others when it becomes expedient to keep parents in the dark.

Patriotic warriors like Glenn Beck, Michelle Malkin and CFP’s Ileana Johnson are shining light into the darkness.  But if the children of the day are ever to be set free, it will take parents opening the steel gates that now confine them. 

Just as the United Nations Agenda 21 now controls every aspect of adult life, Common Core controls the instruction of the school child.

Finding the true intent of Common Core means getting behind the hype of its mask of innocence.
Middlemen advocates in the progressive infrastructure are now trying to palm off the universal standards of Common Core as a “state-led” initiative.

“No they were Gates-led, not state-led, writes Oak Norton at Deseret News.  “The Gates Foundation pumped $20 million into the National Governors Association and Council of Chief State Superintendents Organization to create those standards.

“They did it to fulfill a contractual obligation stemming from Microsoft’s 2004 contract with United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization to create a global education system. (Italics CFP’s).

“Gates has paid $173 million so far to create and promote Common Core.  The Utah State Office of Education didn’t even know who was on the drafting committee until the standards were written, which happens to be after Utah adopted them.”

Bill and Melinda Gates have three children—and all of yours.

Key to Common Core’s con job is the fallacy that Common Core standards were internationally benchmarked.  They never were.

Lie-laden, too, is the progressive myth that adoption of the K-12 standards is in no way mandatory.

But try getting your children out of Common Core if you happen to live in one of the 45 states where it has already been implemented.

“As part of the 2009 stimulus legislation, the federal government created the so-called Race to the Top (RTT) Fund, $4.35 billion in competitive educational grants.” (Christian Post, Feb. 13, 2013).

Sounds nice but only available to states that adopt Common Core. 

The long trail of the progressives in public education goes all the way from John Dewey, a major representative in progressive education and liberalism, to modern-day activists like Barack Obama and Bill Ayers, now in league with the deep-pocketed UN apostle Bill Gates.

Known as the power behind the Fundamental Transformation of America, Barack Obama had his nose in your children’s school books long before parental suspicion threw light on Common Core.

Back in the mid-90s, Obama invested his experience as an on-the-street community organizer to co-partner with unrepentant domestic terrorist Bill Ayers on the Chicago Annenberg Challenge.

“The Chicago Annenberg Challenge (CAC) was a Chicago public school reform project from 1995 to 2001 that worked with half of Chicago’s public schools and was funded by a $49.2 million, 2-to-1 matching challenge grant over five years from the Annenberg Foundation. The grant was contingent on being matched by $49.2 million in private donations and $49.2 million in public money. The Chicago Annenberg Challenge was one of 18 locally designed Annenberg Challenge project sites that received $387 million over five years as part of Walter Annenberg’s gift of $500 million over five years to support public school reform. The Chicago Annenberg Challenge helped create a successor organization, the Chicago Public Education Fund (CPEF), committing $2 million in June 1998 as the first donor to Chicago’s first community foundation for education.

“Barack Obama, elected by the Board of Directors as founding chairman and president of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge (1995–1999), resigned as chairman and president in September 1999 to run as a candidate in the 2000 Democratic primary for the 1st Congressional District of Illinois, and was succeeded by Edward Bottum (1999–2001).” (Wikipedia)

The progressives‘ stranglehold on public education is where it lives, breathes and builds for the future.  Nothing is as vital to them as control of young minds.

Meanwhile, in a world that has gone bottom up, top down and inside out, finding others of like mind is essential to the survival of the American patriot.

If Common Core has its way the day will come when the parents of children indoctrinated by this hideous UN program will face a heartless, impossible to change new enemy: their own children.

Source: http://www.canadafreepress.com
I encourage you to visit this site often and support it by reading it’s many “right on” articles that are extremely relevant to our society today!

Thrive 2055- 50 dangerous signs that a regional plan has been implemented in your community.

In Uncategorized on March 28, 2013 at 3:48 PM

50 dangerous signs identified within the Thrive 2055 regional growth plan.

Bradley County Tennessee and 15 other counties in 3 states within our mega region are busily preparing for a huge growth plan that will reduce our current system of representative government to a shadow government.

The many dangers signs are clearly visible but involve peeling back many layers to  be seen.

 Replacing our local government with a regional or quasi government run by globalists with a specific agenda to ultimately rob you of your property and personal rights, to me, is the most dangerous element within a regional growth plan.

With the acceptance of and our elected officials turning over their autonomy and ability to make decisions to a regional non representative government we in Bradley County and across the nation have seen our voice of representation at the local level go away and replaced.

Regionalism can be seen as a way to spread the cost of development across the region and cutting costs to some vested stakeholders.

The reality of a regional plan is a much darker picture under the surface.

We will see a transformation that will turn our community into a sea of rules and codes that will drown us in layers of new regulation.

Pay attention to these 50 danger signs and see if this is where you want our community to succumb.

Our community is actively changing and there are many who stand to benefit royally from their willing participation in this dangerous shift to a socialistic nirvana with the successful herding of the masses of population into a confined area with a wave of repression that we have never seen in modern day America.

Simply declaring regionalization as a non negative force, perhaps benign entity is naiveté defined. 

This thought pattern reflects to me that regionalism is not clearly understood and the mere fact that the many sinister components within this plan are being supported leads me to believe that our elected leaders are either compliant or do not fully understand it’s impact.

This undertaking either way will have a lifelong lasting effect on humans within our zone or region.

To see this and still support this is irresponsible and leads us to assume that our priorities are out of place and we have once again let the almighty dollar or federal handout direct our path.

Ponder this path and declare if this is where you want those who are leading us to take you, the taxpayer who will ultimately foot this huge bill.

1) We can assume a tremendous cost burden on ourselves and our children in the billions, perhaps trillions, into future generations. Ask a simple question, “What will it cost?” The answer will not readily be heard.

2) Our property rights will be in jeopardy by imposing stringent rules and code enforcement and many forced to leave by eminent domain or other means.

3) Our personal rights and choices will be restricted. The land of the free will come at a cost. Your choices will be made by the new regulations imposed upon you.

4) Expansive new land use regulations will strangle you with additional cost and headaches. Step outside these boundaries and you will surely feel the wrath. Just ask someone who has recently had it done to them.

5) New codes and regulations will be your reality. Non adherent inhabitants please move into the UGB, immediately.

6) Will be a shift of population to Urban Growth Boundaries into stack and pack housing with the increased crime and dereliction. The plan in some areas calls for 16 family units per acre. Not exactly a quality of life diamond.

7) Rural development will be discouraged with incentives to move toward the city center. If incentives fail, well you know, code enforcement.

8) Refusal or resistance to shift will mean differing codes will be enforced and accumulating fines will ensue forcing cash strapped farmers and rural dwellers to move and lose their properties. Few will be unable to survive the onslaught.

9) EPA, HUD and DOT and their plans for your property will be our new governing body. They come with their own set of rules and the regulations will compound making your survival in a sea of regulation impossible. Remember, no money given to our community comes without strings.

10) Our elected leaders will be reduced to figure heads with subsidies flowing steadily to persuade their vote. The near comatose state and deer in the headlights look would be comical if not so sad.

11) Rural areas will be claimed as wilderness areas under the control of federal government,  death zones established. Once inside this grasp, the fines will be heavy to either conform or move into the city. Also keep in mind, if you plan to move out of the area, you will just move into another region with it’s own unique regulation structure. This issue is not unique to our area, it is happening all over the world. Are you seeing the bigger picture yet?

12) Rural passes and permission slips will be issued to trespass or visit areas that were once yours. Your unique private property already has plans for it’s use. Just check out the Wilderness Projects already mapped out.

13) Roads and sewer systems will be left to crumble and living before displacement will be unbearable. Vacant and less traveled roads will be destined to rubble. Infrastructure dollars will be shifted inward to the UGB and the rural lands transformed to federal parks, activity centers and open space.

14) Your farm or the property will be government controlled or owned and  you, the former owner, will be given the option to either sale or produce what the government commands or take a small chunk of change or move out.  Have you heard of conservation easement? A dangerous tool of the globalist that are taking over our land.

15) Bikes will be your new choice of transportation and greenways and bike paths will replace roads and vehicles. 

16) Electricity will come at a premium and allocated to you from a defined use of pattern established by smart meter allocation with strict guidelines to stay within limitations. Your pattern of use established and a new pattern established to make you greener and more “sustainable!”

17) If fuel is available it will be at a premium and rationed with government vehicles and corporate farmers getting first dibs. Electric car “recharging” areas will pop up at local establishments within the Urban Growth Boundary.

18) Decision making of where your tax dollars will be spent will be in the hands of select NGOs (Non Governmental Organizations) or appointed boards.

19) Self indulging, self serving corporatists and stakeholders will direct your tax dollars to their advantage. Many of these same people will be on the many appointed boards and councils set up that create the shadow government. The Chamber of Commerce a close ally and NGO of the United Nations will be directing this onslaught.

20) Stack and pack multi unit housing will pop up on every corner with freedom granted only to roam within your designated color zone or mega region. Have you ever watched the Hunger Games? Pretty close to our future.

21) Fuel restrictions on vehicles, mileage limitations, carbon taxes and fines levied. Tax on miles driven.  Little black boxes within your vehicles that will check your carbon output and upload that data to a central server and a tax or fine applied for that use.

22) Self regulating governess, loss of representation in government. State elected officials bought and paid for to implement changes within your zone. Our elected officials give the green light and leave all the decisions within that plan to bureaucrats. We have seen that locally as our Mayors have shifted that power to a foundation or regional board and our local guys knew nothing of it.

23) Power shift of decision making to NGOs and select bureaucrats and stakeholders with full power to implement. Doesn’t it sound awkward for those representatives of the people to just hand off all the work to a paid consultant group, council or board member? It’s happening now as you speak.

24) Coalition of World Business Council to make corporatism the norm with selective survival while rewarding failure. Big business is already driving the decision making under the direction of entities or NGOs like the Chamber of Commerce.

25) Community Development Block Grants CDBGs. Money with strings attributing to more regulation. This type of structure has brought out many who have plans to pad their own pockets.

26) Monsanto and Cargill controlling seeds and growth. If they control the seeds and ultimately the food, what else do they control, yes, you!

27) Food Councils setup to produce and grow locally with government assistance and direction our  regions food to fuel our food sheds. See the pattern being established here? Self sufficiency within our sector or region, which leads mento believe we are being herded into these mega regions for a bigger objective. Population control? Seperate or individual areas that are easily controlled? An isolation of the states?

28) Face lift grants to “make the community aesthetically pleasing with strict codes for development. Loads of cash and the rules
that go with it, after all, if we are getting billions should it at least look like it?

29) Control and decision making to EPA, HUD and DOT for growth planning. They are already placing their fingerprint, recently filing multi million dollar lawsuits against some of our local mom and pop  businesses, ie, Wright Brothers

30) Deeper community debt, higher taxes and personal loss. Work permits to travel outside region boundaries. A few large corporate employers and very few jobs otherwise leaves you as a slave to corporatism.

31) A marriage to ICLEI with their many planning guidelines and connections to the United Nations, our soon to be International governing body with subtle yet solemn surrender of our sovereignty.

32) Strict Climate control penalties and fines. Restriction of heating and air comfort. If you harm the environment in any way, you will pay. Remember the recent lawsuits for cow dung, dust and milk spillage because the milk contain oils that are “not good for the environment?”

33) Oversight of the environment with stringent controls thereof. Mandatory solar or wind adaptation. Stiff fines for non compliance. An expensive alternative that leaves you no choice but to pack up and move to the city or urban area.

34) Transportation guidelines employed to rid our community of gas consuming vehicles. Bicycle rental pods all around and talk of bullet trains through your city.

35) Star Communities vying for approval inside a sustainable community. Again, jumping through hoops for a few dollars.

36) Ambient light and noise discipline in neighborhoods, multiple heavy fines. LEED lighting? Sound familiar? Perhaps we are already doing this!

37) Redevelopment of blighted areas, TIF projects, demolition of homes, initiation of “open spaces”, turning communities “green”, forced recycling.  300 homes in South Cleveland have been targeted and 12 others recently with houses already being taken even as I speak.

38) Churches supporting the UNs MDGs, Millenium Development Goals with paralyzation of our church leaders and a gradual prodding to accept sharia law into your community with the message of love, peace and hope. 

39) Seperate and equal governing councils per region. With full power to make all decisions within the Thrive 2055 plan.

40) Adoption of ICC codes. Yes International enforcement codes, already adopted and waiting in the wings.

41) Local Comprehensive plans drawn up, sent to locally elected officials for approval and authority handed off to bureaucrats like the Chamber of Commerce. Done!

42) Food Policy Centers within each region to define what is socially and environmentally acceptable for consumption.

43) Loathsome land use regulations and restrictions. PUD guidelines, aggressive annexation to engross and grow the Urban Growth Boundary.

44) Establishment of “food miles” to promote utilization of food sheds. Tracking what it means to get food to you within your region.

45) The promotion of community gardening to feed the collective with multi shopping options within your stack and pack dwelling unit. Locovores will be the new buzzword.

46) Small business closures and failures because of trends to protect large business with tax breaks and bailouts. Big corporation have the money and influence this giving you the disadvantage.

47) Shared project costs from city to city within the region. Increased burden on local budgets. Need a school in Georgia or Alabama?  Well, we have a big ole regional budget let’s pool together our tax dollars and send it to them. 

48) Shared school system and funds within region. Common Core initiation with Socialistic indoctrination overtones.

49) Code enforcement officers patrolling and prosecuting offenders like you and I, forcing us into compliance or lose our property. A societal emergency and policing system with collection of data to outer agencies such as Interpol. Initiation of NDAA, NIXEL to squelch the naysayers. Use of Drones for surveillance of your activity on your property with mega pixle picture uploads to only God knows who.

50) Environmental restraints dictating the length of grass, what you can grow on your property, garbage disposal, family gardens etc

This is not an all inclusive list but encompasses and provides a visual for our future under a regional reign.

You can easily see where our locally elected officials have gone awry. By giving their authority to these awkward sets of bureaucrats you can see our sovereignty float away. 

I have spoken to many locally elected officials and they overwhelmingly do not see that their simple vote of approval has placed us on this path to destruction. They have failed to look beyond the federal gifts of dollars and seen our future and what they have done. This is truly the saddest news.

Regionalism under the Thrive 2055 title will completely change the way we live and the financial future of our children. 

Speak out now against this bureaucratic takeover of our local and state governments.

Call your Mayors and elected representatives and tell them this is not what you want out future to look like.

Your silence on this issue is acceptance of these horrendous policies.

I believe this excerpt from the planners bible titled “Freedom of Choice” is a clear depiction of where we are headed

“People should be able to choose where they live and do business as long as they pay the identifiable costs of those choices and do not impose unaccounted for costs on other people or nature, now, or in the future.”

Please check out this video below by Don Casey, on the “Dangers of Regionalism” at a recent town hall meeting in Chattanooga Tennessee.

Thanks Tin Ship Productions for your video contribution.
