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Posts Tagged ‘poll watchers’

OSCE- “We are not an agency of the UN”, exposing myth number one

In Uncategorized on November 3, 2012 at 1:02 PM

In the last week the OSCE-(Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, formerly the Helsinki Commission, spurred by the United Nations desire to improve relations between the Worlds two nuclear superpowers Russia and the United States in the 70s, has gone on the offensive regarding the use of OSCE observers at 44 US polling sites.

In the fashion of the UN when during the exposure of Agenda 21, the OSCE is denying they are part of the United Nations and are attempting to discredit those who criticize their actions.

On there website http://www.OSCE.org, has begun to attack those exposing their intent by choosing several items mentioned in past blogs and adamantly denying those charges.

As you may be aware, reporting news at it happens requires extensive research and it’s readers demand that the information be accurate and factual. Creating a news story based on facts is fun to me, it gives me an outlet to vent and is very therapeutic in that I gain great pleasure and insight in revealing something that many have never heard of and the leftist media refuses to report.

With that said, I take great offense to reading that the OSCE has started spinning the truth to prevent exposure and are using my credibility as a vice to relay the version they choose not necessarily the truth.

The purpose of this blog is to show their deceptive techniques as lies and spin. I recently came across the opinion piece on their site and have decided to counter these lies with the truth and offer some insight into this stealthy organization. Sit back, relax and enjoy the debate. Remember, as UN most political situations you have to put the puzzle together before you can see the truth. Here goes.

Directly from the OSCE website:

OSCE: Establishing the facts.

Over the past couple of weeks, we have seen numerous misleading media reports regarding the role of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe in observing the upcoming general elections in the United States on 6 November.

In addition, we have been the recipient of countless messages from concerned citizens about our presence in the United States.

In response, here are a few facts that we hope will help dispel some of the rumors that have been circulating.

1. A huge lie.
1. The Organization for Security and Co-operation (OSCE) is not an agency of the United Nations. See below for BCN response.

2. Not a complete truth. They do my h more than observe and learn.
2. OSCE election observers are bound by a strict code of conduct, requiring them to maintain impartiality in the conduct of their duties, to perform those duties in an unobtrusive manner, and to not interfere in the elections in the United States in any way. They are not election police or referees. They will not play any role in counting votes or resolving election disputes. Their only role is to observe the process and to report on the degree to which that process meets the commitments that the United States has agreed to uphold.

3. A lie.
3. OSCE observers have not been invited by one political faction to investigate claims against any other political faction. The OSCE observers have been invited by the United States Government. In fact, the OSCE has already observed a number of US elections, including previous general elections in 2004 and 2008 and mid-term elections in 2002, 2006, and 2010, always at the invitation of the respective administration that was in office at the time of the election.

4. A lie.
4. The presence of OSCE observers is not in violation of US law. In fact, the OSCE is very aware that individual states have their own laws regarding the presence of observers at polling stations, and OSCE observers have never violated these laws in any of the five US elections already observed, and they will not do so this time.

5. A partial lie.
5. The United States is one of the founding members of the OSCE, having been a part of the Organization since it was first established in 1975 as an important multilateral forum for dialogue between East and West at the height of the Cold War. Click here to see the Organization’s timeline.

6. A partial lie.
6. The OSCE has a longstanding invitation to monitor elections in every one of its participating States. The invitation can be found in the Organization’s Copenhagen Document, which was signed on behalf of the United States in 1990 by then-Secretary of State James Baker, under the Republican administration of George H. W. Bush. Baker, a native of the state of Texas, had previously been chief of staff under President Ronald Reagan.

7. A lie.
7. Since agreeing to the principles of election observation, the United States has been a strong supporter of this practice, as both Democratic and Republican administrations have made it a standard practice over the years to invite OSCE observers to monitor both general and mid-term congressional elections.

8. A lie.
8. Over the past twenty-plus years, citizens of the United States have taken part in OSCE election observation missions to many other countries, including places like Albania, Bulgaria, Canada, France, Kazakhstan, Russia, and the United Kingdom.


Bradley County News (BCN) response to lie number 1: I will attempt to address all lies and partial lies by Tuesday if time allows. In the meantime this organization is a big part of the UN.

Lie number 1: OSCE IS PART OF UN. From OSCE website.

The OSCE recognizes that the United Nations Security Council bears primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security. Thus, the United Nations is the OSCE’s primary partner organization. In 1992, the participating States declared the OSCE (at that time CSCE) to be “a regional arrangement in the sense of Chapter VIII of the Charter of the United Nations”. In 1993, a Framework for Co-operation and Co-ordination between the United Nations Secretariat and the CSCE was agreed upon, and in the same year the UN granted the CSCE observer status.

The 2005 World Summit called on the United Nations to expand consultation and co-operation with regional organizations. On 17 October 2005, the UN Security Council adopted a resolution (S/RES/1631) which provided for further enhancing co-operation between regional organizations and the Security Council.

The two organizations maintain close contacts and co-operation through elaborate mechanisms of high-level dialogue, as well as co-ordination and information-sharing at staff-level:

The OSCE has observer status in the UN General Assembly, while the UN is invited to participate in OSCE Ministerial Council and Summit meetings. UN representatives are frequently invited to address the OSCE Permanent Council. 

Representatives of relevant United Nations entities are invited to participate in the main annual OSCE events, including the Human Dimension Implementation Meeting, the Economic Forum and the Annual Security Review Conference.

Annual UN-OSCE staff-level meetings serve as an important venue for exchange of information and co-ordination of activities.
OSCE field operations co-operate closely with UN agencies and missions. For example, the OSCE Mission in Kosovo is an integral part of the UN Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK), and the OSCE Mission to Georgia supports the United Nations conflict settlement efforts in Abkhazia, Georgia

OSCE following UN Charter:

ABC NEWS REPORT: United Nations will observe US elections.

UN signs on with UN Security Council

Click to access osce_support_1373_1624.pdf


Let’s borrow some Clintonesque type logic to “What is an agency?” the definition below explains it well.

See agency in American Heritage Dictionary 4


noun pl. a·gen·cies

1) The condition of being in action; operation.

2) The means or mode of acting; instrumentality.

3) A business or service authorized to act for others: an employment agency.

4) An administrative division of a government or international body.

Can you see the obvious and forthright lie? The OSCE stating they are not an agency of the UN is very misleading and could have very dire circumstances for the US if the elections are somehow disrupted by one of these leftist fringe groups.

OBAMA appoints terrorist sympathizer Al-Marayati to OSCE post

In Uncategorized on November 2, 2012 at 7:06 AM

Salam al-Marayati, founder of the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC), was chosen to represent the United States government at the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe’s (OSCE) annual 10-day human rights conference, the Human Dimension Implementation Meetings (HDIM). The conference concluded last week in Warsaw and Mr. al Marayati’s appointment to the delegation may have been largely overlooked due to the furor over the threats by the Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott to arrest OSCE election monitors.

Al Marayati has been widely criticized for his support of Hamas and Hezbollah; both listed by the United States government as terrorist organizations. Mr. al Marayati insists the groups are engaged in providing social programs and humanitarian assistance to the residents of Gaza and Lebanon and he refuses to condemn them for their repeated acts of terrorism; cynically referring to the murder of Israeli civilians as “quote unquote military operations.”

Al-Marayatis appointment by Obama was highly criticized in Jewish media as Counter-terrorism expert Steve Emerson told The Jewish Press that “Al-Marayati’s appointment is not just scandalous but also does incalculable damage to our values as a nation whose core principles categorically reject the legitimization of a racist supporter of terrorism, and an incendiary proponent of paranoid conspiracies that provides the motivation for radical Muslims to carry out terrorism.”

Al-Marayati was recently quoted as saying at an OSCE Human Right conference in WARSAW, yes home of the largest Jewish ghettos and population centers said, “the situation of Muslims as a religious minority in America.”  He quoted President Obama’s 2009 Cairo speech, in which he said, “‘it is important for Western countries to avoid impeding Muslim citizens from practicing religion as they see fit – for instance, by dictating what clothes a Muslim woman should wear,’” and called for “governments to ‘stop targeting Muslims through legislation or policy, and instead enshrine the ground of religion or belief as a prohibited ground of discrimination in all realms.”

Steve Emerson, one of the premier counter-terrorism experts, and someone who has conducted extensive research into Al-Marayati’s background, told The Jewish Press,

For this administration to appoint (Al-Marayati) to a human rights organization, who has openly supported Hezbollah, claimed that the FBI has illegally incited Muslims on terrorism charges because of FBI sanctioned policies of “racial profiling,” has defended as innocent the most notorious members of Hamas who were found guilty of laundering millions of dollars to a terrorist group, and someone who has complained of ‘having the Holocaust shoved down [his] throat,’ is an outrage.

Emerson suggested  that the appointment of Al-Marayati as a representative of the U.S. at one of the world’s largest human rights conference, cries out for a congressional investigation of the larger and more heinous scandal of the unprecedented degree to which the Obama administration has embraced and collaborated with radical Muslim groups in the U.S. whose lineage derives directly from the world wide totalitarian Muslim Brotherhood movement.

The larger picture of why there are UN/OSCE “poll watchers” in Nashville Tennessee and across the US to observe our next election is becoming clearer by the day as my research is revealing.

The deafening silence from our State Legislators, Senators and our Governor Bill Haslam is becoming more understandable as the days pass. The muzzling of our elected leaders seems to be in unison and planned, perhaps suggesting complicity with Islamic extremist and the political correctness that has become acceptable as we coddle the same people that want to cripple our country.

Sprinkle in the flurry of new mosques in Nashville, ALECs model legislation, corporate funded Voter ID bill, appointment by Haslam of a Sharia Finance expert to a high level position within our own Tennessee Government with ties to sheiks and immams associated with the Muslim Brotherhood. The appointment of Al-Marayati to the OSCE who happens to be in Nashville Tennessee monitoring, intimidating voters and perhaps swaying the vote any way they can.

The recent requests of the NAACP, SEIU and the ACLU to monitor our elections is suspect. The United Nations involvement in our elections, Former ACORN (True Vote) consulting with OSCE on what to look for in the way of Election fraud while being one of the worst offenders of election fraud in recent history is ascnine. The Reverend Al Sharpton sacheting his “brigades of poll watchers” into town to spew hate and promote racism would be comical if not so sad. Our elected officials allowing this to brew and spew over into our communities is rediculous and the integrity of our election potentially being jeopardized is disheartening and begs of someone to be held responsible for their open appeasement.

Furthermore, the Anti-Defamation League spokesperson had this to say about Obamas appointment of Al-Mayarati to the OSCE Commission: “It is regrettable that someone with such distorted, conspiratorial views—even with a lackluster apology—is delegated by our government to represent our country abroad,”

Rabbi Abraham Cooper, associate dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, argued that the State Department is showing inconsistency by touting an individual who has defended the militant groups Hezbollah and Hamas, both of which are designated by the U.S. as terrorist organizations.

“One would assume that individuals selected to represent the United States at an international human rights conclave would share our government’s longstanding policy that Hamas and Hezbollah are dangerous terrorist organizations,” Cooper told the Free Beacon. “But Mr. Salam al-Marayati and his organization are long-time advocates that these deadly terror groups be removed from the U.S. terrorist list.”

“With terrorism continuing to boil the Middle East,” Cooper added, “the question is why the U.S. State Department would say he is ‘highly credible’?”

Josh Block, a former Clinton administration official who now serves as CEO of The Israel Project, said the State Department’s defense of al-Marayati lacks credibility.

“That statement, defending a person who is clearly a terrorist sympathizer and deeply hostile to Israel, calls into question the credibility of the person who gave it, and it raises a very serious question: What exactly is the U.S. government saying here?” Block asked.

“It is inexplicable and deeply concerning that a person who has suggested Israel was responsible for the 9/11 attacks and advocated for terrorist organizations including Hamas and Hezbollah, which has killed more Americans than any terrorist group except al Qaeda, would be described as ‘valued’ and ‘highly credible’ by our government,” Block said.

The State Department, however, defended al-Marayati’s participation, calling him “valued and highly credible.”

Remember, these so called “valued and highly credible” people are inside our borders, represented by the United Nations and are monitoring our elections and may even influence the outcome or spark riots in the streets if the outcome of the election is not to their liking.

God help us America. Our best hope is that our elected officials will wake up and stop this takeover of our government and everything it represents.

Humbly my opinions and we all know what opinions are like.

Source of info:

I want to personally thank the authors of many of these quotes as they are very important to spreading the news of the happenings in our country. Please visit these sites often and offer them support, public information is our greatest weapon against this onslaught. The complete rendering of the leftist press to remain silent on this issue is beyond my understanding. Thank God the first amendment is still intact….for now.



Scandalous: Obama Regime Sends Mu Bro Operative Salam al Marayati to Warsaw Human Rights Conference


Texas AG puts foot down over UN poll watchers in letter to Clinton

In Uncategorized on November 1, 2012 at 11:34 AM

Text of the letter to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton:

October 25, 2012

The Honorable
Hillary Rodham Clinton
Secretary of State
2201 C Street NW
Washington, D.C. 20520

Dear Madam Secretary:

Yesterday you received a letter from the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) asking that the U.S. Department of State take steps to ensure the OSCE’s election observers are not “restrained in their activities” while in the State of Texas. It appears that OSCE is under the misimpression that the State Department can somehow help its representatives circumvent the Texas Election Code. Texas law prohibits unauthorized persons from entering a polling place—or loitering within 100 feet of a polling place’s entrance—on Election Day. OSCE monitors are expected to follow that law like everyone else.

As you know, Texas election laws govern anyone who participates in Texas elections. The fact that representatives of the United States joined the U.S.S.R, Yugoslavia, Romania, and other OSCE member-nations in signing a document at a 1989 conference in Copenhagen has absolutely no bearing on the administration of elections or laws governing elections in the State of Texas. Yet the OSCE invokes the 1990 OSCE Copenhagen Document to seek your help ensuring that its representatives are not “restrained” by Texas law. If the OSCE wishes to visit Texas during election season, we welcome the opportunity to educate its representatives about the State’s electoral process. But OSCE is not above the law and its representatives must at all times comply with Texas law when they are present in this state.

While the 1990 OSCE Copenhagen Document cited in the OSCE letter is legally irrelevant and will have no impact on the State’s administration of the November elections, for the sake of accuracy you should know that the letter misconstrues OSCE’s own governing documents. Indeed, the OSCE claims that requiring its representatives to comply with Texas law somehow contravenes paragraph 8 of the Copenhagen document. That is false.

In fact, paragraph 8 specifically stipulates that OSCE representatives may only observe elections “to the extent allowed by law.” As you know, in the United States that means both state and federal law. The OSCE’s letter states only that its observers are committed to compliance “with all national laws and regulations.” This statement may simply reveal that the OSCE is unfamiliar with our nation’s federalist system. On the other hand, it may reveal that the OSCE does not consider itself restrained by state law. Texas needs OSCE’s assurance that its representatives will abide by Texas law when they are present in this state. We have not received that assurance.

In addition to my desire to defend and enforce Texas election laws, I am also concerned that an unnecessary political agenda may have infected OSCE’s election monitoring activities. The OSCE has published policy recommendations and other reports that raise objections to state laws that prohibit convicted felons from voting, prevent voter registration fraud, and require voters to present a photo identification at the polling place. The OSCE may object to photo identification laws and prohibitions on felons voting—but our nation’s Supreme Court has upheld both laws as entirely consistent with the U.S. Constitution. And perhaps ironically, the OSCE representative leading the mission to the United States hails from the Netherlands, which has a photo identification law for voters. According to the Dutch government’s official website: “checking identity documents helps fight fraud.” Why the OSCE appears to now question voter identification laws in the United States is beyond reason. Perhaps it is just politics. Regardless, the OSCE’s perspective on Voter ID is legally irrelevant in the United States.

Indeed, contrary to the principles of “political pluralism” articulated in the 1990 OSCE Copenhagen Document, the OSCE has recently coordinated with a number of plainly partisan organizations in the United States. This appears to reflect a concerted effort to politicize an initiative that was previously perceived as an international information exchange program. While Texas may welcome visitors from any nation or international organization who wish to learn more about the steps the State has taken to protect the integrity of state elections, we need not open our doors and accommodate an international effort affiliated with partisan organizations in the United States that wish to suppress electoral integrity.

The case in point is OSCE’s coordination with Project Vote, an overtly partisan organization that was founded by and closely affiliated with ACORN. As you know, ACORN collapsed in the wake of a national voter registration fraud scandal that resulted in multiple criminal prosecutions for violations of state and federal election laws. Just this week, Project Vote boasted that it was advising OSCE on which issues to study—and which states to monitor—this election cycle. In light of Project Vote’s history of voter registration fraud and its more recent failed attempt to enjoin Texas election laws that were enacted to prevent fraud, no legitimate international body would affiliate with Project Vote. Consequently, OSCE’s affiliation with this dubious organization necessarily undermines its credibility and the independence of its election monitors.

Rather than work closely with domestic partisan organizations to advance their shared political agenda, the OSCE should consult the report that President Jimmy Carter and Secretary of State James Baker issued as co-chairmen of the bipartisan Commission on Federal Election Reform. As you know, President Carter is one of the world’s most well-known election monitors. Given President Carter’s experience in this area, it is noteworthy that the report he authored found: “The electoral system cannot inspire confidence if no safeguards exist to deter and detect fraud or to confirm the identity of voters.” Apparently the Netherlands agrees with that assessment, which is why the Dutch government similarly requires voters to present a photo identification before casting their ballots.

The United States Constitution authorizes the States to regulate the conduct of state and federal elections within their borders. In Texas, the Legislature has exercised its prerogative to implement laws that preclude felons from voting, prevent groups like Project Vote from questionable voter registration activities, and instill confidence in the electoral system by requiring voters to present a photo identification. While we welcome international visitors who wish to engage in a legitimate information exchange, we have no interest in being lectured by the OSCE about how best to conduct the State of Texas’ business.

Unlike the unelected bureaucrats at the OSCE, our State’s leaders and decision-makers were duly elected by Texas voters. Elected members of the Texas Legislature enacted the Texas Election Code to ensure our State’s elections are free, fair, open, and reliable. The Election Code does not authorize OSCE’s representatives to enter the polling place and nothing in a document that may govern the OSCE’s conduct has any impact—legal or otherwise—on the conduct of elections in the State of Texas. If the OSCE does not wish to follow the laws that govern everyone else present in the State of Texas, including the voters who elect our State’s leaders, then perhaps it should dispatch its representatives to another state.

In closing, I have a simple request: Please work with the OSCE to ensure they agree to comply with Texas law. If they refuse to do so, OSCE’s representatives may be subject to legal consequences associated with any violations of state law.

Greg Abbott
Attorney General of Texas

Obama, Clinton grant UN “poll watchers” diplomatic immunity, Texas AG says “bring it”

In Uncategorized on November 1, 2012 at 11:05 AM

BCN Note- A showdown between Lone Star Texans Attorney General Abbott, Governor Rick Perry and Communist, Marxist and Socialist Barrack Hussein Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton is quickly heating up over UN Monitors from the OSCE observing our elections.

As attention to this battle intensifies the fangs are coming out and the real reasons the United Nations are in our back yard is starting to come to light!

Obama granting this OSCE “poll watching” group “full diplomatic immunity”, meaning they are above the law and not required to follow our state election laws speaks volumes of why they are in our country.

When groups like ACORN (True Vote) although defunct are still very active under another name, ACLU, NAACP, SEIU, Al Sharpton you know there is an agenda. It seems this UN/OSCE delegation which has now grown to 150 or so has turned from apolitical to partisan. Recent research has revealed that the constitutional voter ID laws are the fuel that is igniting their increased presence in Tennessee and the US.

It is evident that their continued and increasing presence at polling places all over the US is going to fan a possible revolution if Obama loses that will be preceeded with a massive deluge of lawsuits challenging our elections and they will have the strength of an international body at their backs. Mark my word it’s clear as crystal.

Please read the article below and visit the New American website for many more outstanding articles. It was so informative I wanted to keep my rants short.

Sunday, 28 October 2012 15:00
Obama Backs UN-linked Election Monitors, but Texas Stands Firm
Written by  Alex Newman


As the national scandal over United Nations-linked “elections monitors” in the United States continues to grow after Texas threatened potential prosecutions, the international outfit deploying “observers” demanded that the Obama administration come to its aid. The U.S. State Department promptly claimed that the UN-affiliated monitors would have “full” diplomatic immunity. But in the Lone Star State, officials fired back and upped the ante: Don’t mess with Texas.

On October 23, Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott sent a strongly worded letter to the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) warning that its representatives could be prosecuted if they violate state law or are found within 100 feet of a polling place. Among the most serious concerns was the fact that the UN partner organization was working with discredited far-left radical groups to supposedly seek out conservative “voter suppression” schemes — mostly state laws aimed at preventing election fraud.

In a statement, the OSCE also said it would monitor “compliance” with unspecified “international obligations” supposedly applicable to the United States. The controversial organization, which includes as members the governments and dictators ruling Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, and other nations, responded to Texas with its own letter to the U.S. State Department warning against any efforts to “restrain” its personnel.

“The threat of criminal sanctions against OSCE/ODIHR observers is unacceptable,” complained Janez Lenarcic, chief of the OSCE’s Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) monitoring operations. “The United States, like all countries in the OSCE, has an obligation to invite ODIHR observers to observe its elections.” (Emphasis added.)  

The Obama administration responded to the controversy by purporting to offer the international “elections monitors” supposed “diplomatic immunity” — essentially claiming that they were above the law, even in Texas. The two monitors for Texas, scheduled to be deployed in Austin, are Conny Jensen from Denmark and Melanie Leathers from the United Kingdom, documents show. In an October 26 press conference, State Department spokesperson Victoria Nuland claimed that “in general, we give them protected status.”

The spokesperson also claimed there were “no sovereignty issues” involved, emphasizing, as Texas’s attorney general did, that the OSCE obviously has no authority over the states it chooses to monitor. “They have said that they do not intend to violate any laws while in the United States,” Nuland claimed. “So we are going to let the conversations go forward between the OSCE and Texas and see how that goes.”

In the Lone Star State, however, officials did not take kindly to the international whining or the Obama administration’s response. “No UN monitors/inspectors will be part of any TX election process,” tweeted Texas Gov. Rick Perry, a Republican, in support of his chief law-enforcement officer. GOP U.S. Senate candidate Ted Cruz, a popular conservative who made opposition to UN schemes a key part of his campaign, also saluted Abbot for standing up to the scandal-plagued international outfit.  

The Texas attorney general, meanwhile, remained defiant despite State Department pronouncements and OSCE complaining. “UN-related vote monitors warn Texas: Don’t mess with us. My response: BRING IT,” Abbott tweeted in response. He also quoted Sam Houston saying: “Texas has yet to learn submission to any oppression, come from what source it may.” Following the tweets, Abbot also sent an official letter to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton laying down the law. 

“It appears that OSCE is under the misimpression that the State Department can somehow help its representatives circumvent the Texas Election Code. Texas law prohibits unauthorized persons from entering a polling place — or loitering within 100 feet of a polling place’s entrance — on Election Day,” the attorney general explained to Clinton. “OSCE monitors are expected to follow that law like everyone else.”

Of course, as Clinton already knows, Texas election laws govern anyone and everyone who wishes to participate in elections held in the Lone Star State, Abbott said. “The fact that representatives of the United States joined the U.S.S.R, Yugoslavia, Romania, and other OSCE member-nations in signing a document at a 1989 conference in Copenhagen has absolutely no bearing on the administration of elections or laws governing elections in the State of Texas,” he warned.

If the OSCE wants to visit Texas during the election, Abbott said the state would welcome the opportunity to educate its representatives about state elections — perhaps it could be useful to OSCE member regimes like the brutal communist tyrant ruling over Belarus. “But OSCE is not above the law and its representatives must at all times comply with Texas law when they are present in this state,” he added.

The 1990 OSCE governing document signed by the representatives of the U.S. government and cited by the international group in its pleas with the Obama administration is “legally irrelevant” in Texas and “will have no impact” on the way the state administers its election, Abbott pointed out. However, the attorney general still added that, even according to that agreement, observers are required to follow applicable law. In other words, the OSCE is making “false” claims.

In addition to misconstruing its own governing documents, in its letter to the Obama administration, the OSCE promised only to follow all “national” laws and regulations. “This statement may simply reveal that the OSCE is unfamiliar with our nation’s federalist system,” Abbott observed in his letter to Clinton. “On the other hand, it may reveal that the OSCE does not consider itself restrained by state law.”

In either case, Texas needs assurances from the OSCE that it intends to strictly comply with all state laws. So far, Abbott said, those assurances have not been forthcoming. There are other problems, too, however.  

“In addition to my desire to defend and enforce Texas election laws, I am also concerned that an unnecessary political agenda may have infected OSCE’s election monitoring activities,” the state’s top law enforcement officer explained, citing the international outfit’s objections to efforts aimed at preventing registration fraud as well as state laws requiring voter ID. “The OSCE may object to photo identification laws and prohibitions on felons voting — but our nation’s Supreme Court has upheld both laws as entirely consistent with the U.S. Constitution.”

Ironically, Abbott added, the OSCE’s U.S. election monitoring boss, diplomat Daan Everts, hails from the Netherlands, which requires that all voters present identification to help combat fraud. “Why the OSCE appears to now question voter identification laws in the United States is beyond reason. Perhaps it is just politics,” the letter stated. “Regardless, the OSCE’s perspective on Voter ID is legally irrelevant in the United States.”

Meanwhile, the attorney general also took the opportunity to blast the OSCE yet again for meeting with “plainly partisan” U.S. organizations. Among the American groups working with the OSCE are the NAACP, the ACLU, and assorted splinter groups like “Project Vote” formed after the taxpayer-funded, Obama-linked organization ACORN collapsed in disgrace amid charges of massive voting fraud.

In letters and meetings with the international monitors, those groups warned of alleged efforts by conservatives to “disenfranchise” minority voters. The OSCE promised to follow up on the half-baked accusations, drawing widespread criticism and ridicule across the country.

“This appears to reflect a concerted effort to politicize an initiative that was previously perceived as an international information exchange program,” Abbot wrote. “While Texas may welcome visitors from any nation or international organization who wish to learn more about the steps the State has taken to protect the integrity of state elections, we need not open our doors and accommodate an international effort affiliated with partisan organizations in the United States that wish to suppress electoral integrity.”

Of particular concern, Abbot said, was an organization known as Project Vote, which recently boasted that it was helping to advise the OSCE on what issues and jurisdictions to “monitor” this election. “In light of Project Vote’s history of voter registration fraud and its more recent failed attempt to enjoin Texas election laws that were enacted to prevent fraud, no legitimate international body would affiliate with Project Vote,” the attorney general wrote. “Consequently, OSCE’s affiliation with this dubious organization necessarily undermines its credibility and the independence of its election monitors.”

Abbott also took the opportunity to provide some constitutional education for Clinton and Washington, D.C., which seemingly view Texas and other sovereign U.S. states as mere provinces subject to the whims and dictates of the federal government. In the Lone Star State, at least, officials apparently know that the United States was founded under a system in which the central government has limited and specifically enumerated powers. 

“The United States Constitution authorizes the States to regulate the conduct of state and federal elections within their borders,” Abbott’s letter continues. “Unlike the unelected bureaucrats at the OSCE, our State’s leaders and decision-makers were duly elected by Texas voters. Elected members of the Texas Legislature enacted the Texas Election Code to ensure our State’s elections are free, fair, open, and reliable.”

Finally, the attorney general emphasized again, Texas’ election laws do not authorize OSCE representatives to enter polling places. If they do, there will be consequences. Nothing in any OSCE governing documents has any impact — legal or otherwise — on how elections are conducted in Texas, Abbott warned.

“If the OSCE does not wish to follow the laws that govern everyone else present in the State of Texas, including the voters who elect our State’s leaders, then perhaps it should dispatch its representatives to another state,” Abbot concluded. “In closing, I have a simple request: Please work with the OSCE to ensure they agree to comply with Texas law. If they refuse to do so, OSCE’s representatives may be subject to legal consequences associated with any violations of state law.”

Analysts and activists across the country promptly showered praise on the state of Texas and its officials for standing up to the controversial international scheme while protecting state sovereignty, constitutional values, and the rule of law. However, more than a few experts also warned that the UN and its affiliates were becoming increasingly threatening. If America hopes to maintain its freedom and sovereignty, it must continue to resist any and all efforts to impose or even legitimize purported international “authority” over the American people.

Iowa joins other states reigning in UN “poll watchers”, TN remains mute

In Uncategorized on November 1, 2012 at 8:38 AM

Iowa has joined with Alabama and Texas as states listening to the will of the people and warning UN “poll watchers” that they will be arrested if they violate strict election and voting laws.

In a specific statement Iowas Secretary of State issued a warning to UN “poll watchers” that if they enter polling areas and are within 100 feet of a voting booth they will be arrested on the spot.

Many have reported seeing UN “poll watchers” inside election buildings meeting candidates and observing along side election officials as a few sources observing the observers have confirmed.

To date, in Tennessee we have not heard such a bold statement from our elected leaders even at the behest of many of their constituency.

Altough Tennessee State Senator Mike Bell did report via email, in a conversation recently with Tennessee Secretary of State Tre Hargett, Bell went on to explain Hargett said the observers will only be there to “learn and observe and the will adhere to election laws.”

Senator Bell added that concerns about the observers were “overblown” but did affirm his distaste for the UN in this email statement, “First, I will say we should be completely out of the U.N.  This organization is (and) has always been controlled by interest who would like nothing better than to take down America.”

Multiple attempts to converse with other Tennessee local state and federal officials has gone unanswered.

Several concerned citizens from Bradley County, Tennessee are exploring the option of seeking court injunctions to stop the observation and potential overreach of UN/OSCE delegates while on US soil if our representatives fail to act.

The lack of response of our elected officials to protect our sovereignty and integrity of our election process should be noticed, especially in light of a recent Tn State House resolution by State Representative Kevin Brooks, HJR 587, condemning UN involvement in our communities, as it relates to Agenda 21, a UN agenda to transform our communities. The measure passed easily in the house and Senate but failed to get Governor Bill Haslams signature.

The letter below from Iowa Secretary of State Shultz lays down specific ground rules for UN involvement from observers and draws a line in the sand citing specific state laws that confines their activities in and around the polling booths.

(DES MOINES)—Matt Schultz, Iowa Secretary of State, issued the following statement in response to reports that members of a UN-chartered delegation are being dispatched across the United States, including Iowa, to observe the General Election:

“As Secretary of State, I support the efforts of other nations to learn more about our election process and ways in which they might improve their own election systems. We welcome the four international visitors to our great state.

The Texas Secretary of State recently drew the ire of the OSCE when he announced that UN International poll watchers would be arrested if they showed up within 100 feet of polling areas. However, it was reported yesterday that members of this organization are attempting to gain access to Iowa polling places on Election Day. My office met with two delegation representatives last week to discuss Iowa’s election process and it was explained to them that they are not permitted at the polls. Iowa law is very specific about who is permitted at polling places, and there is no exception for members of this group.”

Iowa Code section 49.104 defines the limited number of individuals permitted at polling places on Election Day, and section 49.105 states that poll workers “shall order the arrest” of any persons violating these provisions.

Any election law violations can be reported to the Iowa Secretary of State’s office by calling the Election Hotline at 1-888-SOS-VOTE.

The OSCE recently responded to the Texas Secretary of State in a speech to NATO and in a letter to Secretary Hillary Clinton regarding Texas’ threats to arrest UN “poll watchers” that violate the law.

“The threat of criminal sanctions against [international] observers is unacceptable,” Janez Lenari, the director of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), said in a statement. “The United States, like all countries in the OSCE, has an obligation to invite ODIHR observers to observe its elections.”

It shows that we have allowed way too much control by international bodies when they scathingly address the US and it’s people the way the OSCE Director Janez Lenari recently did.

This type of reprimand by the UN asserts that they have some type of ownership and supervision of a free people. This is unacceptable to a freedom loving country and should not be tolerated by those in office that represent us.

“The only thing between accepting tyranny from the UN is an undying desire from its patriots to remain sovereign and free!”

You can quote me on that one!


Chris Privette brings Doomsday preparedness to Bradley County, TN

In Uncategorized on October 31, 2012 at 5:24 AM

On November 6th, 2012 at the Cleveland/Bradley Public Library, 795 Church Street NE, 630 pm the Tea Party of Bradley County will be posting “super Prepper” Chris Privette.

Chris is an ex Marine, US Air Marshall and national speaker with lots of information to give us and puts on a very lively performance.
I recently saw Chris speak to the Tennessee Tea Party Leadership Conference in Ooltewah and was he dynamic. He will tell and show us all phases of preparedness and the importance of being prepared in all types of disaster whether they be by nature or man made.

As hurricane Sandy pounds the East Coast, the current state of our economy and the perilous time our current fake president has created, it brings home the message of being prepared.

Fake President Obama has warned us of a “October surprise” and no one in the media is even asking him what he meant when he said that. I predict it will be a turn of events that may or could halt the way we currently live in the USA. At this point in time, being prepared for any situation to survive on the basics of the land will be of utmost importance to you in these uncertain times.

Never before have I felt such an urgency to prepare, “prep” for a drastic shift in our lifestyles. You may not be able to to run out to the grocery store for your needs. If your neighbor has prepped for bad times, they will be highly unlikely to share any of their supplies with you as their families safety and security will be at a premium, you will be on your own. Your immediate and long term survival will be solely up to you.

To have my family deteriorate and starve because I didn’t take a few extra steps to prepare and feed them in a doomsday scenario is not a situation I would want to be in. It doesn’t take much to prepare and the time you invest in their safety and security will be well worth the time of a few classes.
Preppers, as you may know are being “eyed” by the Federal Government agencies like the TSA and DHS as trouble makers or Anti Federalist and the US government has even created a military program of how to deal with these types of Americans. For some reason, they see being successful and safe during doomsday scenarios as a threat to national security. Sadly, “preppers” are being targeted as potential terrorist threats by this administration.
We are living in extremely perilous and unbalanced times and we best be prepared for anything. Remember, we are not the bad guys here. We are protecting our country and our constitution and they call us anti federalist, go figure.
As you may sense, many, including myself feel that this election may be our last one as a free nation with the rights we now know suspended soon thereafter. Hurricane Sandy may well be the opportune set up to suspend or negate our elections and declare martial law, thus plunging us into utter chaos and many in America protesting in the streets. This will quickly lead to an undesired revolution. The time is prime for this possible scenario and the left may surely make this scenario possible.
As I have stated before, and many within our own elected seats think the UN coming to our country to participate in our election process is benign and it’s being blown out of proportion. The UN via the OSCE is sending 44 delegates to 44 different states to monitor our elections at the request of the NAACP, ACLU, SEIU and others.

I believe that they will be here to throw a wrench in our constitutional republican process and assure the left wins this election, so their socialist US breaking ways will continue. I firmly believe that if Obama does not win there will be massive protest and our world as we know it will be turned up side down drastically. The Armenian and French UN delegates will be in Nashville very soon to monitor our state. I firmly believe the product of their known participation may be very litigious if their candidate is not successful.
If and when martial law is implemented you may see a tremendous need to be prepared to survive in a freedomless country with very tight and strict restraints on you and the ones you love. You better know what to do and it would be wise to do so quickly!!!!!!
Soooooooo, do not miss this meeting! Of all the meetings we have had in the past, none are as personally important to you as this one.

We will be the “go to” leaders of this community and region if the bottom falls out of this country and we need to be able to have the knowledge to lead by example. Hundreds of thousands around you may be without the information to survive and quickly attention will be focused on those that do. Which side do you want to be on?
Bring someone with you. Wake your neighbor! If you have militia friends who need a little extra training from one of the best please invite them to this meeting. This guy is that good.
We need a great crowd and we are doing alot of advertising for this event and personally we need our whole group to show up and support these meetings. We need your participation to ensure the success of activities like this.
Hope to see you there and dont worry we will have you out by the election returns. Watching the election returns after watching Chris Privette will be a very ominous class. I can’t wait!
Come and enjoy the speaker and take away something you may need in the very near future for your survival.

I would also to thank US Senate Candidate Shaun Crowell, Congressman Scott DeJarlais, State Representative Kevin Brooks, John Smith and Brandon Lewis for speaking to our group last meeting.
As always, the next Tea Party of Bradley County will be the 3rd Tuesday of every month at the Bradley County Courthouse, 630 pm unless otherwise notified. As in this instance, because of the quality of this speaker we have acquired the Cleveland/Bradley Library for this special event!
Remember this meeting is at the library , Novemember 6th at 630 pm at the Library, not the courthouse.
Send this out to everyone you know and bring someone with you or two or three people for that matter.
See ya there with bells on!
Your future depends on you to be prepared and ready for what you will be inevitably be experiencing soon. This is no joke guys!
Our country could take a serious left real soon.

Check out this video on YouTube:

I have started prepping and have become overwhelmed with the ennormity of it, gotten frustrated and quit. But, this video makes it very simple and giving you a very easy 10 step plan to get you started. You can then take this plan and very easily build your stockpile bigger and better.

Have a great day and hope to see you there.

UN/OSCE sending “poll watchers” to monitor US election, TN included

In Uncategorized on October 27, 2012 at 10:02 AM

Breaking News:

The United Nations and the OSCE (Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe) will be sending a 44 multi-national delegation to the United States to monitor and observe the US election process for human rights violations, voter suppression and election fraud.

The NAACP, the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, and others have sent a letter to Daan Everts of OSCE to warn of “a coordinated political effort to disenfranchise millions of Americans- particularly traditionally disenfranchised groups like minorities.”

Giovanna Maiola, a spokeswoman for OSCE, said that the monitors will “observe the overall election process, not just the ballot casting. They are focusing on a number of areas on the state level, including the legal system, election administration, the campaign, the campaign financing [and] new voting technologies used in the different states.”

Why only 44 state delegates? Missouri, South Dakota, North Dakota, and New Mexico, permit international observation during elections. Maiola said that OSCE will only observe in polls in states in which international access is permitted. This only adds up to 48 states mentioned, my guess is they will attempt to monitor states that have an international waiver, defying state law, perhaps in a few swing states not mentioned.

News of the UN-affiliated observers comes one day after Breitbart Editor-in-Chief Joel Pollak reported that the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Counter-Terrorism and Human Rights has warned Americans not to elect Republican candidate Mitt Romney as the next president. Alluding to Romney’s refusal to ban waterboarding in interrogation practices of terror detainees, Ben Emmerson of the UN said that electing Romney would be “a democratic mandate for torture.”

The ACLU, SEIU and True the Vote (ACORN associated) are sending 300 plus attorneys and thousands of volunteers across the nation to observe the voting process that in their opinion will “disenfranchise minority voters and not allow them to cast their vote.”

These plentiful leftist organizations along with the United Nations are making it very clear to the world that anyone getting elected but Barrack Hussein Obama is not going to be acceptable and they will do everything within their power to make sure that Obama is elected, even using international bodies to do so.

Armenian Gayane Horhannisyan and French observer Nicolas Teindes will be doing the duty as UN/OSCE observers in Nashville Tennessee and Frankfort Kentucky. In neighboring Georgia and Alabama the delegation assigned is as follows: Spanish observer Isabel Menchon-Lopez and the United Kingdoms James Morrison will do the honors in these states. The 44 person delegation assignment posted does not specifically address which one will go to which state, but be reassured they will be there.

In summation, one word “UNBELIEVEABLE!” We live in the United States a completely sovereign nation with our own election process that has served us well for many generations. For the most part it has gone unscathed and has done what it is constitutionally supposed to do, leaving us with a peaceful and serene transition.

Now I feel that our political system along with our Nation has been hijacked by a fake president with his race baiting, racist, war mongering, hate promoting, peace abating, clan of Socialist, Marxist, Leninist and un-American thugs are going to create a huge disruption at the polls this Novemeber 6th, 2012 that could possibly plunge our nation into a deep crisis and perhaps a revolution.

Think about it? The ACLU sending out 300 plus lawyers across the nation, the NAACP and Project Vote have petitioned the UN and OSCE(a human rights and voter fraud international watchdog) to watch our voting process. Something smells!

What if the election were to go to Romney and the Socialist favorite Obama loses? This raises the questions of why are these international delegates, attorneys and race baiters so heavily involved? In my personal opinion, I am convinced that the vote and the count will be protested and the election process will be halted and Obama will remain the fake president for an indefinite period, mass riots will break out, martial law will ensue, the Obama civilian police force and the US military activated, our guns pulled and our rights as humans suspended indefinitely. A recount of the vote by “international bodies” with international pressure to reinstate the Marxist dictator and the vote overturned. Obama nominated as the next president and the UN “calling him up” to be a world leader with supreme power over the New World Order. Before I lose you, I’m a blogger and activist, I’m supposed to inject likely scenarios based on my opinion and research. You want get it in the mainstream media, that’s for sure.

I know this reads like a sic-fi movie thriller straight out of Hollwood but im afraid it is a very likely scenario in our midst and these leftist guerillas within our own nation are imparting their will on our civil nation.

Let it be known, this scenario and possible future unrest will not come from the right, the patriots of this country. It will ignited by the aforementioned above. True Americans love this country and are willing to protect her. We do not need a fight in the streets and all restraint should be exercised but how much can this nation stand? War is hell and should be avoided at all cost. The left is setting this country up for it’s demise, the puzzle pieces are falling together and the spark they create on election day may be more than a free nation can bare.

In light of this recent news, I am curious as to how our State elected representatives will react to this news. I know a few will read this blog. Is it time to man up or woman up? If those who lead this state choose not to intervene and stop this potential disaster, are they to blame? Will inactivity by our state leaders be viewed by the citizenry they represent as passive and complicit? Only time will tell! We will see.

Thus far, I have not been able to find any public reactions to this debacle by our Tennessee elected representatives, but the news is young and has just surfaced, it may take a little more time for them to respond.

Will our State Representatives Eric Watson, State Representative Kevin Brooks, our Tennessee State House Leader, other reps, Congressman DeJarlais, Congressman Fleischmann, State Senators Mike Bell, US Senator Lamar Alexander, US Senator Bob Corker, Governor Bill Haslam and other State Representatives step up and re-establish our State and National sovereignty from the UN? Call them and demand they act. I hope they react. I honestly hope so, because I feel the safety and security of our state depends on it.

I want to also thank Karen Bracken, a national patriot watch dog for sending me the email detailing the UN/OSCE delegate and their assigments. I also would like to thank Brietbart.com and their staff for providing many of the quotes from the above article.

I have provided an unusually long list of sources for this info as I expect many will dismiss this as too far out there to believe. So for those many naysayers who refuse to believe that our country has been hijacked and many within do not want this country to exist in it’s current form, read and decide for yourself as our nation crumbles.

Sources of info:

Complete list of UN delegates set to monitor US elections in at least 44 states.

LA Times reports Texas Attorney Greg Abbott wants UN/OSCE poll watchers to stay out of sovereign states.

Texas AG warns will have UN poll watchers arrested at the polls

Alabama State Legislator calls for new legislation blocking future UN poll watchers

Alabama Speaker of the House says No to UN poll watchers in his state

Texas AG puts Secretary of State Hillary Clinton that UN is not above state election laws.

From Dickmorris.com reports ACLU/NAACP inked request to UN to step in and monitor US elections.

From Dickmorris.com: UN Sending POLL WATCHERS to US Elections

Texas AG says to UN Poll Watchers “dont even try it!”

TEXAS Tells UN Poll Watchers: Don’t Even Try It

Brietbart News reports on UN Poll Watchers